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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1925, p. 4

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Thvn what id :1” tho tmublt‘? Why is it tlmt olm' afto‘l' tlzn' thPr‘t‘ Ell't‘ lot.“ “044th :itto‘noling anhlpy than \wmltl lw sin-n On an off day at tltn tiz‘ttiatlizm Natinnal Exhibi- tmn in Tnmntn? It. is not, that ths British pmipln arn tiring at shows. .\t, thv i-vcont. twinning of the colors on tlw King'e birthday. there were uncmtntmt thnusands who could not (twins: tn the (lpnse masses of peo- ple. catch morn than a glimpse of tho» spectaclp, and that from great distances. I The truth seems to be that. Wam- ble . an hour from 1mm motor- buzandalime loan by” 'l‘ln-rn is mm-ything that could he o-xpo'c'lo-ol within I'o‘asun al. tlw Bri- llih limpim Exhibition. hqrring lhf‘ rrnwd-x Tho‘)’ arn lacking. all-d this In spiln ul’ lhv fact that, gnod King Hom'm‘. llw Qm'o'n and WP remain- clo'r nl’ llw Rnyal Family hm'n dam! llmir host. to x‘mpularizn il. by at- lvnclinu lmw afto'r rim». limped, it has homn :1 poor WPPk when one 01‘ mar» ur Hm anal Family has not .l‘llyjm‘yt‘ol out thorn, le Palm-w ni‘ Arts cnwrs a large awn, sumo- twenty-six gallo-rivs. big and littln,‘nnil wiihal. barring a ro-rtmn wctinn ni’ the) Canadian Exhibit. and tho gallm'y namml "Q” in ”w i-atnlnguo'. which judging from tho) mninnts must stand for queer. m'v_ \wll \vnrth whilv. A pulp and paper company, pro- ducing 150,000 tons of newsprint in a year. makes in each working 'day enough paper in a strip a foot wide nearly to span the world. Such a company uses around 6:30 cords of pulpwood every day. more than Ztllfltlt) cords in a year. I know of a eompany like this that has been in existence about a dozen years, and in that time, they have lost as much wood through forest tires as the\ h:we transformed into paper. “ealth producing and \iaelth-de- 4|”)an forces have run an equal race in that community. Do you realizo what. that means? It means that. the life of an industry. distri- buting between five and six mil- lion dollars in a community each year. "an be only half as long as it. might haw been had the de- structive forest. tires been kept in eheek. .\nd this case is no excep- tion. ls such a policy business-like; is it patriotir; dries it represent real tlanadiuuism'.’ Your reaction. my reader, to this4 statement is' o‘louhtless the usual one. You curse the gm‘ernment, especial- ly it' it is: represented by a party holding political Views ditlerent from those of ynlll‘ own. But only _\our~'elt' i~' to blame. You are the. one l"'i'l"‘«’lllt to a "public duty and ! ublic ti u~t " 'l‘he emeiiiment rep- ie.~eut~ iou and mm o\\n the pulp- “omit ton-sh ot' the ttlllllll\. Keep tl'auada~' foreats‘ L'reen sumo JHV. \\'m'th,\' nt' :1 l’wltvr t‘atn. I haw SPen many i-o-zisnns put. forward as In why this o'xhihitinn has nnt. mnt with an wnthusiastic support. but nmw ut' tho-m sowm to fit, the Case. Sumo avsthntic souls will toll yflu that \vahh‘y lacks Vistas. 'How- PVPI‘. it ohms [mi lack handsnmp buildings tillml with intprosting things t'i-nm thn {Our ('HI‘HPI‘S of the British Empirn. It rhws not, lack Hm vqnipmvnt. nl' Hm mmlorn mid~ way, but it duos lurk thv ynum: 1100- plv tn take) advantagn «if the "stunts." 01w bright. day during a rum-nt Visit. thvrn was not. om» sin. L'lv mar ft'um Hm sci‘nic railway, “Hr uno- HWY» 0! ”10‘ swings and nthvi‘ i-nntt‘ivilncvs that are pm- Ill. At least. a half dozen such com- panies are {arming new centres of inolustry in the more remote dis- tricts of Canada. Farming commun- ities are grnwing up arnund them, stcvres and shops are being estab- lished, railway trat’tlc nt‘ all kinds is being st.imulat.eol.. The. people in such enmmun-it.ies are prosperous, happy am] contented. The pulp and paw-r companies are accomplish- ing mun-e than any other agent, not. even excepting mining companies, in building up and stnhilizini.r busi- ness in the pinneering communities aeruss the: [X‘imiiiiom Their failure wnulol tiring wry great economic distress. Yet. they will not go on; they t‘illlllnl, go 0" with their [)‘I‘QS‘r o-nt. volume of business unless their! pulpwoml is mnre (4700leer pro-g tertecl from destructinn by t'nrest. tires than has been the case in the past. THE MATTER WITH WBMBLBY .\ pulp'amj paper company, pl'O- oiucing 150.011! tun-s of papi-r annual- ly. iii-'ti-ihutm ho-twmm "Va and six million: dollars each year in the community in which it. may be lo- cated. says Dr. Clifton l). Huwe, Dean. Faculty nf Forestry, Univer- sity nf 'l‘ummto. CUTTING DOWN INDUSTRIES WITH PLAIB-THROWERS Whosoewer is afraid of submit- ting any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truth. ~WATSON. Published every Thursday morning at the oflice, Garatraxa Street. Dur- ham, Ontario, by Frank Irwin, Editor and Manager. The Chronicle is mailed to an address in Canada at the rate of .00 per year, 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. £50 per year, 01.25 for six months. 05 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. PAGE 4. «a m nn 1h» youhg Briihn {Jim Thursday, July 30, 1925. Livingstonâ€"In Durham. July 1 M Mr. and Mrs. Null Livmgston. dauuhtvr. Prattâ€"J” (ilvnnlg, July and Mix. Ii. J. PI IN a sun One of tho WHI’St hlundm's ('vm' mailv by a blundering compositny has just burn l't‘pOl'it‘ll by a friend of mn's whn is a shining light in journalism. This enthusiastic- writ- or had hovn much smittPn by a fair dumsvl llt‘ met at, a swvll dancing party. and in writing 11p ”10 charm- m"s ('HStllfllP, in his account of the atl‘uir, hv Cnm'ludod the little para- graph by saying: "HM dainty that. wave incasml in shops that. might, haw lit-on takon for fairy boots." Judge" of his dismay whvn lw fmmd that. tho» Compositm' had mailv his trihulv tn wail: "Her dirty fowl. wm'n invasml in shuns that. might haw liimn taknn fur ferry hunts.” Pryâ€"In, Durham; July 26. M Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fry. 3 daughtnr. Tho§i~ Eu'o matters which the De- partmvnt 01‘ Trade and Commerce at Ottawa would have fmlml out for “50” lung ago if it had been alive tn tlw needs of the country. ' Mr. M. P. Fennel, director of trade and transportation for the har- hor of Montreal, who has returned from a sixteen months” tour of the chief ports of Europe, says that he was well received everywhere, but was impressed with the paucity of informaticiin about the St. Lawrence and the port, of Montreal. Grain importers complained that they could not buy grain direct from Canada except from one firm, and 1that practicalh all grain had to he purchased through New Ymk houses. He believed that (lanaiwla being new the chief granary of the \\('..)lltl should market its 1mm grain and that it should not. be necessary l-‘m buyers in England to send their orders to the [nited States. Mr. Fennel] might ha\ e added that the time is ripe for such a change, he.- cause the l'nited States is not or 11 ill soon cease to he an eXporter ot “heat. He helim ves that Canada should pe1tect a an stem of publicitv “th“ \wuld dissipate the “Iiessim- ism now existent in Eur0pe con- cerning Canada." CANADA NEEDS [ORB PUBLIC!” (Mail and Empire) Canada seems to need more pub- licity in Europe, in Great Britain as well as on this continent. Premier Ferguson. in an interview cabled from London. says that most of the unfriendly criticism of Canada in the British press arises from the lack of proper publicity. When he picks up a first-class English paper, he finds a page devoted to foreign and Dominion affairs, but only a few paragraphs relate to Canada, and the financial pages often carry only meagre information about Canadian matters. He. says that he intends to look further into the reason for this situation. ground. is too far away and too expensive a trip .for the average Londoner and his family. A shill- ing fare each way; admission any- where from a shilling and Sixpence to two and six, according to the day of'the week. To say nothing of luncheon and what one would be inclined to spend in other direc- tions. The whole thing seems to have resolved itself down to a mat- ter of dollars and cents, and as the averages British citizen has not too much of the wherewithal these days, he has passed up. in spite of its un- questioned merits, The British Em- pirel Exhibition.â€"-â€"'I‘oronto Saturday . 'ig it. A BAD BREAK BORN -91 to M 1'. 2H. Holww all right. Bc- upcn-hczu'tu'l, npen minded, «.uwn-handml. Bu rusl‘mctful!~tho world was 11mm lmt'm'c you camn. BPHOW: in ynlu'svll'--ynu'l'v all right. The (lhmniclv extends the young cuuplu u welcome to Durham. when! the gmom is most, favorably known, having: for tho past. onuplu 01‘ years been in Hm unmlny ul‘ A. S. Hunter Company. NINE “B’S” Bu pleasantâ€"the voice with the smilv wins. Bo reserved-41 cluttering tonglm is dangerous. Bu caut.inusâ€"â€"«.luu't, oxlwrimont. Bu sulvvn'tâ€"su\'t,~ a little vwry clay. Bu 3. wm'lwrâ€"dronvs have no honey. A wmlcling of interest t0 Durham- itvs tuok placv in Mount Forest. yes- tm'ilay at the l'PSlltf‘DCP of the} bride's gramlpai-mnts. Mr. and Mrs. William Patton, when Miss Ida ’attmi, «luughtm' «)l' the late Mr. and Mrs. Julm Patton. was marriml to MI‘. (l, R. l’adtii'ld, Hf Durham. Tho NEH}- muny tuuk place at 2.30 “.11)., and l'ullowii g a two weeks’ motnr hon- eymnon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Padtiehl will reside in Durham at tlmil' rus- iclvncn nu Ill-um street, vroctml this summer. \llan ("£011dale. 11f Buffaln w as drowned Sunday whiln s“ immin" in the Bay at Burli1wton. His iricnds vainly attempted rescue. H11 was 1111 a \igit to his brother in Hamilton. The body was recovered. -__--.‘ -,â€"“â€" a“.-- c---c III. I Elder \dams. aged 20, of Hamil-n t.,on “as drowned Sunday while‘ swimming in Lake Erio at Long Beach. Ho fell out of n rowboat, and his companion, Leslie Nutloy. also of Hamilton, was almost. drowned “trying to l‘OSCUO him. The passengers «m the. Windsor- Deh'uit. ferry received a had sewn on Saturday when the craft. struck the dock on the Detroit, side, tear- ing away the sheathing 0n the piles anghadly damaging the l)0:i_t._ Bruce Donald, aged 16, was struck by lightning and killed on Saturday afternoon when he snught refuges under a trev in Bosanquet Town- Ship- ' Stg'aifcyrd G.W.V.A. Sunday held servncmal. the war memorial after deporatnqg th_0_ graves_ of comrades. Twentyâ€"one thousand bottles of beer were on Saturday poured into. Chatham sewers. It was seized a yegr ago. - ~ Fire Chief Prichard of Chatham, while rushing to an alarm on the running board of an auto. was swept off by a truck and seriously inâ€" jured. For lack of politenes in replying to a constable, Alex. Peters of Mon- tree] was fined $10 in court, at Brantfom on Saturday. WESTERN ONTARIO . NEWS IN BRIEF Thrown through the windshield of an auto. Mrs. C. Thompson of Thorâ€" old is in the hosDital with serious injuries. Life in Western Portion of Canada’s Banner Province Told in a Column. The Ku Klux Klan in Woodstock on Saturday night burned 'a large fiery cross on the hill overlooking Southside Park. DURHAM MARKET PADPIBLDâ€"PATTON in HYMENEAI. .Vmu' Micnv-mzmâ€"lw‘s THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ‘ f++++++++++++++++++++++ (Juvlph and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- vam and childrm 0f 63” motored lup and spam. Sunday at. M’I‘. and |Mm. Hugh McLean‘s. Durham. ; Mossrs. H. W. Hunt and (ionrgv Gun“ “em in Aytun Saturday on business I Mr. éhd ‘Ml's. 0110)? (1mm? 01' $55.5 €2.51: 72:: mi: ._:.E.,_. LEE.â€" .c.:_.;_: .U .L. .5: £32.]. 38 .__.E.:m 55:0 .233: .22 7:: :2 £22.:E :3: :z? 52...: .52: 1,55%? .Eta .52 .2235 .i E .55: .52: 2. t..:.r.:...... c»: .55 >575: ._. ._. .mp2 25 :2 panim‘i thorn havk to tlmir homo fur a month‘s holiday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hzn‘ry Holmos. ao- mmpmmml by Mrs. Tmynm'. spent. Mr. Hugh Rnso 1‘111111'111111 to his hnmn at .'B11flal11 vvslmdm altmnonn 1fto1' spvnding tho. past 13111111111 of \wnks with his «stews 11ml othvr {111111113 horn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon ’lornntn and Mrs. \\ illizlm Zufnldt and [my chi!- 41911 at -llnsjt I‘ultouham. ()hiu, haw i‘vtm‘nmi after visiting thoir sister, Mini. \\_illiz_1m Hzli'g‘aw. Mr. and Mrs. \Vnkoland of Lind- say. Mr. C. F. Bovkwith of Bryan, 'l‘vxzm, and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rowe nl' Durham worn the guests of Mr. and tlm Missos McFaydmr. Glonolg, furna d_a‘y last week. Miss Marjnrin Macfarlann 0f Ham- ilton is I'mlic‘laying with her aunt. .\1 rs. 'l‘lmmas (hwwnw0m1, and nth: 1' fri 0 mi 5. Mr. and Mrs. James Atlkinsun of THI‘OIltO al'n’ Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hnr'h Atkinson and Minor rvln- Liws and friends for a conplv of W'N‘kS. a Mré. J. N. Murdock‘ig'smnding a couplo nt‘ wqoks \‘ISItmg with fmffnds ut_l§1_n'lmgt0n and Hamultnn. \liss May Welsh 0f Hamii/tnn is VISIUDg her cousms, tho. Murdock family, for the holldays. M‘rs Gom‘go F. (MIT and sons Ed- gar and Weslov of Bentinck, and Mrs.(111nningham Munro 01 Rob Roy “(are the guests oi “15. Annie Hornsby, Egnoniont, i'cccntly. A. Miss Lultio Daniel of thn Detroit vaviving Hospital is visiting with Mr. J. N. Mimlmék and family. Mr. Allan Macdouald of Buffalo and Mr. Aloxandm' Macdonald of thmit Visited MP. and Mrs. Hugh McLean this wvok. Mrs. Bréen and daughter, Doris, 0f Fergus, visited with the Misses Mqlf‘aydqp thig week. _ _ - ->- M SOCIAL AND PERSONAL "-â€"v v-“ Mrs. Thomas Swallow and son. Mr: Thomas Swallow, and Mr. William Swallow, of Transcona, Man., who visited friends in Durham and vicin~ ity for the past couple of weeks, and who have returned to their home in the West, were guests of Mr. J. D. McFayden for a time last. week before commencing their re- turn journey. _ Mr. William Swallow and Mrs. Thomas Swallow and son visited Mrs. Hugh McLean last. week. Messrs. Wesley and \Vhllaee Clark and lady friends of Toronto spent a week with their cnusins, Mr. and Mrs. Geprge E. Cuff of _Bentigck.. Mrs. Katherine McDougall of Moose Jaw and two daughters, Mrs. Austin Cann and Mrs. Daniel Sheets and two children spen} a few days last week at Mr. Hugh McLean’s. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fulton and children and Mrs. Henderson visited Mrs. Hug-h McLAtanulust. wgeek. Star Cars .Darling .Kerr Bert Lambertus Thomas Henderson Dr. W. C. Pickering m If If h fl Mr. Alnx. MacDonald nf Dntrnif. Mich, spnnt thn wmrk-ond at his l'u'ntlwr’s Dan. (I. MacDonalc'l’s. and was 3130 in attr‘n'dancv at. his hm- Umr’s funeral. the 1810 Archie Mav- l')nnnld. Miss \nnio (1 \IacKenzio, “Inn has lwvn \isitinsr her brothm‘. Dnm an. in MHIHI‘PZII. has loft t0 \isit. friends at_ \Vusaga Bnach. Mr. Allan MacDonald ”1' Buffalo. N. Y.. spent. the \wmkâ€"vnd at his _ Mr. and Mrs. R. Burnottaml Mrs. H. (lrnss lg'ft Owen Sound Tuvsday for :l hn_a_t tmp t_«)1_\l_i(rlli;)icotnn and roturn. Miss 1..)anna Aim?“ 0! lnmntu has “0011 \isiting hm' frinnd.\1iss Mar- galvt MacDonald for a “wok. _ Mr. a'm'l Mrs. Thomas Cowan of St. Marys are VISIting lwr fatlmr, Mr. H. N. Burma, harp. Mr. Arch. McKinnnn. his sister, Mrs. J. M. Burgess, and Miss Julia Weir, 10ft Monday fur Winn-hing. Mr. MrKiiinon returns to his hnnw in tho Western metrounlis after (aiming East to attend Um funeral of his mother, thv late Mrs. Allan McKin-non, while Mrs. Burgess and Miss Wrir will be absent for a 0011- pln «if weoks- visiting friends at Winnipog and 0thnr points in HM \Vrst. They “out In \\a\ of (Non Sound. taking.r tho hoat from that point in Fort \William. Dr. Lynn Grant 01' Walknrton' was in tnwn over the week-0nd visiting his parvnts hero. Dr. Grant, had just, rvmrnod from Rochester, N.Y., wiwrv he took a, special cnurso in «lvniisiry. Missvs Eva Adlam, Mary and Beta Bailey, Ellon McFaddon, of Durham and Boutinck, and Eva erwnlx of Hallow-1', loft. here Saturday for a Visit. in Torontu. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cofl'ield or Dotrnit, with their children. are visiting friends and relatives in and around Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lannco, Miss Rita. Lawrence, and Miss Vera Mountain wont, to \Vasaga Beach, near Colling'wood, on Sunday to vis- it Mr. and Mrs. Tlmmas Brown who haw a cottage there. Miss Moun- tain remained over and is (hp guest. this work of her friend, Miss Mary Brown. Miss Clara Aljue is visiting in 'l‘m'ontu for a few daysu Miss Morrisun. of the local hospi- tal staff, visited her home at Fever- sham, and with friends in Coiling- wnod vicinity over the week-end. '“'i\ii~."'ahd Mrs“; x R. St Thomas of Detroit, who have been \isitiing with Mrs. W. J. Laxxson and Mr. Dan Macdonald. loaxo today for 0an Sound to spend a few weeks with Messrs. Neil and John Macdou- ald, and other relatives. _ VU\J - ‘- wâ€"vv â€"_- Miss fiarjorie Brown motored to ()rillia Su-nrla to visit her aunt and her gran father, Mr. Arthur Rowe of Little Current, Manitoulin Island. MP. and Mrs. B. Whistler. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ralston of Niagara Falls, (mt... visited last, week with Mrs. J. F. Wright. -_ A..- m- Miss' [vs Saunders left Tuesday morning to visit her uncle, Am- brose Pagan, and (amily in ii‘amilfo‘n. Mr; Robert Jackson, Saskato Sask., visiting in Ontario for a f: weeks, paid Mr. and Mrs. Jo Backus a short visit this week. Sedan Coach Coach Coupe Coupster Coupster Touring Touring Touring Touring Touring 1n of Thur-“r, July 8m 1m. Mrs. Jamos McGirr and little“ ~ :. of Detroit, were thn guvsts luq \\ 4 of Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Jaloiw-‘I r‘. Normanby. Miss Elsie Mchskm‘y ui' lim-Inm . N.Y.. is visiting hm' hi'nthr-i'. \2‘ John McCoskery. and oillm‘ iwlui n .-~ and friends in (“Win and Vii-min Mr. Andrew Smith ut‘ lh-hm ‘ visiting his mother lN'l‘e fur a :. . days, and another hl‘flllld'l'. \Vlllfillr‘“ is expected tonight, from .\ll:u'u;;.;;i Montana. Mrs. Smith has Hui :.. feeling so well the past few “v.9, and While her condition is nut .._ garded as immediately serinns. ~3 u is far from well and alumni-m' grgyyingweagei‘. _ Miss Ella Baird of Hamilton; :1 Miss Katharinn Baird Hf YHhv N. Y., are visiting at Mr. Am Baird’s, town. Sir William and Lady Hum s‘l ' onto, are expected in MM]! l«.;,__ and will be the glwsts «.1 IL... 1. and Mrs. Jamicson fm la'mx .; \. Col. the Hon. W. H. Prirv. Mm cial Treasurer, is also ('lem'lml town tonight. and will visit Inn .; Mrs. Jamieson at. Uluil' ~‘lmm: home at W ildor’s Lako. "1"“; wavliahul‘s..'[: H. KaiSUI' H‘ Thomas are Vlsnmg with IM‘ 1.. ”nor. Mrs. L. Hindu". .v. vvâ€"v _ MP. Vernon Eh’idgv 10“ T“. for his home at Windsor “Hua- filing his parents new for H... month. A --- " v. V’â€" Mrs. R. G. Hewitt of lumni. has been visiting hm mmlm left Tuesday_ for 3103'. infimg‘. -- rwâ€" â€"~ - "in, John Two. of Sudbur \ i~ . \-- mind to arrive in (own 1mm: In ”x a visit. with his I): 0 “IE \1;- ; _ Town, hefie. ' Dr. Arthur GUI] Of THINK. inywn for a few days (h)! m first of the week and lvfi 1w. ; _ for Chicago. ' mix-3'33? Belfry and Missns NM 3110‘] Juli: le101' Of Hilmiihm u; - (arm to “Miami on Sunday 1:. \ ~19 thgir went}. 0 Taylor of Midland _. .. Id “ith has Sisic r \i C. Humnald's. and Bud WIS film! in :H- e funeral of Ulv Imp mmflw- ' pnl'l- m H l‘OIHnHml I ammv' '; menlmx W ‘lCh Xvi“; IMfififi H. Australia. 28.“!!ch ‘ Amen \\l {he colnm' Mia| d“ ty-«mu l' Comm: lVialm ‘\ (0 Audi": his 11 8‘41”" Brisk?! ' T‘VI‘IHS- dmwnml ‘ when a «a two fo-I'm Whangguw dictines. AIM. the prvlutv in wherv lw W sitimls in Y! “188le ‘ Scheui. mm! 7 of wolnsmdw ifi law. I “Vol I gem-I 'II I.. d 0‘ "10 IIIIXI \\I on SIIIkI I"I'. “ IIIMI [‘I‘III . m in [my ”(CM \‘I' I. III m “on- «II I where IIII'V IIH" the Fl‘PIN II .II I they ‘NIfisU~~I-II ”9.18 I" ‘II. I I“- Mlle" 3".!HIII'II DWmIIII II I.... ;. . IOIdIers n» .\I«-v . . 1119 Run“ II - ”1‘0""ch IIII' j Enrica .IHII~'~I-Iz~ learnod HI IIII' .wwâ€"â€"-' v at Canton dm‘lm'u .8018 am bring I! flu How-min. M H ' A I-_nnn '1 H W â€"--_I Mfrllmflflt “0th ‘." '_- .7 mm, “In HH’ guanmn dvyluh given in Ms. year of 130;“:- men NW“ 1 .rwvv Mes ambassadnr' ICUIIE undm- I!'~’ m departnmn autos. hue IH'W' 1 cm Spcmtm'y. \ I the protests Hf l ' mufutlll'd‘l'.‘ :1; ‘. “fiction of mm (jg!) wlmflvs. Australia I»: y-: I- ’ hV it, [Pam ‘1""1NI Nelbomnv H E ' Dr Earl MI-- hope: ‘0 III'I‘M 1‘. ‘ a“?! Pal‘lizmh" ‘ August 12. “In. - BCIIMUIP \\'||!I'!' ' The Mismnumw. . the (\bsmwmurx “Ml“. Italy" mm“! :H‘ ~;I ' 0’clock on Sllndrn ' (Indium: \\':I~t . . pm . Khan. «in: I Among HII- I‘.:II~. Mimi In 'hl‘ fit the Royal Ral‘chl “1811”“ Pillar.- Hon. Frmivl'it'k tor Banissuum Guru‘s Lam-tut TM “‘Iil'hl INHI- “Asmwizmun‘ : thy mum H... 11w" “sit! official mu: : .mtim. Thl- 1" 1‘0 uppninlmvm -- Indy mmms' 1 51mm undm'stnwiw torqév-Gonm al II" mada, M - The (‘cmm T' “I of Aralu :1' .mn (pl Milhm m Bashra his ”3, ”Iv HI‘I by Pormm' . II wuallicw ... official MM" 118st Winner in IN" ”kin and \li~~ be tho LUV" govermw-uvw' Aumm 3-7. .-n~ t ffll‘ Canmh u M Sir .l:nn«'~ Rhern lrvlmni h dorms H I Mnfiidc‘l‘nltlo “fills “ark: Won on ('I'np- {grublwr m 3the canumu continuum . n on thpcn’f . n on cwr- H in! a gmvd ci to Parisian- III 'rflil“ n.‘ H' ll | News Seen A Glance b II Told by Cab]. m 'usy Chrnn.’ H‘ Mots. mur- u‘vw‘ durim. H! ll \\ \\ fill‘Kll ', July 30, 1925 UH \V kim: II

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