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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 11

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' PAGE 10. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) )lissvs Andrew Bull and .‘lzu'y Mull'utt ul' hmn \wl'o- guo'sis ul’ Muss Dummy Ritrhiu on Saturday. Mr. Pomlmls Shilk has purr Inasml I new {\Iafsvy l«,)\\-oln\\ n sprmulvr and Is making N. am "wry day. Mr. Fred Hang has purchased a valuahln lww hurse. Mr. Charlvs Shewell made a busi- uvss trip tn :‘Ium'o‘sblll'g Friday lam. Mr. Wilhm- Antlvrsun and his mn- flier spout Sunday at'tvrnmm with Mr. and Mrs. Archiv \Vatsnn. Mrs. Jnhn )lortlo‘y uf Arthur was visiting fur a fmv days with how pamms. Mr. and Mrs. H. \\'<illiams. Mr. Williams has nut. bm‘n vnjnying vm: gum! hunlth during the" wintvr. but it is narnnstly lmpml that. Um Misses Marie and Ruby Haslett visited the first of the week with HP. and Mrs. Dougal Clark of the Rocky. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Noble and Miss Velva Reay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Beay. . __ waini spring days will resii’vri‘ his old-timo‘ \‘igur. lnepprtnr Wright \isitml mxr 30mm! on Mnnday furo‘nmm. Ar- rm'cling to his rrpnrt tn the trustws, the. srhool rquipmc‘nt is in good cnmlition excepting a few minur 0'19â€" tailâ€"z while the? tearhvr's work is cumulm-ably in advance of the noc- ossury standard. { Our Own Cmespcmdent) Mr. and Mrs. William Johnsnn of Elmira and Mrs. John Crooks of Hamilton (unloved pp 3911 spent gun- Misses vasie Stnwart. and Marie Heslhn visitml Thursday with Mrs. M. McKc-chnie of the Rockv. Mr. and Mrs.Alex.\1cEachern and famih of 'l‘monto spent tho‘ week- end xiith Mrs. McEachems parents, Mr and Mrs \nhie McCormick. 3h. .-.\ Watson has made a his: chungo- 0n Um loads “ith the light. 3! am I. on )lovlulu)‘ o-wning. .\lr. lmonard W'alsh attended the euvlm- party at Chatsworth Friday BVPIIIIIR. Egthith .\l 1'. and Mrs. Thdmas Reay of Aberdeen. Mr Stanlex Reay spent Sunday with Mr. Lawrence McCallum of lulock. \io-ssrs. Jnhn and .Iamus cinnnnr of Murkdalo- \wrv guowts Hf Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Hnlnlsmith. .‘Jr. John l’ust has vumplvtml “)0 fluis of goml HM timo' fo'nm' THI‘ Mr. Janws “'ulsh and starts today with tho- Hulalsmith hrntlwrs tn t'umplt‘m a humh'ml l‘mls Hl‘ 9'0 fHI' ”H'm. .‘lPSSI'S. .lamvs Walsh and E. Gold- 3'1“”! maul». a big changc- m1 nur aim-mad by ramming logs and Stunt-s, ' " Mum-s. John and Leonard Walsh took in Hip dance at Williamsforrl on Mundany o-wning. Mr. human] Walsh maclv a can on frivnds [war Balaclava. M12. \V‘illiam \V'Mwnkvl nf Brunt was at gum 0f Miss Lolita “3115!! (if this plavfn â€"- A A. A Mr. and Mrs. Archin .‘Il‘APUlllI' 0! (hum-lg smut, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Run-l Boyer. “r. and Mrs. Colin McArthur. Sn, :de family. vallml UH Mr. vaM ’wvmz Mr. “William Sharp has pnm'lmsml a m-w Ford car. It. is nut. murh WHIIHM’ that. stole leatho-r has gone up in value as by the lnnks of the tracks nurth from] this placv it has wan truwllml morn than once. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. John McKechniP 0f lirawfnm spun! Sunday at’tv-I'nonu with Mr. and Mrs. ’mho-rt 1.0mm:- ham. . .\lr. Mac (lamplwll has lm-n shing- lmg for Mr. Jame-s \andé. of Elm~ anl. 1112- \\. \\. anagv cnnlinuvs tn IIIH'H'H' nico-ly, aISov Mrs. A H.310 Donald and Miss Janet. all of whom \Vt‘ lump will soon 1w around in gi'o'wny imprnvm health. ”I". .l. McKi-chniv is improving um l__\ aitm' hm' ups-ratinn. 3h. 0 harlvs “M10. is out. again On t-I-nn hos nftvr his lung term in bed wiih a hrnkvu ankln. Téo-Ew'iing is well advanced now in this IncaIity. Everybody is busy on tho- !amd tho-39 days: ‘_ Our community at the present time seems to be going through the worst epidemic ot sickness that it has had for the past six months. Families are in some cases all laid Up with severe colds or worseâ€"some pneumonia. some whooping cough and a lot of heavy, persistent colds. We hope that the real spring wea- ther will clear away all the. germs. V'Mr. D. G. McLeail is again yery sick with his old trouble. we believe. W0 hnlw to hear of his early re- a s‘Hl! ' '"--“ --â€"-. ’l‘lw. best wishes? of the community aro- thmnlpd to the young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKinnnn, who mturnml to this district after a wm-k ~".wnt hunm'mnoning in Tor- onto». 1)!!!"le and Hamilton. The cer- emauy was pm'fnl'mml by RP\'. C. S. July-4, furmm-ly of this villagv ann nmc. nl‘ \Valo-nlmvu. We wish them mun-y happmms togpllurr. [lo-v. .\. Snthvrlauul unmatched in Hitl‘fts'lml nn Sunday last. the pul- pit. lu'z'o' lM-im.’ Ht'CltMml by Mr. C. llammlwll. ro'pro-svutatiw of tho Luz-oh hay Allianmn (hungrntulatinns tn Dr. and Mrs. tiny-r ut‘ ntll' villago- 0n thv arrival nt 'W --â€"vâ€"â€" Mr. Russell lioness and Mr. Henry (Our Own Corrupoudcnt) Aberdeen Welbeck. day. 111 Mount Mr. R. Cook of Union spout last ’I hursdzn “ith the Cook and MC \1'- Hun tamilios. 311.211“! M1s.Hugh MOM-Hm? a1:- “11111111111111 bx .\l1. and MIS. W. J. 1i1-',om|1\\1md attended Mls. W‘illiam .\. Hume-M's funeral at Hooper’s t'o‘ll)i\'to'l'}' on \Vednesdav 01’ last “on", . Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) .Ium- bugs in .\[)l‘ll surely means gum] Wt'zlt-IHH'. ‘ The assussnr Mr. Cunningham Mum-u 01 Rob Rm made his rounds [In uuvh mn' 110igl_1b01‘_hcmd last week. Mr. William Burnett and daugh- 1111' 111' Durham. Visited Sunday with Mr. Human Burnett. and sisters. Mrs. I.I£I111Ig11tt ut ’l‘immins is. V15- 1111;; at this homo 1111' a short time, si1n1 1111111111; tn be in attendance at I11'r sister-in-law‘s funeral. )lx'f'l‘hnmas “Davis. nf Saugcep Vullwy I'!‘(.'(‘IIU}' called on the Dams Inn-mu. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and sun. tlharlcs. Visited at the Mctllnck- iin hump the first of the week. Mr. George Ualder has a goat that has umlm'takvn to muthm‘ a cnuple nt' ynum: lambs, and sh» is making v. gmml job of it. Row. Wallau-v .lc)lulst«.)11 was duly incluvtfid into Hm chat-gm 0f Hul- mm and Fairhuirn on Friday of last. \ka at. Fairbuirn. The church was crumlvd to callmcity. Mr. John- stnn has nnw fairly entered on his \\'Hl'k. .â€"\ daughtm' was born to MP. and Mn. \lhml UN. il on April :35, 1922'). [his is gill No. '2. A daughter was hum tn .\h. and Mrs. Lindsay White of _.â€"_\rt hur Am; April 10. Mr. Edward Cook of Palmerston was home over the week-end. :3. ..‘.,._w.‘_--w__i. «a. z. :2... 9.:2 3:7 :7. 1:2: 2:. $2.wL.:; ’12. :3. Edsâ€"E... :~..,1...maa._.n_... 5 51:: Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy of Kenilvxurth motored up 0n Satur- .ln to \i~it among old neighbors. Miss Marcella Connor has returned hume from 'lorunto and “ill spend tlnggunimrr months in _t.he_cou_nt.ry. Miss Lizzie Swampy is also honie from Ih9.QUBt‘n Olly, recoverlng t‘rqm a illght VOpgyatwn, "-1‘\â€"lwx'.;'B1'3's.vtx Mm'lock of Durham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hggh hlc_Arthpr._ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lennox and Winsome daughters spent a day re- cently among kindxed. Mrs. Dave Marshall of Normanby spent the past week with Mr. and M133. Jayneg McNally. _ _ Mr. H. Holmes a'nd family spent a day early in the week with the Firth family. Miss Mai'y AC McGrade of Hamil- ton spent a few days last week with her 01d neighbors._ Miss Hazel Firth returned home from Mr. Robert Webber’s on Sat- urday. 'l‘lw lust quai'tvi‘ly ul'lii'iul hoard mm'tin; H!’ tho‘ .‘luthmlist. ilhlli'i'll hi‘l'l‘ tnnk place on Monday evening lust. 'I‘hm'i' was a WWW)?“ atlvntL mum. l)\'l‘l' 30 living pm‘swni. ’l‘hv i'vgtm'ts of ”)0 oiil'fi'l'vnt. di‘pm'Ime‘ntS vi' church \WH‘k wm'v giwn. At that. llll'i‘li'tg :1 unanimnus invitation was 6-‘(ii'llili‘zi (H HM’. L. K. “fist. In H‘- mum as paslm' fur auntlwi' your. 'I‘lw :Iam'unimt was «lisponsml nu Snlilmih mm'ning. and svvvnlm‘n i'nmmunicunts knelt at the: altar. The. .mi-k has pi-ngrnssml favorably dur- ing: Hm )‘Pfll'. “In Milmllan :liitlldl‘il tlw mmrt- ing uf Hm (Il'yi‘ \lmlu '11 Sm'ivty link! at Maikdalu Inst Friday. \\'ilmyer_spp_nt Sunday evening with (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Agnvs Exams qut \V‘wlnes- clay mm'ning for thmit t.” outer Hun nf llw lu’bspilnls tho-1m tn train fur a nursv. On Friday Honing of last wka. the" young [wnplv of tho Vicinity :xssvmhh‘ol at. how hnmo and [H'o-smltml how with a hnautiful wrist wan-h. Miss Evans will hr missml in tlw \‘illagv and vspucizllly :anvrngst tlw clmllinuzltion school pu- pils. Wu wish lwr abundant, success in hm' lww wntm‘e. Hal." ."rstrrclay \vr. luarnm‘l of tho drth ”1' Mrs. Mary Mama at the hnmu nf a him-n m Drtrnit. Mrs. .‘Iasnn was wall and favorably knnwn in thr \‘iliagc'. Sll!‘ haVing nursrd am! trnclnd Mrs. .lamrs Dun rant fur swvral yrars. .Shv loft the \illagr Hmvards 01' two yrars ago. Wilm er spent. Sunday My.“ ugh__hl§cdqnald. Mrs. D. Lamb Visitml for 2! day WM“ 1201' friend. Mrs. D. Clal'kn. last wm'k. (Had tn rmmrt. (Jordon 'l‘hnmnson gm tlw mvnd 811W a wry smfious Illnvss With mflammahnn. "’xiié'sés‘ihiéfiéiifih and Louie Reay spent a day last week with their friend, Miss Mae McCallum. ”01' ”4‘3”! tun]; Rocky Sangeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan and sun. Alvin. spent Sunday mth the lattpr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sgpons. ‘- I fil n I “viiiâ€"3533 Mary and Clara Scheuer- man spent the week-end with their grandmothe»); qusmfifilliam Hill_. -- -‘ Mr. Ilnntm‘ Ritchie1 workpd for 3 f0“ Ila” “ith Ml“. EaIi Vetssiiu Rm. Mr. and \lrs. Siliars \izitpd :I aim II-cvnth \xitlI 3112mm M12. IIIIIIgIl l‘lzukv and t'amilx. Mrs. Russvll MUHIP and daugrhtm' m.» imiidmiug “it“ “(‘1' pawnts. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilrutchluy. Miss K. FII'UI sIII'nL m1 M'I'ning wilh Mrs. D. Clnrko. Mrs. Hum-gr Ilampiwll of town sgwnt :I «lay I'vcuntly- with her IiiPCt‘. Mrs. L. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. William McFarlane spvnt Sunday with MP. and Mrs. L. Mrlman. Mr. andâ€"Mrs. Gem-go McMefjknn of town spvnt a day x-vcently wlth Mr. anal Mrs. Mnlmlm MCKf‘PhnlO. ”Mr. Jack nggvttv sppnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John‘ Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. \lthur Ritchiv and f‘zunii) 0| tnwn spvnt last Sunday with Mr. Brit Ritchio and family. Holstein 'nl' m. yvm's ago. plaw 1m Mum‘h 2‘). tvrly nl’liviul hoard Miss vasiu McMillan. WHO has bean in tho hospital in TUI'OllUl with a svvm-v attack of mvaslvs. is much imm'mwl and will be ablv to leave tlu- hospital shortly. Hm' sister. Miss Kallilm-n is still with her. A strange mun passmi thmugh 1mm HI] last. Monday and he .509.de to be? a complete stl'angol'. Some Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) TIH‘ WHIUH'I' Hm past. \vvvk has been idval l'm' svmling. and :1 good «10a! 01' grain is snwn. A \ka of good \x'uathm' will 5P0 tlw majority at the seed in and in vxcollmlt shape. 'l‘lm nvw Invadnws m'n lrmkil‘lg the very lwst fur this timn uf tho yvaI'. Mr. Irving nf Mnrkdalv is this \vnpk assisting his son. anronce, horn with tlw snnding. ho having linishmi himsnlf last, wank. Mr. James Barbour, who started farming south of Mount Forest, was up to this part on Monday for seed potatoes and reports seeding about finished in his locality. \Vo road with much intorcst tho. vorsos in last. wook’s Durham Ro- \‘iow liy Doputy-Rocvo John A. For- guson on tho voto last fall on tho liquor quostion, Premier's Fcrgu- son‘s romarks at tho timo and his rocont actions. and COllSlthI'L‘d we had not. road an articlo in a long, long limo that. containod so much food for thought. on tho actions of mon ospocially towards oach othor. Last fall. a voto was takon on sta- tuto labor. and tho Council all said thoy woulcl lio satisfied with tho (.lc- cision of tho oloctors. yot at the Council mocting a wook ago Monday, tho day just prior to that on which tho articlo was writtcn wo prosumc, the Council aftor carofully studying the mattor out. ('Olll'llltlt'tl wo woulu ho acting Vory much in tho inter- csts of tho township if wo rovorsotl thoir clocision by a hy-law aholish- ing: statutc lalioc as sumo other Councils hail «lono a wook or two hol'oro. In fact, wo think ono mom- licl' suggostcd it. to ho «louo, and all tho momliors woro unanimous in the opinion that it would be for the hcnolit of all if wo did so, but wc lackcd tho courago of our convic- tions to carry it through. and sta~ into labor romains l'or anothcr yoar. No doubt. Promior Forguson has giv- on just. as ”(‘01) thought, and caroful study to tho husinoss on hand as wo (lid and is just. as sincoro in tho, licliof that. ho is acting in tho host. intorosts of tho l’roviucc. 'l‘o ho fair with tho l'ollow. :llmllt tho. only criticism of his action wo should g'ivo might ho put, in a ono lino scntonco. simply: 'l‘hat. ho has lho courago of his ccmvictions. Bornâ€"to Mr. and Mrs. Farr Law- rence on Friday, a son. Mr. Edgar Henry, who recently returned from Florida, has pur- chased the old homestead from his father, Mr. Andrew Henry and will settle down to farm life. The 30111111132 so far as grain is con- (311.11qu 15 about completed, and those:1 011 Low laud am through along \\iII1 the follows 011 the high lying land. Mr. Arthur Lawrence has built. a commodious hen-house and has gone largely into the poultry bus- iness. His incubator‘, the largest one of six hundred egg capacity, have been working day and night. since the middle of February. He will smvu have a corner on the. egg markeé. Mr. and Mrs. John Orchard of Holstein. accompanied by Mr. Lucas, manager of Holstein branch of the Bank or thtreal, attended St. Paul‘s Church on Sunday, as also did Mr. Pvtcr Daley, but the congrega- tion was not up to tho average. The choir was abscnt, and a number of Sunday School officials, no doubt taking a day off before starting the season’s work. (11111111 Urine beef xing intended killing “mix that l1eil’1111 this \xeek, but (ming to the illness of Butcher l‘u11nbull, the slaughter “ill not take place until next week. (Our Own Correspondent) 45.32% THE DURHAM CHRONICLE think he was trying to find the Swinton Park club. _ _ "Mr.“aâ€"nâ€"d'hl‘rs. B. D. Ferris, Flesh- erbon, visited on Sunday with Mr. J. Ferris. A v I.. V“ - â€"-â€" 'ww‘vv Miss M. Kinnell has returned home from Toronto where she was at- tending to her sister, Mrs. Phillips, who was ill. v. -V---v Mr. and Mrs. William Knox of Owen Sound spent Sunday with Mr. R. Knox. [Amt-tin]. UPC” L'listrange Ma'- lono, who has just, returned to Lon- don {rum tlw Balkans. quotes Chivf of Police. Schnebm' of V'imma as do- claring that, all tho police depart- ments of Europa haw agrvod upon a. general I‘Hlllld-llp of Cun'lmunists {mg the oxlml_sinn of suspm‘ted aliens II. 5-. V“ Mr. C. Smith took the. contract of splitting Mr. H. Watson‘s wood. and he completed his job in less than two days, there being thirty cords 0 d0. Thu Bulgarian ngahon in Berlin has issuml u dmnial of '1'mm1'ts that Jews at'v hving subjected to sys- tematic pm'svmltion in Bulgaria. The stutonwnt, says that, the Jewish pnplll‘dtitm vnjuys the 8:1an rights as mlwr citizens. Thu Italian aviator. (lmnmandm- Do. Pinmln. :n'l'iwd at, Bushiro. Pur- sia, frnm Bagdac'l on his flight tn Japan and Australia. Dc Pinodo. using a. hydm-airplanv. started from Home lust 'l'uvsday. 'l‘lie Franco -Britisli diplomatic exchanges. both as regards secur- ity and war debts, are. again enter- ing an active “phase. M. de Fleuriau French Ambassador to Great Bri- tain has arrived in Paris frnm Lon- don to go over the, whole situation with Foreign Minister Briant pre- paratory to re-opening the pourparl- ers as soon as the result, 01' the Ger- man presidential election are known: 'J‘ho Frnnvh Cabinet. drew up measures fur the preservation of {mum on May Day, with special ref- m-onvv in tho proclaimmi intention of tho Communists to stage. a main- l'ostntinn nn that datP. Thé widow of Emile ZUla, noted french novelist and defender of Cg;._»_tzun__I__)r_uyfus._ls dead, aggd 86 . The Vickers Company of Great Britain has concluded an agreement. with the Soviet (;«t)\'m'11n10|1t forthe orgctinrgpf an oil refineryfit Baku. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Tho Ladios’ Aid and W. M. S. hold their April mooting at the homo of Mrs. Thomas Harrison. Jr. Tho at- tondanco was good, and C(mSider- able businoss was dono. VVe aI‘P. glad to 801‘ Mr» C hal‘lt‘fi 'luckor homo again aftm' Spmding some time in Detroit. ”Mrs. E. G. Ritchie has gmm to Spend a short time Wltll her cnusih, Mrs. J. me'oll, who isn’t wry \wll. Mrs. Arthur Lawrrncv and son. Adolphus. VlsilPd rmrrutly at Mr. Crawford Harrison's. S\ mpatm is oxiondmi tn Mr. .-\n- gus Hoopm in the death of his sis- (m. Mrs. “illiam Burnett of Well. i g9 n. 5771‘ ’ World News (Continued from Page 7) I'nited States, and 50,878 from other (inmatries. . Mrs. \V. L. Dixon is home. again after visiting: her daughter, Mrs. \Villiam' Weir. .112. Glenelg.__ Four sod planvs are lieing ordvred for the} wnor' I a! service D416 Good News . for Durham We have just finishedremodelling our oven with up-to-date improve- ments, and added a steam boiler to give the people of Durham and vicinity the best loaf it is possible to get. See the new roadster and touring car with new bod- ies finished in rich dark blue Duco, with cowl lights, new one-piece VV windshield, finished in aqua-marine blue and black Duco. See the new Fisher Body beautâ€"iful Fisher Body and 2585;}? strikingly beautiful design. finished in Ontario grey and blue Duco. See the new coach, another fine Fisher Body closed car of low price, Duco finished, mounted on the new Chevrolet chassis with its many added quality features. The Bread that’s rich.in flavor and fine texture with extra liberal amounts of milk and yeast that give it high vitamine content. Baked just right with steam assures a nice 'crust. Every morsel is easily assimilated. Not a crumb goes to waste. Dutch Brown Whole Wheat We have also secured the formula for Milk Maid Bread the new sedan with NOBLE’S GARAGE Durham, Ontario 'â€"â€"â€" , _ -‘ . uwlingon, command. W. m! m Bratish {ON'PS m or. . died in India as Hm -.._ Ind“. who '00, to he hold1 m Ame rday. Thn {um-m] wk pllceylt 8t. Mll‘gfl‘fl’s Chumt nrnctminsu‘l‘ AbbCY. i5 i'h‘fnx. According to watr90r5, “illllh' four per cent 9! 3!! firm: flw 1‘5. are non advertzsm's. ' CAR S See theNewâ€" hWTw

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