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Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 May 1925, p. 5

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’c'hi» .‘It'l )l‘" {rot McLean. rtl» McLean 'hvrt Miller ”filial. lay, lay 7, 1925. mph»! 3th 01W Cream EWEN SON Varnoy TO THE EDITOR No. 11. Bantinck. no I: H'W‘JMI'UUKH, A]- attvrson m Ba Hrnwn. Roma Clark, |_\‘ iithWo-H. Doug. \ Herzl". V941]. 1m. Hurjurm Kerr. Ions-t. C ‘ 't‘ ‘ . I!" C Ontario s. Barr. teacher. Ko-rr. 11 Sabin ° ' 0 O o Ono-ow mt. Billic Caldâ€" \VP". 4' h w mm and John firth. teacher. Feeds BRET aud Clar- mt. Irene o o-O-M in trough, rush-nus. .ix' “up. anlo'H. ~. James .\Ilio rham «slo-nna 1 3‘8]- June . lb._D., .-.- 'on “Villg It” 0? [oaw- It!!!“ .H In ill]- any the i 1'39. he 'al Ridvau canal transpoflation from Ottawa is now open. Letting the watpr into the canal has now been completed. Manitoba‘s equalized assessment? for 1925 has been set at ”67.66“!” according to returns filed with the Municipal Commissioner at Winni- peg. This is a reduction of 82,500,- 000 from the 1924 figures. The City Hf Winnipeg assessment was reduced by $3,190,000. Progressives will meet in caucus tumm'I‘OW to consider difl‘erenccs which are understood to have arisen in their ranks _as a result of the vote on the- budget on Friday morning. There have been rumors of the resig- nation of .1. Fred Johnston as chief Prngrvs‘sh‘v whip, but the rumors are officially denied. dix'uin loadings for the week end- mg April 30 at country elevators alum: the lines Of the Canadian Na- iinnal Railways amounted ‘to ‘ 935 I AAA (':u'~' mmtaining 1,244,000 bushels, :u-mmling to information received at m», lu-mlquartors 0f the National H}.~"°'Hl «m Saturday. This reduces tln- mnmmt in store to 3.487.000 bu- shvls and brings the seas-011:3 load- . AAA inus up to ‘ mm hushvls Seeding is in full swing in all parts at Alberta. In the Southern part «if the province. an average of 3:0 per rent is completed. while at. other points. the land has been ton wet t‘m- any great. amount of work. but with the splendid weather of the past. few (lays. the soil is drying fast. and work has been resumed. All [mints report plenty Of moisture and nu lack nf labor. Indications' are that. there will be an increased arreage Hf wheat. this season. The large pilgrim bell of the. Bas- lllt'Tl nt’ Ste. Anne de Beauvre, which tell t'i-nin its helfry in the fire in 192! and was damaged. was heard Woulnmday fur the first. time since It “as mended. The bell was sent tn the Van .\ersch0dt fnundry at. l.m:\'ain. Belgium. for repairs. Some tinw age. the hell was returned and put in place. It. was rung by Rev. lfzitlwr l.t'lo'0'l't‘. rnrn of the parish. 'I‘lw he“ hears the inscriptions it lmi'w t'ui-inerly. and prndures the sanio- tune. Hunt present. indieatinns, the ban- miwt in he held at. Chateau Laurier. mm. I” m lawn. by ”w «'intinn .\l nighvn m will {has “I" III'iUll l fi“\.t‘ll \VQ'i'J'.‘ llllyn urn. -.-‘ __‘ hm! lahnr was the sentence meted um tn Charles Pierson in the King's Ho‘nvh Court. at Rogina for theft nt' £51m) in bonds. the property of thn Saskatchewan Dental Associa- tmn. Pinrsnn was arrestpd in Ca- mry at the request of the city l‘h ll Thursduy, It] 7, i935. m islzniv n prow‘nt indirations, the ban- .. lw lwld at. Chateau Laurior. l. 4m \Vc‘ilnvsday ovmiing next .- I.ilwral-Cnnsnrvative A330.- 1 :il. whiPh Right Hon. Arthur m and Hon. (l. Howard Fermi-1 ill lw ilw speakers. will sur- ho- lmnqm-l given by this assoâ€" I last war. Rosmwations have "o‘i'e'iVPil by lvtlor and wire :is' fur wait. as London. and a iiiiliilwl' Hf promim‘nt. Consm'v- i'mm 'l‘nrnntn haw. roanoslml ~. 3‘ wvll as from all thv Pid- semwimliiig Ottawa. Many from will allow]. :1 snmwl in tho‘ (‘nllapsv 0f Hm .’ .‘Jnsii' Pulilislim‘s. Limited, :mh-I'. \\'innipv:‘ police (“'0 on in?! ..r U. \\'. llwgvrs. fm'mm‘ “3‘ Hi.- llnni'si. slm'k solling 2m Hum-nu for wlinm a war- mm notion M - Hf oimnmons .-inn nf Asiatic ' fifth sossion h t‘..'s'.'.’.;'»f'.'3 bars with 114.309.- \ 1-w-mVMlm1 u l swnrflivs. P nsands of dollar 0 him in this w: '.. )lc‘Qnm'xiv ( fm' N0“ \M‘stm .‘l I V‘VIII '«w No‘\\' \Vnsiminstm'. B. 6.. i untim- nr :1 mniirm in Hip Iiummmis calling fur the nf Asiatic immigration. 'iii smsinn of tho nighth w Assumbly of HIP Pmy- Xv“~ Brunswick “:33 pro- .1, \V. Rngnrs. formm‘ Hw Hannah stock selling .ugvrs. {01' whnm a war- '\ swam charging! fraud. » haw fullmvm'! in ”I“ "mu-st. stuck sellers, w nnws that. Um SIM]; and offm "0' “Hum lm'm 1‘00“] t0 gvt ml." part. of nn condition it. with him. Pnlion assnri. (I )nsm‘vat iw‘ J Y “'9??- my Parliament for the establishment of an adequate rural credit system will he considered by the Bankin and Commerce Committee of the ouse of Comons at its next meeting. Notice of motion for the discussion of this matter was given to the com~ mittee Thursday by G. G. Coote, (Progressive, MacLeod). The Copyright Committee of the House of Commons has decided to delete a clause, fixing the damages for infringement. of the owner's rights from the new bill proposing certain amendments to the present (lopyright Act. It was considered that the amount of damages should he decided by the court. A clause, allowing the hearing of all copy- right matters in the Exchequer Court, and various other clauses in the bill were passed. Montreal, Quebec City, Three Rivers, Sherbrooke, St. Johns, Drummondville and Hull, all in the Province of Quebec, adopted day- light saving at 2 a. m. on Sunday, May 3, this being the first year that there has been uniformity in the adoption by municipalities in that province. In Montreal, this is the first year that the new time has been adopted officially by the city, although it has been in force for practical purposes for the past three years. The city. all the municipal- titles on Montreal Islam], banks selionls. Shires and churches will art in uniformity. Commuting trains will alm conform. 'l‘lu- Advisory (Inmmittcn of the Prcshytccian Church Association am- nmnnccs that Rcv. E. Scott, D.D., thtccul. has hccn nnminatcd as mmlcmtm- of thc (_§cuc1‘al Asscmbly nf thc linutinuing Presbyterian Church. which will mm-t. in Toronto on Junc H). Canadian potators have been de- clarml from from diseaso by the chrmists of the Agricultural De- partmvnt of (Julia, says a special ca- lilr from Havana. Shippers say this means greater activity in shipmentsl of thr Lllhl‘l'S from Now Brunswick.‘ l')isrriminatimi against. the New Brunswick putatn liy inspoctors in (Julia hail luwn rhargm racently. Changrs in ilrpartmrntal admin- tratiun nl' tho Manitoba Government, which lonk nll'm't. on May 1. will result in the dismissal nt‘ a number of civil srrvanls. abolition of the nllPl'llillllt’al Sf'l‘V'lCt'? branch and switching: of the «‘li‘q’iartmrntal re- spi‘insibililias. The mechanical ser- wirr branch of the Department Of, Public Works was Operated at. a loss of $2L592 last. year. I. -‘\.,-- , _ ----- 4w.-. It was vstimatod April 29 that apnruximatvly 40,000 families, or 90.000 pvrsnns arr “on the march” throughout. tlm Island Of Montreal, and le'nri- Friday night wnuhl he snttlml in now quartvrs. thorn to ahiilv until ”in nnxt. first of May. Of- lirial tignrus giwn nut hy the Mont- rnal Light. Hunt. and I’Owor Com- pany incliraln that. the number of familieu moving this ynar is ten pt‘l‘ rant, highnr than in May. 192's. Charm-«l with having: runwrtml to his nwn nsn sums of nmnvy lwlong- in:..' to thv ninniril‘iality at Portland lias'. Unix. and with timing mmlo ll'alsn null'ii-s in tlw municipality‘s hunks. Etltlllal'tl Boiswnuv, sm'rnâ€" .‘ary-trnasurnr «if the" muniripality, and rt‘sialin}: at Nutrr Damn (in la Snlnttn. appvarml hol'm'o Judge Ach- im at. llnll. Diwunwnls tiled in min-t, graw no spvcitir figures. and rnurl. Hffirials rrfusmt tn state how murh mnnny tlw arrusml is allvgeil tn haw misapprnprialml. llii‘l'i‘ilsv in NW amount. of British lalmr and malarial in guoils import.- ml unnlvr tho British prol’orrntial taritl’ was advnratml by Clemrnt R0- hitaillo. Lihm'al. nt‘ Maisnnncuvv. spanking in tho Hnusp 0n UlQbUtlgCt. 1111111? pl‘vsmfl rcmiflations in C811- mla said Mr. Rnhitnilln it was 011111 1111: "5'58!“ 1111 gonds admitted under 111111'11111111111111tial tarifl to be 01‘" 5 1101‘ (1.!11111 British Iahnr :liml matm‘ial. I11 \11st1:1li:1.thc1 perenntago “as at 111:151 F10. and 311'. Robitaille thought \111 shnuld at. lvast. adovt the 50 1101‘ 1111111. basis. Awnmiing in an nrdor-in-Council. promiums for cloaring land in Quo- hm- Provinco. which had been set, at 36 pm' acre a few years ago. were incroasod in $8 per acre. It was al- so providml that, the premium will 1w paid on a maximum of 20 acres ofland. Eight. housns warn totally de- stroyed by fire early Friday morn- ing at Ste. CthildP do Horton in Arthabasca County. One. The con- wnt. of L’Assomptinn, was threat mod. and the cure, Rev. Arthur Le- Blanc. carrind the» holy host from the mmvont chapel. Damage is estim- ated at. 850.000. James E. Carey. charged with perjury in connection with state- ments he is alleged to have. made during the inquest into the death of Joseph Bouchard. was committed to stand trial by Judge Honore Achim in the Hull magistrate‘s court. His trial is set for May 18. The. steam tanker, Azov, will prob ably be a total loss as the result of gi'minding during Thursday night “¢-1___ 1“ “Aqua Pl "\lll\.lll on the shore of Cape Breton at Cape Hogan. The steamer was badly dam- aged. but all officers and members of the crew are safe. The. steamer was on her way from Cuba to Mont- real with molasses in bulk. The seas were running high from the east. and reports indicated that she would be a total 1033;“ l‘-_. A! l\‘ “r a IJ l\v~r Dr. James W. Robertson of Ot- tawa. was re-elected Chief Commis- sioner of the Boy Scouts Association at. tho annual meeting of the Cana- dian General Coupon of the organ- mL-___,.|A‘. dian General Council of the ornam- ization. held at Ottawa. Thursdzw afternoon. The annual report pre- sented by the executive committee showed a substantial increase in the number of scouts and wolf slum, and a marked increase in the number of Rt. W. Moiâ€"8W. D. Craft of Durham Chapter Visited Hamilton Lodge Last Week. In our last issue, we referred briefly to the fact that Mr. S. D. Croft of this place, Superintendent of Wellington District Royal Arch Masons, had addressed the brethren of the Craft at the annual reunion of Arch Masons at Hamilton. We clip the following from the Thurs- day issue of The Hamilton Spectator, which will be of much interest to .Mr. Croft’s friends in Durham: A most successful and important Masonic function was held last eve- ning in the new blue room of the Masonic temple, James street north, when the Royal Arch Masons of the city_ held their annual reunion. ,_.l__| L.-- A u-vv- The meeting was attended by a particularly large number of the chapter members and many master Masons from the city and district, while officials from Toronto and other cities were also present and gaye short, but‘interesting, ad’dresses. ”ICU- wu- vâ€"â€"' â€" _ O““-’ ‘9 .. -- v1 Included on the program of speak- ers were: Most Ex. Comp. Walter H. Davis, G.Z.; Rt. Ex. Comp. H. T. Smith, G.E.S.; Rt. Ex. Comp. Prof. C. H. (1. Smith, 6.8.; Rt. Ex. Comp. Dr. A. J. Evans, G.S.; Rt. Ex. Comp. S. l). Croft. 6.8., and Rt. Ex. Comp. S. W. Seago, (1.8.; while the musical program was contributed by W. Bro. Fred Davidson, F. Eddenden; W.. tllarke, George Newlove, \V. V'ollick and A. Thompson. The speakers dealt with the his~ tory of the Royal Craft, which orig- inated as far as the records show- in 1740 and many interesting points in eoneetion with the work during that time were touched iipon, while the manner in which it is carried on in the province of Quebec, where there. are two chapters in which the whole ritual is in the French lau- guag‘e, was spoken of by the chair- man. I.‘ It, was remarked that. in the lat- tm' part of the 18th century, the lirst clnuptvl' was in Operation at Ni- agara, and shortly after that. Cpl- aruqui chapter was formed at King- ston. f«;)llm\'vd stil later by St. JUlm‘s in 'l‘tH'OIlUL 'I‘lw l'Vl'llt last. night. which was in the nature of a reunion, proved to he so successful that it. will most, likely become an annual all’air and in the activities of Rt. Ex. (lump. Sidney Furhes, g 'and superintendmil of district :3. full lrihuln was paid for its inauguration. Similar functions will he held at. Milton. May 11; An- raster, May 18. and ()akvillo, May 27. while the (lm‘licalion 0f the R. A. lvmplc- at Hakville will he lu-lcl nn May ll). when it is expected that, llwrn will he a large altmuianru from this city and all the chapters throughout the district. I. 1‘.“ -.-‘.nlrtIIK.-‘ At, the cnllclllSiUll 0f the prugrum lust, owning. a vulu of thanks to {he slwukvl's and those asissting 0n tlm program was moved by ILW. M). l". R. Martin. D.D.G.M.. and RAY. Bro. .lnhu Fort-h. 1‘).D.G..\l.. both of whnm spuke hl'iufly 011 the work Hf thu waft. and the» mamwr in “11th Hm vwning‘s vntnrtainmnnt. had hw‘n can-ind nut. la-aulm's traiuml at, summer and \x'intvl‘ training: courses. An amwal. mulnrsml by the vari- nus vhauuuins at. (gm-hue. numm'nus su-inl wrvivu wm'kvrs and ulhnrs, will 1w madv t0 Hun. James A. RON», Ministvr of Immig'ution and Colon- izatinn at Httuwa within a few days, tn haw. the “minus stmmship (funk [mnivs change the sailing claws ur tlwix- passc_én;:0r stmmm‘s so as to allnw them to I'vach Quebec, for in- mtanco. in the middle of the wevk. |mul not. on Sunday. \I '| __ L Drifting: bottom up with all sails set and anrhnr chains nut. the. srlumn- er Cane D‘th‘. rammed and sunk with the IHSS nt' the lives m“ tlape La- have last, Thursday afternoon and later retlciated by action of the sea. is lying: ahandnnml in latitude 43.537 nnrtli. longitude 65.35 west. while the (hwernment steamer. Arleux. which had INTI] attempting to tow the selumner to port, is lying in Liv- ('l'pnol. N. 8.. harlmr awaiting fav- inrahle ('nnc‘litions to make another attempt tn remove the hulk to a {three of eafety. " 1‘... Jlfinnan‘ A. Tho bill providing for disposal of tho canteon funds of the Canadian EXpo(_litionary Forcos was given third loading and passod final stages of tho House of Commons Tuesday afternoon. “ ‘Ulvh- - Representations urging the Dom- inion Government. to bring the pref- erential treaty between Australia and Canada into effect as early as pussible will be made to Ottawa by the Victoria Chamber of Com- merce. the Chamber directors de- cided Tuesday. A Gasoline tax was collected in five Provinces of the Dominion during the year. British Columbia collect- ed tax at the rate of three cents a gallon; while the tax in effect in Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Alberta was two cents a gallon. New Brunswick. Nova Scotia and Sask- atchewan, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics states. are without a tax on gasoline. Ontario has imposed a tax of three cents per gallon in 1925. Water! Water! 5 Water! ED. J. PRATT . RB. No. 4, Durham. Phone ”-13 What Is Good Health Worth? Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had by haxing a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs Satisfaction Guaranteed THE DURHAM CHRONICLE lut- beer permits are now in the print- ers‘ hands and will be sent to stanâ€" dard hotel proprietors in duplicate on Saturday, it was announced Tues- day morning. Up to the present, owing to the absence of Hon. W. F. Nickle, attorney-genera!, in Kings- __ ALA an mafi‘fieuéfivés'iivé'n; visited on the tip- gppliqation blanks could not be ob- uii'ned. W I llvu. Applications will be made out. in duplicate. One my will be held by the license board, and _the ptlnlermwi‘ll I'll” IIUUIIaC UUGI u, all“ u .............. be forwarded to the local 0. T. A. inspector for a report. After the reports are received, the board will grant the permits it‘ the recom- mendation is favorable. ‘IIUIIU‘DVIVIU aw -â€" v 'â€" _.. It has not yet been determined whether 'the license board will have the final say in the granting of the permits or whether the attorney- generalyyill‘sanction the application. â€"A ‘l-.‘ I:Annnt\ DV'llL-n w. v‘ It is felt, however, that the license board will handle the applications with the exception of “dubious” ap- plications. which will go before the attorney-general for final decision. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Frnd Staples and son, Ralph, wore nvm‘ to Markdalo the first of the work. Ml‘. .lulm A. McDonald is visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams. A M r. and Mrs. D. Robinsyvn and fam- ily were in llam‘wm: onA'l‘m-miay. Rm: Mr. Smith 01' Durham is huh:- ing a mayor muvting in the (irangv Hall on Friday M'ening. Mr. and Mrs. John Rubinsun nf llupwm'th wm'v gunsts nf Hm t'nr- mvr's hrnthm'. Mr. David linlnnsnn. for :1 fmv days. nor Permit Blanks To .80 Sent. to Hotels on Saturday. Mr \lmmvv and Mr. and “vs [Mr C\ Mnom-v and tamilv 01 Pink“; inn worn visiting Mr. and ;\l1'.~'."‘~\ J. Ritchn on Vk mlnvsdny. Edge» Hill l’niml Sumlav Svhunl opvnml in thv H 'angc- Hall on Sunday hast with an nth-Inlanvv.0f '26. Miss Ethvl Andm'snn is Immhing Hm primary Mass. Mrs. Arthur Reign. tho juninr class, and Mrs. \V. G. Firth. thu svnim- Muss. whilo Smyâ€" vx‘intmulvnt. W. .I. liitchiv has (-hargos of the Bible Class. Arbor Day was too rold and dis- agrooahlo to do any cleaning or planting around the school, so it was postponml until warmer wra- tlwr. ()n Wmlne-sclay al'tormmn. lln- pupils of Ellgo Hill and Rocky schools mot at tho Mrlilocklin ramp at tho Rock; and hml a union pir- nir. 'I‘lw ('lllllh‘l‘ll hall a wry rn- joyahlo aftornoon. Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Last. \VN'k \w Inn! at lvtlvr from an Old Hnlslvin 1m}: Mr. F. C. an'rs now (if Bindluss. Alberta. He fur- n'n-l'ly nwnml tlw farm at. what, is known as Buchan‘s (Lurnvrs. Thirty- svwn yours mm, In) manufacturml H10 lmttm' for 11w ligrumont. (Ironm- m'y (Innipun): luivr residing: in Durham. Leaning: Uni-hum. he was cm!“ of thv stall' at tlw Untal'in Ag- l'icllltlll'v (lullvg'v. (illtrlph. Hum NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE the O. A. 0., he went. west He is now in his 7£th year, and last year put in 200 acres of crop and attend- ed to the farm in general alone. He and his good wife are enjoying the best of health. vvv' 'â€" Our eiuert anglers were out early last Friday morning and secured a few of the speckled beauties. ' The Sunday School of the Metho- dist Church held its annual meet- ing last Thursday evening. Mr. G. D. Hunt was re-e ected superintend- ent. All departments reported pro- The Community Circle has organ- ized for summer sports, and for the first time this season, met in the park which was splendidly lighted with electric lights. ’v-U ‘va'v’v A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fidler on May 2. The child lived about. four hours and passed awa . The funeral took place to Reids cemetery on Monday. ‘ Last week we reported that Rev. L. E. Wiest had receivld a unanimous invitation to remain for another year. Mr. West has accepted it sub- 'ec-t to the action of the Stationing ‘ommittee. The community Circle has decid- ed to put on a concert in the ri- eultural Hall on the evening of ay ’ 12. They will present “The. Cuckoo‘s Nest,” 11 one-act eomedy. Good mu- |sie will also be. furnished. I. Miss M. Edwards, principal of thv (Imitinuation School. has lwvn suc- cessful in her Quenn‘s Collvgv oxam- inations and has now received tho my degree of B. A. We congratulate her on her success. Messrs. l-‘onton and Rife made a business trip to Walkerton reqendy. Mr. Gordon Koch, accompanied by Misses Edwards and Floyd. spent the week-end in Owen Sound. Miss E. M. Stevenson was in Lon- don this week as delegate to the Provincial W‘. M. _S_. _0onve_ntion. _ ‘ 'fif'fib’ieliih KédTniEniom "6:- (ml sister of Mount Forest as guests ro- ceguy. - -. A n. ,_ , ,I_ .‘ mA-A-‘A \‘II III 0 " Mr? Albert Sturrock at Toronto spent a all this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. pnqxjy. ' ‘ ~‘ Al-- A meeting in the interests of the football club was held last Tues- day evening. The following officers were deem: President. Bert Eo- cles; Vice-President. Bert Bribner; Secretary-Treasurer. George E. Bye; Manager. Bert Gibson; mptain. Clarence Calder. . Mr. and Mrs. Elder of Markdale ’visited Mrs. D. Grier the first of the week. FOR SALE Sll’DI‘IWMRl) AND (K ”KING RANGE fur coal or woud. Clwap for cull. Apply Cllrnniclv M'livv. 5 7 t! (Too Late for (nu-citation.) CLASSIFIED ADS. PAGE 5.

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