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Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1925, p. 3

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NS ACROSS : THE BAGK t. Pinkham‘s Ve table Co. Ind Mrs. John L iller £031! .9 , too. Ewry time I take it, 3 I9 feel better and I always no. it to my friends. I am In)“ tr letters from women ”in us mom-m» and you may a. yr 33;; fr-s’z’vtnnial. "~Mf8. Fa]. KN. Mzrcnml. Hntario. all, ()ntario.-â€" “I have tak- edicine fur a number of your; take it steady all the time, ht .‘er withvut it. I always hoop nause. I touk it first for uh “Omen and bearing-down {is and pains across the back. i 7 home Cu look after and may “up: nut get ufi at all. I a. .rqspmem _in t e :3ng about Ierit Pen kn 1. BUSINESS COLLEGE ur Graduates Display m PRICES )R MEN 1‘8 81' ed by Lydia E. Pink. Vegetable Compound any day. Write. ct" r for information. in smaller opportunities Durham M-O».«Ow6-M-O-W Zl .ursday, lay 28, 1925. PHD? .ofi-O-MMMW CO! Store Tom: d AND ALL “'5 Here acod to» date and 8 calls fur more. [‘58 NOW. If you t ynu pay for it M .\l UI .Uv Re is tnld by women wmmen know by medicine will do 2' uthers to know. A)?“ cause my I E. Pinkham’n (:SC Ni 36 inches at. the other nu- fifty-six Haunt-r. ;- trouble: .3 e this well- ., awry 1“) {th because wine a {an 69c ‘ent canvas. Innings ' Vegan“. 3.7%: were re- rm» you re- medicine?” on their nu their ores! A speed cop. with headquarters at Arthur. has been placed on duty cm the provincial highway from that Village to Kincardine. He makes re.- gular trips over this highway by motor cycle. He checks 11p illegal parking. takes the numbers of the spenders’ cars. and will enforce the cuntlitions 0f the. Motor Vehicles Act on this section of the highway. J. C. B. 33 rites: “I have been trou- bled with constipation for a number of years and find that I need some- thing more than diet, to keep my bowels in good condition. Latel3. I h.u e been taking mineral Oil and find that it does the 33ork. Is this harmful if used right along? Or is there anything else that I could take that would he better?” Reply Mineral oil is about as harmless as anything that you could take, if it is necessary for you to take Apply this every second or third night. When the ointment begins to make the scalp or hair too greasy, shampoo. After the scalp is free from dandruff, apply the ointment occasic‘inally to prevent a recurrence. Keep the scalp clean by a shampoo every week or ten days. Always dry the hair carefully after washing. Do not pick off the scabs. Instead, grease the scalp at night with either vaseline or liquid petroleum. Leave this on all night. and in the. morn- ing. shannmo with warm water- and some. 200” toilet soap, tar soap or tim'ture of green soap. 'Then apply to the scalp (not the hair) a little of an ointment consisting of one part sulphur and nine parts of petroleum. _ v V" â€"--â€"â€"- v~-*--cwvv aulvu new that. RICK 01 exercise may also The results of recent . examina- be an important causative factor. tions of large numbers of appar- Essential rm" ently healthy babies indicates that . rickets is more prevalent than was Whatever the. theories, a combi- formerly'supposed. It is certain that nation of sunshine. exercise in the . the prevention of this disease and form of massage. fresh air and cod is , , t resulting bone-deformities is liver onl apparently enables the sys- extremely desirable. (Copyright, 1926, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) some. kind (it a laxative. But con- Mrs. E. A. P. writes: “I have dan- “HUG t0 PGIY largely on a laxative (lI‘ufT of the scalp which forms scabs. diet, exercise of the abdominal mus- ! can pick off the scabs. but they ales, and regular habits. Gradually form back on again, and the flesh reduce the daily dose of mineral oil -- - v- nuav UV I can pick of! 'the'Béabs, but {133? form back on again. and the flesh under them feels itchy and smarts. I would be pleased if you could give mo 3 romedy.” Bsuntial Factors Whatever the. theories, 0a cpmhi- nation of sunshme, exercise 1n the form of massage. fresh air and cod liver oil apparently enables the sys- The curative value of cod liver oil, an old and valuable remedy for rickets, received a scientific explan- ation. It supplies to the system the particular vitamine which is lack- ing or deficient. But faultyI hygiene as well as a makes it seem probable that lack of sufficient sunshine may be the caus- ative hygienic fault. And ' some careful students of the disease be- lieve that lack of exercise may also be an important causative factor. SPEED COP ON DUTY As Harmless As Any THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR Reply llll' lllljllllt'al- "Hill ”l [“8 \VOPld is thn guy whn pmposes to an Old maid over tho telephone and after she ac- cepts him. tells her that he had the wrong numbenâ€"«Owen Sound Sun- Times. Th9 mile-a-minute drivers in this vicinity will do well in takn a warn- ing. L. J. S. writes: “I have had at- tacks of pain in the chest on the left side near the breast bone. The pair. is sharp and comes and goes qui:k. I have gas on the stomach. Could the pain come from the gas?" Reply The pain is more likely to be caused by some trouble in the heart or in one of the big blood vessels (aorta) leading from the heart. There is a possibility that you may have angina pectoris (neuralgia of the hear. Better have a careful examination and find out exactly what the. condition of yourheart it.l 2. Pain coming on within a short, time aftcl‘ eating, pain when the stomach is cmpty, vomiting of blood. ancmia. tcndci-ncss ovct' tho stomach. are sonic. of tho symptoms occurring in ntcvc of thc stomach. Tho X-i'ay, and cxaminatrion of tho stomach contents, arc of great, valub. in making a diagnosis. Mrs. T. C. asks: "Can .ulcers of Lho stomach 1w. cured wnthout an operation? How can one. tell if the stomach has ulcers?" Reply 1. Many casns of ulcer of tho stomach are satisfactm‘ily treated without surgery. There are com- plications. however, which may make nOpera! ioo nvcmsary. 'I‘hn moanesu. man in the world i _-_ .. a. uu a wusauvu diet, exércisé of lilo abdominal mus- ales, and regular habits. Gradually reduce the daily dose of mineral oil and see .if you. can lrain yourself to (l0 Without, 1t outlroly. .- “In“ UAUIUIW must also be met. And the cod liver 01] must be given in dosage suitable to the age of the baby. It is be- lieved that. rickets could be made as infrequent by the use of cod liver Oil as scurvy has been made by orange and tomato juice. mL_ Many specialists In diseases of in- fancy and childhood advocate the routine administration of cod liver oil to all babies as a preventive. Of course, the hygienic requirements of snnshine, fresh air and exercise tern tO‘ prOperly utilize lime and phosphorus for building healthy bones. THE MEANEST MAN Better Be Examined In Some Cases way. anii exercise This volcanic. rock was discovered in 1506 by a Portugese Viceroy of Indian, who gave it its name. It, was then pOpulated by seagulls, and no human beings lived on it until 1810. In the war of 1812.. it 'as used as a precarious base by American priv- ateers. and in 1815, it, was annexed by the British (Qiovernor of Cape Colony. not because it was good for anything. but on general principles. \Vlien Napoleon was sent to St. land, and the wind sweeps at it over a thousand miles of sea in every direction. The currents are also fierce, and even if it offered many inducements to merchantmen and traders, it yet would be avoided because sea captains hate and fear‘ it. the -w---_ u... ‘1qu uauuuu, auu ".1 “13113", 1923, the British light cruiser, Dub- lin, called with mails and supplies. Last January a Spanish freighter from Rio to Durban dropped anchor long enough to buy some fresh meat. The Rogers were taken of! by a to stay a moment longer than nec- essary near this spot. A Savage Spot What makes the island dreaded by seamen is the fact that itseems to be the centre of a sort of hurricane belt. The winds are terrible in their force, and the suddenness with which they arise, and there is no good anchorage. On land, it is said, that when the wind is high, it is impossible to take a cup of milk from one house to another. The milk will be swept out of_ the cup. When ‘hn I‘v:nnl â€"---‘- - (I‘he missionaries were landed Jill 1922 by the courtesz of the Japan- ese Government, w ich ordered a subsidized merchantman to touch there just long enough for them to land. Later in the year, the Shack- leton-Rowatt relief ship, The Quest, called at .Ehfi.i§13_0¢ and in March, A non A I_ in the world was mentioned in the newspapers a short time ago when the Rev. Mr. Rogers and" his wife, who had spent three years on the Island of Tristan da Cunha, returned to England. Since'they had been on the island, just thrice had a ship touched there. Just thrice had the natives .a glitnpse of a strange face. The Pioneers “fifim The present _ population is 140, and when the misswnaries returned, they reported that they were ap- proaching destitution. The sup- plies landed almost two years ago were nearly exhausted. There was no soap, tea, candles, sugar, flour or new clothing. For two years, the potato crop had failed, and seabirds’ eggs had failed as a supply because of the frequent raids in the past. The islanders at the present time are living almost wholly on fish. One of the troubles is that the island : is overpopulated. More than fifty ’ years ago fifty of the islanders were induced to leave and settle in Cape Colony, but it was not long before the population had again risen to more than 100. In 1885, the recur-i ring problem was tragically solved when all the adult males but one were tragically drowned while at- tempting to trade with a passing ship. In 1905, the population was 80, and another attempt was made to induce some of the peOple to es- tablish themselves in South Africa, where life would be easier. In some respects, the islanders enjoy a re- markable freedom. There is no money, no taxes, no jails, no crimes, because there are no laws. All the property is held in common. I _â€"~‘vv' Almost 11 Desert A stern Victorian morality abounds on the island despite the absence of laws. The women never bathe in the ocean and were shocked when Mrs. Rogers ventured in. Marriages are recorded by the contracting parties writing their names in a book kept by Robert Glass, a de- scendant of the original patriarch. Wlmwver a chaplain happens to be . aboard a vessel which touches at the island. the book is taken aboard, ‘ and the marriages of the previous years given official sanction. The sea about the island teems with life. for nobody tishes those wild waters except. the natives. Even whales abound. Tristan is almost as devoid of land life as a desert, says “I; uczc auu bllflw manifests itself â€" wwv- was a man named Swane, said to have caught Nelson in his arms when he fell on the deck of the Victo at Trafalgar. An Amsterdam Du h- man, a few Booms few Americans from a whaling ship, and a cargo of Negro women from Africa, complet- ed the original settlement, and the people there today are, with few exceptions, descended from them, the ; island having failed to attract im-l migrants of any class, although there was one infiltration of Italian blood. Generally speaking, the eo- Rle look white, but here and t etc A “AA...- prevent it. being used as a base for the Emperor’s rescue, and when the grrrison was withdrawn, Corporal eon, a man named Cook, was one of’ the original f settlers; and another! "van 1. “‘â€" The "0 Laws, No Taxes flames, and be: fore help could be obtained, the tire had engulfed the whole car, cans. ing a complete loss. The car was covered by insurance. extinct volcano with one large cra- ter at the summit, 7,000 feet above the sea, and hundreds of small cones. There is a large pond of rain water in the crater. Plant life is restricted to daisies, wild roses and a sort of mesquite brush There are no butterflies, no bees, no song- birds, no mosquitoes, no snakes. gay. LOST GAR IN ODD FIRE Look Before You Leap! LADIES! This week we are featuring $1.00 SILK HOSE We believe these to be ex- cellent value. Some will be Holeprouf make. See the won- derful display in New Colors in the winduw. THE VARIETY STORE was iven g boquet of 100 sweet pea: b3 e Women’s Institute. She is 8 ill hale and hearty, lives alone and is able to attend to all her house- hold duties. Her eyesight is per- fect. Her husband died many years am "38"?“ LADY 1. mu 0“ See U PAGE 8.

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