West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1925, p. 10

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its not. Its an open air in old Quebec. And the Irifly l-rench housewives of bread into the unique muso'wiws there still do owe: Lzle N0. 9 Answer to Last Week's Puzzle N0. 8 1 “Out In ’ard” Made Easy \\ 925. y 28, i la y, \\‘ l‘lo'AI :umih Whit"! to \\ Ul' h l'o ginal frnm mm ll -__v - w 8 pm. (exceptâ€"Sundays) Office andâ€"residences ' ance east of the Kuhn sfigfiw‘fi Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Omce hours__2 t9 5 p.m.. 7 to D n m ’A----‘ n-__ _ J. L. SIRE. I, 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. OHice and residence. corner of countess and Laughton Strpets, appo- site old Post Office. Ofllce hours : 9 to U a.m.. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BELL Office on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s ofiice). Ofl’ice hours, 2 to 5 mm 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day. C. 6. AND BESSIE IcGlLLWRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. in Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 M 23 tf a. I. “Winowuu. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST Office, over J. J. Huntex 3 store, Durham. Ontario. LUCAS a BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will he in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appomtments m_qy he made with the Clerk in the Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently located at Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 4.30 to 9.30 p. m. ofli'ce. DAN. IcLBAN [.ivensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for sales. as to dates. etc.. may be made at. The Chronicle Office, Durham. Terms on application. Address RR. 1. Durham. Phone 611 r 24. self. REUBEN G. WATSON Liconsmt Auctioneer for County of Grey. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- sonnbln torms and satisfaction guarâ€" antmui. Datos made at The Durham Chronicle oft'igofior with R. C. Wat- ; nnt “A. Son. LOT 7, CON. 2t. EGREMUNI', cum- taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the promâ€" ises are a frame barn 42x stone foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 With stone base- ment; hog pen .. . ; brick house, furnace heated lrame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seet ed to ay; 5 to sweet clover; this arm FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John W. Bates ll. Haddocks Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. HIDDLBBRO’; SinntfiIKâ€"a: IlDDLBBRO' FARMS FOR SALE IIIL|\ \zune) "RR 1, Phone 604 r“. Licensed fluctz’oneer Med 1601 Directory , Dental Directorv Leeal ‘Direotorv CON. BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- flce. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9t! PROPERTY GOOD HOUSEâ€"ALW'IENCES; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ply Box 10, Chronicle. 4 14 tf FOR building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 tf FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J.. Young, Durham. Ont. 515 tf The George Whitmore prOperty, near McGowan’s mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- Iy to Mrs. John Schulz. 626 tt LOT SOUTH OF \‘OKER BODIES Limited; also lot south of W. D. Connor's. Apply J. A. Brown. Dur- ham. 5 14 tf SIDEBOARD AND COOKING RANGE for coal or “God. Cheap for cash. Apply Chmnicle office. 5 7 tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A'I‘ Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. I 10 tr PEERLESS GASOLINE. THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 tf FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- Icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work On short order. tf THE RAWLEIGH MAN WILL CALL ON YOU \VI'I‘HIN THE nvxt. t'nw «lays. Wait for him.â€"J. J" Patton. 5 ‘21 21M] FURNISHED 0R UNFURNISHED apartmvnts; 3130 one room suitable for “We. Apply Middaugh Hnusu. :3 21 :3 SALESMAN WANTED A SH ESM \N FUR R[ R \L DIS- t‘?.li(t Must haw cm and H‘fPI’OIN vs No oxpmivmo nmvssmx' “v jgiw you the twining. B.. Jhronicle offico. 5 21 2. A GOOD MAN CAN EARN FROM the start. $20 to $60 a week. Good chance for advancement. We can place our muro man with 031.â€" Apply Box 15, Ulnonicle office. 5213 I AM DURHAM AGENT FOR INTER- nation‘al Harvester. TudhOpe-Ander- son. Wilkinson Farm Machinery, Primrose Cream Separator-.5. gm! Bain Buggies. See me at Noble's Garage. Our machinery is down in price. Now is the time to buy.â€" J. H. Noble, Durham. 319 3 mpd CHESTNUT. STOVE AND EGG COAL. best quality, $14.00 per tomâ€"W. Calder. , 3 19 if I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY for the following lines «of Imple- ment repairs: International, Wilkin- son and Tudhope-Anderson. Terms strictly cashâ€"George A. Noble, Dur- ham, Ont. See me at Nobles‘ Garage. 3 12 3mpd NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U .F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to gwe three days’ netice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 RED CROSS TEA, MAY 29. THE LADIES OF TRINITY CHURCH Guild wi_ll hold a :250 -tfi‘ it; the 1}. HATCBING EGGS FOR SALE BREDâ€"TOâ€"LAY O. A. C. BARRED Plymouth Rocks, Clark’s strain, 75 cents for 15 eggs.â€"S. J. Wilson, Queen Street, Durham. 5 17 6pd â€"â€"â€" FOR SALE PRIVATBLY I GlTRNEY-OXFORD KITCHEN range. large size, coal or wood; 1 Gurney-Oxford heater, large size, coal or wood. both as good. as new; will be sold cheap to much DUr- onsetâ€"Apply at Box 20, Chronicle -0841: 5 a u ’.c!ock, and 521 26 ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP IMPLEMENT AGENCY FOR SALE ..â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD COAL FOR SALE MAN WANTED TO RENT Durham, RR. 1. A Hog Grading Campaign is being staged in Grey County beginning this week. Mr. Gavin Barbour, Brantford, the official Hog Grader at that, point, was in the County in- terviewing the shippers and drov- ers in connection with this matter. The dates have all been set so that this week the demonstrations will be held at Markdale, Ayton, Durham and Holstein. ‘ All hogs coming to market will be graded that day. If any farmer has none ready, he should come out to see the demonstration and ask ques- tions. Hog Grading is a benefit to the farmer. Learn more about it. Parmers’ Week at the O. A. G. On June the 12th, all the farmers 0f Grey County are. invited to visit. the Ontario Agricultural College, ('luelpl‘i. Both motor and railway parties will be received. _ Plans have been made to serve lunchmm at the gymnasium and in tho aftm-noon. to make systematic Visits to the EXpm'imenml Plots. Animal Husbandry, Poultry and Dairy Dolmrtynients. All buildings will be open for insiwction. [It is 1141me that. soft. ball games will be arranged III the afternoon hotmwn (‘4)LIIIUPS taking in the ox- .cm'sion. If thorn are any tmims In (nov 34mnty willing to go, the. De- paitmont will arrange for their transportat ion. - . . A - - Every farmer, his wife and film- ily, should take. a day off and visit this great educational institution, the greatest Agricultural education- al institution in Canada. Demonstration Lecture course A circular has just been received by the Department of Agriculture, Markdale. from the Institutes Branch. Parliament Buildings, Tor- onto. re Demonstration Lecture Courses‘ for the ladies. 'l‘hat branch is primared to send instructors in any one or all of the following: Domestic Science. Home Nursing, Millinery and Sewing. It is expect- ed. however. that at least fifteen will sign up to take the last two named courses and twenty-five the first two named. The Grey County Branch of Agriculture commends these courses to the ladies and will do all in its power to assist any organiza- tion desiring lecturers. Kiwanis Farm Boys’ Potato Club The members .of the Barrie Ki- wanis Club are! oach donating a bag of potatoes to any farm boy twelve to eighteen years of age, who will take them. promising to koop accur- aio l'PPUI'dS of yivld. cost of produc- tion. Mo. and roturn «mo bag in the autumn to tlw donor. It, is a Iinn spirit and is worthy of commend- ation. MEAT AND BONE BY-PRODUCTS \11111\ 511151 111 samples of n111al.an1l I11 1111 In- [1111111111115 including m11 it and I‘1l11111l 11111als, lankago. 11111111 m1111| and 11in mvals I1:1\'11 11111111 n1zi1l11 I1) “111 111111111isti1y Division 111' 11111 Ex- 111_111im1_111ta| Farms and [1111 results 1l11tail11.1 in I1nll11tin N11. 119 of the 1111111111.tn111nt. 111' A1111i11nltn1111. 'll1e anahsvs show that those f111_1ding- sl'nlls 11111 111mm nitrognnons (11111- 11111111al11s and that. they constitute 11 valnahlv 81111111111 111 pr11t11i11 and hump-making n1at1111ial.TI11_1 bulletin \\I1i11l1 is 1listiiI1nt111l bv tl111 Publi- 1111111111.». 1313111111 of (1111 Department 11I'Agi1icull1n11. (111mm givvs the 1l11t111|s of tho composition of a num- 111-11 111' 11111311 materials at present on 11111 ma11k11l. in Canada. A tahIeSpoonful of vinegar in the first rinse water will brighten the colors in silk and ribbons. '11113113 “in i111. 511111 bx public auc- (ion at the MCC aha and McLaughlin Garage D111 ham on SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1925. at 2 o'clock p. m. A Ford Touring Car. 1918 model. tho [unwitx of Karl E. McAlistm', 1117 8 1121111151111 St11‘11t.L1'111d1)11, 31mins! \\l1i1 I1 is a total bill for re- pans and othm 131111113113 amounting to $110.71. 'I‘hv var will he. sold suhjv'ot in 11 I'vsmwod bid for the aimw amount. ADVERTISEMENT OF PROFESSOR KATZ COMING Professoi E. Katz. the noted eye- sight specialist of Listowel is com- ing again to test your eyes and 1e- 3.11PP 3'11111 eyesight trouble at the Hahn House Durham, on Friday, June 3. h3 the method that seldom fails to ielieve eye strain. headache, pain in the temples or that nervous f1»eling.\\hen the e3es are proper- 13' attended, the above trouble is 11"m03ed. Consult Dr. Katz while in town. Two-sighted glasses in one piece for $10.00, worth 816.00. L. '0. L. MEMBERS NOTICE R. \V. SIR KNIGHT REV. W. B. Curran nf Prieeville. Grand Chaplain of Ontario West L. O. L. will deliver an address under auspices 1192 Lodge. Glenelg. Monday. June 1. at. 8 p. II). All members requested to be present. Members of other Judges cordially invited. ipd LOST SI’NDAY, MAY 24, BETWEEN Guelph and Owen Sound, Small Black Club Bag containing wearing apparel and fishing rod. Reward, Box 12, Chronicle Office. ipd THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SALE OF CHATTELS Alex. MacDonald, Auctioneer. ipd A kitchen shower is a nice event to give for a bride- to-be. And real- 1y,8 :1 gi1l later is apt to be more g1ateful 1‘01 3 kitdien shower than any other kind of a pth. Have each guest. bring a present. for the bride- (0-109, suitable for a kitchen. Haw them “rite an ap- pl‘om‘iato wrse to gi5 \xith oach ar- ticle. It's nice for the hostess t0 givv a clothes basket, blue bird clnlhes lino and clothes pins. Sho ran strvtcil the line in room, porch or yard. and as guests bring in their m'osonls. she can pm the-m on the lino. When all is roadyâ€"giw the bride- tO-be the cluthvs baskvt. and tel! her to bring in thv clothes. When her basket is full of gifts, have hnr sit in middle of room and upon pros- onts and read verses aloud. If vm-sos have been cloverly written, this will be great. fun. If there is mOrv timu before" 1°0- froshmvnts, [.iass vm'h [H'I‘SUH a sizml squarv 0f choose 010th and Sumo! col- ored yarn or thread. Haw them hem these cloths. Tin-y may button hula. overcast, m" outline them, When finishedâ€"fold. place in a neat pile and .prvsvnt tho bride with a p °actical :md wolmmv gift 01‘ prot- ty dust cloths. Many familivs. (‘W‘Il of farmers and other poultry keepers, have very fmv eggs [U 1130 from October (.0 February who" wives are high. It would ho easy for them tn prvsorw and slow as manv as rvquirwl. if they wuuld hut Iukv tho trouble to do su, says Gus. Langvlim'. Suppr- intondmnt. l'lxm-rinwntul Station, (lap Bongo. qu. In order to secure information m‘gral'ding Hm l’wst IIN'HHMS nl' pru- sm'ving vggs. an vxmrimvnt was stax'tml in 1916 at. lhv (lap Hmmv l‘lxl’vcrimcntal Station. Eight meth- ods wet-v tostmi: '1. Wrapping in minor and lvuving undisturtwd; 2. Wranming in pupm- and turning daily; 3. Packing in oats; 4. Pack- ing in sawdust: 5. Cnmlmso (,iauliu; 6. Al'n'lstrung pastv: 7. Limv water; 8. \Vnh'rulass. It was soon found that the two best methods. 113' far. were the lime water and the 33'ate.1°glass. These have, been continued to date. and very little dill’erenee has been found, though ditluent lots 111 eggs 11111 tested 1ael1 311111' by the Dominion Chemist and the Dominion Puulhy Hushandman at. ()ttaw a, and by the Snoopintendent of the Cap Rouge Experimental Station. Best Methods Use one pound of good, freshly- hurnt quicklimo to 11313 gallons of 33ate1'.Slake the lime with a small quantit3 of 33 atm, just about enough to cover it, and then stir the milk thus formed into the water. Keep well stirred for a few hours. allow to settle, and pour the saturated water 0301' the eggs. With water- glass, use about four pounds in ten gallons of water. All eggs used should be perfectly fresh and. if possible. from flocks having no male birds. The eggs should be completely immersml dur- ing the whole period of preservz’l- tion, and the Vessel should he kept covered. The best temperature. though not absolutely necessary. is from 1:0 to 45 degrees F. The Bentinck I. O. D. E. was re- organized as a Women's Institute at a meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Sam HOpkins, with Miss S. Jamieson of Hanover acting as or- ganizer. There was a very god at- tendance of ladies at the meeting. and 15 became members of the In- stituteâ€"Hanover Post. transfers. Most men start out with good in- tentions. but somebody hands them EGG PRESERVATIVES ORGANIZE BENTINCK W. I. Cheap Eggs in Winter Experiment at Cap ROuge HOUSEHOLD HINTS General Advice Results For May By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. I;;J‘;;;;;;fj Fruit Whip (Uncooked) }<,.‘l‘,"“'fj_,ff;| . Have them 1 998' Whit“, ’Qmm-r. 'I‘l [1y may l’uttOll l Clll) ”f ll'llltv “HI”. 5””? ”MIR outline them, 1 FUD 5‘13““. Add thmr. flaw in a neat, thtlo. salt. (W ”In Mr bride with a' Method: Boat vgg whitv stil‘l‘. Add ‘ in mudvrz a gift of prot- fpunt and Sllg‘ill'. Mix wvll. Pilugahuut an v llghtlly Ill slwrlwt, glasses. ChilLIc-nmmh all (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) COOKING HINTS Spring Fruits l’se as many fruit dishes as pos- sible from now on. There is noth- ing like fruits to lump thv spring menu healthful. tempting and wrun- omical. 'l‘hr most popular fruits am st‘mx'lwrrios, rhuharh, pinrap- [)10, prunes and raisins. ' Sifiawborrios, 0f cuursv, am wnn- deful. Rhubarb inflat its host in the sprmg, and 1s mnsudm'vd lwttm- than a tome. Pineapple is mmnomical :11ch is classed as 3 mos; (:Ilmhh- sprm'; frmt. Pl'llnos are always good and how-- ticial. Raisinsâ€"{10 nut l’nrgot Um raisins. In food vaulr. Hwy are wry high. ['30 ”mm in brvad. muffins. salan. corral and dvssnrts. 'l‘hvy arr lino “hon cnnkml with rhubarb. So. beginning now and durim.r thy comnuz snmmm' months. «at l'rnzt In some fm'mâ€"thrno. timvs a «lay! THE NORTRWARD TREND OF AGRICULTURE An illU wsiing mmmonmn uz. 21;. am imiltural pussiiiilitios of the Can- adian Northlzmd is minishcd by the report. of tho vxperimcutal sub-sm- tiun at Furt \‘Pi'milion, Alberta, for 1923. Furt Vm‘milinn is i'arlhvr north than any part of Ontario, and at timm tlw tlwrmumcter falls to mare than 60 degrees below zero. The mean ivmpm'atum- during the PH)“ season raugvs I'mm 6 in 10 dw- m'm-s lnwm' Hum «luring: tlw sumo IIIHIIHIS at ()ttnwzi. Wheat seeding began at. thv suh- statiun farm «m May 7. and nino variatins \wrv suwn on tost plate. At. harvest, they yiuldmt at. the- ratn ut' t‘mm 37 tn 59 Bushvls “(‘1' MW. 'rht‘ l'vsults Hf tho uxlwrimvl‘ils with potatous worn own th't‘ wâ€" markahln. It. has tiwon found that in the nurthvrn I'Pginns. warty. «to-up planting pi'mhu-vs tho hast rc-sults. 'l‘hu smgd was ptantmt t’i'nm May 8 to 10, and um: varivty )‘ivldml as high as 7119 huslwls pm‘ am'v. Irish Cohâ€" NOT. a \wll-knmvn variety, prmluccd 339 hushols to tho 8(‘1‘1'. One variety of game-n cum m-u- "' 34.39:.“ 0‘: Exam Serve tapped with whipped cream, cherry or strawberry. 1 egg white. 3 tablespoons fruit pulp. Sugar. Little salt. Mt‘lilfldi “PM. rm: whim stifl'. Add fruit. and sugar. Sumvlimos a little vanilla. Mix \wll. Pour into gl'vasml baking dish or indiVidUIl molds. I’lilt'i‘ in pan of water and Niki until svl. Sin-w with whipped cream. plain (‘l‘i‘illll m' vuslard. I h'flspuun salt, I tc'uspixm soda. 1 mm snur milk. 41/4,. c'leS tluur. MvHud: Crvam lm-d. sugar and salt. nan-llama Add mnlassos and gingc-r. 'l‘lwu vgg. Dissolve soda in sour milk. Addâ€"mnx thorough! . Add fluur. ”my leaslumns 0f b8 (01‘ «on lardvd baking sheets. Bike in mudvratv own. “Us makes about 50 mmkivs. Drop cookies far c-mmgh apart in kovp thvm round. dllt'ed a fair pert-entage of fully ma- tured though rather small 00118. Gar- den twans were quite successful, and a large number «if other com- mon \egetahles produced excellent. crops in a \erv short time. In fact. the. shortness of time between the dates of seeding \egetahles and the dates \\ hen thex are fit, for use is a striking feature of grnxxth in the 1.10rth country. This rapid growth is made possible by long huurs of warm sunshine. Fine yields 01' sunfluwers for sil- age. were obtained. while the grow- ing periml was favorable. for hay and a heavy crop harvested" All thosv rrsults wcrv obtained under more fzn'urahlo runclitions and by better cultivation than is generally fnund on farms. yvt, they slmw that ”H‘l‘t' is :I grunt llrlct for the northward extension of agriâ€" culture. Now that Ontario has imposed a three-cent tax on gasoline. life in this provinm- is hardly worth Hiv- \'ing.-â€"Allist0n Hvrnld. BAKING HINTS Old Pushioned Ginger Cookies mm 1mm“ suuar. rug: mulassvs. 1/2 (Up of land. mg lwuh'll. tc'uspmm mum-1'. D fruit NOT WORTH FLIVVING (Baked) PAGE t

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