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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1925, p. 6

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Rite visit. a I"; orst ram, w itl, ram. n it! 3|!” and HOW witl. of ' me: 9pm .‘lis Dm Mr. 313 31': Ch fit h The Address The address read as follows: To John Ritchie: We. tho teaching staff of the Pub- lic Schools of the City of Port Ar. thur. in association with the Board of Education, take the opportunity All paid the warmest trihutes. Not onlv :l.~‘ a teacher and inspector. hut us a o-ltiZo'll anal l'l'lt‘lltl. has .‘ll'. RH- chiu held :I place in the hearts of the Port .\l'illlll‘ po'nplo'. H)‘ HIOSO‘ who know him host. he was referred in :l~' a man who is painstaking. re- lialnle. t'nllscielltiwlls and upright. following: faithfully in the footsteps of ”in Great Teacher whom he serum. His sympathetic and effl- cio-r‘t supervision has ever acted to- vvalwl the advancement of education- 31 interests in the o'listl‘ctil. Rev. P. C. Reed read the illumin- aim! address which accompanied the handsome silver tea service. DP“- seuted to Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie. while Miss Dougan. president of the Port Arthur Teachers’ Associa- tion. presented the gifts. The ad- dress was beautifully done. In de- sign and color. it was artistic and was an example of the clever work dOne b F. l’rry. It is designed to show t e length of service given by Mr. Ritchie. and mentions the schools in the rural districts, which Mr. Ritchie will continue to inspect until August 3]. , \Vflfl Knnwn as Landing. Ms” :1. 1 Mr. Ritchiv's dm and John Hadclnn man H! "w anwl‘ friend. I'Lo’hu'atlnn: l". I'PI‘Y. a l'mn'rso‘ma- tin nf tho lmard: Miss Alford. pres- hlvm. nf HIP \Vomrn's Tmrlwrs’ F061- erntinn: L. NMhitt. prrsidvnt of tho Mom’s To‘arlwl's‘ lerrntinn: J. \V. Mm'cnn. fm'mvr h-arhnr and sorro- tary m‘ Hm Board 0! Education. and a Plus» fl‘it'ncl Of Mr. Rih‘hiWs‘ for nwr fnrty )‘t‘:ll‘~‘; \V. C. Dnhir, rhmrmnn of th.» first. Srhml Board. nrgnnizml in Port. Arthur. whom it was knnwn a~' Prmrr Arthur's Landing. Ms” :1 prrwnal fl'if-nd Of Mr, Ritrhin's during thirty yoars. and John Hmhlru. a fnrnwr rhnir- man nf Hm an'd. annthrr intimate Prior '0 taking lip his duties as School Inspectnr or 'l‘humipr Bay. Rainy Riwr and Roman: Districts. Mr. Ritrhin taught fur a [wriod nf thirty wars in thr Eastvrn part. H! Um Prnvim-v. His first schnnl was at his hnmo'. Srhm‘il Section Numbm‘ Fnur, Hlvnplg. in firs-y County. HP tmmht 8150 at Si'limil Nllmlwr 'l‘hrm-. in that. wriimr anal aftvrwzirols tmik Miami" 0! I'lu‘iim Schnul SPNiun Numhnr 'l‘wn. Buntinck and Brant. (Inniplo-ting his rural srhnnl vxpnr- io-m-o, ho- taught at Srhunl Smrtion Numiwr Six, Hro'rnnrk. in Bruco (lnuniy. am] laim' at Si‘hmil Suriitm Numiwr Fnur. Lugzin. Hr taught. in 'l‘o-o-swaio-r. Harrisimi. Cornwall and “Hunt. Fnro'st. lwfnrv migrating in Um West. 'l‘angibli- apprvcialinn M Mr. Rit- rhio‘"s long survive was giwn in a beautifully illuminated MIll'PSS ac- companying a silwr lva survive. A slwaf of roses was prPsenlvd to Mrs. Ritchie. Annals 0f pic‘mcm‘ schmvl activitics in thc district contain I'N'III'II of thc mcnvs‘t :II‘III cncrgciic cfl'm‘is 0! J. Hiichic. To his slmlm‘lid work apcak- MW at. ”It" hanqnci. last Mening re- !crcml in thc \VIIrmcst forms. \V. J. .IIIIM. principal (If St. James” SIhmvl intrmiucml ch spcachS: I. 1.. \laHiIo-“s rcIIII-wnting thc cih in NI» :Ihscncc Hf Ma) 01 I 'I'nnk~I. c!- 'Pn‘lio' Ii\ic :IleIcIiaiinn. \V. A. ‘Vilinn Icccnilv nppointml Inspcci- vr uf Pmt \I'thiir and Fm \Villiam schools. Apnkc: alsn RcV. P. C. Rood, acting chairman nf HIP an‘tl n!’ RoiIu-aiinnz F. l'crv. a I'I‘IIII'csI-nia- tr-nols from 1903. and lasi' night wm'mvst trihutl-s wvl'o- paid him by pi-nmino-nt citizo-ns 35 WP” as those m-im- in Mucatinnal Pin-Ins on! the past and pro-smut. Placvs \wrv laid for ninfity at tho- imnquwi. at. which MN. J. Ritchiv was ails“ a gnu-st 0f hnnor. His wnrk as ins; Im‘im' III the .‘H bowls in this part III the PrminI'II “In III'efacPIl hy thI'I-I- \IIIII'. IIf IIIIII hing in PM! \\ illinm and night in PI-IIt. \rlhur. \VhI-II hII nII'IIlItI-Il “III insIIIII‘tIIrship. his iIIII'iIIII‘) cm- IIrIIIl 'l'hIInIlIII' Ray. Rainy RivIII' and KPnHl‘a Districts. including IIiIIhty sohnnls. This “Will!“ inIliI'atII sumo- thing II! ”III III-ngI-I-ss‘ mm!» in min- I‘aiinnal affairs with which nu man in ma Iiistrii‘t i!‘ mm-II familiar. FI‘IIII‘ insIIIII'tIII's {II’O' “(HY taking ram Hf ”I“ iIII'I'thI'y IIVIII' whiI'h Mr. MINhiI‘ :Ii HIN' 'imv as-‘llmml mm- IIIIIIII vhmgv and IIIII h has nnII hIIIIâ€" Ih‘I-Il aIIII immliy Sl'iliNIi‘i IIIIIIIII' hi9 SIIIII‘II‘VisiI-III. John Ritchie). fur titty-two years vngagc-d in udm'utirmal work in the l-luatvrn amt \Ve-dto-rn parts of the Prawn-v. was truth-I'm] a banquet last night at. ttw Shnniah Club roams by tlw Bnard uf I-Zo'tuc-atinn and thumb. tic schuol tranche-rs at Port Arthur. Mr. Hitchio-‘s ro-signatifln frnm tho tnspo-c'tnrship of ttw Port Arthur and Part “’Jlliam Schnols want intn 0f- rm. lM-m'mho-r. WM, and with Angust 3t 0! this war. hr will ro'tiro' cum- plo-to-ly from nrtm- c-ctm-atinnal ser- Him. His Inns: tvrm Hf nffim 9x- tt-nots from t9“). amt last' night John Ritchie, lnepector of Schools, Recipient of Silver 'l'ee Service and Illuminated Address at nappy l‘nnctiqn Lug Tlnrsdey.â€"lletiren Former Durham and Glenelg friend; n.’ 72;. .I. 2m Riie'ui» m“ Port Arthur will he inn-1 estiml in the fol- lvm inx unit!» from HIP Putt Arthur Novas-Chronic!» of Thursday last. tlo-scriptive n! a pheasant gathering in that rity tn hunm' mm of their {rm-must Citizvns. Thu Xvws-Chmn- it'lu says: from Active Service Nix: August PAGE 6. Tributes to the Man It. Ritchie's Record As a Teacher Bore HONORED A'l' PORT ARTHUR Ifg‘pl'vsvnta~ \kelex prmed that the popular conception of the saxage gorilla is a myth.Instea..1 of a221‘es wsixel) at- tarkin2 hunting parties and biting otT rifle barrels he found them shy and retirin2. Howmexer in a close tl2ht. were it forced on them. he be- liexes no animal living could best the gorilla. Its tremendous frame and masaixe musculation. many times stronger than that of a m {even were the man of equal size) some. The. traet of land is situated in the northeastern part nf the Bel- xinn l‘lnngn between Lake Kim and the l’gancla. and it includes the three \'nlcancws~â€"-.\lmint Mikeno. )lnnnt Kirisimhi and Mount \‘isnke. anhere else in the wnrld can the great manlike apes be. studied to better advantage. The gnrillas liv- ing in the. reserve will be. able to {m up or dmvn the slopes of the mountain whenever they please. In this way, whatever the weather at the time. they can always find a temperature that. suits them. Whom (Tm-l Aknlny roturnml from his~ gm'illa oxpmlitiml in 1923. he ln-nnght with him thv romlts of stu- dips and nhsm‘vatinns which showed that thn- majority nf holiefs WP had ho-Iol abnnt Hm gorilla wort? untrue. Akolvy's nhsoi‘vatinns worn madp at. “In samn spnt that IS nnw being svt. asnln as}: pprpntual gorilla. re- o-xm-Hv lmw his mind wm'ds. This mnnnt. hp accuratnly dotnrminod by ohm-[Wing gnrillas in captivity b0- mnsu mn-illas do not. bvhaw thP sum“ in ('apfivity as Hwy 410 in thPiI‘ natiw le'O'SfS'. . Hi: gamv huntvrs haw rncontly killvd a lawn numhnr 0f gorillas. the hunting: party nf Um Crown Pvi‘nce Hf Swndon having. it is said. taken Hlo' “H‘s of snvm‘al, si-io-ntists mm vxn'vmvly 'anximis in I'nrvsiall Hm extint‘tinn 0f the unrillu. not only because they wish tn "iflki' vxtvndmi stmiivs nf his an- ainmy and physinlng)‘. hut thny hope to study his hahits in his natural sin-i-nunohngs. 'I‘iwy want. in 1mm [n must. 0" his physical character- istic's. Hm g1“)l"illa is the" CIOSPSL rela- tin- of man. 'l‘hm‘n aw funI' aims whirh. lwtausu of a number of dis- tim-tiw charat'h-ristics. are grounod fngvtllc'l'. 'I‘IH‘SP arr lhc' gorilla. thf.‘ vhimpanzma thv nrang-utan and tho :ihlmn. and thny an! tPl‘mwl tho sinniclan. They stand close-st to man ut‘ all thn animals. The first. twn are funnd «mix in Africa: Hm last twn nnly in ”In East. Indio-s. Hf the four, thw mn'illa and chimpanzvv arn qnito Hm ciusvst to man. thv fm'mvr ho- inu ('lnsvr psychnlngically. ‘ Svic-ntiste arn vxn'vnwly anxinns, tn I'mwtall Hm extinction of tho unrilla. not nnlx' bm'ansn tlwv wish Your fellow citizens of Port Ar- thur salute you. \Ve wish you many serene. happy and useful years in tho evening of your life. As the shadinvs are cast. ever longer on 'fi‘nlll' path. may the Western light glow “arm with \velmimi“. and whun the time arrives for that joy- t'ul registration in the ['pper Class of the Great. Teacherâ€"whom we all serveâ€"we believe you will reâ€" t'o'th‘ the commendation of the Mas- to-r. "W‘ell (lone! Good and Faithful Servant.” ‘ Port Arthur, May ‘28. 1925. The Dining Room The dining: room of the Shuniah tlluh assumed a festive appearance for the occasion. Four long tables, beautifully appointed. and decorated with pink carnations, were occu- pied. Between courses, V. Rocking led in community singing. for which Miss J. Milne played the piano ac- companiment. A solo by Miss Janet Crouch received enthusiastic rendi- tion. Miss Hawthorne played the accompaniment. MII. RitchiII IIIIpliIIIl tn thII manV kindnossns IprIIIIsISIIIi. HII voiced hi~ appIIIIIIiaiinn of the gracinus spirit QVPI‘ :IccnrdIId himself and Mrs. Ritchie during their tIhiItV VIIaIIs in PIIIIt Arthur as “III! as of ”III splIInIiid tIIthItII paid through last nights IIVII.nt '1‘th gathIIIIing III-InI IIIIIIIIl thII IIVIIIIHIII OCNISiOn af- tIIII singing: "Fur H»? a Joli} Gnnd FIIIIIIw” and thII Natimml Anthnm. SAVING MAN’S FIRST COUSIN, THE GORILLA 'l‘lw gorilla. 'arost, of tho anthro- poiol apt-s. no longer I‘I'mains in dan- t-'t‘l' of romplvtv oxtinrtion at the hands of big: gamv lllllltt‘I‘S. Through tho IIV-lIIIts til tlzIIl Akolov, tho woll- kIIImII naturalistâ€" rxploror ot Con- tIal .'\tI Ira. :IIIII tht'l' sriI-ntiists con- nvrtml with tho- Amvriran MllSt‘llm of Natural History (Now York'a tho lII-lgian Hrwvrnmo-nt has horn pn- milml to sot. :Isitlo a gorilla sanctu- aw in tho Bolgian tlon'ro. HI-I'H-Iftor IIH lllllllt‘l \\ ill bo [it‘lnllllt‘d to shoot, my gorilla within this rosorw which inrlutlos throo mountains Wlllt‘ll arr :Ilroacly tho homo of a group of thvsr iIItorI-sting siminns. HII-Io- aw [nohahlv 0an :I fP\\' IIIIIIdImi gm illas in Hm \\ hnln \wI'ld. I ‘himpm: zws. which alsn mmv from IIIIIIII'al \I'Iica. illI‘ mmpaiatiwly I'nmmnn. It Is tlw I-lIimpanzoo. ho“- rumâ€"«I’m! Hm gurillaâ€"«HIat nnv so wmmnnlvh was pnrfmming tI icks- in HII- mining: pit IIII'os Thp gond \nu haw, done. the help gin-n. the examplv of truth you hme Inn at many a sohunlhnnse are re- c-nn‘lmL to your mwlit. in the mem- nrivs of tra‘lchm's and schnlal's. of your retirement from the honor. able position of Inspector. after a service in the educational profes- sion of fiftyâ€" wo years. of convey. ing to you our appreciation of our long service. We assure you 0 out respect and admiration for the earnestness. goodwill, fidelity and truth of character you have shown in your calling and as a citizen. V“. V“.-:-.c WU.“ â€"v '- vuâ€"vuu "Education is a light revealing new inn-rests. thoughts. achievements, :21: ‘ rm.'r~!:2‘ ions (‘1' truth to those to “hum it is imparted. In your \mmtzpr davs. vnu were a teacher nr cliildiPn. In your mature years, )0” haw bmen a friend and coun- sullnr Hf U’flChPPS. The tu'ritory yuu have covered in visiting tho urban and rural ru'h‘iOlr‘ of this district is many miles in rxtcnt. as thn would of the names at such srhnuls on the borders of this: uddrrss tvsiify. \3 if ansxwrini‘: the old qunsiion concerning “hotlim‘ gmillas do or do not drum on thoir chnsts with their fists. Jflhn Daniel did drum. many times, not 01in on his own 'l‘lw 33'1'it11r 1111j113'1-1l 1111 11111111111111- it.3' t1) t11st th11 str11ngth of a garilla 33'h11n l111 spout an h1111r with the 31111111.: John D1111i11l.2n1l. 33ithin r11- 11'11nt months. This 111111 was then about t'h11111 3111119 111‘ 11g11.3311igh1_11l 11isrl1t3 111111111ls am] stand n1111r13'f11ur t1~11t tall. His lags 33'111'11 3111'3'sh111't but l‘rnm th11 33'aist 1111. his h111l3' 33113 about as l1ra33 n3 as that of a 11033- 111f11l blacksmith. th11 arms 11311111'ial- 13' bring 3"'1113 111112 11ml ~‘t111n1:.an1l tl111 [11133. 33hi1'h is 1'11all3' a hand. as lung and strain: as that 11f a Six- foot slf'3111l111'.1' In a clinch. this 3111‘. although but a baby. 11111131111 to 1.111.- a daught3 11111111n1'11t. 33'hil11 his t110 pla3l11l t11111l11nC3' tn bring his [1033'- 1111111 t1111tl1 intn acti11n.hitin1'.' lhr1 neck and arms. finally 331111 him the argument. J. F. C. Menlove, former president of the defunct Northwestern Assur- ance Company, of W‘innipeg, who since early in 1924 has been lighting extradition in the courts of San Francisco, will be. returned to Can- ada. Following the collapse of the company, together with its subsid- iaries, which involved a loss to shareholders in the Prairie Prov- inces of approximately $500,000, warrants were issued for the arrest of the executive officers, Adherents in British Columbia of the continuing Presbyterian Church in Canada are planning for the es- tablishment ot‘ a college in connec- tion with the University of British Columbia on the new Point Grey site. Leases of five acres are avail- able to churches that make applica- tion, and it is said that the contin- uing l’resbyterians have made ap- plication for their leasehold land with a view to erecting a college ”‘33”. in theanear future. mm a HOW to erecting a college thorn in the near future. 'l‘hirty-right years in jail, of which he must serve six years in Princv Albert jail at hard lnhm', was tho snntvnro imposnd nr Snrhoy Martnslwvsky, a Russian immigrant, alias Jack Martin. rhnrgml l'wfore Juclgv Hannon in tho District Cnnrt at Regina. Saturday. with olrvon clit't'orvnt. counts Uf fnrgnry and ut- towing.r in Vin-inns parts nf thv Prov- inm'. a total Hf $781 twins: inmlwd. 'l'lw arrusml was said tn hnw- t‘nrgod ('lwquo's for various sums on a wlmlvsale- svalv. must Hf his vic- tims twin}: l‘al'mvrs whn (-mplnyml him fur a while. \\ ould prm idv a sai‘v dofnnso a- "ruins! the: linn. tho lmilulo â€". men the elephant. A sarcophagus of Kootenay gran- ite, posting $5,000, now surmounts the tomb of Petcrfl'eregin, Donk- hobur leader, on the rocky hill over- luoking Brilliant, BL‘. Doves sur- mount it. and a grubhm: and u shov- el, typifying the agricultural pur~ suits of the Douklmhurs, are among the carvings. The inscripticm will be left to young Peter \‘eregin, the new leader, when he arrives from Russia. Marquis (iastnn dv Lewis and his frinnd. ilnuut. do Malnssyv-Mi‘lum. \w-ru [iassmigm's an tho Canadian Pacific S, S. Minnudnsa. which ar- riwd at quhvc Saturday night. The hm yuung Frmu-h Nnhlnmcu am in Canada in study Canadian agrii'ul- tui'al mathnds, and ard guing direct. tn (Mtawa. \"llt‘l'f‘ Hwy will 1w thi.‘ guests 0f Mr. (him'go (innthim', Aud- itnium-nm'al «if Canada. Marquis do Louis is a dirvct. dusm-ndant nt' Um Fri-ni'h (if‘lii'l'ill who hm'i' thn same namv and tilln. and who ha.1 some- thing: in dn with tlw making: (if Cans adian history whom he iwcanw fam~ “us as a I'vsult Hf Hm hattln of SIP. Fnyv. nut. far fi'nm the Plains of Ahi'aham. 1760. Fin“ nf nnknnwn nrigin «:nmplwto- |_\' «Instl't'yvd ”10 planing mill nwm‘d by D. B. Hanna: \Vmghtwllv. 0119.. About 600 Montreal members of the International Fur Wbrkers’ l n- ion are on strike in that city. Po- lice a1e guarding fur manulactur- e13 premises on St. Paul Street, and other tghorou Mares in the whole- sale fu1 district. So far, there has been no disorder. Several windows were either cracked or smashed b a heavy hailstorm which struck ontreal on Saturday afternoon. The storm lasted for ten minutes. during which time. hailstones the size of marbles covered the streets of the city. Power and telephone wires were al-‘ 80 affected by the fall, but no ser- ious damage resulted. Wm * W - ' mom“ News From Halifax to Vucgnvor Bailod Down and Torsoly Told THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 1 \Ve know very little about the somatology of the gorilla because very few scientists have ever had the opportunity to dissect. one. It' is possible to demonstrate that many parts of his soft anatomy are closely related to the homoloigous parts or the anatomy of man. This applies especially to the nose, the ears. the teeth and the feet. By studying the anatomy of the simiidm. including that. of the gor- illa. and by studying their habits and psyel‘iology when they are at home in their native forests. it. is believed by many anthropologists that as much can be learned con- cerning man’s early relationship to the apes as we can learn by the slow discovery of fossils. Duncan Gammon, of Pictou, N. 8., charged with the. murder of his English war-bride, Sarah Gammon. somewhere between Truro and Pie-- tou, last September, was committed to stand trial at the next session of the Supreme Court by Magistrate Andrew Cluney at Halifax at the conclusion of a preliminary hearing extending over several weeks. Smashing the record for the run from Australia to Victoria, the new Canadian-Australasian motor liner Anrangi made port at Victoria on Thursday night from Sydney. The previous best time for the distance was‘made by the same ship on her cl‘wst. but. on ”In wnitm's back. It “as Hut done in anger. but midently fnr thn snmn rnnson that a man of- tvn {Luscs his must-Ins sort of self-demonstration 0f strength. The drumming was rapid, producing a resonant noise. It was not done with the. fists, but, with the edges 01' both hands. snm'rmas uncv BATH TOWBLS CIRCULAR PILLOW co'r'ron PURE 131311 TABLE mums was made by the same shi maiden voyage two months that occasion, she averag knots. This trip. she. travc uniform rate of 17.04 km arrival here was 13 hours schedule. One hundred and thirty-eight. companies and about 90 delegates will make up the 42nd annual con- vontion «if the Canadian Fire [7n- dm‘writei's’ Association, which will hold its sessions at Murray Bay from Junv 22 to June 28 next, ac- cording to Lnonard Hnwgate, East- ern secretary of the association. The dulegatvs willhe from Montreal. Tn- I'nnto. New York, Hartford and in some cases as far afield as the West- m'n States. Becausv ()svar Carponticn a rank on board the Canada Steamship Linns stnamvr Canadian. disobeyed Pulas by guing ashorn far matclws to light. tho galley slaw, instead 01' wallisitinning them from thp cap- lain. he could not. claim compmlsa- lion fur- tnmporary incapacity which rasultpd whoa. in leaving the vnssol, lw fall and fraclurod his 10ft mm. This was tlm holding: 0f a jndgmnnt. handml down by Mr. Justico Mir- linoau in tlw Slipwinr Court at Mnnll‘nal. Tho Quoiwc I’rmincial Dopam- mont of Lands and Forests is mm- siclm 111:: the :1d\i.‘~'abilitv of huilatiim :1 \\il(‘lt'SZ~' station on tho Summit, tho higimst point in tho Laurentidos. It is understood that tho tmwr Wnultt 110 Sn built. that. it. could sm'vn as an OhSPI‘VflUOII [inst I'm' “1‘0 rangers, It is also pmposod tn iii- stat a tvlograph office in (111(- 0f the flavors of tho Parliamont Building-s. WllPl‘P rnpm'ts cnuld be taken diroct- ly frnm tho. tim rangm's in Various parts of the. province. Amendments to the Opium and Narcotic Drugs Act, to provide more drastic restrictions and to bring Ca- nadian regulations in line wlih Ill- ternational policy on the drug traf- fic,.were give third readinga no passed final stages in the House of Commons Friday afternoon. The billnot goes to the Senate. early Friday morning, entailing a lose estimated at. $50,000. - _ th and thirty-eight, yout 90 delegates 42nd annual con- motor 1 Victoria Sydney. ' the dist: e _s_hip on 93TH , '.; ahead oria on By. The distance 3 on her ago. 011 !d 16.58 lled at. 1: 15. Her )Cicty 0f ma-.la,a 11 numbers (“011 at {he Wi- 1‘4 u'mm' 0f R. GIBSON LEAVING GBYLOI Boyden Gibson of Ceylon has se- cured a situation in Toronto and will move with his family to that. city. For many years, Roy has been prominent. in baseball circles in and around. Ceylon. where he has been the. “daddy“ of more than one. snap- py team. BUI'PU u Mluuuuu'u; “gnu-g»- m.” - “â€" ’ ' P 1 “H 2 W will move wnth Ins fannly to that ”[1301? lg‘gnlll‘lf15J “L n "'“« 3 “it\' For many vears, Roy has been 1191‘ 00 .~ 0 -- ' U r o _ . . ° . in‘ommont m baseball cn‘cles In and ' â€"â€""""""""""_ _ _‘ ‘ around. Jovian. where he has been I‘he test of 1.01.30 1» “5.0“” ~.\' the “daddw of more than one snap- popular songs mthuut lntmg H1“ py team. piano stool. e..;- ................... nnnnnn ..... """""""" ----------------- . :-.'-,- -::.;:;:E:;.;::SS::E::: wrw _ SUCCEIOM . GIG” ‘ an»? ‘ EED isthevital factor in the whole ‘1‘”. .' . x - ' r The selection of the seed best suited for your localitymaymeanthedifierence between a goodandabadcrop. Make full use of the free advisory services of your nearest agricultural college. They can help you to avoid mistakes. Write to the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa {ma list of “3m “.14.: m Rptt" Farming-" The . WES MILLS Every Day Is Bargain Day Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats Durham Branch J. A. Rowland, Manager Bran Bran Shorts Eeed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’ s Calf Meal Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds Write to the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa {01’ a “83 0f "300 Help: to Better Fanning." in and 3 1mm snap- AT Put Ior lung on the look “When a girl starts fishing rm- :1 proposal what should I do?“ “If you love her, put Inn-ring; my her hook, of course." Now that the time f« approaching, why not p12 A good portable set is ea: and will add much pleas If you am» making an :« trip, you can usv rum”; hurry tulws. and juet the dash-light or "Hm- the machinv fm' ymn' Ilia rent. 0r. I'\'l99s ur \\'_Io1 989d and [will ”no .\ um Ies built ium thv wt. The recnivm' may Iv- n 8 small womlc'n Imx \Vala strap 0n the: hop. “1' Imm- I)? built. mm 3 ~malt 2" 0380. use In a pm shnws a m cm! “'1“! a Th0 hum roflnx h'ane mad»: ”W is listvd IN'I' Th0 m 8ch- can I mvnt Au h hilv gunvmt Charmin! I”? HI! tub 1h: any Imum Whom “ fishing I‘M" he had i“ his clwst ‘_ Lion daufih'm' “f DSDIPS 0? I (m Tm-sda.‘ A lar cum-0r! ian Dr M m I S!“ Mrs. step III at. tlu‘ anklo. ansmu Schuul ran‘S'. plum! During a sow-n- on Saturday llWX'IHI ' ' Jv-tz'ny'd Thonumnn Ill (laivdn tin. a ynung furnn fun Township. \\ Cl“. about UH- fum- lightning struck In .\n.-.-’I‘II«-.~‘v . T. SMIL 6" Nil. Mit‘ll. M HM ‘10 SH" HVih‘. HI "I land Classified Ads m Drama“ H“ Iqun-vm . coo/us. lll (110 A and a Ll’w sc'l. var may Iw I dan Imx Willa I (up, "1‘ I00”. to a small lo Th INJURED [I 8T0 Mr. Sherri." u ill b problems. Write hi V. has t. 1035. mung OUI “l panama!" 3' making a ('3 re crnwd “'35 lll‘l'SPDN‘d l0! H R' MN "I! lmnda PORTABLE Th0 R 6â€"6 3S M HI Dundalk \V M "INK Id man RE FLEX C lfl o\\' I Hg RADIO QL'Et ‘0‘. ll if" \\ "In! ll bu Th the H’ll sh on II

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