West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Jul 1925, p. 10

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I) PAGE 10. \v-' '“v' vv~â€"- if on Mdndny so that the Picnics. garden parties, baseball mtchm and all such diversions will won haw to cease, as the hay- im: sonnsc’vn is at hand. I'lu- good nvws has reachfid Inert: .‘ll'. James Kerley’s sale up at Irish Lake last week was a line suc- cess, auctioneer John U’Neil set- ting very high prices for stock and innilementa. Mr. W. J. Greenwood has been fortunate in securing Mr. William Ritehie, Jr.. to help him through the busy months. Rev. W. H. Smith of town had a line message for Zionites 011 Sun- (lav afternoon. fiessrs. Dan Brodie and Arthur Varty made a gum] job of shingling Ir. R. 1'2. Bryans barn last week. Mr. Lm Smith and two assistants of Hamiltun are making a fine job of reâ€"shingling A. G. Blair’s big barn and half the home with Ar- ro-lmek slabs. They add very much to the appearance of the. buildings. -.o n. a ___--‘:-‘- 'I‘ IUUUU -4' "Miss hladys Him is sppnding this “wk with Mrs. Philip Har- r'u-mn uf Swintnn Park. C. ',l__ Ronni» and Winsomo, Mrs. John Bash-s of Toronto spent a few days with Miss Edith Tooter. Miss: Margari't Flynn of Toronto is spending a fortnight's holidays with Miss Margayot (iropnwomi... l'lw good m-ws has reached here than a son was born to Mr. and Its. \‘irtur Fair-weather (nee Miss Jenni» find; in Toronto on the morn nf Uminjun Din. t l. -‘ ‘v- '- Wu lmw hm-n infm'mml that the County Olnunril has tlwnwn hack 0n the tnwnship Hu- parting} of onunly toad fnrmvrlv ullntto-d tn um! kf'pt up by it. This lomks: “10- a Wim- grad» mnasurv. ‘Twas a plnasurv t0 ham Mr. (two-n Ho-m‘man 0! Mardm armmd again Izm'ly buying livn stuck. ”I“. "' y' '---- On Friday Jun 3, [a but» boy was burn tn .m. and Mrs. Joseph Ynum; uf «Luna-91in!) Mg. “8 :Miss Mina M. Edwards and Miss E. .l. Allan of (llu-slvy aw attending tho- Nclrtllern Summvr School at Port Elgin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bnyd and family 0f Gm'lph paid :1 vii“ to tho» home of Ir. aml Mrs. J. H. “Ulmnn last wpek. Tlu- liuum'il falho-rs mm 0n Sal- urday and “'allml llu'mlgh 3 lat of work. .-\ nmnsto-r ('rnWol of mrn. wnmrn MM ('lIildll'O‘lI allmulml "w big barn raising at Mr. Arrh. Braton‘s on Monday. and his rlo-wr partrwr and lwr nimhlr lwllu-rs amply {ml lhrm all. Tlm limlwrs \yo-nl snugly t0- grlho-r as Mr. Harry Gray was the lramvr. :Iml llm Slflllf‘ work by Mr. H. \Vrpplm' won warm praise. 'l'hvso- warm days makv [Io-up]? wnnolvr what. Hwy haw against a :1in mid day in winto-r, and we wouulm' if “‘0 will ever be. satisfied with the weather. Miss Louisa Walsnn is in the city far a rnnpl» nf wow-ks on tho- Edu- cational [)vpartmvnt's staff in con- nwtiun with tho- marking 0f exam- mahnn pagmrs" It. speaks well for Miss \Vatsnn whom she can secure sue-h wnrk. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Miss IMI'HHI)‘ “firm” was in (No-n Sumnl on Monday. Mr. Arthur Rdgo- has purchased anntrho'r lwrsv tn I‘o‘plilt‘o‘ tho 0m: lw Inst :1 film” timo' ugh. Rntwrt )chinnnn. acmmpanied by Ms mntho-r amt sistm's sant. the Imliclzl)’ with l'l'io-nols hm-o-abnuts and lint-”rm! hack to NW t'it)'. “'9 how! tn have them all with us for the summvr wry suon. \W- twar that Miss Mary Ah‘lum'n is In lw humo- this wm-k tn spend twr summvr vacatinn with hm' fa- thm- hm'v. Miss Aloh-nm will ho warmly \wlt'nmml by hm host, of (rivmls. Miss Margaret Trynn is taking tim summo‘r rnursn of the Univer- sity M 'l‘orunto in Arts. We wish lwr o-wry success. Mr. and .\ll'.~'. J. L. McDonald of Ottawa with tIu-ir family art- huli- daying in Prim-Ville for a while. “3- 3w glam tn sow me back. _ We a'nnsn'uhxlaio- Miss Armnnnll (Elvnm'nss om passing Hw ro-t'vmt High whnnl o-ntram-v mammalian. She was tho only candidate from Nu. :3. \liSs Ike-ll» “oir nf !"‘.gwnmnt is \; «ting ho-x' cousin. Mrs. \V. J. “RPM” and .‘ll's. “1H. firth. Mr. and .‘lrs. Fro-oi Ruthvrfmwl of 0mm Sunnd \wro- guo's‘ts uf Hm Slrl-‘ayolwn family all Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liddln and family nf Walkortnn spout the first of Hm mmk with H)» Misses Edge. Mrs. Eolgn and daughter. Mrs. Lo Parr uf 'l‘nrnntn accnmpanind by Misws Mary and Edith Edgo of Inwn WPN‘ Visiting friends in this Vicinity. Mr. \V. 4.3. Rih'hiv is Pmpluyml with Mr. W. J. (h'm‘nwmnl Hf Zion (Hr Uh- huying and hmwvsting. ‘Cmnncillnr Aljne has made a dc}- cxdm! Improvvmvnt Qn H10 roads In ""8 part at his dwnsmn. “I". \V. -.\ \‘illiams 0f Tnmntu is nsiting his parvnts. Mr. and Mrs. H. “illiams. The Women's Missionary Society meets at the church this W‘ednes- day. and the Mission Band meets Saturday at the home of Mrs. George Smallman. Mr. and Mrs. T. McAlister. Walter and Gussie. attended the funeral of the farmer‘s cousin near Brantford, leming Saturdav and returning Munday. Mr. and Mrs. Georg e Smullman and family and Mrs. A. Picken mo- ddv‘ihd visited Kr. and 3'13: and family and Mrs. A: Picken mo- tored to_ St, {“1353 _a W532! ago Sun- Northeast Normanby ( Our Own Carrespondent) weekâ€"end with Vamey friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Petty n tored to Guelph last Saturday m0} ing to visit with the former’s b ther and other friends. They turned Monday. - A .___.__ ll]! ”CU L'IVIII‘U- v . Messrs. John, Jr.. Andrew and William Picken and Mr. and Mrs. John Morice spentJast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson near Fergus. Mr. Morice is remaining for a week. (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Nellie Nichol spent a few days with her sisters, Misses S. and A. Nichol, Torqqtu.‘ “ __‘ (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and sun. Gurdon, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pust of Durham visited the Smith family; the first of thenwe‘ek. WM? éfi}i"'1fir§2" Gédfge Fullerton and son, Lester. of Mooresburg vis- itpd friends in the neighborhood the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, Egremont, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Jacques. Mr. W. B. Patterson spent a day recently in (agelpli. .. \ “A 2.. ---.. mfi?sfhێinfi€l {:i'sâ€"ifltéd with Staye- ner friends one _day lag} wgpk. --. .v.¥fié}lfié3ré-é§fiibathy of the com‘ munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. ll. Howell in the death of their little daughtm': u_\-U--v- . ' "‘(vji‘iite a number from this vicin- ity attended the barn raising at. Mr. Arch. Beaton’s_on Monday. ."Si'asvthrwé‘ilhéi'i Brown of Hanover is spending part of his holidays with his aunt. Mrs. flush McLean. III-I II lLlluv L's-v “â€"J _-V Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton of the West are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Hamiltop: -n AL_ --_._ “ llv'l Illa “[‘III.’ 87110. lluall bvsvuuvw--v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiggs and fam- ily of Seaforth visited at Mr. Alex. Flntrhpr's for a few days last, week. Mrs. «lampboll of Durham and Mrs. Lmlingham of Vancouver visited friwmls in Uw m'ighborlumd One day last. \x'o-vk. I LDLIIVIJ on. - -_- Miss Agnesi’filfiol, Toronto, is vis- iti_n_g Mung-r olq home here. °.A__I _..-:LL Q‘ncv. I“..\le-.'V‘S:1.Hmt1o"l Jacksnn loft. fur his harm- in Morrit. B. (2., after spend- im: a short time with Mrs. J. D. Clark. Rocky Saugeen (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Alex. Lawsml is spending his holidays with frimds in Brileville. ' Mr. Humpbvll Mitchell. Miss W'in- nip and Miss Camlino Mitchell spent the week-end with thoir sister, Mrs. .\'vil McLean. “1:4 Mailâ€"i5 (frutohloy of Toronto is spending 3 NW days thh her parvnts. Mr. and Mrs. A. Crutchloy. ‘I _ “’A:â€"‘ ' 31p Dali. McDonald and son, Rugs, 4»! Hamiltnn. spent Sunday “ith Mr. and Mrs. L. McLPan. Mr. William Hill smut a day re- (vnllx Willi his mot PP in Guelph. 'llivre Was a huge crowd at the ’,F, l). picnic. and although the \watlwr “as threatening all after- nmm tho sports W we wm good and mvnthing Wont ofl’ W.ell The munthly mnpting of NW W. -.\l. S. was lwld at the home of Mrs. John McKochnie with a good turn- .»ut. San-nl gnml papvrs worn read. The next meeting will he held at Mr. D. McKechnie’s. 'I‘hm-n was a largo cnngrogation at Hwnvzvr rhurrh 011 Sunday won- ing. JUN 28. wlwn va. Mr. Curran dvliwrnd an able address to mem- lwrs of the Orange Order. This was :llsn Mr. Curran's farewell sermon as pastnr horn. Ebonpzer church is ('Insml t'¢n'__tlw prrsvflt at least. Ebenezer garden party came of? successfullv On Tuesday mening. June 30 There \\ as a good crowd out. and the pmgram w as much en- joyed. The male quartette from Durham with Miss Stella Mct’lrao as aeeompnnisl. gave. several numbers in their usual good form. MP. l’adlield amused the audience with «mie lmmmous readings. Miss MVP- tle and Miss Luev“ ells sang duets. The ladies in charge of the bazaar taihle did a good business. only two or three articles being unsold._ - 'lhe monthly meeting of the U. P. \\. 1). “ill be. hetd at the home nf Mrs. Dougald Clarke on F1 ida) afternoon. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. 'l‘hnmas Lawronco and son. Illifl'm'il. and Mr. John of Toronto, mninrmi 11p and spent Dominion buy :it Crawford Harrison’s. Clif- i'm-ol is wmaining for a lnngor visit. amnng l'i'lfltiVPS. Missos Margaret. Mary and Edith Edgu uf Durham visited their rela- tiws. thn Dixon and \Vn'u‘ families, IIPI'P on Monday. Mrs. T. Harrison is regaining strvngth after having a goitt'e re- mnvm in 3 Tomato hospital. We :10va shv may soon onjny perfect H‘il th. Miss Bollv \Vvir is spending a t‘vw days with Durham and Glenelg frivnds. Mr. and Mrs. Jakn Hilts and fam- ily haw moved to Mr. Herb Har- risnn's huusv, recently vacated by Alrwrt Pierson. _ Miss Eva HOOper Sant part of Sunday with her Slster. Mrs. Thomas Harrison. South Bentinck _ _ (Our 0'16"" Correspondent) WE DO NOT DO ENGINE OR CHASSIS WORK Mrs. James Park, Ella and Wilâ€" frml. motored to Owen Sound the first of the» week. Mr. Wilfred Bell of Toronto is sgending his vacation in this vicin- 1 y. Miss Mar Tumbull. teacher in Frontenac unty, and Miss Helen Milligan of Haliburton are spending lhgir h_qlidays at t_heir hpqies hgrg: ”Mi. Emma; Cbr'be’tt of the Bell Telephone Comp any and Mr. Ar- thur pCorbett of_ _De_tr9it_ visited thqir Glenmont Mr. and Mrs. Robert mum; at Domoch recently. Dr. and Mrs. Grierson of Buffalo vjsited the farmer’s father, Mr. Wil- llam Grierson, recgntly. A j L2- "iii‘r.".ibiifi"ii."'1336iiy visited his brother. Mr. William Dg‘ry‘y, lately. I n--- Mr. William Reay. of ‘Red Deer, Alberta, visited his aunt, Mrs. Ai- red Corbett. A number of friends and neigh- bars from here and Hampden gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mather last Friday evening. before their departure for their new home in Durham. A chair and fern stand were presented to them. Mr. and.Mrs. Mather made very fitting replies. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and dancing. A ~,, The organized Sunday school class of, the United Church motored to Guelph Tuesday. There were about twenty-five in the party, and they report a good time. - A very sad accident occurred about a mile and a half south of the village by which Mr. James Farrell lost his life. He was engaged in plowing with a three-horse team, and noticing an electric storm com- ing up. he started for the barn when he and the three horses were struck by a bolt. of lightning and instantly killed. This occurred on Monday evening about 530 o'clock, As Mr. Farrell was alone, the accident was not, discovered until nearly 7 o’clock. He leaves a wife and grown-up fam- ily. He was a much respected citi- zen and was 68 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williamson of Detroit were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ser' vice. As they were leaving Monday Mrs. Service was at the wheel and apparently lost control as the car dashed madly across the street, striking a Hydro pole. The pole broke about the centre. The car was somewhat damaged, and the oc~ cupants slightly injured about the head and face. A daughter was born to MI. and Mrs. Joseph Switzet on inday, July 3. “Misus- Mabel Edwards. who has comp lPtvd liei examination \mrk hemp left for 1101‘ home in Ottawa Monday mm ning. vvu- v Rm Wiiiiiolfiâ€" Hunt and family were the guvsts of fliends here last Thursday and Friday They left for- their 110m» in W inuna on Satuuia) last. r-MfIT‘IRdildlficfean, teller in the Bank of Montreal here, left this week on his: vacation. -w~ 'I .Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Fisher and little. duughior have gono tn BMW”. to VISIt frwmls for a week. (Our Own Correspondent) Drive a New Car This Summer Mrs. Robert Corlett Of Voker Bodies Limited YOU can do so at small expense by having the body repaired and repainted at our factory on Queen Street. Body Repainting and Repair Work a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED Glenel “lao\"lll v- --- 'I'I‘ _ W. B. Rife has purchased a new Chevwlet car. ‘ Miss Jean Haas of Hanover Is spending part of her holidays with Mrs. Herbegt Lamqnt. ~â€" Afi‘ D‘nn‘fnw‘ tl-UCI U “Univ-0v. LVll'b. n Mr. John Ross and son of Stratford spent Dominion Day with his sister hero. . Mr. A. J. Buller is home again after a two wegks' Li‘ip up north. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, Mr. Wat- son, Jr., and his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Miss Mark, all of Michigan, motored over to visit rel- atives here and at Saugeen Junc- tion. They were callers on Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferris Thursday afternoon. Mr. William J. McLeod has re- turned to the city after spending a fox}: da_ys at his-borne here. (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Ruby Haw returned home from the Queen City on Tuesday and was accompanied by Miss Etta. Sackett and Miss McDuff of Toronto who will visit relatives hero for a fortnight. -- c- o J _n_ A. “1“, “in? L. Kinnell, Miss Marjory and Miss Kathleen McMillan spent the week-end visiting Owen Sound friends. ---‘ - â€"- -nv [UL [Illa-l In Mr. B. McKenzie and son of Cey- lon are this week framing a barn for Mr. J. Hay and will ,be able to hlz‘we it raised by the last of the wee . MI D. Haw, "M12 F. Knox Misses R. Haw, Etta Sackett and Miss Mc- Duff spent Thursday and Friday \isiting with Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell. Walkerton. thnflatulations to Miss Jean Mc- Cormick .who passed her entrance examlnatlons. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and fam‘ ilx, MI. Alex. Knox, Miss McLauch- Ian and Miss White of Ceyon spent Supday _with f_1_ie11ds here. Mr. Henry Richardson was oper- ated on for appendicitis Thursday, and although a critical operation, we are. glad to say he is doing as well as can be expected. Drs. Groves of Fergus, Sneath of Dromore and Carr of Priceville performed the operation. Nurse Russell of Hope- VIlln is in attendance. Mr. Andrew Wright has Mr. Stew- art and G. Porter ongagod building a wall under his horn at. present. Mr. J. H. Richardson has a num- ber of teams drawing gravel to the 7th} Sideroad this Monday. It seoms a ércat problem to secure money Swinton Park, this year for road when the right way seems to be FORW- Miss A} U alas. ues REE-p113“ held a Not 12 school house on here attended the. picnic at Bun- essan on the lst of July and were successful in winning the game from Priceville by the score of 4-0. The game was very closely contested, and some brilliant playing by both teams was displayed. The Swinton Park ladies also played softball with Allan Park. the former win- ning by a_ 2_l_-26 score. “L - --Iâ€"â€" and”. M ”J “ ~v wvvâ€"v IIIIIQ u. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Toronto are visiting with Mr. a Mrs. Hugh McLean for a couple weeks. _ _ ‘ . was done. . . Monday night’s mm was an Idea! one. and ther is_lots of moisture I'lll-o now i‘n the ground. I “IIIIU5 now-- u Mr. and Mllvsf‘wvécl’tei‘" Duggan bf Flint. Mich., are visiting the latter’s 9331113.)”. .anq‘ hips. C. Petty. _n m-_....4- :. Southeast Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. George Sharpe at- tended the Presbyte y meeting in Palmerston a week a“ lasi Tuesday; paltllla. Lvll. un-u .v..u. u. - ~.--.,- M'ss Maude Suite of Toronto is spending a few days with her sis- ter. Mrs. William Picken. The Durham Branch of the Wo. men's Institute met at the home of, Mrs. William Picken last Thursday afternoon, when about forty ladies were present. and a profitable time was spent. Topics were taken by Mrs. R. Wehher and Miss Annie Smith. Mrs. M. Murdock of Buffalo spent a few days recently at the home of her son. F. Murdock. “-‘Mtzéi-"A: 'fiéiv'visméhd childrén ar- rived from the West. on Monday to visit. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen. Miss-'thi'rih Petty came hnme from Fprgus .on Saturday for a month’s vacatmn. Miss Margaret Smith of Guelph General Hospital is spending two weeks’ holidays at her parental home. The annual Hutton Hill picnic was held on Monday afternoon in D. Donnelly’s grove. A pleasant after- noon was spent, and in the even- ing. an interesting ball game was played between South Line and Hutton Hill teams. "firi'c'fiéibiésfi'mith of Guelph is spending a fem weeks with. his bl..mther \\ illiam Smith. “W. I.” .' ‘m' of Life.” He set to work and made a list. of the various incidents he proposed to include in each chapter. Then he took the MS. upstairs and, after having explained the general plan or the proposed hook, proceeded t.. read out the skeleton of the twelve chapters to his wife and daughter. When he had finished, they both exclaimed, almost simultaneously: “Well, I do think you might haw included me as one of the milestones in your life." “Are not you both forgetting that I have been asked to write of ”I“ milestones in my lifeâ€"not the mill- stones?" was his reply. “So you've discharged your French maid, Mrs. Bullion,” the caller said to her hostess, whose wealth was greater than her cul- ture. “I___thought she was such a éood one!" . “So she was," replied the other. “but she didn’t know her place." “That's odd. How did she on‘end ?" “When I told her. ‘Mnrie, I am going out in the carriage to make some calls,’ she had the nerve to say, ‘We, madame,‘ so I told her she'd have to leave if she expected to be made one of the family like that” Mr. Harrison was in bad temper. and when an acquaintance met him one morning and asked. “' ' is your ’ealth today, Mr. ’Arrison,“ h~ waxed wrathful. “My name is not ’Arrison!“ he sna ped. “Well." said the other, “if a mum, a hay, tw. harrs, 3 hi, a hes. a ho an' a hen don’tuspeli ’Arrison, what do the} spell ?" Scllltz’s Pun”: Tile Co. ‘TILE ALWAYS ON HANI) Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16. 18, 2‘ in. man 3316‘ '03 SALE Agents for Realm Cru- Sonata“ PUMPS PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work (haunted. OPPOSITE I10! SCHOOL Oui , It; My A VHF} nmw it the hnmc‘ «' ‘7 “Om Ramauv " day evvnim.’ “‘7 ' Dmumro c-hmY' £th med hum IS. A. McKlNNON DIED THURSDA 1' Resident 01 Th1~ Vicinit M Away Attex Bnef Illncl “mowing Stroke â€" Internal “0 Ionday Afternoon in Trill “1 Church Cemetery. - LISt; “Wk \w w‘lmrlnd Uw l-‘Pl ions Illno-ss ”1' Mrs. Allan McKin non fl‘nm a paralytic stroke sul {Md \lenc-sdng. and this Wm‘k \‘ ”6 Willow! lllmll l0 Chl‘OIIit‘Iv IN death Whll‘ll m-ourrod in Durlua; Red Crass Mvmorifl Hospital all“! u U'l'lm'k 'l‘lmrsday morninc. Mrs. MvKinnnn was in hvr usul hoalth Wednesday morning and In! hm‘n asked to join hm‘ clauulnu M". and Mrs. J. I. Burgvse. w. trip tn Stayner to visit. rulahx o" 1“; day. Sim, however, prefm'rud h. H main at. home Ind was up :u :n'mmd as W thrcughmn Hu- .m In the am Ibuut i u'mm-‘n. 4 was in her 0n nf whn-h ~ho- m «*xtremely and. and had mum; . 8 converltuon With it Inc-ugh!” Mauldlfllchndxyck. S'IHMM ”Ho M fllu Chadwick was hurrm ‘0 notice that Mrs. MrKiquxe h fallen to tho. ground m an mun. scious condition and. ”In .gu.-2..v- n in: summoned. it was found 1': she had sufforod a [hal‘flhhr 4-4 and her removal to tho hmwm \\ ordered. The foolimrs nl‘ .“l's. lm: better b0 imaginml Hum . when she returnm Hm find her mothor in Slll'll : MdluOfl. as Sh“ had “l'l‘ well earlier in the day. 'H: never recwrnd rmm- n u A; mused away alwul H n. ilext mnrning. l". chinnon, \Hum' mun name was Elizabeth MMLHnm an. cider 0f Messrm 'l'humus Am ‘1 “6| F. McComh “1' HH- tn\\!:. r w born in HPH'HM. lx'o‘iwmz. .3 2‘, 18“, and Wulll.‘ Hlt‘l'o'fwr'v 'f: been 77 yvars u!‘ :m- .m 3... ‘ of this month. Who-n nun \.-:.~ . she came with Inc-r gum-ka m. j “I. and MI‘S. Alvx MNIHIM- ?_ c. .5 MBEé ani : WIS SN'V the Tamil} so-Hiun; u: where they “\WI fur H \ozc' {‘3 they muyml tn Hum-u Glenelg Toxx'nship. mar Hm I .II BCIIOOI, \Vhd‘l'o' slu- \\u-- In a years mg” in Mr. .\|l:n. \Irk and wherv tho} Inn-.1 lzl- n. fm :30 when Hm rulw- tn lb urchlsing Hu- [oh-M'H I nWUOd [vl'uxu-My ”I. 1hr lb M Who‘l'v Hwy mm ~.v.t death 01.3”. MVKIHIMH . ;..H . Mrs. kamnuz f'w-x c .8011 h"? mum-m yew u v WIlllm SH‘N" Ha I “in-- where shv I'vsulml Hi. t~- Up of her «loath. An mmwn'w woman. Mn. Mt'IHHHHI .~ good health m» t" :nmm z.\. .80 when .~'|_|v "‘°llllll"!i“"ti ‘ wm‘n slu' W'llllll"! Ind though Sho' hm! hm ent hFRIHI during H: “8.115 sh» gaw nu o-\ uh awm with mm denness. Immediate“ hvr tion “as knmuz. hr in “ “kl“, \ol‘lxu Winnipeg, \U'lo w mediately ma-iu a coming East. in}! 1' ““0911 “1011' jHlIHIv of her doath \m- .. feltUI‘P 0f 'IM' .1. that “01‘ SH!‘.. \h' were making :n-mo by motur fur Htw I the day 0f “w m. “Mild spmuhn: H1 ‘08er. Dan. and \ J. M. Blngoss M.’ H onlv sum i\ in: m n fly, and HIM :1! «I have NII‘ mnw an ity in “In In“ woman highly :ww; helm“! by all \\ h of h?!“ ac'qnuuvmf» Thv fume-ml ‘ it Ull‘m‘ Nt'lcn'k tendod by ”w and cmmh's' v their last ml»: “'hOSP. deII 1 “find. 'l'hg ~ and graw. in ' RPV. .“l. Hmw inn chmvh. \\ 10 th» s'u'wm‘ main:- “’0?“ 1-. than M hvx' 1 110603804! “01‘ ‘ Ammm H...“- flflPndam-n n? f' m .‘h‘s‘. .‘ \‘t' .nd S‘Hl. .\Hh 9 Mr. “I“! V. oori'fld‘ld, \I' LlO‘d “in“ ‘ Hrs. 'lhnmm ‘ IoComh «1 \\ and Mrs. New Centre. ! DBOIORE Archin Mm 58.â€"N O. 3029. flee mu. caom vxsmm OLD CHOIR \\ H \V this h \\' D1

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