West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1925, p. 11

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Mr. and \lrs. .Imm Brown and family. Emu-mum, qwnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \\"!liam Jammy-3. Ml‘. and Mrs. Glhrk \‘ism'ol with sh“, Listnw rahnn at. ! 309 Names. I, III ‘ Miss \l'u‘inn “BIN; J v. " . . . _ of tho- Inronto t. ° ' ' â€" (:3: lung stair. Is Immo- lnr ”w va- (Our Own Correspondent) Row. and Mrs. Sellars of Dornoch \‘isitpd with “w Hoslip family last wm'k. _ 'rvs-wJ .UVV'V __ .J. Miss 'Phoehe Livingstone is home for her regular summer holidays. Miss Edna Bealon is spending a short while with her. _\l w -' Duct J .101 I‘ll‘. We are sorry to learn of the ser- inus illness of .l. )Iclzlachern‘s little girl. South Lime. Glenelg. We hope to hear of her 3993er recovery: “in" .YILAAL Miss Irvnc )chvan, who has bpen in tho. Snutlwrn States for the win- ter. I'vturnml quih- uni-xpectvdly last Saturday moaning. looking wry m aftPr her visit. We arv um. ac- quainted with lwr plans. but lmpn she is Dark in Um old nvighbnrhood tu‘ituy fur a longthy period, Miss Louisa ’Watson and Miss Margaret "lnnn am- homn from Beatnn and Town!“ schools, respec- tivo-ly ' tout-ho-r and was thoroughly en- joy»! in tho- rnmmunity. “‘8 hope we may kw furtunah- enough to find an o-qual fur th» cunnng schnol term. Miss B. .lo-Hy. NW jllniOI‘ room to'arhvr. is mming bark {or anntho-r tvrm whh-h is gum] nmvs indent], as tho- lnwvr srhool has made very untim-ubh- prugrvss un- der her tuitinn. .\l School 01030:! here last Friday for th» usual summm- vacatiun. Our seninr teachvr. Miss McFax-larm, has resigned anvr two years in the schnui. Sh» pmvml an o'xccllent - -v--~-.. “U ov-. VI.-. IW VV IIIU U. * Had to report Mr. James Sturrock is improving and expects to come out of the hospital this w.eek Mrs. Bert Knox IS visiting at Mr. James McLean's. Wide-awake-land. Mr. and Mrs. “'ilfrid Black and family: visited at Mr. Charles Wale’s. (Our 0201} Correspohhgnt) The special meetings held in thhany Chapel conducted by Mr. Sinrms closed Sunday evening. with a iargeanendance. Two car loads from here took in the Women’s Institute Convention in Kimberley last Thursday and re- port a good time. Quite a number from here ed the special meetings at Stityon §unday._ Mr. Henrvvfiooo' retfirhédtrtb his horn»: in Toronto after hohdayms withing aunt, Mrs. Storms. \lx. dworge (hikes \isted Sunday wiuth by daughter, Mrs. lump. Mr Alex. Stewart, Jr, is home {rum Nurth him Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart vis- ited Sunda at Wasaga. Miss Nelie Ha“ \isgtcd at Mr. William McEachc-m‘s ia-st week. Mr John Selson and Mr. and Mrs. Waltvr Knux \mted aundas at Mr. W illiam Melladnerns. Mr. a'nd Mrs. Jam‘éé'imdeu mo- w?!“ @6691?“ WI. A dry May and a we! June makes farmers whistle a merry tune. Hay any. crops_ay_e looying fiqe. A PAGE 10. Darkies’ Corners (_ Our Own Correspondent) (Our Own Cone-Went) Glenroadin attend- Proton “â€"â€" Mrs. Hurry Strong Of Lambton Mills and her brother, Robert Ec- eles, of Philadelphia, are the guests at their muther, Mrs. James Eccles. 'l‘here is tn he a family re-union at the home at Mrs. D. Gillies on Dum- inien Day. _ The. road to the park has been widened which adds a good deal to the convenience of those who pass touund 'f'mm the park. -__._..- r-vv lllll a. The cement Gm of the basement of the new school will be completed this week. .Th" mm} _to the park has been ......... noun. 5‘. A. The. Ccmtinuation school exam- inatinns are being held this week, .le'.‘ Robb of Durham pygsiding. AA-Ar _l _ â€"~ -â€"---v-"J- The following were visitors in the vicinity attending the. funeral of the late Mrs. Grozier: Mrs. David Red- «lick and Mrs. Arthur Reddick and dzmghter. Irene, of Toronto; Mrs. Arthur Barnes and son, Max, of 11-- Norton; Mrs. Charles Ross of Lon- don, and Mr. and Mrs. John Red- ilig‘l‘i offlRoehester, N. Y. put I] ya: I; u! the matc'tfâ€"éfid'fiaautlo retire for a mm but came back and played his part under difficulpy, 'I‘I... 1'..||nâ€"~ 3 (Our Own Correspondent) The last of the series of the \‘x'. F. A. {netball schedule for this olisn-irt was played on the home gi'chnds on Monday evening, Hol- smiu and Mount Furest being the rmzh-stants. Palmerstnn has won tin-st place in the series, and Mount thrust and Hutstein were tied for SH‘HIld place to enter the inter- mediate 61339. From) the start and thrnughout the game, the locals had decidedly the better of the game and won by a 2-0 score. Bert Gib- sun was injured in the early part In, .l’ltn mnlAL -_ I L A number-[off this line .attended the Crawford garden party on Fri- day night~ and all report a good time. Mrfénd Mrs. Duncan Morrison of box-noon spent Sunday with the Snnth family. __ ; r_. and hits. John Burns of Mn- luck. spent bunday mm the Lynn family. Mr: 86d Mrs. W'jlliam Honess of Crawford spent the first of the week with their daughter, Mrs. Hugh Macdonald. Miss Jean Baird of Durham spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Stgya Lynn, ' Miss Bessie Smith- of Cleveland is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. W. Smith. Miss Mary Lamb arrived home from Nestleton on Saturda '. She was accompanied by Wray dwarda of Nestleton who will spend two weeks of his holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Levi IndOe and fam- ily arcnmpanied by Mr. Ernest Sims-lax- uf Southampton visited Mr. and Mrs. John Lynn the first of the week. urngratulations to Miss Ruby Hes- lett on passing from second to third form in the Durham High school aw! Miss Sara McLean from first to second. Mr. and Mrs. George Collinm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Watson and son, Mr. C. Watson, attended the funeral of a friend m Walker-ton one day last week. (Our Own Correspondent) .. ‘Jl ‘IIIIIU. - Misses Mary and Edith Edge. were - visitors on Monday evening at the Edwards’ home. - Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist and Islay. 1. Mrs. Sharpen and son. Ross. 0f Tor- onto. were recent visitors with the l Baker and Torry families. I Mr. James Murphy of Concession 8 has the framers busy preparing l the timbers for a big enlargement b to his barn. . Each succeeding year, Zion’s fes- tivals grow in numbers in happy blending of neighborhoods and in its joyousness. The picnic on Sat- . urday afternoon was a line success. Good day, big crowds. bright pro- gram or songs. music, recitations an excellent. supper. candy treat. program of sports, followed by hot.- ly contested baseball games, all com- bined to make every minute of in- tense interest. Rey. J. E. Peters added greatly to the program his protrayal el‘ “Eatyournhf’” will be- come an adage. A month organ duet by Miss Iona Beaten and Mr. Jack Petrunka was especially sweet. and the comet solo by Mr. Brysen Morlock was his best. yet. The mus- ical numbers by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McNally and James Peart on Violins and Mr. Morlock on the curnet were very finely rendered, and they had to respond to the repeated en~ Dnl'na 1‘ m-.. .._- - Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker of Orangvvillo, WON! recent. visitors at. Mr. William Bakar’s. Mrs. Jusepli Edge and daughter. Mrs. Arthur Le Parr of Toronto. Miss” MaI‘Y and Edith [on \rmm Mr. David Young. acwmpaniwl by Mrs. James Haley and daughter, Mavmo, wsutmi Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rul‘mrt McFadden of Nq._9 section. ‘ _-_- ..... I» IIUIlltjo Mr. Joseph Young leaves this Tuosday for Toronto whore ho will undergo another medical examina- tion. V “U“VIUI 0 Mr. Thorne Teeter of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Blair and family of Durham were callers early in week :1} the Teeter home. of Normanby was overseer while the neighbors assisted with the work. hurse Edwards was a visitor at the Edwards’ home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson of Priceville were Saturday visitors !Perry returned Tuesday to their home, while Mrs. W. J. Cook ac- companied them as far as Toronto where she will visit with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Victor Fairweather. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Currer re- turned Saturday to Toronto after Spending a most enjoyable holiday among relatives and friends. Miss Irene Hastie went with them to the Queen Qty fora vacation. M Miss Evelena Cook of mtroit ar- rived on Saturday at the parental home to spend a fortnight's vaca- tion. Mrs. William Timmins left for Toronto on Monday to consult a Specialist, as she has been in poor health for “the past two weeks. ‘1 n... Y ‘ Nelson McGuire treated his Sun- day school class by taking them to Guelph o_n Tue§gay Our football team,went to Palm- erston last Wednesday evening and were defeated by the home club by Maple Leafs South Bend Following is the standing of the Softball League: {olstein a... Wgn Logt Points THE DURHAM CHRONICLE BLACK KNIGHT PECBPTORY ORGANIZED LAST 1 -â€" â€"--â€"°‘-..O Mr. Charles Lawrence last week purchased a general purpose horse from Mr. D. Braithwaite of Cork- town Hill. Miss Margaret McRonald of South Bentinck and friend, Miss Anna Cathcart of Toronto spent last Fri- day with Mrs. Lawson Hopkins. Miss Sybil Lawrence, school teacher near Mount Forest, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law-, nnnn I‘QHCC'. Mr. Charles Lawrence had the misfortune to lose a valuable work- ,ing horse a couple of weeks past. Our former teacher, Mr. E. Schutz of Durham, has tendered his resig- nation. Mr. Schutz was highly re- spected, and at his departure, we hone to hear of another reliable teacher being secured. Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull of North Vickers were Sunday visitors1 with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milliganw recent visitors with friends at South Bentinck. Mr. Robert Bryans has Messrs. Daniel Brodie and Arthur Varty busy this week reshingling his barn. atoon. Sash, who have many warm friends hereabouts, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lennox and Misses Alice and Minnie, the latter two giving a very sweet duet. Durham, Dornoch, Markdale and .the surrounding coun- try were all well represented. The crowd enjoyed in the limit, the sports, especially the “Donkey” race. .Dornoch boys played a game of‘ baseball against combined teams of the Rocky. Edge Hill and Zion and won out with a good margin. In the match between Zion’s fair ones and those of Waudby, the former were winners. Under E. R. Peart and J. R. Edwards. the booth did a thriving trade and was sold out early. Your scribe bids everyone come again. .AST NIGHT . eunuuu, uuu aa MY. 3"“ Mrs. Burgess has left earlier in the afternoon on a short motoring trip, she notified the doctor, who ordered the patient taken to the hospital. Though still in an unconscious con- I Some time yesterday afternoon while in her garden, Mrs. Allan Mc- Kinnon, mother of Mrs. J. M. Bur- gess, was seized With a paralytic stroke and. is now confined in Dur- ham Hospital. still in an uncon- scious condition. How long'Mrs. Mc- Kinnon was ill before being dis- covered is not knovm definitely. but is not thought to have been long. About 5 o’clock she was found by Miss E. Chadwick, a neighbor, ly-‘ ing in her garden. and as Mr. andl II... n It). All» lclinnonfitrichn Yos' SERIOUSLY ll]. FRO! EFFECTS OF STROKE 'â€" â€" vvâ€"vâ€"vâ€" -" “my Anal-hob}: Whflo‘ in In Garden, and ”noted to Rod Crou Hospital. mu. one wul soon be convalescéfit‘: *- Jim: “Where did ynu got all u”. mane 2” - Jae : “I borrowed it from '11.“;- Jim: “From Tom! Why, I Hlmrght he, “'98 prguy tight," dition, wetnut that Mrs. McKin- non‘s condition Will improve and that she will won be COHValemmo Til-relay. my 2. ms. ’ “3. A. McKlNNON DIED THU} Mrs. MeKinnon was in hvt health \\'edne,sday morning' I been asked to join her da Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ihtt‘gest trip to Shyner to visit. relatn day. She. however. preferred main at home and “as 1 around as usual throng-hunt t; In the afternoon. about 4 u‘etcl was in her garden of which it extremely fond. and had earl a conversation with a m! Ilia: Edith Chadwick. Stmrtl} ward. Miss Chadwick “as lit to notice that Mrs. Mi-Kimm fallen to the m'nund m an scious runditiou and. the duo ins summoned. it was four she had suffered a paralytie and It"? remmal In the huspt ordered. LIE! \U‘I'k \\o' 1"I‘lmlh'd “1 ions illIIvss «II .\|I.~. \IIIIII I non “0m 3 pmalvtic strul {cred \\ 1 dIIvsdax and this“ are callmi mmn In I-IIIOIIII deflh \IIIII‘II WII'IIII‘ml in [I had Crass Memorial Hospital 11 O’clm'k Thursday mlmIiIIII. VOL. 58.-NO. 3029. Mr Resident or This ‘ Passed Away After Brno! following Stroke. â€" In Undo Ionday Afternoon i it! Church Cemetery. Th0 fcwlimrs 01' Mrs. Hum. better ht‘ imminent than ch when she roturno-d that “\t find her mothor in such a condition. a: Shv had amu- well onrlior in tho day. The never rvm'orod mum-immu passed away alwut ll n'cl next morning. Hrs. McKinnon, whose name was Elizabeth Mcmml sistpr Uf Mussrs. 'l'hnmas m net I". McComh Ul' this low was born in lh'lt'ust. lm-lm 2‘. 18“. and \umld lho'rvl't been 77 wars nt' agc- an t (if this niunth. “'hc-n Hllt‘ y she canto with how [um-nts. Mr. and Mrs. Alux Mmhnnlt. Ida. tho family svttlim: at “'IlPI‘P thc'y IlVi-tl l'nl' H 3‘0 1%“ thvy mcm-«l in Hun“ GIPnc-lg 'l‘uwpship. mar tlu- sun svhcml. \Vllt‘l't' sho- \\ as 58 yt-ars‘ mm tu Mr. Allan Mr and Wllt'l‘t' thvy Inc-«l Hg. In 1 mm wlwn thvy ranio- tn 1 purvhasim: tlu- [tl'vsvlll Grm'lm'mm [H'UIH‘I'H' «on the- Road \xlwrv tlu-y lixwt m (loath «if Mr. kainunn c-ml aim. Mrs. Mt'Klllllttll thv Chaim-d ho'l‘ [tl‘vsvnl t'c-sul “"Illiam Sil‘t‘t" ill l'plu't'i Wilt'l't' Shi- I'vslch'il up in ”I uf hvr «lmith. An unusuallyt wuman. Mrs. Mt‘KllllIHll l gmnl hc-zilth in. t“ ailmut tivt mm who'll slu- c-nmnu-nm-«t l and thmmh shc- halt low-n m it mil. lwalth «luring.- tlu- [mat yours. shv uaw nu m ulv-nw- 41 mg away with sue-h tI-mrt A very 0njnynl‘olv hm“ \\ at the home M “r. and I“ “III! “IMP of I'I‘H'M iHo- «’ dly evening of this m-vk \\ Dromm'e choir illl‘llo‘d ml! will“! and had an coldâ€"Ii RICH“! with Hwil‘ 0ch ('lmi Amum: thuw h-um atlvndanm- :11 Hu- 1m“ and Mrs. S. Mvmmt. . and sun. Ann-m “an 30. Mr. and \It’s \‘ "OOH‘HI'M. 31h. \.‘ dlua‘htm' Laura. wn: I “’lllkvr of 'l'm'umu. Archin Mollumh hf Lloyd Millt'l‘ HY H1311" Hrs. Thomas Mmlumt Idiom!) nf “Wham- .M "fl. GPOI'HG‘ S'HHI After choir m-m-Hm- ar very appmpriatn angina. : m was Boned. whvn all sever-3| homes. DIOIORE CHOIR VISITED OLD CHOIR 1 "I. Edgit‘ Rmm'it'k. fnx‘m More, and loridv. «.r l. Wfl'. present. and al-u \h'. ; in!“ Atchisnn nf Durh clue? . momlu-r (If ”W 0 my years. H flask" “'1‘?" II“ "13110 g 1. but In ir jourm Tm‘nmu. N 'fll’hh “f 'I _~ 01‘ Bran” s Mc‘Cumh Wailliamsfo m0 thha \\ M “In 1% “Will l and umm IG‘. \N at m Hu .\ N \Ic US

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