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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Apr 1925, p. 6

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\h-mbé-rs 0! the Boys’ \Vork Board of this district, mm. in Dundalk on M: May o-wning. Definite arrange- mvnh WPI'P complo‘tod for ”I? Boys’ (lamp to ho» hold at. V'ail’s Point on the- Hmrgmn Bay fflr tho- wow-k 0! July ”-21. lio-cimiim: nn \lennsday. May 6. Dunclalk husinnss planes will lm opt-n “mlmwlm «awnings thi‘nugll- out tho summm months. Th9 Cit- izons Band will giw its regular concvrt an that mvninu. Thursday aftprnoon will be the holiday. After an illness extending over several years. Thomas J. Harvey of the Eleventh Line. Euphrasia, passed away early Wednesday morning. April 22. aged 48 years. He had suffered from kidney trouble and endured much pain during the past few months, and death came as a happy release. Be is survived by his widow. three daughters and one -\n important business deal was en‘s-Mm! last wepk here when Dr. bio-William .mlcl thv drug stnrv and hu~sinms of )lmlical Hall to Mr. C. V. Statia nf Hamilton. Chang.n of pmsossinn was mad» cm Friday. The C. P. R. station is being re- pu mtml. 'i‘lw monthh meeting of llw l’ulp- library Trustws was hold em Turs- day m ening last. A dpputatinn f1 0m Um ann Cunnril ni‘fnrpd to pro- vidn limit. and light. and to make the nncvsszu-y impairs t0 the library in return for lhn 1150 of tho '.0\\'('[‘ part. 0! Um building. At a spvcial mm-tim: H! “w Council rvcnntl)’. 3‘. W’mminm‘ was: SI'H'P'PI' to EN vstimah-s nf tlw cnst of build- inu a public toilet for ladivs. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland, who recently sold their farm in Holland Township to Mr. A. C. Clarke of Mentord, moved lust week to their new home here. They will be great. Tho Listuwvl Hougln CUP football team was Iv-nx'gauizml at, a mm'ting held at. tho». school on Wmlnvsulay lad “hm: oflicm-s Wo'l't‘ PIPCU’d. A tram hés boon o-ntorml in llm Bough cup serips.__ _ 'l‘lw ro-gular mwting 0f tlw Knnx Church Guild was lwlol cm Munolay evening. April 21. An intrrosting musical and vocal program was xiv-tn. Tlm Baptist Church annual mm‘t- in: was lwlcl nn Thursday awn- ing. April 16. with a largv attvzul- aim» at umlwrs who electvd 0f- flm-rs and c-nmmittm's. As in past yo-ars. Listmwl mar- chants will clam» llmil‘ plum-S 0f bllsnm-ss at l2 noun “"mlm-sday, but tlu- hall-holiday will not be Hbsvn‘ml in wo-pks who-r0 other holidays 0c- 0111'. 'I'III- annual mm'ting III "In Lis- {I “M Golf and Countr) Huh “as III-l! Thursdan. April 16. “hm the dIII-cmrs fIII- 1925 WPU’ 0161': ml. 'l'II bo- bvlnvml IIf many frII-IIIIS and In be I'aIliaIIth happy “ll nor ‘Jfith hirthdm is ”In gum! fUI'tllllP 0f ..I~I. Robert KI-lh. “no. 0n 'l’hms- dm nf last wowk. “as at tho huma In hm granolâ€" IlnughtI-I. Mls‘. Howard “w. .Vlanv \isilms I-allé-d upnn the wtimablo' Indy tn IIITI-I' I'Imgratula- II Ins. Mrs. KI-lh has liw-d In this \H Inih {01 mow than 80 years, but a row waIs asm mmml with IN'I‘ daIIIng-I' III \\ alkerville. Brainm gm» :1 repmt for the I]: oimtinn that “put in 'l‘muntn to into Nivw tho: Minister of Highways Mm “Ollld not promisn anything nmio- than 40 pm cont for naming \lain Strwt. llnwmo-I morn lziti IIclI‘e is given in the statulv passml re- l'tPllH)’, anal sompthing may yvt he Ilmw. Rreve Calder of Durham was in tnwn, as Durham is similarly sit- u: Ito-d. l ndor Councillor 80360") and llwvo- Ellis. lhv romplvtinn 0f the lm~i!o-varcls along th» paVI-mvnts is In bo- lnokml :IftI-I'. Altar a lung dis- rIIssiun. it was dc-cic'lml In aIilVI-rtisn fur a man In lomk al‘twr tho- sll'm'la and that tho chiefs principal duties should be those of night watchman \V. J. Cringlv was amminlml I'llii'f runstablo. anal ll. H. Kilgnur was re- ammintml nIo-nIlu-r Hf tlw l’IIhlic Li- brary Board. Un Wmlnesday (waning last. twvn- ty mnmbers of the Young Peeple's Lvumle 0f the Listowel Lutheran Chm-vb motor-ml tn Chosley and paid a fraternal visit tn the Lutheran [magma An o-xm-Hent pmgram was l'O'IH‘lO'l'Pd by tho- OHM-shy Imaglw. and lum-Iu-on was so-rwol and a social tinw Pnjoyc-d by all. Po-to-r Hayman McLellan died at! his lat» homr in Arthur Township on Sunday. April 20, at the age of. M wars. 3 .\' quwt but pretty wedding was subliminal 0n \Vednesday. April 8. at Hw lump of Mrs. James Adams, 01m“. wiwn tmr yuungest daughter, Flu-vnm- l-Zwlyn. was united in mar- riau- M Mr. Alvxander Graham of Pro . t c m. . . The inviution committee of the Semi-Centennial Celebration is in- stalling a card index system, and cows will be distributed to the dif- ferml stores. Anyone wishing to haw an invitation sent to an old x-Psivlo-nl will only have to ask a Inna-haul for a card which the per- son will lill out with the name and miclz'¢-~‘.~4 of lhpir friend. This card will b» piturnvd to lhc» merchant and Hi» cummittm- will poi-imlically main-r llww cards and indvx llwm. lm'ilalinm will ho svnt immodiaio- (y alto-r tho i-o-m-ipl 0f the card. The many friends of Rube Horn- ins will be pleased to learn that his injured limb. which he fractured last fall. has improved sufficient! for him to return to work. thou: he is through with baseball for PAGI Mount Forest Markdale Dundalk Listowel The Canada Conference of the Evangelical Church held in Hanover came to a close on Monday after. noon or last week. The solemnity evident throughout the entire con- ference was most glorious. The re- ports given of the work done on the various fields of labor were indeed gratifying. The attendance at all of the segsions was very encourag- ing and compared favorably with the best records of attendance at the Conference held in other towns. The climax in attendance and inter- est was reached on Sunday. This will most certainlyflbe a day long to A nu-vting or the spurtsmon of the town was hold Tuosday owning to HUI-Hit!“ a Fish and “arm Associa- tinn. 'l'hv gathering was wvll at- tvndrd and wry enthusiastic. Shor- it'f “'iisnn 0t ”won Sound ttmk tho rhair and gavn somp valuablr in- t‘nrmutinn and assistvd materially in organizing ”I" first association in Hanmw-r for tho protnction «it fish and gamo. Officers and cnmmittens In lamk attrr tiw building up of suit- ahln ponds for fish. to draw lip by- laws and t0 gnt nrw mnmhrrs. were o-lo-rtrd. Mrssrs. Elfly and Croigh- tun Ht ”won Sound gave very in- inn-sting talks nn game conserva- tinn. l-lti'urts will hr madn to ex- tvnd thn organization throughout. the nrighboring districts of the county. "V ‘4' u“ be remembered. The Bishop, fiev S. P. Spreng, D. D.. of Napierville. Ill.. preached two powerful ser- mons. The missionary meeting in the afternoon was conducted by the field secretary, Rev. B. R. Weiner, and his address was much appreci- ated by all. The program of the Conference from the initiu We to the close was one hid ~_ ,. Tho Town Council mot on tho 20th :inst" contirmod the appointment. of ,tlm spacial committoo ol' Robort La- Ewrty as Chief Constable. authorized allw trrasurvr tn inwst $500 of the ilff'fllt'it'l'y funds in Victory Bonds. pasty-d a motion that tho. nrm'smry I~Jt'|)h‘ lw takvn to «eroct a mortuary in the ccmotory for wintvr mm. in- slructvd the rlork to pnrchaso six chairs for tho town hall slag". and disrussml tho advisability of pur- lvnasim; 400 chairs for tho town hall. ' Last 'l'hursday \Villiam Blohm 0! Yrs-ta. ai-(eompanim by his Winn lit- ”t' grand-daughtor. Gladys Knapp 'ol tilinslc-y. and his son. Frvd. were on tlwir way to :i lunoral, and when just, a Hill» distanm- from thoir own il'fll". ”In front whim] of tho car ‘olz'nmu-d into Quito a drop rut. and ,tho- car turnml turtlo'. Fwd Blohm, tlw driw-r. was pitrhml cli-ar of the "or. :iliL'hiim: on his foot. His fa- tho-r was slightly sliakvn up. and his motl'wr vscapod with a few bruiso-s. Littlo Gladys sustained a vompound fracturo of an arm. and .tiu- doctor tonk l‘ior to tho Owen Sound hospital whom the limb was V. _- ---. .h... u... nun-p". wuu a kirk likn an army mulv, was ar- PiliL'an in court at Hanover on Mnmlay last. wlwn he was N‘mvictvd 011 [hp PVileH’P of a woman who iaw him hurl the glasswarn from his chariot. at. ”14' Qum-n’s burner during the wild chasn of August I‘ 'n‘ last. ’l'iw Hannwr 'l‘t-nnis tituh hold a mm'tini: nn Thursday, April 9. and vim-hut ntt’icvrs and crimmittm-s. Pat Sivlii.r of Kitrhnni-r, whnwas snspvctm of having honzv in his car whih- mntnring t'rnm "alkvrtnn to Hannvor last. August and whn was rhasmt in a high-puwpr machine by Lim'nsn lnspvrtm-s Widmnyvr and Buck.” with tho rnsult that when hp was swinging south around thn Qnm-n's Hot»! rnrnvr at Hanover with tho officers in pursuit. he hurlmi a hottlp of whisky out. of his hns which was latvr picked lip and tuunil to tw thn real old sting”. with r'rntuy morning. )1 r. and Mrs. D. H. Sparrow have SUM their hnusn in town to Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam HPmstnck Hf Second IZrmc-ession. Arran, whn get 1mssos~ sion on May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Spar- row and sons motnrnd (lawn to St. Catharinrs during [Castor work and \wro- sn much taken Up with the fruit twlt that thvy duriclmt to pur- rhasv a tan-acre fruit farm in Louth 'l‘mvnship. 'l‘hu tmvn hull was filled nu Mun- day to hear Gipsy John Hawkins and his party ope-n llwir two wwk’s o-mngvlisiir campaign. Tim mi-vting “ppm-d with liwly singing at fam- iliar hymns lml by Miss (mum to the nrmmpnnimvnt Hf Um zintnhnrp. Hipsy Hawkins has a phasing [wr- umality and is a wry vfl'vctivn spi-nkvr. Un Monday “0 got. about half way round thv world with his dvlightful lantm'n Vivws and cuntin- um] his pvangi-listic itirmrary on l.‘-.l-l. _- ' Tlm trvasurc-r 0f Eldorslie- has r0- m'iwd a (*her {mm Um Provim‘ial Highways‘ Doparlmvnt for $2616.69 lwing ”W 20 pm' «PM grant an mad and hriolm- vxpvnditnrns for 1924. After choir practice last Thurs- day evening. Geneva Church choir assembled in the School Room for a social hour. a cup of tea and to make a presentation to Miss Edna Ritchie. who is leaving Chesley to take up residence in London. The removal of Miss Ritchie.- and her mo- ?iwl'. Mrs. E. 'l‘olrhard. will he a distinct loss to Clmsley and {hey will he wry muchmissed. ly missed in their old neighborhood especially _in the church where _1|_u-. WWI-ll, Ill IIIC uuurcu wuuru -l'o . > . Sutherland was an esteemed elder I’A' W mm: ‘7'“! ‘ strong for over twenty years. Before their ““38 ‘0’ 1"“ .melody, 3 departure, their neighbors and house on the station road the other friends assembled 5nd presented "90108 find. heal-ms the strains of them with two beautiful leather an Irish jifi floating through the upholstered oak chairs. ether from within, he could no long. A. Fun.) L:â€"..-ll -...l _-2AL AL- __A_ l-'. A. MacDougall, superintendent of traffic of the Canadian Press, who was stricken on GM Frida and has since put up a gallant fig t for m». passed away at Western Hospi- tal. Toronto. early Thursday after- noon. April 23. The late Mr. Mac- Dongall was born in Chesley on July limp. - u .Câ€".â€" -l u I- .un V-uyu-L.’ VII Hull 1886. a son of Isaac and Frances \laclflmgall. his mother being still alive. Hanover On Moniiay cvcning. Knox congre- gation held a meeting to deal with the matter of calling a pastor. The unanimous choice fell upon Rev. Robert G. McKay, M.A., B.D.. of Dresden. who had occupied the pul- The home of Messrs. “'illinm and James and Miss Jennie Craig. whn are leaving the farm on Can. 5. Brant. to live in tim'n, was taken possessinn of by a great. throng of friends on 'l‘nesday evening of last week, who came to give a fitting send-off tn this highly esteemed family, who have resided in the community since early‘pioneer days. {\n IIA.__I.‘__ - l'lmmal S‘PlViCPS for tlw lain Mrs. Thnmas JPnkins WPI'P held at the familv home» Friday 211191110011, and 21 large cnmpam «if frionds and nvighbnrs \wrn [)IOSPDL Interment was mado in \Valknriun cemvtm‘y: rI‘L _ - ‘l n--.- The annual mcwting of the Walkâ€" m'ton Lawn Bowling Club was held in tlm Council Clmmhnr, town hall, ““o,-cliivsday Honing. April 15. The suggmlinn that the lailivs lw. invited tn farm a lmwling (-luli. too, was enthusiasticaly nndorsml. It. was pointed out that. succossful ladies’ clubs are carrying on in many other tnwns. A quiet \vmhling was mimnizml at Sacrml Hval't (Jhm'ulum \lenps- day. April 22. when two uf mp tmvn's most. pupular young vmmlu \wrv unitml in marriagv. the cun- h'acting pal-tins lwing Miss lenn Scnnlan. danghtur of the- lam P9101- Scanlan. town. and Mr. William J. Knox. sun of Mr. and Mn. :Ham Knox of Pinkvrtun, and local man- agmf of Dominion Stnrns. __â€" â€"- V‘- mmn H." a charge of rccviving stolen minds knowing thnm to have been stnlcn. and which casc zit-use out of (hp thvfl of certain articles from Dvntingt'l' Beingessnor's general atorc at Formosa. fur which Slan- h'y winningcr. aged 15, was convict- nd and IN go on suspended sentence, i'vsultvd in Dm-rr hcing acquitted of (hp rccvivingchargc. A citizen, who returned home frum work the other day and found that his .wife had left and taken her portion of the. furniture with her, decided to break up housekeeping, and. renting his domicile to another and happier swain. came into the Herald-Times’ office and advertised the balance of his household effects for sale. Beforo we could got to press. howm'er. with the all. the. tenant backed out and left the de- serted hubby with the lions-3 on his hands. The unshot was. the furni- ture sale was called off. and the man of misfortune will now brillia- bly continUe to carry on. plowing a lone furrow. as it were, in single harness. A Chesley youth. who drove, over to Walkerion to get a hair cut on Saturday night, surprised 1 local tonsorial artist by jumpincz out, of the chair and creating a scene by leaving the premises with only half his alfalfa cut. Going to another shop. he present?“ the semi-shom pate to the shears-wieldiu‘ there. who thinking the last barber must have surlilenlv gone. on strike. found on enquiry that. the Cliesliwite \‘er- ily believed that in a multitude of barbers. like a multitude of counsel. there is wisdom. The last barber made sure that. he didn't get away from him before. the job was through. and assessed him the same as if he had covered the entire ter- ritory with his shears. an Irish jig floating through the ether from Within, he could no long. er hold himself, and with the pave- ment for a dance floor, he soon was tripping the light fantastic on the asphalt. W‘hile swinging an imag- inar partner, he lost his balance in e dizzy whirl, and falling on the cement. he. broke a rib on his left side. Unlike Adam, who was asleep and didn’t feel the loss of a rib. the W‘alkertonian was very much aware that one of his slaves had snap-pods and mingling his vvy-m any '4. William Donna agm! 18, of near T005“ alvr appvarpd 1H fnrp Mag is- tum» MCCill'llle in “10 Walkorlun police cnurt 0n \\ ednqsd‘ay attor- .lainvs Kirby of nnar 'l‘onmvatnr was fined $20 and costs by Magis- tram McCartney In the [mime court. hm'v recently fur assaulting his formvr hired mzm. anrvm-a- McKay, â€"â€"â€"-â€"C-â€"--c .- groans with the dance music that was still floating over the air, he realized all right that some have friends who give them pain. Aris- ing in his agony, he limped to a doctor's. when? the necps’sary treat- ment was applied. Tho Easter dance» giwn by the lo- cal K. of Us. was a highly success- fuLgflgir with a large attendance. pit five ' previous day with grant no- A man who worked for a farmer a few miles from here complained to the authorities here this week, that, since leaving the agricultur- ist’s employ last winter, he hasn’t been able to get. his clothes from the boss. He claims to have made three pilgrimages for his apparel but each time has been turned away minus the desired garments. We understand the Crown has taken the matter up and a demand is being made on the planter to get busy and produce. Commissioner Wilson reported: Roy Williams, dragging 34.50; S. Williams, raking stones. $3.35; John Wilson, winter work, Egremont and Proton Town Line. $9.00. Report adapted. Commissioner Robb reported: A. Hudson. repairing road, 67 cents; Wesley Snell, dragging, $55.17. Be- port adooted. Commissioner Mack rvnorted: Far rar Lawrence bonus “ire fem-0 $7?_.;00 Fees $1.00.____Roport adopted. ' Mackâ€":RObb: That the appropria- tion for each Commissioner for r9351 improvements be $400.00 Carâ€" me . Wilsonâ€"Ferguson: That the Treasurer be instructed to roceive the taxes on north half Lots 21 and Mackâ€"«Robb: That, the following accounts he, paid: J. Ellis. gravm 1924 account. 82.40; J. Gillespie, gm- vel 192$ account. $7.20; J. W. Brown, sheepkilled $10.50; C. Ramage and Son, printing account, to date, $90.~ 10; Rain. Bicknell and Company. solicitors. fees re motion to quash By-Law S. S. No. 3. $25.00; Reew, services and t‘X'H‘nSt'S re motion to quash hy-law $16.00: Clerk. services and exnenses re solicitor's advice m by-laws and closing road $15; Mem- bers of Council in attendance at meeting to date. $15.00; B. Gibson. use of room $2.00. Carried. 22. Concession 22, amounting to $31.95. (Zal'l‘icd. .. By-Law No. 476 replacing By- Law No. 467 was passed. By-Law No. 477 replacing By-Law No. 467 and incorporating the suggestions of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board was gassed. Mack ~â€" Wilson: That Deputy Reeve Ferguson and Councillor Robb be a conunittoe to attend to the erecting of bal't'icm‘los at Lots 15 and 16, Concession 5. Carried. Council met. April 20. Members allflpyesent, mintyes adopted. ’ _ .. VV u" vu'“‘w “‘1‘, .‘_U Commissmnm Ferguson reported: A. Wagner gran el. Egremont anal Proton Town Line. 1924 account. $17.65;F John “0019. raking stones $6.;86 E. Smith. dragging $9.00 rak- ing stones $2. 36; F 003 $3C');Rnp01t adopted. Wilsonâ€"«Mack: That a barricade be erected at the ends of thn closed sidernad at Lots 15 and 16, Conces- sinn 5, with a notice to the effect that any person using this closed road did so at their own risk and that tenders he asked for the sale of the land in accordance with By- law No. 446. Carried. BGREION‘I‘ COUNCIL BRUCE PIONEER DIES Ono of the oldest citizens of the County of Bruce died at his home in Brant Township Thursday after- noon, in the person of Thomas Tul- loch, who had reached the advanced age of 96 years and six months. Mr. 'I'ulloch was born in Scotland and “Orange Pekoe’ believing that it signifies fine quality. This is not, however, news- sarlly the ease. In the trade ‘Orange Pekoe’ is only a narne given to the first leaf below thebudortlponany IndianorCeylontea bush. An ‘Orange Pekoe’ leaf grown at a high elevation usually possesses a very fine flavour. If, however, the plant is grown at a low elevation, it may still be ‘Orange Pekoe’ but also be of very poor quality. The consumer’s only safeguard is to buy a tea of recognized goodness. High grown ‘Orange Pekoes’ comprise a large part of every blend of “SALADA” and give to “SALADA” its unequalled flavour. "SAMBA" Min! W19" 0‘ t“ “9'? WE" 99‘1“ A'l' AGE OF 96 YEARS 'm Simâ€"No. 5 came to this country at an mm an; settling on the farm in North lzr'utzt which he occupied until lm~ death, His widow, who has also reavhmi an unuguall' old age. survnm llllli. During l 6 ast year. the yum-mg» couple cele rated lhvll' almn‘rnd Jubilee. The funeral lmk Mar.- m. Saturday afternoon in the \Vam-vâ€" ton Cemetery. ’ Means sum“ lxl been U'c‘Hi‘H'. uhrly m: oinity “1' 3" :4 “ till“ \\.'I\' Wit-II ”In? .~ "3V0 lo'i:;t‘ ~ wnw i~' «w- ~ The ,vw IhOI‘t 0f HM... m 10.0"“ n ADINYMIT tainin: 1'“ mnh-l‘ um .nd "XH'I haVv from: 0081‘? 'H 4‘” TIN I thaw-m [10W IM' ;.' 5 tlllws 5 “HOW-3 INN] ll" ‘Uln' cautinnary mmmztw. wnfiists n!’ mImm-zn W8“ illt'zlllclvsvvlli L: ies will: unu Hf Hav- nectinnst 'l‘ln’e hui permanc-ntly m tlw 0.69 of an iN‘H‘dc'lH. the B banvry 1mm tubes. Loon-Distance Programs Bx In ammmmn: Hm? .t \\ H. tinuv Hw .l. B. 1-1. “a the vauw “1'- Npuh‘mh'llvi’ BOUN'HMI‘ \\' 300 mm x4 Ansâ€"ll getting ~‘ feed-had- shm‘tvn ) tions and aratmi :I-‘ summm- \\ I‘ Laird nf \lza torla. B. F... [IISWY'I'J to Vivtwrm of tlw 'l'v: i113 m Hm! trintiv mu their «m n nngml 1H dud ‘1‘”! on .lul\ ' Fort \\ ill “00w .lmV Lomsv. Vin or to VIM RPHl!‘I|:Ia;_‘ Okanagam \ .‘ enay Lnkw- \ Clmlb. Hun. WI“ lw "Inf.- OW‘I‘ Hu- :w Windvrmvt :- charmin: a: . is possmlc- ‘ It. Radium H River and s' iow Camlw then Edmum G19 Bu: :3ch on “I" Lakv tmm FHN \\ . “learn PI"! 7 trip will 1m: F: \ 0r \ 1 h" [”109 (of fin") W11 in“. mian m on Sivan“ I‘ poinls \ mt. Whilv it. “teller-2 H... one denim”; ' All “ill In “NM 1"”! “ill In t ma‘l’d "" ' a to “war I ‘2 . P. H. 0 dist Em: Th0 \\ ACROSS CANADA AN D (Capyright, 1924, by Th. i'oi' the san: Saving Radio Tube if ll Mr. Sherri” m‘l problems. Write mvu latimla Ill 034' ’. April 80. 1' \\ RADIO Ql \'I.I \\ I"

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