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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 3

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l the pure cool 93 garden. The and more de- .. This is part- nc (m a high ursday. April 1‘. in _ eet above sea. LADA" blends 7,500 feet ele- ALADA” is a more invigtfr. frequent rain- he largest and Nation of 70.. Iavour to the he work 1] Prices Teas Best ’ESâ€"No. 3 ur Graduates \\'( TS and GLOVES 1. BUSINESS GUI-1.303 2 am! Mun”! Forest Blue Suits U 51 I I R’I‘S \\'li.â€"\R 'l'l Suits "'6 Stare hie-M W rite. can wmution. NH“ ohl'livull thing IPS shave!) my date and WP mare. 0‘. if you for it nrnings Wounds of any considerable size and severity are‘ generally regarded as serious. They usually come under the care of the doctor. But this is not always the case with small wounds. So many small scratches, cuts and abra- sions receive no care and heal up without any bad results, that we are inclined to regard them as practically free from all danger. But. is wvtt t0 romomhor that got-ms can gain c-ntrnnco' to tho tis- sues through any break in ttw skin. It tho gc-rms do not. happen to be \“u'uh-nt. it tho-y aro- row in number, or if the- hlood and tissuos dostz'oy ttwm. nu ill-o-tt‘vvts rosult. lt'somt'- time's happt-ns. howow'l'. that. viru- lo-nt. m-I'ms got into tho Wound. sur- Viw SIINI “tlttt.llbl)'. .\ml own though ttw original \Vntlllll sw'mml insig- luticant. o-xtro-mo-Iy st-rious info-c- tions may follow. Among tho go-rms that oftvn ontor tho- tissuos through breaks in the skin is tho- strvptm-m'c'us. 'l‘his vir- qu-nt. norm is at common canon of dungvrous "hloml poisoning." An- Httu-t' possihto- ruin". of wounds ilk cum-ml umh-r m-rtain mnditions its lrwkjnw. .-\IHI thou-o urn othors at- nmsi' mumlly sc-riuus. Care Determines Results 'I'hu point, is that thv size of a wound IS nut :xlwau an indvx to its. so-rwusno-ss. 'Ihv [)H'SG'HPP 01' ab- No Bviddnco For It Mrs. H. I". C. writes: “I was read- in;.' an arlii'ln on hardening of the arteries in which the amthnr said that. 'drinking hard water caused the al'h'l'io-S to harden on accnunt. 0f the limv.’ 'l’his interested me he- mum- we happen in live where the drinking wah-r is hard. Is it. true that. drinking hard “'ilti'l‘ makes the zu'h'rivs hard?" Reply Thvl'n ohws not. sm‘m U) be any wwnm‘lc v\'|(iwnve In suppurt 0f the NIH“. Thursday, April 40, um. l.. I). wrih-s: "l haw what HIP clm'lnl's mll ax‘thrim. My joints are sMT and snmvtjmvs fw-l sm'v. uml Hwy c-rm-k snmvtlmvs wlmn I bend Inn: Hmo- aml \Vnulcl liko‘ to know what I mm olu tn gvt rid of H. What. ransom arthritis. and |~ tho-ro- any our» for it anm' you Imu' had it. for somn timP‘?" Reply \1H11itis mo-nns Inflammatiun of .1 1111111. In tlm 111019 {101111- forms. it 1‘ 1111- charm 1111:1110. featmn of in- Ilammatur) rheumatism. It senms 111 1w calm-d h\ infoctmn. The in- In In- cause-cl by Imm' l'o-Minl‘l 0mm appears systo-m through thn c-hrnnic forms also am tn infm'tifln. 35‘ a g .\Inmrmalitivs in_ “P.“ l'm'tinn uftrn appmrs to NWT ”)0 58'4“") through the tonsils. The n-hrnnit' forms also apppar to b0. clue tn unfm-tinn. as a gmwral thing. ,\hnnrmalitivs in tho molahOIian Mn- rho-mistry of the building up and to-aring down 0f ct'llsâ€"4n3y pos- sibly km 3 cans» in some at the ___â€" By DR. W. J. SCHOLES Note: Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and 'permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Scholes, in care of The Durham Chronicle. 'l‘hat 'l‘hornbury is to have a free ivlililie shed for the cnavenience Of all who strive lion-109 to town, is i‘ww practically a certainty. At. \lcvmtay night’s council meeting. a mntiun was passed that. the Board ul' 'l‘rmle be given leave to build a sllml cm the town property just. east. nt‘ the Beaver River on King Street, the. site tn be laid out by the primer- H committee. the shed to face the .~Ii‘o'o-t and to be built as per plans. \lm'll $1.500 has already been sub. Slight Wounds and Infectious (Copyright, lht, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Arthritis svnm- nf info-(final. and tlw kind of inl'vctinn large-[y avoid.) this. And wlwtlu-r or not, infm-tiun develom at tlu- mm M‘ a wound is largely dc-‘ tm'mim-cl by how thv wunnd is cam) IIJI . ’l‘i'ivial \x'numts shmilci ho [mintmi with indin m- mvrruruchrnnw. This should iw {him without. washing tlw wmiml. Attrmpts at washing aro likvly tn inti'mlm-n mums if thvsv :in nnt ulrmuty prvsi-nt. 'l‘iu-n Hm Wntllul shuttlil iw i'nvm'i-d with Stm‘- its) mm». mm» twing takvn not. to Lunch ttw snrfm'u of tho. gauze that. (-nmo-s in i-mitact. with thn “mind. For it. is pussihlv In intrmhu'v gnl‘ms intn a wmuul vwn at‘tvi" it, is roâ€" twivmi. \meiis that, m'v dirty. 01' (100p. that hh-mt wry t'rm-ly. “1‘ are mg- ;rml. shimhl hn ('{ll't‘tl for by a doc- tnr. Ami nwu slight. wounds that. shnw signs of smmnvss shmihl r0- I'ur shnw signs of sm‘nnvss (-viw nwdicnl attontinn Pmpur ram Hf sli wnnld prownt. many 9: tinns. forms. 'l'hrrv arr. ihn chronic furmsl in which ilw joints haw. :1 lrmlnncy in hrrumu «Ivi'm'mml. (.-\rthritis dc- formal”. It. is wry vssrniizil that all in- fi‘i'tinllh' SIIHHM hi' gOUPH PM Of if Hm iliso'asi- is in he! arrostml. This truth. Hu- tnnsils. ilw sinuses aml nthm' sirnrturrs which may harbor ini'm-iinns. shnuhl ho. rarrl’nliy m:- aminml. Masmgr. frrsh air. and \'arrilw irruimrnt. if ynur physirizm thinksii. mlvisuhlc- in your raw, may hrlp you. You ":numt. ht? art- sin-ml of rumplvir rvrnwry from Hm sirnriural rhangus that, haw al- rrmly take-n plaro- in your ,inini-x, o-wng thmixh ymi 2M. rid 03' the I'VO‘H}: ('flllSP. Measles and Light .\lrs. l“. .\. W. write-s: “'I‘lwre \wro- nwuslo-s in Hm family Hf mm 01‘ ”Hr no-ighhnrs a Yittln while ago. 'I'ho-ix' dm'tur wantml me to let the sun shino- into» thv mum who-r0 the c'hildrr‘n with Um n'wuslos wo‘rv. 'l'hut. so-nmmi to ho- wrnng aclvicv tn mv. as light is bad fur the nyos in u raw of nwaslors. Isn’t. this so?” Reply It is“ not consult-red advisable to kt‘t‘li ihv room darkmiml in cases «if mvaslo-s. Sunlight kills the conta- ginus material of measles. If the 0va arr inflamed. smnknd glasses or glwsps with blue lenses should be worn by the patient. But let thh sunlight in. scrihnd. and many rural pooplo haw signit‘wd thoii' intention of “doing ttwii- bit.” Throw, or four hours 'if- trr‘ tho- subscriptions lists had boon “Ln-ma m «an was suihscribod by tho l‘.'I bl." W'll!|7\. . uI'v-v__, mwtwd. $1,150 was subscribed by ttw husnm-ss man of tho towna Building on tho 80x50 {pot foundation IS m:- pomtnd t0 be started shortly. At tho meeting of the Board of Trade last week. a board of trustws for ttw new town shed was appoint.- ml. They are. Messrs. C. E. Keast. I". Hartman and E. C. Carr. Only leaders. the fast thinkers becom He who hesitates is bossed. nf slight. wmmcls mny sm'mus Infor- ChicaQO) D‘J lillllllv u-vv w-___ or ess academic resolutions. A ! llelanger, Liberal, East Russell) was . ri'ven opportunity to continue his i discussion of French -English train- ‘ ing schools, and on the last. day of the session. the House : after pretty well cleaning up the or- der paper, listened to F. W'. \Vilson of Windsor speak to his resolution calling for sale of liquor in shops under a local option plan. It had been intimated that. W. E. Raney. l’rogressiVe lender. proposed to di- vide the House on the sessional in- demnities Bill. the tlnhinet. Ministers' salary increase. the 'I‘emperanco Art amendments and the beverage tax hill. When the time for third readâ€" ing t'flll'lt‘. he moved to amend only the t), ’l'. .-\.. by proposing! the Six nionths' hoist. it. was necessary to , halt. a meeting of the l’ulilie .\r- l eounts tlonmlittee in order that. members might Vote. Five Lihernls ului t\\‘n Lnlmr men “lit”! with the ing ramp. up mun-Ir MW 0. '1‘. A" hy pm mnnths‘ hoist. H. w: halt a [mi-Ming: of 1 munts Cummittm- ' mvmlwrs might, \‘ntr and Lwn Lahm' nwn (in\'6'l'nlni'dl[. 'I'IH' rmlisil‘ilmliun ('Hn'lmiili'r‘s 1‘0- lmri. was prrsrlnrd in llw Hnusn Inward lllr (“llh'i' ul' \Vullnvsday night's silling. Its runlrnls haw pro-Hy \vrll lwrn l'o‘irrruslml. rxrvpl. that. in its ilrsiri- in rrfraiu frnm rulliiu: clmvu rurul l'i‘lll'I'Sl‘ll'iililHn inn murh. llu- rmumilli-r iurrmiswl llir lluusr inrmlwrsliip by mw. makâ€" ing: it “:3. MW rural rulings which Ilisumwar arcs l'lual Miclellrsrx. Cru- lrc- Hrs-y, \Vcw‘l Hrurr. mm of tho lNHrl'nlks'. llrnlrn llurnn. our nl’ llml \\'ullin;:tmis. 'l‘lw Nun-iiiumlwrlamlsi urn mrrgml. and MW twn Durhams mmlv uur. Frmitmm. lmmmx and Millingiun lwrnmu l\\'n sruls ins'U-ful Hf l.lirm-. 'l‘livrr is slight. rmuljuql- mrnl. in anhlun and Simrcw and NW \Vrnlwurlhs. Additional snails arr giwn Windsor, (Mluwa. Humil- lmi. and for lhr rily Hf 'I‘m‘nnln pro- in“. l?) souls.- 'l‘lm hill. Hf rnursm, clcws nnl. rnmr int,“ otl‘vrt. until afivr urxl. so-ssimi. H! Tim final skirmis'h on church 1m- inn took most. of W'odnesday evening in thn Hnusn. whvn a batch of amnndmpnts 0n_lwl‘nalf of‘tjm Pres- _-. Ann "III‘ 'II‘IIII‘ u- hytm‘ian Church .Lssociat'wn were pmposod in cnmmittm of the whole by R. L. Brackin, COL John A. Cur- rio. W. G. W-oichel. M. M. McBride and Others. Three amendments of some importance warp carriod. Non- cnncurring congrvgations are to wwww?’ use SOHIH' 01‘... 1y ('01 son and i tion suiclt [ops C(‘pta had 'l‘hur ”Dy. mOVG‘ stand in the same relation to any new church to be formed as they did in the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada before the passage of the bill. No rights in. court arising from un- -m--n-.l Lg. Clan h‘|‘ “u ‘ilauw ‘u wwv â€". -vw-v â€"v v“- ion are to be affected by the bill, In and Bictures in Knox Col ego are to I be t 0 property of the continuing Presbyterian, instead of the unp ionists, as originally provided. am Amendments which failed to carry est included the following proposals: up That the Ontario bill s ould be in m accord with the Dominion bill as St it stands now or will be with amendâ€" | m men-ts; that the Church Property Commission hould have its powers w. ' the l'nionists, and that the books in w the library of Knox Oillege should w he. property of the antiâ€"[‘nionists. n In the 1 ast case. the. chairman of g. the committee. 0. ll. McKeown. Duf- ferin. cast the deciding vote. Hon. at , W. l“. Nickle announced the per- 31 : sonnet derided upon for the proper. 0 . ty eomm‘ission and library trustees. ]; I and in regard to the former three. a 1 said they had not yet given their ac- ; ceptance. l’pon third reading. 'l‘hursday afternoon. Col. Currie .: moved an amendment which would ( haw tho etl‘ert of making Knox ll- ‘ _ brary a publir library. but upon ( " Premier Ferguson pointing: out. that z 7t legislation to this etTeet. could he x obtained at. any time upon request. the mover withdrew his amend- + + \\'heu the House was pa _ main estimates under eclueatlou. and ' Normal Srhools was un- ' the Vote. tol‘ . ISIder disrussioit. l’eter lleeuau en- ”‘lquired about the possibility of a Ituew Normal in the. north rouult'y. {and Premier Ferguson said: "In e..f:\'ie\\' ol' represeutzdions made hy t sotmauy people up there. ' islative Serretar)’ tor I\or- iy the Leg ‘ \‘t‘ theru Hutorm ‘MI'. keeler, we are pt.llia\'iu:.' iuspertors make a survey. 'mltmd \\hile I dH not know that. lttk-p on . mg; the :lg'trl‘euale. \Ve should lmild ed any more Normal Sehools at. the kâ€" moment. yet. \\'1‘ reeoguize the iso- eh lated rouditiou and the long distaueo hu-lup there. and I am ineliued to think he il' surh a step were taken. an insti- hollutiou of moderate size might. ho lllS‘lllli. up there some time. hut the ms.ttm'erumeul. has not. rearhed the md trourlusiou they should do It, as yet." The hardvst wqu you evor ls worrying about it; What makes an hour rosemblo two ls worrying about it. * 'l‘ho timo goes mightly slowly when You sit and sight and sigh again. And think of tho work ahead, and then Koop worrying about it. Just bucklo up and buckle inâ€"- Quit worrying about it. By work, not worry. you will wmâ€" Quit worrying about it. A task is easy, once begun; It has its labor and its fun. So grab abold and do it, son-- Quit worrying about it. 7____.___ WORRYING ABOUT IT HI 0f Hm Publiv .Af‘l' do Entrance Obtained by Front Door.â€" No ‘l‘noo of Bun-clan. Thieves early Wednesday morn- ing succeeded in making good their escape with general merchandise to the approximate value of “.000 from the stores of James Russell and Steele Bros. in Fergus. In both eases. the. glass panels in the frunt en- trance doors of the establishments were crashed in to gain entrance. ‘Mr. Russell estimates. his loss at 1". o I|\ILVU‘ II ---â€"._.'_V_. 82,500, While Andrew Stnoln of S vale Bros. stains that the mmds hich wore‘ abstracted frum hifl shack would roach a quv 01‘ $1,500. Mr. Russell’s loss was sown-d by in- SI] WHICH. ‘ ' --_._-II..‘I D‘I I |I'II\J‘I0 The Russell store will he recalled‘ as the ouotwhich was rubbed in a similar mannor last. fall WIN“ a loss‘ of approximately 8500 was sustained. In this {armor mhhvry, tho thivvos are supposml to have madv good thoir escape in a motor car with furs and othm' valuahlv mvrt'lian- ,ctise. N0 tram has him“ ilisi-uVi-rml 0f thn mhhm‘s, although twn mm were seen travelling through tlm contra of ”It! town in a lawn var about. four n’vlui'k in the mm'iiiniz. 'l‘lm Bustnn l’nst. tolls at a yming ' \wman vmpluyvd as a strnng‘i'aphvr \th had a lit-an namvd Will. Sha talkvd tn him snniv l\\'t‘lll\'-ll\'t‘ timvs a day: and thv lawym'. \th laâ€" hm'i-d nndm' thv inipi'i-ssiun that he! was paying: fur tho. stvnng-aphvr's timu. was nut. ph-asml that Maugiv should ill-up llt'l' wm'k and rush t’rantivally tn thv tnh-phnnv awry timi- thi- lit-ll ram: and stand “mm for llflm'n minntvs di'hating who- thvr m' not Will tlllL'lll tn haw tnld Clara a svi'rnt. \Vlllt'll llt' wall knvw \Vas nnnv uf Chnnfs husinvss. (Mn- day ”in lawym' In“ his nt‘tli-v and uning tn inndlnn' hdvldnnu' hi thn hnilding. i'allml up his awn nftli'n, Ht‘ ('mn'sv. Magma i‘nstn-d t'i'anti 'al- ly to ”in phuni- and tlllSWt‘l’t'tl. “Hallo!" said tho lawyc-i'. in a mnftlvd \‘tllt't‘. "This is a lint-man tasting thv Wll‘t‘. Kindly stand mm font. in train. «if “in l't‘t°t'l\'t'l' and say ‘hMlO'I‘ i Margin Olinynd. . “'I‘hank ytm. Nuw stand 1W0 t'm-l. in tillt'. ship and say ‘hvllu‘f’ Maggie (-nmplivd. "Thank you. an stand two t'vvt. tn the nthm' sidu and say ‘hvllu‘.“ It. was dnnv. "I‘hank ynn. an stand (in yuur hi-ad and say ‘hi-lln’.“ l 1 1 t I "P\fl \' â€"- -_.l.-.l GURED OF THE HELLO HABIT Jay Evidently Has a Garden! €93; â€"â€"A- mum Ian lad lat-row amp. Whoa prydook Building Wu Do- Fire destroyed the (summary dry- dnck building of Rube-rt Nummu and Son, Qf_ Wigrml}: on Saturn!” morn- A‘ALI- ing. this being the» second lire of this nature whfich tlw firm has sua- Minnd inside of a war. the large buildings having [we-n «insii‘nymi lust. The fire was caused by llw lmad of a match flying among some oakum as Mr. Nimmo was about to light it. The flames spread quickly. and Mr. Nimmo was quit». severely burned as he triad l0 smollmr UN‘ Ilrv with his hands. He would haw lmruml to death but for tho timvly arrival «if his sum lloler .lr.. wlm pullml his falhvr (ml. of Hm dmn'. 'l‘lm luss was not Iwavy as tlw building was lmily a lmnporary "ll“. fall. NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC WALXBR'I'ON-OWEN SOUND TRAIN SERVICE Ell'ocljw May “ll. the Canadian Pacific Railway will innumn'aln a new passenger train smwivn making all stops lwtww-n \\'a|kvrlun and ”won Sound by way nl‘ Sauce-9n Junction. rc-plm-inu llm “film-Nun- Saum‘on Jumlimn m-rvu-v. 'l‘llis sur- vive will lll'llVllll‘ :ulc-qualv favilitiu-s for passvngm's «m lmlll Imus. l’. M. l’. M. 10.55 Arriw \V‘lllkc'1‘luu lu-aw 2.55 10.42 Maplc- Hull 2.37 10.33 "mum-r 3.07 M22 Allan mm 3.16 10.08 [Durham ::.:m 9.57 Mt'\\'llll:nn.â€" 3.50 9.52 HIUII Ill?» 9.142 l’l'ivm Illv 3.56 9.30 lwaw Salim-nu .lvl. \I'I'Iw H" 9.08 Arriw Salim-m .Ic-l. lmmo- 23m m ’a‘.’ mm 10.2: 10.08 8.11 80" Advertise in The Grhonicle, it pays s)? Markciulc- Bc-rkvlvy Hnllmul 114mm- (leal swurt In Hm'kl'uml Luaw (Mon Smmcl Arriw mgm'n .It' Icwllm'hm PAGE 8.- lg‘Jl ’4 .50 .HI’ .L‘H I.” ' bd ’ ‘H J.-

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