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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1925, p. 10

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The week is starting out fairly well. The weather is stil cool but generally speaking. nice and cer- tainly it ought to be nice weather for men and horses that are workâ€" 108. We are glad to hear that most of our sick ones are on the mend. Miss Janet. McDonald is able to sit up !or a while each day. Miss L'dia McKinnon is improving slowly. . rs. W. W. Ragnage is doing nicely. Mr. AA... PAGE 10. [16. ӣ1.63?! is sapméwhat 'hetfier, and Miss Alice» Bailey as much 1m- prgvyed. _ I. ' _, -___ - nn‘lnl. “wing to the keen interest that is being shown here over the question of izhurch l'nion. and the local con- dition of a tie vote. a congregational meeting was held on Sunday last in the Presbyterian Church here to dismiss the situation. A fair repre- sentation was present. A consider- able amount of discussion was lis- tened to and a vote taken. the con- sequences of which we can give no information on. but. the one big les- son that we took away with us from the meeting was a demonstration of what we would call real Christian spirit by our veteran elder and friend. John A. McDonald. a gentle- man of strong principles who spoke briefly but to the point. when he stated that he was prepared to wor- ship with the prevailing side. How easily the prohlem could he settled generally if we could all fall in like that. union or anti! We do not wish to pass remarks either way. but we wish to show that we, ap- preciate the stand taken by Mr. Mc- Donald. We hope to see him in his usual place for many years yet. W:J{'I:;.‘..\rviniv McLean was called sudclpnly to hPl' parpnts’ home in Northwn ”Mario whcroupefi'faghps. .“II V ‘ ..- D. “1'. Miiiié'igvéei'iously ill. We hOpe that there will be an improvement in his health very seoon. Wn3\.'.7{."§11t.hé'ri'afid was admitted to Durham Hospital to undergo a mimr over-aunt: on Monday. We hnyq for_[li§__spee(jy recovery. _ _1..I_ _-21L --“| " -v- ---~ -.r â€" - _,_ - Baby McVicar is very sick with tho» whooping cough. This little one sevms to be tho worst case locally, and we no all anxious to hear of it’s improvml hoalth. There are many othvr casos. but so far we have not hoard 0! any quite so serious as this lilth on». Miss Olive Manan is ham» {or a while as hor falhm' is howling much attention. and WP 31'». surv Mrs. Mc- Lean wil hn glad to havn surh lmlp through what “'6‘ hope may he a wry shnrl. pm'iml. thv . wo-rk. ."r. and Mrs. Hugh MrArthur ac- ronmaniwl by Mr. and Mrs. James Crntchley of DOI'IIOCh and Mr. Bry- son .\lurluck of Durham. spent, the firs! Hf tho wrrk with Mr. and Mrs. Hmry Bratnn of Hlenelg Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1%. Blair and son. .Vovrmun. of Durham, visited Smnluy at. “In TPPU‘I‘ hump. Mrs. .lnhn Robson and son. Cam. erun. lrft. nu Monday fur Toronto (0 rnjn)‘ u \vm'k's varation. H‘Veuhé;'hllr’tti‘ill§ fish stories this season as yot. We will have hofore {all though. Miss Katlm'n Firth nf Durham visttml Zion friends early in the “‘6'c'k. Miss E. J. Allah spnnt thn wonk- end with tho- .‘lcClocklin and McNab familins. N» ”H Mr. Jamns Smith M Hamilton ac- companiml by him motorists spent. a fmv days I'i‘t'i‘fltl)’ at the Blair hnmn and nnjnyo‘d tho nponing 0f "I” fishing spasm}, Mr. Edward Cook uf Palmerston slwm. nwr tho: week-0nd at home. 'l‘ho' Ivaclwr and pupils Of S. S. No. .3. hvld Arbm' Day on Monday of "Slo‘ssrs. Myers and McCallum of lxnnhurlvy wo-rp callers In the neigh- beg-pawl rpcgntly. ...... Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Vinlvt Falluisn is this work visiting with Mrs. \Villinm Fultnn Hf \Iulnck. .\ii'. and Mrs.- Philip Harrison 0! Swmton Park visited Sunday at the No-leon home. Miss Maymn Dunbar 0f 'l‘m'mitn and sistm' Anniv :u'v visiting at pI'O'M'nt at tho parental home. \hss Hazel Firth is this week at tho- hnnw of Mr. Robert \V'ebber Of Bentinck. Zion Sunday Sbhtml and mew r0-0ponml on May 3 WIN] a large at- tondancv. Dr. Thomas .‘lmlr made a busuu-ss trip bnrhoml one day last Rocky Saugeen {Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. E. \Vilkin has I'v'tm‘nml (0 hc-r housn again from 'l‘nrnntn. Mr. and Mrs. .lamvs Miller and family spam. Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Horhprt 'l‘l'afl'nrd. .‘lr. Bot-t. Middleton is assisting Mr. Earl \‘nssie with the seeding. “1‘. James Lawrem-o‘ hasâ€"disposed of his 100 acre farm in Bentinck to Mr. R. Mighton. .\II. and M13. James Funn and familv spent Sunday “ith Mr. and Mrs. \Valtm' Clarkp. The monthlv mppting of the U. F. W. 0. will be held at the home of M _s_. Fred Cuff on May 8. The young people are preparing a program for the I}. F. 0. meeting which will be held in the school on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Riley of Tor- onto spent a few days visiting with Messrs. '1‘. J. and Willigm Moore and during their stay, paid us a visit. They report times very still in the Queen City. Mrs. Deunet, who has spent the McWIlhams (Our Own Correspondent) Good weather for seeding. Some are through. while others are only starting. Fail wheat has come through the winter well and has a prpplising appearance._ ' Mr. 3.3. Léwrence has been the latest to invest in a F9111. w of Dnndas to the neigh- \vo’wk. last year or two in Torontp and Hamiltnn, is at present visiting her daughwr. Mrs.‘I_). A. Watson. --¢ n D 'I‘-_.».â€"IA 19:5;‘111'. ‘Iallfillvtl. OVUIUQ yo 0-. .‘li‘s. w. Baum of Tbfiihw visited her uncln. Mr. H_. Ecfllargt; recently. Il' "ll-Io Miss Marie Heslip and Mr. George (hwy \wro Sunglay visitors at the home of Mr. J. _§les_li_)_._ Mr. ohn Boyd, St, is spending a few days with his cousin in Cor- betton. Mr. Boyd is still in poor lwallh. _- a. ‘ ‘l A “AA__- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan, son Alex. and grandson. Kenneth Duns- moor. motored to Arthur and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan. Mr. Robert Trafrnrd and son. John, and Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd visited friends in Chesley recently. Mr. Fred Staples and Ralph. and Mrs. R. Banks were in Markdale Sunday seeing Fred’s mother. Who, we are pleased to say, is improving. We recived a newsy letter from our osteemed friend, Mr. C. '1‘. Ped- lai- of Neepawa, Man., a son of Mrs. Hannah Pedlar , of this place, by which we learn he is still conduct- gzu-age igusiiiféss tpgether with his â€"â€"Aâ€"L:nAa-‘v Ant. fill] 'IFL' -,IutJI.l‘.u-J vvcwv-___ many other lines in machine»?‘ and implements. He recently pure ased anether garage in town to enlarge his capacity. It is 25 years this spring since Mr. Pedlar located at Neepawa and has since made good. He learned the trade of blacksmith with Mr. D. MrTavish here, and is interested in his former employer’s enterprize in purchasing the Welton prnperly for business purposes. Charlie. was initiated in Odd Fellow- ship here by the writer and is still ALnA- ...., ..., an ardent member of the three- links, proud of his veteran jewel. He reports a very successful service at the '106lh anniversary of the Order on Sunday, April 26. He further in- forms us that Mr. David Mathewson of Neepawa, a former Flesherton boy, sull'ered a paralytic stroke recently, hill. is improving. Rev. R. J. Prit- rhard. pastor Hf the Methodist." lllmreh at Neepawn, and family, were. reported well. Mr. Pritchard was a former resident of Artemesia at Vandeleur where he is well- known. IL .\I1'l\'11n'/.i11 an1I..I 1‘. [11111110 from “111 P1'11sl11't111'i 11111 Church. \ 1111111Iing 11f th11 [)11'111't111s 11f East 131'111' \1'1'11'11lt111'a I Soci11t1 1111s h11l1l 111 th11 M11nsh1111 House 011 Saturday 11111nin" last with [’1'11si1l11nt. Richard- .1111 in the chair and the new Sec- 111I111'1'. S. E. D110111lm01'11, 1111 1I11t1. "II111 n1im1t11s 111' last annual n11111t- 1111: mm 111111] and ad11pt1111 after 11hi1'l1 11. committee 1111s appointed I11 1Iis1'11ss Ih11 prize list. It 11115 111.1- 1'i1I111I I11 1'1111t. the Fairt hmunds I11 tI111 I111'11l I101's11. 1'111311 11wn111's at $15 [1111' 1'11111' {111' “111111 1081's. Oats will I111 II111 11nt1'1' from this S1111i11t1 in standing: Ii11l1I ('1'11p 1'11n1p11titi011 this 111111'. II was 11111111111 that m11ml1111'- ship Ii1'k11ts shall admit, only 111111 t0 II111 I111ir.\ committee 1111s appoint- .\ joint nIIIIIIiIIg of the ministers IIIIII IIIIIIIials of tho MIIIIIOIIIsL and PI IIIsInIIIIIian IJIIIIIIcIIIIs here \\ as held in IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Inst WIIIIk t0 IIIIIIIIIIII IIisII uss IIIII QIIIIinoII of local IIIIiIIII. 'I'IIII mIIIItim.I was very har- monious. :IIIII IIIII IIIaIIIIII “as fI'I‘L‘ly IIIII' I'IIliy IIII'tI‘IISQIIII. III‘Ia‘I‘ I to \VIIIIIII church will IIII used as well as [IIII'SMlla II IIII maIISII, in IIIII IIVIIIIt III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIg IIIIII (fIwIllgPI‘gilIIIIII :I IIIImmiIIIIII “as appointed to take IIIII nIIIIIIIII up and IIIIIIOIII at a jOIIII. IIIIIIIIIIIg III IIIII congregations III an I'le'h IIIIIII 'lIIII committee con- sIst§III\\'. \. \IImsIIIIIIII: \\. H Bunt IIIIII JUM'II'I BIIIkIIlV fI‘IIm IIIII Motho- IIISL I'IIIIIICII and J: 1:: \IIIVIIIIII II rI‘. ml to arrange" far a spacial sports day and nwning concert some time in me in hulp ‘aiso funds in PP. chum. Hu- Sminty's inili'hii‘lfliH‘SS. A ch'iw fur nnw momhm's is being niacin. and is already meeting with mun-05.4. Tim lai‘gm' the memberâ€" ship. Hm liiiggnl' and hth‘ the Fair will lw. and Pvm‘ynno in this vicin- ity Sh‘Hllll imlp by lwcnming a mam- iwi' unal imnsiing Hm Fair. My. F. H. \V. Hicklin" rvturned hum lnglzmd last \ka. honpmcd h) his mvall \mage and holiday at 'mmv. Ru and M: . H. H. Eaton Spent putt of last “00k in Tm onto and at,- h-mlml the MacKendrick-Eaton wed- cling. Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘. C. Batty and olaughtvr. Ltwnon, visitml at Cap- tain Rattnn’s, Owen Sound, a few days ago. WMP. Rmm'son Adams recently re- wivm the. appointment of manager of tlw Bell Tolnphone office at Elm- Wllo‘. ‘ Mrs. R. H. Henderson, who visited for two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Blackburn, returned to Toronto on Friday, A. . Mrs. Adams and daughter, who wm-o visiting Mrs. D. Adams, left for their new home at Elmvale last, week. vuhfx‘e-inbert Stewart and mother, Mrs. Perigo. returned last week from visiting the latter’s sons in Toronto. "Iii-1%. A. E. Keith and children. of Toronto. are visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Hickijiig, a_nd qthgr pelativgs. v. v--vvv Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross vi ited Over the week-end at Chesley. he farmer’s mother, who was visiting mare, returned to her home with em. w v--- By a communication from Dr. Thomas Henderson, who with his wife and daughter spent the past winter in California, we learn they are now on their way home and will reach Toronto soon._ -‘I‘n- â€"â€"â€" â€"'â€"‘ -w Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin of Dur- ham were welcome visitors with us one evening last week: A g A] vâ€"vvâ€" On their way “to and from a fun- eral at Chesleyy last. week, the follow- ing friends visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns here: Mr. and Mrs. Knight and two daughters, of Alliston; Mrs. COChI‘alle, of Baxter; Mr. W. Clark. of Everett; Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Angus; Mrs. Scott. Mr. T. Hood and Mr. and Mrs. George Ruthven, Alliston. Miss Elsie Ferris, of the Bank of Montreal, is on her holidays visit- ing Miss Findlay at. Owen Sound. Rev. H. H. Eaton spent Sunday at Chatsworth supplying the pulpits of his former charges. Rev. Mr. Mor- ris of that, place was ill and unable to preach here as expected. Mr. W. Brooks of Shelburne, a promising young man, took the work here ac- ceptably. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong paid her brother, Mr. George Bannon, and family a short visit. at Owen Sound last week. The play “All on Account of Pol- ly,” successfully presented here re- cently by the Methodist Ladies’ Aid, was repeated at Vandeleur church on Pride night last with pleasing effect. he proceeds were $25. In our report of the play here, we omit- ted wcll rendered piano solos given between the acts by Miss Mildred Caswell. Mrs. C. J. Bellamy made a short visit with her husband at. Owen Sound. Miss Dunham and Miss Cameron of the High School staff, made a week-end visit to Toronto and were motored home by the former’s sis- tegon Supday. Mrs. S. Roy, an esteemed old lady here, was taken to Toronto last week by her daughter, Mrs. Wil- liams, to undergo an operation for removal of_a cataract from her eye. Mr. and Mrs. W‘. G. Kennedy nio- tnred to Granton to spend the week- end and were accompanied home on Monday by Mrs. Everet Henry and Bifly th were yisiitingjherea Mr. and Mrs. Roberf Sharp have returned home from spendlng a few months in Toronto. Mr. (1. J. Crossley, wife and babe, motored from Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Grossley remained to visit this week with her mother, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. J. Fisher and son, Emery, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn made a week-end visit wi_t_h fripnds in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. James Oliver of Priceville visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncan and attended the Presby- tmjan _(_.‘._hurch gervice on Sunday. The annual election of officers in the Methodist Mission Band took place on Monday afternoon as fol- lows: President. Florence McFad- den; Viceâ€" President, Inez Brown lleeording Seeretan, Helen Heard; Corr eaponding-Seeretarv Jeanette Gargoe; ’lreasurer, George McFadâ€" den: Pianist. Miss Elihalietli Ben- tlian; Assistant Pianist, Alice Heard; President, of He'altls, Cora McFad- den; Mite Box Secretary, Miss Ma- helle Henderson; Delegate to Branrn Meeting. Miss Elizabeth Bentham. Mr. Wesley Armstvoiig and A. V. Urry visited friends at Collingwood on__Sunday. _ - Mrs. Thomas Lever and daughter, Gertrude, assistant in the post office, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood at \Vodehouse the beginning of the week. Mr. 'F. W. Duncan has delivered threw) cm" loads of stove and furnace coal to 1113 customers. Mrs. W. .l. Bvllzimy 1101'” received ““111 Mi Monday of Hip iluath at Col- lingwnml Hospital of her sistm', Miss linttiv Usiminn [111180 aftm‘ an ill- 11055 of about 1mm mar Futil her bi 01k in livalth duo largeh to over- \mi'.k Miss Ushmnu \\ as :i vym‘ of- M r. l". Kearn 01‘ Mmmt Forest and Mr. W. Burnett nl‘ Durham spent Squday at M}! \V:ill_iam B‘urnetjfs. Mr. 'zmd Mrs. Robert (Jnnnell, 0f Munilowzmning are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart, mm Uthm‘ relatives here. M 1's. J. 0. Putt-0n visitml over the \wnk-end with her son at Walker- ton. Miss Reta Bollamy st‘riends were pleased to son her at church on Sundav and dcmu tmxn again on Munduy after her illness since re- tugning Irnm the West. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE flcient nurse beloved by her patients and highly esteemed in all the homes in which she served. She was horn in Osprey and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Osborne, and was well-known here. From the home of her brother near Collins- wood. the funeral will take place on Wednesday and will he attended by Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy and other rel- atives here. Q-.. The last official board meeting for the year of the Methodist Board was held at Inistioge Church on Monday evening and was largely attended by the members here. The following citizens here attend- ed the Board of Trade banquet at Owen Sound on Monday evening: Reeve Meads, G. 'B. Welton, F. Pin- der, Frank Thurston and James SteWart. The watchman in the graveyard approached a figure lying on the grass of the cemetery. He kicked the tramp who woke up with an in- jured air. _ “PTaying dead," was the weary answer. ‘When I’m in Rome. I do as the Romans do." “What are you doing?” yelled the guardian of the dead, “I suppose, Henry,” said the old gentleman to his new son-in-law, “that you are aware the check for fifty thousand dollars I put among your wedding presents was merely for effect." “Oh, yes, sir,’ responded the cheerful Heniv, “and the effect was excellent. The bank cashed it this morning without a word ” World News (Continued from Page 2) has been appointed First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls, in the place of C. T. Callow, resigned. Reginald Douglas Farrant, High Bailitl‘ of Castletown, succeeds Mr. La Mothe as Second Deemster. Deemsters, under the Manx system of self-gov- ernment, correspond somewhat to judges of the High Court in Eng- land. One holds jurisdiction in the northern and the other in the sou- thern portion of the island. _ A réceiver was appointed Tues- day in London, England, for Gould Stéamships and Industiials, Limited, shipbuildors, shipowners, iron- workers__with a capital of £3,_000,_0Q0. According to advices received in Tokio, from Seoul, Korea, a devas- tating forest fire started near Kan- kyo, Hokudo Province, Tuesday, awn/tying Liu'u'ub'ii llUlllL’l'HUS Vil- lages and leaving thousands of per- sons homeless. Discovery that Communists \\ ere taking advantage of the condition of Prince George, brother of King a\lexandm', to use him as :1 mm in campaign against the king and the. Jugo-Slavian-Government now is de- clared to have led to his internment a decree for which was signed late last week. Ninety-seven per cent of 16.000 mine workers in the Mons region in Belgium. voted Tuesday to strike if the mine owners reject the men’s proposal to accept a five per cent reduction in wages provided a sec- ond five per cent reduction planned for June is abandoned. . Official denial was made Tuesday :11 Cairo, Egypt, of reports that Dr. Very Effective Quite SO! Chan‘ik Hansonr, a member of the teased Chamber of Deputies, has con that the had received money in con- ' ' assassination last 1*Jovember of Sir Oliver Lee Stack, the Sirdar, or British Military Gomâ€" mander of the Egyptian We. The leading journals of British Opinion emphasize the significance of the address before the Pilgrims” Society on Monday night. by the new B. Houghton, in which he declared that, unless a peace based on good Will were established in Eur0pe, he 3"". Since We installed our Steam System, our output has increased by 50 per cent. If you are not one of our customers, begin now. Cheer Up! The Sun Has Not Gone Out of the Sky â€" Nor All the GOOD BREAD from Durham. THE PEOPLE ARE FINDING IT OUT See These New Care: Today! Our DUTCH BROWN and VIENNA Sally Brown Cakes? DON’T MISS THIS TREAT! are becoming quite favorites. Try one. NOBLE’S GARAGE Have you had one of Durham, Ontario feared the United Ships would mm to play t sympathgtlc part 111 the task of reconstruqhoq. I “I u. “BIL v- v - Philip H. Rosenbach 0f. Philadfl- phin. secured at IUOthIl 1n London, on Monday for 832.9‘0, the “my known capy of Richard P‘W*‘I"s Elliot into the Massachusetts Imimn language and was given in 1669 by Gov. Winthrop of Connecticut m the Royal gocnet); bx Whfl‘ll it \\ as - __ ‘A sad t5 Mr. RosenT lbac . VOL. 58.â€"NO. 3020. ioeel Iowrists to Discuss Joining pWith Georgian Bay Branch» ~ Will Gather at Hahn House at 8 Durham motorists will gatln'r at. e all“! [101180 tomorrow" I’rnhn- ' t at 8 O’CIOCk to discuss (h.- al.1- - istbility of forming a low! Illufny _ «Que and linking up with tlw Ho-nx'- ‘ n Bay Motor Club. 5:: Though several guthvrml at 11.. tyneeting called for last. Friday ..\..,I_ gins, the stormy \W'atlu'r knm a pm mny a“'ay, and thflfii‘ \th :Ixm'ul- bl“! did not {901 “RP L'Hlng :mva with the prolmsitimn \uthum 1:1. “notim ()f a "10““ l'¢‘|il'oԤc');9;”;\.. ering. This ml‘l'Hm.’ l~ Ln! rultwi or Durham mutm'ists mun ‘, me u,» the whole distrirt, surrnummru ID hall], and it is hnpml I‘«‘~l'l«-'.“.~ . the tovmships inh‘l‘vsto'd \u i ‘: ~ attend. when tho astulanx . 1 . formation 01' a lural wink. discussed from all :Hmlvs. The Georgian Bay Mum» . fifllillfid with HIP Hntm'w League. and «wary mnhunst the local organizaticm :unum becomes a mvmlwr n" tn.- Leaguv. and (how-by mun»; its twm-lits. Them! lwnoflts runs!- mince in (‘zlsv “1 broaclms of Nu- m Act. Any intendc-d 'l‘lp will be mappm‘l nut \Vho Eda 01‘ the I'Ilitml Stuh- condition Of mad»: hm etc. A map of ”Marin nished to each mc-mlw! Membership im'llldo s :t Scription to Canadian \1 official magazinv ul‘ Hu- l ornamental Iranian fur ”I car is also suppliml. Th0 LPag‘uv stands .. POWt. UH? rights Hf mm ar as (1103' al'v (Wnuuml public mud. m summrm meaSlll‘P.‘ 21nd lemsmg ODQS. Never has thorn hwn : so much Ic-gislaliun was or when Hm mnhwwh‘ . the (mtqrm MMHI' Imam [100de than at. pro-wnL Thv mom measm-vs in pulsmxv Stu; compulsm's' lights on all gasulinn. Spam" clmm {inn Hf ”I" thaw quvshc ”l0 1.03:“!st tax and win: he give-n hvr TIH' LN! positinn fl acconnoam ductiun n MON’HS‘.‘ inc 3 fair vmrk. Th" M'l signs. \Vh mohwfih. tarin Mnh Thu l'm'mu (‘lllh l.‘ ilIle' ad\‘m'li~‘im: lll l. j and ohm; tho Amm‘ican traffic that H mm'. Tllt‘ (iv: roads sm‘tmd {mm a lack u socliun nf lhv rm'nivim: ils tram". \\'ill| ally lwaulift OUH‘I‘ fr-alurc mast. pivmrns tarin and a li is all that l‘ tourist h'mlo In linkmfi Bay .‘inth' "J mmatimlly In Ontario Mum the full its 1 It is in low III Will M «m in II poinls «limb: Bosidvs lIIIl ll!‘ “0, ”10 l””l"' country adjm b9 llIIdvI'tIIkI-I' all will admi FISHING SEASON OPENED ON FRIDAY MORNIN Cold. Backward We and Catches WcTe Wind. acrumpumo-«z fishing .803an \m success. and uvnv'v were (hr min A goml "many fish guns for a try. line the various tro-m ' neighhm‘hmnl :mgmu from St. Mans an. points. but the imp soon damped thun- ly when the 1151. .l’v Horalclmi I'.‘ LEAGUE MEETING TOMORROW NIGHT TH cxpor Ill! II hm Messrs. A Grmdon M041 one We‘lflhini Mr. Maori: \\

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