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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Jul 1925, p. 6

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rallwl livalln'nlv. Ho- l't's‘ialml thl‘n until :1 3mm: man and tho-n mnw'd in llat'i'iw in which lmvn h» was on- 2326-.) in lim m-m-nry busini-ss for law Hl' fiw years. H» was (‘li‘l‘k of m» Township nf COHinS'WnOd in. MI l887. until Tho‘irnbury was in- corporaled as a town. From that lim» until the lime of his death, he wag clerkpf that municipality. COL E. ROURKE IS DEAD AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS h sum :10 t H» “as in minimum! of ihn Hrny Rpgimnnt fur manv \ears. His “ire prwlncnasml him about in “My wars ago. and at [hp time Of his dpath. he was residing with his daughter, MHI "I" \\'l H H Vefepan Clerk of Mrs. Irena Lzm‘é. high schoBIYZSEfi: or of “'oodstock. who. when her ”I m: HI Everyone has probably experienced the inconven- ience and trouble which are met with when adding water to the storage battery. The filling well is usually located in the centre of the cell, and in such a position that the water must be poured in from a considerable distance above. Thus some water is usually spilled on the top of the battery, and on account of the posts and bus-bars, it is difficult to wipe this water off. And, when it comes to filling the numerous cells of the storage B battery, these troubles are, of course, much worse. HI mm ft Collingwood Away Monday. - â€"v. Township "I ta. Roumanian Radio Requirements “3' II] Q;!,n‘.'.' HM? m INN! h. ”H g'.-._'!. ‘0'I'fgff’f',o'\' ”19' [until I'lo Inll~ \\ II ‘Ifl PAGE 6. HHHlko' hm! how-n :iilim.’ fur t m» mm kiolnm tumblo- and hnpn has ho-vn hoo'lil Hm fur his "'l.‘ ”u \\ Is 1mm in Simmm h and \xhvn Nu \vms wt 3;», ”16;”? (HP \Villiann-fnrd now r'r)‘ snmph- way Hf cbliminating uf this inmnw-nivnca is to tho- ithu containing Um dis- watt-r “n a shI-lf. whirh is nl‘ muro- nhmv ”w haHPI‘Y. an» and Hf 3 3,16 inrh rub- Iho- insnh- Hw jar Hf olistillml at Hw harm“ and In; ”W nthvr am: oinwn 9H NH- lo-w-l 0! NH- )0 \l ”Pyrlflh’ 19~+. by 15W ’ W? } /.! . \\ )7“ 913155 Mr. Sherri/l will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. FILLING THE STORAGE BATTERY By R. M. SHERRILL \Vfll {l t "13X \\ 7')“: had H (ADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Rum HERE'S MY PEDIGREE! Thornbury and n ('1ch war if The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) (Radio Engineer) 'l'hnrn- Mnnclav Passed 8V UO’ 1 I w “I a M 4,n( Nah IVO‘P “'51 - 8 n V I“ HI I'I'- m .1110 ‘) : l'allwi- luwamo' sm'innsly ill. camv l0 "l‘lmrnlnn‘y in lake) Part" Of him. : llw lMIVON' lln'w sons. BM'm'loy. in HM printing: lmsim-ss at, Hamilton. llillinrol in llw lmml lmsinnss in )lunlo-ml. and Hi'my, nf 'l‘ni'nntn: and two» o‘lHllL’lllJ’l'S. Mrs. Horti‘mlp Dillm' ul' 1.:msalmvnv. l’a.: and Mrs. II'PDR Lama Tm. nf his sons, BPVPI‘lPY :mol Hilliard sm-xwl in Hip South Afrivan War. and Hillim‘rl alsn Iswrx'ml in ”in Grr‘al. “311‘ as Cnlnm‘l In!" llu- 137th Railalinn. ' 'l'lu- luto- llnl. Rfllll‘kf' SPI‘VNI thn Irwgimvnt in all rapacitins. Ho was ; first. in “If“ ranks as a private and Hum as a ni'vn-ccfvmmissinned officpr. le lwcamn Linnlpnant nn Jnnn m ..’ - .-\ 2m"! anh'mm I'M“ Hw Sluwr- alynw \x'nuhl l’n- man that is as high as pnssihlo- and is :nhuut 60 fm-t lam-r. It vsnuhl lu- pl'vi'o'mhlo'. thmlgh nut HPV‘Ks’flH'Y. tn haw mnw- than mm win- in thv top part. t ’3 Thu samv antmmu as .lnscrihod undo-r 1’2 may ho- usml nn HH- slmx‘t \mw- I'vvvptinn if :1 svrivs CHnIlO‘Jl-SPP uf uhnut, MIKE?» MM is usml. This may 1w 3 fiXMl Papm'ity. "'n .\n.~'\\'o-ro-d umlvr «’3. u.â€" Ia'o'gimifnt. and was in cdmmand as linlnnol frnm 1905 to 1909. The) fllll‘fl‘al tmk placp on \\'0d- nnsalay aftnrnoon. Hlo-n as u Iwn-wvmmissicmm officm‘. H» hocamr- Livutnnant on June 10. 188]. :mol was zaznum‘l as Captain nn Jnnv m. 1887. On Swtnmbor 9. 1898. ho was made Major nf the From mm» but, self r-xpm‘t applause. HP nohlost lives and nohlpst dies Who makos and keeps his self-made laws. [)0 what thv manhood bids thnp do, mnnntinxs fur Hw mam ”In “INN”? ) .‘Htl "1M (”IMP 1w suimhlv. “6'1 im- HS“ mm H brim: mm!“ 01' ”If? You: Hrnnk [{vtlo'x l’ato'nts. Hm Navy lh'pzu'imvnt is cuniimiing in issun “t‘O'IISO'~‘ in munufm'turv uncivr thvm. Tlu-sv [into-ms. which (-nva' thn hasn- pi-ino'iplvs Hf radio.» t'i-i-qnvncy and ro-flo-x an‘iplilii'atinn. wvi'o- tukwn from Hm Hui-mans «hiring: tlw war by the Minn I’i'niwi'ty Custodian. It. is rumnro-al that. ani' 134» up- Mii'nfiuns‘ i'ui' pni-miis in manufac- hum Iiiioivi' tiwso- watt-Hts haw- hwn yuwivood by mo- Navy Do-pal'tmvnf. and that up in tin- pro-stint timv, but i'o-w po-i'miis haw hum maiitm‘l. If, i~ Hu- [mlivy Hf tho- navy to inno- iii-“mm in individuals 01' firms \x‘lm will. in i'xt'hanmfin giv- radio “1' ntiwi- patvnt rights of win» tn \\ A. R. R. L. ConventiOn Tho third Natinnal Amariran Radio Rwlay Lam-nu- Conn-Minn is M 1w th in Chicufln. Ill. ..-.\ this mnnth from NW 18th °m Nu: 2M inrlu~i\'v. Amatwm rmlin mp- vx'afnl's {rum all HVM‘ thv Initt‘d sphnsiblo- I'i'li2i0U$ léaflfll‘. . «Had you dnn't live It} Roumama? ”lo U 'ntws :Ifiol {Ian no] it is o-xlwq um suw'l'al f0” -â€"Todd. â€"-â€".â€"â€".â€"â€". Road the Clauiflod Ads. on Page 7. German Protest Against Use of Reflex Patents \ {11111-1 ”I" H. 11111111 LIMMSS} :1! :1~i 1:22.111“ 11:1: Int-dust“! against I0 11.. Hmf 1~‘ lwinu mum. 111' Mm \IH I". vansvs‘ M n will. in v: HHIO'I' patnnt navy, «in-y wme M‘ Human SELF-MADE LAWS WM 1 and annol. William . 626': H: h l‘ho- nnly Inndilicatinns mada will 1w pro-svrlt. N'tml that. duh-gatus fut-vim: mum-m will um. All :annatwm' 01»- any HHH’PS illh‘l'“5t0d uliu. al'w rululmlh' in- HM" [”1250 MW» imam “('5' Hr t HHH'I'S illto‘l'“5tt'd aw rnl‘chuliy in- Ful- I'wswrvaticms. PI. Sulnvwitzvr. nzvl .\\'o-nm-, Chi- f“ l'l'flviclo' Hm rho-”stats :nml mam" tulws. WWI 'g'mn’f mud“ n! Hm nso-I' will ""1; -v- --u....v ‘Jsuxu. uu IIIIICD east of \‘ancouwr. Saving a cloud of dust ahead. In» spasm] a landslide and slowed down his train. the Mun- treal-Vancrjuvw Exprpss. Tim en- gine hit a than 73’» feet long by about thrme th thit-k. Thu locnmntivn was alumilmt and the first mail much was partly thrown off the rails. 'l‘hw rust nf thor train stayed on tlw trark. 'l'ho- Italian stuamvt'. Mnntc- Nu- \°nsn. which sailml frum Muntl'val nn July 18 fur Hamlmrg. and the Iluuax'ol lixwr', Amlzmia, narrmvly os- t‘nporo! (-I'ashin: intn varh nthvr in ”w for; last Thursday night whiln MT $8M“ 18181101. acm‘mhn: tn a off Salolw Island. acmroling ln 3 stulvmwnt maill- by Captain .-\. T. Bruwn. nf tllo- Anu‘lania. 011 Mr ar- rival at Halifax fmm Hamburg. 'I‘hv twn ships \vm-u but. 100 fowl. apart lwfurw swing mwll nthM‘. and H. was only by UN" quivkvst :H-tinn 0f tlm. ship‘s Hflirm's that a swim]; colli- sinn was: averted. Hun. .lm-quo-s Hum-an, Ministvr ul' (lnslnms mul lixvisv. \\'lm lms lbw-n ill at his luvmc- in 'lrlnw- Hiwrs sincn Hu- oml'ly clay< Hf ”16- past SPSsiml. I'vlm'nw'l l.” Httawa Mumlay. Di‘lo'L’ato-s ln llw [nun-rial [tI'PSS ('Lml'o-rmmv tn lw lwlal 1th month in Mellmumw. arrival in Vancuuwx' by spnciul lmin Mrmtlay morning. The Acmording to the city directory just issupd fur this V031. the popu- lation of the greater \ ancouver area is_tigured out at more than 250.000. It is stated by leading Conserva- tiws in Calgary that A. A. 3106““- way, KL, well-known barrister, mu be the np-xt leadvr 0f the Con- svrvative Party in Alberta. A cable {ruin London to the Hud- snn's Bay i.;~nip:iny says the 8.8. Bayeskino sank in i'ngava Bay, smith Hf Hudsnn Strait. n0rth of Furt Chine. am July 23. The crew and passengers were rescued by the company's wsscl S. S. Nascopie, which was 160 miles distant when the distress call was received. SS. Nascepie was taking the passengers and crew to Peri Burwcll. No fur- ther details have ben receiwni. tlareful driving by Engineer Leon- ard T. Sollnway, Vancouver, avert- ed a seri«.»us accident on the Cana- dian Pacitic Railway. Saturday morning at. Ruby Creek. 90 miles u... late Siy'William Petcrsén,"i{-elil known shipping maguato'nfio Eng- land. I'f.‘_tUI‘llWl ta) Uttawa Saturday. 1-. ..\ \kt’iwgor, prixate secretary tn. Pxemivr \\. L. Mackenzie King, yth avcympanied th» The Royal Bank of Canada The Peonle’s Mill ShVDI'rigH l’lum'. 1101‘ bag $5.00 Eclipsw Flour, per bag....$4.65 Whitu Lily Pastry Flour W‘I' bag .' ........ 2 White Lily Pastry THE PEOPLE’S MILLS 21-”). 1’35; 0 o I o o o... o o o Fowl Flour. pm' bag... Rolled Oats. pm‘ bag Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. Gunn’s Big 60 Beef Scrap and Poultry Foods BLATCHFORD’S CALF, PIG and POULTRY FOODS Durham Branch JOHN MCGOWAN 500. 24‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE WHEN remitting any amount up to $100, you will combine safety, economy and convenience by using Royal Bank Money Orders. They will be cashed by any Bank in Canada (Yukon ex- cepted) without charge. You will find our Money Orders payable in US. Dollars and Sterling most convenient for making small remittances to the United States and Great Britain. A. Rowland, Manager 1 a"tv \\ ill sail for Australia on \V ed- nesdm aboard the li1w_._\Qrallgi. 511lling narcotic 11111115 111 1111190119. 11111 1.11111131' 111111f11ssi11nal 11111111111111. [11111111 BVng (111V1111111111-(111n1111al 11! 1211113111 \\ 1111 is 1111 an 11xtr111d111i ti'ip thmugli tho Dnminion’s 31111111111111 Hint11111a111l.111311h1111 HaV RiV1111 in 11111 .\'11Pth\\11;~t T11ri'iinri11s Mundav. D1111 t11 stm'mV \V.1111h11.1' 11111 SS. distributor. 1111 \Vhi1' 11 His EX1111ll11ncv is making 11111 trip. was 1111laV111i 1'11? 111111 11:1V 1111 11111 (11'11111 \1 1w Lakn. 11111. all 111' 11111 11359111131111; “'111'11 in 1'1V1'111il1’1nt 1’111altli \Vi11‘11’1 11111 st11am111' 11111? k1‘_11i. T1111 Backus â€" 811111111111 applicatiun 1'111'11 1111111\\111111 11111111 in 3111111111111 3111111111113 \Vill 1111 1111111'11V111l l1} thr- 111111111111 1111\111'.1111111111 111111.111111'11191 5111\1'1111. 1111mm. Ministvi' 111' 11111 In- 111111112 51811111 i‘11ll11\\in” a 1'1111f111'11111'11 1111111 111 \\ 1111111111: 1111 $111111'1111V..\111. Si1-\V111‘t 51811111 H1111 1111 111(1111111'11 11n 1115111111111111111111\Va.i1115.11111 1111111- antinuing ilwix'c campaign against drug haffickinc in Hip Utta\\a dis- tl‘ilt. Hfflcvl‘s Hf ”It“ Rina] Lanadian Mmmtml Poliou on Satuxilax swim nut. mu informaiinns agiiiist Dr. .Inswph Bul'inio'z‘ny Aynttv. :i physi- cian of “w villaw «of I’lantam-not. (um. rimming: him with giving: or Hon. Tliumas A. Low. Minister of Trade and C‘JmmPI‘CE’. and Sir Hen- ry Drayton, Conservative member of Parliament for West ank. will meet in a public debate al the town of Duuglzb in Renfrmx cmmtv on \\ ed- nesdav, Julv 29. Utliei speakeis will he I. E. Pehlcm anal Martin Maloney. Firn-blight. is throatnning tn du- stmy the) app!» orchards of the east- M‘n tmvnsliips. and inspoclors nf tlm [)¢"[‘.»artnwn.‘ of Agriculture have 11min summonml by Hip applp grow- vrs‘ tn lwlp ('lka the Sprvaol nf the dispasv. which will in all prnhaliil- ity. svrinusly amict this ynar's cmp and kill innumvrablw trws. The big nowsprint mill known as "D" mill. togetlwr with the sulphite and ground-“13ml mill of the E. B. Eclily Company at Hull. shut dmfll on Saturday evening. temporarily throwing out of employment be- lwwn 250 and 300 men. mostly res- illvnts of Ult‘ cities of Hull and Ot- Executive Officers of tho Rotail Merchant’s Association from all provinces in Canada assembled at \‘ancom or Mondav morning to pre- paw for th» Opening of the Domin- ion comontion of Retail Merchants As_.~_:nriat_ion on Tuosclay morning. iolvnts tawa. (lhm'wwl Hats. [mp 100 lbs. $1.80 Ilrimxvml Oats. 1.0? 100 lbs. $1.80 Mixed Chop. per 100 lbs. $1.80 Chonpod Oats, per ton lot $35.00 Crimped Oats, per ton lot $35.00 Mixed C1101) per ton lot $35.00 Gunn's Tankzlgo. per 100 lbs ..................... $3.25 Durham, Ont. 20 ---‘ ‘â€"â€"- Bay over'the week-end. The unoc- cupied residence of Councillor Ron- ald Mclnnis, with all its contents. was completely destroyed early on Sunday morning. At two-thirty on Monday morning. firemen discovered ilres burning in several places in a vacant store at Stirling. owned by Hyman (littleson. now residing in the l'niied States. This tire was easily put out. Shortly afterwards the. furniture store of Louis Burn- stein was gutted by a glaze which tract immediately. IQ is the ipyen- tion of the Backus-Seaman inter- ests to establish a 504% paper mill in Greater Winmpeg. Two fires, both belimed to be of incendian origin. occurred in Glace Just around the bend Drive moderately, and you will enjoy all the more the constant panorama which breaks on your view. The law of Ontario sets a maximum speed of 25 miles an hour to preserve you and other users of the road from accident and to prevent needless dama e to road surfaces by reckless driving. Remember, t e road is yours to use, not to abuseâ€"yours to enjoy. not to destroy. The Government and the Counties are building a splendid and extensive system of highways. They are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in maintaining it. If these roads get in poor repair, who’s to blameâ€"those who build and maintain them, or those Just around the bend of the road, a land of rolling hills. sap hire lakes and silver streams awaits you; a land of ore ards and grain fields â€" of trim villages and beautiful cities and towns. . It’s a great l‘JJicture galleryâ€"and it's yours, because it's in your own rovrrr'ce. :l‘here’s a_rpa_sterpiece at every L-_â€" c-_ AL 8 u 05'!”th 1;!be GI. CV9! J highways of On ario. See the great picture gallery of Ontario’s natural beauty The building and construct mz. ;: gram of the Roman Catholn- H copal Corporation of Um art-hm“. of Ottawa, tenders for who-2, y expected, will be awax-dmi fore August 12, will ill\'nl\w ;. . penditure of close to Sumsm, for the new bqildings [or-xx a block of buildings whim among the first of thwr .cl in Canada. They O‘HUJI'mw- archbislmp's palace. a chap iuary and mothr-r hum... 1. and a large garage. and ‘.\ over two years tn mquu bmke out in the Office from s-vm» unknown cause. ' 7 S. LSQUIRE. Deputy Minisw fluid”, July N, 1925 ’0 L. 8‘"!!! 5: «Mice and ! Countess and Im- site old PU" "i cm H a.m.. .I’w‘ (Sunda.VS “X""E ’ day. Office «m Lan DP. Huttnn'a‘ z to sum/71' c. 6. AND 8288‘} Chiropractors. 1‘: The Scimmv 11m and years tn 21:. In Durham Tu” . . Saturdays. Dan/.1! ,’ , ’03., w. c. 91cm; Ofllcc, owr .1. \\ Durham. Untaxm I. f. GRANT, D. I= Honor Graduut-- 1 . 00w, Gruduuu- izu} ‘ Surgeons uf mm- Ill its hmnvh. - Block. Millsn-.-.-:. - 0f Macbeth's IN”..- ‘ Lam! 'I).H,.! . Ilnninnno; 81$me IIDDLEBRO' Barristers, Sulxcmr. f1 Successurr tn ,\ '3 . 3 Ilr. (1.11. MnHlvi" BP‘DCII Uln'h :\ ‘30 In 9.3%“ {u 11., Ban'xstws. N her of tho' m-m Tuesday n! v-‘H' may he madw oflibe Licensed Au \Imlc-I. II ‘ 5310». :‘~ ~ at Tho LU: mem '1, 1. luxrhraxv Grey. SOIIHN antvm Gin-(m son. \ lainin: cullim: coanHl iscs uh Stono f also hw' mem: " brick ! framo' ' to hm watm- ! t0 acrv is WM; cultim‘ [0 “WM. LOT 7. ' 22. Em‘vmur.t -.-. .CN‘S Mo'm' ' bug“: “1 Lin frame butt. -2.‘ concrvto 4211-}. -~ cement tank :2" and 7. Cum. 1 minim: 11“ um- .fld in 200‘! “'2 the prams: < "7‘ Mining SHM‘H framn \\"'041~'h~ Well at dwn‘: n.- this farm. ma} farm. 'l‘hi: m right to quick 1 ticulars apply RR. £. Durham Ontarl NORTH L0! 66. (1031. L’. 2V.- milvi GnuHm‘: himnc 86 nvrm‘. in good 9131;. M barn with shod .' Well watered an 'I'Iu- man 8 WM“ hm . summf‘l' l For fm'tlwr ; Wlliiam Smith “and”. July 30, 192-5 New Nu Phonc H1 122-124 A icons Lia/(5‘11 John W ALEX DR. LUCAS 8: HENhY DAN » whn rllflll res"?! ll In .\I

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