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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 8

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Nova Scotia. - "I an fi - se and have "room mkhum's Vegetable (10-. jany Wumen who WON Chi”- to Women who need goo. 1 English and my husband b Lnd Ht: Cflid me 0! L dia‘ hih- in England. {wod‘ >'. «up. Jl' 12W!) Of our 1".“ m;orr‘.'4 ailments. have m m to land. [will willingly 4:3 frum 3.1V woman askmg' - r "'13. -“'mpound.”-â€"Mn. a “3‘3 ;; !.'ni:.(.-ke Street, Willing to Anus. from Women Ashn. Lydia E. Pinkham s :ta'z'c , ,mpound «day. April 16, 1925. THIS UFAX NURSE 1(II‘I your child’s mice was pa]- N that ruddy be direct re- T TAKE )LlARS II’BS with pure 1195'. or some 1. It’s both od-value be- ingredients. BAD ”my” Not Sleep Nights J8 .\| ladachet earned a III'HH Kll .10! 0|)?“ wnuo», at 'r n-pairs ham ful- 2:. and so Sll'o'o't [,0 II Sum". Ila)|Ȣ' ho ymberg mghout. «I ”WP“ )IE lhmnrne. vi â€"â€"â€"0 "if?“ r' OIhatS- me mo- and 0 N! to K'IVB '0‘. as IO (18 - \ nu I! W PPP lulled and 25 0mm w, .1. .1. 15 of them critically,when ,... . H H! a 12-inch unexploded n mum h on board t e battpleship ;-, . mun; \e-stgx-day. Fire broke .fl.‘ nunmliately, but it W38 hoped to .4 .. :lu- vessel from destruction. ' \ :w-nmant of Samaritans observed 1, ‘. plum! rites of the Passover sac- t' ; . .-. nll MON!“ Jal‘lllln. above the e .x; of Naililus. six miles south or H, my of Samaria, on Tuesday} “I“ visitors were attracted. in- .. ”hug: 50m JCW'S, and a fracas 00- ‘- .m-ml. resulting in a number of ‘ ,_.m, rasualties. I hm» non-commissioned officers ».--z°.- killed and one private was ‘ «innsly wounded yesterday at Oels, .~ :.-.-ia. through an explosion of a “use of condemned hand-grenades. I‘m four men. who had gone into a ”My dugc‘mt, emerged from it, 'mnkiug the pile of munitions had Yi‘li. ignited. 'I‘hu «hath of Khalassi. wpll-known \I.--upntamian mullah (0xpounder of tho' law and dogmas of Islam), is :wpnru‘d in u despatch t0 the Alla- habad Piano-pr from thp I’m-sian holy vlty nf Mmhmi. All lho'" business Mum's 0f Mo’shvd. WIIPI'P Khalassi olimi. arn closod and orders have lwn son! to tlm principal cities Hmmghmnt Pvrsia I'm- closing of the bazaars and gmwml mnurning. Dock mwhanical \mrkers. who :u'o' nftlliatmt with tho) Transport \Vorkm's’ Fodm'atinn in Holland, yes- trrclay «Incidmt to proclaim a strike. 'l‘twy Plaim inc-wassmt wage-s 0! two tlorins wwkly and a olvfinitn ar- rangomont cmwvrning tlwir holidays. Throw» hranctws of mncllzlnical activ- 1t)“ at. ttw ducks aro ile. ()thor, \\‘Hl‘kPl’S arv o-xlwctmt to strike this nth-moon. ~'l'hn vulm- of a flurin « uppruximatnly 3.0 cvnts. .lmn Sandmnun Allvn. Conservaâ€" wa \l. P. {01' Dvrhy \Ve-st. president. ..1' :hw Livvrpnol Chambm‘ of Cum- mwv'wn and pI-nmim-nt marina insur- .‘HH'o- wxpo-rt. spvaking at. the meet- 1:: Hf HIP Livm‘pcml Chamber of unmnwl't'o- yvsto'l‘day. Said the Cana- oimn Huvo-rnnwnt appeared under the .nwl'vs‘sinn that Chambers Of Com- mvH'o' \wnld wnlmmp Government. oiuntrnl of shipping ”Fights. “If it. wally has that. io’to‘a. it ought, to hp :hsnhuso-cl." Mr. Alan said. DaJy Events as Told by can. Condensed 121' Buy Chronicle speaking at the old settlement of ltushpinu. near Tiberius. on Tues- day. the Earl nt’ Balfour. who is making a trip through Palestine, af-l tei- having inaugurated the Jewish' l'nivei-sity last. week. \‘igermisly de- t'euoleol the nuliry expressed in the Hult'nur oteflnrutinn. namely. that m-ezit Britain vmuhl use her best emtem'nrs tn t'arilitate the estab- lishment. in Palestine. nt‘ :1 national hnnie fur the Jewish People. 3'” mire hns heen found of the UH» British tlyim: nt‘tieers who have been missing siure a large twin-hing plane t'ell intn the sen off the coast. at Kent. near Hirrhiugtnu. on Tues- etziy. amt it. is feared they are lost. 't'wn ether men were rescued :it the twine nt‘ the art-ieteut. They are in a husgsilzll. t'ne nt' them in a critical -‘ .mtitinn. . h-itziin's enutrihutmu tn the An- " __ i-_l World News See: At A Glance .\'|m has ‘mm his H {rituin’s (-cmh'ilmtinn tn Hm An- »-.\nstr:nlizm migratiun agrvvmnnt. H I-vwalml tmla)’. will 1w £7.083.000 tho- nmct. 10 ymu's. lwsidvs tho cost pusmgvs. which tho' Imzwrial and mnmnwvalth anm'nnwnts will an- mnally hotwnnnjhom. Th9 inwmv aims at. the settlement in Mmliu within Hm no‘xt ton years mum» assislml vmigrzmts from .. l'nitml Kingdom. invlmling 34.- “ "unlilins mun-aging fivn I‘wrsons ‘ WNW! tn pay 511' \\ llllulu run-y M ' t'nl- a stvamship svn'icp between 9 4!:lllll :llld Canada. T’h- l'wsnlts in the Pli‘Ct-iOllS for ’ ' .\|n~'l'u\\' Sovivl. which closed on ’ “lily, show that 2,555 Communists ""‘ i 1.308 mumhm‘s of other parties ‘\\ ~ vlm-lml. among them more than ‘-“"' \V'lmo‘n. 'l‘hP non-Communlist mun...- will haw 3!. par cent of the. ’w :1 mo'mbm'ship of ”19 09W , s..\ ll'l. as. compared With 12 lvl‘t, 0!”). .\n_ Exchange Telegraph despatch “Wlwd in London from B39800“ I’v'rmv-t' l’l'l‘llllc‘l' Lloyd llvorge, H» has not. yvl. o-nlirvly l'm'nvmwl vm his rvwnl. illnvss. ombarkvd S:‘!‘l'olil.\‘ :ll. Sunlhamplnn for a trip .‘Jmlvim. whm'o' lw will spvml an wtvr-liclv rm'mwratiw‘. hnliday. H0 is avmmpaniml by Mrs. Lloyd “‘3" that the us; 1‘! BIN-ma announces t a deal kulaw Hill station of DP. ll !|!‘0\’i-li0 -.. o 'd ypstm' rm-.<lm':\ Hill c'umnwrrial agl'm‘- running {'01- six months. was (lav lwtwvvn Grooco and km. assuring mnst fav- Haiti-em h'vnlmnnt. for both par- Thursday l'lash lu-twmm Muslvms and * .\':xhlu.~' nm Tumday on the n of the- nn'm'jng of :1 Pass. t'l'iliw by Hw Samaritans. it nto-d nut. ymim'day in Jm‘usa- u a h‘niml incidt‘ntt. Nahlus Friday Ta! 331" Wiiilliam ' - _-_, wv -«u ”v VI We “'0 I‘homas’ eflorts for thirty years were devoted to the Karena, a class ot' Burmese. living in small secluded Villages. in the mountainous districts. .Greuir Algarsson. the young Bri-= tish Colombian who hopes to heat Captain Raold Amundsen, the Nor- wegian explorer. in an air race to the North Pole, using a small air- ship of the Blimp type. will leave Falmouth. England. on Sunday in his little exploration aircraft for Liverpool, where the ship will he finally titted out. He plans to start on the dash for the pole. the latter part of this month. Honday Dr. William R. Inge. Dean of St. ‘ Paul’s Cathedral. sailed for the Unit- ed States Saturday from Southamp- .on on board the steamer Maure- lama. . Dr. Georges Scene. professor of International law at the SorbOnne. on Saturday sent his resignation to the Minister of Education, who ac- cepted it. The appointment of Dr. Georges Scene to the chair of inter- national law at the Sorbonne and the insistence by the Herriot Govern- ment that he retain the position. gave rise to the recent rioting by students in Paris and to the stu- dents’ strike which spread through- out France. A message reaching Pekin from the China Inland Mission sa s that the British Missionary To inson, who was held as hostage for the safety of the town of Shenkiu, in the Province of Honan. as been released. Headquarters of the China Inland Mission at Shanghai telegraphed to Pokin early in the week that Honan Government trOOps were attacking Shenkin, where the China Inland Missionary Tomkinson and his wife are stationed. . Election pi'nclamatwns have been ISSllPd to the German pmple by Field Marshal von Hinclenhnrg, Prosidan- tial candidate of the Nationalist Consnrvatiw blur; and ox-Chancel- lor Dr. W‘ilhnlm Marx. nominoe nt‘ the Wnimm' malition. 'l‘lm Von Hinclvnlinl'g pun-lamatiun. in Whlt'h the word "republic" is nut, used“ says: "NellUlt‘l‘ war nor internal 1‘9- hellinn can lilwrata mn' vnchainod and nnfortunatvly disunitvd nation,” and asks that "tlw German name and social peace be safeguartlod." Tuesday An Pal‘th shock lasting about. two seconds was oxpurivncml in King- lston. Jamaica. at, 12.20 o’clock yes- Ital-clay al’tt-rnnon. .\ fmv buildings lwurv t'rackml by Hip shock. Rosolutions wm'o passmi at a con-- fm'nnco of tho Lahm‘ Party at Vic- toria. Australia. on Friday. rvquost- ing tlw executivv of Hip Federal Labor Party tn initiutv plans fn‘r a. IJGIY‘JI l (.l IJ u,.-- -....-V - ' pan-Pacific congrpss without delay. Ruprosc-ntativvs Of Um wm'knrs and pmwf- sncintivs aw in 1w invitml. Dr. Ernst. Povhnmx l'nl'mm' Chivf nl' l’nlit'p nf Bavaria. and our of ,..---, , , Dr. Ernst Povhnm'. i'orrnm' llhivl‘ or l’olico of Bavaria. and ono of tho most prominent. Bavarian roac- lionary loadm's. was instantly killed )‘l‘Sii‘l'liay whon tho :llllflmnhlll' in whioh ho was riding SWPl‘VPd Off tho highway iwai- tho Bavarian- Ausli-ian l‘ronlioi- and was over- lm‘nod. His wit‘o and two sons. who worn with him wm'o injurml. Sonatox' do Monziv. Finanvo Min-I isloi' in tho lie-Print. Cahinvl. was‘ mmmonml to tho Palaoo of tho lilysro yostoi'day al'lornoon and thorn dismissed with l’i‘osidonl I'Niiimm'gno. a proposal to form a «mo-day ministry in \‘flt-P lilo hill ox- londing tlw limils on vm’i'oncy cir- (‘Hlalion and lu’n'i‘mving by ”11' Slali‘. M. do Monzio has lwvn widvly sug- gm‘lml lo ill‘fltl SUV“ a, ministry. (il'i‘llll' .-\|;:ai'.<.-'Hn and tho mori who will al'l'Onll‘ililV him on hi. on ploi'alion lrip to tho North Polo noxl. month SfliiNl on Sunday aboard iContimied on Page 10) The Troop turned out. in good numbers for' the hike on Good Fri- day. Fourteen Scouts were present, and a “whale“ of a time was had at the. Rocky. The day was ideal, bright and cool. The parade got away from town! about. ten O’clock and made thel Rocky in an hourâ€"pretty good 80-3 ing. The Owls lost the toss and had to defend the flag in a Flag Raid. l'mler Scout. Erenst Neaves. they lo- cated a spot that was ideal for the purpose. On a little peninsula jut- ting out into the river, they put their flag, and it was only after most of the Beavers were captured that Wallace McGowan. by the use of a littln strategy and game fast foot, wm-k. captured the symbol of vic- "ilthe next part of the hike was very much enjoyed. In fact, Scout 0 Lawrence Whitmore says it was the best. part. of the whole. day. Eats. Most of the. fellows had brought meat and potatoes. Some essayed the rather difficult feat of making “twist.” None of it was a howling success, however. An attempt at some long «lislanco semaphore signalling was not very successful. The SM. sent the re- ceiving party too far, and they could not oral] tho message of the sendm's. Troop Leader Tod Clark gave the 'l‘rOOp a wry interesting lesson in building a row bridge. A three-row bridge was put over a (1900 ravim‘. and some of the holder spirits PS- sayed the journey across. Ted as- sures us that the bridge was per- fprtly safea ngd we holiovo him, but. would ratiwr son a stoadivr head try it. 'l‘ho homowai'd hiko was com- moncml about «1.45 o'clock. and Dur- ham was roachotl an hour latol‘. “’0 turn all looking forward to the next ono. 'l‘ho Troop was in charge of the SM. and the A.S.M. Camp 1 (lot tho glad nows. follows. Tune in on this. It's good. 'l‘ho SM. rc- coiwd a lottor from Col. McIntyre 01" Owe-n. Sound on 'l‘uosday: VV‘hito tlloucl camp will run for two wooks again this yoar, ('ommvncing on Sat- urday“. July 4th. 'l‘his your tho foo has boon roducml to $8.00 for two wooks and $5.00 for one. It has boon $10.00 and $6.00 hm'otoforo. The Oh- joot, is to make it possible for as many follows as possiblo to got, thorn. The District Association ('an- not. pay for tho winning of the camp ----- ”AI. [2. ll‘Il' I’ll-V ..,. ‘--\ - --____ , ‘1 _ from tlwsv fc-os but must. lnnk fur cnntrlhulmns fljom the maple of tho Owen Sound District. There has boon some .(lil'ficulty with tlw Mil- itia Df‘pal'tml‘llt in gutting tents. le .-\ssn('intinn will haw to pay mini fur llwm. Just how much is not. known. Each 'l‘i'nup will pussiâ€" hlv haw in pay $11.00 ”1- $5.00 for thl’ll' tonts. This YPRI‘ it. is lmlwd tn haw more nvm'night hikvs than last. 'l‘lwrn will he at. lvast. twn cannvs in camp. and. possibly tho lm‘nl SM. will Maw Ins canon in ()won nSnml tin thnn s0 that. it. van also {:0 Up to \Vhitu Clmul. W0 must, knnw wry sunn hmv many fullnws :n-n going. so «In your host in got. tlwrv. ‘ Obliging! Swvot. Ymmg Thin" "«lxi\"i;.3.: thrnugh suhmj)‘;: “Would V0u like ‘ IO” tllI‘V‘IFII “\-|.'\fl|rl in mm \tho I \\a< \accinatnd‘?” ”1‘ H‘IIHIUSiflSli(‘3ill} ‘SIIIII'T S. \'. 'l‘. (PniIIIiIIg tIszIIl house \\lIiPh thm had just passed ‘W all. light. in thorn.“ Good Friday like is lmpml tn haw more 'I‘I Examinations in Reading, W‘rit- mg, Arithmetic. Geography, Compos- ition. Grammar. History. Literature, Art. Sgol:ip_gâ€"-Iol_z_nl 840, pm 510. ~1--_ ll‘ L“An “‘81-. n 413251 Mbuntéin m, Flor- ence Marshall? \J‘IV V-“- wâ€"vâ€"â€"â€" .51. III.-â€" Total 750. P3885 450â€"b- hcl 81131;) 589, “1113914. Pelt 530, .\in119 Marshall 523. Jack mall- man I164. ‘Mehille Watson 323, Ted \101‘109 450. _ ‘ . . ‘â€"“ “ Iâ€"n i'lUl I‘ID 1W, \l‘vv w-- _ Jr. lI.â€"â€"Examinations'in Reading, W‘Piting. Arithmetic. Spplling, Art, Literature. gumposition. Geography 1““ I‘V,I‘A-- ‘lnn (Easier Examinations) .lr. lV.-â€"-Charlos 'l‘immins 55. Sr. [ILâ€"Catherine 'l‘immins 68. Jr. [ILâ€"101a Noble 72, Ewen Mc- Nab 70. George;- Blair 63 (absent. for two examinations). Jr. ILâ€"Violet Banks 77, William .Poazrt. 76. Mary McNab 7, Isabella IKliest 65. ' Sr. I.â€"-G0rd0n Noble 69. Jr. I.â€"---Ada Banks 86. Sr. Primorâ€"â€"Elvie Hastie. .lr. Primorâ€"-Jg;1njt3 .‘floblo. m U! luu Jr. ll-It'i‘oial 750. Pass ism-Claire Moricc 460, 'Ot_to Bjrr 310. n â€"â€" 4:“m â€"â€"'l‘ntal 650. Pass 390â€"Wallace Marl- slnall 552.. Irene Penny .492, Elgin Pet- ly 482. Susie Marshall 465, Jessie Marshall 454, Howard Marshall 410, Tommy Watson (absent) . Jr. I.â€"'I‘0tal 450. Pass 270â€"Wlilfred Marshall 336. ”imamâ€"Murray Mon-ice (goodi-. (f: __Absenl for ono or more 0x- v’--‘lv-â€"-_ _ animations. Mat in township hall on’ April 4th. Momhm's all present. Minutes of last nim‘ling road and (confirmed. Fullnwing communications wm'a marl. Dvpnty Rvgistrar General 1'0 cliangv in system of payment. for births. marriages and deaths montln- Human. unu- . "'0‘" ._-- _ u , ly rrruipts from anartment. to he prosvntrd to Council at. end of the year by Drputy Registran. Mr. Coo- per. Agricultural Rwresenmtiw, Markdale, re rrfurrgtraiinp. M‘in‘isâ€" tvr of Pubhc VVbrkm acknounvdg- ilu: rucvipt 0f \Vork (n1 roads in 1924. Mr. Gvorge Schourman appliml to Council In be allnwvd to perform lfls sunxun labor “1 Road [Nxfishnl N0. 5 as this is mad he uses. A1)- phcatknl granuwi and change or- dored. lll ‘ Lu. Brmtieâ€"lAljoe: That. rate of pay for 1922') be: man and team $4.00 per day; man $225 per day. Carried. Aljoeâ€"«Melx'eclmie: That follow- in},' accounts be paid: Municipal World. :issessor’s supplies $35.90: Municipal World, treasurer’s sup- plies $9.114; H. H. McDonald, postage, and telephoning $4.70; James McAr- tliur. gravel in 192/: $5.00: Michael ()uillinan. postage 'as collector $2.90; George Binnie. postage as collector $3.98: W. J. Cook. postage. as collect- or $3.46; Priceville pnlieo Village, trustees. for work on streets $40.60: ilunningliam Moore. on salary as assessor $35.00. Carried. _.l- Ahmad-Mclx’cchnio: 'l‘hal. accounts fur special work an roads he paid. as fulkm's: Ward 1. A. A. AlJm‘. ('nmmissinnvr $19.60; Ward 2. John kamrlmiv, cnn‘mlissimujr $5.00; "humus H. Hinniv. I'vpaii‘mg snnw- plnugh $2.59.. Qarriml. 'I‘l...‘ ll... ‘>,Ԥ.|I'f| l§l'¢)'iiv~â€"~Bla(‘l{: That, the». RNPVO and 'I‘rmmu'm' 1w :mthurizml to hur- mw mmmy for (:m'rvut vxponsos U1) tn $1.0M”). ‘-1'.u'i'iml. I ‘l___ ;\ (meci! :uljmn'nml to meet May ‘2 at, H) a. m. â€"-H. H. McDonald, clerk. .-\Il(°.v.s‘lm'.s >1 \th hawvn't L boys SOL Efififi‘fi S. S. N. i. Ion-manly. GLBNBLG COUNCIL .. S. No. 5. Glenolg 500.111 gl'vatesl, to those kept the pace the Old 3:173 : wAlfilan, teavhor. .. Thuell. teaclwr. The Hybrid Tea class of roses are now the [110“ popqu and are the most. satisfactory .fo‘x: gm majority --- -m -n.‘ U“ U“ u-y-.. of gardens in that they give more continuance of bloom than any other class. The Pernetianas would come under the same heading as the dit- ferences between the two are not easy to determine, except by an ex- pert. They do well under the same conditions and need about the same protection in the winter in the cold- er sections of the country, says Isa- bella, Specialist in Ornamental Gar- dening. - A. L‘“‘:“A‘ A. “Clllllao Betty is one of the hardiest of the Hybrid Tea roses of medium growth. color cappery rose outsida and hlush inside, A.‘ I I,‘jr «~91 “Eaéfii'i'tié 'i‘é's'ifiit, a beautiful shun. of pink. but not. always a good shgpc._ opening. 1 Ede! and Edith Cavell are two new 5 cream roses. a color that is not com- mon. so that they are particularly welcome. (loneral MacArthur. G. C. W and. Gruss and 'l‘oplitz, are three rod rosns. varying considerably in shade and habit. The last named lacks form. but for its color and gonvral beauty as a plant, it should ho m awry garden. It is a constant. hloomor thrimglio‘nt the season. 'l‘__l 0"“.1“. Constance, one of the best yellow roses. buds orange but paler on ”IU‘-".I\.I who. =---O---. --V Independence Day is a buautifnl shade of flame color. Tho shapv is good. and it. is delical‘vlv scvnlmi. _ - . . .... . . , -__- __I_‘ M.\n.‘ n D‘I‘l "cu“ Isobel. a beautiful single. rose. of carmine salmon will: a yellow hase. Jean G. N. Forthier. Mrs. B. J. Walker and The Queen Alexandra are three strong growing roses with brilliant colored flowers. The mix- ture of red and yellow that. is in them is difficult to describe. but very efl'ec'livo in line garden. A -‘n‘l-‘l‘l‘ l‘.ll| VCI.’ l.IIL.\-/Ul " Us. - ‘ C"' _- Lady Pirrio. Lus Augplps and Upholia are beautiful apricot slumps and all hm'n good farm and beauti- ful buds and are particularly «flocâ€" live as rut fl0\\'0r§. Lady Ashtown. La 'l‘osca and Mrs. Henry Morse are all pink and all beautiful. The twu first are old fa- vorites and excellent gruwers. La SOIB 01’ "I am nous Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. ONTARIO A thousand dollars a mile Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flou White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats To prevent the unnecessary destruction of public prOperty, the law provides that during March and April trucks (outside cities and towns) shall not be loaded in excess of one-half of their rated carrying capacity. When a road is asked to bear a load which is too heavy or driven at too great a speed the surface is broken and the foundation is “churned up. Disintegration follows. Repair costs are often more than $1.000 a mile. The Department requests the voluntary co-Oper- ation of truck oWners and drivers, but this does not affect in any way the enforcement of The Ontario HighWays Act. Infractions will be penalized even more rigorously than before. Bran Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig Meal and l’uultry Feeds JOHN MCGOVVAN the two. Mrs. H. Morse is a new. variety of deep rose color which E fast gaining the from. rank both a a cut flower and a. bedding rose h spite of the fact that, in sonw local- ities. it is supjogt to mildgw. AL- IUUVV u- 'â€" Snuwnir de Claudius PerneL LII. beautiful. new v‘rtlow row that is I. popular with florists, grows well in the union. but: does not. givv I. many btooms 3g ut_hor varietivs. AT ‘II‘DCIJ ”-vvu-w Mrs. Aaron ’Ward and Mmr. luv- or?r are two old favorites of deli to yellow shades in the bud. a, are dwarf growers but wry (lot. iferous. The list could be continued end- lessly. but thosefow varieties would make a good start for a beautifd Out on the farm The freshman was Spending Sal.- urday on the farm owned by his sweetie‘s gapa. and the scenery tilled him wit romance. They were walking through the pasture when he noted a eow and a calf rubbing noses. _He stopped and sinned. A-:A I.Vv\ v. --‘-r v vvr‘. ‘Sucb a lmimz sight." he said to the gill. makes me “am. In (10 the same thing." h‘n- “Go ahead.“ the girl said. “in ga’s__cow. and he won‘t emfâ€"'11:: The School is thoroughly equippeI to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stat! is a I‘m. versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. _. LA LAIILV| um ”no ........ O _- _-_-V 7 Information as to Courses may ho obtained from tho Princi al. The School has a credita le record In the past. which it. hopes to main- tain in the future. -A Durham is an attractive and healthy town. and good am'ommodt- hon can ho nhlanwd at. reasonable ral es DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL garden. 3'. A. M. noun. B.A.. Principal .inHN Mumusox. Chairman. Eclipse Flour Durham. Ont. Mom is a 93'. p80 color Wthb h a. bedding rose h hat in 90:11» local- to mildew. LUdillS Pernet. tho 8.1..8quh. up: 1.

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