night. MI I» [\- 't‘ill‘i ' 11"“ mm- I’ZIIIC 1 I‘wnodHSbw. Cheap for quick 8810. T. Davis. R. B. 2. Pflceville. H 5 29¢ you an: 1 w mm; 1 \\'3,GON;_1 HAY pAcx: PAR! FOR SALE ' 1.0: 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. Rentinok. ‘2“; mile; southwest of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and in mind state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone stables. 7-rnomed brick house with cxtension kitchen and woodllled. Well watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith, R. R. No. 3. m .\'v ilt'l‘H PART LOTS '7 AND 8. CON. '32. Euremonl. containing 66 acres; 55 at'l‘vs‘ cleared. balance hardwood hush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn “1:50. stone btsemenl" ‘~Iu'rete stables; drilled well and wment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 «M 7, Con. 5. S.D.R.. Glenelg. 00D- fmnéng HO acres; £00 acres cleared and in road state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- 'uninsz seven rooms, with frame wnndshed attached; drilled well at :iï¬or: never failing springs on this farm. making a c oice stock farm. This property will be sold r12 ght to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Dairï¬. RR. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523 water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; M acres to sweet clover; this farm ~.~x well fenced and in a good state of wxltivation. For information apply I ~ Watson's Dairy. RR. 4, Durham. AAA-MA. LOT 7, CON. 2t. EGREMONT. CON- tainim: lOO acres; 8:3 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- NOS are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close '0 house. with windmill; concrete ")ntario. REUBEN C. WATSOI Livonsvd Auctinnet-r fur County of ‘ .z-wy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- wzmhli! terms and satisfaction guar- rilzto'mi. Datt‘s made at The Durham Lm'nnicle ofï¬ce 01‘ with R. C. \Vat- mu. Varnoy, RR. 1. Phone 60!: r“. ALEX. IacDONAl-D Lacensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \lmlo'l'flh‘ tarms. Arrangements for «aim. as tn dates. etc. may be made ‘1’. Th.» Chronic-lo Ofï¬ce, Durham. la-r'm-a nn application. Address RR. !. Inn-ham. Phone 611 r 24. «elf l..«-»nsed Auctioneer for County 0! .mw. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- Whit!!!" terms. Dates Of 88188 made it 'I‘én- Chronicle Office or with him- LUCAS a HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- hrl‘ ut' the ï¬rm will he in Durham on l‘uwmlay of each week. A pomtments any bo- made with the lerk in the "ITIVL’. HOHHI' Graduate University of Tor- ontn. Graduate Royal 0011830 Dental slum-ans of Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder hm.†.{ )lillStreet, second door east cf Mm Both 3 Drug Store. C. G. AND BESSIE IcGlLLIVM! Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. l‘hc- Scivnce that adds We to years 41161 )‘E’al‘s' t0 “[8. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and gaturdays. 6 H 23 if DR. A. I. BELL HtTiCe nn Lambton Street (the late Mr. Huttons office). Oflice hours, 2 to 5 p.m.. 7m 9 0.111., except Sun- dav. DR. W. C. PICKBRIIGIDBNTIST â€true over J. 61 J. Hunter's store, Muham. Ontario. .. __ MIDDLBBBO’, SPBBBIM I HIDDLBBIO' Barristers, Solicito no; SlitCBSSOl‘S to A. B. my. M r. Middlebro’ is permanently .- not! It Durham Ofï¬ce. Priceville lit 'iumh npgll every Friday from 3:;u tn 9.30 [um J. L. SIRE, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. mfice and residence. corner 0! -:. mntess and Lambton Streets, oppo- wc uld Post Office. Ofï¬ce hours : 1» m H a.m.. 130m 4 p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. mmlays excepted). DRS. Jamal 11.1280! umce and residence a short dist- am-n east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town. Dur- Imm. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to -z um. (except Sundays). FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road TONI“ John w. Date: I. Mots an'mm'ly of Flesherton BATES BURIAI. C0. FARMS FOR SALE 25 cents. On all charge orders 5 straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. . Licensed flucï¬oneer Medical Directory . “ï¬ndâ€. Jim 18:108. Dental Directorv Legal ‘Diredorv Classified Advertisements 'féti_dï¬j9k_ 391°: IO 25 23 U ï¬Ã©iitfliiiolif 3M Concéséion.â€"Wm.' No- 311933430. Tumbull, Ben. Coutts,‘Gpo.. FISHING, TRAPPING AND HUNT- ing prohibited on the following pro- nertv: Lot 46. and Lots 59 to 64. The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As. sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesglays. Shippers are requested _to gm: ghrggflglygl‘qgtjgg. 6é1tfv':' "EYE; ‘and' Lots 59 'td 64. inclgsixp, all in the. Towgghip of ‘ ‘ " ‘Q- â€" “â€"v-vv 3“,†Lawrence; Hunger. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. I AM DURHAM AGENT FOR INTER- national Harvester. TudhOpe-Ander- son. Wilkinson Farm Machinery, Primrose Cream Separators and Rain Buggies. See me at Noble’s Garage. Our machinery is down in price, _Nogv is_ the time t9 huyr-Z FISHING PROHIBITED FISHING 0N LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 7th Concpssion of Glenelg, the farm of Thomas Timmins, is strictly pro- hibited and persons found so doing will 1w prosecuted t0 the full ex- tnnt at the law.--L. F. ROhm‘tzon. f 11 t , nous: ron mam OPPOSITE REVIEW OFFICE; IN good repair; electric lights, etch im- mndiate possesswn. Apply Phone 76. Durham. 6 ii tf COME TO THE MONSTER GARDEN PARTY. and STREET CARVIVAL and DANCE in MOI'NT FOREST on Thursday owning, June 25, in aid uf tho Gonoral HOSpital. â€2.5.14 annual church son ice to Knox Prosâ€" bvtm'ian (hm‘ch on the owning of Simdm. Juno 21. All brothm's are roqlwstvd, to be prosent.â€"\\. J. HO‘WIII. HR 1 Friday mmning. Jun» 26, a mmisto-r mil-dun party win 1m hnld nu MP. Rnhvrt. Smith's spacious lawn. Yp- pm' 'l‘nwn.. by tho Ladips’ Aid 80- (‘iviy nt' ihn. two l’ninn Churches in town. l’rnmmols vniii'nly for Red Cruss Me‘mnl‘ial Hospital. Wait. for :innounm-me-nts nt’ attractions. 1 YARNEY I'. F. O. «ZLI'B WILL HOLD .Hwir annual ionic in Carson’s bush nu Wmlnvsday. July I. 1925, aftw- nnnn and mvning. Basohall hotwrmn hw local tvams, :uldrossvs bx mom- inont Sp08k01’8. Rerfu‘shmom wrwd. 11 b 21H! A GARDEN PARTY \VILL BE HELD in Allan Park schonl grounds, un- I‘h‘P tho‘ alliple‘h‘ Of Christ Church, Friday owning. Juno 19. Ball game 5 n’clnck. suppm‘ 6.30 in 8. Program 8 n’vlnck sharp. Admission. adults 250. vhildrvn 150... including supper. Ewryhmï¬iy wolcome. 2 pd WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE. CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. t! FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc†apply to Lucasgu Gr. Henry, Dur- ham. 612 M PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “ pep†and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626M SlDEBOARD AND COOKING BANGâ€"E for coal or wood. Cheap for cash. Apply Chronicle ofï¬ce. 5 7 tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OILXT SmithBros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 U LOT SOUTH OF \‘OKER BODIES Limited; also 1th south of W. D. Connors. Apply J. A. Brown, Dur- ham. 5 14 tf The George Whitmore property, near McGowan’s ,mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistenn; good fruit trees, and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to (111in buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. ’ 626“ FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to ‘1). Hopkins. 221 U BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- ï¬ce. A good chance for» someone.â€" P. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9t! GOOD HOUSE, ALL CONVENIENCES; will'sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- g!y Box 10, Chronicle. 4 14 U PROPERTY FOR SALE ARTICLES WANTED [IL/C. AVL' n 10 IU unlup vv .Noble, Durham. 319 3 mpd COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS C. 0. F. \VILL HOLD THEIR “SHIN G PROHIBITED NOTICE TO PARKE†IIPLBIBNT AGENCY Win; A. H 6 4 uéaomm a A. a. mug, Executor; Mrs. Mchwam. 11.631)" éa‘t'i'aré'é}. Ti»; 4th__of July #925. No tender neces. FOR SALE BY TENDER OFFERS WILL BE RECEIVED .FOR the brick dwelling on George Street, Durham (was occupied by the late Everyone has hoard of the great- est. of all (leprodators, tho maram‘lcr known as tho holl woovil. because ho attacks and destroys tho boll or pod which housos the locks of rot- ton until they come to maturity and burst out of their homo. as chest- nuts do out of their burs. Tho pest. ioriginated in Central America. where the cotton troos grow wild. and was ‘unknown in tho l'nitod States up to a comparatively recent. date when by some cruol trick of fate. it got. across the Rio Grando River at Brownsville. to find itself in.a boll woovil‘s heaven among the lush cot- ton ï¬elds of the Lone Star State. From Texas it slowly worked its way eastward until it. covered .the entire cotton bolt. and the. money loss to tho plantors of the South through its ravages for the past twonty years would total hundreds of millions of drillers. Boll Weevil at Bay \Vhen things looked their worst. tho planters were ahnut. ready to throw up their hands and admit their impotence before the bug too. Many of them, believing that the culture of the cotton plant was doomed. turned their attention to raising other crops that the weevil did not devour, anrl this change to different. kinds of production was one of the compensations in the‘ wake of the evil. Now the farmers; of Dixie are more hopeful; they have learned how to ï¬ght the en- emy and limit his ravages. the latest method of prevention being the sprinkling or dusting of the ï¬elds with calcium arsenate by airplanes built for. that ,special work. A new York flrm'has contracted to “dust.†70.000 acres in Georgia the coming 1 “They canont be annihilated, but 1by mobilizing all his forces,’ man can reduce their numbers and hold them down to a minimum of deâ€" structive aeti3ity. Organized war upon the pests did not really start in the I nited States before 1878, and then our service embraced only three men, congress having appro- priated only $5,000 for the work. Today we have. a staff of 500 and an appropriation 11f $2,250,,000 but men so there is pressing need of more men and larger funds. Breed Their Owen Destroyers Curiously enough, too insects are controlled by nature very much bet- ter and more et‘t'ecti3ely than by man. More of them are destroyed b3 their parasites and other natural enemies than by human beings. In tr.11tl1 man has been making things easy for the insects; he has been facilitating the multiplication and spread of his own worst enemies. The i111r111si11g spread 11f injmious insects f1om country to country can he 11a1tiall3 accounted for b3 the 1a11idly increasing speed of ore 111 3113age. Bureau inspectors know how the Japanese beetle and the European corn-borer increase their area of malign operation by the aid of fleets of automobiles traversing improved highways. The Peacet Con- ference at Portsmouth. N. H. end- ing the Russo-Japanese war. brought many spectators in vehicles from 111gions infested by the g3'11s3' and bro“ 11 tailed moth, and as .1 conse- quen1e. there was .1 speedy exten- sion of the rang e of these imported pests. td33ncing ci3ilization. the1e- fore. contributes both to the enor- mous increase of these enemies of man and to their distribution over 113311-ex11anding districts. Dr. Howard is no Optimist, no (hummer, When asked if he thought the «lay would ever come when man would be able to win in the combat with such despicable things as wee- vils, moths, beetles, grasshOppers and the like, he smilingly roplipd; Dr. Howard’s name may not mean much to the average citizen. but. it carries a lot of weight in the scien- titic world. A kindly, modest gen- tleman, a native of New York state, he was graduated from Cornell in the class of 1877, did a year of post- graduate work, and, coming to Washington in 1878, entered the service of the government under Commissioner of Agriculture Le Due, acting as assistant to Prof. C. W. Riley, and succeeding the latter as Chief of service in 1894. Dr. Howard therefore, has been working pro hone publico from the time of Pres- itlent Hayes up to the present day, almost half a century, and he is the dean of all the scientific men in lin- cle Sam‘s employ. His fame as an expert is international, and the vast amount of good he has accomplished in the unceasiug war to abate the evil wrought by insect pests is as well known in Europe as in_.~\merica. Writing in’ the New York Evening World, .John D. Ewen, Washington correspondent, says: "The proper study of mankind is man,†wrote the famous English poet, but while Pope was a good versiï¬er,‘ he was not a scientist, since we of this gen- eration are being taught. that the prOper study of mankind is not man but bugs. If anybody doubts this statement. a few minutes’ talk with Dr. L. 0. Howard, Chief of the Bur- eau of Entomology of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, will bring en- lightenment. IAN CAN’T mun PESTS; CAN KEEP THEM Noted Scientist Says They Breed Faster Than Ian Can Cope With Themâ€"Greatest Destroyers of In- sects Are Other Parasitesâ€"Geâ€- gia Using Airplanes to “Dust" Arsdnste. - - accepted. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A meeting of the Markdale Ceme- tery Board was held at the home of Mr. C. W'. Rutledge on Monday even- ing of last week. (jéneral business was transacted, and ofï¬cers were Markdale Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gibson of this place were) bereft of their four.- month-old son, Wï¬lliam John Now- 91, on Sunday morning of last week. The funeral took place the follow- ing Monday to Flesherton cemetery. On June 6, the Conn Telephone Company presented a purse to Mrs. McPherson of Conn who for manv years has been the capable operator at that. point. head and body \wnt. through the glass,. but. Mr. Smtt. W‘mained on the ladder. The injurivs necessitated the attention of the doctor who 8031M _l_1p the:_xvr1rst_ gashes, The Mount Fnrost Tennis Club has a membership of about 40 this year and has recruited a number of yogngplayors. It. would take an entire edition of this newspaper to relate in detail the disheartcming story of scores of other pestifcrous enemies of man; of the I‘Zuropoan corn-borer that cats into the oars and stalks of this splendid food plant. and that has brought. dismay to farmers of New York. Pennsylvania. Ohio, Michigan and all New England; of the alfalfa weevil that. spells ruin in Idaho and I’tah; and of the Japanese beetle, now' an accurscd thing in New Jer- sey and Pcnnslyvaniz‘i: of the gypsy moth that. has caused thousands of trees to die in. New England centres of infestation and of the equally odious brown-tailed moth. Many of these nuisances have done hurt to agriculture since. man ï¬rstplanted anything in Mother Earth. Ancient records of the Egyptians and Greeks contain references to grasshoppers or locusts. and the prehistoric Az- tecs and Indians portrayed them in picture writing. Take the case of apples, king of all fruits, the monetary value 0f which in this cnuntry for the five- ymu‘ porind imdeiatPly after the World War was $185,000,000, or al- most hafl tho. value (if the potato crap. and thorn is an annual 105:: wt nnl. loss than it) per cunt from the same source. Sumo autlu‘iritins tig- urv the damage wrought by tho cmlling math or appln wnrni at. :30 prr cent, and this does not include the killing of trrrs by the insocls, nor the cost «if spraying thp nr- rhari’ls, plus “10 lnhnr and rxpvnso 0i insocticiiles. season, and where the arwnate is used, the bug is effectively done for, so it is quite possible1 that the flying machine can be clewrly put. to an- other important use. ' Toast. . Fried tomato. Sweet breads. Mushroom gravy COOKING HINTS Don’t Forget Watercress Crisp watprcyoss'is mm]? 5.0 by keeplpg It. In {(39 water. It IS an appetlzmg garnish for salad, fish 01' cold meat. HOUSEHOLD HINTS A Sowing Hint To avoid puckcring slicer mater- ial: With some material such as muslin or crcpc clc chinc, it is al- most. impossible to stitch it. Without puckcring it. This can be avoided by placing a piece of paper un'dm- material while stitching and sew scam. \V'hcn ilnishcd, it is a vary simple matter to tear paper away from scam. Friday and Sattggdqy 1| 1 Pints 65:. Quart: 31.25 Halt-gal, $2.40 Aâ€"nAA-Oumna Hints For WOmen While Touring K-ELSEY STUDIO OFEACH WEEngspm. FILMS DEVELOPED Leave At 11. c. Town's Junk-y Store. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Do not. worry about your dress. Dress as naturally as you can in order to feel comfortable. A little hat is better than a large one. For hot daysâ€"a thin dark dress can be worn anywhere at. al- most any time and is preferable to the heavy suit, motor max and veil of the old days. (Continued from page 7)- Fancy Luncheon Dish For Summer Luncheon OPEN (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. m DurhA. S. HUNTERS: CO. Thv lmnw 01‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. vavll, \Vndolmuso, was the 51"le of a ploasaut (want. an 'J‘uvsday vwning. Juno 2, whon tlwir oldvst. c’lmlghtm'. Alma Evelyn, was unilml in the holy bonds. of matrimt'my with Mr. Roy Elsmm' Kirkp trick, ('Idvst mm M Mr. and Mrs. .amns Kirk- patl'ick, Rev. H. V. Ellison pm'fm'm- ing the cornmnny in tho prusvnm- 0f about. ï¬fty guests... Mr. R. Slade, section foreman of Holland Centre». and Miss Lam son nf Chatswmth \wro united in matriage on Monday, lune l, at the-( Chats- WHI‘HI nmtmx bx Rm. \lr. Dunlap. elected fur thp coming your. 0va of Holland 'l‘mvnship’s nldest rusidmlts passvd away I'vcontlv in the person of Mr W‘illiam Foster. StraWborry Shortcake 'lhe most tempting dessert for this time of your. Indn 11111.1! (imp stra“ b13113 short cakes are. dulicious and 110 tmuble to make. Rocipe for 4 i11di\idual slmi't. asparagus was cooked in). 1 tablespoon of Vinegar. Little salt. Mayonnaise dressing. Method: Boil and drain aspara- gus. Cut up in 2-inch lengths. Soak gelatin in cold water. Add hot. wa- ter, vinegar and salt. Arrange tips in circle around mold. Fill centre with plain pieces. Pour over gela- tin mixture and chill. ‘Serve, with maynnnaise dressing. Peas are it nice addition. Parsley and radish roses also make a pretty trim. 'Method: Parboil swept. broods. Then'hroil or fry according to taste. Toast rounds of broad. Fry slices of tomatoâ€"rod or greon. Make a mushroom gravy. Serve on hot plat- tvr. Place fried tomato on ouch round of toast. Place fried swwt bread on top tomato. Pour mush- room gravy ovor this. T on with crisp bacon and garnish with grown. Bacon. 1 large bum-h asparagus. I tablvspoon of gelatin 2 tableslmons of cold wator. icup ut‘ hot watm' (use water r "" JIM By BETTY WEBSTER Janiesol’s Govt. Tested Ill Approved Paint FOrJune Asparagus Salad BAKING HINTS Hate isotheï¬incm-est form of flat- tery. It as mne parts envy always. , LOST BET\\'¢EEN HANOVER AND ALLAN Park, on Junv 6. a pair uf 8-invh linpman’s wire cutting pliers. R0â€" ward if left at Tllc' Chroniclo "Him. 6 18 2 Sponge cake. Simple icing. 2 cups of prune pulp (eunked). 1/; cup of chapped nuts. 1 teaSpeon uf Vanilla. 1 bottle of whipping cream. Sugar. Method: Hollow nut centre 0! cake. Mix prune pulp. sugar, whipped cream, nuts and flavoring. Pile lightly in centre «if cake. Dec- orate with prunes and cream. If cake is large, this will serve ten to twelve people. lise smaller cake and half recipe fur fewer peeple. ATTENTION FORD OWNERS DEMAND AND INSIST UN RECEIV- ing genuine “Ford" parts. Spurious parts are dangm-nus. â€"~Smitln Bros. I BUY YOUR GAS AID OIL HERE WE HANDLE THAT (NH )1) BRITISH American (iasolcnv. Ask the man who usns it.--Smith Bros. 1 1 cup of sifted tlnm'. l tahlvsnunn of hntu'r ’ teaspoons oi baking powder. 1 scant tallll’spmm nl sugar. Little salt. Milk mwugh tn makn (ll‘up hatter. Mnthod: Put tugvthm' tluui'. hut- ter. liaking pnwdc-r, sugar and salt. This can ho dun» any tinic- ahead in morning or aftm'mmn. Alsu pan floured. 'I‘hvn just. lu-t'urv ready to hakv. llth‘ uwn hut. Add milk enough so that. hattm' may he dumped from slumn llll lu floured pan and not lgw running. Baku in a hut. own. Split vaki-sâ€"pnt. lmttur lwtxwvn and crushml and swm'tvnud lll‘l‘l‘ii's hotwvvn and on top. Sorve with vithm' plain Hr whimwd cream. cakes: Prune Charlotte Russe This is delicious for any mm]. The [‘01) um: PAGE ‘