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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 3

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Read Alberta Wu“ perience with Lydi‘ a harm’s Vegetable C. :4 *Hlb‘ f5 UNDERWEAR \mmkks just arrived 30m Nifty HOSIERY I“ ~x- r.:- Inl‘ information. CENT RAL BUSINESS COM! and Mount Forest .‘ .Tl ar at Special Prices All Our Graduates m U leek f‘éew Suit? the New Tic mckings. All size. erv Specials Store Shirts and Ties II the! Thursday, Apr“ ‘. A Grave Crime Ml)‘ .\.?’P."ta.â€"“P :Mingmeone i was m a '» anythin r. are chfidren 7 "?*"I‘ilti0n- I I} I} The F: p....L ,1 Durham, (Hui n placed to date Ind » are calls for more. mmrse NOW. If you M it you pay for it In smaller earnings nppul‘tllnities. Durham :‘HCI‘ wear Only) $1.00 l nur new m the New" "’3 It's Herc I my back; 'W‘ Paws may: :«r to take It. Af ‘. be A I became much “ a h‘mCY babv aid hm'n using 831'». h iuh Hf hGl‘ a... .‘ hishnp, He W“. hholinus about li- ay cl HIP maid W)“ "\\'hat distrm H HIa_t._you h”, mrlkv an pm“. “"1". “R11“..- u... mama pains Write, call It bars 'Y fri ."EY In This is the time of year to begin to swat the fly and 1 «11 my its breeding places. The latter IS the more effec- .«_; .. 11 ay of getting rid of flies! [I I"~pyright, 1921,, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Bmholism suro. Bottor have a carot'ul exa atumâ€"(mrludmg an oxamm Wm H. .\l. \VI'HPSZ "l hm'o a rol- _ , who has sulTorml from honrt- ”f ”‘0 “1’1“” “11d 13‘0”“) A «no for a numhor of yours. Ho â€"â€"oâ€"-'â€" A l-o-oontly had :1 had attack and poisoning From Paints i" ""Wlnlwd 11 Hll‘tiul )aralvsis n , ,. h .. ‘nl hm lost. his {libilih' t‘n Shrnk, |.'R..1\1(B.\\11t'o.~. .By 1.1. I'ho cluotnr says ho has omludism of 9m “ “Pu“;“l” {1“"91‘1 {KIWFWT fm hruin. \\'m1hl ynll mind tolling 'f jhmo lsvmmw “9118” 0 :- ‘xw what omlmlism is? How is it ““5013211h.‘ breathing the fun :utToront from a strnko‘? \Vo thought, Pamt' him a stl'Oko. Any rhunco. 0f Reply ""“l'lt‘U‘ I‘mmvory 1’” 'l'horo sooms to ho little 110‘ Reply tho clangor of poisoning from r‘ - '0 ‘ . ' ‘3 ( 0 o1 I. lho plugging of :1 blomLVossol {11:113.1.3:”[tlléfluguflr‘asd :leirI‘llt It“: ‘.\ a rlut. 01' Minor obstruction " . ' . " . . ' ' » a or : c “11130 I \ moh has hoon brought. to ”.9 place mi: lzfilwhqul‘iprl ‘n‘r‘tirulair lmlgmont, hv tho hh’imcl rurront. IS , '. ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ l‘ 7 ‘ . ~ ‘ . . “Into load. though other kmc allow] omhnhsm. Most rasos 0f om- ,, . - mhsm nl’ tho brain occur in heart. aim causo pmaonmg. ' ' ’ It is not dofinAltoly know Thursdlh ‘N‘u .. i“. hso'aSP wmmu I'vwr. dysentery and in- ms dim-rheas can be conveyed Ina any. It is possible that flies \ 1w mncvrnml in the carrying mm:- I'nl'ms Hf tuberculosis. Some \ that. flips are also capable .-..s»wying smalipox and infantile 'zl‘.\~l.~ t'rnm one parson to an- ;wr. Hm- varivly of fly is the Hr spreading African sleeping luv“; Sn the charges against . '13 mm sufficiently numerous >1 wrlnns to justify its destruc- 3. 'l‘hn tm‘m apoplexy is more umnmnly usml to dvsignatn the wmlilinll rnsulting from hemor- 'huuo' into Hm brain due to a rup- 1' : rwl :u'tm'y. ::_ Sunwtinws. BEWARE OF THE FLY! By DR. W. J. SCHOLES Vote: Dr. Scholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public'print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Scholes, in care of The Durham Chronicle. Have Heart Examined \. K. L. writes: "For sovm‘al will“. I haw notirml that I get. out, bl-vath when I walk very fast. m“ up stairs or Up hills. This did , wnrry mo becausa I am too wt. But latrly. I have bum] wak- .' up at night and haw trouble 42:13.: my breath until I sit, up. ml would cause this?” Reply 1 iwm are» savoral possible causes. l:"ll"â€"' tlwse are twart. disease. Allis clisvasn. anemia. and hard- wl :ll'Ilt'S with high blood prPS- m-wnt. thv branding of flies, Emu“. wasto and rottlng veg- ”Ho-Pu 3'0va [.0 b0 3 small DP?â€" m- nf drivers who arc‘ unwill- m pvrmit any other whiclo t0 thvm. and. in "MM to get ~i nt‘ tlwm. wry rockless chances ‘zlkt‘n. I'l‘t‘unmt-IV VPhiCleS mov- .v ‘rx Hw opposite direction being umwml. as well as those whom rum! hog wants 10 Pass- \nnthm‘ reckless habit of some wimhls morn carelessness is 1.11 1:1 passing other Vehicles. 11 11l11rlx thnsn going in the same 111111. 1111111 in any nthpr fea- 111 autumnbilo driving ’ states 111' P1111011 Zimmerman of Buf- Preventive Measures otatiun should be either destroyed or l‘emovml to some distance from (twe-llings. Box-privies should be treated with unslaked lime. Lihvral amounts shnuld he used daily, at toast during the warm smsons. The l'nited States Department of Agriculture advises putting in ma-‘ nure a solution of one-half pound of liellehore in ten gallons of water to prevent the breeding of flies. This amount is enough to treat about ten cubic feet of manure. It does not interfere with the. fi‘ri'tilizing qualiâ€" ties. (But. remember that hellebore lis a poisoni._ Homos aml storos should ho pro- loctod against. the ontl‘anco 0f fliosl by scroons or mosquito netting. Fly- traps placod now the doors aro also of somo holp. Both in tho homo and in tho shoos, food should bo kopt CUVPI‘NL Bogin to swat. now! Each fly killod now roducos by many thou- sands tho numbor of flios thoro will Tho. lator on. Aml tho foon' tho flios. ltho loss tho omivox'hmily for the spl‘t‘ad of disease. SUPP. thtm' have a cam-Yul examin- atumâ€"(mcludmg an vxamlnatmn 01‘ the mum and blood.) Poisoning Prom Paints 'I'. R. MOB. writvs: “By tank. I am :1 paintm'. I wnuhl liliv tn know if thorn is much dungm- nl‘ go ting: pnisonml by breathing tlw funws of paint?" 'l'horo sooms to ho littlo clonht. HI tho clangor of poisoning from inhal- ation of tho l'nmos of molton load. In srraping oll' load paint. tho «lust may ho inhaloijl and causo poison- ing. This applios particularly to whito load. though other kinds may also rauso poisoning. l . It is not (lofinltoly known that. ‘thoso casos of poisoning aro. tho. ro- snlt of load hoing inhalod into tho. lungs. It. is prohalflo that. most. «if tho poisoning rosnlts from swallow- ing tho loacl. Swallowing of load may also oconr as tho rosult of gotting load on tho hands and not. thoroughly oloaning thorn hoforo outing. This also amilios, of oonrso, tn lozul paints. Dementia Praecox Mrs. W. L. writes: “Haw a I'vla~ tiw who has just horn committvd for do‘mmitia praomx. I would like to anW what causvs that form «if insanity and whether it is curable.” Reply Thu causv is not. definitely known. It is irvnvrully regardini as incur- ahlo. 'l‘horo are sometimes DPI‘lOdS «if inipi'cwci'ment (remissmns). drivers is in pass a whiclo going in Hm same «lirvction at. a street, in- torsvction. whom there is always dangvr of collision with a vehicle crossing in front of the slower- moving vehicle which cannot ch'ar- l_\' he soon." INJURED IN EXPLOSION \Vhilo working in tlw hottling do- pm'tmvnt 0f the \\'vllingtnn Pl'mjucn {Inmpany at. Ham'iston. Milton KM- 'uusly injurvd whom an Hos was 301'! air tank vxplndmi With {OI‘I‘H‘IC force. stmkmg hum on tho lwad. complntv- ly dvstmying the sight nf one vyo. Hv was rushml tn the Huvlph Hos- pital in an umbulancv. whnrn hows arv vntvrtainorl fur the saving: of the other eye. “IUNCIBAGK or now PAIR” IS LAMPS REPLY TO THE an PICTURE IOVBIBNT Local flamers W to h- dom Verdict of Hundreds of Roxana: in Cities from 00m to a . “The Hunchback of Notre Dame." the massive and much heralded film production of Victor Hugo’s story masterpiece which swept into over- night fame in New Ym-k, will be given its local premier at the Vet-l erans’ 'Star Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5 and 6. Never before. it is said. has there been offered a picture [mnluetion representing so stupendous a costâ€"- $1.5fll000â€"inever a tilm [H'esentathm' so exact in its details. so artistic in its conception. so mmderluhin the acting of its seventy-live prin- cipals. two hundred sub-principals. and in the handling of the mob Scenes in which more than 13,000 I [)H'SHHS take part. Lon Chaney. admittedly the. finest. interpreter of unusual ehararter rules nn either stage or screen. plays the stellar part of “Quasi- mmlo,” the deformed bell-ringer of Notre Dame, with Ernest Terrence -‘v‘- “__-_, as "Clupin' the,- umlm'wnrlrlyking; and Patsy Ruth Mlllm' as lusmm- alda.” tiarl Laommlc, who t'onmlcd l'ni- in Vcrsal (Lit-y out in Souti'crn ilali- h t‘ornia. it is said. has achiovml scmc- n thing thorc which awakcns tho ut- I) must admiration. Hc has takcn l‘ Hllgo‘s 'athcr turgid molodriimatic {j now]. and at'tor huilding a replica 1: of Paris‘ famous thithcdral. ho has 1' rotold Hugo’s story in pictures-4i- t tail. Vivid pictures that hold tho at~ c tcntion and cxcitc mlmiratinn by a 'thoir undcniahlc powcr and hoanty'. 'l‘hc spirit of tho story is “Quasi- modo." tho hunchlmck. an cl ‘mcntal crcaturo. twisted in hody and rc- strictcd in mind. who haunts the groat, church. "Quasimodo." as Mr. (Zhanoy prcsonts him. is said to ho a grotosquo monstc-r. and 3M, undor thi- forbidding aspoct. tho actor suc- ccods in making thcocharactcr hu- man and pitiful. His daring poscs on tho projccting gargoylcs of tho grout church. his hazardous swing- ing: on tho bolls at tho risk of his lil'c. tho grnosomc sccno of his casti- gation in tho markot placo. and tho pathos of his final act as. dying. ho rings his own dcath kncll on his holovod holls. arc I'caturcs. it is said. ’ that mako “'l‘hc Hunchback of No- ‘ ti-o Damn" tho most. notod tilm pro- dnction to «latc. In ccmstructing: tho Cathodral of Noti'o Damc at. l'niwrsal City. an army of cal‘pclltcrs. masons and nthcr mcchanics worn cmploycd. [ , lho building: is an cxzict rcplica in f owry dctall as thc famous (lathe- dral lookod Ill M82. It is i‘lcclarml to ho an cxtracirdinary fcat and an architoctural and tcchnical triumph. ’f In addition to tho (lathodral, othor - historical sots includo oxact rom'o- NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC Effective May 4th, the Canadian Pacific Railway \vill inaugurate a new DaSSOIlQOI‘ train service making all stolis between \Valkerlnn and Owen Sound by way of Saugeen Junction. replacing the. Walkerton- Saugeen Junction service. This ser- vice, will provide adequate facilities for passengers on both lines. P. M. 1’. M. 10.55 ArriVo \Valkerlon Leave 2.45 10.4‘3 Maple Hill 2.57 ‘ 10.33 Hanover 3.07 10.22 Allan Park 3.16 10.08 Durham 3.30 9.57 MeWilliams 3.40 9.52 Glen 3.4? 9.4:! Priceville . 3.56 9.30 Leave. Saugeen Jct. AI‘I‘IVC 4.10 9.08 Arrive Sangeon Jet. Leave 4.30 9.00 Flesherton 4.38 8.46 Markdalo 4.50 8.34 Berkeley 5.00 8.25 Holland Centre 5.08 8.11 Chalsworlh 5.22 8.00 Rockford 5.31 “7.45 Leave Owen Sound Arrivel‘ 59.4515l WAIiiiif'fb'fi-(SWBN SOUND TRAIN smmcr. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 4th, thv Canadian ductions of the Court of Miracles; Place du Parvis, Palace de Justice, interior of the Bastille and the sev- en Noble Mansions. This may give a faint idea of this, the accrediteo most important screen production, not only in the history of the Uni-I versal Film Company. but of that of any producing concern in the world. Wallace W‘orsley was the director. . Among the other principals in the big cast are: Norman Kerry, who plays “Phiebus’”; Tully Marshall. as |“I.0uis XI": Raymond Hattmi, as |"('lringeirc"; Nigel ‘de Brulicr. as (VI- .1--- l)-|nn‘.' \ll Ills! ll \. ”a” __ - _ “Dom Claude." and Gladys Brock- well as the crazy “Gpdule.” P \YAL...‘ WL‘II us? [-11 \‘lwu.v With “The Hunchback of Notm Damp." it is said. that a “different picture" has arrived. mm that. marks the dawn of a new era in cinema art, and «ma that. has made Carl Laommlo‘s slogan of “better and {may productions" an absolute fact. Cmisidorahlo sitr was occasioned around town on 'I‘uosday morning whon a largo fat. stoor dolivorod at. Norris” scales by A. Allen, became suddonly mad. and whon ho was un- loadod from tho wagon in which he had boon brought, to markoti. ho. mado a suooossful brook for lihol‘ty. Mm. Norris climhod to protoction in sovoral soc-onds loss than no timo, and Whon Mr. Stoor lookod around. ho found ('Vt'l'y50dy up a troo. so mado a hoo lino through tho C.N.R. 'ni'mwrty past. tho station and final- ly haltod on Mr. .-\ndoi'son‘s farm at tho top of tho hill. “Buffalo Bill" Bl'oi’lorick was sooux‘od with his old Poliahlo i'itlo. and whon ho i‘oaohod tho. tiom in which Mr. Stoor was cal-ooning around. tho challongzo was acoi‘iptm‘l. and Bill could soo nothing but a hlaok stroak trnvolling towards him wth tho tlootnoss of tho wind. \Vhon tho distanoo hotwoon man and hoast was gotting‘ too oloso for comâ€" fort. a woll dil‘octod shot. caught. tho infuriatwl animal in tho ffll't‘ht‘ad and whilo it, brought him down. ho i-oquii'ud two moro to givo him tho ovoi'lasting quiotus. liyo witnossos hoaVod a sight of triumph and the good fni'tuno of all is that. thoy os- oapod tho animal’s furyâ€"«('Zroonioro MAD BULLOCK RUNS AMUCK TWO ARE SERIOUSLY INJURED WHEN CAR GOES OVER BANK Alox. Symons and his 16-yoziI'-old‘ daughtm‘. Hannah. worn svriously in- jured in a motor ai-(‘idi-ni \Vllit‘ll oc- ("ln'rml at. Riw'rsdalo about. H p.111. :1 Wonk ago last. Sunday. “110” :1 car driwn by tho i'ui'nwr skiddmi and wont MW :1 stoop mnhanknwnt. Mr. Syninns sustainwi sux'ui'v ruts and injurivs to his Iii-ad and fauna and Miss Symons also sufl'vrmi sor- ious injuries. 'l‘lw girl i-vmziinmi in an unconscious condition for liw hours following the accident. Times Have Changed-"Jay! He walked inln tlu- muutry smro. fullnwml by his \\'ift‘ and tun vhil- «iron and said to the clerk: “I want to gut tlw \Vlmlv pussvl Hf 'vm tittml up in sluws." Advertise in The Chronicle. It. PayS. Shoeing em PAGE 8.

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