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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Jul 1925, p. 5

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0.0. r. Insu‘ggg ptereating Ceremony Toot III. Regular Meeting Monday M ---Soc131 Evening Spent AMI. in the world, is ling in »-o--o--o-+-o--o--o--o--o-~o-o--W EU” ’ Mt. Forest HE! lin Offi‘ce '6 Insurance my \\ Thursday, July 33, 1.. ll mm nstal 0- 0 -~--- o-+-wo--o--M OFFICERS .t IHSW'CI' H.'H (1)00" ‘ 1m In 4) I", m. tnllnwing 0‘. é~~i 2n: the. co... IHHHUH. which JUL“. Smnpey '1. Nu» evening TC- mo-eti 'l'ho- pivtnrn was fllmml in Tia .llmna. Rnal races and many real mark and stable attachos am shown ri< utmnsphm'p. Creighton Halo. «.. ”luv Lunpm‘ Rnhm‘t Brmvm'. Kate "Him and Edith \nrko are in tho‘ «M “hich Iming Cummings. who . u Mr M tmt snmn nt‘l nix prsal’s big- :"~" ~‘llu’o‘~‘~ws mmln. I l'niwrsnl's Into-st all star pivturo'. "Rim-rs I'p," to be‘ shown at. ”w VP!- o-rnns‘ Star Thnntrn tnmnrrnw and Saturday owvnings. was adapted n-..m Hm Rm! Bank Magazinn stnry. "\Vlwn Johnny (1an Mnrvhing “mm." by “Pram! Bolaumnnt. If. is a stun of mm- track life. and ”I" ho-I‘n is a tnnt. I’m-suns familiar with the manner ni’ mun who makP a living by dis- iu-sfli‘.’ nf infm'maiinn Pnncorning r m- hul'So'S haw said that. the mag- :i/iiw Mary is nnp of tho most. na- hrml human intrrnst stories evm‘ Mel nf i-au'n travk activitios. wars, was writing fairly rrmlitahla iuwtry. All through hrr povms, we tram! hrr passionatp lava for hPP lu-oplv. hrr inhN‘Pnt IM'P (if the m'o'at outdoors, and her dislike fur artificiality 0! any kind. Miss Firth spOkP 0! lb» authnross’ first. public :Imwarancn in 1892 in Toronto. of H10 favnrablo imprrssinn she made on Frank Yeigh. who. becoming in- lrrvslo'd in her, arrangod for an M’i'ning nr Canadian authors and ilwir works. Miss Johnstnn made :1 namv fur lwrsalf than and later nn ‘in bar travols frnm coast to must in Canada and in Eurniw. she \\:I~' always wvll Pi‘CPlVPii. Only a Human uf trumpndmis DOWPPS 0f o-ndm'unru ruiild have burnr up un- do-r llu- hardships norassarily en- rnimlo-ro-ol in lravrlling‘ iha Nurth- wo-st in pinnwr days. as Miss John- slnn did. and slmrlly after. settling in \':inrum'o'r. Miss Jnhnslnn's in‘fliiil lirnko- dnwn. l’nr sum» wars sho- was an invalid. and slw allow! in “”3. Miss .luhnstnn is buried in Stanley Park. “\‘zuimuwr's hvautifnl hori- tagv Hf thn furnst. primownl." near Siwnsh Ruck. whosv stirry she has mm in ”H" lugvnois of her race. In mnrlnsinn, Miss Firth i'vpratml one Of Miss .lohnstmfs [)Ot‘mS, “Thf‘ Cat- tln 'l‘hivf." which is typical of her .io-miinn and holinf in ihn rights (if ho-I’ mvn pmiplv. 'l‘hv singing of the National An- tho-m hrnught thv program to a PINS“. nftv-r whirh varh and mvry- nno' ,ininml in “It" m-xt part of tho 'ii'h'rnmin's [H'Om'anL tho suppm‘. In Hw owning. a numhm- ontnr- minml thwmsnlvm in games. RACE TRACK HABITUB CAPTURED BY CAMERA All Star Cast Plays “Riders Up,” New U'fiiversal Picture. ’I‘lw stnry is that. M a youth who tz-it'tm'l nn tn tho ram track after ~‘:\'m;: gnmlhyo‘ tn 3 Widnwod m0- 'tlt'l' and his Sisto‘!‘ in 8 “HIP NPW l-‘nalantl \‘ilalsrn. Thoy bplievod him «gum! in a his: husinpss venture mt aw waiting anxiouslyf or him knup his oft-math promise to .\l m Miss Kathleen Firth’s talk was .-.I..wiully interesting to lovors of lmlian lan. and that famnus auth- ”rows, Paulipe Jnhpstnn. She spoke \II v -Jr"--‘/ .of Miss Johnston’s parentage, her o-olm-atic‘m and of tho intense lovo of gun-try this littln Indian girl ovincwl m o-arly lifenv Mjss Johnston com- Ibo-spit!" the cool weather; about ”up hundred and sixty gathered ‘l’lmmlay afternoon last in the park .r Huls'tt'in for the picnic given by H”. \\'umo~n's Institute of Holstein, which they had invited three lei-iullimring branches, Dromore, Ay- o..;. and Durham. â€" “vth- _ ‘Hll rmul a splendid paper on “The Sunny Side of LifP.” Showing the ..ri'wrt. «if an unhappy disposition on thw wlwlt' systvm, even the diges- t'HH. If um: only tries to keep in :l rim-rl‘nl frame of mind and forget tho-n- \mrrio-s. life really is better .‘lll'l means more. gnoil program was presented. 1h.- lirst. number was the. singing ml :ho- Upening Ode {allowed by the g'wlu'tlllllll of the Lord’s Prayer. m.» llrnmore Institute choir gave mu pleasing selections and were :,.;.~.-.l to render an encore. Miss \anio- Blyth was well received as mum! in her rendering of a 3010, and the .\ytnn Institute clmir con- li‘lllllll'd a r0_uncl._ _ Mrs. S. Patter- Ayton. Drompro and Durham Wo- men's Institutes Spout Pleasant Afternoon in yolsteiu’s Beautiful Park and Tourist Camp. wsml fnany jinglns about how pets n :1 wry parly mm. and at. twelve VOISINâ€"IJSX .\ quit-t wwlding took place at the ~-m.- ut' Hln bride‘s parents. Mr. and .1 ~ uhzu'lws Lisk, Rnohm. on “'9‘!" Mm, July IS, when thpir daugh- ‘. INN. was unin in marriage -- \ll'. .\nch'n\\' Voisin of Durham. ”mun: tho' co‘rnmony. MP. and WW lulllnnn pants.â€"â€"Brandon'8un. ’l'ih-x'e' III'H nine vacancies in the "Hub. not counting those in the ojpk nt' sump at the old gentlemen“. lnx'wntn Telegram. Illo‘ hflmf‘. Hnall) he has a 11101“ clav and mm to kpep his promisp, but \‘nisin Mt. nn a short honey- w‘n and arriving in Durham 1381 .90. W!” shnrtly take up the" Maw.- tlw city could make money :mmg flw stc‘am 1‘0_llel‘ $0 9399’ wiwnrn cm 9011”] SUV“. H... ojhrnnicle joins friends of the Hum m thpnding a hParty wel' m» M himswlf and bride. plight of 313 ngerl'frinnd’con- N him that. hp is justified in . mun-n postponing the Vlsn. Thnrtday. 131! 23. ms. And all the time the wheat crop grew and grew. Right now it prom- ises to he the best that Canada ever knew. And a climate that promises to provide the logical location for the granary of the world should be good enough for even Canadians.â€" Toronto Telegram. Kicking at Canada’s glorious clim- ato is fast becoming a national Sport. When in early June the mer- cury tried to climb through the roof of the thermometer, the natives wiped their perspiring brows. drank 4.4 and said things about a country that was hotter. thanâ€"well, say India. When in later June, the cool breezes blew in from the north, carrying in their train thoughts of light overcoats and not-so-light un~ derwear. the same natives lifted up their voices and said it was as cold asâ€"well. say Greenland. Mr. Charles B. LGvrence yester- «tux completed a deal “herein he disposed at his residence on South street to Mr. John \',oisin formeer of Owen Sound, but now a resident of Durham. Mr. \‘oisin. father of Mrs. Harvey Wilson. gets possession at onee, me understand. and “ill oc- eupv his new property soon On behalf of the citizens. we extend him a \wlcome to our midst. 'l‘hn nng'agoment. is anmmnced of Kntiu Lm'imvr, ymmgost daughter nf Mrs. KPI‘I' Hf Yummy. Ont, and tho lain James H. KN‘I‘. to Mr. Thomas Nichol Boll. son of Mr. and Mrs. \S illium Boll. Elnra. the" mar- I'iamn tn tako placo early in August. GOOD ENOUGH FOR CANADIANS Mr. and Mrs. «I. L. Drumm. Hol- sfnin. Ontario. unnmmvo the ongugn- mum at tlwir Plclvl' «laughtm‘. Irene L. tn Mr. (1. .‘IPI‘VYII Bth. Brant- l'm‘d. ()nt., 9011 01 MI. G. A. Bobv Mount Fomt. ()nt.. the marriage to takn place early in August. ()n tho autlmrity of a Liberal party "stalwart," The Toronto Tole- gl'am Monday prinlod a prediction that. tho l‘otloral oloction will bo I holol on (lctolwl' 1.1. 'l‘ho '_I‘ulogram itom says: "\VctlllosolaV. ()clolwr H, is said in lH' tllt' «lain tixotl by the Mac- konzio Kim: anornmont for tho noxt. l'mli‘l'tll vlt‘t‘tlt‘m. "'l‘ho information comos from a stalwart of tho party who has boon in Uttawa rolatiw to appointmonts tn till tho Ontario Vacancios in tho Sonato. Whilo no announcomont has hoon mado. it. is said tho ap- pointmonts havo hoon practically Ol“('ltlt‘ll on. (‘lroat prossuro has hoon hrought. to hour at Ottawa to inchulo Hon. Charlos Hyman of Lon- (Inn. who was ministor of public works in “NH-05 in tho Laurior (“inv- ornmont. in tho list." It’s \vnno’lm'ful What a little paint can «In. and the rejuvenatml Ford, which at. 0110 time had more knocks and shakvs than an Arkansas fid- cllm' with thv aguo, ambled down tho strm't, purring just. as sweetly as tho family cat 'that, haul just, do- vuurml tho canary. During the past few weeks, the lural garagvs ospucially have been slinging the». paint with a vengeance aruuncl tlwir prmwrtios. and if paint can svll gasoline nr guarantee re- pair bills. the local auto hospitals slimilcl «In a rushing business. The latrsl, to ratrh our vya is the Smith Bros. srrvirc fill' which was yester- day turned out «if the paint shop with morn slriiws on it than one. 0! Min ze-hras in the Ringling show. Coming down the street in all its glnry, wv wrro at. first rather non- plussml as to what it was and fur a time! mistnok Ralph Cation, who was at the whool in full uniform. for the now cook in Charley Chin’s laundry. Toronto Liberal “Stalwart” Brings Report From Ottawa.â€"â€" Hyman Urged for Senate.-â€"-Toronto Man Says Londoner Is Strongly Favored CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP NOW ORDER OF DAY PREDICTS FEDERAL Pai'm Brushes and Sandpaper Will Soon Be at a Premium if Mad Race Keeps On. SOLD RESIDENCE YESTERDAY THE CHRONICLE this week appears as an 8-page paper in- stead of the usual 10 pages. This is caused by the rush of job work in this office at pres- ent and which must be turned over to the purchasers at the proper time. Our news col- umns too, may appear to have been neglected, but we can assure our readers that we have been very busy. and it is through no slackening of our efiorts that this issue is not up to standard. It is quite possible that we may have to issue an 8-page pare for two or three weeks more, but trust that our readers will overlook this apparent neglect in view of the extenuating circum- stances. SMALLER PAPER THIS WEEK BNGAGEMENTS ELECTION OCTOBER 14 5'3; Thirty-two agreements concluded between Italya nd JugO-Slavia at the recent conference in Venice. were signed Monday at Nettuno. Italy. Freedom of the Port of Fiume is given equally to Italy and Jugo-Slavia. The languages of either Italy or. Jugo-Slavia may be used in Jugo-Slavia for all official transactions except those of the customs service. Premier Baldwin was busy over the week-end endeavoring to smooth out the differences among his min- isters on the crucial problem of naval shipbuilding, and in the opin- ion of most parliamentary writers, the resignation of W. C. Bridgeman. first lord of the Admilarty, and of Admiral Earl Beatty, and of other sea lords which were threatened at one time, will be withheld. A wireless (lespatch from Luehow in Szeehuan Province reports that Chinese troops fired on two vessels which, escorted by the British bat- tleship. Teal, had arrived to bring down foreigners from Chengtufu and other parts of Szechuan Prov- inee. Tho Teal replied with two six-pounders. There were no Bri- tish casualties. Argentina is making preparations for rccciving the Prince of Wales notwithstanding. that according to [jn'oscnt arrangements, he will not. reach thorc for his South American visit, until mid-August. The official program in honor of the heir to the British Throne will comprise 3 mil- itary paradc in which 12,000 men of tho Argentina army and navy will have a part. and a display of forty military airplanes. While the Japanese nmvspapers publish reports that more than a thousand persons were drowned in tho floods which occurred in Cen- tral Korea last \vook. official Gov- ernment reports declare these fig- ures groatly axaggerated, adding that. it. is impossible yet to obtain an accurate estimate of the cas- ualties. Advices from Canton say that feed suimlies huVe been cut otf t'rnm all British l'C'Slt‘lOlltS at. Wuchow as well as fl‘um a ['nited States gunboat statimled in that harhur. It. is add- ed that. the. British Cunsul at Wu- ehow has advised all British sub- jects to leave because of the strict. boycptt against them. Th0 Polish tul‘pmlu boat. KHSZUD blow 11p and sank in tlw harbor 0f Danzig Mummy. 'l‘hn ontirv crew was lust. Tho Kuszob 113.! just 111‘- rivml in tlw harbm' fur I-o'hairs when the explosiun tnok placv. No ex- planation is available! yet. as to the muse. ‘ Durham was Victorious in a cham- pion ship lacnrssc match at (Non Sound last Friday detenting (ha Uwvn Snund team 5- 4. Folliming is tho Durham lino-up: (ioal. \\ 01in; point Matlwson: ccwm', B. McDan- ald: dotonso, H. MCDnnald, Gill. Moorv; (.‘PIHI‘P, Dnmlas; homo, Gra- ham Burnside, \\. Iawlle; insidn, Glass; nuisiilv, H. Lavelle. » Died.â€"In Durham, July 24, 1905, Benjamin F. Warner. Manualâ€"011 July :20. at the I‘PSi- cloncv 0f the bride’s parents, by Rev. \Vililam Farquharson, Arthur- Bur- uvtt of Hamilton, to Ella, daughter ”1' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertson of Durham. Mr. S. F. Morlock moved this week to his residence on Lambton street nearly opposite the old post office Bicantly I‘nirchased from Mr. Archie it. o. We regret. to announce tlm_wry sermns conc'htwn 91‘ Brad Janneson, “110 IS serwusly Ill w1th appendl- citis. Bdrmâ€"(m July.21, to Mr. and 3113:}. (#901ng Biticlue, twin glrls. On Friday evening last, Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe and the latter’s sister, Frs. (Drg; Culbertson of Meaford narrowly escaped death when a horse they were driving ran away, threw Dr. and Mrs. Wolfe out, and with Mrs. Culbertson in the bottom of the buggy, ran to its stable on Lambton street. Both women vs ere seriously hurt and needed medical attention. \Ir. J. ()Neil has disposed of his liwry business to Mr. Norman W .11- pole nf 0mm Sound. > Mr. Harry Aldred. who lives at Summerberry, N.Wf.'l‘., while shin- gling a ’barn roof recently; fell from the roof and broke one (if his arms. H6! is a son at “12.101111 Aldied south ui' tho timn. Died â€"In Dmham, July 12, Camp- hull McLellan Mcliityte, in his 27th year. .The thunder storm on Sunday night burned out a number of the town telephones, damaged one of the electric light transformers and gave quite a scare to the family of Mr. Charles McKinnon of town, where it seems the ourrent’followed the electirc light wire and broke some plaster from the walls. Bnrn.-â€"In Normanby, July 8, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grant, 3 sun. _ Hanover defeated Durham in over- time Lacross here Friday afternoon last 3-2. We have been strictly requested by Miss Julia Weir, teacher at Al- liston, not to say anything about the success of her pupils who passed the Entrance. Out of respect, to her, we’ll just say that she sent up twelve, and none of them failed. Daily Events as Told by Cable Condensed for. Busy Chronicle Readers. TWENTX YEARS AGO World News Seen At A Glance From The Chronic}. Pile of July 20, 1905. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE . «mg. ‘ g > . July 27, 1925. Hnn. E. H. Armstrong. ox-Promior of Nova Smtia. who rwontly 1min?- wnnt. surgical treatment in tho hos- pital at Halifax. has sufficiontly rpmvm'ml t0 I‘Ptlll'n t0 his hnmv in tho. city. Hon. Ernost Lannintn, Ministm‘ of Justiw‘. arrivmi at Mnntrnnl Mun- (lay mm-ning from \Vnshinghm. Whnrn ho M'ficially I'nm'cwmtm tho Dnmininn Gmm'nnwnt. indhn ox- vhamrn 21ml fnrmal prosnntatinn of rum trnnt‘ios. rnonnfly onm'ludml h0- twmm Canada and tho I'nitml States. Tho total numhor nfficciclnnts ro- nm'tml on Canadian rallways {luring tho mnnth nf Juno. nocm'thng to Roturning from his offioial tour through \Vostorn Canada, Earl Haig and his partv aI 1'1\od in \\ innipog Tuosdav. Tho distinguishod soldior was grootod hv roprosontatiws of tho local \otorans organizatinns and military offioials. Earl Haig 11x prossod himsolf as groatlv 11loasod “ith his trip. Ho doclarod that ho was satisfiod that. as a rosult. of his Visit. a goal inundation had boon alid for tho. bringing tngothor 11f difi'oront votorans’ hudios, whoro thoy woro at toast willing tn oun- sidor affiliation with tho nthor Dom- inion: in t_h_o British Empiro sorVioo. The translation nf the remains at the late. Cardinal Begin from his present resting place in the Basilica, Quebec. will take. place on Friday afternonn at four O’clock. The cer- emony is «me Of the mast impesing in the Roman Catholic office, and it is expected to draw a large number of peonle. Ii will prnhal‘ily he ren- dered more impressive by the pres- ence «if one or more American Car- dinals. same of whom have Slgllifli‘d their intention of being present at, the fnne‘al and who may arrive in time for the preceding ceremony, The I nited Stzitos Shipping Board freighter West Cohas, which strand- ml nn Sabh1 Island Sunday after- noon “as succvs sfully pulled MY \oslorday mm'ning hy the stmimnr \\ 1nnnah City. Th0 tun stnamm'. am ropul‘tml 11s anchmwl =1 shm‘l «listancn 011‘ SlIOI‘P, and tho West. Cohas was apparvntly mm the \vnrsv fm' her stranding. At Tuesday’s meeting at Vancou- ver of the Grand Black Chapter- of British America, .__a resnlntiun mn- demning as unnecessary and 1,5139- chievnus in its ell‘ect the actinn of the leernl Government in trying to provide a now flag in New of the Union Jack, as tho national flag of Canada, was passqd, Vast armies of grasshoppers are devastating hundreds of square miles in Central British Culumbia. the Department of Agricultre is ad- vised. By an order-in-Council. the Government has Voted $15,000 for poison which will he distributml t0 the farmers for use in the, alfected areas. Present indications are that the dairy production of Nova Scotia this season will éxceed all other years in the history of the province and at least 30 per cent. over that of 192%, according to Dr. M. C. Cum- ming of T'ruro, N.S., Provincial Sec- rutary of Agriculture. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE It is estimatml that. «mu- 1,000 mm. pie worn present and. had Hm vwn- ing boon mon- famrahh- 0:19in dun- hln mat, numfim' wuuld Illuluuhtl'dly have bmm in atlmldancv. Fc'bllowing thn prngram. Hm plat- form was clvarvd' fur thv big." danw‘. and, with vxcnllo'nt music by :m ()an Scrum! m'chostru. this \wnl mvrmly «m until an narly lmur. Besidos the usual m'ngram, tho Markdalu Pipe Band was in nth-1m- auce and throng‘huut tlu- vwning cutortainml tho cruwd with non]- lnnt pipv music. The [maths on Hm grgund did an vxcullvnt business. Th0 [,n'ng‘um. prvsiclmi UVPI‘ by Mr. John Dayle of Um-n Sound. was gmul.- Miss Grace 01' Hamilton. Visiting friends horn, gaw a gum! piano solocliun, whilo vinlin salvo- tions by Pat Malnxw. and stem «lan- cns by Hugh Vasvy and J. .l. U‘Rvil- It’y“_§\'01‘c\ wry much amu'c-vialml. ._ . v- . - -.v nunu‘-II IIl'l'I I ‘ Iul‘ 1|. Miss Alive (Irvmons and M 1'. Angus McIntosh ouch gnu! 3 gm“ writa- tion. while Mr. 1). Muirath of Wil- liamsfnrd vntvrtainml tlw owwd with a gouplv of good mugs. Hun. D12. Jamieisnn, M.l’.l’., was also present and achh-nssml Hm gath- ering m 9 short. quwch. a return just. issued by the. Board of Railway Commissioners, was 207. in which one passenger, three em- plovees and nine others were killed. and 17 passengers, 139 employees and 76 others were injured. making totals of 13 passengers killed and 232 injured. BIG CROWD ll ATTENDANCE AT DORNOCR GARDEN PARTY St. Paul’s Church Annual Event Drew Bumper Attendance. The annual garden party and lawn fate of St. Paul‘s R. u church, Dorâ€" nnch, was held last night. and, dos- pile the threatened rain 01' nvarly all day and tho «*xtl‘vmvly ("HUI 0v- vning fur July, thvro was a gum! at- attendancv. Advertise in The Crhonicle I. it pays Mayor J. N. Murdock was seized with what threatened to be a ser- ious attack of appendicitis Tuesday night of this week and for a time it was thought an immediate Operation might be. nocvssary. At, present he is somowhat rocowrml and. though contlnvd to his homo. will likely be around again in tho rourso of a few days. The memlwrs of the Presbyterian W. M. S. held their mnthly meeting vesterday at Dr. .lamiosun's summer home. at \\'ilclor‘s Lake. when a very large {lathe-ring was present. There was a most vnthusiastic meeting and tlw W. M. S. \wrn well entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Jamiosnn. People mm’t go wlwru there arml't jobs. Pluspmnus naliuns gruw aruuud smoking chimnms. Ottawa Journal. ”BURMA! W. I. 8. [All GOOD IBETIIG YESTERDAY Iii; Week’s SPECIALS 9,-pim'o- Gum Ham! Ilium-r 90!. NP .............. $19.50 A new shipmvm. ul' Hluv Rand Jugs at. slwvial l’rivvs. ...... 10c, 150, 200 and 25c Brown liartlwn 'l'vaputs, six ('lll) Slzv ................ 59c Plain I’im- Glass 'l'umhlm's. 3 Mr ................... 250 Wu lmw vxtm gum! Vulm- in Lmlic-s' Silk Hnsv, all Hn- nvw Rhacivs, pvl' pall' ....... $1.00 Sun Hm Ne-w $1.00 Silk Hulvpl'nuf Hnsn Spvcial Int Hf Chm'nlatv liars. 6 fur .................... 230 _A,,A A - - _ IAYOR HURDOCX [LL Bluv Band II l’rivvs. to and 250 PAGE 3.

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