West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Jun 1925, p. 9

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I'll ‘13- {wet to Last Puzzle No. 12 stor Of The em ’Cello run. m3? #3: 48 64 I HIS l2 'al'ls $3M .\l HJIL nr fray "H w juice of plants .\ t mnsphPre Kpic- porn) 0! Troy by ll Naming .‘I 0th»! Like \\ Fondly “Ir: nu 2‘? I28 -;\~ NEW :| truss between a tn o-ltlu-r 0119. It’s the m Indrumvnt dating Mk Hz» '.::|l'I'o*?, Of an 01d house ‘. In pm-so-nt owner and 1113 Thursday, June " “It‘s u'm-lv 0! clothing “-21! character ”man, 0! hearipg ~‘ivnr (abbrewanon) Ho' t'hild "nation nr «'0101‘ f': u'essure . 'Y‘ ‘Y'M‘fllfid by support!“ Hum: expansmns -~~z\o- pronoun ( 52 56 [:7 n by “1' m Franc? . nia (abbreviation) {39 H abbreviation) : multitudes V I‘ZRTICAL n words nnmcai trend}; 49 $3 REUBEN G. WATSON Licvnsml Auctionoor for County of Hwy. Prompt attention to sales. Rea- ~onuhln terms and satisfaction guar- :intomi. Dates made at The Durham illn'onicle office: or with R. C. Wat- wn, V'm'noy. RR. 1, Phone 603 1'“. LUCAS BERRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- n. 1 of the firm will be in Durham on I'm May of e ch week. Appointments m n be made with the Clerk In the thee. Hullnl' Graduate University of Tor- m: .. aruduute Royal College Dental <1!” mm of Ontario. Dentistry in i1 Its branches. Office Calder muck. MillStreet, second door east f MacHoth‘s Drug Store. DAN. IcLBAN Lit-ensed Auctioneer for County of My. Satisiaction guaranteed. Rea- «mahlc terms. Dates of sales made it, The Chronicle Office or with him- ALEX. MacDONALD Llcensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Hum-rate terms. Arrangements for «11”; as tn dates. etc.,nmay .139 made DRS. JAMIBSON 3131330! I W16 and residence a short. dist- ‘ was! or the Hahn House on {unmtnn Street, Lower Town, Dur- , 11.. Uti‘ice hours 2 lo 5 p.m.. 7 to ‘- ; m. fexcept Sundays). . '51 Mars to life. Consultation free. I I IIIII ham Tuesdays, Thursdays and ~‘IIIII I Ilms. “423M aelf ;1(1..."|"h1- bhromcle Office, Durham. 1'. 1111s 1111 application. Address RUB I. I1111-ham.pPhone 611 r 24. DR. A. I. BELL ‘ wig-u. ..n Lambton Street (the late pt', Huttnn’s office). Office hours, 4 1.. .3 pm" 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- DR. W; C. PIGKBRING, DBRTIS'I’ ”Erma, over J. J. Hunter‘s store, -m!'h{lm. Ontario. MIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBIAN HIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. >mcessors to A. B. Currey. \lr. .Middlebro‘ Ags permanengy J. L. SMITH, I, 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. . name» and remdencea corner of mfwss' and Lambton Streets, oppo- ..l.i Post Ofl’ice. Office hours : .g. : , 1| a.m.. 130 to In p.m., 7 to 9 pm. \ _f‘.§{l'\'fi excepted). C. G. AND BESSIE IcGILLlVRAY Chiropractors, Durham; Ontario. I‘m Son-nee mat ahdds lifento ypars Lm‘ 7, CON. 2!. EGREMON’I‘. CON- iaining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood hush; convenient to school; on the prem- HRS are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hav harn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; t0 acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy, Mi. 4. Durham. ”Mario 10 25 23 tf {i2.3£n7-'.1'{.'t fiiihém omce'. .Pricevillé Munch open every Friday from 1m tn 9.30 p. m. Ontario. NnR'I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 3'2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 Stores cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 44x50. stone basement. mncrete stables; drilled well and l‘vment tank at barn. Also Lots 6 mil 7, Con. A. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- AAA _ A‘A- i'fln.nf‘ and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining; seven roomS. With 800d frame woodshed attached; drilled my“ at door: never failing sprmgs on ths farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold ('1: 2M to quick purchaser. For par- Hrulars apply at Watson’s Dairy. RR. 4. Durham, Ont. 102523“ PARK FOR SALE Ln: 66. Con. 2. W..G.R., Beatinck. ‘3‘: miles southwest of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and m rand state of cultivation. Bank mm with shed adjoining and stone armies. 7-roomed brickvhouse with “tension kitchen and woodshed. Well watered and in good repair. Fer Ourther particulars apply to ’t much .\ft 11' all. there wasn . Q Man; to praise except his 01"! alitv. 3.“ PUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toflmto John mums ‘ magnum Formerly 0f Flesherton BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE Thursday, 1m 3. Licensed efluch'oneer Dental Directorv Legal ‘Direciorv GOOD HOUSE, ALL CONVENIENCES; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ply Box 10, Chronicle. 414 ll BUILDING AMT BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post. Of- QUE; :_\_ good chance for someone.â€" FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY- frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham. Ont. .515 tl‘ FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 tf The George Whitmore prOperty, near McGowan's mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot of small fruits. Wtill sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schutz. 626i! LOT SOI.‘ TH OF VOKER BODIES Limitml; also Int south of W. D. Connur’s. Apply J. A. Brown. Dur- ham. 5 14 tt’ BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. I 10 U FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas 61. Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf SIDE BOARD AND COOKING RANGE for coal or “God. Cheap for cash. Apply Chmniclc office. 5 7 M PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 M \VHEAT WANTED. ANY_ QUANTITY. WORK ' WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. tf A GARDEN PARTY “'ILL BE HELD in Allan Park school grounds, un- (lm‘ tho mmncvs Hf Chrlst. Church, Friday evening. June '19. Ball game 5 o'clflck, supper 6.30 to 8. Program 8 airlock sharp. Admission. adults 250. childrnn 150. including: supper. Everybody wolcome. 2 pd Highest price. People’s M'ills. 31523t YARNEY 1'. F. 0. CL”? WILL HHLI) tlwir annual ionic in Carson’s hush on \Vootholay. July 1. 1925, after- nrmn and Welling. BaSvlmli hotwm-n mu local toamS, adclrnssos by le'Pn'l- inont Sqwakm'S. vawshmont Smwfl H b L1H! 'I‘Hl~‘. MlflVTHLY MEE’I‘IM} OF THE \\'H.\II‘L\"S INSTI'I‘I'TE \V-ILL BE lwlcl 'l‘lnu-sday, July :2. at. tho lmmn ut' Mrs. William l’icknn. Bentinck. The history of S. S. No, 11 will be given by Miss. Annio Smith'. and a paper will bu road by Mrs. Rnbort. Wublwr on "Thp Art of Drnssmak- lug." Mnsiv by llm clmir. Roll call answnrml by "What. Arm You Doing for the Institulv?" Evm'ybm'ly wol- AFSPHIES LADIES" AID OF EBEN- 0201‘ Mothndist Clmrch. South Lino. Hlvnnlg. 'I‘nvmlay. Junn 30, on church grounds. Tm sm'vwl. G004] pro- gram by Durham talnnt. lpd ANGLIFAN GARDEN PARTY. TI'ES- clay. July 7, on A. Crutchley's lawn. Band. good program, ball game, re,- froshmonts. The garden party that. is different. COME. 25 6 1 LOST BE'HVaEEN HANOVER AND ALLAN Park. on June 6. a pair of 8-inch linpman‘s wire cutting pliers. Re- ward if 19ft at The Chronicle gl‘fico. 18 2 001110. FOR SALE BY TENDER OFFERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the brick dwelling on George Street, Durham (was occupied by tho lato Mrs. Mchvan‘. up to Saturday. the 4th of .Iuh 1925. No tender neces- sarilV accepted. Wm. A. McGowan 8: A. E. Jackson, 11 64 Executor-s. FISHING 0N LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 7th Concession of Glenelg, the farm of Thomas Timmins, is strictly pro- hibited and persons found so doing will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the law.-â€"L. F. Robertson. 6 ii tf HOUSE FOR RENT OPPOSITE REVIEW OFFICE; IN good repair; electric lights, etc..; im- modiatp possession. Apply Phone 76. Durham. 6 ii tf The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociatt'g‘m will ship stock from Dur- ham Tuesdays. Shippers ere requested _to give three dug; netnce. _‘ - - A“- ----‘- - vw'wuâ€"‘vv wJam-Tu Lawrence; lunar. Phone 601 r 13 - Durham, RR. 1. ARTICLES WANTED ovv 1v. 8W “Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9t! MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS FISHING PROHIBITED NOTICE 1'0 PARIBRS FOR SALE I _ A somewhat unique event in the annals of train servxce happened re- cently. - About two miles south oi Tottenham, the passengers of the C. N. R. train from Georgetown to Allandale saw an old man’s house on fire. The man, who was infirm, to- gether with his aged wife, Was try- mg as best he could to put out the flames that had by this time burned up through the roof. Fortunately the fire had only started, but in a very short time. the house would have been completely, demolished. The engineer, noticing the trouble. of the old man, stopped his train. backed up again to the scene or the eonflagration, and engineer, tire- man and passengers formed them- selves into a fire brigade and with pails of water handed up to the im- promptu tire men on the roof, the fire was quickly put out. The old man smiled his gratitude. and the firemen returned to the train. and all went on their way rejoieing that they had been able to save the Mid man‘s house and heme. All honor to such engineers who have the spirit and sympathy and kindness such as the engineer of the George- town and Allandnle train hml.â€"4’_‘.reeâ€" more, star. Since? tlm unfortunate loss of his barns by electric. stm'mnflast 'wcok. the neighbnrs of Mr. \V. Millm' haw been lending a helping hand to act together thc necessary material for the erectinn of a no.“ h.acn It “as while on this gratuitous mission that Mr. Hal Dm was the \ictim of an accident in \xhich his right. leg was complctcly broken just. ahm'h thn anklf‘. Mr. Day had his team and was skidding logs in thn 1\lillor bush. \Vht‘n a 20â€"f1111t log about. '12 inches through which he had just. un- hitched from. statted rfvlling 011 a slight incline. H211 put out his font thinking he could stop it, but in somu WflV. his foot slipp1}1_l,an1‘l the weighty timber crushed his log with tho abnw unfortunate result. â€"â€"Croomnre Star. You can‘t toll ho. mav he sting} bocause he’ 3 rich, or he may be riCh because hes stingy. GOOD SAMARITAN Coming again to test ymir eyes, Professnr Katz, the well-knn‘wn oyn specialist, on Friday, July 3, at. the Hahn House, Durham. \Vill relieve mnsight troublv eye strain head- ache oxen though ntlwrs have failed By pmpvr treatment of your ows. (3w trnubln is 13(3mnwd.Con'3 siilt Din Katy. “hiln he is in your tmm; “U will Imlp you. Don’t. miss this: Two-sightvd glasses in one plN‘P for $10.00, worth $16.00.â€" Px'of. E. Katz. In thv mattvr nt' tlw Estnw 01" William Jamvs Hallidm 1:110 01‘ tlm "lcmnship of Nmmanhv in tho Coun- 1V 411 (110V, F‘gmmvr (100083011 ' N1‘1'l‘lCE is l1111-11l'1y given, pursuant in R.b ‘..() 19-1/1, Chap. 121, Scctinn 511 11nd 1111111111li111r Act. that. all 11111“ s11ns having claims against ”111. Es- latc 111' \V'illiam James Hallidav lam1 11f H111 l0\\llSlll[1 11f1\'111‘mz1nl1_V in H111 (1111111ty11l GPO}, lelmci', 11111141115111], VV'hn 1li111l 1111 1111 about “111 Schn- 1.111111th day of P‘11l11‘1131'y. A. 'D. 19233 11111 1111'111i1111l t11 1l1_1liV1_11' 111' scnd hv 111131.111'1111aid to Lucas and Hoan Solicitors for thc Exccutnrs 11 H111 lslatc. 1111 111' l111l‘11r11 th11 Eiglitccntli 1lav 111‘ July 1925. tl111i1' 1111111115 and :11l1l1'11ss11s. a full 1l11sc1'ipti1111 11f ”H‘ll' claims in VV Piling, and the 1111- 111111. of H111 sccuiitV. if any held by them. AND TAKE NUI‘ICE that after such last, montimiml (lain. il‘w EX- vcutm's shall prncond tn distribute tho assets of llw said deceased ammig tlm pzilties entitled thou-in, liming rngmd only in the claims of “hie-l1 Hwy shall then haw 1141- five and llu- said Exm‘utors shall not hv liable for the said asseis or anv pail lhorml‘, to am pow-1:111 01‘ 110150115 0f “1]th claim notime shall nut. lime boon i'ocoivml 11y ihem at the timn of such clislrilmliuri. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DATED at. Durham this 241:1 day of June. A. D. 1925. Lucas and Henry, Solicitors for the Executm's. IN THE MATTER of the estate of Elizabnth Gun. late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Spinstm‘ deceased. NUI‘ICE is hereby gn‘eu, pursuant to section 56 of the. Trustees’ Act, R. S. 0. 1914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or (lemands against the estate of the said Elizabeth Gun who died on or about the 'lBth day of May A. D. 19.25 at the Town of Durham, are required on or before the 11th day of July 1925, to send by post, pre- paid. or deliver to the solicitor for the executors of the Last W'ill and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian names and sur names, addresses and descriptions, full particulars. in writing, of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts, and nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND take notice that after such last mentioned date, the said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by it at the time of said distribution. 6. c. liddlohro’, Solicitor for the executors. - Dated at Durham this 15th day of May 1925‘ 6 18 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A GOIIBIDABLB LOT PRO P. KATZ COMING SUPFBRS BROKEN LEG HOUSEHOLD HINTS Mah Jong Luncheon When a waman entertains. she always likes to have something different. Many times cards are. ta- booed as a pastime, as all the guests do not care to play. But everyone enjoys a mall jung party once in a while. So serve: (Limp sucy. Rice. Parker huuse rolls. Pickles. Ice cream Meringues. Sauce over( if desired. Tea. Play mah jeng. Have. niarslmial-- lmv mah jong candles at each table. Give Japanese. or Chinese articles for prizes. Snme suitable awards would be: Japanese umbrella. Japanese bell. Mali jnng pencil. Mah jung pad. Tea [H.it. Box Of tea or tea-balls. There are nqw mnny handy styles of brushes winch smmlnfy clfennmg. Get as many as possmlc. Lnkc 11â€"- Bannister brush. Wall brush. {Continued from page 4) A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson uf Chvsley in ()wvn Sound General and Marine Hospital 011 June 1:"). Walkerton On Monday, June 15. \Valknrton and ”Wm Suuml played a thrilling l’c'uilllmll match that. I‘l‘SllltUd in a 2-2 tie- The High School Board has pp- vng. aged the. ontirv stair nl tuachms 101' the unmiug war, tvso of \\ hum \\ pro :3 rantml inv'mlsns in salnrv. At. a Forum. mvvting nf tlw Public School Bnard, thrno local girls \wrn :lppnintod tn fill vaczumivs 011 the tvaching staff. ”My 116 almlion- tinns f0? thv thrm- vacuncivs wan- I'um‘ivml. MP. .lnyos, Hf tho- Joyos l’nitml Amusvmvnts, whu sham-cl 011 Mm Exhibitim Gruumls a mud; agru, was finud $153 and costs fur assaulting :1 young Floshm‘tnn farmer who was riding: nn lhn mm'ry-go-ruund with- out. n tit'kvf. Isadnro \Vohvl‘. a Mildmay farm- 01'. Human”! hnt'm'o legistl‘alv Mc- Cartmw rocnntly and was llm‘d $10 an}! (-Qsts on an intnximltiqn chargo. \ankormn l‘omivm‘l a call I‘vcont- 1y from almut. 200 malm'ists frum Lislnwol «m a mom? hikn undm' Um auspices of the Listownl Chamhor of Cnmmorcn, NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS Cleaning Suggestions Wag; Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Refrigerator brush. ~ Sugar. Toilet brush. Whipped cream. Bowl brush. = mum: mun mvlon. lh-mov Scrub brush. zsomis 1r um halwd vanlaioluws. 1*- New paint brush (fine for «loan- umitx \xith (lisp unnflak '8 (IV I")! ing window sillsi. Etc astius. fluinklv \\ ill: mural“ "3H \ w ;t‘.l’ \‘i'll \‘Ili1‘l'vd (.lvall] Cornflake Cantaloupe This makes a delightful hruukfast dish. Also a «lvliglltl'ul (l<'.~‘sv1".. (luntalnulw. Corntlakes. was standing on, causing it. in lm-nk and precipitate Mr. Mullen m tlu- ground. Ht? suffered Very painful injury to his foot. ~ Now is. the timu LU bu'selling tlw M'Hih'l‘ If Ilmv is :1 11131'kut, for ”10.50 301111;: 01111301015, $110 alumt supplying it. It 11:13»: 1113th in wll 111m; l'ailwi' than latm', .1li chicks intundml for ”11- {111110, and as 1111' [inn-«ls such as 1.11;;‘11111'11. (1119 111111111! atl‘nrd tn kiwp thvm until fall 1111.! lhvn svll fur tlw priw of masters, 5:13:11“. C. Fll‘urd, l_)<_1miniml Paul- 113 Husbandman. I‘lvtlunl: Brown moat, \wll. Cum-1- wvll with \\'atm' and cnuk a lung: Whilv. Add the Vt‘gt‘lilhld's‘ and ('UHR still lc'mgm'. Add scusnning and thicken a little. This is l‘nettvr Hm longer it is alluvcml tn ('«imk. How to Prepare Strawberries Always wash slx'awlwrrim lwtm'n. hullmg me. 'l‘lus prevents Jum- vsvamm; after hm IS re-mch-cl. II' a murke-t is not. ulrvady m: I'angc-«l. it \wmld he Wvll in mm. about it at. «nu-v. Ifsuully thv IH‘UHM‘ markvt. slmuld not. hp [on far away. Thv host Marc‘s tn lmvk for vnstfim- crs are as {allows (nanml in ”In ur- «lm' Hf highvst. privos: m'lmtn fumilios. vlnhs, high-Mass l'uluis. snmnwr howls. high-Plan‘s hu°l|'dn‘;; houses, dt'alql's, (31C. The hvst. timv to sell the hrmlors is who" Hwy \wigll from una- 1r twn Immuis vavh. 'l‘hu vru‘livr m tho svasnn, tlw sumllz-x' the- \n-ight that. will 1w take-n, and llw lurgcr th_(_3__ price. _ 'l‘hn must sntist‘aclm'y way tn mur- kut is tn kill and «lrvss helm-«e ship- mc-nt. ’all but :lvalvrs rnquiu- llu-m dressed), but for longer dislancvs, »_ \u-I‘u >\ V I‘. v_ For June By BETTY WEBSTER MARKET THE BROILERS Home Made Chop Suey (Serve 16) puuucls of Veal {out 1111f. puunds nf purk {cut up . stalks of ('0101')’. pounds Hf unions. tablespoons of Fugi Mc-ml mu- lassés. tabloslmons nf $31100. COOKING HINTS chnp Sony Sugglr. \\ [upped cream. Molhml: Chill melon. lh-muvo seeds frum halwd cantaloupvs. Fnl! and in warm weather especially, if said to dealers, t!wy_ may guahw. Before selling the broilers, it will pay to give them special feeding for ten to fifteen days. In experi- ments mmducted at the Unminmn l‘lxperimental Farm. Uttawn. it was shown that. a good feed was made, up of equal parts Hf CUl'Il meai. leeil flour and miihllings. To this was added fifteen per cent of tankugn (or beefâ€"scrap. and the whole mixed with buttermilk. ilne pant vt‘ the dry mash to two parts of the miik‘by weight. is the right prol‘mr- tion. This mixture piuVecl hetter than prepared m-immercial mixtures and fed three times a «lay {.0 lil'nil- ers weighing at. the start less than two pounds each, gave in fourteen days an average gain of .1 little mer three-quarter pounds at. a rest, for feed of less than live cents. At. the price sold. _ (50 cents per pound. there was a profit of 291/; cents on the. feeding operation. 1- CU“ III' SUM“. 3 (IIIIII'SIIIIHIIS III IIIIlll. 3 IIIIIIIIslIIIIIIIs III ("‘I IIslal‘I ll. ‘4 (I‘aslIIIIIII III SH“. 1 I'll“ Hf \V :IIII'. 3 I-ggs (1190" III IIII's‘I'I can: \IIIIIIIIS for mIIIIIIgIIII , JUICI' III I II'nlUll. ‘94 um I'II «IraIIgII jIIII-I- (iIaIIIII rIIId III IIIIII :III III'aIIgII. \lI‘llIIId: Bilk!‘ [III- sllI‘ll. 'I'III'II sIIt dry IIIngIIIIIIIIIs Hf IIHIIIg. Put in IIIII III IIIIulIlI- IIIIIlI-r. I’IIIIr boil- IIIg mater II\IIr 'Sl0\\l\ . (.IIIIk 15 IIIIIIIIII-s \‘Im SI'IDal'atC eggs. \dd III» “III! \IIlks. IIIIIIII-II sIIgIIII}. $10“- I\ III “III mixtmn ILIIIIk I IIIIIIIIIII lungé‘l. “IIIIII I‘IIIII, :Idd III'angII, IIImIIII and l \VIIIIII «If I'ggfibcatell stIII'. Pu! III pastry Slll’“. 'I‘IIII with nlt‘l‘Illg'UI’ aIIII IIrIIwn III m'I-II. Meringue: 21/ egg “bites. 4tcasp00n III baking 1III\\dcr. 41/ tablespoons of sugar. The feeding in ordinary fattening cratvs gaw slightly better returns than the fending in pens. and tlm hmn'y hrm-«ls Haw lwttcr returns than thn light breeds. “Willow almw all classes should lm ”Why. IN. Hill mnl'kl't in a thin rundition. The big task of frigmdly govern- ments xs in kuvp their [maple that way. Orange Cream Pie Try It! BAKING HINTS PAGE 0. post

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