b 'H» “Um“ Shh'h" Hat. AM ‘- -».9 m.‘ nzwin's unï¬tâ€"is mad. ‘ ll~.'1""- ~tlivi| l-‘ making 3 9"“ I â€In \Vnmvn {Niki and mulls .- ze somc- years ago. m ( iross Words ,‘f\ Ig‘ht‘ Bl"! Idea of the Perfect†Thursday, April 23, 1., Bloom I'Hl". tl \\ antics. m for I':H'Hve 2h! tn miss Knight, wwntnd o'mwt’s RoMiv N. H0? r ' "138'“? nunms, ) erP3 in. .991). .‘I o #79". daugh- Nye the .\PPL\' CLARK METALS Durham. Ont. DR. A. I. BELL Office on Lembton Street (the late Dr. Hutton‘s office). Oflice hours, 2 to 5 pm, 7 to 9 p.m.. except Bun- day. J. l. laws. 1:. u. 9., u. u. u. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block, Mill Street, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. c. 6. All) In!!! IoGlLLWu! (:th Durban, Ontario. rhe Science that adds life to years and years to Me. Consultation free. In Durban Tuesdays. Thursda s and Saturdays. 6 £23“ LUCAS HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appomtments may be made with the Clerk in the VHR'I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. '3': Furemont. containing 66 acres; 55 'ia‘ws cleared, balance hardwood bueh; in good state of cultivation; “'r‘zimn barn 45x50. stone basement. int-rote stables; drilled well and Wmvnt tank at barn. Also Lots 6 m! 7, Con. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taming HO acres; 100 acres cleared my! in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- "itnin: seven roomS. With 800d frame woodshed attached; drilled \wl‘; at door; never failing springs on this farm. making a c once stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulai‘samily at Watson’s Dairy. RR. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ DRS. JAIIBSON 11.13308 Uï¬'ice and residence a short dist- ant-e east of the Hahn Hons on Lambton Street, Lower Town, r- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 3 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SUITE, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. (mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Oflice. Ofllce hours : 9 to H a.m.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). Lit-vnsml Auctionevr for County of Hwy. Prompt. attention to sales. Rea- ~onubln terms and satisfaction guar- :uttmul. Dates made at The Durham Chroniclv Ofï¬ce 01' with R. C. VVat- mu. \‘zu'nvy. RR. 1, Phone 60!: 1‘11. ‘1:an rmnmofnu'mr Oflice. over J. a J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. mnnmo' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlebro‘ is permanently lecuted at Durham Ofï¬ce. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 4.3!! [H 9.30 p.m. ofl'fce. DAN. MoLBAR Licensed Auctioneer for County of Hrey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnahlo terms. Dates of sales made at The tlhrnnicle Office or with him- â€IUUMJU“ “-v' _________ Mmm'ate (arms. Arrangements for salws. as h.» datps, etc.. may be made at. Thu Chronicle Ofï¬ce, Durham. 'I‘wrms nu application. Address 11.11. I. Durham. Phone 603 r 12. b: ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of_ Grey. aelf FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto BATES BURIAL C0. Wâ€"wâ€"“wâ€" HIDDLBBRO', SPBBBIAN FARMS FOR SALE Thursdty, April 33, â€35. John W. Bates ll. Haddocks Fnt'mm‘ly of Flesherton Licensed :flucï¬oneer Medical Directorv. Dental Directorv Legal CON. {370D SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE bn Countess Sll'oet. all mndc't‘n POI)- \"onimu'v.<. Apply to J. .l. Atkinson. RR. 1. Durham. Phonn 603-23. 25H BOARDERS WANTED T\\'0 GENTLEMAN BOARDERS. A_P-_- Lady ( in shoe stun“: “Of course I want thpm comfortable and easy, but at the same time neat and at- tractive.†Clerk: “I understand. madam. Large inside and smll outside.†6134 at‘lCï¬rJhâ€"icle ofï¬ce. 3 5 6pd HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE’ BREDâ€"TOâ€"LAY O. \. (L BARRED thouth Rocks Clarks strain 75 cents for 15 ngs S. J. Wilsnn. Queen Street. Durham. 5 17 (SM KEYS LOST TWO KEYS ON “GREAT \ViEST" kov rine. Finder please return to Chronirlv ofï¬ce. i CAR [MIXER LOST NO. 207-736: ABOI'T A WEEK AGO. Findm‘ pk‘aSP leave at Chronicle of- BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post. Of- ï¬ce. A good chance for someone.â€" FOR SALE-GOOD TWD-SI‘OREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and. soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electrno lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Out. 5 l5 tf NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY fnz' tlw following lines of Imple- ment repairs: Intnmational. \Vilkin- sun and Tudluip) e-Andprsnn. Terms stricth ca~h .â€"G¢*01ge A. Noble. Dur- ham am. See me at Noblps Garage. 3 12 3mpd GOOD HOUSE, HARD AND SOFT water; one door north of Chronicle ofï¬ce. Apply to Mrs. John Whit- more, George Street, near McGowan’s mill. 4 23 4nd FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD BUILD- mg lot, 54 feet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 U FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 U NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ netice. James Lawrence, lanager. NEW BUNGALOW 0N COUNTESS Street; modern in every way; all conveniences. Erected in 1922. Ap- ply Ed. Kress, Durham. 4 23 2 WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t \VORK VVANTEDr4THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short. order. tf IMPLEMENT AGENCY I .\.\l I‘H'RHAM .-\(’;E.\'T FOR INTER- national Harwstmn TmlImamâ€"Ander- son. Wilkinson I’m-m Mnrlnno'ry. Primrnsn Crvam Svparatm's and Ruin Huggins; Sow mo at, Noble's Hams“. Hnr mz‘ufhinm'y is clnwn in prim". NHW is tho timn tn hm:â€" J. H. Nulnlc'. Durham. 319 3 and COAL FOR SALE «ZHICS'I‘NI'T. STOVE AND EGG COAL. lwst. quality. $11.00 [)01' {MLâ€"4V. (faldm'. 3 19 tf Phone 601 r 13 flee. PROPERTY FOR SALE The George Whitmore property, near McGowan’s mill; rou h-cut house; stable, hen-house, he! acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot of smell fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. 626“ grade gas with the “hep†and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 tf FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf NORTH HALF LOTS 21 AND 22, Ilmu'vssit‘m 2'2. Egremont, 130 acres. â€"»~.\. Mvfluaig. R. H. I. Pricvvil‘le. "1 9 Spd PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I 10 tt MAN WITH CAR WANTED LlVl-I \V’IRF. SAH‘ZSMAN “'I'I‘EI CAR: 2mm! svlling lino-z (munh'y trrl'imr)’. _\pp]}‘ [0 \V’. H. Ruiivy. Durham. 4 16‘3 W. Kelsey, Photographer. 109a FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED AGENTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR Ho Understood Durham, RR. 1. JOHN HILLS, HANOVER, HAY ROI ON LIBERAL TICKET The speaker referred to the lega~ oies left by the Conservative Gov- ernment in the matter of national debt, and launched into an explana- tion of the excellent manner in which the present Liberal Govern- ment had consolidated the Grand Trunk, the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Northern into the pres- ent Canadian National Railways. He paid tribute to Sir Henry Thornton, the general manager, for his leader- ship and claimed an operating sur- plus of $16,000,000 for the system last year. \\ hen \ou read the hometown paper In a train that’s home“ ard bound, Theres satisfaction keener Than in any \011 have found. And somehow while you are reading You’w a heart as light as foam, For to read the hometown paper Brings you mighty close to home! Canada, said the speaekr, with its varied interests in manufacturing and agriculture, was hard to gov- ern, and the only solution for the country at large was the moderate policy program of the LiberalGov- ernment. He compared King's mod- erate tarifl‘ with that of Mr. Meighen, and the Conservative party, and said that due to retrenchments at Ot- tawa last year, fifty millions of dollars in taxes were cut off in twelve months. Taking out the un- controllable expenditures, such as soldiers’ pensions, and the war debt, the controllable expenditures were less today under the King Government than in 1912 under Tory regime. Contrast this with the pol- icy of the present Government in Ontario! said Mr. Marshall. In- stead of cutting down on expend- iture, the Ontario Government was trying to raise six or seven millions in taxes. - (Anna CamDholl. Detroit prs Poet? \Vhen you rpad tho hometown paper. And you'ro miles away from home. 'l‘hm'v's a thrill that. comes to no one But tho folks oompollorl to roam; For the ads. look so familiar And the namps are all so sweet That. your fancy goes a-roaming Down a sunny hometown stroet. “'th you read tho hnmptown paper In a glonmy hotel room. Thm'o's something tugs ,vm'u' spirit: Thorp‘s a lifting of thn gloom; For across the miles alluring Is a piCt-III‘P looking grand, And your folks come out to meet you From the pages in your hand. vote, as well as that of the urban centres. The policy of the King Government, he said, was the one policy best suited for the people of Canada as a whole. READING THE HOMETOWN PAPER anidvs Mr. Mills. OUIPI’ nominees nf tlu- mvvting \wrn: I‘). 'I‘. \Vright. Dululnlk: \Valtrr Hastin. EgI‘Pmnllt: llr. Snvath. l)rum«‘»rv: Dr. Smith. Durham: Dr. Muir. Hzmovor; and Dr. Fnrtnnv nf Ayttm. \V‘ith tho 0x- rrptil'm nf Mr. Hastio, whn had loft llw lmll. all mado slmrt addressos. thanking: their movm‘s and sncnnd- m's. hut rptirod. loavi'ng tho ï¬eld to Mr. Mills. who will mako known his clvcisinn at a rlatv 1n the near fu- turn. It is oxpm‘tml a big Liberal pic- nic “ill bu hold at Eugonia 0n the 28th of May. the (lPtails 0f “hich were laid over for future consider- ation. Reference was made to the tariff reductions especially in farm imple- ments, and to the cattle embargo re- moval, by which Canadian cattle are now being shipped inland into England. The credit for this, he said, belonged to no other than the Rt. Hon. Wcilliam Lvon Mackenzie King, and as a result of this good work, cattle were today quoted at $8.75 a hundred weight, instead of a possible $5.00, had the embargo not been removed. The prosperous condition 01' the Western farmers this year as c0m~ pared with 1921. when tlmy couldn't own make a living, was anothm- sample of what tho prosvnt guwrn- mpnt had «lune for agricultural mn- «litions in our Canadian Wrst and in fact all «war the Dominican. Tm prosperity had permeatml thv whole crmntr)’. for whrn t'armurs am,- prns- iii-runs. awry 0110 of us is [u'nslwr- «ms. and as a rnsnlt. «if this. tnday l'artnrirs all nwr Canada are run- ning stmulily and businvss is rapid- ly gutting: l’wttor. The ocean combine also receiwd attention. and it was predicted that as a result of the. subsic‘lization 01‘ the Peterson Line. freight rates would be frnm $5 to $8 per ton less than at present. Emigration l'rnm tho l'nitml Status and Smtland. he) pn-«lictud, WHUM vslablish a nvw racord dur- ing tlu» coming snmmvr and pros- parity for â€J“ Canadian farmer and mannfactnm-r was just, over the lmrimn. A gowrnnwnt's duty. ac- q-nx'cling tn Mr. Marshall. was to 1'0- «lnw tariffs when practicable. and gvt. Inzn'kvts l'cn' thu mnntry‘s pru- clnco-s. Hv said the Liberal party lmuls all in mmll'l'fllillll and fairness, and plwliclml that. llw King (lov- m'nn'wnt. \mulol 5mm}; Canada at the m-xt, gunm‘al vlo-ction. 'l‘lu) Conserv- aliws. in his Opininn, lnu‘l Poached tlu- pe'ak nf inmmpulvnvy undmallm The speaker severely castigated the Conservative policy of promising a different policy in oVer-y riding. In Norfolk, 3 vogota table county, it was a higher duty 1111 1111er Vegeta- blos and in W est Hastings. VVhero chooso- making was the p1i11cipal industry. a higher duty on chooso. lvaclvrship Hf Arthur Muighvn and did nothing but lun'row money and pilv H11 thv turifl'. With a fnw reno- gadv Grits likv Hugh Guthrie. they had fnx'mml what, tho sl‘wakm' tM‘mOd a "suicic‘lo part." knnzin King: was Made-1‘ in Canada Marshall. in on (h'PSS. (Continued from page i) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE . 'l‘lw Hon. Mac- ls thn nnly grvat tlzn today. said Mr. vmwluding his ac!- Tntal Question: “What is added to whipped cream to make it stay ï¬rm like other i‘cing when added to top of cake?†. Answer: There are two additions which can he added to whipped cream to make it. ï¬rm. Aâ€"ll‘he white of egg. Bâ€"Gelatin. “I’ve heard about them prices for flats,†answered Farmer Comtassel. “I’d rather go on bein’ discontented than take a chance of bein’ plain desperate.â€â€" ’ashington Star. Method (A): Beat white of egg very stiil‘. Add gradually to cream which has been whipped very stiff until right consistency is reached. Method (B): Cover a little gela- tin with cold water. Add scant cup of boiling water. Stir w.ell When this starts to thicken, mix with whipped cream. This is what some bakers put in their cream ï¬lling for cream pufl‘s. Mrs. Julm Stilpli'k's'. .. Miss P‘arr ......... Mr. A. H. .larksnn... Mr. H. Nim‘klvr ..... Mrs. Coilyrr ....... Dr. Jaminsnn ...... (1mm: v Kin-is ..... B. P. \ndmsmi ..... \\. B. \nlli't ....... M Ruthenium! ..... Miss .\. Burns ...... A. Watson ........ Ben. I). Firth ..... Mrs. Hunt ......... Mrs. McCrarkvn ,. 'I‘humas McGirr ... Miss T. .â€"\.iulm'snn. .. Thomas Mchmh Mrs. JamPs Hcmkins Mrs. Crntchloy .. . .. Mr. Ofrrhott ........ M. Whitmoro ...... Mrs. Firth ......... F. Corbett. ......... M. Whitman ....... Thomas Potty ..... Mrs. Havens ....... Mrs. Tiwrpault ..... Mrs. Sprouln ...... Mrs. Torrance ..... Sufï¬cient Unto the Day “Since you are discontinued. why don’t yop sell your farm and move to the city?" So fur the trustm- lmamt hm (mn- tvntmt itsolf with tlw ahsuhitvly necessary work ahtmt thv plflt‘t' aml whilu they haw ilnm- wvll. tlwy haw a lot. yvt tn iln lwt'm'v tlw last rusting: placv of many ('an hc- pm- lltlllllt't‘d in tlw host nt' Slltlllt'. To this Plltl, tho-y will nvml mnro- mutiny amt mum» ht-lp. hut :is â€in CallSt' is a wind one). tht-y t‘ln nut. antivipati- much difï¬culty in raising: tho mnnvy rmuirml. Thu hmmt has slipplit’ul us with :1. list. at thu l't'Pt‘iptS and 0xpt‘*ntlitlll‘v whit-h art"- gin-n l‘mlnw. and :m aplwal for murv funds will. no clnuht, mm't. with :i rvmly amt gonorous roslmnsn. As work must cumnwnco at “llt't‘ if it is to lw-at‘ fruit this summur. all who cnntvm- plati' making furthm' «lmmtinns' Ur who will supply mm and trams aro rr'qnvstml tn got. in lunch with Mr. Ed. Kros‘s at, once. Receipts Tho Wfll'k 11f hwautifying and cleaning 1111 Trinity Church rumo- tm'y. i11aug1111'11t111l a cmuilu 11f yvars ‘11-’11. is tu 111' (untinuml this 311111- 11111 and 1111113111 plans 1111* 111-1111: thunght 1111i “11’ H111 “(ilk 111111111111]. Busidvs 1111.111gl1i11" 1111 â€11- “hole 1r_y.1-m111111' straightvning I11 d1l~t11111w 111111 (rivaiiing 1111 tlw 1113111 31-1 norallv, \11- 1111111'1'st21n1i it is tiw intvntiun 11f H111 t111st1'1is 11111111! 11111111 11111111131 111 â€11- [11810 hv tl11- jndiviuns pl: 111M111: 11f slnniis and flown-'9 If ham or corn beef are allowed to cool in water in which they are boiled, they will keep moist for a long while. TRINITY CEMETERY TO BE BEAUTIFIED Work Commenced Two Years Ago To Be Continued This Summer.â€" More Funds Needed. COOKING HINTS Lemon Sherbet 6 lemons, juice of all and grat- ed rind of 3. 1 nrangp. juice and grated rind. 1 pint of hot. watm' (2 cups“. ‘54 pint of sugar. Expenditures Wagns tn Mr. Ttmry M. W. Merllan .......... Printing ................. Bunk and pnwlqms Cross Sutherland. shovel and pipe .............. Balance in bank .......... HOUSEHOLD HINTS To Keep [out Heist INTS irbot I all and grat~ id grated rind. pr (2 cups‘. 1 cup of brown sugar. Spa: 1 h. tablespoon of shortening. P9" 1 CU]! of milk. ‘ "WP "1le 2 cups of flour. Mpumg; " toaspouns of baking pmulor. mow m, IJittl“ SJ“. dl't'SSing. Frosting: Bultor. brown sugar soar. A... and little cinnamon. and llilkl' Mothod: Mix brown sugar and quontly. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. Method: Mix juice, powdered su- gar and rind. Pour hot water over mixture. Strain through cheeseâ€" cloth and freeze. After freezing, add 1 pint cold water to sherbet, and you will have a delicious frappe. low to Proper. Swathruds Soak in luke warm salted water for 2 hours. Change water several times during this period. Pour oi! water. Place sweethreads in boil- ing water. Simmer for 10 to 15 min- utes. Be sure they are firm but not hard. Put in cold water for 10 min. utes. Take out. Wipe dry. Set aside. until cold. They are now ready to rook any desired way. A horseman 0r farmm‘ who :hwsn't think 50 tn 75 Nuts is tmi much for a horse shamâ€":1 hlzivksmith who doesn’t think $7.50 tn $9.“: is hm much for a pair of shopsâ€"~41 shun [(‘iailll' who likvs tn pm $50 In: asuit «if eluthvs ma gvntlvman mit- tittm' that likvs in pay thn grim-r 25 (Wits fur a tin of “minim-v. --;. 510cm: \xhu like-s 10 pm a huh-[mun 75 cents fur :1 mval. “a faim \wman that \muldn t. tako 3.3 to :30 m-nts a dnzi'n for uggs.~ a ('mll :h-ahw who is as'hamml tn takv $16 a hm t'ui' (Willsâ€"~11 Illal‘llinl‘ agi'nt. whn soils :1 hindor at. $250 who dm-sn't think an autnmuhilv «War :it $560, «~10. l'ndmlhtmlly. \w :l†spc-nt hm much who" mmwy was nasy. His. For April By BETTY WEBSTER WE WOULD LIKE TO FIND To lake frappo BAKING HINTS 6089. Cake s‘lioruming. Add milk, flour. salt and baking powder. Mix woll and pour into shalluw broad pun. Dot top plontifully with buiu'r and sprinkle with brown sugar and lit,- tle cinnamon. l cub of sugar. 1 lemon (juices. Method: Separate eggs. Beat egg yolks. Add sugar. Then put juice of 1 lemon in saucepan. Boil well. Slowly add whiteHIeaten still. Then pour into baked paslm shell. You can hold out (â€110th white 0! egg just to dot top of pie artistically. tom taught. us HIP afII-I' t'lrt‘ClS of war. “II Wild and ftll‘gt'l. A bid nII-mIII'v In I-ts man iIItII lIaIt lltllt‘S: al- sII IIIItiIIIIs. \‘I-xt timn. wI- will take :I Imok :It IIIII' Inval "ltlllllnlt‘llta. re- lllt'n'lllt‘l'. “XII. IIIIt us; wI- will do it all â€Vt" again. Just. writing the almw. wI~ listI-III-d to a cnnwrsation in 9. stIII°I-, 'l'lsI- lll'lt‘t‘ IIf tlm article was $1.35. that. '0". a 9 I'vnt. prutit to “In Sltll't‘ (W0 \\'t‘l't‘ slIIIWII the in- \‘(llt't' . 'l‘lIII ('llSllinlt‘l' said it was tun «War In {I him: slmt. H0 is SP“- iIIg :III alllt‘ In Mr .280 that, 8 wars 3in “as St‘llllltl lIII' $t8ti. Tho. stIII'e man (‘allt'tl lIis attI-IItiIIII to â€I“ “II t. His al'lrllll'lmll was llltlt. “wII IlIm't. nmkI' llw |ll'l('t‘." 'l'lw stnl‘v kprI‘l‘ ('tlllt‘t‘dt‘tl â€I“ point: but. :Iskml him if his I'ImInIissiIIII wasn‘t paid «III â€In t‘Xll‘I'l $100. This Sllt‘llCt‘tl lIinI. le stIII'I' kt‘t'pt'l' iiil'III'mI-Il him that, “wv IlIIII't makv lllt‘ prim-3‘ -‘“l‘:\'t'l'- mom" in \VIIlkI-I'tnn 'l‘vlvscnpv. Women Should Propose .-\ Clem-land ministm' makvs tho. nh-a that wnmvn tw allnm-d to make “in prnpusul ut' Inuri'inm'. Hv says that mun haw hunplml tho jnh and ctm'tarvs that No “In truth \wm known. it \vnultl he. found that. in 90 pm- omit. of â€In happy marriage-s, ttn- wnmvn chit ttw nit-king. Mn is prohahly right in his (‘ulltvntinll that. womml aw lwttvi' qualitiml by na- ture for selvcting lifu, mates than men; but. what doc-s hv moan by asking that. woman lw allow-«t to do Hm “rimming? It sm'ms a little clifflt‘tllt in hair]! that. It sounds like a nrnpusal in Int. thv huntmt do â€in hunting. Mvthod: Wash lwarts m-ll. Re- muvo ï¬brous tissuvs. Fill with drvssing. Salt. Roll in llnur and soar. Add salt. pvmwr and butter, and hakn 2 nr 3 lmurs. Haste fre- quently. 3 hearts. Stuffing. V; loaf broad, hmkvn intn pieces. 1 union. cut up. Svasuning. Pour a littlc- boiling water owr mixturv. Mix well. ‘ Lemon Pi. Diflpront than you ever Baked Cain's loam PAGE 9. 3?.