West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 7

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In the first three months 0! 1925, there were 46 deaths due to indus- trial accidents in Ontario. In the. same period of 1921. there were 92 deaths. This decrease. is quite ex- traordinary. eslrecially when it is re- membered that the number of in- dustrial deaths in Ontario has aver- aged over 30 a month for the past several years. The value of these 46 lives can hardly be estimated, but. the reduction. at least indi- cates that there. is a little more care and thought being used by all can- The total number of accidents re- sorted to the kamen’s Compensa- ‘on Board in the first quarter of m was 12,655â€"also a noticeable We from the first three months of 1924 when there were HAM ac- cidents reported to the Board. Ae- ‘HEIP in 9'0 NEW?!) you: have rhmwmt fm' Hm R. l". Amplifier who. but. if I'V L’MA tutu-s :u‘o- uswl. all mm hn « nnhnllml In Hm sum» rhmâ€" stat. \\ ith thaw tutu-s and 90 “ms on Hm platen a 3-vult d1 hzttmv should lw («unwind as “as Sh”\\n in Hump I. “II“ III HIP wm III‘SII'IIIIII‘ fl‘aIUlI'S 0f IIII- SIIIII-I-IIV nnI I'M viwr is that the dIaI III HIP COINII‘IISI‘I‘ “IIIt'Il tllHI‘S tho [IIEIII‘ I'IIil mm III» ('ilIIIIl'MNI for "10 \ariIIIIs stations )0" an: aCHIS- 10mm III III'aI'ing. 'I‘IIIIS OIICP \IIII get a station IIIIII-II III at MS maxi- mum SII'PIIgIh. VOII can record Ihis Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. S. 'l‘. asks: ”Will it. ho worth ten in on_ them while the I! while to wmoi tluytumng cm! for or is bmng Operated? T my I lira Audion With 8 gauge cop- are too loud for my ears pen wire in Hrdo‘l' to cut, down tho phonos are connected in resmtam‘v?" snoakm'.” ' cost industry in this Province in' compensation payments done, In Auxâ€"Nu. ['33ng such heavy wire :13sz tlw imluctam'os too large. Mormwm'. it will not cut down the tadio fromwncy resistance. Ans.-â€"Add other tn the Collodion whom it gvts tO‘O thick. Kemp it tightly covm'ed when not in "so. J. E. 'l'. asks: “How can I connect up my headphones so that I can lis- R. E. 13. says: “I bought some col- tmtinn for my radio mils. but the stuff is so thick that I cannot use it. Is ”1011‘ any way to thin it out I little?” 'i'hn rotatiun of film owil is com- lro ml by a P's-Enrh brass shaft csx- mam Hmmgh Hm pane-l and tho cayzshnal'd mm- mm a supporting bearing in W? war of the svl. Thn conzu-ctinns to this winding are mad» thruugh llvxihlv Ivacls. 'l'lw wound- 31'} (mil shuul.|_lw «lire-t'tly bo-low {hr tirkh'r and shnulnl rust. (m some Idjllstt'lhh' summit su tlmt. Hu- dis. tam'v botwvvn itsvlf and tho! tick- ler may hn I'vguluh-d. 'l‘!w clvtails an- shown in Figuro- 3. Thu «It-tails Hf tho- palm] art'ungv- Inc-n! aro- M‘t tn Uw izuh- of ttw in~ diviohml o-xpvrimvntvr. It, is sug- gestml. hnwvwx‘. that ttw gmwml ar- mngvmvnt. shnwn in Figure 3 lw f0!- lowwt as it is nape-mally necessary in this rm'vivm'. tn km-p tlw cunnvc- tions as dhnrt as pussihlv. AIS”, it. is advisahln to lump tho» imhwtancns well so‘paratml. 'l‘hu tum-d plat» coil should ho- knpt away from thn SN" ondm-y amt should he- turnml SI) that. it is in n plann at right. angina to tho plant“ 0f ttw sommdary. The tickler coil rotates in the grid end of the second- ary inductance. It consists of 20 turns of 24 gauge cop- per wire wound on a cardboard tube 214 inches in diam- eter. This core should be 1’2: inches long, and the wind- ing should be spaced between turns as it was on the' other coils. ‘ PAGE 6. It. is advisable» tn 11.80 a Sl'pal'élh‘ (Copyright, 19 ",4 by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) F’LAMENT .'.‘. F. AMP: It/[g PORTY-SIX LESS v '1’!" Logging Superdyne Receiver RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SECONDARY ' (0’90:qu CONDENSER \ (Part Three) By R. M. SHERRILL ”(Mew r: o; atrtcrop 4m: 4!? 4MPIIFIER (Radio Engineer) PZATE' average of over. six million dollars each year and. in this manner. have added to the tax burden that the Province must face. Compensation losses offer one point of attack in the efl'ord to lower costs. Accident prevention makes greater returns to the employee whose life or limb is saved than to the employer whose compensation costs are reduced. A sergeant in the British Army, according to Punch, once lost his temper at a particularly awkward recruit. “Never approach the ’osses from be’ind without speaking to 'em! he roared. “If you do, that thick ’eed of yours’ll get so kicked we shan’t ’ave nothing but lame ’osaes in the stable.” Auxâ€"Try connecting your head- phmws in snrips with a 1",! megohm grid luak t0 the same tPrminalS that npm‘ntl‘ your loud speaker. Ansâ€"Sometimes this is caused by the metal armature touching One 0! the pole-pieces. If this is the case. the. noise may he stopped by bending nm‘ 0f the supports of the arma- ture until it stands in the centre of the Space between the pole-pieces. How sweet it. is to watch a it-all sweating over a seven word moaning something; . SN'Hlultll'y is I-IImIIlII-tvly in resonance with Hil' III‘aiI- IIiI-I-Iiii and “III oscil- laiiIIII «Ilin‘IiImti’IIl. H. is IIIIIIIIIIIIssaI'y tn shield this I'IIIIIIiVI-i' IIIIIIIss “mm is {l strong iIilIIIIi‘III'IInIriI from local stations. It. is \VIIII. hnchvoII'. to sot the SIICIIIIIL am back from tho [)anPl by smm‘al inclws in :iVIIid Hm (Iii',IIct of bin!)- I-zipaI itx in tuning with thI ticklor. lm nut. lnsv pativm-u with this r0- wiwr hnczmsn it (loos not. work llw first timv you try it out. Give ymnr- svlf tinm t0 hN'Omn WP“ acquaint-0d with thiavircnit and its tuning. as tho x'osults nhtainabln with the Su- pordynn arn worth this MTort. ten .in on. them while the Mud speak- m- IS bomg (wormed? The Signals are too loud for my ears when the phonns are connected in with the slwaker.” ' B. M. S. says: “My Baldwin head- svt rattles badly when loud signal’s am coming in. Is there any way in‘whicq I can StOp _th_is trouble?” dial romling and use it. in getting tim sunw statinn again at any 0thvr timv. 'l‘his calibration] is wry con- stant and will not chanm‘. own if the :wrinl is t‘llalllfl'tl. 01' if thu l'mmivm‘ 5;: nmwol in a .litl'm-vnt lncatiun. The» tuning nt‘ tlw Supi'rtlyno may «win i-allu-r haul and critical at. first. but such is nut the cam» if this niw dial is; i-aliln'atml 2111.11 pmpm'ly usml. 'l‘lm motliml nt' tuning is as l'nllnws: Lnnk on yum‘ calibration t'lllll‘l :tml liml tll’w dial sntting for tlw statinn yuu want. tn lwar. Sat yuur plain mmlvnsm' at, this road- ing anal tunu tho somndary to rnsn- nzmcv by its (’mltlt'llSt‘l'. (Tim SPC- nmlzu'y ('mulvnsm' will usually hn within a fow dial divisions uf tho rulitn-ato-cl dial reading. at reso- nnnm'.‘ As tlw svcmulax-y circuit, ap. w'rmt-hm I'vsunzlm'n. tlw R. I". ampli- Iio-r tutn- will pmhahly start. to 03. ('illatv. anal ill-this cusp. tlm ticklm' is slnwly turnml in tlm «lirm'tion whirl: stops tlw ”svillatinn. Con- timw tlwsv adjustmmlts until tho far the Sake of the Horses .6011. s .957 8A cn FROM DANEL TO AVOID 800w capncrri’ thvsb adjustmnnts” until the Bl OCH 7'0 40JUST DIS TMCE " ‘rwe‘ay Sicaszmr _ Tim“ f? “‘IACK TICKLt’R SE C ONDARY moan/my SUPER DYNE CA1. 181M715 Tms 014; FOR wA VELEIVGTHJ' FIGURE 3 County Magistrate A. E. McNab, who has been under medical care for some time for high blood pres- sure and accompanying complica- tions, has been advised that a com- plete cessation from his official du- ties for several months is necessary to secure his restoration to health. As a consequence, he is being grant- ed a vacation by the Attorney-Gen- eral’s Department, and a man to tem- porarily take over his magisterihl a similar case and which will come before it on April 22nd. The ac. cused merchants claimed at their trial last week that they were mere- ly‘ acting as local agents or buyers for Laplaw’spllain stores in Toron- to, and on this éi‘éfiifdg éb‘niéfiaé'd that the did not. come under the ruling o the Act. u; “IIIIUL 1110. County Magistrate McNab, who reserved judgment after hearing evi- dence on three charges of violating the Egg Grading Act preferred against Hiscox and Mann, general merchants of Teeswater, will with- hold his decision until after the Sn- preme Court has passed on an ap- peal from a conviction rendered in Rev. Mr. Williams, Presbyterian naslor at Riversdale, was turning into Mr. J. Lee’s gate near that vil- lage on Tuesday night in his Ford coupe. when another coupe, driven by, :1 Durham man, banged into him. The side of Mr. William’s car was badly dingcd, the running board be- ing smashed and the axle hen-t. The Durham coupe, which was a brand new car, sustained little damage. The Citizens’ Band let the contract for supplying the new band uni- forms on Monday night. There were a number of tenders received, four from town and several from outside firms, the successful tenderer being Mr. W. H. McBurney, who will re- ceive $930 {or 31 uniforms. Huspin SH)“. 01' Uraugcvillv was t'lm'h'd Prvsidvnt nf tho Ontario Amutmn- Lam-ussu Association by acclamatinn. Mr. R. \V'iunlmu inspvctm' of Pub- lic \\'nrks. 'l‘cn'nnlu. was in town on 'l'uvsdny going mm" the past, office building. whivh, as a result, is to re- ('0in u t‘rvsh coat of paint and other impmwmonts. Francis Lvhman, an old resident of “w town, dim] Monday mt‘n'ninng in his 74th_ ymu'. Interment was made at homlworth. W A LKERTON Walkm‘ton held its first 1925 la- crosse practice on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Mr. Williams, Presbyterian l\nu‘nn n‘ MOUNT FOREST Mount Forest Horticultural Socie- ty met Tuesday evening of last week, when a very: interesting re- port of the recent Ontario convention in Toronto was given by Mr. How- nrd Skales. The society has a. mem- bershi_p_of 180. a young t'ormor noai' Motz t'ound tln'oo young pigs lltltl hoon added to his stock. Ho placed them in a box now tho stow. \Vhon it came. hod- timo, llt' ti'anst'oi'i'ml the little pigs to a small kog linml with old rags. From his hon lionso. ho soonrmt a mothoi-ly ohl two and placed her on tho top of thr- littlo pigs. The wood lll‘t‘ wont. out, during the night. and tilt lillcllt'tl was cold in tho morning, but. lllt‘ “(“0 pigs wm'o comfortable honoath ttn- oht hon who had asâ€" snnml ontii'v charm of the situation. Sho was as ('Hntontt‘d as could be, with a small lwad poking out from undoi' t-avh wing. Sho continued in nightly chargo of hoi' words until tho woatht-r modorntm‘l. and they worn rotui'nml to tlwii' own proper paront. News of Nearby Towns ma Interesting News of Country Round- abOnt as Gleansd From Our Bx- changes. For Breaking Quarantine A party in Arthur Township was up here before Police Magistrate Scott of Mnm'i‘éiield on Friday last. chargel'l with mingling with the public whiln under quarantine for searlet fever tn which he pleaded guilty, and as the penalty for this is a heavy one. and this being the first time a prosecution had been made, the 'l‘ownship Board of Health did nut press for a line, but. the matter was arranged by the party agree- ing tn pay all ensts. including the expenses of quarantine. amounting in all_tu something like 824*).00. Peo- grlz' should I'vnwmbm' that M. is a sc-rinus mattm' to disrvgm'd quarâ€" anmw m' tn vinlatv any sm'tinn 0! tin- Public Hvalth Act. On Thursday, while rolling logs with a canthook at Murphy’s saw- mill, Stewart Cummings slipped on some ice and fell, breaking his leg above the ankle. Both bones were fractured. This is the. second time that leg has been broken, and the other leg was broken once. so that Stewart has been peculiarly unfor- tunate in this respect. He has suf- fered severe pain since his recent accident. FLOR \ Old Hen Mothers Three Tiny Pigs l‘III' sum” limI‘ “whims haw. 110011 1‘°I°[III1tI°Il II°IIIII \le'iIHIS parts of the I°°IIIIIIII\.II11L 11H I°IIIIII1t has vet toid III a IIIIII gIIing in!” the l1II,,°-1°°:.~'ing 1111511105.»° (In 0114' III ”III (‘UII last nights Ihnfing UH‘ 1I~II°11t cold snap, â€"y _â€"v'_ will be appoinwd by the De- Ln I GRAND VALLEY ()RA MilflVlLLE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 'l‘his spooial odition contains an interesting history of tho growth and rmurross of this hit: hnsinoss fl om its inooplion in a small \\a\' in 187». C. G. Conn. its foundor. is still assoâ€" oiatod \\ ith tho hnsinoss .thongh now about. 80 \oars ol' ago. His photoâ€" graph. “ith thoso of othor offioois of tho company. ownm a placo on tho first. “ago. Tho (‘OVt‘l‘ carrios il- lustrations showing tho roman-kahlo ai'w‘iwth in tho factorios (luring tho half-conttnflv. 'l‘horo aro nnmorons photos of Conn instrumont nsors of nrominonoo and a group hoadod. “Emint‘nt. Ranclmastors who omlorso Conn instrnmonts.” oontains a good nictnro of our own J. 'l‘. Park. with tho following noto: “Josonh T. Park of Dnndalk. Ontario. Canada. was handmastor of tho 22‘2ml Rogimontal Band of Winnipog which wont. over- soas in 1916 and was lator appointed handmastor of tho 19th Rosorvo Band in England. Throo sons and a daugh- ter now plav profossionallvâ€"and the whole family usos Coons.” The Kerr shield, debating tronhy, contested for by ten of the Univer- sities and Colleges of Toronto, was won this year by McMaster Univer- sity, and comes back to her halls af- ter an absence of nine years. Dur- HANOVER Hanover Hospital Board requests a grant of $1,000 from the Town Council, owing to the fact that it has had a rather slim year. The chairman of the Public Utilities Commission wants.$2,500 for water- works extensions. W. D. Morcor sho“ ed" in his store last Friday a raro flowor in this nor- thern rlimatoâ€"a hana hloom sent. through lho mail by Mrs. Morcor‘s mothor and sistor. Mrs. \V‘Vlil‘ and «laughlor. of Owon Sound. who spout tho winlor at St. Polorslmrfl. Florida. Tho flowor is a dull roddish Shade with humorous 'polals and wry largo. Tho. bud is noarly as long as an or- dinary oorncoh. into Bruce County under the‘ terms of the Empire Settlement Act, late- ly enacted between the British and Canadian Governments, Oarrived in Walkerton last Friday night bv C. P. R. in the persons of Mr. John D. Watt, wife and two children from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, they going to a farm between Glamis and 'l‘iv- erton on the boundary. Tho March nnmhm‘ nf Musical Truth. publishnd by C. G. Conn. ”(1.. of Elkhart, Indiana. marks: the gold- on jubilen of that. wall-known firm of band instrument manufacturers. The Board of Trade is making plans for its annual banquet to be held soon. After communicating with many of the surrounding towns and vil- lages, the local Retail Merchants‘ Association has decided to observe Thursday afternoon as their weekly half-holiday from May lst to Octo- bezr ist. This is the day that Walk- erton has been observing for some years, and'we understand most of the surrounding places are falling into line and will observe the same day. However. this year there. wili be the half-holiday on Thursday, irrespective (if-whether 3 Statutory holiday falls within the same week or not. As a consequence, Dominion Da . which falls on a Wednesday. wil be Observed. as will also the next Thursday afternoon. the two (coming with one week. DI‘NDALK ' Churlvs Mvflomwll. :1 Humor wnll- known rnsulont. of Dundalk. «hm! m 'l‘m'nnjn 91) APP” 6th Ill Vlns 81st year. Military oquipmont and Nothing belonging to 1) Company of tho Bruce Regiment. has bmm disamwaring quite regularly from tho Choslvy ar- muries for ”In past. fmv years. and as u rvsult. Major Davison. () C. of thn Cnmpany, has on man» than mm 00 asion hmm fulcml to w;ha«k up. a cunsidm‘nblo sum of mnnm to the D0; zu'tmont of Militia and I) tvnm in makv gum! H10 tlf'ni‘i‘WTCiCS. The council ishavi-ng tremble in arriving at, a unanimous decision as to who shall bv the nnxt night,- watchman in WWII. 'l‘ho latost. :ll'llt‘lt‘s tn timt thoit‘ way from tho ill'mtll'lt‘S \Vt‘l't‘ twn lmo-linfiohl ritlos. and as it, costs tho Major around $70 to [my fur snmo- ono olso's artillery, ho nhjoctoil to this mntinnal (him on his t’inanoos with tho 1'0 osult that 011 Tnosdm of this wook. a minimal of tho anal Canadian Mnnntoil Pnlioo \\ as hnsv in t hosloy tming to loonto tho miss- ing firo- :n'ms. \Vo own not in a pos- ition to stain? just. what, tho rosnlts of his soarch nmnnntod tn. but it’s safo hot. that. pilt‘orors nt' military oqnipmont nro fining to got, into sorinns tmnhlo it‘ thoy don‘t. quit. thoii' taking ways. CH ESLEY ig the season, MoMaster debaters. met and defeated teams re resenting Trinity College. the Facul y of Med- icine, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons and Victoria, College. Mr. Clyde Dankert of Hanover, who is a student in history and economics at MoMaster, debated last fall against Trinity and also last week in the finals against Victoria. In the final debate, McMaster had the neg- ative of the following resolution; ”Phat the future well being of Can- ada depends more upon a thorough understanding and practice of eco- nomic laws than of christian ethics." Clyde. has ben elected president of the. McMaster Debating l’nion for next year. Nituuntu In Viagzu'u Fallsâ€"All in good condition. Road amass Bun. [1111511111 Bunch 011011 101' trailic. Hanover customs housv collected $168,284.94 during the fiscal year emling March 31, 1925, an increase of $14,114.07 over tlm proveding year. \ report on 10 idwm conditions alum; the main traxelled highways of the Prminco has been pi‘vparoa h) tiw (mlui'iu Motor Leaguv, a; fnlhiws: ‘ Huiniltun tn (EaItCKilchonor, Strat- 1'01'd and (:odvrichâ€"Jopen through- 'out. Kingstnn Roadâ€"4mm to Quebec. boundary. Sut't. Spots may occur b0- twovn Bowmzmvillp and Port, Hope while frost is coming nut, 01' the HIGHWAY CONDITIONS ' THROUGHOUT ONTARIO Concise Road Report Prepared by Ontario Motor League. 'l‘omnto In Hamiltunâ€"Lakg Show Hnad. and Dundas Highway 111 good mm’htum. Niagara Falls to Fort Erinâ€"Road open. Niagz‘n‘n j‘mla‘ H l):‘t.mf€-\'ia D111n_1\'llio, Janis. 'i‘Ellsommm and St. 'l'hunmsâ€"ulmn Hn'ougtmui. (‘iuelphâ€"(io via Dundas Strmll. to (Slumnsou‘s (lnmwrs, tlwn north. (£1101le Mun Sound-«Rum! in good condition. Guelph, Han-Piston and Kinczu'divw â€"â€".()m~n fur motnruur. Guvlph, Elmira. Listuwel and \\'_I}1gllan1-R()zz¢l mum. _ -Hamiltun tn London and Detroitâ€" (nwn via Clmtham and Sarnia. Yungv Shortâ€"(mun tn ()rillia. East. sidv of Simcoa 01mm tu an'cjrton. ()rillia. (k)ld\\'3i01° and Midland- ()me for travel. Stratfcu'd t0 Samiaâ€"Road open. Hamilton Ln (Ialedunia, Jarvis and Simoneâ€"In good condition fur mo- h’n'illg. ‘ Markhamâ€"Konnody Rozut utwn throughout. Danforth Awnuw. at end of pavomont, closed for ro-pan‘a until July tst. For Markham tut- low Yonge Strvot. to Lansing. and :0 east, or north on Yongo Strut-t to Langstafl'. and east through Stun”- villo and l'xhridgo. Vaughan Roadâ€"0pm thrmmlmut. Barrio to (Jottingwomt and ”WP“ SOlllldâ€"led open. Poterhoroâ€"lhwn Via Wolvonw mu! Dale. and north from Port, How. Cooksvillo. Brampton, Sholhmmm, Orangovillo and ()won Sound Inn-n throughout. Soft SDOLS nvar Chat». worth. W'esttm Roadâ€"Open tn Schnmlwx'x and 'I‘ottenham. “Will“-LindSaVâ€"~U]wn HIP-.0” l nut. Cars alsn gottinx Huang 1: ' Bobca) £0011. ground. carofully. Ottawaâ€"(£0 Via Kingston Rum! m Prescott and nurth. round to many women who were (31¢ end-o womenwboneedag..d appreciate u wpy 01: two of Your 43.11.. l‘a\" ' I"; Dublin, Ontario.â€"â€"“I was weak fine lat, with pains and headache» coul not sleep nights. 1 learnud - Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabir pound by reading the letters 5 newspapers and tried it becauv .. Y '3 to get better. I have gnt good 3*. from it and I feel a lot strnngnr: not troubled with such bad ht u I used to be and am more 1»- I am gaining in weight, all the tip I tell my friends what kind of nu I am takimr. You may use my I as a hell) (.0 others."â€"~. Mrs. J RACHO. Box 12. Dublin. Untati'» tarâ€"Bit! marâ€".07 and have recommm wd Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable (3 m- pound to my women yho wege ('2 1- Asx nus HALIFAX Aunsg fiffiw Could Not Sleep Nights 1, Nova _Sc_otin.â€"“I um a ma- Motorists advised in dm Amwa- aux -||"\\ ‘ 1,.“ m« H '* _, 0|th : '1'" ' et as t'”'“"“’ ' All Exchang '» fl . in IHIHiHH flat, “In “a!" mnoumcw H“ Hill slalwn “ w; immmhutw \ five 1110 \...... A remnant « the “(AMI MN 11006 on Mm m of Mm. the city ”II T ”y \'i.~‘lhu~ eluding scam .I. flirted. l'wlm -,_ alight cusnaitsu, “1‘06 IIHIZ-w'ruhl were kilm ;..,.i “GUNS \\w.y..:.-l Silesia. ”H'nggh m6 0" ("Chain-“J The four nwn “fely dllw'ut thinking tlu- g. [10‘ imli‘n‘ti. '7 The dvath Hf Mmiau ‘ \\ Impmalmun anuh ow; the law and tld'glllil‘ ux' W’fll:d Ill :0 ulvslmfrh I” city 0f Mo's plan‘s «4' 5 died. arr r b8?" SPIN I throngllnlzt bazaars and hthad I’ Dork mm'hau Irv :Iflilmtud ' “'Orkl'l'fi. l"o‘4i4-|‘ 'l'l‘day clvvnlml Thvy vluim nu flm'ins \kals' mum-mm” rum TIN‘N! ln'unvhu “N cl‘ ”I“ t" workms :uw .- Inf-rum"! l is Flu" “\mmi .John MM born mimn: plulv I'c‘H tin of KM“. Iu'ur day. and a? ' 1““. «IHIv‘I' HM Limo Hf Haw 21‘ hospital. '3“ mmdilwvt Bum RIO-Mb ii. is MW in “I“ t of [mun ()nmnm flhfll‘c' c thvlw' Austral (If it.” ”w I'M M! Tu! Pavh (1.10!” . swim! 01‘!“ ii!“ l’ul'mc'Y' wlm has I frmn his veggie-[HID [AD “WIN": Bum-14 M! was arm” Gourgn. Th0 ('1: J0\\'.~' at ' occasimn owr sat"; “’39: pnih' lam. \Hh 9350mm m Wllivh Rankin: the :mnum'. '- Ninistry ..' 1 u“: (‘aloihtl Bank. fuuuciv in ”In l-‘inu the manauvn be c-ntrushwi nominah-d lv‘ Donald \1 firmnd {u H lednn w 0591' 1“ “I" m 0813MB?! Vice fur a - than that W “(muse-d in ”a for a sit' England and it“ ”It: as Told in u for Bu~y Ch: Readers IOIN'PI Mo's“ M. Thursday I‘PSH HS \\ ‘Illll ll Ill ll \ll \\ ”I 'III x: 16 II

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