West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 10

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' PAGE 10. Edge Hill ‘Our Own Correspondent) Rhesus .\udrv)’ lie-II and Mary MntTatt Hf tim'x \wro- gnu-sis uf Miss Dummy [Uh-Iain on Saturday, .‘lr. \‘ii-lm- Williams was in Mount. FUNK-It mi Mullihiy. So-mlini: unol lmuso-clo-anii'ig will be well linishml up this wm-k in this vicinity. Mr. John "lll’lllo'. Purl. Arlhur. Mr. W. C. Within and sun. Harnhl. 0! Holland. “wro- \isiiing lho- l'nrnivr'a‘ brulho-r. .\lr. iii-urge? Ritchie. the If.“ of NW \wo-k. Mrs. John Morlli-y 0! Arthur was visiting fur a law clays with ho-r Mr. Fred Hang has purchased a vaiuahlu lww hm'se. .‘lr. Chat-Ins Shewell made a busi- nrss trip in Munrt'shurg Friday 135:. Mr. Wilbur Andvrsnn and his m0- "191' siwiit Sunday aftvvrnmin with Ir. and Mrs. Al'chiv \Vuisun. Mr. Pi-aii-lmis Shirk has pun-llama! I new Maury lmv-olnwn spm-adi-r and H making it go owvry day. Hrs. Juhn MOI‘HO‘)’ 0! Arthur was Vis’litllfl’ fur 1! {PW days with hvr pan-nts. Mr. and Mrs. H. \‘Yillianis. Mr. Williams has lint hm-n o-njnyiiig “-2-: gm»! “Pill”! during Ult' winto-i'. but it is o-zu'nt-stly hnpmt that, tlm wuzm spring days will rvstnrv hi8 out-timo- vignr. Ill-'[H'CN‘H‘ Wright. Visitmt mxr actor-wt on Mumlay fol'o‘nmin. AC- cmntini: t0 his i'i-pnrt t.” tlw trustN-s, thv M'hOOl nquipmvnt is in good cnnotition o-xcepting a tow: minm- alp- tuit-x whiln thp twwhvr‘s work is Cfltlittlt‘l'ably in advancv 0f the nvc- usury standard. .\lr. Lo-o'nard W‘alsh attended the euva- party at. Chatsworth Friday turning. (Our Own Correspcmdent) SIP. and Mrs. “'illiam Jnhnsun of Elmira and Mrs. John Crooks of Hamilton mntorod up and spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reay of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Alnx. McEacfiern and family of Toronto spent the week- end with Mrs. McEachem’s parents, Ir. and Mrs. Armin McCormick. "ii-I and Mrs. Cecil Noble and Miss Velvn Bony spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rosy. It. Russell lioness and Mr. Henry .“l‘. A. “’atsun has made a big chango- on tho- roads with the light. graclvr. Misses Jessie Slnwart and Marie Heslott visitml Thursday with Mrs. ll. McKechnio of the Rocky. Misses Marie and Ruby Haslett visited the first of the week with Ir. and Mrs. Dougal Clark of the 309‘?- - -n A 'I ‘C I. I -.0 .‘I'NSI’S. James “'alsh and E. Gold- snuth made a big change on our sum-had by ramming logs and stunt-3'. _ Mwurs. John and Leonard Walsh {00k in the dance at W'illlamsford on Mummy o-wning. xio-ssrs. John and Jamvs Connnr 0f Markdaloe \w-rv guwsts 02‘ Mr. and It's. 1‘}. lfmldsmitll. Mr. John l’w‘t has cunnilvtvd 100 Hui-s of good old timo- fvnm- fur Mr. Janws “'alsh and starts today with tho" (iuldsmith broth-rs t0 rumplete I hundred rods or so fur me. Mr. Mac fiampborll has hwn shing- lim: for Mr. Jamw Yam}; 0! E|m~ Wood. Mr. Stanley Reay s ent S with Mr. Lawrence gicCalll?!:daof lulock. \lr. \WHium Sharp has pun-chasm] 3 WW Ford car. It. i3 nut. much Wunols-x' that stole [cams-r hm gone up in value as by the lomks of the tracks north {rum this p186“ it has been travello-cl morn than once. .\II'. I..II1IIIaI°Ii \Vuish maIlII a can on friIInIJI nIIar Balaciam :‘II‘. \V‘Illiam \V IIIIIInkIII 0f Brant was II guwi of Miss Lolita \\ alsh of this plaI II Mr. and Mrs. Archie \chI-thur of (EIIIIIIIII; spIInt SIInIla} “ith \IP. and Mrs. RIIHII Haven, MI. and Mrs Colin IcArthnr. Sn, amt imam”). mum] 0" MI. RIIHII 1 Our Own Carrespmzdent) Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie of Crawford spvnt Sunday aftvrmwn. with Mr. and Mrs. Hubi'fl. Locling- ham. ('f wild-Hing is well advanced now in this locality. Everybody is busy on 0:» land thé-se days. Our community at the present time seems to.he going through the worst epidemne ot sickness that it has had for the past six months. Families are in some cases all laid Ip with severe colds or worseâ€"some pneumonia. some whooping cough and a lot of heavy, persistent colds. We hope that the real spring wea- ther will clear away all the germs. Mr. I). G. McLean is again very sick with his old trouble. we believe. We hope to hear 0! his early re- p). hr?" 0mm; Hccupleu uy 311'. u Camptwll. representative of the Lord's Day Allianct‘. Qumratulatiom to Dr. and Mrs. (1am- uf 0m- villagv- on the arrival o! .“ w-‘va “J â€"- The best wishes of the community Irv extended to the young couple. It. and Mrs. Charles McKinnOn. who Mummj to this district after a musk fiwnl htmevuwoning in Tor- ontn. Dumb: and Hamiltun. The cer- emcny was lwrformml by Rev. C. S. Jmnw. formerly of this village all“, nmx.‘ m‘ \Vatwrdmvzz. “'0 wish. them? sun H‘ (ls imprm ed health. ..J McKechnio is imprming l_\ alter her operation. r. Charles While is out again on vhes after his long term in bed I a hrokm ankle. \\. \\. Ramage continues w my» nicvls, abs» Mrs. A. B. Mc- alol and Miss Janet. all of w hon) hope will soon ye around in} OI \\ alemown. “e- “Isuwucm 'y happiness together. w. A. Sutherland preached in win“ on Sunday last. the pul- hms- being «occupied by Mr. C. who-H. reprea'ntative of the Aberdeen Welbeck. MP. R. Cook of Cuylon Spvnt last ’l‘hursduy with Um Cook and McAr- thlu' familivs. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthuI' ac- rumpanio-ol by Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hrvmnvnud. zltlcndcd MP5. W‘illiam .\. Hurnvtt’s funeral at Hunpcr's m-nu-to-u'y on Wednesday at last \H'o-k. u Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) .lum- bugs in April surely moans gum] \w-athm‘. ° 'l'hu :mso-ssnr, Mr. Cunningham Momma of Rob Roy, made his rounds Hu_w_mgl_n_fnur no-Igi_|b0r_hm»d “lat-{t week. Mr. William Burnett and daugh- [01' of Durham, visited Sunday with Mr. Hen-man Burnett, and sisters. Mrs. E. lllmlgctt Uf 'l‘immins is vis- iting :it this liomv fur a short time, <lio- (fuming tn be? in attendance at, lim- sister-in-law's funeral. Mri'l‘hun'las VDavis nf Saugcen \'::l!v~y rsrm'ntly called on the Dawns hum“. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and sun. Charles. visited at the: Mcljlnck- lin lmmo- the first of the week. A clangr'htv “as bow to Mr. and MN. .'\lhml ”.\'4 il on \mil L5, 1925. This is gill .\0.2.Atlaught01 was bum tn Mn. and 3113. Lindsay White of 531'! bur cm April 10. Mr. George Ualder has a guilt that has undertake-n to muthm‘ a. cnuplc nl' ynumg lambs, and slw is making 9. good job 01' it. Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Murphy of Konilworth motorml up on Satur- day to visit among 01.: neighbors. Miss Marcella Connor has returned homo. from Toronto and will Spend “If-.SUIQH'WI‘. months in _the country. Miss Lizzie Sweeney is also hqnie from tthueen Cyty, recovering ”qty :1 flight. operation. How. Wallam' Juiinstun was duly induvtmi into thv (fhai'gr‘s 0f Hul- stvin and Faiii'haii'n on Friday of last, \h-o'k at, Fairbairn. The church was crowded to capacity. Mr. Jaim- shm has nnw fairly entered on his wnrk. Mr. Edward Cook of Palmerston was home over the week-end. Miss Mai'y A: McGr-ade of Hamil- ton spent. a few days last week with he_r_ ‘old ‘qeighbors, Miss Hazél Firth returned home from Mr. Robert Webber’s’ on Sat- urday. Mr’. Brysun Marlock of Durham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr». Hqgh McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lennox and Winsome daughters spent a day re- cently among kindred. Mrs. Dave Marshall of Normanby eat the past week with Mr. and . rs. James McNally. Mr. H. Holmes and family spam 3 day earl in the week with the Firth {uni y. l .\I}-..'m.1 3m. \\ B. Rife zind fam- m spvnt thn \xm-k- one! “ith her mother,.\lrs.Sadl¢-1,\\Iaxtun 3 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ritchie and tfamiiy Hf town spent Fast Sunday it‘sith MP. BPrt Riichie and family. 3 Mr. Hunter Ritchie worked for a few days With Mr. Eal'i Vessiv. Row. Mr. and Mrs. Sillars visited a day i-o-contiy with Mr. and Mrs. 'l'imigiil Clzu-kv and family. Mrs. Russvll Mnuw and daughtor are iioiidaymg with hp? payouts. Mr. and Mrs. .-\. Ci'utchlcy. Miss K. Firth sgwn: an owning Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Miss: Agnes Bans left \Vednes- day morning for -I)etroit to enter “De of the hospitals there to train for a nurse. 011 Friday evening of last week. the young peorile 0f the Vicinity assembled at her home and presentmt her with a beautiful wrist watrh. Miss Evans. will be missed in the village and especially :imrngst the Continuation school pu~ pits. We wish her abundant success in her new venture. Only yesterday we learned of the death of Mrs. Mary Mason at the home of a nietm in Detroit. Mrs. Mum” was well and fm'orably known in the Village. she haying nursed and tended Mrs. James bur- rant for Several years. She left the \iilnge imwarols of two years ago. Her death trok plare nu Murrh 29. The last. quarterly nftieizll board meeting of the Metluulist Chin-eh here took ptaco» on Monday evening lust. There was a l't't’tN'tl attend- anre. over 30 being present. “to reports of the iltll'et'ent departments et’ ehurrh work were given. At that. meeting :1 unanimous imitation was 6'\‘tt'lttlt'1l tn ltev. L. E. “eat to re- mmn as Isaslnl' for another year. The :aemment was «liSpensecl en thhnth morning. and seventeen eommunieants knelt at. the altar. The .wrk has progressml favorably dur- ing the year. Dr. McLeIlan attended the meetâ€" ing of the Grey Medical Society held at Markdale last Friday. _ Wfirslql). Lamb visitr-d for a day with her friend. Mrs. D. Clarke. last wm-k. Glad tn re-pm't (inrdnn 'I'lmmuson {m thv mf-nd 311W a wry somous Illnvss With Inflammatum. Wilm er spent Sunday evening with Sir. ugh Macdonald. Misses Stella Lynn and Lotfio Reay spent a day last week wnth their friend, Miss Mae Meallnm. i ' -uv-~ ”'Misse's Mary and Clara Scheuer. man spent the week-end with their grgnpdmotlwfi. Mrs. fi'illiam Hill. cut-I ‘I_I“-_I-__ Mr. 51-13â€"3163: Cobrge McMeqken of Iown spent a day recenfly “:1"! Mr. and Mrs. Malmlm Mchechnjc. a. “‘-\-â€"-- ‘5'" Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam McFarlane spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mclman. Mr. Jack Lpggvtte spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John‘_C§sw_ell. A strangv mun passed tln‘nugh harm on last Monday and 110 seemed to ho? a complete stl'angm'. Some a WWW attack of moaslos, is much impmvml and will he ablv to leave tlu- linspitul slmrtly. Her sister. Miss Kzillilcwi is still with lmr. \liss .Ivssiu McMillan “ho has been in Hm hospital in Tumult» with osts of tho township if 33o rmors 13d thoir 1locision I13 3 113-11133 aholish- i111; st 1tuto lahor as sumo other (3111,1n1-ils had 1lono a wook or two lwt‘uro. In fact. 3311 think one mem~ l11.-r suggostod it to ho done, and all tho. momhors 33'1-1-1» unanimous in the opinion that it 3311ul1l be for the hvnotit of all if 33o did so, but 331} l.11l\ml tho courago of our comic- tinns to ca113' it through. and sta- 'tuto lahor romains for another 3oar. No doubt I’1omior Forguson has gi3~ 1111 just as 1loop thought and carot'ul study to tho business on hand as 33o did and is just as sincoro in the holiof that ho is acting in tho host intorosh of tho P1113 1111 1-. F11 ho fair with tho follow, about. tho only rriticism of his artion 33'o should 1:133» might h1- 1111t in 11 1mo lino io'ntvnrv. Simply: That llo has tho murago of his oonvictions. (Our Own Correspondent) Thu wmthvr Hm past, “'ka has hmm idval for awn-cling. and a good «Inal of grain is snwn. .\ Wonk of gum! \watlwr will sue the} majm'ity nf the seed in and in vxcellont shape. 'l‘hn nvw moadnws arv lnoking the very bust for this timv 01‘ “w yo-ar. Mr. Irving 0f Mnrkdalv is this wm‘k assisting his sun. anrvnce, lwrv with tlu' sow-ding. hr} having tinjshnd himsnlf last wank. \\'e read with much interest. the verses in last \\'e¢__-k'i~: Durham Re- View by Deputy-Reeve John A. Fer- guson on the vote last fall on he liquor question, Premier's Fcry‘u- Son's remarks at the time and his recent. actions, and consit‘lered we had not. read an article in a long, long: time that contained so much foml for thought. on the actions of men especially towards each other. Last fall. a vote was taken on sta- tute labor. and the Council all said they would he satisfied with the «le- cision of the electors. yet at the tlouneil meeting a week ago Monday. the day just prior to that on which the article was written we presume, the Council after carefully studying the matter out. concluded we would he aeting Very much in the inter- Mr. James Barbour, who started farming south of Mount Forest. was up to this part on Manda for seed potatoes and reports ing about finished in his locality. Mr. and Mrs. John Orchard of Holstein. accompanied by Mr. Lucas, manager of Holstein branch of the Bank of Montreal, attended St. Paul‘s Church on Sunday, as also did Mr. Prter Daley, but, the congrega- tion was not up to the average. The choir was absent, and a number of Sunday School officials. no doubt taking a day off before starting the season's work. The seeding, so far as grain is con- cerned, is about completed, and those on low land are through along Fill!) the follows on the high lying am. Mr. Edgar Henry, _ who recently returned from Florida, has pur- chased the old homestead from his father, Mr. Andrew Henry and will settle down to farm life. Bornâ€"4.0 Mr. and Mrs. Farr Law- rence on Friday, a son. Mr. Arthur Lawrence has built a commodious hen-house and has gone largely into the poultri' bus. iness. His incubators, the arges: one of six hundred egg capacity, have been working day and night since the middle of February. He will Snnll have a corner nn the egg markei. Grven Grove beef ring intended killing their first heifer this week, but owing to the illness of Butcher Turnhull, the slaughter will not. take place until next week. _ WE DO NOT DO ENGINE OR CHASSIS WORK Voker Bodies Limited Swinton Park. Body Repainting and Repair Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED Lie-ut-(Jul. Cecil L‘Estrange Ma- lone, who has just returned to Lon- don from the- Balkans. quotes Chief of Police Schueber of Vimma as de- claring that all the- police «ll-part» ments of Europe haw agrmd upon a general I‘nund-up of Cummunists an}! the CKDULSMII of suspm-tcd aliens 'l‘hn Bulgarian Legation in Berlin has issuml a denial of-rofu.v1‘ts that Jews ari- hving subjected to sys- tnmatic [)ii’l'SPCLlLiOIl in Bulgaria. 'l'lw statomvnt. says that tlw Jewish [mpulatimi i-njnys the same rights as 0”]01' citizens. Swinton Pork cluh. Miss l. Kinnell has returned home from Toronto where she was at- tending to her sister, Mrs. Phillips, who was ill. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Ferris, Flesh- ertgn, yisited on Sunday with Mr. Thn Italian aviatnr. (hymmandm' De Pinmlr). arriwd at. Bushiro. Por- sia, frum Bagdacl on his flight tn Japan and Australia. Do;- Pinedo. using a hydro-airplamu startml from Rnnw last Tuesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Knox of Uwgn Sound spent Sunday with Mr. Tim French Cabinet drew up measures fur the preserVatinn of order on May Day, with special ref- M'r-lu'v tn tlw mocluimml intentirm of tlw Communists to stage a mam- festatirm 4m that date. 'l‘he Franco - British diplomatic exchanges. both as regards secur- ity and war debts, are again enter- ing an active phase. M. de Fleuriau French Ambassador to Great Bri- tain has arrived in Paris from Lon- don to go over the, whole situation with Fin-eign Minister Briant preâ€" paratory to re-opening the pourparl- ers as soon as the result, of the Ger- man presidential election are known. The Vickers Company of Great Britain has concludecil an agreement with the Sm'iet Government forthc erpction of up oil yofinerxat Baku. Mr. C. Smith took the contract of splittingM rH. W‘ntsons wood. and he completed his job in less than No «1301393. there being thirty coals to do. Thé widow of Emile ZUla, noted French novelist and defender of CaggMi11__I)ptr)'fus.__is dead, aged 86. (Continued from Page 7) l'nited States, and 50.878 from other (juuntries. - We are glad to sac) MnCharlos Tucker home again after Spmding some time in Dolrnit. Sympathy is extended (.6 Mr. An- gus Hoopor'in the death of his sis- tpr. Mrs. William Burnett. of Mich- xggm. ”Mrs. E. G. Ritchie. has gone to spend a short time w1th her Cousin. Mrs. J. Nowell, who isn’t very m-H. T7”? ’ World News Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) The. Ladies” Aid and W. M. S. held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Harrison. Jr. The at- tendance was good, and consider- able business was dune. Mrs. Arthlon'. Lawrpnce'» and sun. Adolphus. Visuted recently at Mr. Crawford Harrison 5. Mrs. \V. L. Dixon is home again after visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Weir. Jr.. Glenelg.“ Four sod planes are 50ng ordvrod The plane: will at the mall type of machine. 0 Government's choice of the amphibian type of air craft is due to the desire to obviate the necessity of establishing a sea plane base at Sydney, which might otherwise be necessary. There is a good deal of communt in London over the refusal of the authorities of “'ostminslor Abbey: to permit. Hz: ftmnra! service f“:- and Vienna RAISIN and NUT BREAD Saturdays Only Call and get one of these loaves. Better still, have the rig call Other Breads We Make Every Day are: 0-116 Good News . for Durham We have just finished remodelling our oven with up-to-date improve- ments, and added a steam boiler to give the people of Durham and vicinity the best loaf it is possible to get. The Na W CHEVROLET Henderson’s Bakery touring car with new bod- ies finished in rich dark blue Duco, with cowl lights, new disc clutch, and new extra strong rear axle with banjo- finisHed in aqua-marine blue and black Duco. See the new Fisher Body coupe of strikingly beautiful design. finished in Ontario grey and blue Duco. See the new coach, another fine Fisher Body closed car of low price, Duco finished, mounted on the new Chevrolet chassis with its many added quality features. See the new sedan with beautiful Fisher Body and The Bread that’s rich.in flavor and fine texture with extra liberal amounts of milk and yeast that give it high vitamine content. Baked just right with steam assures a nice crust. Every morsel 1s easil) assimilated Not a crumb goes to waste. Dutch Brown Whole Wheat We have also secured the formula for Milk Maid Bread NOBLE’S GARAGE Durham, Ontario M. April I. ”as. According to Bradsnwt' .four per cm“ of 3!! tit-m- ‘ll‘o non ad\'9rtts('!'s. W w Mwlinsnn. 00mm“ arch-chic! at the British furru, 1: India. V.» died in India as Hu- 1‘“ “at of w on. t“ 1w I...“ 1| “IO my turday. 'l‘llu fun”?! took pace at St. Margin-r..- 'ih'm-l, WWI. OfrWhiPh Hwy \\‘!1‘ liam Hartley Cm: _- 1- .. ‘Westminslcr Ahlr}: f ‘ See theNewâ€" DMIW igh {3' VOL. 58.-â€"NO. IOTOR LEAGUI TOMORI Local lown‘sts to ‘ up With Georgian Will Gather at B o’Clock. Durham nmlm-isl. the Hahn Hunsv in night at 8 u'i'lm'k h Visibility 01' l'uruni learn» and linking giltPBay Mulm' Glu Though several meeting called for mg. llw siurmy we many away. and l bled did not. feel with the pl‘olmsili sanction «if a nun gathering. This "IN for Durham [union the Wimlo disli‘ivl. .' ham. and it is liu the tnwnships inlc attend. whvn lhu m formation Hi :i In dismissal l'i'uin all The Gmrgian It lflllilled mm (In Leanna and WM} the local urgumzat becumcs a mvmlu Mama and Hum-v! its lwnvtits‘. Threw lu'llMih ('0 adViG‘t‘ ill musc- lbl‘d‘m‘lu's «:f tho- AN. Any inn-mind will b0. mamwl nu ada 0r Hm Yum-«I COIIdNiflll (If l‘nads cm. A may at m nifihod In van-h m: Mmflwrship invl scriptiun in (21mm official magnum- v ornamental Imma- cnr is alm supp“ Th0 Luau prntm'l tho far as ”my public mud ml‘afilfl'vs in ones var has Hm so much logisIat 0r who" tlw nml "l0 “I":H‘iu Mutt nw-dml than at I 'l‘llv nwusm pulmr c'mmm liuhh HM 1101 "ll In m'mn duct u mnlm im: a “‘nl'k. rlul 8!ch try Ilm traf mm' tram allv OHM [HHS 3X HI H Ds‘ Nil FISHING SEA 0N FRI Cold. Backward ‘ and Catches W' Wlnd. fishin SUPP!" ‘9‘)!‘tb gum» tht \ nmghl from smm clnnuwd rm 2y \th-n tho- IN; Tim lar‘gvst fl was “nu caphnwj inc by Hnumw! wai‘rhml mu- pm] H W8.“ :1 nwv iisl It “('{J't‘HVfllf‘ dz: Tuesday (of tin 3‘ weather mm was 6 vl‘imu‘m‘l points man 4 m1 Ho NH’V I] -\n \l \l lmaxm- st; 2 (ho right: “my mm m mud. in su and man _\' Ill .\l n HM sm' «pgulu Ull nu

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