West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 9

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N0. 5 ver to Last Puzzle No. 4 April”. in "I'll '53 ll . the well km the transmi {0 right, sit : Rornheim, Mn. \ HHX, PYMdE’I‘ f Nu) 1.9320}! d ‘ I'l'o‘VlfltiOII) ln-anmt time -.: mammal ~~dlt'k With . Hlo' Pm. n'u' scale 48 \ iatinn h'lo- 0! ar- H sent [ H I "581] ultit‘) M m Durham, Ont. wmx CLARK META” hnrhgm inn! l,‘ ’. (3.3. ‘;On. 3. ‘V b‘,ol‘o. ."IOI‘UU' "'- - Huh-4 aouthwest Of Durham. CO“- ’Ill-I|i'?'_' 86 acres. M09“! 0'63? and 1” ruin! state of cultivation. Bunk tum; \\ um shed adjoining and stone st :Mu» 7-roomed brick house with "3" MM! kitchen 40nd WW“!- â€" A. “A‘- ____, -7 ah“. NHR'I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 2?. lixrvmnnt. containing 66 acres; 55 .1er clean-ml. balance hardwood hmh; m good state of cultivation; rrzmw hm-n 45x50. stone basement. "Hnrt'o'in stables; drilled well and i'o'mvnt tank at barn. Also Lots 6 ml 7. Con A S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- “121111”: 110 acres; 100 acres 9| :mol in good state of cultivation; on m.) premises are a brick house con- mamm: seven rooms. With 300d Mimo- wondshed attached; .dnlled “"f'3 at door; never faiiin springs on n»..- farm. making a 0 once stock; farm. This property will be SONI‘ LOT 7. (MN. 2t. EGREMONT. CON- taining tth arres: 85 acres under vultivatinn. balance hardwood bush; t'mn‘vnient to school; on the prem- NN‘ mm a frame barn 42x65 ft. with ~'tmw foundation: concrete stables: .nlsn hay harn 30x50 with stone base- nwnt; hug: pen 20x60; twelve-room ln-irk Imusu. furnace heated, als'o frame \\'nml.~‘hed; drilled well close in house, with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hav; to acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a 300d state 0! t'ultivzition. For information apply to Watson's Dairy. RR. 4. Durham. Untarin. 102523 tf' REUBEN C. WATSOII lvansml .-\I.uiinmwr for County of Hwy. Prompt. ulh'ntion to sales. Rea- mnuhlv tvrms and satisfaction guar- antvml. lmtvs mmlv at. The: Durham Illnx'mm'lv nflim: 0r with R. (I. “'3!- sun. Vurnv)’. “R. I. Phone 605 r“. Mmlm'atv tm-ms. Arrangomenls for alvs. as M date-s. «run. may be made at. 'l‘lu- {lhmniclv Office. Durham. "lorms 0m application. Address RR. 1. [Muham thw 603 1' 1'2. ALEX. lacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. ltea- mnahle terms. Dates of sales made at The (Zhrnnii'le (Nice 01‘ with him- self. FAB. TOR SALE LH‘ 66. CO“. 2. \V.(_3.-R.. .B LUCAS HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on l‘uesday of each week. Appointments mrzyy he made. with the Clerk in the 0! Ice. HIDDLBB’IO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (I. (I. Middlrbru‘ is permanently lm-utmi at Durham ()mrv. Pricevillo Hranrh «mm every Friday from km to 9.30 p. m. U. 5- “WI, U. U. 3., ll. 11. 3. Honm' Graduate University of 'l‘or- out”. Graduate Royal Collcge Dental Surgcons, of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. MillSlrcet. second door cast at )Iaclsvth‘s Drug Store. DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST (m‘u‘c, over J. J. Hunter‘s stare. nun-ham. Untamo. C. 6. AND 833813 IcGlLLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham. Ontario. l’he Science that adds life to vears and years to 1m-. Consultation free. In Durham Tuosdays. Thursdays and Saturdays.. 6 N 23 U f . an A. mini. Office on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton‘s ofl'ice). Office hours. '3 to 5 pm... 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-12A Avenue Road Toronto john W. Bates I. Haddocks Furnwri)‘ 0f Flesherton J. L. sun-n. I. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. (mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Slrents. nppOâ€" site old Post Office. lm‘ice hours : 9 to H 3.11).. 13010 4 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. .‘Sundays excepted). nus. Jam-on ' unusou (mute and residence 1| short dist- mu'c can: of the Hahn House on [.amhton Street. Lower Town. Durâ€" ham. Office hours 2 lo 5 p.m.. 7 t0 4 pm. (except Sundays . BATES BURIAL C0. 1‘ .HI “8 FOR SALE M IDDLBQRO'. SPBRBMAN Licensed Auctioneer Legal ‘Dt'rea'orv Medial Directory Dental [)irecmrr DAN. McLBAN Classified AdVertisements Exceptionally So Mother: “You were good at the party ?" Six-Year-Old: “Yes.” Mother: “You didn’t ask twice for an in: 3! the table?” ’x-Year-Old: “No, I didn’t . I asked once. and they difln’t hear me, HATCBING 3068 FOR SALE BRED-TO-LAY O. A. C. BARRED Plymouth Rocks. Clark‘s strain. 75 cents for 15 0333â€"8. J. Wilsnn. Queen Street. Durham. 5 i7 Gpd CAR HARE!!! LOST N0. 207-736; ABOUT 'I‘WD WEEKS mm. Finder pll‘asc have at. Chron- icln office. ‘23 4 2 Phone 601 r 13 NOTICE 'ro FARMERS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers, are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Ianaaor. NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY for the following lines nf Implo- mcnt repairs: International. Wilkin- son and 'l‘mlhnpoâ€"Andersnn. Terms strictly rashâ€"George A. Noblo, Dur- ham, Ont. 800 me at Noblos’ Garagn. 3 12 3mpd COAL FOR SALE ('IHI‘ZS’I'NI’T, S'I‘UVE AND EGG HUM). lwst. quality. $14.00 [H'I' tmn.~â€"~~W. (Ialdvr. 3 19 (f IMPLEMENT AGENCY l .\;\l DI’IHHM .\(il'1.\"l' FUR IN’I‘I'IIL national Harwstm'. 'l‘mlhcmv-Amlnr- son. \Vilkin.~mn Farm Mzu'llilw-ry. Primrnso- (ll-mm: Svpnratm's and Rain Huggins. Sm- nw at. Nnhlv's (im'agv. Uur mm'him-ry is cluwn in “Mr". MM is Hw timo- tn Inna ~~ .l. H. Nnhlv. Durham. 31‘.) 3 mpd GOOD SEVI'IN-llmm BRICK llUllSl". nn Hmmlvss Slrm'l. all mmlm'n vnn~ \vnio‘m‘vs‘. Apply to .l. .l. Atkinson. R. ll.l. Durham. l’lmnvmil-L’Il golf clmu'vssiun L'L’ -.\. Multan}: \VURK \\';\N'I‘I'II).â€"--'I‘IIE CHRON- it'lv .Inh Plant is wvfi oqnippml for turning (mt. the line-st, work nu short m'dm'. H WHEAT WA N'I‘I'ID. ANY QUAN'I‘I'I‘Y. llighnst pricv. People’s Mills. 3152!“ NORTH HAL!" LU'I'S 2! AND ‘22. mummyâ€"HAN!» “UNCLE WITH small sm- l'mmv. I'm' t'hiloh'vn's usn APP!) *Iutim: prin' tn Hhmnivh- 0f- liw'. I FUR FIRE. TORNADO. AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, eta. apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 t! PEERLESS GASOLINE. THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep“ and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 6 26 tf 'I‘WU S'I'RUNH 4‘.Ul.(’)Nll~ZS OI“ BEES and mmplvtv rmmirvmvnts. Apply at. 'l‘hv Chl‘mlit'lv nflh'c'. l BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A7i' Smith Urns. It‘s gond. Try it. l 10 u H111)“ H.‘\H\ 1‘..\l1l1l\131.:l{l.lll): high “howls at hawk, low wheels in “1:111! \\i|l h1- suhl 1h1'ap.’.\m1l,\ 111 M18. \\. .\. Glass. lhnhnm. lpd 3.... ....5/.7.../..1. ...=.....H=...<. .357... 2:17.... 2.. .....1.. .....1. .....1:... ...:....... 2.2.... .15.... .:.._.1,... ...:..: :2. .:....1.... Ex... 5:... 5...... z: 2.55.191 E. 2...... ’5. .....:.. 5.......=........ 3:25.... The George \Vhltmore properly, nvar Mc(iowan‘s mill; rough-cast housv; stable. hon-house. half acre or land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees. and a lot of small fruits. Will svll cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly t0 Mrs. John Schulz. 626 t! 'v wâ€"vvv- framv dwelling, well located on Lamhlon street. Hard and soft wa- lm'. bath. furnace. electric lights. vtv. Apply W. J. Young. Durham. Uni. 515 ll‘ FUR s.-\u:._uoou T\W)-STOREY franu- dwelling. wall Immml nn FOR SALI‘I.â€"-A NUMBER OI" GOOD building lots on George street. North 0: Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to I). Hawkins. 221 H BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. ”no door north of the Post. OI- fico. A good clmnce for sonlcmw.-â€"~ I". W. Kelsey. Photographer. 109“ watvr; one door In offlt‘t'. Apply to 1' mul't'. (Soul‘go Strum. mm. mum Hurst; HARD AND SUI-'1‘ NEW BI'NGALOW UN COUNTESS Strm-l: mmlvru in every way; all l'UllVQ‘flll‘lll‘t‘S. traded in l9‘22. Ap. ply lid. Kross. Durham. l 23 2 PROPERTY FOR FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS mu door north (ifâ€"'(ihr0‘h‘iél'e Applyrtu Mrs. John “'11“- FOR SALE Km'vnmnt. um :u'rvs; B. H. I. l’rimw’lllo. "l 9 5|"! Durham, RR. 1. "1'“ l' Mu hm'an's i 23 5m] 4 30 6m! \Vinlm' AWIN'v Hwy will sum-"ml. smm- ul’ llw lwsl. winlm' :lppll'S fur llu- lmmo- gurclvn mm: 'l'nmpkins King. Nurllnvrn Spy and lN-llviuus. lml. Hm last. variMy. «m amenunt at its mild llm'mu'. is nnl. wry suilahlo fnl' ranking. l’m' llm (‘Ullll'l‘ svvtinns. llwrn :n'v no guml. hardy. lzllv lump- ing: :1“le tn (-umparv in quality with tlu- almw'. lml. Botlwl. Sunll. \Vinlvr and (hblclml Russo”. all km‘p \wll and urn ammu: llu- hardivsl. I'Lm'ly Wintvr i'l‘lw l’umvusv and “Mutual: mm tlu- 1w” must. clc'sir- ahlo- mrivtivs fur lmmv usv ”1' this svztsun. :IIHI if «mly mm is pluntml. il slmlllcl lw Hu- McIntosh. “”1le it. will sum-mu}. tho flux Hmmn- Pip- pin is :m vxvvllvut 340]". I‘m' hump nsv. but, this is nut suituhlv fur Um rnlclvl' sow-Hum. Grimm Holden: is ills-m a 1mm] “no, .\IIIIIIIIII «'l‘lw WI-aIIIIIx is “In IIIII- sI:IIIIIiIII: IIIIIIIIIIII \IIIiI-h Mr ”I" bump KI'IIIII‘II. 11S H (“"105 iIIIII III-ar- IIII.’ I-IIII\. IIII- IIIII's III‘III’ III'ZWIIV. IIIIII ”II‘ (NIH is gIIIIII IIIIIII fIII' I'III- iIII; :IIIII IIIIIkIIIg. Summm' "l'lw principal snmmm' :uiplv fur ('HIIMIII'I‘l‘l‘ is llw llui'hvss «if Ulclvnlmi'gh. zuul lliis is ll wrv i'nliaililv sin-l. l'ni' Immu mm as “will. lull. HIP illllllily is lml. guml vlmllgh for :i ilvssvi'l mililv. FHI‘ ”ll‘ linmi' mmlvn. llu- Mullm. ni'iginulml :il. “in l'lewrinwnlul Farm. “llama. will. il. is lwlimml. scum lukv ”Iv [llllt'l' nf llu- lhu'lnm‘s. 'I‘lu- Imwlzuiil llasplim'y is a llussizm varivly of gnml unulily. In sumv parts Hl' llm Murilinw l’i-nvim'vs. Williams Fu- \Hl'ill‘ elm-s “will. and H. is gum! in qualily. A proud IIIIIIIII I'IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII is It IIIIIIIII. IIssIII III any family. II IIIIII- IIiIIIIs IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIpIIIi/JIII: IIIIII IIIII‘IIIIIIIII I',IIIIII IIIIII ,III‘IIIII IIIIII- IIIIIIs IIIIIiIIIIIIII I'IIIIIII 3iIIIIIiIII: III IIIIIIIIIIIIiIIII IIIIII “hnnking” IIIIIIIIIs fImII IIIII IIIIigIIIIIIIIs. II‘IIII IIIII IIIIIIIII gIIIIIIIIII. IIIII IIIIIII'IIIIIIs IIIIIIIIIIII sIIIIIIIII IIIII'IIII IIIII sIIIIsIIII II'IIII. IIIIII [III III‘ gIIIIII III I'IIII'3 gIIIIII IIIIIIIiI3'. if such IIIIIIIs IIIIII III'IIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIiIII: III W. 'I‘. .\IIIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIsI. IIIIIIII3 SIIIIIIIIIIII 'I‘II'II III‘ IIIII IIIIIIII- iIIsI. IIIIII IIIIsI IIIIII3' sIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIs IIII'I "IIIIIIIsII3 IIIIII YIIIIIIII "IIIIIIIsIIIIII I‘IIII. II‘I IIIIIsII3' is IIIII IIIIIIIIII in anal- iI3' I'IIII IIIIIIIIII. IIIII is IIIIIIIIIII sIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIs IIIII3 IIIIIII3 IIIIIIIII 3IIIIII. "IIIII \IIIIIIII 'I‘IIIIIsIIIIIIIIIII is IIIII IIIIsI. I'IIII IIIIIIIIII I:I.IIIIIIIII IZIIiIIIsIIII IIIIIIIII3 II IIiIIIII3 IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII I3 IIIIII IIIIIIII3. is I'I'III3 IIIIII'I3 IIIII. is IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII3'. APPLES OF GOOD QUALITY FOR THE HOME GARDEN 'l'tw llltlllltt‘t' nt' Untzn-iu shimwrs Is invrvasing quitv rapidly. tn “'2? 3.200 shimml thc'ir mm]. 3.700 shippmt in W: amt nwr $.00" in I923. In (hwy (Emanty. amn‘nximato- ly 2‘27) t‘arnwrs mnsignmt ttwir \nml tn ttw Canadian tinâ€"upm'atn'v “'unl th‘nwm's. .-\ t'vw wvnks agu, Hun. .l. S. Martin. Minish-r nt‘ Agrn'nthn'v. wtn-n :ntth-vssing ttw Canadian tilnh, I'vt'm'l'mt to this strung Fal'mm's' tin- npm'atiw mmmmtity urganizatinn in thvsv wants: "If \\'v mnht H'- tltlt't' all marknting tn t.tw sann- status i't \wnht lw a gnmt thing I‘m tlw t‘armm-s nt’ Hahn-in.“ Such a statv- nwnt. Shullld makn tzn'nwrs think. .1.:._:...._ 3...... .3713... ....11 ...:1._:.. ......31 2:11... 1......:_:... ...: .137... .1.... .... .. 1:12.... :. ...:z: ...... 1.2.... ... ......11 1.1. ...::.1. ...: 3.21.221... .1... ...... .... ...... ...... ....1... 11.2.? .....:.:::......1 .... .....z...:.._.z. ...: .1. ......z: 1;: :_ 11:: ...... 7511.... .........:.1. ...: .....1.171.:.:_ 1.. .......:1. ......11 2.12122... .... :E...::.... 2.1.. .. .25.. 3.24. razfég. E 2:. 3.3.5... 5.2:...» 2:. 2. 2...... 2:- 2:7,... .27.. ....n.......... n. i=1. 3.....4 :zzrzfizé .2 :3 3.3.2:... 5.74:...“ r. :54... we... 7:..- .2. E. r}... 25.3. 3.2:...» 2. 7...; E. :1... 22:751.... :27. 7.2.5... 2 23.23. 2.2: 2.7. :32. 7....2... 2.3... IF... 2:. 7.57.. vakm‘pms in firm (.mmh should Imtv Hm fullqming ('Imngvs in the Fun] “mm! \ct in um Hrivfly. tlw vhnnxvs :uv: _--~ ..v - . I\‘\II‘|II ‘ g II \VIII IIUIIo \lo '- 0-1- S. Martin. Minister of Agriculture. intiniating that, a large number of nxpvrienvvd marrimt nwu \wrv mm~ iug {rum (twat. Britain to mixture in farm \wrk. Shnuld farmi‘rs wish in taku autvuntagv of Uwsv men‘s svrviws. it \x'nulil iw mh'isablv to mill ur \vi'itv tn tho lhmurtnwnt. 0f .-\griculturv. Mlll'kt'fllt‘. 0r tlw Min- ish'l'. at 'I‘m‘mlhl. A telegram was roconllv rvcviwd by Un- (irvy Quunty Branch. Depart.- qwg; of Agriculture. from Hun. J. Pro ble ms of Changes 9n Paul Brood Act Contraband by Guy County banana»: 0! Agriculture Wool Supplies on Hand THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Pam Help Gaming III I'I'ivIIItstItII, ltw t‘ur )‘IIIII‘SI'H :llttllt‘. tn putter. slwnd t‘\'I'l'}'”lillt-' IIIIIt “It'll annu- III slIiItt. mtmtt ttIIIt \Ull IIII~ Ilnwn and out. In initiatiw, t‘nllnw Utt' “IN! nr tvust, l’t‘HlH'flllt't‘. III lltflltt'llt't'. always Hunk “r um- Mukv sin-v that. vlmm drinking: walm' is I'vgulm'ly suppliml mu! that tho clm'klings urn summit-cl with um- plv sluulv il' llw \x'vm’hm' is‘ c-Vll'vmvâ€" Iy lml. “(il'm'll “11ka should lw «ll‘vsmul l'nr murkvt, just. us scum as Hwy lmw PHI'levh'cl Ulvil' first. mm! Hf fra- HIN'S. crumbs anal gradually aluaiaalo llm la'mul daring llm uvxl. I'vw days. 'l‘ha mash Slllllllcl vausisl, ul‘ aqual parts la'aa. lllilhllillg‘s aml varaawal m which has lwc‘ll :uldml almlll. llw‘ pol‘ ('Nlt hm‘l' wants and “VP lu'l‘ mu. grauml vluu'vaal. Maul llm lluals llw lulu-s daily l'rum llu~ fuul'lll day. Allal' llu- lll‘sl. wwk. mama l‘vml slmulcl lw mlclml. Manly vhuppml clawr makas vxvvllval. arm-u fund. but. any llavly vhumwll mamu l'ul‘ugv ('uuld lw usml. Mmul llw alglucmalh clay. llm mama l'aml slmulcl makv up almul. aav-llnu'cl uf Hus valu'v °aliuu. I'nga-ruamual work al. Ullawu wnuld imam» llml. a lawn manual. nl' mama fund :3 aal. ama-ssary far ”In growing ul‘ alar- kl‘l. ducks. “'0 lwlicwa. Iumawm‘. lllal. wlu-u lluals ialvaclml l‘ar l'ulura law-Mars arc- lwua: l'c'lll'ml will: ”In uau'kat, «lurks. a lilwral supply nl’ arm-u haul in lhv growing raliaa is: l-ssc-alial. Wlwa llm clul-kllags arv llu'm- \waks ulcl. llw aamuul. al' law-f wraps slmulcl lw uu'rvaso-cl lu Iva par m-ul. l’iua saucl slmulcl always lw sprin- Iilml ”\c'l‘ llu' Illllsll lN‘le'l‘ I'N'llillfl. Nawl' makv llw mash shaky m' slug... l'.\- but, .iusl umisl vanuull la 'llllll lugvlluu‘ llll'l'l)‘. (annlimu- 1“ fund llu' lunls la Has \\'a_\ uulnl llu-y aw SIX \Hu‘ks ulcl. Mavul. lllis lillu'. Hm ('m'luaval iu llw raliua slluulcl lw gradually uu'raasc-al ualil ll. Iuakas up half ul' llw raliaa. Fallvuial: sluullcl vaauamu-v almul lla~ sullu \ka. and “In ham slumlel lw wally fur marlml. al. almul. aua- la lva \uwks ul' al.-v. \\'lu~u l'allvaim.r mauâ€" au-m-as. llw manual. al‘ mama l'c-ml slumld IN' y'allually l'mlllvml. Maka surv lllal. l'll'llll drinking: IF YOU WOULD BE BANKRUPT .1...1.:.~ :37... 3 .75.? 5 :_.:._1I ..I_:1.1.:1 33‘ 552% on. ...â€":7... 1â€"221. .3: 2].: 3. 7.3.1.. : ......t... ..I:;.._ ...... : ...:z. .c .53.: ...II:::_ .225. 212:: I..:.:__. ...... ....II 11:25:" :_ 1.17:1 2:...â€" 4.: 3.2:. 5:534 74.5.2... _....I. 2... 3...... z: .I 2.: 1...... 5:22... 5.3... 2: E. 3:42.... ...:...:.:.I It... 3.25.11... 22...: II...:. 2:. I.I._:. .. 22:. Zn. Fizzy II .: _... I......I. 1....- 7.7:...» .I..:_I..~:I../::.c 1.1.2â€" -2.... :z .z. 2. II 3:. 12.1. .I.:..:_ ::I III? :_II. 1:: :.II ::.I. .75.: £3... .42 .::.I. :_ :25222. 1.1.312: 23am 98m. COOKING HINTS Frozen Custard pint. nf milk. mg. mp Hf sumu'. tvuspnnns vm'nslm'vll. hmspmms t‘nld nulk HI' wulm'. lvuslnmns \‘amillu. h'uspmm 01' SH“. Freshen Your Awnings HOUSEHOLD HINTS Spring Cleaning Hints Readers. Note: If you have any questions couccrniug Rc‘cipw, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty H'e'b- starâ€"address her in can of The Durham Clmmiclo. (Copyright, 1924. by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Zfi'é ts qu‘n FHI‘ llw vnl‘l'muv ul' llmwmumm lhrmmh Hm mails. Hu- l'ust Hl'llm- ch'p.’ll'lllu'lll. l‘t'A't'm'cl NHB‘JWNH'? fnl' Hu- ymu' vmlim: Mnrvh .‘H. 191%. Thu rust. ul’ c'm'rium- is «Mimulc-«l by Hm «It'iml'lllwlll. M. KLMNHNI’. 'l'lmv “an wlwn luc'wspnpvrs wm-v mu‘rnml from. and \H'vkly unwspulwrs wvru mm fur 11 «WNW yvm' uml cluiltm fur twn .. . .. .2’. 222: 2.. .222: u” .2. 122.2221. .2: 1.2.22. .52 22.... 1.2221. 2.222 .2: .5222... 222.55 2.2222. .2. 1221...:21. 22 .522 .2... .2: .2... .2: 22 :2: .._...’:..t:. 2.2.1. 222.5, 2.5. 12222.2 2.: .2... 1.222 2.22 2. 2.255 2.3. .: ...5....21.22 .2: 2. 2...: .2: 2222.2: 222.22.. 1.22.22: M2...... £222.57. .2: .5... .........222.$ 21.2.: 2._:. 5.2.? 22:22 .12 12:1. 2 .2. 2.2221. :2. 22:: :2: m 2.222: .222... 2:22 .2. 5.2.22. 12 2222... .522222 .2: 2. .2... 2:2... 21.2.... .2: _22: 22.21221. .2: 225.2222 1.. 2.2222 ”1222..” .522 22: .1. .2 22221. 5.2... 2... 2:2.” .215 :55 .5, 21.2.: .2. 22.. 7.. 2 22: .1..5_21..2.2: 5.2 : .2 ”2.. .21. 22: £22.52. : .22.: 21.2: .22.. 1.22222. .2222 .2: 1.: ...1.._.2_2.2.22.. 2.: 5.2221... .1222 .1231 .2:.â€" .z: .2: :2 >25: 2.22221.22:..2211222 2225.22 1.21.222 1.12:... .2: 2. 5.1.2.. 22: 22222722... , ._2 «222.22 52:22.: 2.2 2._: 22: 22.2 2.: 22: .2:. 22: 22... 2.: :e. 2222.. 2.5 222222.. 22. .22 .255 2.5. 22: .222... .25. 2.2 1.. 2.2.2:: .2: .2. 5.22... .2: 2.: .222. 222.2221. .2221. 2: 22.: 22:22.... .2: .75.. 25,227. 1.22.. 222 2.2:... «5.2.5 .2: 22 :5, 5.22222 2.2.2222. 2. 2.5. 2222.... .2 2:22.... :55 .22: :: 22: .22221. .2: 2.2221252. 22 :5, 22222.22... .2: .2. 22:2 .2: 2.52.522 .2221. .22.: 2. 122.212.. 22.55 .2222 122125 221.22. -12 222 2.: 5.2 .2: 2. 2222.2. 1.. 22.22... .2. 1222.5: .2: .2. 222...: 22:: 22... 2222.. .22.... .255: 22.222... 12.25, 22.5 2.22. 22.22 2.2.. 22.22 .2. 2.1. 1.22... .2. 155.... 1.1.2. -222... 22 2.222.: 1.2222 222.2: 22: :5, 2.5. 22.2.22 22222: .5...2222.§ 222.. 221.1222 .2. 1.222: 22.222... 21.222 .2. 1.22.5, 22.222222 .2:. 22: 1.222.224 .2: 5.2.5122, 2 .22.... 2.55.27 .22: 2.. 222.... .22.: .2 1.222 .2: 2221. .22. 25:2 2.5. .2 1.22.21. 212.22.. 1.223232 2. 222 2211.22 .522 2..., 2. pumuls ul‘ lumh stvw \lruu". Onion. (31‘0le [H‘mu‘t‘. l mm M {Ulllutm's, I NI“ 0f “0“. Mvthmi: Ih'mlgv mum. with flnm‘. 8031' 1mm and 1mm“. l’luvu "nut. in lmltmn Hf Nissm‘ulv. «:m. up gnu-n pvmwr mm mmm uwr this. Swim". l‘uur run Hf tumutm-s uwr all M this. lmkv aluwl)‘ W L’ Mum's. I’nr- lmil Hm NW. Put. in {up of mum'- nlv. but. with lmflc'l‘ mu! lmkv :m- thr lmm‘. 22......” 1...... :1... 2.... 2.....- «.32... 2.... 2.5.... 57.... ,1... 5.... 2.. $.......... 3...... .z ....:..... .......... .n. ..........£. 9.... 3.... z........... 72...... ... z... 32...... 2.... 1...... .1. ..........i. .z.... 1...: 2.... 1.2.. 5...... 7.2.... E... 2...... Z... 1......2. 2.... .......<... SERVICE AT LESS THAN COST By BETTY WEBSTER small [wad of mhlmgv \slu'ml- ml". mm uf pimvntu \snmll‘. snmll uniuns. lulblvslmmls Hf gl'm'll lwmu‘l‘. rut up. «Ivlvn wml H mu haw It. .\ htlh- musluiu m' NHL-mud SNNI For May AMONG THE HOPS Lamb En Casserole Spring Relish Lust “wk Sum lacâ€".lciuflmn nI' lum- clulk slumwcl 1,500 lwm and um cluzvu 0mm in 'l‘nl'uutu fur llw vamh {NHL ”How "Hing. "nought Ilw MW slm'kllu: us It was mllml lulu plum. .11.... .. .... ........ 2.9:... ... .... ........: 1.. ......1. .5. ..:... .:.................. 1.........:..... .. ...... z........... 4.3.}. 5...: 1... 2:. .2. ...:..._.:. .5: 37.1. 2...... f... .....:....... E. 1.. 2...... 2... ......:...... .52. :2... z.z........ ..... 2.5.7:... ........,. z 1........... 2...... .5 {\nswvr: \\'lu~u stvumvd. Hwy 1'». tum \uluululu salts that «w lust m Hm \uuvr \Vlwn Hwy urn hmlml. groan.“ and Blkod Cod huh I'm m'mmlmi md llsh nu as bait. nu: plnltm'. Sul'muud \HHI lmrdur Hf Ilmslml [mlutm-s lwulmn mm mu! miwd wnln mm. but “nth but- hm. I'lum- m nwu tn hum-n. (‘vasliun ‘. "\Vll strum \c‘gc'lnhh's ”mu?“ MMINM: “MW ["0 SIM-"fl. Just lwfm'n SHW mu. llll \\ Ilh Nullmi rhu- lmrh sum‘v. 'l‘up \uth smvvtmwd “hippml vn-mu. . Rhubarb mm pnwumvlv mm wry mull! mmkml lngvllwr. BAKING Bl"! Individual Rhubarb Ho “Minimum I'lnulun'h pm Is dvll- mum and tvumluu; m tlw spring- llmv. LARGE POU LTRY 8!! WHEN? tnhlvélmu «f s aw. h‘nsxmuu «if M I. hmspuuu uf .mppvr Stir all tum'Uwi‘ \uth anuar. Stunning Boner "‘“133 is H. m‘HN‘ l0 and 0m ur PAGE 0. Itcll'

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