West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Jun 1925, p. 7

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the whole bin] crops busseed. Wicca 0! Can help SA LADA 5t suited etween a MOI-OD".- *O‘WO’” 'A'LADA. agam or mm; the Book ur Mn It you are making an automobile trip. you can use regular storage battery tubes. and just plug into tho dash-light or other socket on tho marhino for your filament cur- ront. 0r, l'VtQOs or WlDt2s may be usml and both tho A and B batter- ios built into the set. Tho rocniwr may be mounted m a small wnmlvn box with a carrymg strap cm tlu- top, or better yet, may 1w built into a small leather suit. CEISP. Fur thc snkc of room. of wcight, and nf simplicity. wc. must sacri- iicc in snmc cucnt on volumc and sclcctiviiy. Thc. nfflcicncy’ 0f Hm rcflcx circuit makcs it idcnl fur usc. in a wwtahlc sci. Thc diagram shnvs a snitahlc '3 tubc ccflcx cir- cuit. with a crystal dctcctoc. 'l'lm Inning Iransfm‘mm‘ and tho “'l {01‘ “HS ('II'I'UII as rvflvx Il'ansfnrmpr may In hum»- analy- aIlJllStI‘Il, and mmlv: Ilw o‘bllwl‘ appara’ua nondvd aIlJusImg‘ntavnll. is listml lwlmv: As It. Is IlllfiClIll, tn 0 , . ' . 1‘ ' ‘ what sort uI' an an - n00 mmf. \arlahlo --0nIla‘Il.~PI‘S availablo. [wnvisinn .(almut '23 plan“. mnlmwting it In II I Filamvut. rho‘nstfiil. cliffnrmnt. wavs. If I I 200 nhm [WU‘NIONMI‘P- wrv slim-I. and not. '2 A. l‘. Trarlsfnrmnrs. . should ho cmuwotml I lhw’nvnlw Lryslal DMPNHP- A low: anlmnu. an I. 2 500 mmf. hy-pass conflnnsm‘s. will give lwltm' In.“ I 2000 mmf. hy-pass mndvnsm‘. nvctml In Pnst. No. '3 D'Iillf“. \ anrial on post NH. 2. I In.» In 90 \‘nlI-s‘,» B hattm‘)’. - II-I anal (1-; will rmul ln “l'tlo'l' In saw I)“ spaco. svlm-t 'I'm' mgh statinn, \\ [HII'lS which aro as small as pos- IWSI, N). I. conc’lvnm sihlu M'e‘n if it. is nocvssary I0 533- SM qunlo a lllllI‘ ll rifico quality a little. for Nlch station. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, givo me can 89‘ mPntS'. ’" troit. Mich. ___.o._â€"â€"- l-‘. T. asks: “If a 6 volt automo- llilo gvnm'atm‘ may be used for charging his A and B battnrivs‘?" Anaâ€"TM gmwratm‘ will charge any baltrry nt‘ 6 vults. It. will not do rm- vharging B batteries unlvss tho m‘lls are specially cunnected in groups nf about 6 volts each. .\I. _F.. 'I‘. says: “Lam using a 4- ND» Smwrdyne- rocmvm'. Some dia- grams shuw a connoctmn botwmm Hm primary and secondary circuits \‘1191‘ \V'. .'\. fishing rocontly, ho. had to wad his chest lggfpre .-\. Seabright was out fiehing recently. his boat. upset and he had tn wade in water up to hefm‘e reaching dry land. Billeen. aix - month - old \V'hen \V. A lérge crowd was on hah for the cancert presented by the Presbyter- ian Dramatic Club, “The Country Minister.‘ ._ :. -unndnnnn at the. Mmlsu‘r. . Thm‘o was a fair attendance at the park for the spurts held under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sunday qchool. Following the children‘s L ninmm In small During a severe: electricnl storm on Saturday morning last. hghtmng hit and destroyed the barn of J. Thompson in Caledon. Stanley Mar- tin. a young farmer of East Gara- Iraxa Township. was stunned and the face; when a bolt. of .‘l. :‘nS. . hen-ill will be glad to help you solve your rqdio pxglfms. Write him, care of The Durham Chromcle. “Will V011 please and others nmit this connectlon‘; - thv addross nf‘a place I What. Is that mmwg'tmn Ausod fn_1. I}? ~ )mn Filisofi B battm'v plo- It spams .to make 11(th 31' no dif- fir“. ' ‘ ‘ ' t‘m‘oncu thh my rpcmvm'. H ’l‘hnsv muv 1m Obtained from Ansâ€"The comwctlon you mon- ~ - - -. . w v.1)v- ‘un sim 11v 'x'ounds the» A battery. >tntt‘ a) PcllllFt-PP ‘\\. nu rtIIL ,‘ ‘.‘n;ulsm.n'§l‘ nrnhnhlv hp mom RP]- l.. A. says: 7' . 1w: RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Soc Diagram The tuning and reflex transform- ers shown as T-i and Tâ€"2 in the diagram are made exactly alike. Each should be wound on a 3 inch piece of bakelito or dry cardboard tubing 2 inches long. The second- ary, which consists 0f 60 turns of 26 gaugo DOC copper wire, is wound on first. Thoprimary, _consisting to 930]} other. As the. diagram shows. both tubes arr controllwl by tho snmn rlwnstatw 'l‘lw crystal t'lt‘tt‘otnl‘ shnuld be mmmtml Plus» to 'l‘-"2 and the by- puss conc‘lo‘nswr 11-3 shnuld 1w Close tn tlw crystal as shown. Tim Brown- liv Crystal is strongly I'm'nmmvml- ml for this circuit :is it. is snnsitiw, vastly acljustml. aml will l‘mld its adjustmvnt. \w'll. As it. is difficult. tn toll in advance what sm't. Hf an antvnna- will be available. provision is made fm' mnmim'ling it to tho sot. in two «liffnrvnt ways. It‘ tlm antmma is wry short. and not. wry high. it should lw (‘mnwctml tn post. N0. 1. A low: :mtvnnzl. «m the other hand. will giw» lwltm- m-sults whoh mm- nvctml in Past NH. '2. \Vilh lllt‘ anrial on past NH. 1’. tlw cundvnsm's «1-1 and (1-2 will rum! about. thn Sam» 'l‘m' mu'h stzitinn. \V'ith flu». am‘ial past. NH. 1. mnclvnsm' (1â€"1 will bn svt quitv a lillln lmvm' than (1-2 AllS.â€"ThP comwction you mon- linn simply grounds the» A battery. The tuning will probably be more sel- vctiw without tlw comwclion. 1's- ing thv cunnoclinn will usually 1w- mnw 3 Int. of 110in from the. re- ceiver. Chicago) '. W. MOON A pretty May weddi was solem- nized at the home of r. and Mrs. Marshall Beard, Markdale, when their daughter, Thelma, became the bride of Mr. William McEachnie of Marmara. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Dr. Gray. After the honeymoon, the couple will reside at Marmara. A. A A At a meeting of the Centre Grey Baseball League in Flasherton on Thursday, May 21, this year’s sched- ule wa§_arranged1_ A- ‘._ A‘___‘“- 643i A pretty wedding was solemnized at tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,Ward of Brant. on May 20 when their youngest daughter, Janet Ruth, was united in marriage to Mr. Har- nld Dmisworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Dodswortl} _of Rentinngk. . William Blackbnrno of Concession in. Eldvrslie. brought. to The Chosloy Enterprise. office on Tuesday, May 26. a mammoth goose egg that mea- surod 12% x8% inches and weighed exactly one p9und. -n ALA 11:1..1‘ l'u‘fll, ‘11., l'lll.‘ t'vusn-cu At a special meeting of the High School Board Thursday, May 21, the mcmhcrs of tho teaching staff were rc-engagcd and given an increase of $100 each in salary in CODSidQI'atiOD 3f an cxtra touching period each av. ()n Tucsday. May 26, John \Vhite McKinnon. only son of Rev. and Mrs. John McKinnon of this town. was 1inductod into the Christian ministry in Knox Church. W‘alkcrtnn. Ho has horn appointod Directm' of Religious Education in {In}. largcst church in Moose". Jaw. Sask. ‘ I 1‘ 1. A--- Dan Cook, who died at the horm- nt‘ his «laughter. Mrs. (Capt) Lam- bert. in Sangeen Township, at the. age. of 72. was for ten years a resi- dent (if Chesley. Chvsley wnn the. opening Bruce League baseball game at Hanover by a 7-5 score. On May 27. Chesle-y opened at, lmme, defeating Kincar- dine. ‘24-]. A ladies soft? ball league was 01'- ganized among the churches on Friday, May 22. Hanover The Saugoen Golf Club will be. Opmwd (m Juno 1 fm‘ mvmbers unly. Allan Watt. of Hannver, who with Howard Martin of Guelph was charged with stealing .chickc-ns at Milton. was sentenced to threo munths in theflll‘eformqtory. ,I \Vh i‘lwe I ‘1‘“ 1 Ed. ' \éé'lâ€"lvlvbtz f1 auer of Bvutinck was taking tho young cat- tln nut to the hu.~_'h_.‘ ope of them -1 Ln-) Ontario stumblml. f tn [)0 Shot. While visiting in Milwrton an' tho 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Beck- nm' and baby of Hanover were in- jured in an auto accident. It is have” the. baby may be injured in- to rnul 1y. ‘- _ l 1‘ {it A__ I‘. 5 II\$|. Rvy. D. J. Lzuw, pastor of St. An- drews Prosbyterlan Church, hero, 1‘65-61 u'll'é‘tlnivtsâ€" log and had Chesley M. '1'}. Murray, 886.4 w mitts "W. I Y ‘ ._A_‘â€"‘ has accepted a call to Wallaceburg. The annual decoration of the Sol- diers’ Memorial hi the Hanover school children too place on Friday The death occurred 2| Brant Township on Friday, M y 22, of Mr. John Rothaupt at the age of 737 years. ‘AL_ w'l‘hvemihnual church parade of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides took place to the Baptist Church on Sqndayg May 2.4- -,_AI__ --_ UV---“ Mr. Val. Sachs, who recently con- ducted the Paramount Theatre here, has purchased the movie house at Mount Forest. and moved there. On Friday, May 15, the drug store of S. R. Davey in Chesley was en- tered through a hack Window andi the till rifled of $100 in cash. After working on the case, Provincial Of- ficer Bone of Walkerton had a war- rant issued for the arrest of Moses Steinherg. an 18-year-old Chesley youth who had left for 'Doronto shortly after the robbery. When the accused returned to Chesley, he was arrested and is now out‘qn bail. 'v‘goi-dr-nvavfini‘iébwhn 6f Garrick was fined $20 and costs for allowing his hogs to feed on the flesh of a dead horse. f _ - Fenner Bros., of the 15th Con- cession, Garrick, have a cow that gave birth to twin calves On Monday, May 25, and a heifer that repeated the performance on the following Tuesday. .. _-__ I _AA-_I__A] 1,- _ \V’hen three horses attached to a manure spreader ran away, Mr. A. Russwurm 0f Garrick, attempted to jump from the implement hut caught his foot in the clutch and was thrown undcr the wheels. H9 suffered a badly bruised left shoul- der and some fractured r_ih_s_. ‘ Rm 'A. H. Plyley, local Methodist pastor has accépted a call to Elam. His successor at \\ alkerton is Rev. Tlmmas Boles, late _of Miltqn, _ “mums DUIQ'E, Ian: Ul "IIILUII. Knox Memorial Church, Pinkerâ€" ton, recorded a majority of 22 in favor of Union. The sister church at (Jargill goes into union without a vote. ‘ A Toronto bond dealer, driving a Ford coupe from Cargill to Walker- ton, had a narrow escape from death when a big touring car struck and demolished the Toronto car and whose unfortunate driver was left‘ in the ditch. A passer-by conveyed the injured man into W‘alkerton where he was under the doctor’s care for a few days. Donald Reich, the 8-year-old son of Mr. Ben. Reich. was knocked down and almost killed on the road- way in front of his home Friday night, Ma}? 22. The lad, who had been hanging on the back. 01; ant]. .J -'“'-C7"-L N. R. Express truck, leaped off «lir- ertly in front on an auto. Although severely injured about the head and one arm, hopes are entertained for his recovery. _ - .- an ‘I _-_- 'im; Kifiikél, tho ii-voar-olcl son of Mr. Pvtm' Kunknl Ht Garrick. had a gangmnms appendix removed at tho ()mmty Hnspltzll how an Mon- day, May 25. Miss Lmnsa Hussfvlci. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ ' II , 4““ I “P IIIII I -.-_J F- _, , . ' daughter of Mr. \\ 'llllam Hossfold 01' (Mar Crook, was also npvratml m1 fmj ampgnghmtls \\ mhwsday, May :37. Lon Schmu‘t‘, the 9-}‘PaI‘-Hld son 01‘ Mrs. Frank Schnurr. full «111' the hannister at tho Separate Schtml and «immwd he‘savily to tlw floor. He 1-0- cniwd sumo nasty bruises about the Imad and face. Mr. Campbell Grant of Durham. who grmluntvd as a barrister frnm ()ngHdQ Hall, Torontn, last week. opmmd a law practice in the. office formerly ncmlpiecl by the late Arthur Collins. mli'éi: Joseph Guixm, a former \Valkerton buy and son of the late 61:ch}: H'soiathhmpmn. Altho the Royal Hotel was all set to sel the new beer on the 21, the new stock didn’t arrive in town until Saturday, May 23.‘ Mr. George Sisenberg, the local 'un-k dealer, joined the benedicls ast Sunda in Toronto, his bride be- in; Miss C am Kabner of the Queen City.‘ The annual inspection of Public and High School cadets took place on Thursday, May 28. the inspecting officer being LieuLâ€"Gol. George B. Gillespie of London. In spite of cold weather, a good crowd turned out to witness the program of sports on Monday, May 25. The band provided excellent music. The Hanover juvenile la. \crosse players were trimmed by the locals by an 8-6 score, while the local baseball pastimers lost to the Chesley team 13-6, the visitors garâ€" nering nine counters in the ninth stanza. In an interesting football .game. Walkerton was victorious over Cargill 2-0. "â€"wâ€"wv .â€" Thomas Herman had the misfor- tune to haveh is foot badly injured on Wednesday morning. May 20. He was working on the let sidoroad with Overseer \Polfuss. and while chopping out a pine stump. tho ax. glanced off and cut a very had gash in his foot. Ho will ho off work for a time. W‘alkerton won their first league baseball game of tho svasou f1 nm Lucknow by a 19-2 scope. Jennie Bannm‘man, who with hm- mflthor is visiting her grandmutlwr, Mrs. Ruthven, in Elderslio. was so badly bitten by a dug that. eight stitches were necessary in 01050 up the wound. Alex" the oight-yoar-nld son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrpw Schnm'r 01‘ near Ambersliv. had his foot. and log badly mangled whom he was caught between the sections of a land rul- lor he tried t_u climb on. Edwam‘l D. Ramsey. sun of Mr. and Mrs. .‘J. J. Ramsey. was amung the successful gradualns in thv final war at the Rnyal College of Dvntal Surgmmg. Tog-0mg). - “_ -2- Lflcal lady bowlprs organized their club on Friday, May 22. Rev. Thomas R, Todd, son of Mrs. A. Todd of tmvn. is pastm' nf tlm Harriston I'nited Cl'ml'ch. no rn “ll uuuuuuuu Jamos H. éponce K. (1.. 0f Turk has been usigned‘onto . of the Memodistmigu ”Signed onto und graduate of Waite“ [alumni High School, has been elected.”- ident of the Ontario Bar Association. was .11 The wotch stolen from Ilrs. Yam I the 21, some time ago has been returned to in town her. , ‘ The third nnd fourth rooms of tho Public School held an Empire Day $313133; celebration on Friday afternoon, ° 0M‘ 22- 3332123; '1th local Bartist congregation has “ extended a cal to Rev. J. 8. Titan . .0! on City. SAFETY Dmiosit Box in the A nearest branch of tho-Standard Bank will rvlivw any anxiety regarding tlw whim-abouts of ynur vnluahlt-s‘ \Vhilo lim‘mittillg “'00 ac- cvss to them by ynn ur a duly auth- urizwl [mi-sun at any iimc- during banking hours. The cost is less than unc «mm, per day; the value rucuiwd is. :in invsiimablo sensv Hf security. In spite of cold wuther. the nip tend-nee at. the community races on the 25th was excellent. At a. special meeti of the Town Olmncll on Suturdny, ay 23. it. w decided to delay the pawns of thin Street as the government assistance was not deemed udequte.__ â€" â€"AI-__. -0 appointed to the Entrance Bound: the Supply Committee was instruct- ed to scours coal for next year; it was decided to ro-cngage both Pub- lic. and High School staffs, and a imotion was passed to ask from the Town Council $6.(ll0 for each of the schools for next year. While Captain Evondcn was out riding on his bicycle on Tuesday owning, May 26. ho was hit by a car driven by an Hwy-n Sound man but was not. sci‘imisly injured; l-“ ”le w an "Ut' aux.’ .«-..--.., ---_'__ 7 __ Around mum 'l‘uvsday of last week, the fire brigade had a run 11p Main Street to Mr. Wober‘s where a chimnoy was on fire. No damageuwa‘s. dope. ' A" ».' -l-- I.-.I ‘V In.) “v"vu luuuoau The Horticultural Sueiely had shrubs planted out. recently It the. Town Hall and other places around tuwn. _ . [FIVV II. Ikmahi Pouwardvn. yuung son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pi-nwardvn. mat with a rallwr serious accidmit, on .‘lunday. thn 25th. He lit. thv fuse 01' a lhroo inch “National Salli!!!" ('i-zu-km'. but it. hung lirv. and he tm'nvd the fuse inwards his face. 'l‘lw I‘l'flCkPl‘ lhvn \wnt Ofl' slinotins tho lie-i‘y i'uutvnts iniu his {300. The Inft sidv of his fam- was painfully lim'm-«l and his 03'» injumd. but. it is Imloml that tho sight. may not be inn nail‘mi. Flapper versiun: “Pet and the worm pots wnth you, rotram and you walk alone."

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