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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1925, p. 10

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of "It Thorn will In." n 9201' III-KY. Sunday WI" ho attpnd'ng( \VP “‘2' I'm wa t Ph .\lr. Jafiles McCall of Mount Forest was the guest of Ins daughter, Mrs. James McDougall, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Smith of Conn spent Sundax last “in: Mrs. James Eccles. Mr. Thomas Bogle, farmer just north of the village, was taken to Durham Hospital on Friday last. and operated on for appendicitis. His was a serious case, but we are pleased to report that he is now doing nicely. and good hopes are now entertained. (Our Own Corr'eszmndent) Miss lsolwl Q‘mnlnn uf Bufl‘alo \‘is- SMI with Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Johnston. Sloan's. .\!.~x. John. \Villiam. .qu and Xathan Grim'srm. and Norman McRnnaM mntnrml t0 Tnmntu nwr Sunday. “'le Hwy will I‘nmain far a fmv days. Miss Bohsip Mathm' wont. lhn work-0nd at In“? hnmv hf-l'u‘. Mr. Thnmns MPRnnnlol symnt a j‘nw days with his hx-othnr. .\l:‘. Jam‘s: McRnnalol. We are plvasml to report that Master John Caldpr is so far re- cowrm‘l frnm his N'cvnt ()[wration in Durham Hospital as to be able to return home on Tuesday of this week. Our W. F. A. l'rmthall team went. to Moorotio-lol last Friday owning and ”pi-[wt the smusnn with the team of that Villmfl'. The result was a \‘ictury Mr “I“ Mnnrvlivlil team by a scorn of 2-1. During llw con- “'8'. tho RM“. Mr. Taylor. guilt-keep- er of the Moginrofiolrl team. received ii swore kirk ml the l‘i)ri>ho.-ai‘l. He is somewhat imprnvml but is still confinml tn his: mom anal lllldt‘l‘ tho doctor’s carp. Missâ€"BMW \Vnir is sppndinfl‘ a fP\\’ Wo-vks with hm‘ vmnsin. Mrs. R. Ren~ “'ii'k. Jr. Hf Dmmm'v. “l‘rl. Jamns I'nl‘c' and Snme mem- lu-xw nr ho-r famih nf Hanuwr. but. fmmmh 0! this o'ighlmlhnmi spont Hm 0' th at Mr. raxxfmd Harâ€" r19“! Merton Ri-ici and Hubvrt )lclmu- gull wont. to Hamilton and Spent the wot-o'k-end with Mrlvin Reid. Glad to rnpm‘t Mr. Julm Lawrpnce i9 :lhlo‘ (0 be up and alumni! a “HIP again. Mr. Little, Owen Snund, visited his nieces. Mrs. McNally and Mrs. Gloncross. R. J. Arnill and family tonk in tlw Milolmayâ€"Uwo-n Snnnol fnnlhall gamo in Mildmay Tuesday morning. The match ended a tin, i-l. .\lr.~*. Alfrml Turkm' hi“, on Mon- clay row :1 MW months‘ trip in ihn Waist. whom sh» will visit, hm‘ daughtm's at \Vilkio and LPaflPP, and a lu'nthnr in Winnipeg. as \wll as oHu-i- frinnds. “'0 wish hpr a plnas- ant. trip. .‘lisé Jane Ritchie is Visiting this work with her brother. Mr. George Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Owen Sound visited his brother. Mr. Davxd thyinSQQ. oven: the week-end. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Jame-s Lo-wis :uul Mowsrs. Haml‘go- and Arthur Brown Spam. thn \“N‘k-Pnd in Gmrgptnwn with Mr. and Mrs. H. Allinghum. Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Dvl'hv spent a day in Pnislpy visiting tlw Int- ter's Siitpl'. .‘II‘S. Co'u‘bpo‘l‘. Mrs. \V. J. Dowby and “1'. Arthur Derby alsn Mrs. (”won-,0 'l‘m'nhull spnnt a day in Mnunt Forest. last WPPk. How. Mr. Patton preached in the Pro~shyto-l'tan Church hm‘c last Sab- bath in thy absencv 0! thn pastor whu was cnmluvtin anniversary Soéz‘vicro-s un his ”M c arge at Shal- lmv Lake. Miss \Vinters accom- panimt Mr. Jnhnston to) Shallow Lak». Mr. and Mrs. Fishm' and little dzmghh'r. spo-nt a clay rvco-ntly with Mr. and NIH. Brigham. Louisa. Mr. and Mrs. Gmrgv Haws and W. flaws and Mrs. Mchrc‘lay \wre Kin-sh at ”w Fo'ntnn hnmn how“ at Hm o‘nol 0f last \w-wk. Miss Mary Ford of Durham was the guest of her schoolmate. Doro- thy Ritchie, over the holiday. The trustees have re-englgod Miss Mr. Stephen Smithers was a call- er on Holstein friends on Friday last. the was a tenant on the farms now occupied by Daniel O’Connell. George D. Hunt and Nicholas Mc- Dougall after which he removed to the vicinity of Norval and thence to Brampton where he has been en- gaged in the dairy and implement business. He has given up dairy- ing but still works in the implement business. He and hid min: ila'n: had the companionship Hf 58 years of married :H’w. ll new-1'. .‘lrs. Smilh- Pl“! l~' lll lmnl‘ health and is ('0!)- lino-ii in h»? de [nu-st oil' the llmfl and is tenderly rarml l'nr by her «laughter. Mr. Smillivrs is now 80 yo-ru's HM and his wife 82. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs McPhchon of Townto “as 3 gm“! of thp McDonald famih on Fmdav. Miss Gl'ennv Firth visited relatives at Doth the first of the week. Mrs. \"illinm mey and hm suns arn at Hm hump nf hm' falthm‘. Mr. J. B. Hunt. .‘lra. DnnPy lost her lulshand a cmlplr- of “'9ka agn, The Holstvin anling Club organ- izm] for ”w spawn recently. The following uttiu-w were elected: vargo- Fo-num, Manager; Rev. \V. .lnhnston. Pl'vsidvnl; B. McKenzie, Vivv-Pl'uiiolt'nl; W. B. Rife. Secre- tary-'I'ro-asuro-r. The ladies were in- \‘itml t“ hvcumv mé-mln-rs 0f the club, PAGE 10. Glenmont 10m“ Own Correspondent) (Our Own Correspondent) :u'o‘ all up days and ni things grow! South Bentinck mnfm‘vnm‘. umro-rinfing thoso men shuwors, and We hear that there are some very attractive prizes being given by outside interests to our Fall Fair. The I'nion Stock Yards are offering a prize for the fattest tno-year-old steer or heifer of 1,000 pounds or nVel'. three. prizes of 5,00, $3.00 and 82.00, tst. 2nd and 3rd. An- cher prize. given by another party, Dr. Curran. we believe is for school children of from 13 to 1?) years of age, for the best halter-broken calf under seven months. three prizes being $1.50. $1.00 and 50 cents. There should be some good entries. The tuu'seshoe throwing contests are. on again for another season, and ap- pear to attract quite a good deal of interest. Southeast Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. HHn mewk of Elmwood, «hm-mmvnt lnspvctm', was 1n t._|ns Incumy last Thursday mspectmg .\I 1'. Hmn'go Gray is." .engaéod at prvsunt a; Mr. Wllham chken‘s. who us _p_1-vparu_1g_t_u enlarge ms barn, “DY. .-\. Sutherland preached at 3'an [mint near annuto last Sun- day. The pulpit here was moupied by Mr. Alvx. Irwin of our own con- grygutjnn. hows Armetla McKechnie as teacher in No. 3 for the ensuing ”school year at the same salary, $1,100. This will he Miss McKechnie’s fourth year in this school and will establish a record for length of service not equalled since 1898 when John A. Graham completed six years of suc- cessful work. Miss Rhnna Chm'ltnn of South Bon- tinvk has bm-n smnding thv past. fmy \W'Pks with Mrs. (,3. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. John BurgeSs of town and Mrs. Sam'o‘ti-n of Toronto \wrv visitors the beginning of last work with Mr. 311.] Mrs. William Smith. Mr. John MPKPIIZit‘ Spent, a week- vnol l'o't'cntly 1n 'l‘m'nnto. 0111' sick fulk are able to be 211-11111“: again. 11.61. McLean is :‘1gain 1111 du:y. Mrs. A. B. McDonald and Miss Janet, Miss Alice Reiley and Mrs. John McKeclmie are out again.‘ “111 familv of MI \laltolm McLean 21111 1n1111111111g slowlx, and M”. W. \\.Rumz1gv 1s able to sit out fur 3 “Ml. 13111 113}. Glenroadin (0m; Own Correspondent) _.\!v.~'.-rs. William and Michael lwnny mutm'ml tn 'I‘M'Hntn and ”'3’!" “w “wk-MM “new. The Edge Hill beef-ring will com- mence next week. The first beef will be supplied by Mr. Geofge Nowell, Jr.. and butchering this year v.11] in; olune nn Tuesday evening instead or Wednesday. Mr. Thomas 'l‘urnlrml! has again been appointed butcher. Priceville (Our Own Correspondent) T he line shower over the week- vnd is bringing the crops along with :I hound. It was a welcome shower tn this Ing'ali‘ty‘. Mr. and Mrs. C. Putty have \‘iSitOd ruruntly with thoir daughter, Mrs. Ii. Smith near Arthur. and also at Mr. thrv's, Flushvrtnn. Miss lilla MrFacloivn spun! Sun- day with Miss Barbara Ritchiv. Mrs. “0011550 Sharpe. expocts t0 uih'ml tho mrcting of tlw Presby- tm'iau (Ihurrh Associatim‘l bring ht'hl in 'l‘nruntn no'xt mwk as. :1 (M- “mun from the \V. M. S. of Knox, Nurmauhy. Mi s. A. llulmos and daughter, Ada, ul‘ tmui \isitm nu Saturday “itii Mr \. Knislvy. i. ‘ir- v Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) Th9 heavy hail storm on Tuesday (waning did considvrahle damage in our noighhorlnmd. Several buildings \wre stxnck ln lightning. It “as «me of the “mist. storms \xitnessed in_ )9318. _ Aberdeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Hugh McPhail 0f Priceville is Visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCormick. --- ‘4‘! "Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Macdonald at- tended the funeral of the lattel s uncle, Mr. John lioness. of Hanover, 0n_ :I‘uegday of this week. _‘ Mrs. John Fallaiso is Visiting at present in TOPHIIH) with her daugh- tm'. Mrs. Kinsplla, and “ill also attend the dental giaduation (\er- Cisvs of [101”5011. Theodore which takes place on June 5th. Messrs. Rm and Joseph Thuell, Amuld Coaklm and Mr. and Mrs. Speir of Blusséls Visited Sunday “ith the latter" sistm'. Miss A. Thuell. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Young and family of Owen Sound called on the Smith family the first of the week. Mr. Herbert Hopkins disposed of his Ford car and bought a new Chevrolet, and Mr. Donald Stuart now drives a McLaughlin. Mr. A. Burgess of Burgovne 113i!»- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp. Messrs. Robert McArthur, Bert Barber and John Kerr of Detroit. visited over the week-end With friends in and around \‘arney. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sewell and famil1 of Stratfnrd motoredup Sat- 111da1 and 1isited with the lattei s mothei Mrs. McCalmun of \axne1. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook and son Cliffnrd. also grandscm. Hnward, m0- tm'od tn 'l‘oruntn on Saturday and Spent nvm' the wwk-ond with Mrs. Victor Fairwvutlml‘. Mr. George Smallman spent a few days last week with his son, Frank, in Toronto, who had a very serious Operation, but at last. report, was doing nicely. Mr. Angus McIntosh and sister, Magul'vt. of DOI‘IIHCII. Visitml Sun- day with thv (irwunvood and RH!)- son families. Northeast Normanby (Our Own Correspondent) A number of ladies from Knox at- tended HIP Presbyterial held in Mount. Forest last Thursday. Mr. A. McDonald, Misses Julmston and Bverss [Wilt last Saturdm “ith Mrs. l'crguson of Hanox er. Mrs. '1'. E. Blair and sun. Ncn'man, unol Mr. Edward Currie of New Jer- sey. I't-cvntly Visitml :It the Footer hnmu. Mrs. Juhn 0. ('}1‘c;'¢.-n\\'m_ul and fam- ily slwm. HH- lirst.‘ of the weak \\'1t11 (anvlg Contra friends. M11. and Mrs. Jnlm Aitkens, Mr. William Huuhvs and MI‘. \\il1iam Ford spent Tuesdav at the home 01 \11', .l. .l. l'11ai1..t Miss 1113:1111 I\la11~'hall is \isiting this1'1.\111k-11111l at “111 11111 11111111). S1111\111 .111 i'11mili11s 1'1111111 this. neigh- l11111|111111| nth-11111111 the funeral of Mr. P1111111 “11151111 to 1.11111’ki11s (2‘111.1111s 11111111111111)’. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and Miss Ada of (jlpnelg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Pattersnn and attended service at Knox. Water! Water! Water! Jr. II.â€"Susie Marshall, Irene Pet- ty, Wallace Marshall, Elgin Petty, Jessie Marshall. Tommy Watson, Howard Marshall. Sr. I.â€"Wilfred Marshall. Primerâ€"Murray Morice. SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH Sr. Ills-Mabel Sharp, Myrtle Mar- shall, Wilbert Petty, Melville Wat- son}, Jack Sr.1_1_al_lrnat_11 Edgar lllernqe: IV.â€"frm:ia Matthesi’s, Pearl Wat- son. Norman Watson, Harold Eccles, John Hooper. Sr. III.â€"¢I“lorence Patterson, lithe! Lawrence; Martha Lawrence, ‘Walâ€" lace AdamsAand Lol_i_ta_Daley, equal». ‘. ‘finiafi Jr. I.â€"Mel\'ille Harrieon, Allie Mc- Girr. Sr. Primer.â€"-Margaret Brown. Jr. Primer.â€"â€"Cecil Brnwn. Primer A Harry Lawrence and Victor Arnett, equal, Murray Greenwood. Average attendance 29.35. â€"E. M. Park_ teacher. S. S. No. 3, Glenelg. 1-1. I\ â€"-..A1m0nell lencwss. l1. IV.â€"â€"Blanche McKecl111ic,Dz111 Ritchie Lena Bell, Mac Bell and Dan Fi1th, equal, Mutle Glencross, G1 ace Pay 101, Dprqthy _Rubi11son'. ." .Vluvvnlv vvw u-- Sr. Primer.â€"â€"Goluie Nelson, Bay Adams, Jean Brown, Annie Andrews, Verdun Watson, James Hat-grave, Annie. Watson. ' â€" I n Jr IIIâ€"Lxelxn Grant 84, Billie (laldxxell 73. Cléments Patte1son 43. Jr II.â€"\ 91sz Blyth 90, Dmothy Bogle 89, ”Amman G1ant 84, Mar- jorile Ke1r 80, Elgin Bhth 61. P1 imcr. â€"( ”aid“ ell Kerr. Jr. P1111191 .'â€"\e1n0n \‘oble. (April and May? Sr. IV.â€"-,Hazel Mountain, Florence Marshall. Sr. IV.â€"Reg McFadden, Annie Arnett. -â€" -, I'“---~ --’vâ€" vâ€"â€" JP III .â€"â€"~Irene COHIIISOII, John Mc- Dimald Eddie Lawrence. Sr. II.â€"â€"â€"Clarencc Hargrave. Jr. III.â€"Susin Groanwnod, Clara Jacques. Doris Lawrence, Freddie Al'nett, John Collinson. SI; I.â€"-Ruhy . Lawmncc. Lillian Colllnson, DaVId A1300, (iordnn Hroenwmd. Clarence Mc.\all}'. Sr. HIEâ€"Ralph Stabl'e’s," i561? Anâ€" derson. SI. II.â€"Isahel Firth, Olive Allen, [uh L- ¢ Luusnw won‘- Jr. [ILâ€"Carman Wilson, Morris Matthews, John Matthews, Douglas Nelson. Sr. II.â€"William Patterson, Clara Watson, Carman Hargrave. Clarence Nelson, George Wilson, Dave Daley. Jr. II.â€"Lewis Wells, Annie Hooper. C" I UIQ ‘1. Sr. I,â€"-â€"Fanny Hargraxe W‘alface Matthews, led Broxxn; n‘--- Q ‘5‘... Jr.uP1;ir'nevr,:Frances Daley, Reg- gie Wilson, Hazel Watson, Robert. Hunter, Stanley Lawrence, Alice Daley, Harold Hunter. â€"M. Davis, teacher. â€" ‘ v~ “v” "1931'. III.â€"â€"Domtli§ Caldwell 80, Dl_l_uglas Glant 63. ___. r- a A. h‘ll’ Jr. IV.â€"D0rothy Arnett. Mary Hopkins, Louise Jacques, Urval H01)- kms, Roy prgrave. U.S.S. No.1, Normanby and Egremont IV. Mae Noble 72. Jessie Grant 66. Irene Gl:asby63. “A Sh. IIIâ€"Ma} Collinson, Grace Hepkins, Bertha _McNalh. Ji‘. III.â€"Claire MoriEe, Otto Birr (absegp. S. S. No. 1, Normanby. S. S. No. 9, Glenelg. â€"A. E. Tlluell, teacher. No 12. moment- N. S. Barr, teacher. Alva Greenwood. Adeline MgNally, A 1V8 Ul‘ccu ‘7 UV“, Adeline McNally, Ruby Staple-s. Jr. l[.â€"-Davey Allen, Voila Neely, James Bell, Daisy Street. . Sr. I.â€"â€"Margaret Firth, Willie Glencross, Gordon Greenwood, Aggie Anderson. Jr. Primer.-â€"\\'alt,er Street, George Scheuermann, Willie Scheuermann. _Primer Aâ€"Aleda Staples, Jean Pll‘nl- Mary Allen. Harold Green- Jr. Primer.â€"â€"Walwr urea, Utiysau Scheuermann, Willie Scheuermaun. Primer Aâ€"Aleda Staples, Jean Firth, Mary Allen, Harold Green- wood. Number on roll, 32. Average attendance for May 30.45. _" ”Absent. for one or more ex- Sr. I\'.â€"Florence Bailey, Mary Hopkins. Christine McGulloch, Pearl Alexander. Jr. IV.â€"Lenure Reay, Myrtle Charuon. Sr. [ILâ€"Gordon Coutts, John Coutts, Borden Brown, Wilbur Mighton, Milton Bartman, Archie Turnbull. __ _ _- '- II.â€"«Bussell Bartman, Lillian Park, Joseph McCulloch. Jean Coutts, Emily Hartman, Loel Johnston, Ch‘ariqs Mighym: Gemjgg Mighton. animations. 7 I.â€"Ge0rgé Bailey, Cl'itford'Brown, Herbert Wells, Claren Reay, Doro- thy Bailey. 8. S. 160. 11, Bontinck. , Sr. [Vt-Allan Picken, Carmen Rosoborough. Jr. lV.â€"â€"Maplo Armstrong, Law- rence Hopkins. ' Sr. III.-â€"â€"Poarle Rosobommgh, Vio- !ot Armstrong. Jr. II.â€"â€"Rota \‘ollett, Maudie Pick- on. Sicily Hopkins. Jr. II.â€"Arnetta Mnnto. Clarence Ritchiv. James Armstrong, Raymond Honkips. jirving “:opber. IF“... A D nun ‘uHW Jr. [ILâ€"James McRonald Gladys Alexander, Gladys Mighton, John McLean. J'r. I.â€"-«Dawson VtLvlleu, r‘rea nose- borough. , . . Pmmm- A.-â€"-Mmme Manta, [rvm Mountain. _ . .VIUL‘IIlul u Primer OB.â€"â€"Dan Armstrong, Freda Ritchie. Ebenezer, S. 8. No. 3, Bentinck 1r. Prifner.-â€"Albert Reay, Grace V -u-v Armetta McKechnie, teacher. Erben Schutz, teacher. Anderson. SI“ [ILL-Junie .McArthur. Hum McGIllwray, Amelia Legau», hung, [as McArthur. Jr. .. [ILâ€"Wilma) Tran‘ord, 11:1 Tr‘aflord. Jl. - Beay, Joyce Davis. Attendance 35.‘ Jr. IV.â€"-‘Charlie Timmins 6:2. Sr. Ill.â€"-'Catherine Timmins 7:). JP, ll[.â€"-'IOIB NOle 79. (h'Itg‘gd Blair 71, 'Ewen Mcxah 68. Jr. Il.â€"â€"-Isahe|la Kliost. 63. WW»: Banks 62, Willie Peart 60, Mary My. Nab 51. Sr. I.â€"-‘Gordon Noble 65. Jr. I.â€"-â€"Aâ€"-â€"'Ada banks 79. Jr. I.â€"â€"Bâ€"Elvie Hastir 60. Jr. Primer Aâ€"Juanita 3'0th 8:}. Jr. Primer Bâ€"Eslhor \\'m:.-. newer Kliest. (5 Present every day. Schultz’s anp Tile Co. TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16. 18, 2‘ in. CHER? BRICK POR BALE Agents for nontm Cru- Separator: PUMPS PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Guaranted. OPPOSITE. HIGH SCHOOL ’. no. 5. 61011019. Allan Mclnnis, tnaclu-r A. _Wilson, teacher. Jun ‘. ,gr Allan, teaclm Jean 95 g? Qâ€" . PUST DIED NTO LAST W AM In illness oxlvndm; . '0d of upwards ul' .wxvn l'. Anthony J. l'ust. sun of \h M of this Maw. passml 1m; Fridly at nnon in the. Christ 1‘ Hospital, 'I'Ol'umu. at ”w m.» yours. ‘-- -..l' I!., ,.... - Ir. Pnst. was a natiw of It. having hm-n burn at. Allm where he grew up tn )niza hood. Abuut chcnlvmi _\v;1 he went West. and tank up :‘ stvad at (Jolunsay, Suck. \\' remained until ttw UHHM'um Great War in 19H. xxtw . E351. and (“Illis'h'cl iti 'Ii. County Battaliun. Hr ~. ~\ seas with this Imttzieu-v. .1” ty-twu montti- i:~ I m.- tW'iCQ “'Olllldmt unit ::i~~- .x it. Though dim-hm phySiP‘uy li1.|w the PENIS Hf Hum in; him in mm. lowing his clisvhu here and [in-d ll ciniiy until Ia~t l COHU'EN'N‘I' Illhc'l't' mitlled m ”In «1| ury Huspital. '1‘ condition hunt!“ and he} passmi abmlt nnon. BPSiIh‘s his Til and hour brmhvl J. Tafllv. Rmk PM»! Mdutosh Julm. Edmonton: ‘ Ezra. in Now Syn! Durham. The romains \VM' ham Saturday In; eral. with milituu {rum tho Ham“ afternoon. ”It“ Wm reaching a «'mnfu owing thv sun-w- charm» Hf thv In wendvd its way iffy. Whmm NW (N the last. ritvs mm' departmi comrmh soundml hy h. Inemlwrs nf Hu- Shalml by J. L. S1 don Ewm. l’c'w) Kim. “'0‘. “Hr dors and .-\. .l. bearers \Vc-I'v: I R. Mflhmnn. l-er: {on B. H. \\'ilh ’Mhnit‘. W fussed Away m ( “mt Hospital Indy ”dance of Mr. and l Cu! Burned to Grounc urdny Atternoon B ut 3rd 12mm".~ guump Ihl nmm, \thl'o (my Ins! th the PM!“' currml MN The Ins~ I~ 0n “‘llic'h ;. 55(1) “as H1 Mr, GLIHT "I“ RIIHIH CU“ siarh sun}. [ol't‘l (awning n ing in u ~ “'pnt WNW Cufl I'HI° " mrm-d. ”‘ the Inuusv fire hm” that. nuth than 5m.- in ”an 1‘: building. i [y qlt'fi‘l'“) Mn (EMT in \\'lwt!lvl but in ”v family an" in the. Ins lurgq- syn: their INS-r sunnce CEIETER!’ W 'llw annu it\'1,"hm«|l for Thlll mi ing immmll hour. don? fur ”In Wruu gl‘fllllld pmnggrs of HM ' mm m» couple 0f .“ gents a vas Will makv a SH“ mm: the both-r. Mum-y. 1 1nd HIP tl'ustmw haul Opinion that. Hut-'0 at 'Iundny With Pust and ii a, vainly < few mar} U of 147th Grey Curried 'Sdn \‘ infm‘! il bl‘Vil‘t’. 1 [Iu' \\' Imel \\ fl VP!“ \\ \1 \V” M h nu 1h ill I" lm 1I¢|4 wila iam \I Ill ma Ill ha 1V

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