West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 May 1925, p. 4

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moi Mrs. Harrison back and will re- main a \ka. Miss )largarot Kimmy and Messrs. .l. 'l‘m-to-r and Edgar Bowlcs of )larkolalo- and Vicinity were guests nt’ Miss Edith Teetvr and her bro- tlu-r nn Sunday. ‘7‘ Ir...'.v. .-\ Hun-n Windstorm that. lasted for nnly a few minutes swept. across this vicinity from the north early Sat- urday mnrning. levelling many a l'o-mfo'. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur and Mr. and M rs. Ho'nry Beatnn and Miss “lam-ho- slwnt Monday with Mr. and .\lrs,.lillllo's' lli-utvhlvy nvai' Dommm. Miss. E. .l. Allan spmil, from Friday o-vo-ning until Monday evening at. llw parental hnmn nvar Chesloy. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harrison ol‘ .s'wintnn Park am] Mr. Geri-dun Ruth- o-i'l'nnl ul‘ Halt. were guests of the .Vo-lsnll lmlno'slt‘ad the! first Of the \w-vk. Miss Hazvl Firth accompan- Mr. James 1). Ross. owner of the 'l‘rawrslon Mills, very suddenly an- swered the "Roll Call” on Wednes- day night or last week in Owen Sound Hospital where he had been lakrn the day before. He had been ill only a few days. The deceased was born at Napanee sixty-five years ago and grew up in the en- \‘il'Ollmc-nt of mill property, as his father was both millwright and mil- ler. He inherited. therefore, me- rhaniral skill of a high order and rereiwd a line training in some of the biggest mills in the United Slate's. He was twire wedded. By his firsi marriage. a son. "Scott”, was born and grew into a line type of man- lmml but passed away a couple of years ago. His second marriage was tn Miss Johanna McMillan, who has proved a devoted wife and splendid helper during the twenty-five years they have lived here. ‘ .____II I "('1' "ll Puuna; . MN. 1'. E. Blair nf town and Miss .\nw|ia nl‘ 'l'umnto Normal school tcmk a run nut. on Mcmday and called nn svwx‘ul of “10 old neighbors. \\ IllianI I'..Im Ibell's at \Velbeck on )lundm I‘\I ning and had a most on- job} MAI! “1110. I A; I---__. All! y “__. 'l‘lm l'unm-al took place at. Dundas on Friday. Mrs. Dallas of Toronto and .\l r. llolin McArthur accompany- ing .‘lrs. [loss with the casket. '\\'o- I'u'gl‘o-t wry much to learn ..r tlw drum of tlw Flrshorton cor- l‘c-swmolo'nl. Hts patient spirit under sufl'rring nt’timrs qurllrd the mur- mur Hf ohsrnntrnt, in our spirit and his bright hmlgpts were always vagrrly po-ruso-d. ‘- ‘0 II - AI L"! .V In. -. --vâ€" Mr. Ross was a deep thinker, well want and had a intensive knowledge ml the trend of the times. In politics. he was a broad-minded Lilwrnl. in religion, an adherent. of the l’ro-shytenian ‘faith. -‘ “On/In“ Ham] frosts at night and harsh. high winds during the clay of late haw maulo- the crops look very un- prnmising. . . ____ Al...‘ IAASHJ fnn Mr. ‘aua Mrs. .loswph )chtu and family nt’ .\lval’«ml \wrv glwsts of .\I1'. and Mrs. Arthur McNally one day last \ka. Miss (Elma Greenwood left. on \VI-IIIII-sday III lust \ka tn \isit kiIIIII-ml III I‘III-Imtn and expects to M all'HHHDfllliNl IIIImI- 0“ Saturday III-x! h} “01‘ sisII-I' Miss Margarnt, “Im has 5pm” ”I!" winter months in THIUIHU. 'l‘hrm' :mtn loads of our young t'ulks mntnro-d over to My: andfilrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lnnnox and clanghto-rs uf Egrvmc’mt visited kin- olw-d and frionds horvahcmts 0n Mummy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McClncklin. .‘liss M3111» and Mr. Frank 'l‘wamlpy Visitml .\l1'. and Mrs. C. W. Rutlmlgo at. Knarshnm Hall in Markdalo on Sunday. ________ MI. and Mrs. \\ illiam Flynn and Mr. and 3115.11. Clank 0! Mount Fwn-st wm'o mlests at the Peart homn nn Thursday last as were Mr. and Mrs. Honrgv Magwnod and Mr. Hrtillitun .“vlt‘flll'o' of Hanowr on the 25. . ‘Xi-iiss Mam Dillanev of Toronto “:13 u \i-‘itor at Mrs. .L J Poarts from l-‘zi'ioln till Monday Pyvning. This HM homo was enlivened owr tho \ka-vnd by tho presence ,0! Ivan and \\'lliam frnm Toronto and an Sunday afle‘l'nnnn by a Visit from \lre. lmn. .‘lrs William Heughan of .‘lilwx'lon and Mr. J. Aldred of town. .‘h. and .\II§. \\. J. McFadden and mm? I\ and MI .. Ichob Cook of Orange \lelM' and DI. and Mrs. McGillivray Hf tnwu \vvre \isitors M Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook} 0n_MQI_Iday. Published every Thursday morning at the office, M Street, Dur- ham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Manager. The Chronicle is mailed to an address in Canada at the rate of .(l) per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three "CV- â€""" rates on :ppliouion. C-vâ€"v‘ papers Minion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Sparling and Mr. R. Little of Owen Sound were visitors at Mrs. John O. Greenwoods the first of the week. ' following 3;“! Illness From'Oh- struction of the BOWCISrâ€" Other Travorston News by Our Ow‘n 00r- respondent. PAGE 4. Passed Av"! W0 4 Iron Sound Hospital Weokly Nowa- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Amnliu Blair was homo from Toronto Nm'mal nwr Sunday. visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blair. .\h'. and Mrs. T. Ivan Edwards nf Toronto \wrv Visitors horn with lwr mothor, Mrs. J. A. Amped. and with his paronts. Mr. and Mrs. RyT. Ed.- wqmls. _in __Glf_‘!lf‘lg. Mr. Ernvst. MoGirr. 0f the Col- logiatn Institutv. Gait. visitm‘l his mother. Mrs. Thomas Mafiirr, OVPI‘ tho \VPPk-(‘IIIL Miss Max \IcClncklin 0! Toronto \isitr'd lwi' pamnts. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'l‘. McC'lmklin. mm' thn 24th. Mr. \Villiam Milne 01‘ Toronto was home f1 0m Toronto m m- thn week- ond. visiting his paronts Mr. and Mrs. Rnbm't Milne. Misses Edna Browning and Sadie Mi‘Dunald spout. over tim 214th with Miss MPEBCIIPI‘H at, 1101' home near Pricovillo. All thrne ladies are- mombors of tho Durham Public Srhnol staff. Dr. C. C. Ramago of Cooksvillo spout. tho 24th with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlrs Ramago, hero. Miss Irono Whittaker of Toronto was up from tho citV and renowml manv acquaintances in and about t0\_V'_n (nor Sundav and Monday. M r. Jack .I).ayic'lson.was homo from Toronto \mtmg his mother and sistpr m or Sunglav. Mrs. S. Ritehie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cation, Miss Jane Ritchie and Mr. Louis Newell spent over the holiday with Toronto friends. ho_l_iday. Messrs. Philip Lawrence and A. C. Clements, and Misses Rita Law- rence, Emily Smith and Esther Mc- (ngb were in Toronto over the hol- l ay. _ Mrs. Cunningham of Toronto vis- [toil her parents. MP. and Mrs. ”pomp Mchchnm, nvm‘ the week- end. Dr. C. E. Wol‘fv nf Tornnm was home over Hm Imliday Visiting his paypnt.s.__Dr. nnd_1\lrs. A. C. Wolfe, Messrs. F. l“. McIlraith and A. J. Lloyd “mm in Toronto ovm‘ tho week-9nd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Livingston of Hamilton “mm in town for the hol- iday. Visiting with relatives and frionds. Mr. and Mrs. 'DanuMcDonzi'ld nf Torontn visitnd with Miss Hopkirk, nom- Lamlash. Miss Kathleen Firth, teacher at Rocky Saugeen school, spent the holiday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichols, son Eric, and Miss Minnie McClocklin, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McClocklin in town. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCoskery of Tor- onto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. McGnskory over the week-end. Mr. Ted McClocklin leaves this week for New Ontario to accept a pnsition. â€" â€"_ - - c n _- fi- Miss"). Wpip was in Gpelph ovm' Sunday, yxsntmg her Sister, Mrs. Bert Smnth. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicholls and son Eric and boy friend. and Miss Min~ nio McClocklin. all of Toronto, were holiday Visitms \\ 1th M1. and M13. E. _I_). McClocklin a} the Rocky Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Putnam of Mount Fm'ost, Spent tlw lmliday with hvr mother, Mrs. Caldwell, hero. Miss Juan Mchm spent the holi- day in \Valkm'ton. Um guest of hm- sistm'. Mrs. (D10 C. L. Grant. The Hampton family of Holland Centre accompanied I) Mr. Telford visited Mr. and Mrs. ugh McLean a 993’ "E3." Yfiekn .- i ‘- _ h I Méser. T. H. and Lloyd MoClock- lin of Toronto spent the holiday hero with their brother and parents, Mr. and_M_{'._9. E. D. McCluclglip. Mr. Jack Romhough of Niagara Falls was in town over the weekend renewing acquaintances of boyhood days. Mr. Rombough, up to a cou~ ple of years ago, was in the fox farming business in Prince Edward Island. where he did well financial- ly. He is an Old Durham boy and numerous friends were pleased to see him when in town. Mr. Eric Kelly of Toronto spent over the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen of Hamilton were guests over the 24th with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Allen, in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCallum ent the 24th with relatives at Sha low spent. last. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beaten, Glenelg Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Muria) Smith arid family «if Lucan \isitmi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Patterson 01‘ Listowvl were guests of the Patter- son and Atkinson families over the hojgday. Mr. "and Mrs. ,A. E. Kemney 0f Schombmg Spent the holiday in town, rputining luvsday morning. Mr. Robert, Hughes of Guelph spent over the 24th with his sis- tvrs. the Misses Hughes, _in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cushnie of Toronto spent. over the 24th with her sis- 'iSs Jennie Beaton of Toronto ters, Mrs. N. McKechnie and Mrs. J. Rutherford, 'and brother, Mr. Ml- liam Jack. in town. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Edwards of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. William Ken- nedy and son, Max-shim, of Sheiâ€" hurne, and Mrs. W. A. Heughan of Miiverton spent, the holiday with their mother, Mrs. J. Aldred. Mrs. O. M. Voile, daughter Doreen, and baby son, Jack, arrived in town Friday and will shortly occupy their residence on Albert Street, vu- cated a short time ago by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Barron. Miss Jean Cressvéell of the High School stan‘ was visiting out of town over the holiday. Miss Smith and Miss Dickson, both of Toronto, spent over the 24th with the former’s aunt, Mrs. Wiesley Storrey. Mrs. David Allum of Toronto vis- ited at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. An- thony Holmes, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Musgruve 0f Meaford spent from Sunday to Tuesday with their daughter, MI‘. an_d__Mrs_._ George J ucksch. Miss Hazel Benton is in Toronto as delegate to the Baptist, Young Pqtgplo'g convention. Mrs. J. A. Graham, wtih her daug h- ter, Annie, and son, Gordon accom- panied by Mr. J. Pust and son, Stan- ley, motored to Toronto for the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Scott of Seaforth visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Gagnon over the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wigg of Sea- forth were guests of Mr. Alex. Flet- cher and sisters over the week-end. Miss Jessie Aitchison. teacher at. the Latnna schuul. spent tho holi- dayat her hump at Llstowel. Miss Jessie Reid spent over the “09k- and with frinnds at 'J OI‘OlltO, Grimshv and Hamilton. _.«â€"-' Miss M. J. 1.:nvrmum avonmpnniml by Miss K. Armstrong of tho “War- tun Pnhliv svhnn] stafl'. spnnt. tho holiday with tho. formvr's parents, MI}. and .\_lr§_. \Villium J. Lawn-mo. 0“»! v Mr. and Mrs. A. .5. Hastio spent nvm'. tho 234th “i”! relatiws at Harmston. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. H. Stvumzm. daughtm'. Dm'nthy .lmm. Missna Vm'a and Ada Allnn nf 'n'n‘nntn and Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Allvn of Ham- ilton. \‘isitml nvm' thn lmliclay with Mr. and Mrs. David Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Allan «if Eugenia spout a «lay in [mm lust, “'l‘f‘k-PINI. Mr. and Mrs. (400mm RHhh (if \Vhit- by aim visiting ilwii- sun. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. M. Rnhh. MP. and ' Mrs. _ JI"H. .Rohmjlsnn of [mar Ottawa wsntod friends 111 town nnjrlgay. _ Small Buy: “Say. Ma, did you gc‘t Hm baby whorn you buy tho sped- lpss nrangvs and boneless codflsh? It‘s a toothloss baby!’.’ Mr. H. A. Hunter and his mothrr, Mrs. J. H. Hunter. arrived in town last. work and will spent the sum- mrr hrrr at thrir homo at “The Hodgrs.” Mxv'. Ben Coutts “mm to Toronto to he pI‘OSPpt at the funeral of an un_c_le. a rps_u_'lnnt pf that mty. MP. and Mrs. (morgo Podlar and familv \isited owr Sunday with Mr. aiid Mrs. Samuel Podlax'. the lat- tey_beigg gerimisly _i_lj_. Miss M. Scott. accnmpaniml by Mr. and Mrs. John Finley. Keith Fm- lay and Mrs. W. Isaac, all of Tor- onto. visitml friends in town and at. Dl‘nmnrv_n\'m' the holiday. ‘--..‘ '0‘ "v“1 - II‘ -’|I‘_‘lly. Mrs. Rnlwrt "Howitt of Tummto was tho guest of Mr mothm' Mrs L. __F.|vi«|gn. mm' t|102|4h. Mr. BerCk Grant. of Welland \‘iS- itnd with his paronts. MP. and Mrs. C._[:_. Gqunt: OVPI‘ the 24th. Miss L_ Bumottrnf Toronto \isitod \\ ith Mr. and MIS. J. M(Coskor\ over Su_nday and Monday. -- ~ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE We regret to learn of the death of Mr. Andrew Grier, school inspect- 0r_fqr East Grey. - . One of the most brilliant aflairs of the season at Rockmart, Georgia was the banquet given by S. A. Price complimentary to R. S. McGowan, chief electrician at the Southern States Portland Cement plant. Mr. McGowan is leaving for Kansas, where has has accepted a position with a cement firm. Rockford and Chicago were in- terested in the marriage of Miss Margaret. Young, daughter of Henry Young, Chicago, to Rupert James Henry, son of C. E, Henry of Rock- ford, which was celebrated at the Young home at 7 o’clock last night. The C. P. R. surve era are still camped in this neig borhood. In their preliminary work, they run iourlines, on‘epf which will likely We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. J. M. Hunter, but hope he will pull through all right. We understand he had a paralytic stroke on Monday last. May 18. 1905. The residence of the late Henry Parker has been bought by the Presbyterian church for a manse. Evidently the Presbyterians have confidence that Presbyteria and Anglica _will live side by side in peace and harmony. built. Rev. Mr. Ryan left last week for Bemie County of Bruce, and his successor, Mr. Biee, preached his first sermon to the congregation here on Sunday last. He and Mr. Ryan have just changed their pas- tiOI‘ll charges, Mr. Bice having been pastor at Bowie previous to com- ing here. We welcome the new man and his family as citizens to the town and wish prosperity to both gentlemen in their fields of labor. Judging from the big gang work- ing on the furniture factory and the progress they make when the weather is fine. the company will not be long getting ready for opera- tiun. Conductor Lavollo, who has been on tho branch between here ann Palmerston over since the road first. started with tho exception of a few months, has been t‘ansforrod to a similar position on the fast train between Stratfox'd and Owen Sound. HQ oommoncmi duty this week“ Some of the members of the Moth- mlist choir sang at ()rchardvillc 0n \\'9dng$(la,\'_ night. Last week we referred to Mr. Mc- Intyre having gone. to Montreal to visit his son. Campbell. who is sick in the hosDital. We regret to learn that an operation is considered nec- essary and will he performml shortly. ()n 'l‘uesday mnrning MP. Samuel Patterson and his young sun, :1 {my album, 16 years 01' age, went to Stratâ€" ford where. he underwent an OpOl'zl- timi fur appemlieitis. Dr. min av- eompanied them. This is the third or fourth time the ymmg lad has heed attacked with this now Very prevalent. disease. ' We congratulate our young towns- mnn, J. R. Durllmr. \Vlmsn mama ap- Hero it is, “143.24”! of May, and too cold tn do \Vlthuut a lire! TWENTY YEARS AGO l IIIIUD, UIIU U1 WIIIUII “III [In “it” when the road comes to From The Chronicle til. at lay it, 1905. May 25, 1905. The Star Car On Monday morning last, Archie McDougall took the train for Tillson- burg where he has a good positlon as foreman. Arghie gas in our nt- pears amongst the successfuil grad- uates in pharmacy. Joe Collmson was also successful, and both are full-fledged drugxis‘ts. “A chime has hken place in the dental business, Dr. T. G. Holt. haw ing sold out to Dr. J. F. Grant... son of Mr. C. L. Grant. A we can heartily recommend him as a good steady young man, and a tasty workman. F. T. Hill and Company's store. at Meaford was the scene of a daring burglary Monday‘ night, . or early Tuesday morning. Entrance was gained by forcing one of the Win- dows on the top of the rear 01' the premises. The burglars then de~ scended the stairs which led to the lower flat where they entered the business office and after shoving the safe into the adjoining room. blew it Open with nitro-glycerine in a hope of getting a big haul of money. Fortunately the safe con- tained about $12 or $15 in change, the proveeds of the day’s sales on Saturday having been taken out be- fore closing for the night. The in- terior of the safe was badly damaged by the force of the explosion. while the-door is practically useless. P. '1'. Hill and campeny'e Safe Blow‘n Open by High Explosive.â€"'l'wo Herd-looking Characters Ate To Be Questioned by Police. The burglars did not go away empty handed, however. as five fur coats valued at about $750 or $800 were taken from the pegs on the second flat. Suspicion rests on two hard-look- ing characters who were soon prowling around tho town Saturday night. and Sunday and who took the 6.30 train for Allondalo in tho morn- ing. It is helirved they had con- fodoratos travelling in autos. Chief Clarke wired the police of Allondale to hold these two men until their movements could be on- quirmi into. and Owen Sound. 'l‘lmi'nbm'y. Collingxmod and other places \vm'o allnntifiodiobe (m the look-out for the burglars. Tho funeral of the late. Joseph Blackburn of FIL‘ShOl'tOIl took place Friday afternoon to the FlesherLon vomotvry. and the largo attondanw and romarkahlo display of flowors was a wunclm'ful t-ributo to a man much lwlovml in Ins community. LATE JOSEPH BLACKBURN WAS MUCH RBSPECTBD Tho funoral was hold under Ma- sonic ausmcos. Masons hoing pros- ont in largo numhors from Toronto. Markdalo. Dundalk. Durham and many othor plaros. Tho Proshytor- ian rhurrh, \Vhoro tho sorVico was rondurtocl. was iillod to the doors. and a largo rrowd l'ullowod tho ro- mains to thoir last, rosting place in I’lesllol‘tml Comolcry. Papular Flesherton Man Laid Away Last Friday With Masonic Honors Durham “The Aristocrat of Low- McCabe 8: McLaughlin UTILITY and beautyâ€" the Star is the first in its field to combine these two essentials at a low price. A sturdy engine easily accessible, enclosed in a handsome body. Let us show you what the Star can do. IN GETTING CASH Warm ommo .rmacy. Joe Collmson :cessfut, and both are drunis‘ts. «NEWS IN BRIEF L1“ in Wm Portion of Canada’s mu: Province Told in a Column. The contact. for the soldiers' mp- maria! hospital at Tillsonburg was awarded on Bum-day and work will be started at once. The lfllldt'l‘ is for ”.195- William J. Boyle of Walknmilm and M. D. McPhall of Vv'lndsnr \wm seriously injured when their slum- mobile embed in“! 8 Inllk Wilmin. Many thousands of dollars nf dam- age was done by the frost in Suuth Essex on Sunday night. In thv Mg onion marshes near Point Polm», me cm is a total loss, being (*stimzatud at tween thirty and forty thuu- sand dollars. Atkinsonâ€"In Glenelg. 'I‘llvsday, May 26, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Atkn}- son, a son (Charles Joseph). Pinnim.â€"In qumanby. May 2m, to Mr. and Mrs. Wmllnam Finniguh a Greenwood.â€"In Durham Rm! «ll-mg Hospital, on May H, 1925. tn Mr, and Mrs. E. Greenwood, (ilvnvlg. :1 daughter (still-bermr Everettâ€"In loving mflmm'y ..1' George R. Everett, wlm down-1nd Hue life two years ago. When the evening shadps aw fulhm. And I am sitting all alunv. To my heart there. comes a lumun: -- If my husband only could «'nmn Lakes-In Durham 4m mm“ Max 25, tn M1. and Mrs. Wilh-m 1' Lake, a son (Wilfrid Eat] Lipski.â€"In Holland, May in, m Mr. and Mrs. Christnphw Lilmv. 4 Shortâ€"In Bmtinck, May 2:3. to Mr. and Mrs. Perlous Sin-m. :1 daughter. Wheat ............. Oats ............... Barley ............. Buckwheat ........ Peas ............... \lixed Grain per 0“ Bay. ............... 1' [1:48. 1‘ H $15 .21; Butler ............. Potatoes, per bag. . .. Hides .............. Sheepskms ......... LL“! Hugs . home; 0ft and oft my thoughts do Whiniup To his grave away out ynndur. Where they gently laid his body Just two years ago today. â€"Sadly missed by his \Vii'u. chun.â€"-â€"In loving memory oi' mr dear sister, Grace. (Mrs. Hug-h Mg- Leam. who departed this hip Mn} 25, 1919. Asleep in Jesus. hlossod SIN-p, From which none ever wake to “MT, A calm and undisturbml rvpum [inbroken by tho last. of l'uvs. DURHAM MARKET â€"â€"~Moth}n‘, Sisters and Brenna; IN HBUORIAM 0000000000000 Corrected, May 28, 1925 99 ...... .40 ((1 .17) ...... .65(fi‘ .J! ...... .65 (6 “:0 ...... 1.00 ((1 1.1” Wt 1. 40 (a 1. ..... 1000(§312M0 ; Seconds .18 50 (é Ontario 3V I. 50 Thursday In thew “8x a «on “IT actix it. u llOl‘ “I" Svnato; Ammum 0mm ““3 Bh‘hup 0f 3‘ ed “"illiam La be (‘ham-vllur . cession in ”w vidsun. KJ‘... 1. Weeks ax“. ThPi!‘ amu- failod tn mim eight stuwaw Quebw «m H aldson lino-r. .~ been do'lun'hw their way hnl AflAi-r I than hal his dvaH bmthm' Edwards. m'nilc'mn 1“. 1923. am'm'chn film! hum Ilvld I“! ma “h IaH \\' tl H Cross-Cam THE FRESH A laws from Bali! 1| who and I‘! 'l'hnndly, lay H Ill V mu Iu-mg ll Mum oa'lul‘ \ I'll DI 1N

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