[ICC b I]. Forest .surance or THANKS w0rl< Juno 13. IS mlil)’ do- Mr many I'mity for thy in tho thuir be- lat" Mtg. away on mm!“ 'i'eat t he io'nol 1'3" litt, Ban Marie 1 liage to M Mr. Glenelg. 'â€" turmed by Rev. J. 1!. V tor at Trinity Cpurql}, -._- v__, --y- u, I†VIIU IiI‘PSPnCQ of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. and Mrs. Gray left on the at- tnrnonn C. N. R. train on a honey- mmm trip and on their return will push!» In Durham. Tho Chronicle ibins the commun- ity in wishing them much happiness and prosperity. .\ wedding of much interest to residents of Durham and vicinity was snlemnized at the residence of .\l 1°. :snd Mrs. John A. Graham, ['p- In'l' Town. on Wednesday at high â€Hull when their eldest daughter, \nnio- Hem-gina, was united in» wed- lut‘k with Mr. Stanley Lnuis Pust, _.-..u at Mr. John Pust of Durham. - w-.' The ceremony. which was per- formed by the Rev. James Taylor, pastor of the Baptist Church, took place in the drawing room, beauti- fully decoratead with ferns, roses and white bells. At the appointed hour. the groom took his place, and munediately afterward. the bride, who was given in marriage by her father, took her place beside the man of her choice. The bride was beautifully gowned in a wedding dress of white georgette crepe with silk stitching and wore the custom- ary bridal veil. .Shc carried a bou- quiet of white roses and wore a ~tring of pearls, the gift of the groom. Her sister, Miss Adeline clraham. becomingly gowned in tan silk. was bridesmaid, and Mr. Don- ald t_,_lraham of Sault Ste. Marie, brother of the bride, supported the 2111mm. The wedding march was played by Miss Myrtle Koch, and only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties were present._ Following the ceremony, the com- puny sat down to a sumptuous wed- ding dinner. the table being beauti- l‘ully decorated for the occasion, and ail'lo-r a pleasant hour at the festive lmzu-ll. the young couple left on a honeymimn trip by motor to Wasaga Hmtt'll, Bull'alo. Sarnia and other linints. the bride travelling in a gray suit. with hat. to match. They will in» absent for a week or so and on their return will take up resi- «lo-m-l- in Durham. n..'n."‘tï¬%idn and groom are well kuuwn in Durham as among th_e jin- o-st ni‘ our young citizens, and The illirnuirlv joins their host of friends m wishing them a happy and pros- po-rnus jnurnry over life’s matri- mnuiul sou. Amung thosv present. from a dis- mnrn wow Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, .Iziughtor Joan and son Jack, of Sar- mu. .\lr.~‘~'. Graham. Pricoville. Mr. lmnahl Graham. Saul". Stir. Marie, and Miss .\olnlimi Graham ‘of 'l‘urunto. (Our Own Correspondent) Last Friday nwning. a miscvl- lune-nus slmwrr was hrld at, the hnmo- Hf Mr. and .\lr.~'. Edgar Boyce in hmwr of Miss Rita Buyer. Wham marriagr lakrs placr nu \Vrdnrs- deny. .lum' 17. .\lmut ï¬fty guests as- srmlilrd nu UH‘ lawn whrn Miss Bnyrv \\'a~' rallrd tn romp forward, and a largr baskrt. loaded with parâ€" cvls. was plarnd on the table by a numiwr of girl friends. Mrs. Juhn MCKPt'hnil‘ assistrd m umvrapping Hw gifts. and Mrs. Edgar Boyce read aloud thv witty verses and good wishe-s. Games played on tho lawn and a dolicimls lunch closed the vwning. - -- ï¬-:-‘_:-‘~‘An an." v'\ ruins... Rm: and Mrs. Crirkington and Mrs. William Fulton attended all tlu- sassinns of the Owen Sound Bap- lisl. Assurialinn hold in Durham last wwk and report wondprl‘ul meet.- ing%. 'I‘lu. frncfnnd Dr S. S. Nâ€. 6 113",†'l'he trustees of S. S. NH. 6 have re-o-ngaged Miss I. E. Dobie for the minim: year. Miss Dohie‘s many friends will he pleased that she is remaining: for another tertn. Messrs. Albert Collebert and How- :ml Metlallnm of Detroit are spend- in: several weeks with friends here.} Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boyce and little so“. Glenn Beverley. and Miss lilanrlie Boyce, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fiddis. Chesley.« Mr. and Mrs. Wâ€. J. Watson and family of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastie and fam- ily on Sunday. Rev. J. Anderson of Quebec and his sister. Mrs. Dongald. Methinald of Lamlash. also were vis- itors at. the same home. Rev. Mr. Anderan took the. service at Crawâ€" ford in the afternoon. His friends Were glad to welcome him into this mmmimity again. Mr. and MrsJCecil .\oble. accom- imnied by Messrs. Howard and La- H'Iluuuuu: “:- ..... .\lr. and MrsQCecil Noble. accem- lumied by .‘lessrs. Howard and La- Verne )leCallum. 'Misses Mamie Ves- sw and Mary Alexander, motored to â€wen Sound on Sunday. . Miss Myrtle MeClocklm of Zmn I was the guest. Of her S. \\1|liam Campbell. over 0nd. . --‘_,_:_-... n;nn‘n nf 'h. .\Il'. flml A‘Il". UH". "v-.-â€" family of anonto were the guests nt‘ \liss Annie Hobkirk over the \vak-end. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie, ae- rompanied by Mr; and Mrs. James McDougall, intend motoring to Ham- HISTâ€"GRAHAM Mulock. The Openingmeeting of the June sessions of the Grey County Coun- cil was held Monday evening at seven o’clock at the County Court. House, Owen Sound, and the open- ing ceremonies of the sessions were concluded. Every member of the council was present with the ex- ception of three, Mr. Bothwell, who is at present on an extended trip in the Old Country; Mr. Filsinger, who is at present ill with appendicitis, and Mr. Smith. 'Ihe council regretted that these membets win-g unab_Ie to be present. Warden T. R. McKenzie occupied his position as chairman of the council, and he ï¬rst called upon Rev. John Locke to open the session with prayer. Mr. Locke delivered? a short address to the members at- so and wished them the best. of ewnthing during their sessions this “eek. He \1 as very glad to ad- dress the gatheiing 0f the repre- sentatiws from the County of (xrey and Cflnsiclerecl it a great honor tn 111' asked’ to delixer an address at their opening meeting. Mr. Locke intimated that he considered the (10111111 Council one of the most im- poitant bodv of men in the coun- try. He stated that they \\ ere made up of men who represented a town- ship or \illage and must necessar- ilv he men of intelligence as well as‘ of high Christian character.’ He said that in their coming sessions, they \xould doubtless strike many (littlculties, but that, should they abide by His decision and always hear in mind their Lord, they can surmount any difï¬cult). ___. h I. The W'ardon thankm‘l Rev. Mr. Locko for his address and adVice and known] they would haw the plvasurp, of hearing him again. Warden McKenzie then addressed the Council, welcoming them at the sossions. and although thvro was a fairly heavy (.lmkot' hothought mouthing would run smoothly and harmoniously and “mild conclude below the “(wok endocl. Following heforo teh Vwok- ended. FulloVVing is his address: ' It, is indeed with pleasure that I grnpt you at this mid-year session of the County Council. ,- v-- v‘ â€"-v I trust that. you have all returned enjoying the best of health and pre- pared to transact tho husinpss com- ing lwfm'o yuu in the most intel- ilton on Saturday of this week to attend tho \wdding Hf Mr. Neil Mc- Dnugall and Miss Minniv Mum-0. We oxtvnd heartiest. onngratulatirms to t.h_i;~} yoquucoup'lo. 1' 1' _L-_.- A. Mr. and Mrs. Jumps Lmlingham 0t Glonolg. Mr. W. Lowlingl‘nam 9f Bran- dun. Man. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lndingham nf “'01th spout, .a pleasant, clay at. tlw homo 0f MP. and Mrs. .-\. (I. McDonald and family Monday of this wank. We were pleased to have with us nn Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Pat- tm‘snn 01' PI'it'PVillo and (laughtvrs, Gladys and Willa. Miss Willa loaves next. \VN-k fur a mission ï¬eld in HM \Vost. “'0 wish this young lady missicmm‘y (“V'Cl‘y succuss. llllH-‘lullill'y I'Vt’l 3 nuxtraa. Mrs. H. Dunn rocvivml a phnnn message on Tl‘mrsday of last, \wnk tn cunw to anontn at. nnce, as 1101' daughter, Irvne. was to undnrao an Operation that «lay. We are plvased tn learn the patient came thrnugh it. well. .We extend hoal‘tiost congratula- tlous yo Mr. George Henry Torry and Miss Rita Btivyce, who are t9 be ||l|l| A‘ll 'u I'I‘w - married \\ odnesday Of this \wek at thp home of the bride 3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyce, here. In planning your country home nothing is quite so important as the question of water. Formei-ly it was considered sumcient for the farm or country home to have a hand pump or windmill. But now the hand pump and windmill are as obsolete as the 01.51 g;- sanitary outhouse or chemical toilet. made in many sizes and styles, enable any home anywhere, to have running water under pressure, all over the house, just like city water service. Week. Duro systems can be used with deep wells, shallow wells, cisterns or springs. They may be driven from high line current, farm lig .2: plant or gasoline engine. A Duro system is a sound invest- mentâ€"it lessens labor and promotes health and cleanliness. It replaces drudgery and despair with comfort and happiness. And it is also a permanent improvement that adds to the value of your property. “wâ€"v ' m Specify bum. _ Distributed by the Empire Brass lanufacturing Company, Limited. London and ,Toronto for Sale by of Hm mrprchikcthor W asbfnr a Ii cut and vigormu manner. . e death of Hr. Gilbert m ern, a former Reeve of the “Town- ship of Egremont. and a. much re- spected member of this County Council, came as a shock to those who were associated with him for some years, and had learned to es- teem him forhis estimable qualities of head and heart. I would suggest that a suitable resolution be passed expressing the sympathy of this Council, wnth his bereaved relatives. Agriculture Although the early part of the season has been somewhat cold and backward, the recent warmth and copious rains have wrought a wel- come transformation, and the ï¬elds now present an encouraging ap- pearance. clothed in a rich garment of green. and we look forward with conï¬dence that He who has given us the seed time and promised that "Harvest shall not fail†will bid mo- ther earth yield her increase and provide a bountiful harvest. which would gladden the hearts of all :clusses of our citizens. from the Highway Department a†0% cepy 01 a standard lay-law for our a guidance, and maps will .be sub- mitted for your consideration. . An act to amend the Highway Im- provement Laws, which was passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature, and which will come into force at a date to be named by the Lielitenant-GOVarnor by pro- clamation, makes some very radical changes in our existing highway scheme. One efl'ect will be (quoting the clause of the Act) “Where a street in any urban mu- nicipality not separated from the county. is an extension of or con- nects .ditl'erent portions of roads in- cluded. in County Road Systems. the Council of.tlie County shall include in the countyrmul system the con- struction or inugirovement. ol‘ the roadway on such strelit to the ex- tent of twenty feet, and shall as- sume the cost thereof." All agreements between urban F. municipalities and the County, re-o(‘1 spectinij.r such extensions, shall be approved by the. Minister of High- 1 ways. The County Roads Committee 0 ) H n J..H. HARDING Equalization of Assessment “Where a street in any urban mu- nicipality not separated from the county; is an extension of or con- nects .ditl‘ere‘nt portions of roads in- cluded. in County Road Systems. the Council ot’.the County shall include in the county read system the con- struction or improvement of the madway on such stre'et. to the ex- tent of twenty feet, and shall as- sume the cost thereof.†All garoements b11tW1111n urban municipalities and the County, re. specting such extensions, shall be approved bv the Ministor of High- \\ ays. T1111 County Roads committee and the Suburban ~11\11 a Commission “ill no doubt submit reports out- lining th11. \xork laid out for the present season HistOry of the County I understand that your committee appointed to compile a histnrv of the count\ ar11 making 120le11111. 191111131 ha\ mg alr11a1lv 111111.11i\111l many valual1l11 papers from various 51111â€" tions of th11 1111untv. would r11- spoctfully urge upon t 11 members 1:11' the Countv Council, the impor. tance of the co-operation in 11111 work. (StratIord Beacon-Heralm Who was the original author of the phrase about government “of the people, by the. people, for the peop e?†It has been usually been attributed to Lincoln and traced to his Gettysburg speech.. Quite re- cently somebody made the discov- ery hat the phrase was used ~hy Rohispierre, 70 years before Lin- coln used it. More recently still, the phrase was traced to John Wy- clit‘. who 480 years before the Get- tysburg speech wrote in his intro- duction to the translation of the Bi- ble: “The Bible is for the gm eru- ment. of the peOpIe by the. people and for the peeple." There the mat- ter rests. Where John \Vyelit‘ get the words has not. yet been revealed. Some years ago, ‘1“ editorial writ-i er on a Toronto paper was accused of having either imitated dr,lifted bodily a paragraph truth a t‘amnus British essayist. The “deadly par- allel†made out so stmnga ease that. the edito‘rial writer in his defence showed how the famous essayist had taken his ideas and mnstmt‘ his \vnrds in the ï¬rst. place nut ut‘ the Bible. - Who was it who said that \thn he gut a new idua, ho went back to the old \Vl‘itt'rs to ï¬nd out how host to vxpross it? BORIOWBD afternoon at the 1;.“ B.BIBTIDAY TBA CAVADI AN GRF. \S 1.11.1112. BIRTH- dm Tea “ill take place Wednesdly. June 24.1911111- ..\ \ P. A. room: frum i to 6 11.'111.T|111~' annual func- 111111 is loukvd I111-\\"a11l {11 11v many and this wdr plans 11111 11111101 \131 (11 make (111‘ 1111-111 vquallx pleasant. Admissiun. 3 111.1111“ 1111 M1 11 311mm! "GIVE DAD A TIE†FATHER'S DAY. JI'NE 2!. LEAD them gn fur s1ylmâ€"h. M. Saunders. Gent's Furnishm'. Durham. BI’NESSAN L'. F. u. CLYB WILL hold a minister picnic in quaton‘l (vi‘mo nn Dominion Din. Iuh 1. Pine Band and gum! pingram o! sliCui‘tS. Admission 330 and. 201. Ev. vui'mn imitmi. ANGLIGAN GARDEN PARTY, 'l‘l‘ES- day. July 7. on A. (Irutclllc-y‘s lawn. I’mgram and rot'rvslmwms. See hills. ' I Doctoring 3 Doctor, I say. «IM'IHI' did ynu «'VN‘ ductâ€? amulhm' ductur‘.’ (HI. )‘1‘9‘. Well. tvll me- this: Does a «100th doctor a dnvtur tlu- way the duclnred doctor wants in lu- «lcwturmi. or does tlw ductur «Mm: lhv ductm'm; duv- tur Hlv mlu-r anm- m hisuwn way? (Too Late tor Outflow-J PAGII.