West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 6

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,x If» In the tirst three months Of 1925, there were 46 deaths due to indus- trial accidents in Ontario. In the same period of 192-1. there were 92 deaths. This decrease is quite ex- traordinary. esliecially when it is re- membered that the number of in- dustrial deaths in Ontario has aver- aged over 30 a month for the past several years. The value of these ‘6 lives can hardly be estimated, but the reduction. at least indi- cates that there is a little more care and thought being used by all con- cemed. The total number of accidents re- rted to the Workmen’s Compensa- ‘en Board in the first quarter of 125 was fussâ€"also a noticeable decrease from the first three months of £924 when there were “,1“ ac- cidents reported to the Board. Ac- cidents in the past three years haye cost industry in this Provmce, 1n compensation payments alone, In rhmwtat. l‘nl' Hm R. l". Amplifim' tuhn. but. if I'V L’Hl.\ tulws :u‘v usml. all may 1m c'cmtrnllml by Hm samv x'lwo- stat. With thaw tube-s and 90 “pits on tlm plato‘. a 3-vult {I lmttm'y shuulol 1w vnnlwvh-ol as was shnwn “II" III’ III» \‘I‘I‘V III‘siIahII- II‘aIuII‘s‘ if ”I“ SIHH‘IOh nn IH‘ I‘I\Q‘P is that the dual III III» CIPIIIIPIISI‘I‘ VV IIII II IUIN‘S the [IIIIII‘ ('HII m:I_V IN‘ I'IIIiIII'a ImI fur the VaI'inIIs stntimis \‘Hll an: arms. tnmml In Ilt‘aling. I"IIII~2. micv VmI get a station IUIIHI in at its maxi- mum sII-o-IIgIII. \‘OII van record this Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. S. 'l‘. asks: "Will it be worth ton in on them while the It hilo to wiml the tuning coil for or is being Operated? T v w m l'lti'a 31141in with 8 gauge mp- are too loud for my ears Allahâ€"NH. I sing such hmu “ire makns the inductam‘os too large. Mormwr. it will not out down the cadio frnqm‘ncy resistance. Aimâ€"Add other to the Collodion when it gvts (0‘0 thick. Keep it tightly covm‘ed when not in use. pér. wire in “Mar to cuf do‘wn tiw resustanco '1’" J. E. T. asks: “How can I connect up my headphones so that I can lis- Ill B. E. C. says: “I bought some col- lodion for my radio coils. but the stuff is so thick that I cannot use it. Is thm-o any way to thin it out I “HIP?" 'i'tn- l'otatinn nt' thv ctiit is cun- tri mt by a ‘xi-ini-h brass shaft. vx- uniting ttn-nngh ttn- pant-l and tho cai.:tmai°it mrv intu a Supporting bc-an'ing in the) war at tho». swt. 'I‘hn amino-chains to this winding an- maitv thrnngh "t‘Xiblt' trails. 'l‘tw second- 11') ('HH should he thl't‘t.'“y he'low thi- tirktm' :inrt shuntut i'o-st. mm mm» adjustnm.» stipiim't. so» that. ”w dis. tancn hPIMv't't‘tl “SP” and thn tick- ler may tm ri-gntnti-«t. 't‘tw itvtails arr stmwn in t'igin'v 3. Tim itvtaits «it tho panvt arrangv- mi'nt art'- h‘t't tn ttw tasiv of ”It' iii- diviihmt vxnm-inwnti-r. It. is sug- gestmt. hnwmvr. that. tho gi-nm'nl ar- rangvmi-nt. stnm'n in Fignrv 3 tw t'nt- lowmt as it is Q'Spi'tfitllly ni'm'ssary in this l't‘t't‘tVt‘l'. [O kt‘t‘l) thv comm“?- tions as ~ihnl't as pussihh'. AIS“, it is aitvisahlu tn kt‘t'p ttw tllthlt'talH‘PS well snparatmt. Thu tunmt platn criil should [)0 twin, away from tho 8m" ondan'y amt stmutit tw turnnt sn that. it is in a plum at right. anglvs to tho ptanv 0! “iv siwmdai'y. It is ai‘tvisahli- tn nsv a sviiai'ntv â€"â€"â€" '-- vw --- “cw--- later. This core should be 11»: i’hc’fiés' Mg, and the wind- ing should be spaced between turns as it was on the‘ other coils. ‘ The tickler coil rotates in the grid end of the second- ary inductance. It consists of 20 turns of 24 gauge cop- per wire yvound o‘n a_c_a_rdbeard tube 214 inches in diam- PAGE 6. (Copyright, 19.. ",4 by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) lll‘t‘ .‘;.'(L£R DIAL rILAMz/vr .'.‘. E AMPl IFIE'R PORTY-SIX LESS v via-7‘ Logging Superdyne Receiver RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS P! 4 T 8' “€me cows/wen CONDENSER \ (Part Three) By R. M. SHERRILL a so‘paruto‘ FIlAMEN 7: OF atrtcrop 4am Afanpuncp (Radio Engineer) A sergeant in the British Army, accordingwo Punch, once lost his temper at a particularly awkward recruit. average of over six million dollars each year and. in this manner. have added to the tax burden that the Province must face. Compensation losses offer one point of attack in the word to lower costs. Accident prevention makes greater returns to the employee whose life or limb is saved than to the employer whose compensation costs are reduced. "Never approach the ’osses from be’ind without speaking to ”em! he roared. “If you do, that thick 'ead _of young?“ 3e}. so_ kicked we shan't ’avé nothing but [am kisses: iiiâ€"“tic; stable.” How sweet it is to watch a know- it-all sweating over a seven ietter word meaning something. Ansâ€"Sometimes this is caused by the metal armature touching nne 0! the pole-pieces. If this is the case. the noise may be stopped by bending nne or the supports of the arma- ture until it. stands in the centre of the space between the pole-pieces. Ans.â€"â€"Try connecting your head- phnnvs in sprivs with a V.» megohm grid luak to tho same terminals that inI‘ntP your loud speaker. It. is tmm‘t'vssm'y tn shinht this rmmiwr untvss Ult'l't‘ is a strung intnrt'mw'm'u from local stations. It is “'0”. httWPVo‘l'. t0 sot. the swarm]- zu-y hack t'mm ttw pannl by sovm'al imehvs tn avoid tho utt‘vct, nt‘ hmly- rznpat'ity in tuning with tho ticklpr. ton in on them while the lnud Speak- m' is being Operatod? 'l‘hP. signals arv tnn loud for my ears when the phonvs arp connected in with the slivaknr." ' B. M. S. says: “My Baldwin head- svt. rattles badly when loud signals are coming in. Is there any way imwhicll I can swp _t.h‘is trouble?” sm-nnclm-y is ('nmplvtvly in rosonance \\'|Hl Hm plain run-ml anal tlm 05ml- lamm vllmlnatm'l. «lial romling and uso it. in getting tho sumo station again at any othor tunr. 'l‘his talilu'ation is very con- stant and will not. rhango. own it tho :wriul is rhanm-tl. or if tho rrroiwr f.~: niox'ml to a dim-rout, lot-alion. 'l‘hr tuning.r of tho Supt-rilyno may siwlll ratlwr hard and rritiral at. tirst. hut such is not, tho case if this ono dial is raliliraiml unzl propt-rly usml. 'l‘ho Illt‘lllflll of tuning is as l'ollows: Look on your calibration rhurt :uul timl tho dial sotting for tho station you want. to hoar. Sot. your plain rom’lrnsor at, this Prad- ing and tuno tho sot-ondary to roso- nanro by its ('tllltlt‘IlSt‘l'. (Tho soc- onclary romlonsor will usually be within a tow «lial divisions of tho ralihratml dial rmuling. at reso- nanro.‘ ' As llw svcnmlax'y (‘ircnil ap. m'nzu'hvs rvsnnalm'v. tlw R. F. ampli- lim- lnlw will pI'nhahly start. to as. ('illatn. aml in-tllis ('asv tho holder is sluwl)‘ llll'm‘wl in tlm c‘lil'm'tion whirl: stuns llu- cvsrillatinn. Con- linnv llwsv adjustmonts until tho For the Sake of the Horses _cou. 5 SET 8» CK FROM pawn. TO AVOID 000% CADACITY BLOCK r0 40.1057 0’s rune: "‘Th'EF/V SECONDARY ._ “Wu. 5‘? ‘JAC’! TICKLER SE C ONDARY PmM A 0y SUPERDYNE FIGURE 3 CA1. 1894 75 THIS 0/4; F00 WA VELENGTHJ County Magistrate A. E. McNah, who has been under medical care for some time for high blood pres- sure and accompanying complica- tions, has been advised that a com- plete cessation from his official du- ties for several months is necessary to secure his restoration to health. As a consequence, he is being grant» ed a vacation by the Attorneyâ€"Gen- eral’s Department, and a man to ten:- porarily take over. his magistenhl duties will he appomted by the De- partment. . The first Hitish family to come to, and on this‘gâ€"r'réfiifd; (Sank-71.1536 that the ' did not come under the ruling o the Act. County Magistrate McNab, who reserved judgment after hearing evi- dence on three charges of violating the Egg Grading Act preferred against Hiscox and Mann. general merchants of Teeswater, will with- hold his decision until after the Sn- preme Court has passed on an ap- peal from a conviction rendered in a similar case and which will come before it on April 22nd. The ac- cused merchants claimed at their trial last week that they were mere- ly acting as local agents or buyers for Lohlaw’s chain stores in Toron- WALKER’I‘ON Walkerlon held its first 1925 la- crosse practice on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Mr. \Villitams. Presbyterian master at Riversdale, was turning into Mr. J. Lee's gale near .that vil- lage. on Tuesday night. in his Ford utmpe. when another coupe. driven by, a Durham man, banged into him. The side of Mr. Williams car was badly dingrd. the running board be- ing smashed and the axle bent. The Durham coupe, which was a brand new car, sustained little damage. _ 'I‘hn n:s:.-.-_-9 n-_ I I . , ,__-_---‘-\. ouvvl‘.’ I‘ulllua‘l- The Citizens” Band let the contract for supplying the new band uni- forms on Monday night. There were a number of tenders received, four from town and several from outside firms, the successful tenderer being Mr. W. H. McBurney. who will re- ceive $930 {or 31 uniforms. linspin Scott of ()i'angcvillv was :‘lvi'iwi PI‘PSidPlit Hf UMP Ontario .\Il]lti‘lll' Lacrussu Association by ncclnniatinn. Mr. R. Winivi'. inspector of Pub- lie Win-ks. 'l‘nmntu. was in tuwn 0n 'l‘lli-sdzly going (Wow the [Mist office imilolin". which, as a result, is to re- vviw :i frush coat of paint and uther inipnfiwvniniils. Fi'anvis Lehman. :in old resident of the town. dim Munday morning in his 74H]_)'(‘ill'. Interment was made at homlworth. “l'gflllilfllitfll is a (-rm'lit, to the band- masto'r and tlw tnwn and would do (-I'mlit It) placc-s much larger than Urangvvfllo. Presented With Baton At. Friday night’s practice. mem- bers Hf the U‘uugeville (Jilizeus’ Baud presenteiil Bandmaster Russell Murruw with a valuable silver mounted eumluetor‘s hatuu us a mark of their il[)[_)l'(_‘(.‘lall011 of his wees. .‘vi'. Mm'rim' has built. lip u ham! nl‘ :ihuui thirty members. The MOUNT FOREST Mount Forest Horticultural Socie- ty met Tuesday evening of last week, when a very\ interesting re- port of the recent Ontario convention in Toronto was given by Mr. How- ard Skales. The society has a mem~ bershigof 180. EU )ll .\ Old Hen Mothers Three Tiny Pigs For ammo limo wondoi's haw liven Importml from various parts of tho munti'y. but no l'l‘pnl'l has yet told of a hon going into the hog-r: ising liusinoss. ()n om- ol' tho (‘oltlest nights during tho l'l't't‘lll. cold snap, a young l'ai'mor noal' Motz l'onnd throo young pigs had hoon addod to his stock. Ho placvd them in a ho): noai' “ll' stow. \V-hon it came. hod- limv, ho ti'ansl'm'lwl the little pigs tn :1 small kog linod with old rags. From his hon houso. ho SL‘Clll'ml a nu‘ithm'ly old hop and placed her on tho top of tho littlo pigs. The wood ”1’“ wont. out during the night. and lhr l-illt'llt‘n was cold in tho morning, but tho little- pigs \Vl'l’t.‘ comfortable honoath the- old hon who had as- sumed ontiro charge 01' the situation. Slu- was as mutontod as could be, with a small hoad poking out from undm- varh wing. Sho continual in nightly chargo 0f hoi' wards until tho woatlwi' modoi'atod. and they won» rotui'nod to their own proper pat-out. News of Nearby Towns For Breaking Quarantine A party in Arthur Township was up here before Police Magistrate Scott of Mooretield on Friday last. charged with mingling with the public while under quarantine for scarlet fever to which he pleaded guilty, and as the penalty for this is :1 heavy one. and this being the first time a prosecution had been made, the Township Board of Health did nut, press for a line. but, the matter was arranged by the party agree- ing to pay all costs. including the expenses of quarantine. amounting in all to something like $20.00. Pee- He should rememl’wr tlml it. is a serious matter to disregard quar- Eti‘lllll‘ or to \‘ielale any set-thin oi the Public Health Act. Interesting News of Country Round- about as Cleaned From Our Ex- changes. On Thursday. while rolling legs with a canthook at Murphy’s saw- mill, Stcwart Cummings slipped on some ice and fell, breaking his leg above the. ankle. Both bones were fractured. This is the second time that leg has been broken. and the nthei- leg was broken oncct so that Stewart has been peculiarly unfor- tunate in this respect. He has sut- ferml severe pain since his recent. accident. GRAND VALLEY URANGEVILLE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE This spooial orlition contains an interesting history of tho growth and promos: of this lug: hnsinoss from its: inooption in a small \\a_\ in 187.). C. G. Conn. its fmlndor. is still assoâ€" oiatotl \\ ith tho liiisinoss .though now about. 80 \oai‘s ol' ago. His photo- graph. “ith thoso of Oiht‘l‘ ot‘fiooia of tho oompzmy. occupy a plaoo on tho first. “ago. 'l‘ho oovor carrios il- lustrations showing: tho i‘omai'kahlo mmwth in tho fnotnrios (luring tho l'ialf-contm‘x'. Thoro aro nnmorons photos of Conn instrumont nsors of nrominonoo and a group hoadod. “Eminont. Bandmastoi‘s who ondorso Conn instrnmonts." oontains a good niotnro of our own J. T. Park. with tho following: noto: “Josoph 'l‘. Park of Dnndalk. Ontario. Canada. was handmastor of tho 222nrl Rogimental Band of Winnipog which wont. over- soas in 1916 and was lator appointed handmastor of tho 19th Rosorvo. Band in England. Throo sons and a daugh- tor now play profossionallyâ€"and the whole family nsos Conns." ‘The Kerr shield, debating trophy, contested for by ten of the Univer- sities and Colleges of Toronto, was won this year by McMaster Univer- sity, and comes back to her halls af- ter an absence of nine years. Dur- Hanover Hospital Board requests a grant of $1.000 from the Town Council. owing to the fact that it has had a rather slim year. The chairman of the Public Utilities Commission wants $2,500 for water- works extensions. W. D. Mvrcor showrd in his store last. Friday a rarn flmwr in this nar- tlwrn rlimalrâ€"a hana hlnnm sent. through lhn mail by Mrs. Mnrror’s mothrr and sistm‘. Mrs. \Vflvlin and danglilm'. of 0mm Sound. who spoilt. tlm winter at. St. Prlnrslmrfl. Florida. Tho flnwnr is a. (lull rnddish shade with nnmnrmis polals and vary largo. Tho hud is nnarly as long as an or- dinary rrirnrnh. The Board of Trade is making plans for its annual banquet to he held soon. 'V "I “U‘ ‘rv.‘ CW" ‘ . auw "5 U--- V P. R. in the persons of Mr. John D. Watt, wife and two children from Aberdeenshire. Scotland, they going to a farm between Glamis and Tiv- erton 0n the boundary. After communicating with many of the surrounding towns and vil- lages, the local Retail Merchants’ Association has decided to observe Thursday afternoon as their weekly half-holiday from May lst to Octo- ber 1st. This is the day that Walk- erton has been observing for some years, and'we understand most of the surrounding places are falling into line and will observe the same. day. However. this year there will he the half-holiday on Thhrsday, irresl‘wctive of-whether a Statutory holiday falls within the same week or not. As a consequence. Dominion Daly. which falls on a Wednesday. wil be. Observed. as will also the next Thursday afternmm. the two coming with one week. Cluu'lvs Mvfionnoll. a fnrmor we’ll- knmvn rvsu’lont. of Dumlalk. dwd 1n 'l‘m'nnjn gm April 6th In his Bist ynar. Tho March nllmhm‘ Hf Musical Truth. publishnd by C. G. Conn. LUL of Elkhart, Indiana. mark: the {mmâ€" on .iuhilno nf that. Wall-known firm of band instrumnnt manufacturers. into Bruce Count) under the terms of the Empire Settlement Act, late- ly enactedp between the British and Canadian Governments. arrix ed in WaikentonJlast Friday night bv_C. Military vquipmnnt and Homing belonging to D (fkympany of thv Bruce Rf‘gimont has boon disappearing quite. regularly from ”10 Chosloy an mut'ios l'm' thv past. fnw wars. and as a l‘d'SllH. Major Davisml. 0 C. of Hm Cumpany. has rm mnm- than one occasion hnnn fnrcml to whack up, a (mnsidm‘nblv sum of mmwy tn the Dognlrtmvnt 0f Militia, and Dnl'vnvn in makv gum] tlu- :lvtirinncies. CHESLEY The mum“ is having tro’uble in arriving at, a unanimous docision as to who shall [)0 the nnxt nightâ€" watchman in town. Tho laiI‘st Ill'iiI‘iI‘h‘ in find ”N‘ii‘ 3333' from ”W Iii'nifli‘iI'S 33'I‘I'II i\\'I) III-II-l'lnfivlri I'iilIIs. and as it, costs the MIIjOI" I'III‘IIIIIII $70 to I‘III3' fIII' 80mp- OilI‘ I‘lSI‘S allillvl‘3 , iII‘ Iith‘I‘iI‘d (0 this IIInIiIIIIal draw on his iinancos 33itiI tho Insult IlIIII. Oil TUI‘SIia) of this “0013'. a CIII‘DOIai of tho Royal Canadian MIIIIntoIi pnliII‘ 33as husv in I [IIISII‘Y iI3' ”III in lOI‘fliI‘ tho missâ€" ing fiI‘I‘-illmS \\ I‘ III'I- not in a pos. iiinII in staid just. what tho results of his soarch {ImmlniI‘d II). but. it’s a safe hot. that. DilfI‘i'I‘i‘S of military I‘Qliipml’nt flI'I‘ going to got into sm'inus iI'OllhlI’ if i’hI‘} dmIi quit th‘il‘ taking 33'II3's DI 'NDALK HANOVER ' the season, MU get and defeated W Trinity College. ““3 icine. the 393'“ b ‘Yin‘n ative of th 7 “That the future well bemg of Can- ada depends mor understanding and nomic laws than of . Clyde has lwn elected prosment of tho McMastm- Debating Union for next year. ‘----n IllnIRl) flflllf‘th’l‘ ’J‘urunm .In Niagara fallsâ€"All m good conditmn. Road across Bur- lmgtun Bnach 0pm for traffic. Niagara Falls to Fort Brimâ€"Road open. 1V1- A report on roadway conditions alung the main travelled highways of the Province has been pmparm by tlw (mlm'io Mull)!“ Leagtw. a» ft ll lows: Niagara Falls is Dntmfiâ€"J'ia Dunnvillu, .!:u'\'i.-. 'i'illsommx", and St. 'l_‘hun1asâ€"â€"â€"upen throughout. ('_‘.1w)plnâ€"(,io Via Dundas Street. to ()Iupplsou’s Unmvrs, thvn nann. (inglph-Uwvn S0undâ€"~Ruad in good condltlon. Guelph, Harristpn and Kincurdinn ~011le fur nmturnur. (iuolph, I‘llmim. Listowel and “'inghamâ€"Rond olwn. Hamilton to (ialt, Kitchonor. Strai- I'om and (iodm'ichâ€"Jmon through- “out. Stratford to Sarinaâ€"Road open. Hamilton to Caledonia, Jarvis and Simeonâ€"4n good condition for mo- tm‘ing.__ _ n n '\ A ~Hainilfinn to London and Detroitâ€"- ()pgn‘ Via Chutham and $313113. .. .Yungv Strovt-flpeil to UI‘iHia. East. sudu of Slmcou own to _B«jgl_\'fj1‘l0p. ()rillia. Coldafier and Midland-â€" Oman for trgvel._ Kingston Roadâ€"0pm) to Quebec boundary. Sufi. Spots. may occur be. tween Bowmam'illo and Port Hopev while frost is coming nut of the- a-.. 0'" Hanover customs $168,284.94 during ending March 31, 19 $14,114.07 ovor tlm 1 'l‘omnto' to Hamiltunâ€"Lakq, Sham Rnad and Dundas Highway In good mnditinn. Concise Road Report‘ Prepared by Ontario later League. r custums house collected l during the fiscal year chh 31, 1925, an increase of ovor tlm preveding year. to Niagara FallsaAll in tum. Road across Bur- Peterhoroâ€"l‘num \ in \\ Dale. and north from I'm: Cooksvillo. Brampton. Orangevillo and ”\wn >1 throughout. Soft, s; u .2 ~ worth. Markhamvannmh' It. throughout. Danfm'th \ end of pawnwnt. "IN-mi 1" until July 1st. For Mum 10W Yonge Sh‘m't. tn 1.:1! m east or north on Yum»- Langstan‘. and vast ”mm; villa and I’xhridgu. Vaughan Roadâ€"“pun m Barrio to (bilinguwui :1 Soundâ€"Road opon. Whitby-Lindsay H; out. Cars alsu gum: Bobcaygeon. \Vestnn Huadâ€"Inu and 'Fotto'enham. Wm w . __" 4411;. W while m Engl;11.¢, I Mid Wu uoop’y 01:1 twu m 5-,,” we booklet! women s an mom- ‘ ; “a”. “m “id! l W to lend. l v..-.: “'m.'.;]\~ m ”tun from {EFF \‘.‘<.r:.:.71 a' '5‘: aboutthe Vegetable (Jazmuma ~ Ottawaâ€"4m Via Ki! Prescott and nun-1h. W9 NOV. SWtia. '" “I am a m m and have recommmaeé unity , w E. Pinkham 8 VQgclabk‘ Hm w m m, women wnh “fire I!” (0 women Whu need a ’. an English and my hUS‘hz‘ .1: Lucian. and In; told me Mr 144;}: W while In Englzuh, 1 “Wald Q‘L- A AA--- A- ‘Ilv. ('f .10. a. I. Willing to An,“ W from Women AM M L’dh E. Pinkham’. VWIB Compound WV 8. I. Gow'im, 24 13m,.,,:\. 5. WHO“ Scotia. " Md Nat Sleep I\(’_"""ts ”Ohm Ontario.â€"“I \‘.'.'; .v . ”sum, with pains and L»; ~ eon! not sleep nights. 1 2‘ :..-: ' . Lydil E. Pinkham's Ev; . ,. pound by reading the ,..~< newspapers and trmd i-‘I . togetbetter. lhaw; '. from it and I feel a In? .- Mt “OHM Wit-h SUM ‘- II I used to be and 2;? I‘ll! mining in “(Eight 1'1. 1 [tell my friends what ‘1» ,. . I am takinc. You rr..-. as a hell) (.0 vibe" RACHO. Box 12. Dubm. . . 3‘ THIS HALIFAX NURSE Ln '. April 16, 1925' ll Iruuuho and 1N ll ”I [ll I] ll '1 Dock mu [‘0 .‘Iflilial .‘Vm‘kd'l's' I" ‘l‘l‘day cqu'! 03' clam I’ill.‘ \M' ngflmvm , lorul 9 four Ilwl . feiy dun“ '? inking ”Iv “mm-d. _ 'l'hndvathc mmnlannm 9 law and I‘nuuhuut l' 1):!zaals and. mun-.- pm in] (hm-mmw [Dl'vs'slnll Hm 1'0" “would Dlltl'Hl «of .1.” “WHY lm~ Hm! disalmsvd." \I : Slwaknm :n innfluoilm, lu-n; ay. HM' Inn-1 making a 1: up! ll‘l‘ hm nu ma “I'm” l'|||\"!‘.‘ fPIMMI ”MIMI! ondvav llshmvl hum" 1' NH 1; h“) Ht'l INN-n In hOSI'HTtI. mmdit IH' Six mun \\ roundvd 1?. be She ll ' l at immmtu; Ive Ilw \..- A remnant he lilm'ul l“ iflcn mu \I' own of _\.-n he 0“} HI [my \‘Isll-‘z uldlllfl .‘Hlllr Ill'l'l’d. l'vsll light. vuwuit Threw Hm:- Vfil‘fl killwi eriuusly u... filQSifl. HH‘HI ”(is «of mop. I.“ Events as Told h Him for B c Readers Brim alooxm il. i~‘ I'M in ”I“ l of [mu ()rmnm Shaw . thd'llh' Allsh'nl 0f 53” “w I'H (‘HP mm“. m simwd \‘c Cmflma orvd um ties. who hm from h Is yesh'rclay (A) Millh'll EISU'I'J it 2‘ was arm! Gwvrgn. Th" ‘id‘fl Jmu at .\":i occasion u? 0‘19? 88"“!!! was {minim} lem. “as :I ‘ quantum} ; ill which H Bankim: w» the annnunsw Ministry u‘.‘ I the camznl . Bunk. foundr- ln tho) FiXIII' Um Mlakvh, he entnlstml 1 uominutod |»_\ _Donnld \I- LondJn ru- . afler m tho each '0 EMMA: vice for 3 ~; guitar I shim m m III'H; m 91901011. in. m MPH. I mm will Inu- Whvl‘xhl' m .8 (‘umvw twelvaa In I.» “n .t “IN 9'“ annmnu World News At A Glam Thursd : j. AI! “airman: NH In real}! t~ “0600“ S Pl] HI Hill Thursday 8'1"“ 3 mun Khala umllal manna stat ll Oll "I \\ 16

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