West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 5

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M ERV CO. Paint. and the j, muuoanteed abso- tion in e\ ery case led according to hid m ursday. April 16, um. o o o o o o--o« ONOUOHW’ of our automobile see the results. int your car one It the next. HORTICULTUBIS‘I’ GAVE LBC’I’U“ I. Hi» 00ml NW mo'Min bile Enamel H Rust Pails. reg. ecials \I D \V M I.» fair to auto drivers. nt'to-n m) up on N16 side- ‘ \H'Hfll“. -o~o--o--o-~o--o--o--o--o--o-W : \xtHl nnly two ho". ir-‘MKW'O‘ who! up to the - “MPH lm dnllbt. on." H Mun lwvn arranged vkll.‘_'\‘ an» alroady heir; “mm. H a bin mun in tum! m.- nf thy prov. Cream \l c'KO‘t'hHi“. ”0'3th mvh. spnkfl 3 fl!" unmu-mw-mvnt and \ 'Hnlo d ”16‘ air 5. t~ LHW [mum 'I‘Otl I!” .hIS fl 1‘ in also-d in m fax-tuna!» that' only um! nut to hnar hi. CHE Ontario .‘mol at. no v :Ilen Visited R 'hmbl L'l'nunds a“ Squaw. and w” :uh'n-o- as to n}. Hl'h In so‘cure ".0 w minimum 0001. v 'I'IIo-sday 8V9!!- ..“~ 79th consecu.‘ ' of Inter- vu rnishes ‘05? Hill P388 1) n. h Hwy wk plant. mo-whng. Hp. , '90- Hf thm I'HIN n“ .“P 5'0” PM a" d w. y. lmatiun. it. .“nlulslio-s still ,.\ “th ahmdy ll|"|l|_\ W mm can has nxvyvd To '-c you éap ma- proper 0“ IE U] $1.19 1'9- ho'ar Hi3 Thursday >II' “Illiam S. Glyn-Jones, secre- IIIV of the Pharmaceutical Society ..I Im-III BIItaIn arriwdat Montreal W. Max (In a tum of Canada in the HIH‘I‘S'S 0f the Canadian Pharma- IIIHCill \ssociation. Sir William Peterson, with whom Hm Domininn Government made! the i-unh-avt ro-garding ocean freight rah-s. sailml from Southampypii on )- o-oO-OOI-O' ”.‘W -vv- v-- tlu- nhmpic mstvrday. SirWilliam |.~' coming tn ”flaws: to give evid- mwc before the Special Parliamosnt- zu'y commute" on ocean freight ratrs. “Than thin-tom (33303 of dynamite wvru nxplq‘uimt in the rivpr ind at lmwvr thinningtun Falls. Bl}, yes- turday, in cmwcti-on with the can- structimn of thn new plant of the Wmt Kmitnnay Powpr and Light. thimpany. a sturgvon eight feet, nino int-hrs long and weighing Wm pounds was brought tithe surfacv. The (iovo-rnnwnfs subsidy to the (Lanaola-Snuth Africa Steamship Linn will lw cut. this yPar from $125.00) In $100M”, it was stated in the House». of Commons yesterday in a-nswm' tn 3 quvstion. Traffic cal-rind by this line to South Africa during Hm last. four years amounted to 320.007.“; frnm Canadian ports and 383(5398 from l'nited States ports. (lanada suppliml one-third of the «ht-080' impul'tpd int“ Great Britain «luring thv last three years. In that po-rimi, nf sm,:m.2m lbs. of chvese imported by Grant Britain, Canada. ~‘Ilppliml 331.113.?“ lbs; NPW Zea- lzuut 66: "36800 lbs; the Nethm'lands .murgj 2.0 ”15.; Italy 3|.6£¥J.604 lbs.: \m'tlalin 209130.000 lbs; the [Tnited Nun‘s ‘J.M39.'o'."t.mm lbs; OHM-1' mun- rm-s 23.331.10’. lhs. .\ mmparisnn of employment 011 Hm hm «Ianaolian railways systems is lllzlolo' in answm's to a series 0f «nu-shuns in U!» House of Commnns 'l'hm-o' aro- On ”In 20,523 milns of Canadian Kahuna! Railways 87.213 o-mplnym-s and on tlw 13.784 milvs Hf tlm Hanadian Paril‘n' 57.47! pm- pinymw. Thu aw-ragn pm‘ hunch-0d milvs is 327» cm tlw Canadian Natinn- al and “6 an Um Canadian Pacific. .-\ now rownrd for a long distance tolophmw rall from fianada. both as regards distanro and speed. was mad» at Uttawa. 'l‘uvsday. when Son- of Omar .\. Bari-anon. Consul Gen- o‘ral for “W Republic of Mexico in «lanmla. put in :1 call to Havana. Cu- lm. and was rut. through in 15 min- utns. 'I‘lw rall eramlwrod from 0!- hm'a to .‘lfmh't‘al. through New York. Rirhmnnol. \‘a.: Jarksonvillo Hm: Ko'y \Vo's! and them somP 90 Ym-k. Rivhmnnol. \‘a.: Jacksonville Fla; Ko'y “What. and tth snmv 90 mtlvs unolvrso'a tn Havana. '|'\\'n mnrn llruw's Xpst. Pass "01!! ramps haw- hl'nko‘n with thn l'nitm‘l \hno- “Wu-ke‘rs of America. which has q-mm'nllvd thn Alhm‘ta minors t‘mm Hm start. of the coal mining mollh‘h's' in that. m'ovinm lermnrv :mol lh-Hmnv ramps haw \‘nt-nl to farm hrnm-ho-s nl‘ tlw Canadian l-‘wl- nrahnn 0! {\lin \Vm‘kers. tho lirst imals 0f “hivh “mm {Olm‘N' III Hm Furnin Diah‘ict :II. the hog inning M ”In hm. “hm PI‘I‘IIIP 3'” Gina! ‘LI'Iwk camps hl'flko‘ away from the lntnrnatinnal. 'l‘lm t’ianzu‘lzi-Rritish \Vnst Indies mut'm'o'iic-v. with a \‘in\\' t0 arrang- m: a no-w trail» and transpnrtatinn :lul'o‘o‘mfill! lwtwmm thaw countnm, \\ ill lw ho'lol in Ottawa on Juno 19th ant. :u-m‘n-tling tn an official an- imtuii-vmo-nt mad» vmtordas artw- inmn. \mnptamn of the imitation m mum this vaing has been re- vvn'oul h." ”w Dflminiml anornmo‘nt 'x-nm Rm'mnda. Lovward Islands. \\'m.lw:n'o‘i hiands. Barhndnns. Trin- hind. British Guiana. Jamaica and Hm ish Hunduras. ‘ \ Swim-y K. Smith. arrountuut. in tho "our \\'ork~' Dvpall'tmt‘llt. Ottawa. ‘ Ah \"~to‘t'cl:l}' rommittm for trial at. mu .\~'si/ns on four rhargos of «x m: t'orgmt signaturos in ondm‘sa- Hf t'ho‘qth‘s‘. tluuuohuus‘ paid customs or excise - “Mo-e amounting to 9.371.063 on 1 3.913.177 gallons of hard liquor in turn! your nnotm in 192$. As the '-!\ was up. consumption would ~ ~11: to am down. judging from the wt of ttw Dopurtment. of Cus- '--u’:-'. This ~'hn\\'.~‘ that in the pre- nns t‘nur fiscal yours tho avorage "'Evvtmns worn 37.229393 on 2.636.- T'N uzltlo'ns. I‘m «inuadian Bank of Commerce- rw‘. nt'tiq‘n at Saskatoon was held \‘v~'tvt'.t;1y morning by a young tum at the point. of a shotgun. The \‘ nth. at‘tvrwards idontifled as JOhn ' *' w. 20. nt‘ Saskatoon, and believed t . A - .- ti” o’o‘mt‘ntt‘d. ° o'mplovm‘d of the bank and “m-wt uucto‘r arros (ho bank vault. Several shots ~ firm. but. no one was struck. ”f‘ thn mgawttvs manufactured 3n M-wada in tho fiscal year Putter! In “A". uvarly two and a half millions (in n vllod 2.331.“.(51 Cigar- ' A.“- ' O b" Thursday, April n, ma. Friday malt. liquor las; your was 144130.490 gallons, . compared with 36,902,066 gqllons |n_.tl!e‘previous year. Can- ada exported 189,998 galfons of last year’s brew, leaving nearly five gal- lons per annum per head of popu~ lation for home consumption. In the same year. Canadians coneumed less than a quarter of a gallon of hard liquor per head. that is of liquor duly reported and taxed by the Gov- emment. \ The channel between Montreal and Quebec is now open. Both the Mi- kule and the Lady Grey finished their work at Three Rivers Thurs- day night. and the latter proceeded to Montreal while the Mikule went. back to Quebec. Col. R. H. \Vebb. mayor of \Ninni- peg. has been elected president. of the newly organized tourist. and con- vention bureau. Sir James Aikens, I..ient..-(iov. of Manitoba, is honorary president. Mistaking a deadly cyanide for soda water, Andre (iiroux, aged 60, one of the partners in the Ro al Si]- ver Plate Company, Montrea, acci- dentally caused his own death, it was revealed at an inquest held by Coroner McMahon. Giroux was found dead in his laboratory by an em- ployee Thursday. Two glasses. one containing cyanide and the other containing soda water, were found alongside an opened package of sandwiches. - With the adoption by the Ontario Legislature of the Church Union Hill, the Quebec Legislature at the next session will likely he called upon once more to take a stand re- garding the much debated bill. To- day Premier Taschereau, asked-what would he the effect of the attitude adOpted by the sister province in the Quebec legislation affecting the united churches, stated that as far as the government was concerned, there was no intervention coming.‘ ,It would remain. he explained, for those favoring union to come before the legislators at. the next session and present a bill if they wished to. Monday (Lanada's consumption of coke in January, 19.5, amounted to 168,280 short tons, according to a report is- sued from the Mining. Metallurgic- al and Chemical branch of the Do~ minion Bureau of Statistics. Ontario was the principal user. consuming 103.028 tons. .\n earthquake \\ as 111gist111'1111 111 (1111 Dominion 11111911111111 v Ottawa Saturdnv morning. 1111: first prelim- inax'x 11'11n1ms 3111111111; 11101311 ”11111 111911111011 10 11111 1111101111111.“ was estimated at 6.607 mil11s. 'lim11. at 11111 origin \\ as 011811110 maximum ph1is11 1111i11g 1'11gist1111111 a1 7.011.1he 1111-01-11.; continuing 1111' m'111' three hours. Rmrnnv car loadings continue to dim-0am on Canadian railways. In the Wonk mnlmi April Mil, 51,3980511'9 were lnzulml. in’thn pro-coiling won}: 52.52. and in Hm (m‘rvspondhig “wk 3 war sum '32. 222 (a! s. The dt'CI‘P' {80 “as chivth in 111111m0ml.1ml1b and pappr am} ntlwxf ‘ 101 «wt 1-nnducts. Grain loadâ€"ings picked up id Eastm‘n Canada. but f0“ 011' m tlw \\ estcrn chnsmn. Plans to lt‘-(‘stllbllh‘ll tho Nova Scotia ProVinrial Exhibition at. Hal- ilax noxt. t': l“ mo unnounrml bV MaV- or Murphy His \\ orship intimatml tlint. tho \nniiail Fair. VVhich for mom Vials prior to ”It‘ explosion of HM? VVns tho t'\t‘lli ot the war in that pioVinro. would ho r \ViVmi this summo r. \liu h VVill haVo to ho (lone. as tho oxtonsiw Exhibition buildings Wt‘l't‘ ilosti'oym‘l in 1917. i’t‘lllltill.llf..' for a roniploto EUR l’otitionmg for a romph'to ar- counting and rvm'gauization, Shit?"- hnhtrrs of tho Ilnmnivrrial Luau ann Trust Company. “Running. issumt a writ, in Court of King'~' ltunrh in that rity Saturday. suing the dirwt- ms for approximatoty S241).000. 'l'tm stiltt‘mt‘nt 0f claim site"s Hlv fullo\'\-- ing as «tvt'ondants: \V‘. H. Spruulo. A. F. Crowo. \V. M. Bannatynn. 1-2.. M. Counsvll. R. T. Huron and R. It. Counsoll. Gross tlt‘I‘t'lit'HOll of duty 4,. rhargmt against tho dire-rturs. Jrimos Marmadukn Mrtlart'nj «if qutwc has [won ammintmt a mom- twr of tho Honorary Advisory Coun- ril for Srinntitir and Industrial R0- svarrh. for a [Wt'tOtl of two years. Thu fnlimvina‘ mombnrs of tho. Council arr ro-amuointtod for a fur- thvr prt‘iod nf ”Il‘t‘f‘ years: Dr. H. M. Tury. prosidont of tho I'niversity of Alberta. Hume Cronyn. B. A.. John Cunningham McLennan. pro- fessor. Toronto l‘niversity. Waltor Charles Murray. president. l'niwr- sity of Saskatchewan. Arthur Stan- toy Mackenzie, prosident Dalhousio University. On the Melita. which arrived yes- tvrday at. St. John. from Southamp- ton and Antwerp. were ‘22 British families. comprising 45 adults and as rhildrrn. come tn settle in Can- ada under the British Empire land settlement scherng. " ‘LA ‘nn.\3 Virtual completion of the trans- Canada highway through Manitoba by Uctoher tst is the aim of the good roads department. of the Provincial Government. Tenders were called for yesterday. and the work. when finished. will complete the road from Brandon west to the Saskatchewan boundary. To promote Western develonment. the mayors of \Vestern Canadian cities will hold a conference at Edâ€" monton during the Summer Fair‘ week. opening on J uty 13. Questions 1 to be discussed include banking and credit. Oriental trade. immigration and colonization. It is expected that many Federal members for Western ridings will also attend. Moisture conditions throughout the Prairie Provinces are such as to encourage the Western farmer and induce the seeding of an in- “Anna ”mane of land. according Fféésed acreage or Inna. art-nun"; to the first 1925 he rt of the Cana- dian aNtional Ra' way Agricultural - 4-..“... “and vastel‘daY. A! Saturday Tuesday to be general by the end of the‘week. Wednesday John Tait, inspector for the Cana- dian Pacific Telegraphs at. Nelson, 8.0., died Monday night. Mr. Tait was manager at. Winnipeg for many years, and was well-known through- out Canada. The Eastern Ontario Liberal-Con- servative Association will hold the annual convention and banquet at Ottawa on May 6th. Delegates from all parts of Eastern Ontario will be in attendance. Seeding is general in Brandon dis- trict. and if present good weather holds. about 30 per cent of the wheat will he in the ground by the end of the week. The land is dryâ€" ing up quickly and is in excellent; shape for the seed. Commander H. B. Taylor, of the British Admiralty, is expected to ar- rive in Ottawa on April 27th to as- sume the duties of Director of Nava: Intelligence, according to an an- nouncement mgde by the erartment --.-_.I..-_ IIUUIIUDIIIVIIV - uuuuu -_-.. V 0 "J â€" â€"‘ of Ramona] Defence. Commandm- Taylpr succeeds Commander Cosmo Hastings, who 18 returning to Eng- land. I“ ..... Arrangements have. been com- pleted at Calgary for the reception and entertainment. of delegates from the four Western Provinces, and also Ontario and the United States. who will meet here on Friday and Satur- day of this week in the first Inter- Provincial conference ever held in the interest of technical education in Western Canada. an '|l " LILVULI I. V'DIâ€"“wv Within a few days, the C. G. S. Cartier will proceed to the Gulf of St. Lawrence with a party of engl- neers in the employ of the Federal Government on an important mis- sion. This mission has to do with the taking of soundings, determin- ing the strength of the currents. and to see whether or not any material change. has taken place in ocean. lllUlllua. Premier Mackenzie King presided over the first meeting of the Cub- inet to he held since his return from --“~ I ‘ U lU All: luv-s- - a brief vacation in the south, yes- terday morning. There was a fair attendance of Ministers at the meet- ing. although a number of those who went home for Easter are still out of town. Hon. Grorge P. Graham, Minister of Railways and Canals. who sulTered from a slight illness during the Easter holidays, was present at the. meeting. True Portrayal of Hobo Promised in Coming Universal Film. HUMAN POLK SUIT \Vhilo western pictures appeal to a great class of fans and if clean and wholesome. are a splendid form of entertainment it, is true that a story laid in the West. but with a principal character who is not, the conventional hero will appeal to a wider class of patrons. ‘ ._--_-.. \‘ IIVIL I L uuuuu If the main character is a human figure right. out. ihv midst of awry- day lift“, especially a rugged. caro- f r00 typo of horn. own though ho is a hnhn. tlw sinry is bound to 1w more lngical and satisfactory accurding to snmv of thn fnrvmost critics and i-nmmoniatm-s on thg public‘s tzisto. Al,- l'Ullllllt'llluuun uu uu run-.-” - V- _ "Tho Sunset Trail." coming to tho \‘otorans‘ Star 'l‘hoatro Friday and Saturday of this wook is from a Honry Horhcrt. Knihhs’ nnvoi. “0v- orland Rod." tilmoc't as a l'niyorsal picturo starring William Dosmonrt and ("taroth Hughos undor diroction of Ernst Laommlo is such a pictnro. It is an oxamplo of tho nowor typo of scroon wcstcrn storios. a roal llrama. tho main inciilonts of which could tako placo. in anothcr atmos- ,phoro than that of tho Wost. with just as dramatic an otfoct.’ Its char- actorizatiun and tho hasic olomonts of tho sory arc thc‘iroughly wostorn in owry instance. It is tho story of tho “Happy Ho- ho." a charactor whoso lifo appar- ontly is all wasto~â€"and obviously a "good man gono wrong." For no an- paront. roason. ho wanilors aimloss- ly about. ox'or tho country. Sllper- ticially. ho is a Victim of wanrtor- lust or ini'iitTcront. to civilizcd Iii'o. It. is only whon tho sight. of a por- snn in roal now] of holp arousos his manly instincts that ho changos tho downward courso of his oxistcnco. A wry o-njuyal’vlv nwning was s'pvnt ul tlw lmmv nf Mr. and Mrs. .lnhn Lynn on Mummy, April ltllll. whvn Miss Stella nntnrtainod a num- ho-r 0f frinnds and noiszhlmre. 'l'hv rwning was anoint. in music. dancing and gamrs. Mr. G. Lynn of l‘nr'L Arthur, nophmv of Mr. J. Lynn. be- .ing prosrnt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hind sprnl a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Ewens. "p‘.’ â€"- ”Miss, \lan Lamb of \‘estleton is spvnding the hnlidaw at her homv here. | Mr. J. Hpslip and sister. Miss M. Hnslip. and Mastpr James Bell of Hlenroaden. spent Sunday with thn. Heslett fa_mi_ly. - u. ‘1_n_-_7__‘:_ 1“ U ‘. V. l‘uuu Misses 135153! and Mary McQuarrie of Toronto spent the Easter holidays with their parentghoife. $ - râ€"w -.- \lIc~};~ Alma Ritchie and Mamie YPssie \isitnd rocently “ith Miss Merton Ewen. â€"â€" - -- n Mrs. Duncan Morrison. Mr. Don- ald and Miss Annge. of near Dornoch. Spgnt Mopda‘y With Mrs. W. Smith. 7-.---_ ‘n-nn_..l.l I“ r 5.113- “.Vi rs. _ - liames McDonald spent 3 amp!» of days last week with friends in Protpp. Miss Margaret Atkinson of town accompanied by Mr. Whitney Davis of Knox College. Toronto. spent the first of the week with the Iatter’s aunt. Mrs. Heslett. _i‘ ‘1‘. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TOrry, “Ri- wrside.“ Mr. and Mrs. Dugald Clark and family of the Rocky mill and Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean and fam- ily were guests of the Lamb family the first Qtlhe $329k. _ - _ _ ‘ j "Mr..;hd 3.1.115. Rbbert Lawson and sons, Jack and Alex. spent Sunday with the Ewens family. 4 Aberdeen (Our own Correspondent.) (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. Alex. Morton received word Tuesday of last week that his uncle, Mr. George Morton of lnnisfail, Al- berta, was seriously ill. Mr. Morton left. on the. afternoon train accom- panied by his brother and sister. Mr. George and Miss Bella. Morton of Aberdeen. Miss I. E. Drbie is spending the Easter vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobie. Owen Sauna. Miss Jessie Hastie. Toronto, spem several days last week the guest or Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastie. Miss Jessie Twamley. student of Stratford Nurmal School. is spend- ing a pleasant holiday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'l‘wamloy. The many friends of Mrs. M. J. McLean of Gull Lake, Sask.. will be pleased to know that word has been received here that she and little Edna arrived home safely and had a pleasant trip. The Ladies’ Aid, during the win-. ter months, was held at the parson- age. All members of the Aid wish to express to Rev. and Mrs. Crick- ington their appreciation of their generous hospitality given. The next meeting will be held May 13th at the home of Mrs. Fulton. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Hooper and daughter. Alma, of Top Cliff, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McCuaig. â€"- ”OI-O Si}. "and Mrs: Alex. McGillivray and daughter, Miss Jessie, of Chats. worth, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton. Mrs. Edward Boyce, Owen Sound, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boyce. over the. week-end. Mrs. Ivy Walker recoived a tele- gram Tuesday of last work stating her father was seriously ill and wished her to come at once. Mrs. Walker left the following day for her home in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. James McDougall and family motored to Owen Sound sun- day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyce and family. Miss Blanch Boyce roturnml with them to spend tho Eastor vacation with hor many f rirnds _hrrr. -_‘ Mr. and Mrs. William Adlam and family spent. Easter Sunday with Durham friends and attended ser- vice there. The regular monthly meeting of the. Presbyterian Ladies’ Mission Circle. was held at. the home of Mrs. Andrew Hastie. Saturday. April 4th. A splendid [tamer was read by Miss Dohie on “Building a Na- tion.” Mrs. A. Hastie and Mrs. John MrKechnie. sang a duet. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald rendered a solo. There were, twenty-six ladies pres- ent. Lunch was served at, the close. of the meeting hy the hostess. Southeast Bentinck (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. Charles Smith returned to Guelph last week after spending a fortnight. with his brother, Mr. William Smith. Mr. Ray l'lclmunsnn mntnred up from Hamilton a week ago last. Sun- (lay. Mrs. Edmunsnn returnm‘l with her husband after spending the past three. weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountain. n“’,7| “"Siié'é‘riliiait)}Â¥'t'in"il'u1%d'ock of Wash. ago is Spending Hu- Eastm' vacatinn with Mr. and Mrs. F. Mm‘dflclf. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Mr. . Cl} [find "MIN": i.e “Hz-1's ‘ I‘b‘tjl‘ll‘nf‘d months in Det'rpiy home after spebding the winter ..IV..V-'w -u- â€"â€" v Miss Hazel Fi'rth of Traverslou is spending this week at Mr. R. Web. bcr‘s. IJL I U. Mr. Harald Mountain. who is at.- tending Hamilton Collegian}, is lmme for the holiday.__ .. ‘â€" â€"---â€" l‘_n_. .\’. ‘I.\‘ "V"‘--J' Miss Agnes Potty is home from Toronto for the holiday. while her mother, Mrs. Charles Petty. is vis- iting with her daughter. Mrs. Dug~ ga_n_, in Eliot,- Mich. . -- 1.x--- Al.:.. cufi’rét' ilr-Weâ€"hhé}: is spendiu this week with her daughter, rs. J. Uaswell, at the Rocky._ WEI-availafig'ieé Smith 331d Miss Annie Smith .wsntvd at Mr. Jamvs Smith’s. Holslmn. a \wok ago last. Saturday. Hutton Hill (Our own Correspondent.) The thus dry weathvr 1191111113 tho fa1 mars Lu all bv bus1 011 the land. A few hm 1* ah‘vam e0“ 11 snmv gr :1111 while othm‘s am making 1110111113- (ions to do so. M r. Earl Koble .has returned hump after assnstmg Ins brotlwr. George, nurth of Durham for a (ow \\:(‘(_‘k§. ‘v- v A large number from this Vicinity attended the funeral on Friday last of the late Mrs. Henry McCaslin of Durham. As a report was given in last week’s paper, we deem it un~ necessary tn say anything further except that the. deceased was a much respected resident of this localit) up till a few 'ears age when the family remove to Durham. We sympathize with the bereaved fam- ily. Mr. Hilliard Armstrong has boon assisting Mr. Robert ankins for a time. VI-U-Ir' Miss Sybil Law rownco of nvar Mount. Forest, is slwnding the» Eas- tm' 'zicatinn with her parvnts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LawronI-v. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mrflaslinr and two children of Durham spent. Sunâ€" day aftornmm With Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hopkins. _ r-n ‘ “V I . Malâ€"W'osloy Nubia spvnt. am pvyn- Ing With Messrs. Max. and William errson. Mastor Crafifl‘m-d Sharpo .nf Wyl- beck is slwndmg his yucalmn _\\'Il,h his frwnd. Mastm' All”) Hopkins: A numbm' off this lilw attmulml tlw «lam'o at tlw lmnw of Mrs. .\ Nnhlo of Alwrdovn last Friday vwn- ing and PPDOI'I. :_I_g'nnd limv. _ '7‘ _ Mr. Gnflrg‘o Morton and sistor. Miss Bolla. of this lino, also lll'Olllt'l‘. Mr. Alox. Morton of Mulock. loft last 'l‘uvsday t'or lnnisfoil. Allmrta. to visit. thvix' unclo. Mr. tloorgo Mor- too. who is? Qllllt‘ ill at "".':S""t.'. ' “ "'I" I? “I III ‘- We are snrry in ropmi Mis Eli- jah Armstrong quite indisposml at Dresnnt. A “This new cross-word gown will likely lw, mostly upon spaws. GLOVE POUID DRESS GLOVE. OWNER MAY HAVE same by pmvmg prmwrty and pay- :lng for this ad. at. The (lhmnicle of- ce. 1 L08? 2-YEARâ€"0LD BLACK HEIFER. ES- capml from wvigll scales, Durham. on Saturday. lnfm'maljnn to T. I. Mv.\list4'r. thw “â€"6019. 4 161 Maslvr Chm-Ins Brawn has lav-0n qmto ill “H.“ am altaf'k m‘ [mun- munm but 1s rvvqwfrmg nu-vly. A (Our own Correspondent.) _ I’lnughing and svmling aro now Ill m'dvr. Mr. William l-‘allaiso is vngnzvd Willi Mr. W. Hzii'll‘uril fur llw spring rush. Mr. Allan Kmmmly has [mm to Toronto wlii-i'u a situation awaiils him. "M1. E. .l Hmlfmd has lt‘llh‘d his farm to IloiS mother. Wilbur". and has left m spend the mmmcr on the Anwriczm walm's. Mr. William Nelson is again col- lecting crvam fur the Hulstoin (2r0amvry. having niacin his first trip highly g“:pfiiiigtsii:i‘.\". Mr. Joseph Flirlh of' («mu is as- smtmg _Mr. 'l‘.. .Moum- for a we". mMIs; Laura \WIIImuI‘n (If I‘IIIOII!» slwnt the» llUlidilV at III-I old hum. hI_.*l'I' Mr. (I. S. IIIIIIsmIIIII' \mIIIId Up IIII svason's IIIIzz sawing wIUI Messrs. 'l‘. .l. and W. Mum-v I'I'W'Iluy. Dr. and Mrs. Stapivs «If HaIIIIVIr \Isitml his sIsII-I'. Mrs. \\'|IIIIIIuI_e, 'IN'PIIIH. :IIIII Maslvrs Him and \\ I:- lizInI FII'III «If IID\\II \I ~=III~II III Ihn same plam'. mo tonight. Norah-AVhat for? Bridm-tm- Slnuro, because she knows tomorrow would ho (no law. (Too Lu. for Classification.) Bridgvte'l‘lw missus discharged McWilliams PAGE 5. amfég

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