West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 May 1925, p. 4

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.-\ largely attended meeting of the tluntimling Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. A. Derby on Friday last, and a Women’s Missionary Society was organized. officers were elected for the year and a delegate appointed to attend she Presbyterial in Toronto 111 une. Mr. and Mrs. McLean will have the sympathy of all in their bereavement, o-speeialy when it is known that they have been having more than their share of trouble and sickness in the past few weeks. Kenneth, the tiveâ€"year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcnlm McLean of the South Line, near PriceV'ille. died at the Durham Red Cross Memorial Hospital at 5 oclock yesterdaV af- ternonn from a hlod clot 0n the brain. The little fello“ underwent an operation for appendicitis on Monday morning and was doing well up to yesterday when he took a turn for the worse and his life was de- spaired of. Mrs. i’o'tvrs clnsmi the meeting with u fvw words on the! objectives for tho- no-w year and benediction. A light. lunch was then served. ’l‘ho' .\u.\'iliary raised $90 with an averam- :Ith-na‘lanm' nf '13. The Cir- ('IP. with a mvmhorship nf 33. raised $113. The Band of 33 members add- Mrs. Hay tnlol nl' Hm missions known a" .\ll Pt-nplo's Missions at Sault Stn. Marin. Cnppi‘l‘ Cliff. Wel- lani'l. Hagvrsvillr, Ottawa and Syd- ney. .\lr.~x. Moon, Mrs. B. Farrol and Mrs. Mctlrzw, rnail of prugrnss in tht‘ spiritual standing amongst the In- dians til' ”10 Nurth and “'05”. Of the Austrians and Ruthvnians at W‘ah- stun, Smnky Lake. Railway Centre and rvllwr plan‘s in Alberta. The Italian anol Syrian childrrn in Mont- rval. 'l‘urontn and Ottawa are apt pupils at tlwir ilrvntrd tearlwrs and will sum» day mako citizens of whom \w shall ht! proud. ml $55. PRICEVILLE LAD DIED .AT l0CAl. HOSPITAL Pivo-Yoar-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. lalcolm IcLoan Succumbed to Blood Clot on Brain. Mrs. Peters read of the enthusiasm with which the missionaries in Ja- pan are trying to retrieve the work matte desolate by the disaster of earthquake and tire of a year and a half age. Some of the. students walk M'Vt‘n miles every day to attend classes in a building which was not itestruyeil and which at certain hours is vacated by the classes in that. place. Here there are 34 for- eign niissio‘inaries at. wnrk. In Japan the kindergarten is the. Open door tn the humes anal the parents’ hearts. Last year there were 26 in the train- im: sr'lmnl t'nr kindergarten teachers with a reenril nt' 80 trained teach- o'rs het‘ere and an attendance of 1.147 pupils The heralds gave a good report of the mission lields in which they were particularly interested. Mrs. Wiggins gave an account of the pro- gress in tlhengtn and other cities in West China in the great province of tlzeschwan given to our Metho- dist church to evangelize. Its hos- pital containing 6:”) beds, Normal School with 38 graduates, four grad- uates from the kindergarten train- ing school and all the works of mercy besides the various schools in Operation under the direction of 36 foreign missionaries, ll of whom are still studying‘the language._ The W. M. S. of the Methodist Church met Tuesday afternoon at the parsonage to hear the reports read from the officers and heralds 0! the past year. Mrs. McClocklin occupied the chair and opened with a devotional reading entitled, “Untapped Re- sources”. All God’s possessions are for his rhildren. What we need, we shall have if we trust Him. GOd gives in answer to prayer. W. T. Stead sent a message to Chicago frem Liverpool. England, and told the people if 2011K) Of them WOtlld but pray earnestly for his cztmpaign in Liverpm‘fl, there would be a wen- clerful outpouring of His spirit. But prayer was essential. ‘ ' A questionnaire then followed as to the work of the past year of the missinn lielsls in which our Metho- dist. church is interested, especially of the Hamilton branch. Hamilton branch had the greatest number of bands, London the greatest number Ht auxiliaries and circles and raised the most money. ‘ Interesting Discussions and Good Rspons Wore Futures of the IETIIODIST W. I. S. MET ON TUESDAY ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truthâ€"WA TSON. iiaBoâ€"ré 'Assocâ€" “ * Minn. Pnhiiaheq every Thursday morning at the oflice, m Street, Dnr- ham. Ontario, by Frank Irwxn, Editor and Manager. The Chronicle is mailed to an address in Canada at the rate o! .00 per year, 8H!) for six months, 50 cents for three months. To any more” in the Unit- ed States oi America. use per year. 81.25 for six months, 65 cents for three monthet Foreign subscription rates on application. PAGE 4. lining. ORGANIZED W. I. 8. Weekly News- Mr. Thomas W‘hitmore is off work for a few days. the result of an ac- cident at the Furniture Factor; on Saturday, when his thumb can-“ in contact with the knives of a machine he was operating. Quite a large piece of flesh was shaved off, and tho h able to be around, the in- ju member is uite sore, and it will be some time fore he is able to return to work. Mrs. Ada Douglas left Monday morning for London where she com- menced a series of 30 lectures on various topics under the auspices of the Women’s Institute in their summer series of meetings. Mrs. Douglas’ territory is to be in the London and Stratford district. Among the t0pics on which she is to speak are, “Making the Most or Life.” “Making a Home Out of a House.” “The Responsibility of Mem- bers of the Institute,” “Feeding the Famil for Health and Efficiency" and “ irst Aid_in _Home Nursing.” LEFT MONDAY MORNING ON LECTURE TOUR In tho moantimo. thm‘u is bound to 1m snmv pretty rough stretches of madway in this seclinn of the province this summer. Mrs. Ada Douglas to Deliver Series of Thirty Lectures Under Anspncee of Women’s Institute. Wash of Durham on tho Cauniyâ€" Provincial Highway, work is also in prngrvss. and the roadway is [wâ€" ing torn up and 1mgradvd. The work mmnwncod whmw- it loft, 011' last, fall, and thv gang will work vastward tnwai'ol Durham, tho uhjnvt being... we are told, to complete the gran- ing and widening as far Gas: as this town before fall. TIH‘ sunmwr‘s work on thn Pm- \‘illCial Highway south of Durham is now in progross. and we under- stand that, ('Ullfiidf‘l'ablfl improve- mnnt is Innh‘mplatmi. Thu work this war is lming {IOHP in thn Mount Invest neighbnrhund about. two milv north at that. tmm and “ill cun- sist of thv usual grading: and \x'IIlI-II- ing of the road, as well as straight- oning nut some' 01' the dangerous (‘lll'VPS in that section. Provincial and County Highway Work Now in Progress. ROAD WORK STARTED The chairman thanked all tho members of the committee for tho hearty co-operation shown in ga- thoring matter. and at the 01050 of tho mooting. on motion of Messrs. )laNjnaig and Binnio. a hoarty voto of thanks was. oxtonded t0 MP. Ect~ words on the happy. onm'gotic and ahlo manner in which he has dis- i'hai'ged tho «intios in oonnoction with tho chairmanship of the com- 111 ittm‘. J. A. McDonald, Gem‘go Binnie, Arch. “at 011311: and R. '1‘. Edwards, was 110111 in thP 'lnwnship Hall at the call of the chailman, Mr. Edwards on Thmsclay. May 14th. A large- amount of matmial portaining to tho oarh sottlomvnt and settlers of tlm annship “as contributed by the (lifl‘nrent membms 0f thn com- mittee. but there still remains tho task of c_(’1ndonsing. it for publicatiqn. Glenelg Historical Committee Ready With Much Data for New County of Grey History. A meeting of the Glenelg Historical Summitten composed of the follow- i_ng_ gentlomqn: Mossrs.fiJ. S_. Black, -_ .. HISTORICAL COMMITTEE MET EAST THURSDAY Barrister C. C. Middlebro’ apâ€" pemwl for the ec')mplainant.. and Mr. Lawrence cmulucted his own defense. In summing up the case. Magis- trate Laidlaw referred to the good character of the defendant, how he had always been a good citizen, nev- er before in trouble, and dwelt at length on the seriousness of the of- fense. He thought however, that Mr. Lawrence had played the man in pleading guilty and for this reason would let him off a whole lot easier than if he had pleaded otherwise. and had afterwards been found guilty. A tine of $10.00 and costs was imposed, amounting in all to $17.50. v_-.r-rv v-"â€" Mori-ison "claimed that Lawrence used some very threatening language toward him which the defendant denied, charging the complainant with using imprOper language to- ward his (Lawrence’s) wife, and which was the reason he struck him. This the complainant denied.__ ""â€" .' wages were not satisfactory, the former claiming he should have been paid 83.00 a day, while the latter paid him off at the rate of $2.00 per day. They met on Tues- day evening, and an argument en- sued in which Lawrence struck the complainant, and a summons was subsequently issued. l.__.,4-__. _I_:...-..I LLnl Tnnvnnnnn v ---- W -â€"-'w' Mr. Lawrence .had been in the em- ploy of Mr. Morrison for two or three weeks, and whey! paig OH, 3139 A crowded court room was pres- ent at the Town Hall Saturday even- ing when Mr. R. W. Morrison had Mr. Wliliam W. Lawrence before Magistrate Laidlaw charged with as- sault. According to the evidence, the altercation took place on Tues- day night of last week and was the outcome of a dispute over wages and the possession of a couple of log scaling rules. FIRED FOR ASSAULT IN . SAT. POLICE €00“ fluctuate Laidla'w Imposed Fina of 1'... Dollar: and Com on Local fan Dollars and Cost: on Local In a Result of Altercation Lat Week. BAD TBUIB INJURED WEST AND SOUTH WM.‘ ‘ Tho chm'rml romains of a mupn hearing: an Ohio licvnso worn found Sunday OI! tho highway two milos f mm \Vc'wlstnck. There was no Sign of tho drivm'. Tho hmlins nf \Villiam \anlm‘, agmi 1.8 and \\ illima Izntt. {Igml 15. both of \V WWII]. and missing: sinco Manda}. “mo found in Chippmxa Crank. [1. is tlImIglIt. that. tho oldm' dim] in an vfl'ort In I'oscuo tho ymmgm'. ll; 1 An nmm'goncy call from 1.110 hnmn of a Lnnrlnn man fur a. pulmntm' brought out nudn.fhwvtrucks and 25 firomon. Tho pulmntor was suc- (rossful. Mnym‘ Wonigo of London pm- poumlml a svhvmv tn the finanvn mmmitton that tho city should buy 100 cords nf wand and haw i‘t sawn up by wifvâ€"dosm'tm's under sontmwo tho ‘M’wndnnts tn rooniyn tho wagos. “' II L1‘J‘lll‘. ll. Owing to the stand of the Hamil- tnn Council. tho question of inâ€" creases of salary for amplnynos will not be brmight up again this war. Graduating oxol‘visvs worn Imld last week at. tho Alexandra Hospital at. Ingm‘snll. \Vhon diplnmas \wro prosontnd tn thrm nursos. II 1‘ ,g ‘l\.\ |\nmt\ Being unable tn agree. tho Commit-- tee of the ()xfnml Council appointod to adjust. tho township mad am'nunts in flow of the now roadway system. will pass tho buck to the county council. - a .i 1' VA.‘ W. ______ Chatham an'd of Trade will 1w- tition the (“wornment to amend tlm regulations roquiring manufacturers of poultry food to display tho. fm'm- 111a on the package. An English man- ufacturm' is anxious to nsablish a plant, in Chatham. but will not sub- mit to tho rvgulatjnns. . Owing to (increasing traffic. and falling off of rocvipts on the Kitcn- nner -Watm'100 Railway. tho chair- man Of the) light. commission, at its meeting: Wodnosday of last, week, stated that tho only solution was tho admitiqn of (mo-man cars. A m--- _I.‘ _-.2II ‘xn I! L'CLIII'LU vvnvun ------.,'_ ‘â€"'U A - V Hamllton Educational Board doâ€" mded to lot tnchmcal schuql teach- ers attoml Technical Trammg Col- loge with ‘full. pay. ‘--.-“n.\ n‘r‘l“ 5'; ‘.v-- ‘_ a svdan. He was picked up uncon- scmus. The occupants of the sedan escapogluwml mlnoy' anUI‘IOS. TI .- _____ r] ,J n The Brant Law Association hon- ored County Judge A. D. Hardy on his completing 25 years of service on the Bench by gifts of silver can- delabra and a silver coffee urn. Norman Grover. London fireman. was seriously injured when the fire truck he was driving crashed into The body of a well-dressed man was taken from the Detroit River at Sandwich. There was a mark on his head evidently made by some sharp instrument, which the police say indicates that he was murdered. Mrs. Carrie Muirhead, whose hus- band was killed by the auto of Frank Barned at the Falls, who is now serving a term for manslaughter, was awarded $20,000 in her suit against the latter. New York and Cleveland capital- ists will break ground for a $400,000 hotel at Point Pelee. The Ku Klux Klan is believed to be attempting to get a foothold in Galt.a An attempt was made to hold 3n organization meeting last Tues- ay. A new $4,000 X-ray equipment has bog} added to the Woodstock Hos- p: . WESTERN ONTARIO A NEWS IN BRIEF Oxford County Council reached an agreement on the adjustment of the township road accounts prelim- inary to inauguration of the coun- ty’s new road system. The second annual Boys’ Hobby Fair was opened at Stratford with an increased number of entries. Life in Western Portion of Canada’s Banner Province Told in a Column. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE _ A nocklaov. thought. to lm smmlly- tiw thuusaml ymu's old and once thn attm'nmvnt. of n raw woman at SOUHH‘I'H Fl'am'v. is nnw at. the Art. Instituto of Chicago. 'l‘hn heads are 01' Ivory, dot-r :mtlvl' and pfilishml stnno. and snmt- ut‘ thnm hour tiny, crmtn carvings. .\ Frvnch archae- olugist found thv mwklncn in a cave, and the museum ohtuinvd it, from him. At an inufiromptu mooting of tho Prosbytm'ian Congrogalion after the mm'ning sorvico along with other matters discussed tho following resolution .was carried unanimously: St. ('Zolumha Church, Pricovillo, May 17, 1925. Mowd by A. MacCuaig. socondml by Colin Mchan: That we horohy «losiro to oxprrss to our holovml and highly ostoomml Pastor. Rov. Mr. Sullwrlanil. our \\'ll(lll' hoartml ap- preciation and approval of his kind- ly sorx'iros to us in this timi- of prrplvxily and that. a copy of this rosolution ln- l'nrwal’dt‘cl to him. I’I‘icm'illv thinks it all right to hand somn of. Its banquets t0 the traveller ‘nn Ins way. London’s lire chiof will ask for a prom int” the fire which Monday morning dostmyod the junk ware- house, of Morris (h‘iotson, with a loss of nearly $6,000. That Canadians cannot progress by doing business only with themselws was a [mint emphasized Monday by Hon. G. P. Smith. fnrmorly Ministnr of .»\gricullurv in the Alberta Gov- m'nmvnt, in his ac'ldross tn the \Va- tm'loo County Canadian Club. It “as annuunced Monday from the officv of Bi~z.:nitfnrcl’s mayor that. them will be no incwasmi assms- nimit. and it. is hoped to lower the taxation maxi your. Prominent Woodstock citizensiare strongly opposing the organization of a branch of thu Klan in the city. It, is r‘oportm] that a number of citi- zons have joinmi, as wvll as others from tho surroumiing districts. The Pere Marquette Railway pro- poses to erect a new station in Chatham and appealed to the City Council to approvet he site selected on Colborne Street. - vvâ€" -vâ€" Carlqs Maitland, found guilty of driving his car into a group of young maple and injuring six, was fined $50 on a criminal negligence Charge: _- A. n Seeking to avoid a car, D. W. W‘il- son, motorcycle officer on the high- way in Stratford district, fell and broke his leg. Aaron Knechtel was Monday an- nounced as the new president of the Stratford Chamber or Commerce at the luncheon. â€"â€"-v ~__ __â€" London Finance Committee will probe the accident which occurred when a fire truck crashed into a se- dan, severely injuring the driver of the former. It is claimed that there were not enough men to handle the machine. Five Kitchener hotelkeep ers were fined $1,000 for breaches of the O. T..A One took a two months’ term in jail in preference. vvw â€"â€"v- v At a secret meeting in Woodstock a branch of the Ku Klux Klan was organized. Between twenty-five and thirtfi/ were initiated. J. . Fehrenback of Kitchener suf- fered broken wrists and head la- cerations and his son bruises and shock on Thursday night when their auto was struck by a Grand 'River Valley suburban can. The proportions of teachers to pupils in the Brantford collegiate has increased to one to thirty-five, and the Education Board will at once advertise for two additional teachers. _ _ - _ England. He was charged with threatening of arson and suicide. PASTOR APPRECIATED STILL GETTING BIG ONES Luca] lislm'mvn still continua to haul out some big: trout. (NI both “in Big Saugnnn and on tho Bucky. Since last. issnn. Mvssrs. Hnward McDonald and Allistm' McIntyI-v haw landmi some that \\'Pigll(‘(l around Un- punnd and a qnai'tm' mark, whilu Messrs. McIntyrv and J. A. McLachlan gut a gond ('ntch last. Wonk 0f svvm'al weighing in the nvigrhbnrhond nt‘ 11 [)(ii111tl. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Koal'nny and Mr. and Mrs. (E. (I. Middle-hm“ mm. in 'I'm'nnlu nttvnding: the» graduation at Hm Wastvrn Hmpilal of Miss Mur- jm‘y Midcllvln't')’. mm I‘ocunllv rum- plvtmi lwr training for :1. nursn. Rm . and Mrs. Mai'sthmx are \is- iting with his brother and sishr MP. Rfllm Mntthmxs and Miss M. Mattlio“ s. in 1 ppm' "'nl(m Miss Ella Baird of Hamilton was homo for the past woek in attend- ance. on her sislm'. Miss Evelyn. who was ill with pneumonia. Slip ro- luruod t0 Hamiltun yesterday aflor- noon. Mrs. Jamns Banks motored from Rivorviow 0n Saturdzu' and was prosnnt at tho funvral of her aunt. Mrs. Arvhin Wilson. Dr. J. F. Grant. will be. in Toronto Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week in attendance at. the On- tario Dental Convention. Mr. William Burnett, Mr. Will and Miss Ina. accompanied by Miss K. Curran of Mount Forest, called at the home of Mr. H. 0. Scott, Hope- ville, and attended Mothers’ Day service a_t_ Esplin a week ago. ‘ Mr. Richard McCabe left yester- day morning for Windsor where he wi l resume work, interrupted by his recent seriqueattg‘ck of pnegmopia: Miss Marjorie Firth left the first of the week for Owen Sound where she will enter training for a nurse in the General and Marine Hospital. Mrs. E. W. Ford of Liberty, N.Y., visited her sister, Mrs. Thomas Pet- ty, for a couple of days While on a motoring tour through this part of Ontario, her former home. She left yesterday to visit friends at Owen Sound before returning to her home in the States. We had a pleasant call from her _Tu_es_dey_ afternoon. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Captain J F Wright. was home from 0Owen Sound over Sunday, vis- iti_n_g wijh Mrs_. Wirigpt here. â€"-â€" ‘Y .8 v-â€"â€"- w--___ Mr. William Petty was home over the week-end from Streetsville vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petty. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aldred spent last week with Milverton and Strat- ford friends and relatives, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heughan ang {smily_at_the fergner placLe. -v.-â€"' home visiting her parents, Mrs. John Saunders. Mrs. J. Stewart of Winnipeg ig More Facts \Thm. your‘policy. Which called for premium " Jim. to be pull. the policy would 5 towns» to participate In profits. 3% @I‘ejlf :Wesf Representative: A. W. H. LAUDER And what they mean to YOU! Suppose you had started in I905 .81 age 26 to purchase an ordinary Life Policy for $IOOO. It would have cost you $21.30 yearlyâ€"under 4| cents a week. Amount required to pnpuy Juture premiums. 0.0.0.... 00000000.. Cl 1n "I m Profits accumulated at 6%-â€"-the rate used by The Great-West Lifeâ€"- would be: m l9l0.. l9l5.. I920.. I925.. about the splendid Interest Rate paid by the Great-West Life Assurance Co. E" .-v v g “x .rfijfififfi '3’ 4"? 3‘. . . _ a . . 1-." ‘ Total. no OOOOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOI ’00....00000000000000000000000000o. .nOOOOQOOOCOOOOOOIOOOOOOOI000000000IO Live Hugs .......... Wheat ............. Oats ............... Barley ............. Buckwheat ........ Peas ............... Mixed Grain, per 0“ Hay ................. Eggs, Firsts 32$; Butter ............. Potatoes, per bag. . . . Hides .............. Sheepskins ......... Stwill a countm contxullml In 1 business is about as main :u .. controlled by big mouths. Mr. Kenneth Kerr. son of MN, James Kerr of Varney. loft Tin-Mia» morning of this “1-4-1; (0 :n-ww 'a position in Toronto. For (h.- “.4. couple of years, Kvnm-th has In..." in the employ of McFaddvu'~ «mu: store here as an apprmnivu 2.. m.» pharmacopnoia prnfussinn, and 4’ 15‘. with the. idea «if furlhm' minim“- ment that hp has :u'cuptml lhu 1“,- tinn in the 01100" City. "is H i"? .L here will wish him Stumps-p H «implnyed in a drug sun-v m. «‘n.....;. street, and has a war and :1 ha!“ \w to snrve. The Junior Sewing Class “3‘- ganized 138‘: fall RDd IS (‘0le under the auspices of the W...” Institute. The girls receiving the 41”.]..nt were: Isobel Jamieson. Ell/aim”, Herding, Josie Falconer. mum" Pickering. Anna Ritchie, \‘mm Mc‘. Lean, Abby McLean. Dorothy mug- Ins, Alice Nicholson, Evelyn Baird Nam Allan, [slay Allan, {Lax-”hm; Mitchell, Mary Mofl'at. The instructresses in ”In Mm were Mrs. W. C. Pickering. Mrs, ,f H. ml‘ding, MP8. Albert: I‘lVX-ilgstunp. and MP8. Burgess, Who t()Uk ('lHU-ué of the sewing department. \VIHIO Mrs. J. A. Graham and M... 1:“ Scott IOOkM after ('01)i4‘.~i> .‘md spgrts endpf ghe progrem. LEFT TUESDAY POR POSITION IN TORONTO Tuesday evening of last “Wk fourteen girls, members or in. .. “m ngclus which since last Dm . “er has been carried on in the mm“. Library, were presented “in. tho: 11 diploma 12% Miss Slicler of 11th ener, the vernment judge hf this work. Interim. Connolly in Public .. bury TIC-day of Lat Week. I“ ”3‘“ from DURHAM MARKET ism :3 49. 98 . 65. I9 .. 57. 20 .324] .00 -$23l.l7 corrected May 21. 1925 Seconds ... 50 (i; as or. Ile‘ hid Olflon's 12.00 .18 Comnmwlvr I‘M “linn Island. lit. England \‘iu Haw 1' “4'0!“ slut-Io. \\;a~ Umtilla lichhlm coast. last l’t‘nlm Governmnnt erv'h er. Canadian Hun ViOIOI‘ia MHI!:I:«_\‘. -~ Four-point-f..m I... - ~»\ “ “"9 00".; I“. L'l‘.'|~~ . meal h‘.tpl ”\\")c'}'\ l ‘ *\\ A hi]: INCH" dian Imnvy ;1; .- Of England 2‘ to tho hwy-3;: Commmw-w. lt‘ eat. Calitm'l‘ :1’ ”Hana Inn: .-\ Idian IIHHo-y 11-. OhiPflY Inn-:m-w 0|. dnalm- Y'v; Ram‘s «If hm t .Vvar. HIM 0.000 {rum um mile. and reach”: mans Munu‘m {erred in tlw lure for fur! Judgv MUM“ D‘Clill‘mi ‘-" Oritios. \wa was N'HM'HVW’ ears in H“ ;, old-11p :Hm . finger. Vin I.» m t, of Muff 1 pus whn ho‘iw'i The Delmrtlm-nt. «.1 ”011608 “I“ "I'IN"I=H!: avil Sorx'icv Hummuan; Auishnt_LM_-|.llt}' 31.1 M. m of D6. .- . «ML-m «Iy Of .130 IN‘IDHF'MHII '1' .v _\ {or the l’rmmw n: ‘ D u ROSE. ‘Lflllhilélh TH: 10 “0001‘ in \1uhw::v'no. in w {or Alisha! m Ilw nun grave in lehmum :t‘lmm .i .1» Ross is 1“ 1”“ Up \\4 Mlianfimvxmno m Mn :4 We treatv ln-Won \.. 2H! Wrist. ah n'y le li rivvd h) “Iv L830 Imiv- for an lw Thv :llq' mg of My ninth. t"~ up and n: 83mm «1' refusml IA Monh'vu? be Inmgr b!" Ills “f“ 1mm . .....w....:.... ti.‘ 0.5 2..., :3 :c $7593â€" ..5.,:... :_ 1.9.585! 7.5.31 1.5.5 an .883 ._._ 2: E 8...â€" . 2 7:21;- .97» .3 8 “‘9 "U“ ('l\‘« ”“00 CIIIM' ‘ll'n WhiCh had lwo'n : “Billiflraf Inn Ernest. Gnmwn. h in unusual Ive-m that. “In ('Hlllim. juflfl‘fii m-‘mw- :sx Passvnu in: Exlor from «low! nesday m train mm “at, «of S: Th0 “Viol" colonists down an Tho Huh thn at‘tnn lip. Th.- bll' dial l‘v hnd. win" on “I“ ~l‘ in: MI] HI. hrmlgh'. I! Followim.r H. madly in u \I “an tn Hu- "H. (hurt was n: i' bicycle her \\' sought. MM ' themvwh'v- H'. (18" mun. 3;. After an hm '- tioning. v9... - “'Pfldml m;‘ chino. [n a drawn you!" Bum“: [1001' H final 1 Pridux T .1110 .HHHN \lctm'm I’m mmml _th: ut 1 peeled In ~“ follmx ma: M" ‘9? l‘t‘pllmi H be Inc-ohm: ‘ 'urity ill Hal loliday \wxw- tion fur ”I“ then paw-d mom. (imma- lainml It vm sh'an Musihly I‘ and that ' him in!“ his bank he \n-m took um over. 'I' thmuuh ' failml In I graphs. The stamp tax \\ “(WV u NH mu Illifax to Oll LII \\ .\l atcd

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