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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1925, p. 11

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Miss Celia Hnno‘ss' 0f Tmmnh spent the “'N‘k-O‘IM \VHh hvl' slsh'r. Mrs. Hush .‘Iamhnmjd. Misses IsabM and Mary Tim‘marria at Toronto spent HI.- hc-lidas' with their parents. Mr. 3M Mrs. D. Mc- Olygrrip. - â€" n n‘ l I .- In .‘liss Bertha Rib-hi» 01‘ Durham went ”I? hnliduy with hm' frinnd. Miss Ruby HPSIPH. ‘ .‘h‘. and Mrs. Ro'id Hf 'I‘nrmito spent HIP first 08' ”w \Vc‘t‘k with Mr, Incl Mrs. D. Mrmmm'iof. PMr. anal Yrs.‘ Frank Hind and faintly of Durham swat Sunday with tho Ewan family. Aberdeen (Our Own Correspmzdent) Mr. Jack Smith nf Niagara Falls. N. \'.. sum}! the \kau-nol with hi; mnthvr. Mrs. .l. W. Smith. .‘Ii‘. and Mrs. William Brigham Hf Durham spent. 'l'lnu'sday lzwt “I!!! Mr. and Mrs. .lnlm Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mat‘dunald and son. Kvmwth. and Miss Colin “om-SS spvnt thv first 0! HI» \vwk with Mr. and Mrs. John Hmwss at Hanover. Mr. and M13. \lox. McEachm‘n am familv of Tm onto spvnt. the hulidm with the lattm' s parnnts. Mr. and MW Archin McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bray and lamil of Ebenezer and Mr. and Mrs. Dan . cDonald and family or Tor- onto visited at. tlw hump of Mr. Don- :h‘lkoDonald and Miss Annie Hob. ll‘ . Ottoman; ‘ Mr. W. :. Ritchin of Bagot. Man. arrived at the home of his parents. Ir. and Mrs. George Ritchie on Sotmtbypvening and will gpond the rmss Etta Tuamley of the Royal Bank staff. Durham. pent the holi- day with her parent; Mr. and Mrs. It. vaamkfy“ -- O‘ "RBI-73nd Mrs. W. .l. Ritchie and family were in Eugenia on Monday. “r and Mrs. Thomas Firth and family of Lindsay visited over the week-end with relatives here. The baseball season is again at hand. The. first preliminary prac- tice was held on Monday night. in William Edge’s field with a good “W?L __-- - . A n- A--a ”A- vi‘hnw Misses Ruby Hoslvtt. Stalin L3nn. Mamie \Pssie Bertha Ritchie and Map. McCallum and Mr. Nathan \essip and Lawrne McCallum 3})?!“ th» beginning of the week with Mr. Gmrge and_ Miss Haze-l Torr). ‘ Mrs. Andrew Hgstiv and sun Du- gald. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald and daughter, Miss Myrtle. motored t0 Port Elgin to visit the farmer’s sister. Mrs. James Sumptog. _ \lrmand Mrs. Cnshnio of Toronto Visited over NIP holiday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams. A 0‘. -“ \lissvs Rather-in» )chmn and Cur- l'lllt' Lawn-mum spvnl. a day last, week with friends nut. nmu' Drnmnrc‘. The monthly mowling of llw W. ‘l. S. will b» hvll‘l at tho home (of .‘hss Sula Banks nu Jun» 3. .\ spo- rml cullvcllnn is to lw laknu 701' thn‘ bull's. .‘lixstimfltlivl Anilprsmi is visiting a row days with friends in Palm- crsmn. â€" - 0 A on ___‘A uln’fhglfii‘ég'nnéiic'imfée families '0! Egromont wet-9 holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchiv. '7 Mfijfiafidqus. Edward dece of Owen. Sound spent the 24th with “If. and Mrs. 191113311 Boycgr. g Miss firmw McKe-chn'i'» is holiday- ing With Mr consul. MISS. Jean {Hurk0. .\lr. \\“illiam IIIIItchlm an! Slstor, Mamie. are) spvnoling thu lmliday \I'Ith [hair parvnts. Mr. and “m. A. III-IItrhley. Sliasns Margan't and Myrna Mr- l.o-:III spent the wwk-vmi with Hwir fl'wntl. Olivv )Iiddlo‘ton. )lrs. Lance Bumble and sun. Bob, uf 'I‘oronm. is spending a few days with ‘ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roviwrt Lawson. .‘ll'S. HPnrgo' Smu'lo and two sums of mwlph arr up helping to car» for ho'l' nmtho‘l'. .‘lrs. Hill. whn is fm'l- mg a littlv lwttm‘ nnw. Mrs. .\. Symuns and sun. Alma. qwnt. an owoi'ning wwntly \nt‘n frmnols in Moan-vslumrg. \lrs. Frml Kvlsvy slwnt. a few Yuk». last \Vm‘k. Lako'. last wwk. Mr. and Mrs. Alhvrt Raid and sun. Ray. of Torontu. spvnt Sunday mlh Mr. and Mrs. L. McLean. V" 0 \ filirgé [influx-1' frnm here attend- Pd tho- SO’SSiOllS 0f the Presbyterial th at Hanuwy Tues_¢_lay_. _. run \lrs. Archin} MoArthul‘ apvnt an any last week With Mrs. John Has“ v.1. I I"... I “I‘VI- w--â€" A. (I. McDonald and family over the holiday. Miss Torry of Durham spent the wwk-end and holiday with her ln-nther. Mr. Clark Torry. .‘lr. Toms. Mr. Roberston, Mrs. Vin». Miss Rubm'tsnn and Miss lnmn. all M 'l‘uwnw. were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dunn over the womk-eml. On Monday, accompanâ€" iml by llu- Dunn family, all motored lo ”won Sound. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. John McDougall and Miss Mu- crettn V'nnflckle accompanied by Mr. Walter Boyce and Miss Kate Mc- Dougall motored from Hamilton Saturday and spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie and other friends here. Mr. Frank Livingston of Hamilton an brother, William. of Ebenezer, visited Sunday with their cousin, Ilrs. Clark Torry. f ____ . A ._ I LVI u-cvâ€" "-" Missvs Edith Torry and her friend, Miss Jessie: McKinnon of Walkerton, wvrP the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Fulton and‘ Mg. and Mrs. AL- â€"lv. vacuâ€" av--,. Mr. Alex. Morton acco anied by his brother, Mr. George orton of Aberdeen, leaves for the West Tues- day morning of this week to look after the estate of their uncle. the late Mr. George_Mort0n. _ ‘ . 2___,j PAGE 10. Edge Hill (Our Own Cprresponden't). Rocky Saugeen 1" Our Own Correspondent) "llw gi11111 1mm brought to \1n1- s1rnug and Robinsons smunill. ”1311311111111. last. “intm' bv \lvssrs. 31111111110011 111111 Jacksnn 01‘ Mnno |11\\n~xhip\\as ~11“ 1111 011 Ma} 5 11nd 11111121111011 2.300 3111111111 {091.1110 11110 \1 as 91) 111111 in hvi ght and 3 11101., 6 1111-11115 :11 the stump. Mr. and Mrs. J. McLean of Toronto spent over the holiday with the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Lean. and visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. Mr. M. Myers is engaged with Mr. A. Wright for the summer months. A meeting of the congregation was held in the church here on Sunday to make arrangements to continue the. Presbyterian Church. and dele- gates were appointed to attend a general meeting to he held in Tor- onto in the near future to make groupings. '1' he vote here. was against union. Mrs. Kate Paton of Flesherton visited with friends in this part. over the week-end. Messrsfflaney bf P611 Elgin were Sunday visitors at Mr. W. A. Rich- afwcon’s. Mr. J. Meads spent Sunday at his home in Flesherton. He is engaged with Mr. J. Corbett and has in a layge cr0p_ this sppipg, Miss Mary Mathm- spent a day at hm' hnmv 1101'». m. William Rnhkoph of Norman- hy \‘isitmi with his daughter. Mrs. AIME. (il'io‘l'snn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Boll and Mas- h-r Wilfrml Roll of Toronto motored up and spout tho holiday with I'ri‘nxnls how and at Elwlwzor. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. McMillan and Miss Katie of Ceylon spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Neil Clark’s. 3'1 ivnds hmv and at Elwnnzofi. Miss Malgarvt Dmby of Stratford \isitml lwx‘ brothm‘. Mr. “illiam Dor'b}. Mrs. (h-m'gc‘ HPIHIPPSNH 0f Hamp- lh‘ll visitvd her daughtm', Mrs. Al- fl'm‘l COI‘tht. Mr. John 'l‘urnbull. whn is attond~ 1m: High School in (hwlph. spent thv hnlichiy with his parvnts hPI‘P. Mr. Thomas (lurbvtt of tiw Boll 'l‘i‘lvplmnv Cumpany visitmi with his mnthm' rvovntly. 'l'lw young pmufln on this line. haw-.mmnwncml to p 'letlSP ball playing. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Parslow and chil- dron of Toronto spent over the holi- day \‘isiting__with ryela_t_iv_e§__here. Mr. .lnmvs Charlion treatml him- sofilfi In a How Fnrd sedan. Mr. 31nd Mrs. W. J. Meads spent Satuuiay \isiting with the latter’s payouts, Mr. and Mrs._R.Kn01_t. Mr. and Mrs. William Pruddle 0f Badjeros spent the part of last week vigiting with Mnjregi Igloxt membered that before leaving the West. Mr. Ritchie had the misfor- tune of losing all his stock and im- plements by fire, without any in. sumnce. Mrs. William McCormick, who was operated on a couple of weeks ago and had an attack of pleurisy and was threatened with pneumonia, has,‘we are. glad to say, taken a change (qr the better._ Mi§s M. Knox of Toronto spent the week-end at the parental home ere. Swinton Pnrk. (Our Own CW) Seedi and potato planting here are near y completed and corn and turnips will be the next. The ht and pasture are not doing very wet , but the other spring crop is look- ing excellent. The weather contin- ues cold and dry, and there was a heavy frost on Saturday night which no doubt will nip of! the early gar- den stull and the blossoms on fruit and berryhushes, Stnp zIIIIl Int tho tl‘flill go by. It onh takes a minutm \Hlll‘ (‘81 starts on again Itself, \nd better still-y0u re in it. South Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) SOME TREE! Mr. and Mrs. W. Hon \Vt‘l‘é} Visitors at Mr. CI risnn's on Monday. N msnn wont hawk with Visit. Communiun sm'vicn was hold at Ehmwzm- church last Sunday. It also was “Fatl‘wrs' Day". and MP. Curran 2m» 3 svrnmn suiting the ”evasion. Mr. Williamson of Toronto for- merly of Durham, motored up from the Queen City and was accompan- ied by Mr. George Cowan of Mount Forest. to spend a day this week with Mrs. Jamps Allan. Miss Ruby Matthews accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and family motored up from Bm'lington to her hqrpe here‘for the holiday, The farmers are nearly all busy preparing their root ground and working up the summer fallow. Corner Concerns (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. James Eden visited Kitchener friends last week. Master JamPs Ferguson was so un- fortunate while playing on Tuesday night as to break his arm. Dr. Mc- Lellau set the hour. and the little fellpw _i_s_ doing_well. Sorry to report Mrs. Elijah Arm- strong again conflned to her bed. Hope she will soon be fully rewp- erated. Mr. and Mrs. Jnlm Aldcorn. MP. and Mrs. E. Hoard and Mrs. Heard, Sta. spnnt Monday mrning at tho \VPil' lmmv. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins and son, Raymond, visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barbour of near Knox. Mr. Walter Ferguson has pur- chased u shingle sawing machine from Mr. Clark 0f Durham and is having it plagefl in his swamp. As we said last, week, more in- terest, is being taknn in horse breed- imr. Mr. Philip Harrison having brnught a good spociment into the. mighhorhood. The continued frosty nights are causing much speculation amongst our fm‘mm's as to what the results Will he. Quitn :1 numhm- from this Vicinitx attundml thv Mothodist District. mowâ€"ting: hold in Salem Church, Pro- ton. last Thursday. \ miniature cyclmin struck this neighborhood nariv on Saturdm mnrning. It lastod onh :1 {0“ minâ€" utvs and wn haw not hoard of am damagv iwing dmio (XCC‘Dt a 1‘0“ fmu‘os blimn m 01' Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lawrence and son, Bertie. of Durham spent a Sun- day recently with Mr. a_nd Mrs. La_v_vson Hqgkinsg _ Glenmont \ (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Sarah Tucker of Toronto spont ovm' tho holiday at her father‘s. M 1'. Alfrod T'uckPr‘S. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milligan and Tommie spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Torry of Mulock. Mr. David Donnelly met with a painful accident last week. When he tried to separate some quarrel- ling cattle in a building, he was knocked down and trampled by the animals. We hope the injuries do not prove serious. _ News has been rather scarce for tbe past few weeks, and as a result, we have been very negleotful of our correspondence. We hope to do better in the future. Ilia: lone Armstrong of Toronto is visiting her parents, nshlrs. and Mrs. El )1 Armstrong. ince our last. budget appeared, Since our lasi budget appeared, Mr. Wesley Noble urchased a Ford coupe from Mr. . Atkinson of Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Mania and family visited friends near Ayton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hopkins and two little daughters spent Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. William Sh_a_rpe of_ Welbeclfi (Our Own Correspondent) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 03ml 0f Proton Crawford Harâ€" MI‘S. J. Hal'- :h them for a Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Freeman and Master Bert of Wingham made a brief stay with Mrs. E. Johnson on Tuesday. They had been on a mo- tor trip to Guelph and Rockwooa where they celled on Rev. J. Little. The contract of the new school has been let to Fisher and Son of Aytom Work will commence im- mediately, and it is intended to have the work completed by September 1 for the opening of school after va. cation. It was with regret that we learned of the death of Mr. William Doneg on Saturday evening last. He had een in poor health for some time, causing him to give up farm- ing last winter. He went to Toron- to for treatment but did not im. prove and was residing with his brother, Mr. James Doney, near Shelburne. He was a former resi- dent of Holstein. He married Miss Edna Hunt, daughter of Mr. J. B. Hunt of this village. The late Mr. Doney leaves his wife and two sons to mourn his early demise. The fun- eral took place on Monday of this week. Mr. 0. Lucas, manager of the Bank of Montreal here, went to Toronto Friday afternoon to spend the Vic'- toria holiday in the city. . Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nicholson 0; Weston were here on a hhort visit recently. John Calder, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Calder, was taken suddenly I" on Friday last with appendiciua and was operated on Saturday in the Durham l_10epita_l.__ ___ Mr. W. A. Reid of Thorndale, ac- companied by Mrs. Reid, were the Victoria Dayy guests of Holstein friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Moses and Alvin motored from Toronto Satur- day and were the guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jphr1_(_)rchard_over the holiday. The little black font that was me- thered z a cat, died on Friday of last wee Mr. Fred. Matthews of Toronto was the guest of the Brown brothers early in the week. w. A. Abbs and Roy McLéan spam the week-end wth his parents at Alliston. n-v- VOCUJ vullU VII I.U' ”- 14101110. Mr. John Rocks and daughter (Our Own Correspondent) Here’s another special feature. The “Florence" has no wick. Wicks are unreliable waste- ful, need constant renewing, and are usually smoky. The “Florence” b ° and safe. With a match applied, each burner is steady, clean and 3:33” 18 steady, clean . . , , With a match a plied, each burner gives a steady, Intense, blue flame, WhiCh. rov'd P‘ and is always under control. p 1 es all the heat necessary The brightest, cleanest, most practical Oil Cooking Stove you could wish to put into your kitchen --- simme, safe, eflicient. Call in and let us demonstrate . the advantages of this modern Oil Cooking Stove. No obligation to buy. Wonderful FREE WITH EVERY 3-BURNER FLORENCE 0H. COOKING STOVE Toronto, were visitors meant! Eletgiomes of W. Nelson and ohn e1 . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sturrock.‘ Toronto, took advan of the holi- day and spent it wi her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ohn Manny. Mr. and rs. F. Watson ottho Qneen City spent the recent holiday wnth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H._Rogers. The following were Victoria Day visitors at. Mr. John Manary’s, J. W. Manary, wife and family, Mrs. Thomas Bunston, Miss Alma Bun- ston, Miss McMillan and Thomas Sturdy, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pratt and fam- ily visited recently with the for- mgr’s byother at Louise. Rev. L. E. Wbst returned from Conference Tuesday evening. lie has been returned to the Holstein Circuit for the fifth term. Mrs. West left Wednesday morning to attend, as dele te the W. M. 8. Convention at oodstock. Darkies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Margaret Atkinson and niece, little Miss Eunice Atkinson, spent the week-end with the farmer’s sis- ter; Mrs. R. McRae. Mrs. T. McPherson, Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks with her sisters, Mrs. Mchmel and Miss M. McLean. At the last regular meeting of-the Women’s Institute, the following of- ficers were elected: President, Mrs. Thorne; Vice-President. Mrs. Rife; Press Secretary, Mrs. R. J. Armill. The Institute will present a Gold Medal to the pupil taking the high- est. standing in the Entrance Exam- ination at Holstein in 1925. Miss Anna Rice of Oshawa was a reggntgue‘sg. 0(_ her_ parents harp: Mr. fiavid Allan has treated him- self to a Chevrolet sedan and has erepted _a garage. _ Mrstaniw ”Eccles visited her daughters, Mrs. Gillies and Mrs. Smith, Conn. ‘ Nelson McGuire and family spent Sunday with his parents at Bel- grgyp. _- Messrs. H. Richards and G. W‘il- liams of St. George were recent visitors at Mr. and Mrs. 'I'horne’s. -~v' Drs. Joseph E. and Annie Pat- Wand family, Listowel, spent the holiday with Mrs. Josegh At- a kinson and Mr. and Mrs. 8. “cr- eon. Mrs. Farr Lawrence and son visited for s few deys with her psi-eats. Mr. end Mrs. D. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Nichol end son, Norman. end Mrs. (Rem) Peter Nichol spent the holiday at the Nichol home. . Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins and {smil spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. '~. Lyons st Markdale. Mr. Clarence Ingham visited re- cently with his uncle, Mr. Williem Jacques. Mrs. Stegman and Miss Vera Allen Toronto, spent Monday with their 'sister, Mrs. George HOpkins. EIBW‘, ‘u‘ U. VVVUOV "vrâ€"vv-rv_ Miss Mary Whitmore was a re- cent visitor in Bg_lgyerstog_. vvuv vuvnvvâ€" 'v- â€" â€" Mr. and Mrs. William Glass, town, spent. the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lawrence. Mr. William Andrew is ereclin a new hen house for Mr. W. G. Lawrence. " “Well, you'see, boss, he kicked me de other way.” " iii. Shh "MYsI'Léh/rénce‘ McFaddon and family spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. .l. McNally, Edge Hill. “You are an hour late this morn- ing, Sam,” said an employer to his colored servant. “Yas, 33h, I was kicked by a mule on. qu way, flab.” “That oug mm. to haxe detained you an hour, Sam." “M‘£.VAE'MFS. D. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen, town, spent the 2.5m with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hanging. __ TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16. 18, 2‘ in. mnn BRICK '08 8“! Schtz’s Pll|| file Co. PUMPS a PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to und all work Guumted. Agents {or loan-u Gr“. humor: OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL '32: m1!“ Lmr 0f the Domunon “I Brunch Branttord. mustfltion in Grad no at York. 1.9n1’14‘ hirh l - Mam first. [we Stork Bram-h. mm Met flu Hw {mm [packing lw: mm. '..‘.1‘ gll dvnl'mshm ~n m: '09?" ")3"!th m \\ h. gr‘"'h.“ H N "l' 1 *'«--_'\ l'i'i-‘II hunk-1 'r. l‘drlNHol" h h.‘ .- or, aMH'GHM! t and III in» \\~ WI mm h \ uh. I ftnmvh. \\h .1, .- OUId “‘1‘; a gund “UHF ,. if DOCR1'1squizu 9!“) “I9 [ml'vo-IH:I;~ M from Durham ~ ing “I" «IvlllHIMml 1 fltg ”PM \I1' ' Gimlll!‘ dvmnn~tm1w 000“. Under Ulo' .-‘.\‘.~to~m un- v. all hugs \wx'o- :1- all (Irwin. and mm- “038 ““l'“ '1' In. MOM . no 1'1anth g: M n ry \HIPH ”ll \ 1'1 :11 '11 lion. Thorn :II'P um.- :l'miow [OWL-'1 Svlmt- \\o ml: 230 puunds: 'lhlvk Sn [40' ‘ " , Pppdprg : . . Inn 0 lama ' nude .hnn Hf ' No. i» '5'" “1m". “ Nun “1‘ I“ , u in all“ . of $th Mars 01' INH'Im gliding 'G‘I‘I‘HHI‘} \\ n in “I" H 'IM' 1;: . “UNIV murnmg \\ put, Bl'anwad _ prit .L :1. E I. 2.: 3 7:2...â€" Ch 5 .5 2. .5. in: 1.1.:â€" E: 2...: may, .5! 9.5.5 59‘ f .7. 1.1.5“. _... .23, .vi 0P0 (him: 1h VIE tn vlinmm opt Ilu- tir~t vero ”10 MW rhich Haw :m- 1|“! tn clval \ undpmm. '1'! he markul pl‘iq' is gradu- Hm flocks" an- N rosvm. hat. “I. msim: Isis. :1 em. ”1 eprvsc-n b illu-‘t 3'0 6“ 3 In SIN gntag nclwr yoga. 0m '1'. H06 GRADER WAS HERE SATU Ind. I03. I Sim [mint . “'OUII‘ h" lHHtu-q ”1...“ .r. “'u \x'vrw va-uwd 1 . [from Mr. im-hnn' ‘atm and "ll,i"}°"i H mm lion with h m. \\'.- I”??? that'xx‘o- aw mum . Into his. \Vnr}; ho: present at mu hug cation will mum at WOI‘king .\‘ulll' e crowd for (Inn [9111 up information for 1 58.â€"N0. 3024. an Ill HI 111' ”I \\ \‘ll "ll an

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