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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 5

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Mann. 1:. 75; Moon, 'rlsthvr 6'2: M0111: lam. \'o'l‘a 63; um r,\.-:nw~'. I'Irnvst 79; ] 11"»; Hm'hv. Dorothy. L-e. Each tiny de- aml faithfully pro- 21 score of other .he quintessence of Wine “4 I" RMERY CO. <ingle night, the]? tagnificence of this \l \\ an Artists VERSAL PICTURE J. W. EWEN SON ’en Adaptation 8.15 1| and the meflca. E, DURHAM ME” ay 5-6 .".°' F-O-OODW inWt Thursday, \u Maire a '17. Martin! IVHHI' . Jame '0 .\l that you can my patron to If you pro- ‘ more, write xzcnmz's um. and \\ BOX 82. Durha- Ontario I!) ton ul' (13811;; ‘~' store. “"l went: hh'r. Mn SEN-9 “V S nmngs .vt. . . . M more 9'. .Wu couldn’g il mum 9 by Baby_ Chick ........ mg'gji ~13 TIN“ 0|"th 0! Henry M. Cockfleld, xxwll known in Montreal aducational t‘ll'l‘lt'fi. ”ccu'x‘red suddenly on Park .\\-.-nn.». nvar the corner of Laurier _\\.-nm'. as he was walking on the s? m-t. shortly before 6 o‘clock Thurs- day I'Vo'lllllg‘. Mr. Cockfield was in hm mm _\'Pal'. .\!r~'. \V. F. Todd, wife of his Hon- nl'. tho Manhunt-Governor of New Brunswick, who is honorary presi- lll‘lll, of ilm Provincial Chapter 0! llw I. U. I). PL. was Thursday after- noon. at Fi-mlm'ictlm. presented with a mo momlwrship in tho chaplor. Add-rowing tho anual banquet of Si. Hoorgo-‘s Soriot)‘. at Montreal, 'l‘hnrsday night}. Sir Frederick Wil- liams Taylor, general manager of tho Bank of Montreal. gave a 801- mm warning against increasing «humor of oxiravaganco in public and private all‘airs in Canada. “For Mara." ho dorlarod, "lho arch on- oniy or this rountry. imprudvnco. led by gonorril oxlrmaganco, has boon morrhing through Canada. Our out- During the fiscal year closing \inrc'h 3|. (180.688 “108 Manon 81.952.08.738 or am less than ~h.- ymr previous. The must ,.....p..a.~w was. however, in inmorts. Tin-w are down $97,000,“)0 in com- pnl‘i‘i'll with the previous year. punwstiv ' exports are up by .sjfilNlHX”. of Agrivullm'o! in tho Dominion Gov~ vrnmvnl. was :msnilml at. a mass lilo-Ming: nmlvr Hm auspices of the Un-lo-llw-Ba)’ Assnviation. at “flin- nilwg. Thursday night. for raising llw Port. Ni-lsnn or Churchill issue rmvnlly in imunm'lion Willi the niowmo-nl, for tho i'omplolinn of tho Hudson Bay Railway. F. H. Martin, mnsulling l‘llglllf'l'l’. and Brig.-.0.‘-on. R. W. Palo'l'snn. claimed that cer- lain into-Posts (llll not. want the road and that if any «'onlroversy as to llw ro-lziliw mo-rils of Port Nelson- and Churchill as llw railway torm- inus wen-v zillowml. llu- line would not. ho mimiplvtml for 20 years. Fol- lowing tho aolclrossns. a resolution emphasizing llm urant necessity of the Dominion Hen-ornmont complet- ing tho road to title water without delay was passed, ' m- trnnchns haw [wen carried. and Hlnwly but snr‘nIy nur citadel is be- ing sappwi. No constructivn scion- tilic dM’Pnsv has been presented. Surnly a mnntvv-attack 13 long nvvrchw." Thorn is a slight. increase in em- ploymmit. at. tho hoginning of April. according to 5.830 firms who roport- ml an aggrogato payroll of 718.524 [mi'suns in tho Dominion Bureau of Statistivs: on Mai-0h 1 they employed 7l8.162 workors. Npgnlialions which have been go- ing on sincn last October for a re-. ciprucal llllPl‘t‘hallgP of student traclwrs lwlwomn McGill University and ”in National llnmmitlvp for flu- 'l'rnining nl' 'I‘pachm's. Scotland, have how" practically mnelmlod, it is IPm'lH‘cl from Col. \Vilfl‘icl Bovey, as- sistant. In llw principal at McGill. 'l‘lu- o-xvhnngv will commence with Hm mllngu your of 1925-26. enlarging nvgligpnce against the oliw-clo'n's Hf thr- Hearst Music Pub- lisho'l’s‘. Limilml. nl‘ Canada, Alex. llnsv. Burn Cloudy. Man. has filed it writ. in Court. Hf King’s Ranch. vlnimim: $13,875.1‘lw plaintiff claims in haw lwmi imlm'ml by misrepre- wnlutinn in imvsl. his mnnoy in the ale-l'um-l. (-unwan)‘, .\ hill authorizing an increase in llu- hm'i'nwing pmvm's H! the ()lta- \\';i Blown-iv Railway Company. “in ”Palm ln carry out its obligations in tho Cm'pm'alinn nl' thP City of nlluwa tn mzikn wrlain nxlnnsions and additions to its prmwrtivs." was :imn'mwl by a ('flmmittm of the Hnus‘n nf Communis. 0n railways, mnals and tvlpgranh lines. No action will ho taken by the \lanihvhn (hwm'nmvnt. in connoction with thp fruit. comhim‘. rPcently in- Vowtigatml by Hm DOminion auth- Hl’itio's. accm'tling to a dncision warm-d at. a Cabinet. "looting. The \Innitnha (Labinnt, decided it was mlo-Iy a Dominion Government at- mix'. :18 must of 1h? P\'id¢_‘n(‘(‘- was 'mml outside of that province. The proposed removal of the Boy- .I lizuimlinn Air Force Station from Vamp “(ll'l'h‘ll in Camp Mohawk is ln-mu' i'Hnsidm'ml by the Department Mr .Vz'licmal Defense. but no decision hm! heen reached. said Hon. E. M. \Iamlonzilal. Minister of National DP- I'unse. in the House of Commons. in :HMVer to question by W. A. Boys. linnsvl‘valive whip. .l. B. Harkin. Commissioner of llanailian National Parks. Depart- ment of the Interior, has been :nml‘ilei'l the Vermeil.Medal by the French Government. and also elect- ml to a fellowship in the American «‘eom-aphical Society. The Vermeil \Imlal has been conferred on Mr. Haw-kin in respect. for his excellent work in the conservation of wild life. His election to a fellowship in the American Geographical Society ltiltl llt‘t‘ll l‘t‘lll‘llt‘tl. Sill” fltlll. IV. In. \lamlonnlol. Minister of National Do- "vnsc. in the House of Commons. in mum-:- to question by \V. A. BUYS. iionservativewhip. I J. R. Harkin. Commissioner of 'lanmlian National Parks. Depart- ment of the Interior. has been ;l\\':ll'ilml the \‘ermeil. Medal by “If? French t‘lovernment. and also elect- ".l to a fellowship in the American t'vouraphical Society. The Vermeil \lmlal has been conferred on Mr. Hui-kin in respect. for his excellent work in the conservation of wild tire. His election to a fellowship in m.- American Geographical Society marks the recognition of Mr. Har- kin's services in the ’ Wience. The death occurred last week at Bermuda of Mr. Justice James J. Ritchie of the Supreme Court of Nova Seetia. Judge Ritchie wasofis .W-ars of age. Before. his elevation 2.. the bench. he was prominent at the bar. and in politics, having been a Conservative candidate in several elections. He came of Nova Scotia family. and is summed l’W his Widow and a very. old . two daughters. ‘ Failure of the Dominion Govern- ment steamer Arleux to find any bodies of the 38 men comprising the crew of the Japanese freighter Rat- fuku Maru. which foundered 180 miles southwest of Sable Island on Tuesday last, and the consequent abandonment of the search. was re- ported in a wireless message from Captain H. B. Cousins of the Arleux at Halifax on Saturday. Mrs. Albert F. Griffin of Victoria. 8.6.. was re-elected president of the Provincial Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. at the annual meeting Saturday. En- dorsement was given to several res- olutions to be forwarded to the Na- tional Chapter annual meeting” in- cluding one asking for the provision of four light cruisers for the Dom- inion to increase protection and provide training for cadets. Imperial No. I well at Fahayan. Alta, drilled two years ago and a gasser, has broken. . The casing head has cracked? ated that the amount of escape reaches 30 to 40 million feet per , An mt is being made to rnio'isidéfii or" the the Daughters 0‘ sossion of the Si“ ton. Hun._ \V. R. .Vlnthm'well. Minister An appeal for relief for the dis- tressed le in the mining dis- trici. oi ova Scotia is to he issued Immediately by Bishop Farthing to the church people of the Diocese of Montreal. This was decided at the session of the Synod of the Diocese on Montreal, held in the Synod Hall. Monsignor Alphonse Deschamps was consecrated Auxiliary Bishop of Montreal. as Bishop of Thenesus, at St. James Cathedral, Montreal. The ("Tat Cathedral was filled to (Net‘- ilowing with Church dignitaries and Citizens of thtreal, and the con- secration was the most elaborate and impressive held in some years. Approximately 4.000 passengers on the five liners which were due at. Montreal last weekâ€"end will mark the first. rush of the 1925 shipping season in that port. The ships are the Mei-hum. from Antwerp; the Montcalm. from Liverpool; the Montroyal. from Glasgow; the Aur- zinia. from Liverpool and the Me- guntic from Liverpool. Thrm barns. with their contents, and the residence 0! James McKiL ian. were dostroyed in firns of un- knuwn origin which caused damage estimatml at $25,000 at Maxvillo, Ont. \lenvsdny. Mr. McKillan’s young: son. who was sm'iously ill. had to box carried to safety from tin-‘imi‘ning building. The harm, WM? 011 at‘ljnining fall'mat and it. is thnnght that. the Spai‘ks from the first tirn stark-(.1 thn others. va'm‘. B. R. Bond, who disap- {ward from Winnipeg on February 5. walkvd into Um 0mm 01' the, po- lim- at. Calgary Thursday ‘fm-onnon and gum himsvlf up. He was mn- rnignod bofm'o Magistrate G. Saun~ dot-S charge-(l with tho tlwft, of $6,000 from tho Farm and Ranch vaivw of Calgary. and was remand- ml until \lenesday. Bail of $200 was fm‘nishml. It is undvrstuod that. Bond roturnvd to Calgary fmm Hm L’nitpd Stains. 'l‘\\'o-t.hirds of tho chattels seized from 35 Donkhnhms recently 1'01 non- pzivmont of lines for violation of tho School la“ worn sold by auction at. Grand Forks, and the 9314' is living ("llllllllli‘Il. \ large nnmhor of Doukhohors looked on, but thorn “No no lllClIantS. M. \V. Ilazakot‘f. acting-prosiilont of the Christian Community of Inivorsal motherhood. announced ho had It iml to raise the monoy for the fines. to- talling about $4.000. but had not. suc- CPSIlPd in doing so. Returning from a visit to Great Britain. Walter Herd. Chief Mining Engineer of the British Empire Steel (Inrpurntion. in an interview at Syilnoy. N.S., said that 300 rol- lirrivs normally vmploying 70.000 men haw closml down in the past six munths, and tho rinsing down is still going on. Many small compan- ins haw horn l‘nrrml out. Hf business alli'igvlhvr. hv said. and tho larger runwanivs {ll‘l‘ rapidly clnsing clown tlwir ('oml mines in an attempt. to Inert the licrcc cnmpctitinn prvvailing. An increusv of $831,751 is shnwn in the product. ut‘ the lisherivs of New Brunswick last. year, ‘as com- Dal'ml wtih 192:. T‘hv total market, valun for [924. c‘nmpI-ising fish sold for consumption. fresh, and fish camwd. cured Hr otherwise prepared was $5,383,386. I). W. .‘lcl-.arhlin. M. (J. I. (1., of the Deparlmc-nl of Railways and Canals, has boon prcsmted with the (lzowski Modal l'nr his paper on the St. Lawrencu lliwr problem. The mmlal was donatvd by Col. Sir Casi- mar Hznwski. late president of the Engineering Institute of Canada. The first award was maclv in 1890. Bvcausn of criticism by the May- or. D. Taylor and snwml members of tlw Iity gnunvil, all members of the Vancouwr Exhibition Associa- tion’s Roan! of Contrnl, haw 1‘0- signml from nt'tim). 'l‘hoir actiun. Hwy state. is taken "in View of statomvnts made I'vtlmtiing on the intvgrity of ‘the Board nt‘ Control." Gluppt'l', nicklo. silver and gold mines in Northern Ontario will be the objective this year of MvGill I'niversity‘s annual Field School for students entering the fourth or final year in the Department of Mining at the I'niversity. The school he- gins today and will continue for four weeks. Twenty students will leave. on the expedition. of an “open 91109” I. on the majonty of mines in the Crow's A verdict of a jury in the hl‘ontreal Court of King’s Bench, finding Ed- gar 0. Raymond guilty of having participated in the hold-up of the Cote Des Neiges branch of the Mol- sons Bank on February 14, 1924, has been unanimously confirmed by the Court of Appeal, division of three judges. Raymond was employed as a paying te ler at the Bank branch. and evidence at his trial showed that he had entered into a conspir- acy with four other men who actu- ally took $1,800 of the Bank’s money from him, after holding up other enmloyees. He was found guilty and sentenced to serve. five years. The ntth' men were also convicted. Rgbert B. Cumming. 80 former buxsar of Biandon Mental Hospital, is i 'oad at his home at. Brandon. He was born in Leeds County, Ont, and wont. \V‘ost in 1878. 1:. H. Ross, Canadian Trade Com- missioner at Melbourne. who is now in Utiawa, is in loavo for Australia to conduct furtiior negotiations in rogm‘d to tho Canadian-Australia trade treaty. This was announced by Promior King in the House of Commons. Uhald Gratton. Hull, charged with cnmiucting a lottery in connection with the cirei1lati011 of cards con- atining the names of baseball teams in the American League and the dis- ti'ihutiun 0f premiums, appeared before ludge Constantineau at the Hull Henri Hume and elected trial bV a countV judge. The case VVhich is a test one and in \V Inch the facts are admitted, \Vill be heard on May .7.- X slight. earth shock was registered in Ottawa Sunday evening about the same time as more severe shocks were. being felt throughout the Con- tral States. The llrst preliminary tremors arrived at 11.10.55 p.m., Eastern standard time. The record was not sufficiently well marked to determine distance, but it was prob- ably the record of the. disturbance reported from the Central States at shortly after 10 o’clcwk Central time: Canan Grould of 'foronto, general secretary of the. Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada, was the guest of the Clerical Guild of Ottawa at a luncheon which was attended by the Right Rev. J. C. Hop- er, Bishop of Ottawa. Following the luncheon, Canon Gould gave a de- tailed account of the work in the mission field at home and abroad, dealing particularly with the ac~ tivities of the society in the out- lying districts of the various prov- inces of Canada. Amendments to the Opium and Narcotic Drug Act are provided in a bill which was given first reading in the House of Commons. The Min~ ister of Health, Hon. Dr. H. S. Be- land, said that these amendments in- cluded a provision for criminal pro- ceedings against physicians accused of traftic in drugs, and another to prevent a physician not licensed to practice in Canada. from prescribing narcotic 1'lrugs. It is also provided that. motor cars and other vehicles used for the transportation of illegalâ€" lv sold d1ugs mav he confiscated. Rain and cold weather held Up spring farming operations in many districts throughout the Prairie Provinces during the past week, him. with the return of more favorable conditions rapid strides will he made with s111.1e1lin according tothew eek~ l\ crop report of the Canadian Na- tional Rail“ avs .-.\gricultural De- partment. In some distl icts of Man- it11l1a.\\heat is alreadv well ahoVe the ground. while seeding in all the 111 ovmces is much ahead 11f last veai All districts report plentv or moisture. and warm weather will assure a good crop. In many, local- ities. seeding will he completed dur- ing: the coming.1 week. \pprnximatolv 37 candidatos me tn hn nominatod bV' tho ConsorVative palm in tho mming _askatc|m\Van Provincial Olm‘tion. Two city mun vamp out to board Upon my fathm"s farm. And all they did was brag about 'l‘hpir \wmdrous city’s charm. ’l‘hoy called us simpio country folk. They thought. that we were green; To hear them talk, thoy knew it all And vverything thpy’d seen. Next day their limbs began to swell Till twice their normal size. And then they ceased to brag, be- cause It made them realize That, though the farmer little knows About the city’s strife, The city man knows even less About the country life. â€"Erne_st Stanton King. Out in the woods they stepped to rest Ipon a little mound That housed a lot of fighting ants That started crawling round. The boarders hastily undressed, The ants away to shoo, And then sat down upon a rock Where poison ivy grew! Water! Water! Water!” m Is Good Health Worth? ‘ Why take a chance and use water that. is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when « Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed CITY BOARDERS ROWE’S n Bakery Provision Store The question of where to camp is' the burning one of the hour with the First Durham Troop. The Scout- master is signed up for a Gillwell! Course at Ebor Park, near Brant- ford, and unfortunately, it is at‘ the same time'as the District at White Cloud Island. As a result, the troop is at a loss to know whe- ther to go to the Island without him, .or to stay at home and have a camp in the neighborhood of Dur- ham. The Rocky has been suggested as an ideal place for a troop camp. It arrangements could be made with the owners of the property, there are some splendid spots for a small camp there. It has also been sug- gested that we get together with Hanover and camp with them at Al- lan Park. However. wherever the camp is. there is no doubt. that there will he one. So get your ditfle to- gether. Gather Up last year’s kit and stmv it. away somewhere after you have gone, over it to see that it. is in shape. If there is a ramp of the troop alone. all cooking: will have t0 be done by the patrols. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. and also start. getting pointers from your mother on eooking-â€"-y0u‘ll need them. Following out the. suggestion of Field Secretary Jones. we have “re. vamped" the troop into four pa- trols. These patrols are as follows: Beavers, Patrol Loader. Wfallaoo (Sz'llty) Hepburn; Badgers. Patrol Loader. Bill Wilson; Owls. Patrol Loader. George (Slippery) Hay; Buf- falo. Patrol Loador Ernest Noavos. The ro-adjustmont means that there. will be about seven follows in oaoh patrol. It is working out much bot- tor than the. twoâ€"patrol system. which was becoming wry rumbor- some. As it is. We started out-lo recruit about five now scouts last. week and have about a dozen pros- pects. A list of the scouts in each patrol together with a description of the patrol colors and call will ap- pear in this column next week. Weekly Meeting The mid-week, eoting last week was woll-atten . The Owls car- ried 011‘ the honors in the competi- tions. They are stepping right out under the leadership of Slippery Hay and Oscar Moon, and it seems a shame to break them up. However. the new combination should be bet- ter. Erny Neaves will have a smart bunch of youngsters, and they are going to give the Owls a sharp tussle. It was uxpected that Hanowr would hike out to Allan Park to meet. us last Sunday and put on a little field (lay of scout events, wind- ing up with a baseball match. How; «ever. they (lisappoiutm us. Wh arr hoping for better luck this week. combinations al'v. C.O.D., K.K.K... S 0.8.. 13.0.8. and P.D.Q. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE The most Sigâ€"nifléang, thrqeflettw Chevrolet Pastry. Flour 24 lb $1.20 Goods Dcllvéud Anywhere II To" Baker Confectioner The Finest Manitoba (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS A. NOBLE, Prop. Oils GUARANTEED REPAIRING E. A. Rowe Troop Re-Organization Sales and Service fieadquarters for Flour $5.00 Hikes Gas Ir.- F. W 10.. of Ottawa, re under the Ontario Drainage t,.nttended at the Conn House. Wilkertou. to hear the ac- tion brought by William Bnnnermpn of Gulroes. to compel the Townships of Gulross, Greenock. Garrick. Brant, Kincardine, Kinloss, Ho’wick, Turn- berry, and the village of Teeswater to proceed with the dredging of the Teeawater river, a work that is es. tinnted to cost the above munici- palities over‘Sl50,000 to complete. According to Bannerman, a large portion of his farm, which ten years. ago was a. line wheat growing tract, is now so completely submerged unâ€" der water that he is unable to driw over it. a condition he. maintains. that has been brought about by en- gineers constructing; drains in these municipalities and shedding.r extra water into this river. After hear- ing the evidence on the mailer. liefâ€" eree Henderson advised that, the drainage scheme which had been hanging lire for four years. should he done. He, howeVer. adjourned the, further hearing of the case un- til May 12. when he. will again ,Visii \\'alkerton anal llnally IllSlth‘l‘ oi the all'air. Very Clever Little Murivl had just, Men to the Zno for the. first time. and she was giving Granny a long account of what sho ha’d soon. “And what animal did you like tho roumaxnmn i3? The annual meeting of the Durin- ‘Braneh 0f the Women's Institute will he held on May 7 at the. hon. of Mrs. J. Burgess. Durham. Mi. Margaret. MeGirr will read a papa on “The Danger of Luxury in Mod- ern Life." The President and Sec- retary will [the their reports. Solo by Miss Winnie Blylh. lileeliun of officers. llull eall answered by payâ€" ment. uf dues. Everybody Weleunm. A rolling stone may not 1 any mussâ€"hut, it gets somewi A cross word a day will keep low away. lurk! Ind unfilled. “Oh. the ele p"haut. was the “It was wonderful to see him 9 up buns with his vacuum cleaned" (‘ANADIAV GRMSI. 0. D. E. WlLL ..0H thoir \mx mm-ting in tin» A. Y. P. A. rooms. on Tuesdm awning, Mm 5.111 8 p m Ml members re- quested to ho prvaout. Stratfurd {non .lvssiv Munrn‘. wifl M- in tnwn nn 'l‘uvsday. May 12. and undvr l. U. 1). li. auspices. will giw a talk illustrahwl with slide. on hm' rum-m trip In South America. MRS. 1m. UHLVE RUBERTSUN CLASSIFIED ADS. (Too Lu. for Classification.) FAQ! I.

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