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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 4

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Th0 first part of the rvrning was spent in playing progressive crok- itmle. Misses Vera McIntyre ana Isley Merlmie being tied for the ladies” first prize, which was sub- so-qnently won by the former. Miss Kathleen Milne was the other prize- winner. In the men's class. Messrs. Victor Blyth. Kenneth Kerr and Clarence McGirr drew for first prize, Mr..Kerr winning out. Wallace Hepburn, Clarence Noble and W. C. McLachlan were the three worst players amongst the gentlemen, and m the draw, Clarence Noble won the prize... 'l‘hv Young Pmplo’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church held a so- PM] awning in tho» basement, of the o'hm'c-h Monday vwning. at which a must. o‘anyahlo time was spent by thgfl largn ('I'OVVd prescint. Bimido-s hi's brothm‘. M'r.;\llan Be‘ll nf Durham. pl'PViHllSly rnfm'l'ed t0. HIP th‘vuswl lo'aW'S mm brother, Mr .Iamo-s Hp”. 'l‘montn: and two Sh’tl‘ls. MM \\ 1'1"” and Mrs. Grm‘n. also Hf Tmontn. all of whom ac- mmpanim tho- remains from Tor- onto and warn prom-"Lat. thn fun- o-ral. PRFSBYTERIAN Y. P. A. HELD SOCIAL EVENING Held Monday Evening in Church Basementâ€"Pleasant Time Spent. ' Following tho crokinolo. a good program was given consisting of duel. by Misses Marjorie Pickerin and Bossie Smith. a violin solo by Miss Witthun, duel. bx Misses Hunt.- er and Bamase, solo by.1\lr. Peter amaze, and a solo by Miss Winnie mm. A_ lynch followed the con. During his rvsidvnco hm‘o, MI‘. Hall was much respected and a mo-mhvr nf Hw Methodist Church vhoir. and his {um-ml yesterday was largvly attondvd by Old friends who unprnss Sincere regret at his "3113' v’umisn and nxtnnd sympathy to tlw snrx'owing remaining members nf tho family. Among the beautiful floral tri- butes laid on the casket were sprays and “rooms from tho Bell family, tho \Villotl. family, Toronto, Mrs. W'illo-tt. [wing at sistnr: from his sistor. Mrs. Green. brother. Mr. .lnmm Roll and dzulglilpr, Toronto; from Durham Baptist, Church. from Mr. and Mrs. .\if‘.‘(. Honry of \Wnni- pog, Mrs. Annie Henderson of Win- nipvg. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Mossop of Toronto. clfision of the program; 'l‘lu- pull-hoarws were Old friends and nuighhm's: .‘lnssrs. Charles Ken- nml)’. RHbm‘t. McFadden, W. John .‘lcFadalr'n. William Ryan. “William Lzlxvl-vnm- and James Matthews. .\lr.'l£ell was taken down about the 9th of April with heart trouble, and though e'rautully attended by the best media] aio..l he passed away on Thursday of last week. The remains were brought to Durham, arriving here Monday night, and interment was made yesterday from the residence of his brother, Mr. \llan Bell. interment being made in Durham cemetery. He was a Meth- odist in religion, and the funeral sel'viees at the home and grave were taken by Revs. J. A. Taylor of the Baptist Church, J. E. Peters. of the Methodist. and \V. H. Smith of the Presbyterian Church._ In 1906, Mr. Bell moved to Dur- ham and was for the next. two years am employee of the Durham Furni- ture Uimpany, until 190‘, when he went west to Winnipeg, where he has since. remained. 'l‘wenty years ago, he was mar- vied to Miss Harriet. Wiggins of this tuwn. who survives. There was no fagilx. _- He was born in Glenelg in 1878, and was the sun of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bell. Here he remained until about twenty years ago, grow- ing up to young manhood in Bunes- san vicinity and receiving his early education at the Bunessan school and later engaging in farming on {he iold homestead on the Durham tum. The late Mr. Bell was well-known hero up to eighteen years ago, when he wvnt west and has since been en- gaged in carpenter work in Win- nipeg. Mr. Allan Bell of this town re- tro-inn] a telegram Thursday last. an- nouncing the death that morning in Winnipeg of his brother, Mr. William Bell, who succumbed to heart failure after only two weeks’ illness, at the early age of 47 years. Passed Away From Heart Failure After But Two Weeks’ Illness.â€" Funeral Held Yesterday Prom Ros- idence of Brother Bore. WILLIAM BELL DIED SUDDENLY AT WINNIPEG to the test of free discussion, i8 more in two with his own opinion than with the truth. -â€"WATSON. WV am VI w y“ ’â€"§ '80“ IV. 01' six montha, 50 cents wipe months. To any addreaa in the Unit- ed States of America, use per year, 81.25 for six montha. 66 cent; {or three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly New:- papers Association. Whosoever is afraid of submit- ting any question, civil_ or religious, ham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editqr and Manager. The Chronicle 18 mailed to an address in and: at the rate 9! .Q per your; «.09 for â€" wâ€"wwâ€"v â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"' 9! the «fies, m ptrJILDur- PAGE 4. Thursday, April 30, 1925. 0V"! mm mm; ____ "â€"_"’ 0. Gum Shoo Dur- , . â€"--â€"â€"â€"- 'o, b Frank - ' lilo labor Iron h President for Lilo in Weston Portion of man’s in y 'n... (gartfinlnng: 1925 Baumâ€"Good Amalia. ‘ Bunor Province Told in a Column. ' “Not at. all.” said the young man. "‘Let’s go over and watch the ar- tillery.” V “00-00!” screamed the pretty girl -â€"a nice, decnrous, surprised little scream. She stepped backward in- to the arms of an astonished young man. “0h!” said she, blushing. “I was frightened by the rifles. I beg your parfion." 'l‘hn setting. a New York boarding housv. made room for many com- piivations. and thn audience was kept in a hilarious mood during the um i 1'0. producfiion‘, _ Boom ! "Bang!” went the rifles at the manoeuvres. ngis.â€". In Bentinck, Saturday, Barley ------ Apm] 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton Buckwheat - Lewns, a daughter. P098 ..... , glued Gram, .- - “ C -- A- n choan.â€"â€" In Durham Saturda, April 25, to Mr. P. J. He can, a son. ‘ ”Hum charatvm's in the cast were .lo-rry Smith (C. Elvic'lgp), Liz. the Inmllmiy‘s daughter (H. Elvidge) Him: Dixnn Lizs steady (P. Stylosi, Alicv King, Toms aunt (Mrs. H. Elvidgofi. Elaine Lynne, Alice King's ward (Miss R. Lawrence) and An- gvla Scutt. Bob’s fiancee (Miss E. Hunt.‘. As is usual with this company, Um parts were well taken, especial- l_v those of Mrs. H. Elvidge and Miss E. Hunt. who had rather difficult roles to portary but did it well. Briefly, the play was the story of a young: artist. Tom Kenker (Erben Schlitz) who endeavored, by deceit, to secure funds from his uncle (Rev. J. H. \Vhealenju Together with Bill Mills (J. H. Robinson;, a maga- zine \uiler. the pair were. always in lionhle with theii landlady, Mrs Reese (V118. R. Moorhead). Though unavoidably absent from the comedy, “When a Feller Needs a Frieml.” put on by the A. Y. P. A. players of 'l‘rintiy Church, the Town Hall here last, week, we are in- formed that the offering enjoyed a full house and the audience, from the first drop of the curtain, was treated t'o one of the most humor- nus comedies put on here in some time. Young People "of Trinity Church Presented “When a Feller Needs a Friend." FULL HOUSE ATTENDED A. Y. P. A. COMEDY Mr. and Mrs. Voisin are pioneer settlers of the Park Head distrie:, and are well and favorably known in that locality. The funeral is be- ing held this morning at Hepwnrth, interment taking place in Hepworth R. C. cemetery. Friends here of Mrs. Harvey W. Wilson tvill sympathize with her in the loss of her mother. who died Tl‘uesclay noon in the. Owen Sound Geneva] and Marine Hospital. Mrs. Wilson. who had been ailing for the past two or three months, was ad- mitted to the hospital on 'l’uesday of last week, and on Thursdav, unâ€" derwent. an Operation for an intes- tinal growth. She was 62 years of age. Besides her husband, the deceased is survived by a family of three daughters and six sons: Mrs. Jones, Sarnia; Mrs. H. W. Wilson, Durham; Lulu. at Detroit; Alex, ()uimet, 0nt.; Fred. Belleville; George. at home on the farm at Park Head; Joseph, in Formosa; Andrew, in Durham, and Harvey. at. Park Head. A grand- daughter, Ruby, who made. her home. with her grandparents, also sur- vives. Mrs. JOhn Voisin Passed Away Tues- day Following Operation. MRS. WIISON’S MOTHER DIED AT OWEN SOUND Tea Committee: Mrs. T. M. Mc- Fadden (cmnvenor). Mrs. D. B. Mc- Farlano. Mrs. R. McFarlane, Mrs. G. McKnclmie, Mrs. S. Mchth, Mrs. J. F. Irwin. Mrs. (Re-v.1 \Vhealen, last year’s president. was in the chair and eemlueted the meeting. -\ vote of thanks was tendered last year's officials for their zeal in ad- vancing the interests of the club. Games Committee; Mrs. R. Burnett. (convenor), Misses Winnie Blyth, Effie Hunter, Allin McGowan, Mary McKechnie. The following oflcers were elected for the coming season: President, Miss Elean01 Kress; Vice-President, MissI. McKenzie; Secretary-Treas~ urer, Miss Marion Calder (accl.). The report or the Secretar -Treas- urer. Miss Marion Calder, s owed a gOOd balance on hand from last year and the club in a flourishing condition financially. There will be twelve greens this year, and besides a campaign for in- creased membership, "plans are al- ready under way for catering to the men’s tournament next June. There was a good attendance of lady bowlers at their annual meet- ing in" the A. Y. P. A. rooms last Thursday afternoon, and besides he election of officers, quite a port n- tious prOgram of activities was mapped out for the club this sum- mer. ' BORN Efforts are h‘éifi-i: made to estab- lish a branch of tlu» British Fas- cisti in London to combat. Bolsho- \‘iS’t propaganda. Support. has been pI'HmiSPd. Crushmi by a pile of salt on Mon- day. Archibald Perry died in Sarnia hospl'tal. That the fatal accident could have been avoided if the drivers had ex- ercised better judgment was the verdict. of a cnromar’s jury at. Ham- ilton on the death of Fred Craword Of'St. Catharincs, killed on the Nia- gafa highway. - London mlncatirmists are strong- ly in favnr of tho establishment of a farm home for mantally deficient children unar_t,hat city. Y‘m London CofincilwtiiiswirlveiQHZH in its court. estimate a salary of $1.200 for the judge of the. juvenile court, who has hitherto been working withoutflpay. _ Three buildings a store. «1“ elling and burn wme dustmyod in Dm‘eham Township during :1 smore electrical storm. W. Bodoau of Hamilton found on Monday night with stab wounds, was in a critical condition last night, but refusad to divulge the name or his assailant. Norman McClemont, tho last man seen with him. was argostqd oil a vagrancy_ charge. F. A. (lupus was elected president of the Stratfnrd Rotary Club. Brantferc'i Township Cmmcil will make a grant. of $1.500 to the Brant.- ferd fire department. in payment of past. and future favers during the vear. Woodstock has the distinction of having the largest, pm'mrntago of residents over 65 of any city in the dominion. Before three hundred spectators, Adam Brown of Hamilton, who is in his hundredth year, planted a. maple true in Court, Huuse Square where 65 years ago, the late King ,Zdward, assisted by Mr. Brown, won‘t tii‘rqughhihe same Qerenipny. Ald. John Burger of St. Thomas has been informed that his charges against the police cannot be inves- tigated unless they are in writing and backed up by witnesses and evi- dence. London Education Board will take a plebiscite ol' the parents of col- legiate students to learn their Opin-t ion as to whether manual training and domestic science classes shoula be continued. Stratford Council defeated, on its third reading, the new milk by-law approved by the Minister of Agri- culture. It proposed to raise the standard of the product and to make bottling compulsory. Roseland is the new name chosen out of 101 submitted by which Jackson’s Corners, soon to be a pol- ice Village, will he in future known. With a viewto bringing town and country together, officials of Ox- ford County and Townships were the guests of the Ingersoll Kiwanis Club. Donald Sutherland, M. P., presided. , . Forty-five head, almost the en- tire herd of Holsteins belonging to Charles Nanookivell of Dereham Township, have been found infect- ed with tuberculosis, and will be shipped to Toronto for disposal. Two children, 12 and 14 years old, have just arrived at Chathyam hav- ing travelled all the way from Greece without any escort, and being un- able to speak English. ’l‘ho anniwrsai'y of tho Battlé Hf St. .lulinn was cvlohratvd in St. Catharinns by a 'paradc to St. (lmrgzn’s Church by tho vx-sm'vim- men uf tho. city. thn militia and the. public. 'l‘hv G. W. V. A. shrine was «lom‘alml. 'l‘hv ‘nll'm'tory will hp devoted to the erection of a tablet to tho mi-mhors (if tlm district. ar- tillery who fell in the war. Mrs. Goorge .Eyerntt routrnod Tuesday from Vlslting her daugh- 1\l1.2111d MlS. Charlie Allen m0- t01 011 [mm Hamilton 1111 Saturdav in \isit his pawan Mr. and M13. Da- \id Allen, and his brotl1er.M1‘.John- ston Allen, “ho is ill in the hospital here. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lawrence and daughter, Rita, accompanied by Miss Mary McKechnio, visited in Owen qund Sunday. injured. Mr. Ward Koch returned Friday from Queen’s University, Kingston. and is visiting his parental homo here. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Michanl McAulifl‘e were in“1§3139ver Tuesday. vvvww Mrs. W. Kennmâ€"lir amid-son. Mar- shall. of Sholburno. have returned home after spending a couple/of weeks with her mother. Mrs. J. A. Aldred, Miss Tl‘llilk: and Miss Frances Hop- kms attvndwl the summer milllnm'y awnings m Torogto _(_m Mnnda)’. Traffic was sUmpod over our part 01‘ this wad for a day last week. when’ the. and support of the bridge near horn partly caved in. It was made. passaMo by Thursday morn~ ing. Many complaints are heard of this bridgv nut being safe. How it. is replacod before a serious acci- dent occurs. My}. Charles I'jnwronce spent an afternoon w1th_ Mrs. ‘L. H0pk1ns. 'I‘ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Langrill of Hanover spout an evemng thls week \v1_t.h fmvmjs _m thls lung. _ Messrs. Robert and Jack Lawson, north of 1mm, assisted Mr. Thomas M1_l_11gan‘_fm‘_1 dqy with his seeding. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins and family spent an evening recently wig) MI‘. and Mrs.l_'__l"hgmgs Milligan, Miss Lorraine Armstrong has re- turned home from Toronto and is assisting her mother here, who is not enjoying the best of health at present. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston and Mas- ter Lowel of Ebenezer, and Mrs. Jane Corbett of South Bentinck spent. an evening last. week with MI‘. and Mrs. L._H_opkins. . Mrs. Sain Lanéxjill of Hanover vis- lth one day “'1”! Mrs.‘ Charles. Lawrence. A few from this locality attended the dance at MnPeter Hepburns in Durham one night last week. Mumps are still prevailing in this bupg. Hope_they will soon die out. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins and son, Raymond, spent Sunday last 331. with Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McCuaig !°W. of Mulock. ‘3 .1". ___..-A- Miss S bil Lawrence spent part of her aster vacation with her sister, Mrs. James McGirr, Detroit, Michigan. ' Mr. Earl Fisher of Durham spent Mrs, M. a day in this burg last week. AMr._R._ am} $20,000. Two firemen were Mr. R. H. Isaac, who has been in goor heami for some time, took 3 ad sp ell on Simday and was very low for a time. We understand he is improving somewhat at time of and last laig Huv Illlvn 60; Hind Lizzie 09 Hop- kilis.(}.’10; Hooper, Alm363Lmello, (I. ’13; Ix'oarnm’ Elsie 57; McA,,rthur Mambo] In.’);Mc(1}nw.an W. 50; Mc- Intym Mary 45; Mel van. Sarah 57; Milne, Ina 65; Mervyn, Nellie 7’4; lI.â€"-~Arn13tt.. Reggie 59; Allan, A311- mer 75; Clark, Edgar 56; Collinson, George 73: Firth (111311113 55, Grant, Florence 5/1;Ha\1ns.Svama11 76; H11sl11tt,R111;y 58; K1113113.F11>d 75; Koarmey. Boa 56; Mo 511111111, John 65 31011111115‘11111115 55; 1111111111111, Margaret 63; McDonald, Flurvnrn 6.5; 31011113111. Archio 58; McCuaig. P111111 58; Mcuulmch, (inorge 57; Mortlvy. Myrile 60; Robinson. Alma. 55; 'l'l111nmsm1. Hugh «’18; Wilsnn, Wil- liam 711. Iâ€"-.\n1iors1111.Christiml 53; BMW, .108” 75;Bail‘1i-,Gracv 71;B11alm1, 1111113 72; Corlvtt, Cameron 5!; Dean, M31-tl11 66,’ D1111sn1011r,J.42; Ford, '1'1211‘3'68;(1'11)Odchild._“9011158111111 77; III.â€"â€"â€"Bâ€"-Beat0n, Hazel 68; Dunbar, Walter 6i; Fairnie. Lizzie 84; Grant. Elsie 75; Kress. Ir‘loronre 61; Mc- Knchnie, I. 59; McLean. Campbell 54; Mchan. Kathleen 79; McMillan Kathleen 65; Milne. Kathlevn 56; Morrison. Katharine 63; Nohlo, Glar- oncr 33; Riddell. Gordon 57; Snell. Alvin 52; Vollotl. William 61. lIl.â€"â€"Aâ€"â€"Andorson, M. .53; Burnett. I. 53; Elvidgr, (L 32; Fall'nnrr. E. 66; Fortune. ll. 37; Glrncruss. R. 46; Harding. J. 62; Hepburn, W. «H; Led- inglmm. J. 56; Lawrenco, M. 42; La- vollc. (J. 40; McLean, (3.. 42; McCal- lnm. I“. 54; McI):mal«l. M. 29; Mel'- railli. s. 77; Moon. 0. 61; ricfiormg. M. 68: Ritcliio. M. 70; Smith, B. 67; 'J‘raynnr, M. 52. Many Pupils Absent Through Illness. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL EASTER EXAMINATIONS M1. William Prew, who took sud- denly ill last Thursday, is reported as siill vmv low and not recovering as well as could lye expected. (“Edd nab Mr. and Miss Eliza Pattc‘rsml. been spending tho Inst 1. in Toronto and at. a «mu. MacDonald Inst itulv. w: turned homn Munday : Miss Esther Firth whu ~ past fC\V days at. ”In ('mvf. MacDonald Institutv. lilrwij.‘ The world grows ”In: In tho old dam-3 mm m. held a dance in a 1m In \u, IIGJIIUI, can 09; Young. D. 751. ‘ Darkies' Corners (Our Own Correspondnm W's congratulate M1. l;...n. Girr, Sr” on being fortun m. .. to capture a sot of dish. . 1‘ .1 1 at_ Mrs. A. _Beggs slow Mr. afid Mrs. Alc-x my Hampden spent. a day r.....,. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamiltun. Sorry to hear. Miss !- grave has been m ill h. hope f0g__z_1 spefdy rvvm. Mrs. D. Halli-{lion syn-m With her daughtm'. MW rence. Egrempnt. ;Stmu\ 'l‘ Hurting 70; Tiniamn 01;. anie 63; MM. H. 7?; Ritk'hi}: Eunjce 68 "8. Rifchil; 11‘er a! 9 “V'w . lifgmuml ‘nd primiw Yam." h" ‘ any of ill?“ by gmwr' a. niarohim: ' er crouch: 910wa Inn ms 6mm Wifltd'l'l“?~ c‘ u I“ “13' 11' :u. \ be l‘vlntiv w ' u Cllul'v hill :1- tun “0|“ :IilwA It“. bv 00mm Wing HI“ WM!"- emphasizing Hu- ! “10 Dominun hm ing the mad tn 1 delay was passud Thorn is a sham ployment. at. film low. according tn 5K3“ Ii ed an :wgrvuuh- p; persnns in ”In lbnn Statistics: cm Maw! 718.162 \Vm'km Negulialimis ing on sillt'v i ciprucal mt» anchors but“ and tho Nutm Training M '|9 "been ‘II‘RVMVW learnmi fruit. sismnt t~ The oxvl'w the. (‘OH' - 718.162. .Char; djrech '- llshr'r>. I wril “liming tn hav‘ seam 'u defnnr‘ ”I From Halifax to ordm- 1' to “I“ ' Ottmw ‘ pad :M«é pl“.\.t" OHS" ' canals :H No av Nanitulu with HI- vestigab Ol‘i‘ic's. mafhc‘ci Ianih'l»: solely :. flil'. :I~ heard «2* A MIL “I? lNH” mr Pr“ nae “as. B at... 4h.“ I!!! with "Mdm‘ ". fensv. H IIISWM' t C(mr‘mm :1 J. B 1’: “(Indian \ wardmi N“ French UM ed to a 13-: W'avh "Gd!“ 'll‘ Kukin i., work m ? life. Hiso all! Amm-n mks HI» kin'fi N‘H Iciencv. defc-lh “Vill'll _' 0f I". l an”: Hu' N. B" \‘ in Mom “f ' [hughta-w Ionofuu-t im: w. April 30, ms (Iva :nt in H \\ 3| Silwl l Em Jubill ll

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