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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1925, p. 5

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The best advertising a town can resort to from the standpoint of passing tourist§ is clgan w---- JJIVUIIVUO Ill Wi‘all. ing clothes, separating cream and milking cows that were in vogue when their grandmothers were girls! If there is any good to be gained from the introduction of it “:as born. Personally, we would like to see every household in city, town, \fil- to the cradle or the reaper? What printshop would like to go back to the days of the old Wash- ington printing press and the foot- driven Gordon? None, we ven- ture to say, but a good many of these same people would advocate that the women folk should still Dr. Guy E. Manning of San Francisco, editor of the Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy, is the her to enjoy. Dr. Manning, in a recent address, says that “the la- bor-saving devices which have come on the market to make the work of the modern housewife easier are making her lazy in- stead.” _ Dr. Manning may be right in a good many cases, but we cannot agree with him generally. True, the woman with an electric washer, 1 vacuum cleaner and other devices . might find it hard, or even impos- sible, to go back to the tub,’ the broom and the stepladder, and most ¢ certainly finds more time for the l enjoyment of the pleasures of life, but we would hate to say that she is getting lazy. That, to say the t least, is not a nice word. Too many women today are com- pelled to work and slave from early ti morn to late at night and, in a a primitive way, work themselves in- to an early grave to accomplish what might be better. and easier the physique of the pioneers and can not be expected to perform her '1' work in the same way as her an- cestors. We might as well advocate the or return of industry to the old ways V: of hand labor as to say that the S{ women folk are not entitled to J1; some of the joys of this life when 01‘ they can afford it and have the op- .Ve portunity of doing so. Like the by automobile, there is no gainsaying r.“ the fact that the extra time some 1"; women have through the use of Ba labor-saving devices is wasted, but dence, but if our spare time is b spent in something useful, either “.23 to ourselves, our neighbors or our i; community, modern machinery can Sm; not be regarded as anything but Sol: 1" kAA-n CLEAN STREETS Whosoever is afraid of subunit- ting any questiou, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than wit 5 the truthâ€"WA TSON. LABOR-SAVIN G DEVICES P1614. Thursday, July 2, 1925. g3 ticket? “I ' know that sir ” “but I swer to one of them thought it m was the reply, ust be an an- 3901121110113 let- _ -_ _. u 1' .-\ well-known author On leaving his house one morning forgot a let- ter that ho had intended to mail. During the afternoon. something recalled it to his mind, and as it was of considerable importance, he hurried home. Tho letter was nowhere to he found. He summoned the servant. “Have you seen anything of a let- tor of nfino lying about?” “Yes, Sir.” “Posted. sir ” “Posted. Why. I had not written the name and address on the en- "9199.9!” The body of Rea H. Craig. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan Craig of Grand Valley, whose death by drowning we reported last week, was washed up on the shore a mile west of Port Hope, Where it was re- roverod Saturday last, and the fun- eral took place from the parental I‘PSidPnCe on Monday. ‘ FUNERAL OP REA H. CRAIG ' WAS HELD MONDAY The first ladies’ bowling‘ tourna- ment of the 1935 season took place on the local green Monday after- noon when eight rinks battled for the prizes put up for the event. The prize to the winning rink was a cake cooler each, while that for the consolation was a strawberry hull- er each. . After a good game, a rink skipped by Mrs. R. Burnett won. the other members being Mrs. (Rem) Smith, Mrs. Juekseh and Mrs. Porter. In the consolation series, the prizes were carried off by Mrs. Pickering’s rink comprising herself and Misses Winnie Blyth, Sadie MacDonald and Margaret til-£9.â€" Eight Rinks Took Part in ] Cdntost Monday Afternoon LADY BOWLERS HELD FIRST TOURNAMENT MONDAY -, _----.‘ -v-J van .1 uutllll {is under tho supervisitm of Mr. Mandigo. the secretary of the Dawn Sound “ and Revs. Eaton of Flesherton and Spencer of Dundalk. it. would seem that my desirous of sending their boys up to tho camp may do so with a minimum of an- Kiety. V "'V “v uwI II. .‘l IIUUI |jg Parents desirnus of sending their boys are assured that the Will be \\ en taken care of, and as {he camp 1.! I1nAn-.‘I.n ,----_. - . .. __ _ “fl- Wm... The entire camp is under discipline and no fire-arms or tobacco are per-- mitted on the grounds. The swim- ming. ton, is supervised and may: be indulget} in. only at stated hours. Tn- , , _ 'J v v.-.“ Alull 15.5116- !ers’ camp this year is being held at Vail’s Point, 16 miles from Owen Sound on the Georgian Bay, from July 17 to July 24. The camp is open for any boy from ‘12 to 21 years of age who comes vouched for by his group, or teacher, or mentor. The total cost for board and camp is set at $5.00 for the whole week, part, being sent on application and part on arrival in camp. U 'l‘l‘- -â€"13 TUXIS BOYS CAMP THIS YEAR AT VAIL’S POINT One of our exchanges suggests that Canada’s new flag contain a cross of stars in the fly, or this ‘failing, the north star above and the nine stars for the provinces in a crescent below. Even this would be better than some of the Ottawa Cabinet evidently favor, judging by their actions. With them their appermost thought seems to be the stars and stripes. And now some women are ob- jecting to the word “obey” in the present marriage service. What’s the difference? There’s not many of them that do it, anyway. The reason some people are so anxious to “take it to the Lord in prayer” is probably because they are too lazy to get out and hustle a little for themselves. The Let’s go! Start a 'campaign of street cleanliness and make Dur- ham the cleanest town in Ontario! selves would scarcelyfi ltnow the Winnie Proudly,_Florence McEach. place. And we are not insinuating erg}. E33115: kaargf-I I.â€"Sadie Mc- that Durham is any worse than Eachern, D. McK -- the majority of places! We do say Primerâ€"Andrews Eckhardt however, that there is big room Mae. McEachern, absent for: sick- for improvement, and if our citi- ness, :8 recommended on her years‘ ‘operate, it would surprise all of â€"-Islay 3' McCuaig, teacher. us how the habit would grow, and . in a comparatively short time, the S. 8' "0' 1" Normanby citizen who throws his newspaper JP- 111- at?! SP- III.-â€"Harry Park wrappers, envelopes, cart-ens and 1' 900111111911 e - the like on the sidewalk or road-- Le'IvIvigo JP- III.â€"-Walte1' Parke, K9”? Slfixouglglbesgrftaratbcampaign of I. to Jr. II.â€"-â€"Lcster Bauer. street cleanliness and make Dur. Scfigllfilier‘hladys Schenk, Lloyd ham Ohm A‘Annnn‘ $4.---_ 2... n..;..,;. n ' cil were to purchase litter baskets em, and place them in handy positions Kim throughout the town and request Sr the business men and citizens to 4001 make use of them? With a little Lac! co-operation', the Durham streets Pg" could be improved so that we our- \VlII; selves would scarcely know the ' nan new'suit hefifg "" "'" "" , ,, 4. v .; .. < , | . Ii I I . A- ‘ ___3____,_' '- ., week: gun is 3.??? :%0101m may? ' ~ ”'3 Albert Noble. who has been "159 streetayaie ‘zlowwmtg' run ‘50:: Jr. W. to Sr. IV.-â€"€Arehie McPhail, 331‘”? album with ‘ serious 3" visitil and develop an unkempt appear. Katie McKinnon, Allie Eckhardt. Sundaoy. pneumonia. returned home Mr... ' u - - Sr. 111. to Jr. IV.â€"â€"Anna McEaeh- . 811%?satglaygftkizlesnslzsftbnrham em H, Alice .Proudly H. Florence 033%: F‘ “(right was home from take a to a campaign for clean streets? ggpgzgfiggf glocfhchem (2113.) M81“ . . Mrs. Knight and .8011, .Don, left, attain] $313312 1.3%.??323122‘193 Jr. .111.- t°.Sl:;I!I-râ€"Roddi_e McEach- 91.118 Week for: Clintonviue. Wisconâ€" 136v; NOTES AND COMMENTS Tuxis Boys’ and Trail Rang- -- A“... W. Logan Craig of whose death by reported last week, ’ nn the shore a mile U ___ v “v getting lately}; Exciting Custofii'ér: “Not at all. If it proves too heavy for me, I can have my man carry it for me.” "‘ Salesman: “Here’s a at lish ca if you don’t ob‘ ‘ .y ' me bit heavy." met to 1L9 belng a Customer: “th. at a_ll. If it nmrna I AA 'â€" ----- prim'er t6 "ILâ€"Myrtle Hartman, Al- bert Reay, Grace Reay. â€"â€"P. A. Wilson, teacher. __v...- vvuuuvuu, UCUL'SU lulglllrun. I.: to II.-â€"George Bailey, Clifford Brown, Claren Egay,_He_rbert Wells. .. u ‘uubul II. to J1. "IIIâ€"Jean Coulis H, Jo- seph McCulloch H, Lillian Pink, Russell Bartman, Emily Hartman, Loel Johnston, George Mighton. A- '7 â€"â€"-'â€"vâ€"v-’ U. U. 5‘“. 0, DUIIDIUU‘ Sr. III. to JP. IVEâ€"Gordon Coutts H, Archie Turnbull H, John Coutts H, Wilbur Mighton, Borden Brown, Milton Hartman. Jr. III. to Sr. IIIâ€"Gladys Alex- Sr. II.â€"â€"â€"-flL-¢-3'wis Wells, Annie Hooper. Sr. 1. to Jr. II.â€"â€"Fanny Hargrave H. Wallace Matthews. Sr. Primer to Jr. I.â€"â€"(}oldie Nel- sen H, Ray Adams, Annie Andrews, Jean Brown, Verdun Watson. Primer~ Frances Daley, Reggie Wilson, Hazel Watson, Alice Daley, Stanley Lawrence. ‘ â€"M. Davis, teacher. v vs... fi'luuâ€" thaws, Douglas Nelson-Q" Sr. II. to JP. III.â€"W’illie Patterson, Barman Hargrave, Clara Watson, Clarence Nelson. Sr. II.â€"â€"- Lewis Wells, Annie U nnnnn Sr. III. to JP. IV.â€"â€"Florence Pat- terson H, Ethel Lawrence, Wallace Adams, Martha Lawrence, Lolita Daley. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"Carman Wil- son H, Morris Matthews, John Mat- thews_,_Douglas Nelson. Jr. III. to Sr. IIIEâ€"Elizfi Trafiord, ‘Willie Tratford. Sr. II. to Jr. III.~Mary Moore, Teddy Moore, Fern] Legate, Ma}- colm McArthur, Jean McGi‘lVlivray, beth Brown, Gordon McGillivray. -â€"-Allan McInnis, teacher. Sr. III. to JP. IV.â€"-Annie McArthur, Beth M(Gilli\ruv, Douglas McAr- thul, Amelia Legato. f-- Ebenézer, S. S. No. 3, Bentinck. U.S.S. N0. 1 Egremont 8: Normanhy (Honors 675, P353540) Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.â€"Irono Grasby 675. Sr. III. to Jr. IV.â€"-â€"Dorothy Cald- ‘woll 376, Douglas Grant 680. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"-,4Billie Caldwell 535, Clements Patterson 463. (Honors 300, Pass 240} . Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"â€"Dorothy Bugle 360, Velma Blyth 354, Elgin Blytll 287, Marjorie Kerr 287, Norman Grant 264. I. to Jr. II.â€"â€"Clarenco Coxon. Primm'â€"-Cald\wll Kerr. Primer Auto Jr. Primerâ€"Harry Lawrmco, Victor Arnett. ' Jr. I. to Sr. I.â€"Allie McGirr, Mel- ville Harrison. Sr. Primer to Jr. I.â€"Margaret Brown. Jr. Primer to Sr. Primerâ€"Cecil quwn,‘ Joseph Turnbull. Jr. IV. to Sr. fV.â€"Louise Jacques, Orval Hopkins, Roy Hargrave. Sr. III. to. Jr. IV.-â€"Grace Hopkins, May Collinson, Bertha McNally. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"1~John McDonald, Irene Collinson, R. Sr. II. to Jr. III.-â€"Clarence Har- grave. Jr. II. to Sr. II.â€"-Clara Jacques H, Susie Greenwood H, Freddie Arnett H, Doris Lawrence, John Collinson. Sr. I. to Jr. II.â€"Ruby Lawrence H, Lillian Collinson H, David Aljoe, Clarence McNally, Gordon Green- wood. nay-“av U“ Sr. I. to Jr. II.â€"â€"N0rman Gordon, Douglas Johnston. . Sr. Primer to Jr. I.â€"Willie Camp- bell, Melville Robins, Jimmie Fer- guson. - Sr. Primer.â€"-Ivan Johnston. Jr. Prirperâ€"Milfprd Robins. . 41°.W qr. libâ€"WWW? rarxe, K9”? Miss Marjory Middlebro’ of Owen Lewns. Sound is visiting her: sister, Mrs. 1- i0 JP. IJ-“LGSWP Bauer. _ G. S. Kearney, and brother, Mr. (L Scflrgnnilier-filadys Schenk, Lloyd (3. Middlebro', for a few days. â€"Florence Kerr, teacher. inM{gi,orl;l'mA'rggglll‘u;pent a few days 3. 3. M 2, 3mm“ ' Miss Claire Rowe visited the pastl Sr. III. to Jr. IV.â€"â€"Vera Robins H, few days With friends at Mount Evelyn Robins F, Mary Campbell F. F 01'9“. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"-Eileen Aber- Mr. George Campbell 01' Middle- dein, Joe Campbell. ville, Mich., is visiting his sister, Sr. II. to Jr. III.â€"-â€"Pearl Gordon, Mrs. John McKechnie. for a few Tommy Davis. ‘ days. 3’“ "- tO SP- II.;â€"~Ye1‘a J0,hf13t0n.i Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Richen- hofirma' Eergpson. badle DaVlS. Ihanh, hnih nr NnnH-n pm. CI’AU‘A I‘DAA‘I, Sr. Primer to Jr. I.â€"-Sadie Mc- Eachern, D. McKinnon. Primerâ€"Andrews Eckhardt. Mae McEachern, absent for sick- mass},‘ is recommended on her years’ wor . â€"-Islay B. McCuaig, teacher. â€"â€"v-UIUIJL‘ Sr. 1:, to' Jr. ’Ii.-'Sfiana1da 510L203: Winnie Proudly, V Florence McEach- erg, Edna Eckhardt. em, Robert Melnt re, Gladfis' Me- Kiuno J. James ‘ khardt . St. I . to Jr. III.â€"-â€"-Mamie McPhail, Anna Mae McIntyre, Archie Mc- Eachern, Alex. McKinnon F, Cecil Proudly F, 5km}! Mae MeEachern F. CIâ€" Y A .. S. No. 12, Bgremo‘nt. Hired Help v w DWI â€"-Mary E. McBride, teacher 8. 8. N0." 9, Gldnalg. - Barr, teacher. . Park, teacher. V-V‘ \I IIU ‘I ll. \“ Ullrl “I Mr. and Mrs. \dams left on a month 3 camping outing in Northern Mich- igan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lauchlan of 0t- Mrs. J. H. Gibson and daughter of Erin visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McLellan over the week-end. They returned to Erin Tuesday night and were accompanied by Mrs. McLellan, who will visit with relatives there for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Adams of De- troit. Mich., visited last week with her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McFarlane in town. and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFarl‘aqe in Glenelz. M" an"! in..- A .I- Mrs. J. S. McIlraith went to Crom- arty on Friday and on Saturday at- tended a reunion of the Hamilton family. '81]? will return _this week. ‘._‘A v u;a-vlul VI Mrs. Neil McKechnierand Mrs. A. Rutherford, left this week for a trip up the lakes and will go West as far as Loreburn, Sask., tovisit rel- atives. They will also visit their brother, Mr. S. Jack, at Winnipeg. Mrs. E. Burnett of Hanover and Mrs. Norman Helwig of Toronto, formerly Inez Redford, were in tosvn. laet. week Visiting relatives and friends here. Messrs. S. D. Croft, E. D. McClock- lin, R. Burnett and T. M. McFadden were in Preston Monday night. where Mr. Croft, Superintendent. of the Wellington District, Royal Arch Me'sons,“pn‘id his official visit. is seriodsly i11."”1\fi§'i§£diiiێ {Uni spend the greater part of his tune away with his parents at, Petrulm. Misses Julia Weir and Annie Crnss visited friends at Guelph over the week-end. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Gardiner are in Strathroy visiting her mother, who‘ is seriouslv ill. Mr- hmfinn’p \vill Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Richen- bach, both of North Bay, were week- ed guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hepburn and family. Mr. George Campbell of Middle- ville, Mich., is visiting his sister, 341's. John McKechnie, for a few ays. . Miss pony and Miss McKs'y'O'Jr' Toronto, who were visiting with friends at Waikerton, Spent Fmday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ‘Hender- son and family here. Mrs. J. J. Smith and Miss Bell Mogenzie are in Toronto this week. Mrs. Knight and son, Don. left this week for Clintonville, Wiscon- sin, where they will visit for a time with her sister, Mrs. Tilleson. Her mother, Mrs. Munro, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Robert-. son, at Stratford. On her return‘ :from Wisconsin, Mrs. Jinight and party will spend a month camping at Goderich. Miss Margaret MacKenzie of the Toronto teaching staff is spending part of her vacation here with her sister, Mrs. Dan. McDonald and family. .- VVVVV Star Cars are equipped with the exclusive Tubular Backbone which preserves the hody ahq _kee_ps the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pust have returned from their honeymoon and are now occupying their residence on_ Southh street. Miss mm‘rét'EiErBHh of Harris- ton is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. 8 Ha_s_tie, this week. , v _ ____-____._. --.... w..- . â€"â€"- â€"--â€"-â€"-.r w uu: two-5m; suainmeli of m, .A. dell”. termn church wns held at tho 1...‘ Rev; an; M". D. a 308%!“ of Tor- of Mrs. John Harrison on ilu- me onto were week-end guests of Ir. “'L- “d ‘ 300“ “madam“ “'3‘ Mo 5. and Mrs. George Gannon. Mr. Foster 3'1"- . . look the services at the United Devotional ”6mm” ““1“" rm. ,ehurch at Priceville on Sunday. ducted by Mrs- A. Derby mm .3 Mrs. Alex. Forsyth of Welland is J- 3- HcFadyen (90k the Bum. “1- spending a few days with her niece. “‘3' The "39"” “r We 1’1“"‘0 "‘T'h‘u; Mrs. George Gagnon. Miss Helen Congress and W' M- ‘5- “"11“”ku at Forsyth of Welland is also a guest Toronto was S‘W" .13." U1“ l’xww mm. of Mr. and Mrs. Gamma. Mrs. A. Derb}, _\\'lllch was \ .M . V _â€"_â€" ‘vr.\. me ‘ ting cfosed {mu :1! peatmg th Lord's Prayer. v _~ _____ .. . .m. u. LuqulH Toronto was given bv tho Mm Mrs. A. Derby, which was \wl' (creating and showed “an um. thqsiasm and {0“0\\'Ship \Vhic'l istflng angon‘g. tho people, “.011 at Isndgut‘ T." In. 'at an. m O.A.l “ [scram “I" grown men the ‘ tho ~t:-1:° ‘ul'ln IN '1 t : the @1110 H m bunch we gum“. their lwudf w result. Hm "1“ ”It‘ ‘.‘:~ Went. Wkertun. h- \\ u “.m H :s use right on 1|: querors 8“ ”I. the} chq ; m “then ('le 3 ad {Illml In fl “18V mi"h! W [0(le Hum ' ills their lib - “.'0‘8L HIP} \\ M ('5‘. “11ng - With I “HIV 1:1'. ienco. Hm . mallb‘ €‘\!o".}‘ ’ “6i? 108d. mp; the‘dOUhh‘~vhwq the 9th inst. q... WRIKQNUII .’ \- meo'T‘l.‘lli\ Inn“ ‘ \1 «g “Cfialdk I 0 [.1 0“” _\ MY. KI“AI"]"«1,.". The trams In. . follows: and BN'km BARRISTER w. D. HENRY iBEREAVED TUESDA in“. Thomas H. Henry Had Bee: Want at Orangevxlle Dunn: III Entire Lifetime. Dr. Hv'm'y \_\. its! and |t|:|}w! the famcms 12.1: WIS instmmu-n [dylwyld Park .3 Dl‘l‘fiidd‘lfl H was infill'lllllt'h ml (‘lmnn‘imp Befiidvs IN'ilIf.’ he was alw n .fllil's. hulcmx: on “l0 ”12h GOOD ATTENDANCE AT LOCAL PICNI He is Slll'\.f\ one dauu‘htvr. 'M‘OHIPI‘S :md tansiw mmliw ville. lntvx'mw dly in (Imus.- Mite [any Counter Attx'aCZIOX Attendance This Year Wa~ Go at Local Dominion D23 Celehr than. The Bum lift”. 1H" joyed a un we can 1... sports “1% pers vwn taken an." that wry ‘I'rd'. “(‘ch mftball galnv :r‘w “Hod MT. um! \ is palu'l' \\:.v~ enjoyed ”I“ dnx brants. \w lmd m wihw» Hl~' howevm'. mum ' I005“ afh‘l'llw‘f. At Blllw<~ boys [0133”! out. Whilt' won frum l' supper sc-w best. “I" L‘H‘: ever pl‘HVM oughly vnj' At. HII‘ ”1'9 CII‘II‘IiPh:lI". ' “8 ”III clwuk WEN :Ilm Ii“? Iacp h: IN. .\| I Gardner. ‘1 ‘ Alborta. l'I Th0 (WIN near Vin-nu been cm H. (on Hill :H sum 01' In nine llll'niu from tho " aim: out it flew. to". r .el‘VPd H’ F did Iflm'n'“ YM\II loH'P" for How Rn It Vurm-x z “can: PRESBYTEHA]- IE? AT PALMERST Durham I I At YWH I Advertise in " ands last h the \Vuikvmm I was all Hun? ,“ be, and ”In passvd i lays Prom Bruce Count: ‘ Ir Event Friday-49 mt Walkerton friday. Sturrvy. SM! 1. M04101“! addrc'ss DQSM‘J ((0 IN‘H w plm knv“ J WALKERTOT 'o "I! 3. 1925 \\ ll (Maw ll ll ll m M la\ ll _\| H ml tiom \I .\' It " 'I: HI Q I l

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