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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1925, p. 4

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usilier. Sagâ€"“p“. nded by Holler LUH) Pinkham’s Va}. Compound Durham Store Thursday, 1" “'5 New “'5 Here ‘1“ q,“ , near. n“! a house ‘ ': IA l'Vh'here wunot :‘!l'; L . A5 m me 9 “$22.9 , \' "L" t Collars a! M \l endable i‘izetable C5; may publish H ELRN BALAH ht "nugh N' i ng H "Ild prepare to ' h‘rm. Hlll'SPS may be 'nu'ipal, ulnable record "mm to main- H Iah-aol at 0 hula-t S ‘- July 2, an, WOW!) 1' :- __r»ly GQuippga mmer 51.00 8C $2.50 $1.25 o'xperienced I.“ Nam» 80. I" «'nntipgem 'mmmoda. reasonable 29c at D! h»:- l't'sidancp dun to u Pi nc ipai I'man. coursés: \‘P Wicca b '0 their and SPF x. : Dr. Sehples will answer such twirl/ms as wtll be of interest to at . Mic print. ..Personal questions will be a firm m panied by selfwrm ed [m n", J. Scholes, in care of T h health questions in these hers and permissible m nswered only when and stamped envelope. Address e Durham Chronicle. Reply Im' water taken during a meal “1.x .~h;ll the stomach and tempor. A, M Mam digestion. If swallowed r .um, wspo‘t‘iall)’ while one is hot, ° um vause c'ramps. Tradition fizlfilow' that ”It: drinking or very w»! “ah-1' while one is overheated :. .mngo‘l'nllfi. PPrhapS 30")? 0f tht‘ .;;u"..'o‘l' arises from possible. impur- '\ Hn- water rather than from ll \l \l twnwo'l'alul'o'. H..- v'mit} fit the ice placed in ‘ 1w 1s al~n an impnrlant cnnsid- r vn. .\ll germs are not killed *:'.-.~/.mg in i0». Typhoid is an ax- ;~i~. Sum» icn is manufactured .1- .. l'llllllltluns that. preclude the mt" .-.»nt:nminalml watpr. Some mo. m- llmt is USPd in small" -. and is lakpn from ponds, . x4. riw-rs nr lakos that may re- .- “xv-rag» should not b9 put » oh mks. m.- heat produced in the high enough. perspiration occurs. ails from chemical rp-ac_ The evaporation of the moisture Mm“ generating the most from the skin further favors the . ,, . withdrawal of heat from the body. “1"” .n the muscles.Thpy In Order to stand much heat. it is x,.:t ot muscular activity. "90.1383”. m [)t'l'Spil‘t'. It is 315” ‘ 'zv‘ "’ ”l" Md." heat IS lost in necessary that the perspiration " "‘l"""'i. from the "J“BS- “Yahorate from the. skin. " ”W ““3! ‘3 109‘ ""‘QUSh the Evaporation is favored if the sur- . radial-It'll. PODdUpUOp, and rounding a“. is in motion. u is , duration of perspiration. favored by porous clothing which 2‘ ' ill " “Mam.“ between "‘9 W'O’ permits the circulation of air near and In” of body heat is the skin. Clothing that will absorb "4 """ l'-" a . h‘mt‘mgl'lalifls moisture is a further aid to evap- -' ‘11 Ht“ brain. During hot oration, , l» -, the heat regulating mech- One should drink enough water -In m'l~ '0 lllfl‘t‘ast‘ the loss of to replace that which is lost by per- '_ the blood vessels of the skin spiration. Plenty of water helps to The skin contains an in- maintain the action of the heat dis- 4 amount of blood. This fa- sipating mechanism. And any dan- .- ~+..~ radiation and conduction gerous drying out of tissues is W“- t..-.t t't-om the body. vented. - By avoiding too much food and Perspiration Necessary . lmusrular activity. the production of - ~ltl'l'ttllndlng temperature 18 body heat is lessened. tCopyright, 192‘. by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEAItTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Ice Water ~1 :h‘ks: “Is there any harm .:".;'Ii\’lllt.' ice water? fectly well now and has been Since he got over the scarlet fever. 1.. I). writos: “I am wry s tx'nuhlml with perspiration of 'r iii-pits. [s thorn anything that :24 new that would stOp this?" Reply mm: them with hot water A, 1...”. sumo. A lotion that is ~r:l\' i'm'o‘vmmondod for this ‘o-I wahm is: probably a better .k than “'6‘ water. mm llo lam . \\'. asks: ’Is it all right ...\ sixtm‘n ypars old who had ’ f \or late- last “intpr to go mining? Ho‘ deems ‘0 b9 PP?- Il" “V. H»-“";1'ge.uf0t1nd tfi-a‘t Pie. could Ml up the corner and pooped :wol stopped to ponder the HIN‘P Paul Was Puzzled - Paul was turning: tho' pages ~\\' pictnrn bank which had \vrx to him He ramp to twn \wx-o» uncut. He _tried g9 Thursday. my 2. an Perspiring Arm-pits [‘8 g a minute." . us it dear?” asked [119 a 25 par rpm solution 0! vhlnrulo In water. Ap- ' a day fur two or three ho called. “Mamma, showing his mntlmr hmv thv haw; ware stuck togpghm‘. "How did Hwy aver got thf‘ plum-9;.- in thvro‘.” This flattm‘Pd 1191‘. and Rho r0- marked prnudly: “Bob. ynur dog likes m9 bvttvr than he duo-S ymx." high nnuugh. perspiration Howl‘s. Thu PVilpUPaUUII of ”in moisture from Um skin further favurs the withdrawal of heat from the body. In Order to stand much heat, it 13 nvcvssary to) pvrspirv, It is QIS” nocessary that. the perspiratmn M'gpnrato from the skin. Sally. who is wry 'thin. (‘illlml to see Bob's m'w dog .wlnivl: snomm tn take quit» a fancy tn lwr. It fol- lnwpd hm‘ all amund Um Harrlpn, One simuld drink nnnugh water tni'ep'lace that which is lost by per- SDIFMIOII. Plenty of watvr lwlps in mainiain thv action of thp lwai dis- supatmg mm-hanism. And any dan- gm‘ous drying nut of tissuns is [W‘- wntnd. 30113 F. K. writes: "During the last few wvoks. I haw hmt lnts of hnila. I gpt ttmm on my arms amt haw had as many as throw at. nm- timv. What causes thnm'?" Reply BOils are musmt by an int'o-Ctinn 0f the skin. The» int'c-(rtinn is (luv tn a germ callad the stal‘nnylncnccus. Tm much sugar 5n thv hlnmt. dia- betes, is ono of ttw most common cnnditions that. makn l't’Ol'l" 511s- cpptiblo) t9 boils._ ‘ BPNPI' haw tlw urinv pxnminmi Bat. 19:»: sugar and starvh. “Hunt \011 know wh}? ' said Bob. “HP thinks ynu [‘0 a bunp' ‘ m-rmits llw '«ircuiannn nr ‘iiir nmlr lhn skin. Clothing that will absorb moisiluro is a furtlivr aid to (Wall- oration. N. S. M. w ritos: ' ‘I have high blnud- -prossuro and albumin in lhv iuinn. I would liko tn kncm if it is all right for mo" to out m'anuvs. or if the acid in thom will hurt. m0." Reply Oranges will not harm you. Whnn tako'n inln the» syshwm. Hwy acl as mild alkalis. nut, as acids. I". M L. “Pitt‘s; tlan \nu it'll m» snmething that ran he used to gm rid of pin \\urm~".’ Raply Wash out tho hmwl with :i snap suds enema. Than injm-t. a pint of quassia Win. This shfmlii hp [‘0- tninmi for 3 {PW minutes. Quassin tna is mad» by placing nnv num'o nf qunssia chips in a littlv mm a pint. Ht' watPI' and inviting tiHWll tn nni‘ pint. than straining. Ro'lwat this trmtmnnt fur threw 01' t'nur own- inns. vâ€"- v Evapuratihh is fax rial-«iii the sur- munding air is in motinn. It is famrmi by porous clothing which Yes. Oranges Not Harmful Pin Worms Reply The House of Commons has voted 810.000 to be used in connection with Karl Haig's visit to Canada. The amount was in the supplementary vstimatns undm' thv Department of Nz‘ltiunal vavnco. Since! tho British cattle embargo was liftml mi April 1, 1923, 156,875 head of czitlln had been shipped to (ii-mt Britain up tn May 31 last, and thv ostimatod value to Canada uf thesv nxlmrts is 814.135.715. This was stated in tho Housv of Commons rum-nily in unswnr to u quostion. T'H. do Courcvy. who undor tho name of H. lHZlm'mond. “as arrest- ml in No“ \mk on a $20.0“) grand larco-m chaigo. lator coming to Montreal “hilo out on bail and \\ ho “as ailvstml in that (ity by local anthoritios, waivod extradition to Hm l'nitmi Stan-s. Ho will he takon hack to Now York. Dr. Charles A. Zaritz, of the ()n- tarin Agricultural College, was elâ€" erled president of the Canadian Seed Growers’ Associatinn at the run- elmling session of the. assnciatinn ennventinn at l'lclmnntnn, G. H. Clark, president for the past fuur years. was elected hnnnrary president. Nu other changes were made. in the list «if OfflCPPS. 3190,00). Somv 400 mium's I-mployvd in mm EIlmnntnn Ilistint minns are taking a strike vote. 'lhf.‘ no 1g: eemvnt Ialling for a wagv reductiun of 81 pI'r Ilav. submmml in the npm'atnrs ha: lwvn II'fllSI‘Il Tim 'l'uiwrculnsis Voim'ans’ Asso- (-iaiinn «if Canada, in cunwntinu at Ottawa, rm-vntly, [)aSSNl a 1‘08““!- tion rvpudiziting tlw opposition to the granting of $100,000 out of the cantwn funds to Hm establishment uf an mljustmvnt hurmiu in Ottawa. 'l‘lw ('nnwntimi chlarml in its ro- snlntinn. which is living fnrwardod tn tlu-( (.mmnmi-nt with thv roquest that it be} road on the tluor of the Housv. that thn associations former svcwtam. (I. S. B. Hind, had taken on himsvlf authmitv which he did nut pnssvss tn \uitu t0 tlw Gm orn- mvnt. on lwhalf «if thou smciation, imposing tho! mnasurv. v'i’lw Svnatv Friday gaw third reading y» “W Australian trade treaty Without amendment. To discuss suhjm'ts relating t0 thi! pulp and paper industry. ahnul 50 duh-gates from technical scctiun of tho Canadian Pulp and Papnr As- SOPlélllUn «if Canada. mol at. Ottawa l'l‘Cl‘lll-ly. 'l‘lu- first morning was spvnt in ri-gistration, and in tho aftnrnmm, a business svssiun was hold at which a papvr was rcad by R, W. Stcarn and discussed by the convvnthnL Tm» mm “010 killml and Wm «Mm-s slightlx injurvd Thursday night in a fire “hich «ivstroy ed half a block 0f buildings at. qusnnl. BJZ. 'l‘lw loss was vstimated at The new Grain 'Act, mudn its final Why Can’t We Save? Perhaps it is because you have no definite plan of allotting your income. Our useful Memoranda Book, which the Manager will be glad to give you, contains Budgets for both families and individuals. It will help you to plan your expenses with something to spare. A few hundred dollars in the Bank will give you a wonderful feeling of security and independence. V expenses have eaten up all iour income. How is it that other people. with no larger incomes than yours, are able to buy many things you cannot afiord? ONCE again you say this as you find that -__._-..--- L- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCH J. A. Rowland, Manager. appearance in Parliament Friday morning and passed all stages. Con- siderable opposition had been ex- pected to the amendments made by the Senate, particularly in the mix- ing (-Iause. When the Bill came up in the Commune». however. the Sen- ate amendments were almest im- mediately adopted “nu llivision." A i-osulutinn urging the Dominion Parliament to mnsidor legislation to mobilizv thv wlmlp power of the nation fur national service in the mom. of a declaration of war. was 3thth by tlw (n'oat, War Vvtprans‘ Assm'iation conw-ntinn at Ottawa Friday afternnou during a discus- sinn on world prawn 'l‘lw conscrip- tion nt‘ prmwrty and man-power was urged. A similar rosnlution was rvcvntly prosmtml t0 the l‘nit- Pd Stains Congrvss by tlm American nginn of vx-sm'vicv mon. Bx II voto of 60 to 53.3111 amond- moiit mmoIl hv Wm. Irvino (Labor --E ast Calgary, on third Ioadinp: of tho Dominion Flortiom Act. was do- footI-Il in tho Houso of Commons Fri- day morning. 'l‘ho amondmont would haVo pormittod Lahor or- ganizations to contrihuto to funds for oloction purposos. It. providoIl for changing tho olIIuso whirh Ito- clarod that no uninrm‘poratod or incorporatod oompam Hr association otmlhor than Imo orgIInizoIl for polit- ical purposos «hall contrihuto 'funds: for olortion purposos, making an oxroption in tho ooso of labor organ- izations Following tho dol‘oat of tho tlmt’lldml‘nt, tho Bill was giwn third roading. "I'll I!” W” 18 3.0731. PlOTOPLAY .A rather new treatment- ot motion feature plot is incorporated in “The iss Barrier,” a new William Fox production starring Edmund Lowe. which will be shown at the Vet- erans' Star Theatre tomorrow and Saturday evenings. Mr. Lowv purtrays Hw rnlv «if Captain Marvin, an aviatur wlm falls in low with Marion Wmmn, a prot- ty ambulancv driver. 'l'lw war uwr. he whims in “in shim. Aftvr over-riding many nhsiaclvs. Um gzi_l_l_ant'Cal_itain March wins iwr. The old saying, “the villain still pursued her," is out of place. To lit “The Kiss Barrier,” it should ha “the. villain still pursued him." for in this interesting photoplay, the ”‘81 villain is a girlvâ€"a t'vgtilar vamp who trips all shifts of mach- inatinns to thwart. thv horn in his purposv. The rule is ideal l'UI' ilu- pnpulzu" Fox star. and hv givvs a wry mp- able pm'furmancv. (llairv Adams, in the role of Marian Wostnn. is quit:- dashing. By lwr ('lnvm' acting. Mar. inn Harlan lifts Marion’s cousin in- tu a major roln. 'l‘lmmas Mills, Diana Miller and (Ilmrlos (llal‘ym (WPI‘X “no. a tmnpvrâ€"aclal inlet-Ml.- ing ('hnrnclm‘izalinns m Hm vntvr- tninmunt. “'l‘lw Kiss Barrim'" is a 3:51:33? Just Mr. 1‘. Jones, New Liskeard. says The Speaker, has a four-legged chicken batched in his poultry yards. It seems a perfectly normal chickvn. but for tho tvm lvgs and font vumplvh‘. Ann c-at'h side'. As the Hatfim. R. Mllium Neill is ire; sponsible for the direction. lm aro not, jointmi. that. is. have n" elbow, tlu- bird is clumsy in its walk. but unvvrtlwloss managcw tn got around quite livva and pick up a proud living. deligh mm: :00er Fred and Funny Hanan. linm Neill is re- All Our Graduates have been placed to date and still there are culls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway -in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write. call or phone {or information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stamford and Mount Forest POUR'LBGGID CHICKS! PAGI 8.

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