West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1925, p. 9

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innsume L‘ NO. 10 9’ exist 0V tculine pronoun ”I. J one A, uy. Lmrty-tbird since it: After the field events, t‘ tho- Tribe meet in Hunt? Springs Hotel mun of prizes. Th0 w (lppk‘ts the gem ’0110ws the prize dil- )ZB mbir or handles tals )ll llt \V while by a 11113 DRS. JAIIBSON JAIIBSOR (Mice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SIXTH, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. (Mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets, oppo- site old Post Oflice. Oflice hours : 9 to H 3.11).. 13010 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. {Sundays excepted). DR. 1.. I. BELL (mice on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton‘s Office). Office hours, 2 to 7. p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- day. Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. Tho Scinnce that adds life to years and wars to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 61423“ Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto. Graduate Royal College Dental Sui-goons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of Maclieth's Drug Store. DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST ml'm oxerJ. J. Hunters store, Durham. Untario. MIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBHAN HIDDLEBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Sin-cussors to A. B. Currey. Mr. 4:. 11. .\liddlubro’ is permanently lou'uiml at Durham Office. Priceville Brunch npvn vVo-i‘y Friday from 3.1m in 9.30 um. ’â€"â€"-v LUCAS HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- Dm- nl‘ tlw firm will he in Durham 0n l‘uvsllay 0f eucliweck. Appointments may ho- made with the Clork in the on‘iL-e DAN. McLBAN Lu-vnsod .â€"\nctionoor for County of (Hwy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnuhlw tM‘ms. Dates of sales made at “In Chrnniclc ()fl'icn or with him- self ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mmlurmn tm'ms. Arrangements for sales. as tn dates. eta. may be made at 'lhw ‘lhronichw (HTHNL I)urhann. Tow-ms nu application. Address RR. I. Inal'lmm. Phone 611 1' 2'1. Lit'o'llSWl Auctimwvr fur County of Hwy. Prompt. uttvntion to sales. Rea- mmMu turms and satisfaction guar- antowl. lmtus made at. The Durham Clhl'uniclo' 01‘1in m' with R. (I. Wat- sun. \':u'nv_\', [LIL 1. Phone 60-3 I'M. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY taming 100 acres; 85 acres undnr cultivatinn. balaqce h ardwood busti; -_ slat. “mom- tannin. . . ' rand state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone stables. 7-roomed brick house with extension kitchen and woodshed. Well watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith, R. R. No. 3. Durham. Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price or four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will he made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-126 Avenue Road Toronto )ohn W. Bates R. Haddocks Fnrnwrly 0f Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE Licensed u‘luctioneer Medical Directory. Dental Directorv REUBEN c. WATSON Classified Advertisements Legal ‘Dz‘rect’orv ', Juno 4, 1925. GOOD HOUSE, ALL CONVENIENCES; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap~ ply Box 10, Chronicle. 414 if PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post. Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 tf FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, (mt. 515 tf The George Whitmore property, near McGowan’s mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees. and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. 626 tt LH'l‘ SUI'TH HF \‘OKER BODIES Limitwl: HM) Int south Hf \V. D. Connnr's. Apply J. A. B10\\n D111- ham. )li tl BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Brns. It’s good. Try it. 1 IO tr SIDEBHARI') AND COOKING RANGE I'm- mul 01' wand. Cheap for cash. Apply (lhl'nniclv ()fticv. :3 7 tf PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 6 26 tf FUR FIRE. TORNADO. AUTOMO- hile insurance and guarantee bonds. etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U \\ HF \T \V \N'I‘E D. ANY_ QUANTITY. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work 011 short order. tf Highest price. People's Mills. 31523t S'I'HAYICH FIN)“ MY PRI'IMIS'ICS ulmut May 23%. twn ('ulws, 1 war HM. lmih I'm! with snmv whilo «m tho-m; also» twu fall 'alvos. nnn a light l'ml. HIP HHIo'l' {1 HO] (will. \" haw hm'ns. \m infm'nmtinn abnut me grntvl'nllx xccviwd.â€"__â€"1 hznlns .\lN".|(_n_°klin I’xfliuwillu, R. IL; ’.lenn Durham. 607. ling :32. lpc‘l MAGI-PERFECTO WASHING FLUID Illifil'lfil‘s Hl'.-\ll.\.\'Tl°‘.l°ID ll” hlll- 1°1°111111s 111°1° l'11ll11\\'1°1l, Haw )‘1‘111 1°11â€" 1°1~1V1°1l _\'11111° l'1°1~11 sumplv'.’ [)1111‘1 1:111 111 11s.» 11. .\l:1;.°1-l’111°l‘111°t11 is 1111 $2110 111 111111111111 :11. \‘1'1ll11tt7s (111°111°1-1°,\'. R. 1111111141. Mrs. A. “02:45 1k S1111, 311's. Mills. .\l111111l'°11°°°l111111 unlx ln Lav- MM 1\ 11°1ll11°1k.‘\l1111nl F11P1°st. l'sv .\l:1_:.°1- l’1°1°'°l1°1t11 11111°1° 1.11M! it :1 gnml trial. :11111 31111 will use 11 :1l\\a\~'. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ININ‘T I"III{HI1"I IRIII". I{.\"I/. "II".II I\II MIII'IIIIIisI \\III I"IlII'\'I‘ I‘}I‘SIL'III IIIIIIIIIII :II IIIII II:IIIII HHIHI‘, I""IiII:I\ this \\IIIII<. I A.“ DI'RHAM AGENT FOR INTER- national Harvester. Tudhope-Ander- son. \Vilkinmn Farm Machinery. Primrmo Cream Somarators and mm Huggins. 900 me at. Noble‘s (iaracw. lmr machino-ry is dnwn in prirn. NHW is the timo to buy:â€" J. H. Noble. Dm'lmm. 319 3 mpd .\ mum .\l.-\.\' CAN EARN FROM Hm start. 320 tn $60 a week. Good chance.“ for :‘Idvancemont. We can plam‘ on» murv man with car.â€" ,.\pply Bux 1?). Chmuiclc office. 5213 NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY for the) following: lines nf Imple- mont. x-vpairs: International. \Vilkin- um and Tudhnpo-Andel‘snn. Terms strictly cafln.-4f§nnrge A. Noble. Durâ€" ham. Ont. Soc me at Noblns’ Garage. 3 12 3mpd NOTICE TO FARMERS Th? Durham II.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are‘ requested to givn three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. mum». largo size. 00:11 or wood: 1 Hurnoy-Oxffmj heater. large size, coal m' wand. both as good as 110w: will be sold cheap to quick pur- chaser.-â€"Apply at Box 20, Chronicles ' M A. Phone 601 r 13 nffice. Hidt‘iEEiâ€"Tfiâ€"I‘fibhll, Ben. Coutts, Geo. Mighton. 6 4 3 FISHING. TRAPPING AND HUNT- ing prohibith on the following pm- perty: Lot 46. and Lots 59 to 61. inclusive, all in the Township of Bentinck. 3rd_ance_ssion._â€"â€"Wm. 3'0- ARTICLES WANTED FOR SALE PRIVATBLY GI'RNEYâ€"OXFORD - K IT a HI: 3: MISCELLANEOUS IMPLEMENT AGENCY FISHING PROHIBITED CALVES STRAYED FOR SALE MAN WANTED 23. twn ('ulws, 1 war .I with snmv WHIIP «m twu fall 'alws. nnn a Durham. RR. 1. 528“ During the week of June 9, the farmers of Ontario are invited to attend the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. It is the restarting of the old time excursion which used to be so popular. Special rates can be secured on the railroads if a large number goes. . However, the best way is to me- tor. Your time is your own, and a better Opportunity is presented to see the country and more. time al- lowed at the college. Lunch will he served in the gym- nasium, free of charge. at 11mm. To any arriving early, a Special in- wtation is extended tn visit. the \‘ariuus departments and sea the special exhibits set. up for the oc- casion. Officials will he on hand to :mswvr quvstiuns and giw full clvtails in i‘ifvimoctinn with their work, .\ tour [ms {115” lwun fll'l'mlg'ml for tlu- ladivs. In ('llill'gl‘ “1' «mu Hf Hm lzuh «hmnnstl'utnls 1mm Mamlnmllcl Institute. thvv \\ill hv wmlmtml through tlw buildings. fulltmml by At, t’nur u‘clork. hall trams t'rmn Val'lHllS rantrvs \Vl” prmnlu amusv- mvut fur thnsv (it's‘ll'lllg’ [u sac). than). Experimental Union Meeting The Annual Alerting: of the (m- tariu . grirultural and l‘lxpm-inn-nlal l'nian will lw hvhl at. tlw Untariu Agricultural tlnllug‘v. Guvlph, ml Friday and Saturday. .lum- l;’au«l 13. At. that Sl‘tlSHll. the) farm am gar- «li‘u craps shuuhl pl‘usvni «wily-rt. lus- suns at great. valuu. 'l'hn tlmwrs shruhs and trons shuuhl he wry lwautil'ul. .â€"\rran;."vmvnts aro- bl'llll.’ mach» l‘ur making: thn m-nasinn lmth intvrvstim.r and prulitahlo. l’rarti-. ral suhjvrts. such as Alfalfa (firmw- ing: in Untarin. and Small- 'l‘111°nip~; t‘ur 'l‘ahlv Markut. aw in lw nth-- russo'il. .\(lcll'¢".~‘.~'vs nu rural “in art‘ tn lw give-n by Canadian and Min-r- iran slwaliwrs. 'l‘hv llt‘tililt‘d pru- 3-‘rarn l'ur thv lixiwrimvntal l'ninn inhaling will lw issuwl shnrtlx'. Poultry Culling .â€"\ lo'itm' has just, i'mfmiliv hon-i: 1'0- wivml I'i'nm tlw livail of Hw I’miiii-y iixtvnsinn Brunch, 0. A. (1.. fishing 1'“ thu immlwr nt‘ I’nuitry tlnliiizi: lh-mnnsti'atimw \Vantmi in hwy i‘minh. l'nfnitmmtvl\. llli‘l" mu nnf. manv applicaitiuns cm lmni wt "Hiv [H'HHL' ("lilli 124 will iw in 'im district during July nr mrh Auxiist SH any district «It'sil'ing' HIPS“ ili‘ln- HIlSil‘iltifillS slwuld \Vi'ih' W ”H. GIN-y Jim-m". clmmty Ht'mu'h. lwpzn'hm-nt nt' 2- ric'nltm'v. Markclzllv. l’cmltl'y has assnmc'cl \\°m'ulm'fu1 [‘nw‘mm'tiuns «luring: tlw past l'u'w warmf l‘hv (ullim: nl’ Hum has [H'nwn :m o'\( vpticmal lwnv‘it in dis- «zmlim: thv pmu' laym's. lo't Hm 0. A. (I. l‘mllltt'y vxpm'ts slum Mm lmw In cln this \vnl'k. All ass'utzmm‘ uiwu is mm 01' ('hm‘g‘c'. THE ONTARIO PIONEERS (P. R. Mi'Ritchin Tiw nnhlv iiii‘inom's \\lm imiit, tiwii In: immus‘ Amnngr thn hill~' and \aillms iivai‘. Ami iiilml the» 1m iv and shines. .â€"\n.1‘ tillml um furtilv land; ley «lid thvir wm'k most willingly With 0x 103nm and by hand. 'I‘hvy «"lvar‘ml Hm nnhlfl furo‘s‘ts, Thvil' mun] \\ iws and “Mr childron' \luaV‘ ant a hclpimr hzmol. Thong!) mam \\ mm thvir haulships Tlmy “010- a happy hand. 5.2. a :3, t: // .TQbaw Cw _.1/Câ€".::1:: /.\....â€" L37. 3:..â€" C~ .7..â€" t.......1..1..:~ ..._C./. £2: T71; :tE FE: E: E... .32. Thnir nnig'hhm's. who won" choorful. Holpm‘l mu'h‘ lel' \\'1th a will. Ami \Viwn tiwir «mm was mums" Thvit' littlo- hen-us «lid fill. Tho rulm's did not. hHI'K'UW thun. .\'m' I‘lisv thvir salarins high. chI' III!) thn 001th an thn rm‘ks, how. unwnv knmx \xhy‘? wt»? of triplets and a set, of qua'lru- plumâ€"“1314013 Canadian Echo. Ross Loucks. a fm‘mm' near Mea- fnrd. has four vwos that recvntly cam birth to thirtm‘n lambs, three Mrs. «lnthan‘irw Mcfirath and fam- olvsin- to thank their many friPnds and uvqnaintancj-ns fm' tlw kind ox- pressinns of synu‘Dathy oxtonded to them in the Iuss of a husband and father. They wry Pspocially thank Hmso contributing flmwrs and spir- itual cards. THE ANNI'AL MEET [NH OF THE South-East Grey l'nitvd Farmers’ ASSOCiatiOII. both ecu-Operative and political will be bold in Pricoville on Friday. Juno 12. I927». commemo- ing at 10.00 a.n1. The U. F. W. 0. and l'.F‘. Y. P. O. are also affiliated with this association and are invit- ed to attend,_la(_li_es to bring Lunch. Farmers’ Week at O. A. C. QUANTITY PRODUCTION ANNUAL MEETING CARD OF THANKS M. '13. Murray, Sail-Trees. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE mg A June Wedding The “stvlish” time of day for 3 “adding is late alternuon. No time (mum be mum fitting 1331' a lum- wedding. And \0111' 11mm. 1311.333 331‘ small. nfl'vl‘s a gum! scene fur it Follow wedding ('33133m33n} “Uh “111313“? Fullmx sumwi' “ith 3121110 in:._'. l 53' 13333'3 In Mr «lmu'ing. it large «31133133,:11. String ('331331'333I lights 3m 53331'3'h and here and were mm" lawn. The Bride Must Remember 15 3mm family 1.)lanning a. ramp- ing hip? If SUD, [1010 is :1 US! (if 11m wsaxy pl‘misinns tn tukn alung 101' a family nf [130 Mr «mu “wk That, is. it 3031 oxpm’t to trawl :md Punk 3c-vm (mn nwals 03013 day. Eggsâ€"2 gallnn pailâ€"pavkml in bran. Anntlmr smallo'l' I'I~Il\\'IwIl was disom'vrml. this «Inn II litllo IIVIII' six few! in IlizImIItI'I', whiI'h suppm‘te‘d ”mm “0111““ 1w auml I'MIIIII'tiVIIly 233. 2 II) and :I'm \G‘ill‘.‘ 'l‘hi~‘ fallml ”new “as alsu quit» .mIInIl. altlImIgh it must hm» I'IIIIIIII :Ihmlt Hm timP that (ZulIInIlIIIs first lundml iII AmPI‘im‘I. AUTO RUNS AWAY BACKWARD AND ACHIEVES MUCH HAVOC "(In Haw: s. .mvt him: Sum. thing; Sumathing Smnvthing Hacnnâ€"l slab. CHEW-43 puumls ground. Milkâ€"1,53 (111.30. “I. L‘t‘nlllL‘Ils‘qu milk eternalâ€"3 packagvs. Buttwâ€" 5 tn 7 pounds. WOOD THAT DOES NOT BOT HOUSEHOLD List of Provisions Old. 110\\', l )01‘1'1">\V'¢)t I. 0‘ hillP.‘ Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty W eb- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. HINTS (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Cantuhnuw, Fx'vnch «h'vssum Lc'tlllm'. Motluul: Halw 10mm. (Int 0” h WN’K. .\'0 «mo "l‘stunml in" «m tlu- te-lv- phc‘mv. NH “110 care-d album. Hm [H‘it‘l' «If camlinv. Straw stm'ks \wrv hurnml instvac! HI. hale-«l. nl' (Mimi. Jnlvs Vc'rnu was tlw «Only mnv tn thv snl'umarinv. 'l‘hv lmtchm' tlm-w in a view- liwr. Watch him nuw. Ynu stm'k tuIms in ych' mn's hmn' a plummg‘raph. and it most. 3 a «linw. TIDAL WAVE AT OWEN SOUND (m Friday uvvninu. May 2'2. liclal wave-s m'cm'rml nn Lakn Hm'nn and Hnlarin. «llu- lu stm'ms. At. Uwvn Smmd, thv “MW in llw ha)“ and luu'lnm' gradually rvcmlml tlwn camn Bonus. (lm'n. .-\.~‘p:n'as.'u~‘. Scumâ€".5 (WINS. (lummâ€"l 1‘1“]. Timâ€"v.3 pullntl. Jamâ€"Lump jar Frvsh Fruit. For June By BETTY WEBSTER Nu «mv swultml the} fly. Nu nu:- hacl amwmhmtls (Lroam was ton rants a pint. (tantalunpvs \wn- muskmo-lnm. Milk slmkvs‘ \\'t'l'l'3 t'uwn'ifv drink Ach’urtism's «list nut. tvll tlw truth Ynll nM‘o'l' hmu'd “1' a ”tin Lilli“: lDHctnrs \Vnntml tn sm- ynm' lung'llc‘ 'l'lw hirml uit'l «Irvw «mu-lift)“ { T‘VENTY YEARS AGO ll: Halw and sync! muta- (jut. ml Inn-d skm and all COOKING HINTS CantalOupe Salad -' tn \‘Hll Hf l't. hard gronn maxi to skin. (Int melon meat. in cubes. Make yuur famritn French dressing. Pour dressing over mvlun ('ul‘ws, pm“. in hm hm; in Chi“. \‘WH‘II l'i‘ady tn Nbrypflfix lila‘t’fi \Viul ('i‘isp li't‘lfl'fl “"0515.” Mac" mvlim cuiws in “Hush" with :1 Hill“ .ji'i-ssing. ('ll‘ N‘Hlilh' Mutliud: Hvai. 08g yulks and su- gar ingolln-i' until sinuutli :Hltl (“wry L'l’flill «if sugar has disalmvarc-d. Stir in vucml. “vat. via: whih-s slifl‘. FHM intu mixturv. l'mn' imu mind sizmi slialinw mm in about. an inch Hiivkiic-ssâ€"saniw as fur a ji-lly I'M“. £3in sluwly ulmut TM minim-s. 'l‘ui'n um um [ialwi' (Hm-rm] with siftvd pnmlvi' stigzii'. ilsml. Sprvad with SWW‘U’IIPd whimwcl Noah] and roll iikv a jolly i-Hll. Win-n ymi svrvo, Mac" HM Math? and “Our “\‘Pl‘ [Dre’- fm‘l'ml saucv. hack murv rapidly that, it. “will nut. II was IUWI‘I'NI almllt lch' ft'vt. IH‘IUW W'l'mill and l‘usv six Hr sun-n rm. alum! Hm usual llvig'llt. FISII \W'I'e In” high and dry and Imals wcm uh'ando-«l. WIN-n lhc- Hum] came hark. spm-ial m'm'autiuus had to I'm takvn tn prmvnt. damzmv. and boys pit‘kiln: up iisln had in 3:01 In safety Hl' nwvl. lln- rain ul' l’hm'mm and his lmsts‘ in HM- “Pd Sva. How Strange! A. yuulht'ul Iom'ristm' Innkc-d rathvr mm!vmptmmsly at a sinnvlv-Imking urirultux'ul Ialmrvr in thu \Vilnossâ€" I'mx. o-Viclvntly I‘m-arch”: llw rustin :H inn "fry fry" fur his ('I'uss-vx- aminin: skill. lluwuwr. lw lwgzm. mummy "”ith' Thu \\ "And “'1qu «he! ynu marry?" ”.\ \\'~~â€"\\'â€"â€"<\\'nlll:nl. sir." 'l‘lw harristvr tlu'nml in mm of his mni'm-rvs and nmrlmn‘ml. "Village Mint. Cum“. mmv. my gum! man.” ln- said in Ilw wimc-ss. "Hf ('uurso it “as a “email. hid mm «mm lwar ul‘ :unmw Inn-waning a man?" "Yos air: .-plo-a.-'v. mv sister did was tlw rvply. and ”w \ illaw idiut" was tl'l'mhlml Im I‘urtlwr. Q9 that. BAKING HINTS ChocOIate Whip Cream Roll 0m; \ulkS. mu: \\llll¢.‘ cup Hf sugar. mlolnswmns 01' mm“: Filling. \Vllimwcl crvam. Sugar. Vanilla. Saucr. ~\.\I:u'.~‘llmall¢ ituvss. \\ had HIll Yul] PVC‘I sum \Vlm 1:1. 1:5 14:...» an; A.u._:mc._._ :3 .2. .0251. 5::257... his wussâ€"0x- ‘N'. h" “028". .1, marriwl?" Immvrc-d. said PAGE 9.

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