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Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Jun 1925, p. 10

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bhl'lmml in o'xtoruo fur a long and u and Mrs. Adrian Wo-dnrs‘day ,jninvd fur lmtto'l' UP for w U \Juu'aw .-__ .\lr. :uhl Mrs. Thompson are visit- ing with Mr. )lcechan ol' uur village. .‘slr-s. K. McDonald and daughter, Ml“. Bring. I'vturno'd to the: city af- tc-x- a short Visit to Hur cummunity. .\|:-. 'l'humas Nichol attended the Arm-null)" last wwk as rvprorsvnta- tw- a-lolvx' fur Ulla‘ church and 1'0- turnvol Saturday night. Mr. \V. 43. Watson is in 'l'urnnto mwr lho- wm'k-o'ml. \\‘.- atto-nolml tlw pro-suntatiun g'n‘wn In Shauna!.\Ir.~'.\\'i||i:|m Grunt nu Friday night. It was wry large- ly :mo-nolml. \Vith ulmnst svvobnty youth in ”nu plat-6'. Hwy haw a host 0! {I'M-Hols and m-ighimrs. all of whum o-xh-ml Iu-st wishes for the o-njnymvnt uf tho-iv no'w hnmv in Mount. Forest. ’HIIs II:I.~' IH'PII :I fsznl'ablI.’ spring (or building. Mr. Robert \Itkin's IIIII III \\ IIIIIIw Is III-axing (”mph-- Mum. and Mr. HPHH‘II HIIIIIII-r has tlII IIIIIIIIlatIuII llp I'III :I no“ (Null- ")8. We are glad to see the road grad- er at work on Tuwnline north and south of our village. Quite a stretch of Wild is undergoing extensive im- provement. This work has been needed for a long while. and we ought to be thankful fur what we are getting. (Our Own Correspondent) After the.- recent showers, this in- lens» hot spell is doing wonders to the crops and hay fields. There seems tu be a wonderful growth tn sm- something dome. “'4: were wry sorry tu hear that Mush Anna Slmrtrcml's cnndition necessitated an opt-ration for appen- du'ms Sunday. but we [war her cuuditwn to dam: is Very 300d. olomgratulatmus tn new. and Mrs. Sutlwrlmul cm the: arrival of a son on Sunday. Jung}. SIi-s .Ivssio- Marshall Hf 'l‘rawrs- tun sw-nt. tho- past wwk Visiting 01d frivnds :mol l'o-lativo-s hm: and at Knox. Nurmamby. Mr. and .‘lrs. .lnsvph Lnnnux and two daugmwrs \wro- nwr tn Toms- wato-r lust Wow!" and nnjoyo-cl the stark judging mun-st. 'I'hm'o- was sumo- tino- stock to pass tlwir ”pinion upon. rival Hf Hn- Hnlsh wlm spnnsm's' Alvx Hn- Star 'attainmvn llw [my and girl Sign nlo~.~’~'ago-~‘ Mill on lwhalf 01' ”IP you ”I“ m‘c'asinn Hf “In lejo-s‘tio's Hf Ramada {algm' Squaw nn .lm mmu’hng .\|o'X.. his whu epnnsm'“ Alvx. Sim's nutry in ”w Shir 'attuinmvnt.’ ("ampst in find “in km)- and girl must worthy to sign tin-samvi tuilwKingaimiQnm'n rm lwhall' ut' Hu- yuuth «if Canada on ”In m'i-asinn ”3' [hp upvnin: by Hwir‘ Mil_§6'~‘iio's ni' Oiunaoia Building in Tra- falgar Summ- nn .lnno- 29. In i'm‘nm- mNh’hllf-I .\lo-\'.. his prim'ilml mzikns variuus [wink ino-lmiing. 'lw «Inns no! ro'so'ni i'i-ihvimi Hr mlvim-f HP has also! \\'Hll :ill in!“ smlls and di- plumas 'iliiililiTllvi“ in Sunday Svhunl (or iklh‘t'hisnl :mcl Hilblv \'vl'so‘." The football match in th) \V. F. A. group betwown Palmershm vmj Hol- stein was played an the Holstein grounds laat Frithy evening and Huv Memorial Committee has a splo-nolm Chan“! t0 improve the site, unol It will 30ch be two late lU plant (lmw-rs. We lwar remarks about it and {co-I sure llu: public would like ln sm- something dmw. Mrs. .lamo-s .\Iv.\'ally of 'I'Paw-rs- (on and baby [my paid a flying Visit to this part last. \w'ok. Mr. and Mrs, .Insvph Lvunnx and Miss Rvatricn Brown ie tlw glwst at her aunt. Mrs. W. I‘. Patric? on hm‘ way homo to Regina from New Ynl'k. Nil. 'l'hw ulol lady is M'o'l' 9H wars of :uw. Littlo- liupo‘s' Hf lwr rvcnwrs’ ai'o- vuto'i'tuinw‘l. Mrs. William Donny anal lmys 1‘”- tnrnml ln llt‘l' hum» nvar SIIPHI‘H'IH‘ cm ”10 9th inst, at'tm‘ spending a t'mv days with hvr lathm'. Mr. J. 2*. 1mm. Miss Iron» Drumm is spending lIPI‘ holidays with how pzirvnts her». Mr. Rnhort Aitkpn spmit part of last. wka in Tornntn attending: the PrPsbytPrian Ass-Pmbly. grotmds laet Frhhy owning and resulted in a tio. 1-1. Mrs. Alhort Sturrock is spending . few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Manary. Hrs. John Rice attended the crad- uation exercises of the Oshawa hos- pita]. Miss Ada Rice bezng one of 12.1.1511 .1....2__..11.1. ...:.1_..m::.._ .. :1... _.._.1. 22.11.; .1.. 1.21:3. :13. :5 11....r. 2.2. 11 :3 11...... :2. 5:... .1....1. ..._:.__.1.:=: 12.1.1. 1: .1.â€"2:5. .5; .13.. 2:; .1....1. ._:::.1_:1.. .1....1. $.1w1r...1:.. Imam ~Il IIIIIlo-I IIII- sIIII'aI'II. .\lI-x. In ohm II ”II “I“ H I- and I'IIIlI-IIVI‘II'PII III II-IIIh III'I'. lhv “Is! ”"10 ll” NIHI'III'I' h“!' thI \\'|IIIII IfaIIII- IIIT. 'l'ho- SI'I‘HHI‘ IIIIII- III- Sll(('(?0'lh‘d in go-HIIII.’ a film IIIIIII IIII “01' II: III' and hI'I hI'IIII and III"I'“ llI‘l' Imt III safP- I}‘. This is “w stury as IOIII in NI.- “unis Hf .\li~'.~‘ Edwards. prin- I‘IIIzll Hf ”H' HIIlsII’Iin High Schnnl Tho- 111‘ was hll'l m U l \lt‘s \lcmhrav spent (1 {PW days rec_ontly in Alma with frionds Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) _\|o-x, Sim. sun nf Mr. and Mrs. Hulwrt Sim, is in ”In limolight, The l‘urnntn Daily Star having tlw fol- (“\Vlll: tn say al‘wllt. .\lo~x.: “When .\I.-\. Sum nt’ Hnlstvin. Ont,“ was 9 _\o':ll'.~' HM ‘hv is nuw 13,‘ h» and hi~ littlo- sNo-r. [slay agml 4. ant Ilu\\ll M ”In t'l'm'k no-ur tho- hush alum! a qum'tvr ut‘ u rnilo- from) tho-iv Ho-m'y Alb-s. Mr. Eu'm Mrs. BeCker and Mr. and Mrs. \Vettlaufer, all (rum \wtswrn Mwmanby. hHl Sh. PAGE 10. \V. vlllloi winning '27-1'2. :mh will hc- play-cl hm‘ why rumina. . xlmxghtvr was burn rs. Ko'mwth Part nn tho .\|r.~'. Sum: is sm'inusly "l0 C omer Concerns Our Own Correspondent) - spunk nn kwhnlf uf tho- wrighâ€" nml in o'xto-mhng bust, wishus g Inn: and Hwt'ul lit‘v tn 311'. .\|r.-'. Adrian thlo- who lust m-sday ,jumwl lu-zu't and hand n-Ho-l' ”1' {HP \\'Hl'.~'o-. Is has leI :1 qunrahlo? spring building. Mr. Robert Aitkin's no-w hun' is no-m'ing (fumplté- mul .\lr. erkwrt quwr has :IIIghtII' “as IMI II In “1'. :III"! io-IIIIo'th PIIII ”ll tlw 3th inst. Sum: i< so'rinush ill at pros- I‘h.» ”III laol)’ ls ”\0‘1' 9" )‘O‘BI‘J LiHln Ilnpvs‘ II! “('1‘ I'PCHVPI‘Y XS [slay wulkwl ll thrnugh a hHlo- l \lllclo'l' HIP Slll‘f ll \Innolzly 'nntinu: HI \\':Ilkwl nu Um HT. :1 leo- and disap- Bilvlo- VH'SP." Hw no-w svhnnl Building nnw until 110'“. Sat- ,4' #5 h‘J‘LJ Mr. Ed. Cook 01‘ Palmerston spvnt Hu- bo-ginuing of the week at the 0M hnnw. Mr. J. Roiwrts and party of frivmls uf lh-trnit aw lmliduying at Huy- \\‘;u-al‘.~; Falls. 'l‘hv lmnu- of Mr. and Mrs, E. Nur- ris is a liwly placo' these timvs'. as throw nf “lo'il' daughtux's aw lmme frum thv ('in for tlwir lmlidays. Mia's Nulliu Swwny nf Toronto is vnjnyim: a huliday swason at, tlu1 old homo nn Hm 8th Ctmcession. Supvx'intvndvnt J. K. .‘cherr of Hmiwric'h Huspitai and lwr siskvr. Miss Annin. of 0mm Sound. were Visiting: among: kinoh'ml nn Tuvsday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harrison 0! Swininn Park “'01‘6' ngSlS uf frivm'ls al'HlHM Zion cm Sunday. Llnuncillox' Malcolm Black did some badly nm-o‘lwl grading: cm the 10th Sim-rm"! botwo-vn (luncvssinns 6 and 8 last week. the students. Misses Maria and Sarah Brown haw returned to their home here. having spent several menths 111 Durham. Ml‘. \V. J. 1311111-n\\'1’111il t111111t111l his‘ f111'11ily in a 1111\\' Fwd t1111111111: car! last, \1'111-k, 11111111l111s111l f1111m Smith lirns. at town. .\liss .\lz1ni_:ai111l can 1l!’i\1' ”11111111111 \1111y1l11ltlv alI'ledV. M11. and Mrs.lt11\ 31111111111 1’)l'P1iln1~ 1111st11n spnnt Momlay in our midst. 'J'l11_- l'ai1m1111s 11111 making 11 Int 01' im1111m'11m1-nts in this \i1initv this v1.1111' .\l11..l.l.P1-art l11s111-111111t'11d ll11- l111lf 1.'1t his big 1131111..\111.E1l. N1111is is l1 11m" 11 111111 11ml put on his h111n 11t 11111-s1111t.\li1..-\. (1. Blair is having his ham and half 11f his holisn 110\'1111111,l with Arrow-ank slabs. Mr. Basil Davis is 11111111ting‘ 11 1111\\‘ h11nn1111y. and 3111. William l’il}'lnl'. 11 1111111 brick kitchon with full sizml 1111ll1111 11ml Inning his l11111s11. brick \11111-11111111. M11 Hugh .\lc .\1tl11111 is haxing a 1113“ 100i on his hark kitchon.an1l Mr. \11Chi11. Boatnn l1: is [11111le down his 0111 barn, '-w---v The teachers of the Publi: and Continuation schools has._ . all bevn re-engaged, and the recc nt agitation is mm a thing 0f_ the past, Mr and Mrs. John Mei-uin 0f Belgrme \lessrs. Joseph Russell and George “1180!! of Blyth spent. the week-end with Mr. Ne lson Mcfiuhe. Miss 'Mar'y Beam; i‘é home from I‘m-unto for her holidays. Mrs. Kvnnom \‘aughdn of Arthur ‘lwnt tlw wwk-mul with hrr mfl- tho-r. Mrs. M. Smith. Traverston. (Our Own Correspondent) 'l'lwx‘» has hoen wonderful growth In farm crops since June came in. Mr, J. H. Ruhsc‘m has imprcin'ed his: prnporrty by grading his 1mm. -h-. L”! Mrs. J. F. Mclnnes were in Toronto for a few days recently. Miss Mary J. Coutts is still ser- iuusly ill, and but little hopes are held {HP 1101' recovery. 1'11n111w1vl it tn his 111‘1w farm and is adding: in its sizv. H11 is also erect- ing :1 new implnmunt shed. Mr. “111111111 snlcl his 310- arm hd‘smw trad to hiscnnsin, 3111.}{1111n Beatnn and the lattm' has sold his iOO-acrn [1:13- 111111 {aim to M11. Angus Me \1thnr oi the Durham Roz1d.’l‘hmc is a gcmd (103 l «if no.“ fencing and other immuwmvnts going 011. Uni: of tin- gi-mit events in the history Hf S. S. No. 5 tuok place on Friday at’tel'iion last when a big vi'uwd gatiwi‘mL plinighmi sinned and levellvd Um gruunds. The: fair ones had provide-d a dandy sumwr. which was fullmvcd by u bright program provided by the school children. Then a surprisv was Slil'lillg 911 Mm pnpiilzu' teaclwi', Miss Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) The warm weather of the past two weeks has made a great im~ pruvement on crOp conditions, and by the present appearance of the whole crop. there, will be full barns in this part of theypuntryj. new house. A good number from here took in the play at. Dromore on Friday night and repnrt a gnod time. The big tlfllli. will soon he landed here. as we notice an old fisher using: a brass snare- wire. Mrs. Wes. Lane has returned to her how.» here after singiioiing a fortnight at Berkeley with her um- ther who is quite ill. Mr. \‘. Jackâ€" son (lrnvw her home. he being on an extended visit with relatives here. having mutored from Swift. Hurrent. i \11‘. Stomalt nf H01 mull? has com- pleted the plastvling for Mr. .‘L Hax‘s Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrisnn. who rwontly munc- frnm the West. went tn 'l‘nruntn last \Vovk where Mrs. Ham-ism will take treatment t‘ot‘_guit1'o}. _ ‘ A II. IvI-IV r“- U The storm reported last week in other parts was severe, but not much damage was done here. We had no hail. Mr. A. Wright had a horse killed. and J. McDougald a cattle beast killed. \11- 101111 La“ 1‘1 110.1 spont' :1 few daw in D111l1am last “wk. 311's. \\. L. D'ixnu is \isiting her daughter. Mrs]. Sincl: lit. in Hope- Ville. ”Si’i‘ég"ifێu§i§'6k Top Clifl‘ s cm. the week-end with her friend, 188 M. McLeud. O'CVH .. \h. J. McLean of Toronto spent 3 fig“ (111).; at. the home of his par- ents. MP. and Mrs. J. McLean. CI Illa. a'll. (III‘J o'll-Jo .vnv v“ ..... Miss Ethel Young of Brampton is sanding her holidaxs “ith Miss Marjorie Kinnell. _-- . A " 'II- ovmuJuu ------ Miss Ruin Wvbster of Hopexille Spent Sundzix “ith Misses M. Kin- nvll and L. \nung. .l “I. A ‘C. Miss Ivnu Silf'iiannpll spent the “wkâ€"mm “ith the Misses McCall- will, BgHJthVilln. Mr. Abraham Hamper is recent. purchasur nf a car. a Star. Mr. and Mrs. «It‘mvfnml Harrison accouwaninl 1n \lr. and Mrs. GO'ngv qu‘gmw intmnl mntm'ing t0 Southnmptnn thi~ \\ o_ clnnsdav \\ hm‘e Hm} “ill be) “nests 01 DJ. and Mrs. Crowd. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Nuil .‘lt‘Qllfll‘l'iL’ is Visiting with his sistvl'. Mrs. L. )lvlman. (lnnm'utulatinns tn Mrs. Mabol van win» was marI'iml las Tuesday to .\h'. Innis Sl'wltrough Of near Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Able and two chil- drvn Hf Niagara 01311ch on tlwir aunt. Mrs. l'..\\”1\i¢’.”nt‘ dav last week. Mr. \\illiam Hill is spending a hm “mks \xith hm daughter, Mrs. 803] lv. in Guelph. )lisnsns Man and Glam ScheueP- 111111111 311' SIH’HIHIlg a in“ daxs “ith “wil' 11111115 “illiam Hill. Mrs. Peter Tiffany spent a day with [nor sistnr. Mrs. Jerry Allord. Mr. and Mrs. (Luliu Muirtllur and Mr. William Hundm‘snn called on Mrs. E. \Vilkic recently. MI. and 3115.14. Slwltlough 0f Paislm slwnt last Sundm with the Water! Water! Water! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE the most his bomg latter’s sister, Mrs. Dougald Clarke. Mr. James Lawrence and son, Al- lister, motored to Toronto and spent the week-end with Miss Sadie Lawrence. _ "ILIIVVQ Misses Muriel Watson and Rhena Clarke spent a day a week ago with their teacher, Miss Kathleen Firth. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Thompson and son. Albert, have returned after attending the funeral of Mrs. Thompson’s hrothe'r in Listowel. . _-A-‘on ." u Southeast Bentmck (Our Own Correspondent) .h‘. Larriv )luuntnin visitml last \ka \Vitll t'rivnds in Hamilhm. .\h'. Illhi Mrs. Davidsmn and Mis‘h‘ Mal-inn Putty of Fergus Spnm «m-r ”lo‘ Wo‘o‘k-(‘Ild at 311', C. PONY". 5.283 9.9.: 2: 5; EE: is..." .3757. E37. .22.: :1...’ at? ES 93:7. .75: 31...? 1:: :7. 2:55 :95: 2: .23, .3351 E27. 12:5 .5: 2.2:: .75."? .27. ES 57. 22:32 2.2.5.. .7352? :37: 257...": 2:36: 52 .\l1-. and Mrs. Emmi Baum' M“ Dur- ham spout. Sunday wnth frwmis :11 ”HS Incullty. A |Â¥KéyzjlunBaT 1:73}. -6. _piénic Will be held in Lauchie McLean’s bush on July 3â€"admission 10 cents and ladies bringing baskets. free. Aberdeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley John- son and faniily of Mildmay motored up and Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Remy, Mr. and Mrs. .lamos Ewen. ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn. motormjl to 0mm Sound on Tuesday. _ ‘ . . Mr. J. R. Hamilton. principal of Hanowr High School, will: MN. Humiltnn and daughter. Margurvt, and tho farmer‘s t'allim'. va. A. M. Hamilton of Guolph. \‘isitml last Wednesday with MP. and Mrs. Wil- liam Smith, Fin-r" vrmm .34.:fiai mag: 3.3.55: 2 11:5... :2. 522.2,. 17.. ._. 5.. mBEr K Ill-‘1 Mrs. .lvssiv \\ isv and sun. (Iluvtnn. and .\li'.( Ilmtun h1\is of 11mm 1r smut. an mvnim. 11st \Vu'k “ith Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘liniiias_lln:iy. A Mr. and Mrs. H. Vollntt and family spout. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. MgrquL Mr.F1"1nk Murdock 1135 mm- moncml hon-keeping hv purchasing a colon} lust \ka frum 311'. Joseph Brown of toun. Road gttavnlling is tho Order of the «lay in tins locallty. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Julm )lilligan and famih \i9itml 0110 m onin" last “(wk \\iHl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tum- bull, Miss' Mary Mathér spent tho \\'(‘Pk~ 0n_d_ at [191‘ parental home horn. Mrs. Jean Corbett visited one dav last neck with her sistm‘, Mrs. R. Johnston 0f Ebonnzm'. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dorhy and family, accompanied by Miss Iiwlyn leman \‘isitml friunds in Mnorefiold on Friday. Miss Rhona Charlton has roturnml to 1101‘ homo after slwmling a mu- ple of weeks with Mrs. Chnrlvs Petty. Mi.:1nd MIs. “illiam De1bx.J1~.. attended the funmal «11‘ a f1iond in Pa_1_s.ley_ _011 S_11_nd_ay. Read Classified Ads. on Page 9. South Bentinck (Our 6â€"15; 'Correspondent) The. rains we had last week did considerable good to thecrops and also the pasture. It is St!“ hot and dry, and more rain would certainly be appreciated. Mics Kathleen Reay 9!. near Dor- Grierson home. For Um past wank, Mr. Frank H0pkins has lumn «lawn with 1mm- (rhitis and asthma. latm' contracting pnvumcmia. (m Mummy I'mn'nim: nf this \vm-k, hp was rvnmwd tn Dur- ham Mvn‘mriul Huspital. “'0 sin- curvly wish this ' ynung man a smwly l'd'('0\'¢’l'}'. 'l‘hc- tmurlwr and st‘lnnlm's ('(‘lf'hl‘at- ml :1 lmlf-lmliduy Hn .lunv 3. A numlwr fmm hvl'u pln'pusv at- tending Um m-xt. l'. I“. H. mnvtim: 0f tlw Allan Park Mill) tn 1w lwld m1 Friday M'vninu. June 12. at Hus Ehmwm'r scluml htmsv. All mom)- 1103.5 arm Imam-stud tn :Ittvnd. 9.55:1. 3:: 1.: E 1.27;...â€" :: 1.5a... E: .313: .3 :...:.::.. .51 7:: 1.5;; :32. xi? 1:: :7. Mr. Gorman Johnston of Ebenezer accompanied by Miss McRonald. spent Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Hopkins. It was indeed a serious loss when on Saturday afternoon last the home, of Mr. George Cut! was burned to the ground, caused by a defective chimney. the tire starting in the roof during the absence of the fam- ily. When neighbors arrived to render aid. the tire. was beyond con- trol. but a quantity of the furniture was removed by Mrs. Cuff on her re- turn from the field. It is yet un- known what, Mr. and Mrs. (Jufl' in- lend to do, Miss “(‘ht‘t‘t'il Hi'im'son Hf Toronto spnni Um past. muplv Hf “winks with her mothm' and hrnihvr horn. R0- lwci'a will ri-hii'ii in Um city Mon- day ”f 110“. \Vm'k. The young'fulk of tho distrivt. in- tvnd tn tvndur Mr. and Mrs. Adrian M}. ' ’an’d ' M rs. Elijah Armstrong slum! last. Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. David Cluttivk nf Lam_l_z_15h. Noble 3 reception at the homo of m, bride's parents, Kr. and Mrs. .Iulms Keller, of Vamey. on Tuesday Night We wish bride and 2mm all 1i». Wé. wish bride and prospeljily; Dukies’ Corners (Our Own Correspondem ) Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison and mm, ily accompanied by Mr. Jul”: l-m. rence, Sn, Spent Sunday mu. 31,3 Harrison’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. W: R. Watsnn. ”ll, UW‘ QC. Mr. and Mrs.. William Jam“... spent Sunday Wlul Mr. and \h.‘ Thomas Harrison“ ' mMrs. Janice Hopkins of hmn ha. been spending a few dms \\ Hu 1..., W‘é sincérelv hnpe ho. “1‘11 Ipstm‘od to usual health MeSSl‘S. J. Hamiltun :nni _\ sav spent Sundax in 0an >1. Mrs. .luhn Kuhl. Sta. uf Kw: a narruw escape as shu \\‘:i~ to Tara last. Saturday mm and buggy. ”no “‘th mun. whiclo. and as slw \\':a~ ‘ {rum tlw rig, Hm hm'sv liar on, thu right. arm. “‘3th hmw.â€"'l’ura Imadmz - II v-- Wie are sorry indeed to hm”. at the serious illness. of Mam... up”, Hopkins, who has been sunk-1mg from a sovqrgauaclg uf 1.11.41,“ .. a HAD NARROW ESCA P}; ', m. 11. ms m. A. J. PUST mm m mom LAST v for-or Icmher of NHL G: (‘-\ t] 'lttllion Passed Away :x. “0 Street “Ospnal finds nmd Sunday V\ :11; M Fridas at Hoslmfl 1. years. up, I’ns! \\ h.‘vinu ‘N'I‘Il where hv 3-H hood. Ahnll h? won! “1' stead N1 ‘9‘” romainmi us Great \\':I:- East. and vx. County Huff suns with El: (,y-t\\u Inn: 'twicv “(my h\~'1al “I0 0“” ing him lowim: I horn :HI cinity H cmm'urt mHh-ol ‘ {HM H¢ Honors. ill\t1 aim After an In“. .riod 01 lumu rAnLIIHn} l I u“ or ‘hIF |n1l and (hmruv chm. I’.‘ Ezra. m Durham Tho l’PIIHH ham SIIHIIII oral “I”! II frum, HM aftmnonn. t prvat'him! :I lnwing HH‘ chars" Hf wondvd I1~ tory. \\'|Ia‘!‘0‘ thp last I'Ilo departml w suundm! mvml'wr- slmlml I" don If“. King. \\ Tlmn 2‘” H Mr. synuoa in tlw BENTINCK FARMER LOST HOUSE 8 ndi Residence 01 Cut! Burned urday Attm surance Cax 3h HIP I'lll'l' 'I'I04' “H \ $1.34“ Hut 2H Ill} in “I4 lir “I “I arc-l MN ‘l'rustees or '1’ Hope for holders Ne- CBIIETERY \'\ CALLED } (In Ill an! m HS 1m: hum hand a damn f' bu N a I mum-or G'SSKXW ll “'Hll Hu- H- cuuplv M 3...,“ - souls a \u-Hx ‘ ~ ”‘1 8 fl'“‘ [Hutu “'5“ mukv (I ~1n1 . “he lwttvr. \l . 1'- and U19 tl‘l1~'to'o'~ I Opinion that Hum- cunnol, anmm m idly by lilu'l‘nl the continuum-w :- the improve-mum would be a pity t success in Hum IN determinmi if the 300d mark “'1 a: ‘0' 3| ML all_\ .\| M ll [1! b0! H NO. 3023'). \\ l \‘ \Ir

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