West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Jul 1925, p. 7

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11w. impovo-rishmont of some of Hrs-at, Britain's 0M nnhility is again rmphasiwl in tho- announcvmpnt that Hw Dmvzwm' Duvhpss Hf Rut- land. whose husband dim! nn May 8. is nfl'o'ring hr Sal» Hm mansinn in Arlingtrm Strum, which has hpnn tho- lawn rusiolvnm- n! “w Dukvs of Rutluml fur mm» 200 yvars. Many liw's “'PI‘P Inst, prnpm‘f)’ was damngml tn thn oxh'nt Hf mil- “an of rnhlvs. and a panir was nuswl amnng thv popular» of Eri- van. by a l‘nrriflc clmu‘lhurst. whivh do-srnnoiml {mm Mmmt Ararat, on Friday, Smw-nl riwrs in the. npigh- Mrhnm! nvm'flnwo‘d. immdalim: the» do-simus nf t'vturning to China will he ro-patriahwl at. tlw exponsn of the Ppkin Gtwm‘nmont undm‘ an agrnp- mvnt with Hm Chinmo ministrr. Thirty-six mnrp Chinese have [men nrdprnd poellPd {mm France in c-nnm-Ninn with last. Sunday’s raid nu thr- (Ihinvsv logation. Those .‘. .2--.‘-_ ‘ ‘ ' v I... Despatehes from gdad report a successful attack upon Julamerk, Kurdistan, by forces Operating un- der :1 son of Abdul Kadr. a former senator who in May was sentenced to death by the Angora tribunal on a charge of conspiring to etl'ect Kurdistan independence. A group or German industrial magnates and financiers is reported to be coming to London this week to try to raise capital for'their in- dustries. which are said to be in dirt‘u-ulties owing to lack of money. ”The industries represented it. is stated. are steel. electrical and mntor. Hopi-rsontatiws of ”It' British railways and tlwir omployoos in all branrlws of tho so‘rvicp mot, in Lon- don to discuss pronosals by the companips for a rigid economy ram- paign. The proposals includo re- duction of all omnlnmonls from the salarios of tho railway diroctors to the wagps 0! tho lmmhlpst worko‘ra. It is said that our plan to ho sub- mitted to tho. conforonro would. if wookly undor this hoad alone. Alrxis Bogo. dran of Fronrh soa- farors, was drroratpd with the La- gion of Honor in timr to woar th red ribbon in his button holv on his 100th birthday Sungay. n--_. â€"‘ 7 'l’lm declaration of Rt. Hon. Aus- ten Chamberlain. toroign sorrotary, that Great Britain would join with the Other great powers in further limiting naval armamonts or rpduc- ins land forcos. and his intimation that tho initiatiw for tho navat canto-romeo should «'omo from tho Unitod Statos. worn rogardod as tho (Paturos of his statompnt in the Rom» of Commons on \\'o-dnosday. during tho flt'hull' on tln- sornrity nun! Fowl Flour. po-r bag. RHIIPII Hats. [u‘l' bag par hag .‘ ...... - \\'nh_i t3) Li ly Pastry FA lipst- Flmu \\ hit» Lil} 'l‘lw postman of Paris went on strikr- tn back a demand for pay. mvnt. 0! wagrs in arrears. They m-rv promised an increase of 1.8)0 franrs by Hm Harri"! Govc'rnmenf, but rvcpivod only 500 francs in £923. The strikp greatly inconwn- ienred Canadian and Unitrd State.- nrms as Thursday was "novan ma" my.9’ Sd‘H’PN‘ign Flam“ WLE’S MILLS lLllargo-ol with plnlling against lhc liws nf Lcnn Trotsky. M. Stalin and ollwr [fillshvvik lcudcm. tllrma Gcr- mans. Dr. Karl Kimlm-mnnn. Max wm Dilmar and 'I‘hcndorc Volscht haw hm-n JllaCPd 0n trial. “'hcn ar- rcslad nine months agn. they were do-ecmhml as Barman “commercial ago-nts" .and were charged with cummcrcnal espionage. _ __--_.... “’ III' III.) Tlu- count claime to hr ho-ir tn the duke. Daily Events as Told by Gallo Gandensed 12: puny Chronicle [wan Hum'. pwr ha: 35.00 m- Plum“. po-I' h:n'.'....$4.65 Iv Lily Pastry Flmu' ‘ ha: ................ $4.00 n Lily Pastry Flnm‘. Ih. but: .............. $1.10 FIHIH'. [H'l' ha: ...... $2.25 .1 Hats. [H'l' ha}: ...“.00 clhnmwd Hats, pvr 100 ”)8. $1.80 Urimpml nuts. pm' 100 lbs. $1.80 )‘lixwl Chap. per 100 lbs. $1.80 (Ihq‘mpo'd OMS. "(‘1' ton Int $35.00 Iix'impml Oats, [H‘I‘ tun Int $35.00 Mixo-d Chnp DPI‘ ton lot $35.00 (mum's 'l‘ankngv. per 100 lbs ..................... $3.25 Gm’s Big 60 Beef Scrap and Poultry Fools BlATCflFORD’S CAN", HS and POULTRY F0008 PM. I. uurm-ss nr Hut- put band dim! un May Im- sah» tho» mansinn ing 4, which has hwn an! o- M ”w anvs of T 200 yo'ars. you '4' Inst, pl'npN‘U’ RSI hv vtht Hf mil- i310 nu! an panic- was con popular» of Firi- In (‘lo‘nulhurst whioh stan 'uunt Ara‘nt. on ma! mm in tho- notch- plus 1. innmlating tlm qua] % W Hu- natnrai In breeding-nun t0 the excellent standard demanded in registered males. there is certain to be sur- plus stark of .lesser. lineage not qualified fur registration. Manv 0f ht' worm-able this year, with auth- omlir pm‘ligrw' and tulonml with the lirowlvrs rrgisirrrd mark and carry- ing all ”10 idpntiilcatinn marks guar- nnlo-ring their brvraing. 'l‘lm numhnr will be limited this yrnr. but tho supply will increase as tlw mimhrr of daughters of rrg- islrrnd ilams that qualify in the coptrst inrrpasrs -_- ‘, v v 3 U V III‘JU III DIIU â€"- . ‘-. l’ Dominion have materially contri- ’ buted. A greatly increased average throughout all the. contests has been reached in a few years, which is direct evidence of a remarkable im- provement in the breeding work behind hundreds of entries, repre- senting thousands of matings, says W. T. Scott. With the advent of registration for poultry, the standard was raised 150 to 200 two-ounce eggs as a min- imum for qualification, and the bird must also conform closely to cerâ€" tain standard characters laid down for the breed. a The standard for the male is still more severe. He must be bred from a dam and grand dam that have each laid in a contest at least 200 t.wo-ounce eggs and be. free from standard disqualitications. To breed such a male is an achieve- ment. worthy of an official record. and a number of such males will be procurable this year, with auth- .\..s:.. __,_,,|: ~ ' ‘ ‘ Notable progress has been made in pnultry raising In Canada in re- cent, ynars. to which the laying con- tvsts held in every Drovinon in um lialgar W. Mclnnis. Canadian Rhodes srholar from Prince Edward Island at Oxford University. has won the Newdigate prize for the best poem on Byron. Mr. McInnis came to Oxford from the University of Toronto. where he studied his- tory and philosophy. He served in the Canadian artillery in France in the war. The Newdigate prize of 2! guineas for English verse, is open for competition each year to the umlergraduates of Oxford Univer- sity. REGISTERED PEDIGREE POULTRY V ‘ wâ€" “I.“ u ou. The correspondent of the London Daily Mail at Sydney, New South Wales. says the visit of the United States fleet will provide Australians jacks with the novelty of handling British gold coins. The men of one ities have agreed to change into Z-lNlUO gnlol sovereigns. the hulk of which will doubtless. be promptly circulated. ' WWW W. Mclnnis. Canadian DI..‘...I.-,_ ._ Ln: 4. __ - A necklace of 134 pearls valueud by experts at 800,000 francs (about 8381“), was found in a street in Paris Thursday night and promptly handed in to the police by the. find- er. There has been no report of its loss. French law provides that the llmler in such cases becomes 'the legal owner if the object is un- claimed for a year an_d ‘a d_ay. 'I‘hll n1nn-..~--_. .‘_A Hoar Um village or Suusano, Bul- mama. Fnrmvr Kim; (imn‘gv and Queen Elizabvth nf Greecv have arrived in Paris for 3 MW weeks” stay. They tuok a ,loism-ply driw about Paris zuwarently undisturbed by the news of ”w rovnlutinn in Athens. homeleu/ . '- f The British Minot. is understood to have decided-(hot 19 guano: . I the requfu of thofBrntizhlsm "in; dustry or a pre cream. . W'e r at to l “I of the “a. View Of the many “he! "mus 0’ dent thafiefell Mr. Duncan )1ch involved. Thefihipbmlding industry of Abe rdéen. While drawing out for one has informed the Govern- manure last Friday, a young team men: that it. would strongly oppose he was working took fright, ran any ”0905‘" to place a duty on 'm' away, and Mr. McLean fell forward 9”"th 9'99" . . . on the tongue and subsequently to Bulgaria‘s dotorgnmatmn .speedily the ground when the wagon ran to crush Communism In this coun- over him, crushing him severely. ,n'y is 9h0Wh by wrdlcts recently “fie regret to learn of the death truiurnc-d h." 'threo courts-martial. of Miss Bessie Clark of Varney who 1““ l”"""”"‘:'a' "WP" Imposed died on Monday night after an opera ““4"" WWW-"‘5 3”". “V" .PHS‘m ation for acute appendicitis at the smite-urns. A trihunal in Sofia son- age of 15 years, ' ivncml 30 to \Lamous terms; Hi Im- Mr. HappyBume“ had the misfor- misnnmvht. 'l'ho proquutlon hall tune to have a horse struck by a nskml that smvntvvn oi thew (10- special train 011' Monday morning t'vndanis hp svnivncmi in death. at the town line crossing and killed. A bandit. nomad Ham-ff and sov- The animal, with two Others, got oral of his mom worn killod. our was on the track in some manner. municipal and anothor captured. \V‘e congratulate. Miss Maggie whvn soldivrs sun‘Tnumlml tho hand . {ht-0n. who was married last week m'ar tho- villagv or Sunsauv, Bul- to Mn “mum“ nan“- that qli’éui'fir‘ ih’ifi’é .93. Up _t0.the excellent every prqvipbe ‘i’n the leaving tho Mfiny bf lâ€"Fire-resisting. 2â€"Cannot blow ofi. 3â€"No paint required; colors do not fade. 4â€"Improve the appesrance of the building. 5â€"Water and weather-proof. 6â€"Cost one-third less to buy. 7â€"Cost one-third less to lay. 8â€"Msy be laid over old shingles. 8 Reasons for Roofing wit] ARRO - LOCKS Bunch Warehouses at TORONTO en window and rescued his and child. All were badly s up, and Mrs. Sine sustained a tured shoulder, injuries to her and several cuts and bruises. “’I_ ' I V -- -_ -uv Vuuvu .nluun, WICUUU. his wife and two-year-old child. Sine’s car was catapulted over the embankment and landed upside down with the three occupants still in it. Sine climbed through a brok- en \VindOW' and rflfll‘l'lnl‘. hie tiri'fn day night. A large sedan, owned and driven by a Mr. Wray of TM- onto, crashed into the rear of a coupe in which were T. C. Sine, manager of the L’nwn Bank, Caledon. l<.:n. ---:l'- ' ‘ were badly sinkâ€"(i wife “The extraordinary thing was that when she came out, she was speckled all over with white foa- thers. She was bred from - pure- 7â€"7 v__ __._._...-, wVâ€"bw .- m, we 09!! recu\'(’l‘0d and Ill 0 some 1111an some. thing and nude wen'z'unlo full la‘y, but has grmlu- a sudden dart mlo a culvert. Al- ally turned almos p . ure whitu, .. . though a” search was made at once. a few black specks remaining.” “I" no signs of her could be seen. Sev- -â€"--.---â€"- eral days passed, out she did not Not an Old Top appear and was given up as possiny Mrs. Gold (motoring : drowned. Eventually, after {aura hear that fellow call teen days, she came out, very thin old lap?” and emaciated and hardly able to Hubby: “Yes. What, 01' H?" walk. “nu (I . “\l'ml: I .- u. l “1N4! IVHH lu you. ‘ngu \uuuoovw horn hen got the genuine Brantford Road the Classified Ads. on lot ll 01‘ Top Mrs. Gold (mOtoring‘: "UM hear that fellow call to you. ll old top?’ Hubby: “Yes. What of it?" MP8. 6.: “\Vbll, l \VOllldllll 1‘ mil. anyone to makp a I'vnmrk that. Our car-ton E brand um --_ u... - nun“..- In. M. “With cm, _th_e he!) recmmo ,A_A _ minus. but has}; Pure Whit». -‘m‘ _ Iluu «Mu. th Page 9 at Banfl' Devi l ”:4 “hora “mar IcNicol where 1 st A VCI‘V price 0? pomtio “m a S‘Iil'llfll I'IIH'IUM'H“ an meters 1:: him,- 1., ...1 W at “velengths “1' 1m. 1;,” w: ? ml and so «on .i'm: “M \ harmomvs 1m ”and max His: !_\ 1‘ by e shod wan : ..;\..1 “being son! um wavelength. In ;..:.1\". two Cations. man} ..: broadclstim: shun“. ,1: ' on the]? _ hqrmd m 1r 5 ‘\ It. is not. nvvvssary tn Uso- :1 aid circuit (M m; H]. HI... “V085 but it Is WH~~:H\ II specinl cat-0 in tlw Huh!!!“ tI ' Imminent"! “I! [f'lllh l to I I“! “d U!“ 111k]! ' How-{w 11% both popular "Hunts 1.” work; and ntlml' ('H‘c'lth Hm vv~ handledvaround a 5111 111.4... 11-} m “lowatts Of INPAK‘J‘. \1‘ I“ 1-, . ‘ L' "MMS, it is Tlt‘k‘t‘xfizéx“ 1 NOW that the Shfii" \ x'..'1 med there is w . ., it} “that is being filmy} [ W on these \x: m ~ .;' 1;”. mnidling. Trans-.. 11:11'111' 13-;‘1 The [“900in slum“ I? HI MOI! abuw use-s ”In ..!.3 91‘2“in I‘II‘I'HH. \\thI W I known that ”I“ II::I;.':':I 00‘. be I‘PpI‘OdUI'I'd “MW. H side of "W I‘l‘('4'i\c’l' I- ~wa the coils lenI II It In [‘L'l h :I tickler. Um smwnndm} and III try. The “(RIM and [H mm m 1‘01!!th “I“! PW! I" ()er by shafts \HIII-II Clause, (III. , “'HZ "1' 834'! (M.), is OHM! 0mm! NH :3 harmonic, or «m Mount 7..) m .â€"-\011 (an 11 'l\\!1 enough turns UH p.113 ~ "IO setting 01 \HI]: :3: denger. Tunv pm Mr “'0“ “ it“ til“ '11.â€"'h0"' that vou “ant tn the positinn ..1 _\'u::~ plms. Rd‘nlqno ”L" ~ leoondarx “1111111...- 1;1 station [inst “1H1 1'1.~ h Victoria. “turning. HI: 1313‘“- . n Vallo-y \.. '3‘ Olly Lake», \Vnui ‘z'm “0‘10“ Charmin: :mi ‘ ' (up H F [mud-U iv Slims at "minim H! Vermilion nm- and su :v: “3 Bungaluw Hum; ~ :m4 | NH. thou l'lllnum'v- M "8 Gap Hunuul'm .l' on ”I" Ink“ . P from Fur! \Vfll; m. ‘00" thencv mil in the trip \xili hum: t 10. Include-.1 cribbing Is ‘ 0 £325.00 frum'lux‘wmu sleeping curs. m in hotels and I" \I .' ‘4'. W. J B. saw: "I um ' nude tulw, 3 «vii ~‘|»Iu1or\\ot: enuve. HM“ um I to H \\ w the right. numhm H! m: ~ lecondnrv? I am mm: ;« 'v'v--_â€"- - wire, mould \n 2H 1... 1...”. Decouduy is tum-d M ‘ WMI‘. “'llat tulu- \\ the best I‘vsults‘i’" The wondwr hay WP \VIH lu‘ I'H' LIil‘d Of Mardunuiu writ. B. C.. and 1m ' Inspired by tlw -'; “Victoria last you 9‘ the Toaclw:-‘ imam “I! ‘t that I'”H‘1.h'.l WE trlotic matiw- t.~:- . , _. their own cumm'y {0‘ 1‘. ‘pw'm sleeping “il:~ ' “I Julv 20. \m'an.’ M “’illiam. \\ ;' v., a “00.8 Jaw. Malay“. Louise. \‘aIu-mn.-: . - pâ€".. < it their fundzm‘u-I (Copyright, 19’14 86c Illustration llr. Sherrill will bf glad to l mblem. Write him, (are of (mum AND BACK “u w o III! 2. ms. RADIO QUESTIONS 19:31 .lll't‘c'. Tlu' or is shum to right an "'3' and thv Ind primary “I am us spudm‘m-h l‘ mm: In“ \V “to : ”‘3" .0000)!" bung!“ gram I am] .prmali (Radio Engi LN] It ”I max \I K3“ R WK": “I m “ \53‘.‘ \\ ha li\ ”A

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