West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1925, p. 9

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' Dark Youngstera’ of Paradise! rd Puzzle N0. 11 no 121 In 42 Answer to Last Week's Puzzle No. l l2 38 ‘45 .9 ”(fwd acre!!â€" mfnrt 0f timp O‘Vf wr. but. in “Dal-hie . \xatwrmnlon sea- hum-y a-pnlishing f'l'lm. That look .-:’:I[vh0'l'â€"<“GO ’way. 23 33]“ 59 ‘76 m' dv‘px‘ession i ‘0 oi q‘ho‘o‘fio‘ made in P"YF'?"‘01 crimson on m "I 1m travelled mm 7N0) ~‘llt hv‘cp-like ani- \ family. 60" Ir-unmtic seeds nt N {010.4% ”f 1}." fish H'Hnl 9883 ch 'Inx‘mio and river shnt‘ss ttion 10 DRS. JAIIBSOI JAIIBSOI name and residence a shqrt dist- a“... past of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- 'Hfll. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 4 :-.m. (except Sundays). J. L. Sll'l'fl, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. «Mice and residence. corner of «Inuntess and Lambton Streets. oppo~ ~w» um Post Ofl'ice. OHice hours : é» tn H a.m.. 1:30 to 4 0.111., 7 to 9 pm. Sundays excepted). day DR. A. I. BELL mTire nn Lambton Street (the late lu'. Hutton’s office). Office hours, 2 to 7» p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except. Sun- C. 6. AND BESSIE MoGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years :md years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 M 23 tf J. I. “MT, 11. U. §., u. U. 9. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth's Drug Store. ._â€"_._.â€"â€" on.'w;c chnnmna, nnnms'r ()fl'ice, over J. G: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. lluuunnnv , us ”Jinan-v .- HIDDLBB’RO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlebro’ is permanently located at Durham Office. Priceville Branch open every Friday from 4.30 t0 9.30 p.111. LUCAS BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments mpy he made with the Clerk in the ofl‘i'ce. DAN. [cl-BAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnahlp terms. Dates of sales made at. Th» Chronicle Office or with him- self. ALEX. IacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. 01 Grey. NImlerate terms. Arrangements for sales. as to dates. etc.. may be made at. The Chronicle Office, Durham. 'I‘M‘ms nn application. Address RE. I. Durham. Phone. 611 1' 24. REUBEN C. WATSON Licensed Auctioneer for County of m'vy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- ~miahlo terms and satisfaction guar- antvvil. Dates made at The Durham illii'onicle office or with R. C. \Nat- sun. \‘arney, RR. 1. Phone 604 I'll. Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given tor the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word mil be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. . _________________â€"â€"â€"â€" LO’I‘ 7, CON. 2!. EGREMONT. CON- taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; Convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; zilso hav barn 30x50 with stone base- . 20x40; twelve-room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hav; to acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. RR. Ii. Durham. "'lntario. to 25 23 tf NORTH PART LO’I‘ S 7 AND 8. CON; 2'3 Eeremont. containing 66 acres; 53 balance hardwoods ate of cultivation; . stone basement, concrete stables; drilled well and Piment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 mil 7. Con. 4. sum Glenelg. con- taining “0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick . taining seven rooms. h 800d frame woodshed attached: drilled well at door; never failin spri gs this farm. making a c .oice farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Qair . RR. 4. Durham. Ont. 102023 f MRI ton SALE Lot 66. Con. 2. W..G.R.. Rentinck. 21-} miles southwest of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and in good state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone stables. 7-roomed brick house with extension kitchen and woodshgd. Thursday, Juno 1:, ”28. 1 Brood Sow.1.m-uu . . w. T. Dasis, R. R. 2. Priceville. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road T0ronto In... I an“ I. Haddocks MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBIAN FARMS FOR SALE Medical Directorv. him W. am: I. lama: Formerly 0f Flesherton Dental Directorr Classified Advertisements Legal ‘Direciorv FOR PROPERTY FOR SALE GQQD HOUSE, ALL CONVENIENCES; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap-l ply Box 10, Chronicle. 4 14 tf BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post. Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Phou grapher. 10 9“ FOP. SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkms. 221 U FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWlO-STOREY frame dwelllng, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 tf The Geoxge \Vhitmore property, near McGowans mill; rough- cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre or land; drilled well, cistern; good {11111 trees, and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schutz. 626M LOT SOUTH OF \‘OKER BODIES Limited; also lot south of W. D. Connor’s. Apply J. A. Brown, Durâ€" ham. 5 11; tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 IO tr SIDEBOARD AND COOKING RANGE for coal or wood. Cheap for cash. Apply Chronicle office. 5 7 U PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ AA‘A. Garag'e. FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas 6:. Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on shoyg order. A G ARDEN P \R'I \ WILL BE HELD in Blighams Glow -\ll:m Paik. un- «101' tho auspiws uf 1hrist Church, Friday mnning Juno 19.13311 game 5 o'clnck. supper 6.30 to 8. Program 8 u‘vlnck sharp. Admission, adults 2:30, children 150. including snppm‘. Everybody wolcomo. 2 pd DI'RHAM DISTRIUI‘ LO. L. WILL hold thnir svmi- annual mopting m Dmham on Satm-Wlu}, June 13. and all BlPlhI‘On are 08.11108“) requested tn attvml. )lcmting “ill stmt at 2 o‘clock sharp. CALVBS STRAYBD STRAYED FROM MY PREMISES about May 23. two calves, 1 year UM, both red with some white on them: also mm fall calf, light red. All have horns. Any information about. them gmtefnlly received.â€" Charlps Mcfilncklin. Priceville. RR. 2. Phonp, Durham 607. ring 22. l HOUSE FOR RENT OPPOSITE RE‘ IEW" OFFICE; IN good rppai1; electric lights, etc.: im- mediato possession. 76. Durham. FISHING 0N LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 7th Concession of Glenelg, the, farm of Thomas Timmins, is strictly pro- hibited and persons found so doing will he prosecuted to the. full ex- tent of the law.â€"-â€"L. F. Robertson. 6 11 tt‘ l’Cllll Uuee Iw (war-age. Our machinerx is down in price. Now is the time to buy.â€" __ _. . .1...” om ‘2 mnr‘ I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY for the following lines of Imple- ment refpgirg; InterpagionaL Wilkin- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" mm“... an V 11 [luv-u. a.“ l . ____ for the following lines of Imple- ment repairs: International. Wilkin- son and Tudhopeâ€"Anderson. Terms strictly cash.â€"Goorge A. Noble, Dur- ham, Ont. See me at Noblcs’ Garage. 3 12 3mpd ARTICLES WANTED IOTICB 1'0 nuns The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation gill 311?}; stock from Dur- Phone 601 r 13 FISHING, TRAPPING AND HUNT- ing prohibited on the following pro- perty: Lot 46, and Lots 59 to 64. inclusive, all in the Township of Bentinck. 3rd Concessionâ€"Wm. No- ble.Geo. annbull, Ben. Coutts, Geo. MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS W FISHING PROHIBITED kcdble Durham. -- "319 3 rhpd FOR SALE msnnm rnonmmn IMPLEMENT SHOP \Vm. Erwin. District Mastm‘. Durham, 1111. i. 626 M 6‘3 tf Ere this issue of the paper is pub- lished, the third or Calyx spray will have been applied. It has been a rush, but Mr. Hamilton and the De- partment of Agriculture, Markdale, have done their best to get to all applicants’ orchards previous to and during each spray. Undoubtedly some have. been missed. This the supervisors regret exceedingly. However, they have done their best and requested all applicants to tele- phone it‘ any assistance was re- quired. Some, have done so. and ap- preciation ot- such is herein ex- pressed. Although the three most impor- tant sprays are. applied, weather conditions will be watched Very carefully. Should the weather in- dicate the necessity of further apâ€" plications of spray. due notice will be given every fruit grower. ' Permanent Sheep Dipping Tanks Mr. VVi. J. Howard. Paris, Junior Sheep Promoter of Western Ontario, is in Grey County installing per- manent Sheep Dipping Tanks. Alto- gether, twenty-one applications for these have been received. It is hoped to install at least one per day so that in the course of a month, all applications will be filled. Girls’ Household Science Judging Competition The announcement of the second Household Science Judging has just come to the local branch of the De- partment, of Agriculture, Markdale, from the Director of Agricultural Representatives, Toronto. The com- petition will be conducted again this year, only enlarged. There will he an inter-county competition with teams of three. girls from each county. Those, of course, would be trained if demon- strators are available. An open competition will also he hekl in ‘winch any young lady under 25 may enter provided she has never amended a Ihnne Econonnc School‘for over three months. She can enter any two classes, but only win one prize. It costs 50 cents to enter. The classes area 3 follows: (1) Baking. which includes bread and cake: Nutritionâ€"sr'hool lunches and family menus; Sowingâ€" house dresses and making huttonholes and homminsr: Good Dressingâ€"Dross parade and country girl’s wardrobe. The prizes grivon will he as fol- lows: $10.00. $9.00. $8.00. $7.00, $6.00, $5.00. $4.00, $3.00. $2.00, $1.00. Those are substantial and worthy of try- ing for. Every girl in Grey County should try this competition. ’l‘ho Dopartmont. of .â€"\m‘ioult.uro, Mark- dale, will give any information the young ladies may (losiro. Canadian Bacon Shows Improvement Ontario’s Agent General, stationed at Londnn. England, writes as_fol- lows: The writer continues to hear! very good reports on the present. quality of Canadian Bacon from leading men in the trades, and there cannot be any doubt. that Canadian bacon is steadily becoming more and more popular on this side. Last year (1924‘ Canada sent. this country 1.190.249 cwts. of bacon. compared with 834.284 cwts. in 1923. Every month figures keep on the upgrade. In March 119,999 cwts. of bacon were received from Canada. compared with 83,188 cwts. in the correspond- ing' month of the previous year. For the first quarter of 1925, the. figures were 341.246 cwts., as compared with 203.291 cwts. for the corresponding . period 0111924. These figures are all the more gratifying because the market for bacon this spring has been so much better than was the case last. year. For example. the value of the im- ports of Canadian hacon during the first quarter of 1927) was £1,589.267, as compared with £8903“. for the first quarter of 1924. In addition, Canada received £220,253 for hams during the first quarter of 1925. as compared with only £91,425 in the corresptmding period of 1924. The improved position of Canadian bacon is due entirely to the im- provement of the quality of bacon This improvement is the. direct re- sult of the grading system inaug- urated by the Canadian Government when requested by the Canadian Be- con Producers two years ago. The improvement. 18 reflected by thp enhanced value of hogs. Farm- ers are directly bennflting by it. Yet in the face of this, some criti- cize the work undertaken. Such attitude is wronga nd should be dis- couraged. ' FORD COUPE FOR SALE 1923 MODEL; IN EXCELLENT CON- dition; equipped with snubbers; new battery; balloon tires. etc. Apply Box 25_ Chronicle office. ipd POE SALE BY TENDER OFFERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the brick dwelling on George Street, Durham (was occupied by the late Mrs. McGowan). up to Saturday. the 4th of July 1925. No tender neces- sarily accepted. Wit. 1. loGowan I A. I. “chum, 1164 Spraj Service THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Executors. HOUSEHOLD HINTS To Remove Mud When ynu got mud on yum' silk skirtâ€"Ala nut brush. Lot. mud dry. “'1‘in pim'o 0f Velvet m' \'nl\'0tm}n around your linger and rub ntf drivd mud. If mud has loft a stain. calm- fully rub it. with a cluth dipped in amtilnnia and water. Make Use of a Sunny Kitchen Window Build :1 shelf {111d place" a window box on it. Fill it, With rich earth. Plant in it. mustard. (‘lll\'t‘~1, paréloy and cross. This way_ ynu will liaye w--‘_‘ " â€" ‘ â€"- a pretty window vbzox, vnjoy tho greens and have the fun of ralsmg them. Blankets not, in "so «luring sum- mer months should lw thoroughly washed or dry cloanml. 'l‘hon boâ€" fore putting away. sprinkle plonti- fully with dry yellow snap flakes between tho folds. This will koop the moths out. General Rules for Making Ice Cream 1'39, three times as much ice as salt for freezing. l'se four timos as much ice as salt. for packing. In freezing ice cream, turn Prank slow- Dmlsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jth Dodsworth 0f Bontinck. Mark Allen. an employee of Han- over Cement and Stonv Company Limited, met with an accident on Tuesday night. Hp was. paling an empty Hat 9211'. when tho polo brake, striking him in tlw clwst. Ho 5119. tainod a limkm rib anilntl’wr minnr injuries. He will be off wm-k two weeks 01‘ so. The? marriagn of Man. duug‘htm' of Mr. and Mrs. Jusoph Kuvmun. to Mr. Bernard Meyvt'. was snlvmnizml at Hm Chum-h nf Hm Hnly Family heru on Tuesday, Juno ‘2, by Rev. Fathvr Hallel'. Mrs. \Vsatts Of T m'ontn ngkn to the Women’s Institute of Uzamphvll‘s Comwrs on Thursday, May '28 at. the. hnspitahln hump nf Mr. and Mrs. A. M agwood. A family ro-lmmn was mm at thv home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gerhart on Sunday, May 24. Mnssrs. Frmlm'ick Hvimlwckm' and Christian Wois wvm fishing at. a nearby lake rccvntly and smzuwd l7 pike weighing 70 pmmds. Markdale The home of Mr. and Mrs. \\'esley Bowler of this place was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on June 1, when, \‘intta Mary. was jnined in wedlc’mk to Mr. James Alexander Richards. 21 member of the. Bank uf T ornnto staff. A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home _Of Mg. and MI‘S.‘\V. [It‘ll ll\r||a- \.v- H. Sewell. 7th Line, Emphrasia, when their daughetr, Alma Evelyn. was united in marriage to Ray Elsmor Kirkpatrick. The cornmnny was perfm'med by flew H‘. V..Ellison. A‘ ,Wy .3, --v-- ___ _ A110 her of the narly pinnwrs of this district. passed away early Sat- urday morning. May 31. in the pn- son of Mrs. Andrew W‘alker, Sr, who died at the homo of her daugh- ter. Mrs. George Rowe Chatsworth. at. the ago. t'vl'_‘7:')~ ypqrs, f‘ i A ‘ n’_- “‘ Tiip annual Sundav School Con- \cntion of En; )hmsia Tn“ nship \\ as held at \ ictm'ia Church Rncklvn, on max 27._ - n I ‘ ~""“, ‘____‘.n_. Lnn Alex. McEachnio 0f Floshertnn has purchased the Madill butchm'ing business here. which was advertised for sale some time ago: - UV.--‘ On Thursday, May 28, one at tho: most successful oratorical contests pver held in Markdale was conduct- Pd under the auspicns of the Young Peonlp's Societiue of the Methodist Churches when Flesherton won the debating shield. The Artemesia, Markdale and I-‘lesherton Sunday School Associa- tion held their annual convention in the Presbyterian Church. Flesher- ton, on Tuesday. May 26. Miss Lewis of Toronto delivered excellent ad- dresses both ai’temooniand evening. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS One Way To Store Blankets (Continued frnm page 7 COOKING HINTS Flesherton Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Webâ€" sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. 3d. 'l‘hen bp_ “'0”. I'Ulv Ill l|'|.'"lJ'l. 10‘“ “"" ’ "3-H: trinkle plcnti- {P0919- tirackcr crnmhs. V.S"ap flakes Mvtltml: (Imik macaroni ill hail- 'lns Will kccp Strawberry “0““ ing watcr. Make» a thick tnmato 2 CHDS 01' \Vllittt't‘d t‘l't'itm- sauce using buttcr. flour and tuma- ' 175 cup of [)O\\'t]t‘l‘t‘tl sugar. to. Add scasnniutI. Pnur in slowly [HTS Lil-l1" 88”- 7 , _ slightly beatcn 0mg. liuttcr aliaking 2 CUPS 0‘ "135"?“ bcrrics. dish. Over the bottom. sprinkle a 1‘ Making Mctliml: Whip crcam stiti'. Add laycr of craclwr crumbs. Fill. pan “1 Stlgzir gradually. Fnld tnaslicd lN't‘~ alternating a laycr of macaruni and much ice as ries into cream. Add pinch «if salt. layer of tomato sauce. TOP “'1”! 50 four timps Turn into mold, COVPI‘ \Vltll fll't'aSt‘t‘l crumbs. DO? ll, “'IUI butter. m0 ir packing. In papcr. Haw grcascd sidu up. Pack 20 minutes ."P hot oven. Cheese is in crank slow- in rock salt and ice and lot stand. a tasty addition. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) l\ and stoudilv. In .freezing shorâ€" bet, turn «rank fast and stoadilv. \\ hen mixturo is huge-n.1'vnww ivn and salt. from mound top. l’mzuwr. Roman) dashvr. Scrape it. Beat. mixture with a \wuvnlvn spnml m paddlv. Placv oilod paw-r owr top. Cum-r. “min NW all wa~ “'1‘. Put cork in hulv. lh-pm'k ion and salt, Cmm' \\ ith 0 Hunt. blnnkvt m' nmx'spauwr and lot stand. V; cm: 01' cold watm‘. 1 cup of granulatm‘l sugar. 1 quart of (-rmim. l tulilvspmm Hf Vanilla. Little salt. 2 cups of cruklu-d strawlwri'ivs. Mvthocl: (100k 511mm and watvr until a thin syrup. «2001. Add tn 1 quart. nt‘ cream. Add vanilla, salt and strawhvi-ric-s and sugar. Mix well. Put in fronzm'. Park and Strawberry lousse 2 cups of whimwd vrvam. 1/2 cup 01' pnwdvrt-d sugar. Littlo salt. 2 cups of mashed borrics. Mothud: \\'hip crvam still'. Add Sllgur gradually. FHld nmsllml lwr- rics into cream. Add pinch nf salt. T urn into mold. Cow-r with m't'asod paper. Haw groasvd side up, Pack in rock salt. and ice and lot stand. Th0. poonln of Engnnia worn shocknd to lwar of tho «Math 01’ Mrs. James Armstrung of Kimhm'lu c. Mrs Armstrong had nevt, hN'll (-njuying 1:094] hoaltlk flu: simu tiimn. . During the hoavy vlvclric storm of Monday owning. June 1. :l slallle holnnginu to Mr. Sam Bl'OWlll‘lIlgv of Fewrshum was struck by light- ning and snun hm'nml to tho m-numl. The fact that thv buildings \wro \wt was all that. saved Colqunlln’s hmwn and Mr. (lmm‘s 5151th as lhny were «ml; a few rmls from the fire and in a «lirnct, linv. Mr. L. (i, vasnn of Toronto Imr- (‘hasml the harbor shop frnm James McMastor and cummvnvvd husinvss «m \thlst)‘. May 27. R. Elder and sun of Markdaln haw: purchasml the hmsoshnving busiâ€" ness in town from G. E. Henry. Commencing rm Thursday, me 4. By BETTY WEBSTER Strawberry Ice Cream For June 1 egg. 1,1; run (if sugar. 1 cup of milk. 2 runs Hf flnur. :3 ivuspmms (if baking lHM‘dOI'. ‘79 cup of clmmimj nuts. 9:} tvaspnuu (if salt. Muthod: Mix ilmi-mmhly. Grease small hrvacl tin. l’uui' iniu tin and M, stand 20 minuh-s. 'l‘heu bake in nimivralv «mm. This recipe fllile'S quitc- :I fair-sized loaf. Floshvrtnn stores will close at noon until letvmhcr. __ A yum": lad «if H yours, ontorod a dry gouds stm'o in town «on Sat- iii-day. May 30, and stole a sum of monoy with which ho traded at whool and a watrh tn sumo horse doalors fur tho puny and for a while 'as tho hamiiost. buy in tuwn. How- owr. whon tho mum-y was missed, tho boy with tho puny was suspect- tod and \Vth quostinnod. mvnod up to tho thott, Whom tho mattor “as oxplainod to tho hurs‘o traders, thoy canoollod tho trade. A Serial Story BI «m II \\ hat did V'UIII wifos say about ‘0!" swung «mt so late the othm Iiiglltj" law's: “Don! ask mo \M. \Vhen slu- guts Hu'nugh \\ 1th Hm subject, I ll ('undvnw it f0: )nu i packagv Hf unhrukvn macaroni. 3 tahlvslumlls 01' butler. I: tablvslmnns m‘ “mm 1 cup «of strainvd tunlatm-s. Smsnn with salt, [H'mbel‘ and union juivv. Macaroni Loaf (Slices Prettily) Nut Brent! (Splquid for vi’igxii'c Sahd'wiches) BAKING HIITS PAGE 0.

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