West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1925, p. 4

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It,.t‘-'-« v . .. formerly . ‘ amused " M.“ l, .Whgmm“"£m:“m*fi Macram- Brow-thew. mu fishbowl}? W m Misses Margaret Culliton inc-=-*m W m. -â€" a... seat McAulifle and Mr. J. D. McAul’. _e In” m 0mm of. has Prm- . motored to Melanethon last Friday m «a. new we niugoodicutokiuthoeiui-foranemdedvifl ' '. "(may . sou-Ju- drensoodnishtmum WWWWO‘MW’” sponsetoour request for mother, if you don't mind waiting mflgfiilh her friend, Miss Hath- funds in order that we W “P f" m“"““’““ 5““ Mrs. Robert Smith, "oi Grand Ra- 59““ ””7 °" 0" “m" dl ering and dance on the Madman; Friday night, and while the Pditoi of this paper was not present, We have it on the best of authority um a real good time was enjoyed by all. ., \‘ll‘ liil “6' to Ml‘..luhii llnxiiidu-II of Detroit, son of Mn. Jam... Durham. Final mentions for the mini- eter Fig.’ in Durham Rink mono"! nd ’ a evening, have been “ ' ‘ ° ‘ ' ° , ° , _ .K,H,Mrtiilli\ru_\ utIII': .‘ U. S. consu’mirsnore gas thg Eds, “$30 who '13 mtg: mmfih t I: a good tenet «exams, gouge? “stage u now if: 'lfl‘::lemsaat{ieringt i :gmmengtrzlmtx‘ In}; “fl“.mlw M. a law a“ no Member W Weekly NW0- particnlarly timely, this being the law and famr-l , spent the M week some of our readers may won- _ out the season. lowed b an old-time dance at which total proceeds of which will {01' some the heavyweights “silly” seasonâ€"Buick cm, with her bro er, Mr. H..Dean, here. der that they have been m- 0‘ 0515 and ulhI-i- 1.4.1.,“ mg Mr. Rlll'llli' I-‘lHu 9h. , ' the benefit of the Red (boss em- . . 31'“ said . in man-riser. II...- m..- I... . Before returning to her home, she ed a statement. These - ° ‘Ph‘ve.d"9°'.‘°d we‘mel‘PWMde- I” ,‘ . ...., .. I uh I A woman m “ London asylum b°‘l intends visiting in Toronto and Nia- dgmaz" 1 accounts are all right, ,onBaelsineoelpfnnlimmy, . first shes ingly, inventing a new damn that "1 Hm I ”P H \ I will 8'0 down in utl‘llfiichonw much and gl‘l'.‘ WW" HIM dancing platform lid other attrac- . ' . t0!" OI the “elephants hop," md herdnultlui't \Vn- 2I~~ an . . l . . we have two or three hundred tions, an excellent prom ofsuper- . . 0 . - - “I”. M“. “M “I, II more 5,. love with his own m Smtar Wfltmz the truthâ€"T" $3535)? acquaintances m the such, we think our readers ior talent has been secured by the nut n t a Similar lllll‘lV was %§hfig\m-rs were new . u 0 . . - than with the truthâ€"WA TSON. Miss Lottie Dean is visiting in will see u“ reasonableness of committee. Harry Bennett, Toronto's held it e home of Mr. and Mn. An enforcement agent has made Grand Rapids, Mich, having re. our request, as in the aggre- ‘lllii.; ll l\'I.T:"'.lI leading comedian, will furnish a Donald Watson. McLeod. UH i In Toronto. I'I-III'I-sw- “We”: . . . - - .. - . hilariously funny part of the en- â€"""" the weddim: mushu «'le I=~ -. "I the admssion that ‘prohibition is turned With her aunt. Mrs, Robert gate, they amount to quite a . ,, ,, _ _ . n“ W Wm, H “ 'l'h yahunst ”’ 1935. at a critical stage." Hypocritical, Smith, who visited here last week. considerable sum. . ttfiflmfitton figyomlnd “(sum d 8‘", ‘mng Em \x. _ yegâ€"Detrm't Free Pregg, . MT. and Mrs. H. Haws and fam- It t8 our intention to turn MOAPmUI‘ and E1150, in mveuym A man struck a match In N... jf ghurch “a, “Mme,” \ ,1, . THE ANONYMOUS LETTER tse- fly 0! Meaford’ accompanied by Ml‘. out the best paper it 1.8 i” and sketches SDOUId £180 prove the SCSOHHO tank “'35 ('nlpr, [t “rim gummvr lln\\ut‘~. - Asked who were the four 13,0 B. Bengan, spent. Sunday with Mr. our power to do but like stro drawi cards tosay nothing wasn’t 1 Another man touIIIIId 3' * . ....n W, ,. TH'E Cnaomnedcu h” on preVious men, a Wisconsin Rhomy uld’ Paul and Mrs. Hiram Dean and family. everything 8’86 coinmerceall’ V of thug musicntg be supplied by Dur- trolley wire t“ 59" if it “'3“ WW After l l'pill‘\.\l‘l~' III. A. ' A , Win.” -..:° a: as. rm firm Grid“ 5““ tiara“ as we ...... ..... .. ........: 0...... I... w I... w in... A n" W I a... .. 9 : = mous e er wri . . ames an arne e.â€" ran- ,, rs. . owe, a ea or - ' I» see 1 ie could sz‘ _ I. " ‘ ""‘ writer who pens some scurrilous don Sun. y g for a couple of weeks. d' fully without monetary “' 3"” Orchestra. “" H couple proI-I-IIIII-d Ont“, \\ .ic-iu-u lllo'\ , for a trip Wm“ M .. ‘- Thpy \Vl“ l..|“llil‘ ; ll Among “in mm - I , _ the “'(‘lllllllg \\I I». \1 g of Durham. and I\,\ .. h entire roceeds are in aid couldn’t! A man cut out lll> .III- ofAst'rhaam Redeross Hospital, it “9‘1"“ to SO“ 1f _h(‘.('lllllll llI'lh’i‘. is expected that Durham and the more money. H" ”"1"“ whole countryside will be on hand Di .' to enjoy themselves, and at the same “W m 1“”?!an W. time, swell the funds for this de- “N 3% e p a) “ ""k"'?-'j- serving lflStltllthIl. 8W. 1 came homo ln‘lnr‘v - does not like , , .Mr. C. L. Crant made a busi es muneration for. W efl'orts. gala]: :ztm$:°::o:;h to sign his Horicelli, the man who first made trip to Toronto the first, of the Wise]: From time to time, as condi- . a vacuum, was the only inventor Mr. A. E. Keamey of Schombtr tions warrant, THE 03’0"!” Cmraunneé Iéilsittiiggtoirwh;theDrW£rtzi;nk who produced absolutely nothing was in town over the week-end and Will. as in the past. continue Standi’ird has to say of this menace and get credit for it.â€"Kingston “'33 accompanied home Monday by to keep up with the times, but . t (1. his wife, Mrs. Kearne , who h ’ _ ' t to decent society: S andar been visiting for the pigs t ten dag: this cannot be done withou eeaszzvbz'aafin 95. ll “HQ . , , . . . - ' _._...” half over.” ‘ ter. ““1"“ ""‘I ‘ ‘ 4.9; u ~ h d ri ht now . Important court decision estab~ with Ye Editor and family. full co operation between our Mrs. Ladlnun. «'1 \I- \- . .. Lift up your an 8 readers and ourselves. A Quick Retort . . ., ...,.I . \. . i” l h f ' l‘lillxl. I" i. , is es act that people of Centre Mr. and Mrs. Shortreed f R h MP8. , I. - I h ver so Ion as 0 00 88- r . . _ . and swear t at ne I 8 . _ . Wewould therefore askall k . h 1 . .. . \ H .. . . Island are not nearly so Wild as na- tel! my. spent last week m to n I . I A coc ney woman {ls sel er, with John Rm “1 .III., I .. t you live, and so help you God, Will tives of Cannibal Islands â€"Tor- with his, sister, Rev. and Mrs J “1’1 who have received these state- a basket on her arm, got into an om- e , , 9 Wm)". and M I I, , i I you write an anonymous letter, onto Tele ram ° Whealen, ° ° ‘ ments to remit as soon as pos- 'nibus and sat down beside an ele- This week 8 ; During Hu' w“ f , except it be a kind one. After L_.___ Mr and Mrs. James Atkinson re- 35519: and in meeting their ob- ga‘nt young man. . . has iIIII-II I-mw...‘ ,1, 4 1 Wild! please 1038 the Blble- turned to Toronto Saturday after ligations with us, we, in turn, I 8000080 )‘QUd rather have a ; or min-hum III I. 9 “If on hate anybody either go SIR ADA]! BECK visiting for the past couple of weeks shall be able to meet the many real gentleman “lung 99"" to you? -' SPE‘ :IAL S ° “'Pddllm- “"I' "I ‘1“ y. . ’ man saruanu with relativ -. or - - - 'd asked the fishseller. seems the young . givig IIIII- II WI and whip him or else go away and . es in is vicinity. emands upon us by whole- I - . ‘ .. . y l t h’ 1 (Continued from page 1) Mr. and Mrs. J. A‘ Rowland re- salers and others mans disgust at her odorous basket. ~ ~ . .- . -' -- , l‘ 9 “mm“ mm” H" . 8.. Mia one. ' ' th b k the first government guarantee of turned last week from a vacation We thank ou. . ' The elegant young man mph?“ tub" .“‘".’l‘a.g“” (3‘ I‘M. “ ' ",’ ° W""""" ""I" ,‘* " " Dent stab him ‘3‘ e ac,, hydro bonds was demanded. Mr. at her home at Embro. 2/ that. he would’very much prefer it. IE'."""’.I.”‘:‘ “”L' a ""-"' 3 ing lh'm'h. I'-'“"‘ I ’- dont Wt 90mm "1 his “’3' fdont Beck found little difficulty in sot- Miss Rose Culliton of Toronto â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- to tSO would I! came the (wick re- {)“llmljljllfllr fl-mwar grit-II» , gilvoi' mid IumI-I I: shoot him from obehind a once ting the Whitney limit raised to spent Sunday in town. ________._.______-,__.__,__ , l“ 0‘ “‘ 3““ ' i '3“ ”'3'” ”‘1’ "2", corner, and, what is worse, because hundreds of millions after he had , MisfiMomica Culliton of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. Knislcv, Bentlinck. illâ€"mâ€" 1» park at \IIIII Illa? .. . still more cowardly, dont write him shown him_ what he could do. The 18 Vismng for a'week with her aunt, It is 19 years since 311'. Knisley DU "AM 39C. : l’r","""f'_"" Y)" T.“ I ~ an 'ili‘iiilonymous letter.l tte . th li'xlfitn eigogfglnaclalg noggfido currtelilit Mlfi-isiilmficafi‘iilége, Upper Town.b 1?“ hero. going first to Manitoba, R MARKET : fili-‘iInMJIIIuFG‘Iml ‘ - ~ “ e anonymous e r 13 e ‘ . ‘ , , n m ‘ . , ll, acCOmDanie tirn to Alberta and ‘ubse uentl to -, . . . '.. .' ., triumph of the petty. It is the town of Berlin, now of Kitchener, in MIPS. J- lax-brick, Misses Annadanll Vermont. The part; are qon a Â¥no- Corrected August 20- “35- bpl‘t’llll Linen I‘JlVl'llil'H's. {.._I. : Mi» III_.I III-l -' I I; victory of the impotent. It is the 1910. The second transmission line he Neon Holland and Messrs. Har- II-ri-iig tour and camped out nights Live Hogs ............ $13.00 ‘50 I'kt'. 'l‘liis mwk. 2 Mn. 2 her ‘1" \I'Iii. II.II_I \. pride of the cowardly. 3:; tlbuillathit'gsg‘ifi‘ilhtgd BecktlcOiitm_ idlerfig’gci andt W. Hickey. mo- during Illnlp journey. Tlioy exnect Wheat 1,35 @ 140 for ...................... 15C 2 Illilldlil‘. Thu. .“325'1 I u ° ' . (mm 19 9 - OPOHO am 8 i . 'H ' ' . o. ._ ~ -. n "N '7" ‘, The writer of such a letter is msalture until 1919’ when he wegt week-end at her home in Egghwtililf {.(ilci‘llllilfl‘lvl 'i ciuble of wuks iii this 323” g g :3 Sphf‘ldl. 1_:Ic “l‘lllllg lillilc‘l~. i and had .II-I. II. . I . f a copperhed snake, which differs down with the Conservative party Mr. and Mrs. .‘Catton and daugh: j _, Buckwheat, "" .65 @ '70 lullI‘llllSll,84lSlliwts, gongc . momIII-I- III IIIJ I-.. ' I f m the entlemanl rattlesnake in t“ ' ' . te ’ . . Ml“ (\IMM. McCIymciit returned ......... t. . 1 ”_._.-- n I. 1'0 . 8 . . Y . 0 Dmyinmal eneral election. rs, Ruby and Effie,Toronto,v131ted liom- qt .p q. Ii , tl . . k Peas ........ . ...... 1 00 @ l 10 ‘ N M” 1 AH in that it strikes without warning. He was retained byt e Drury U31)... the first of the week with Mr. and with rhl‘itivi?! (lgiic'lnéfrielngg i‘l'eeSEIMixed Grain, per cwt: 1:40 @ 1:45 Free ' RUNCIMA I ' I “An open, out and out enemy Lab!” GOV‘GPHmPHL however, as MI'S- Ralph Cotton, hero. mp“. ‘ ' a 11 Hay ...... ........ 10 ooorr) 00 2 \ VII - . who loathes you heartily and gays Chairman of thePower Commission, Mrs. J. Johnson and daughters, ‘ 2",” _ . . , Eggs .. ,,,,,,,,,, '23 @ ~:30 A package of Liimn l-Zm'wIIIh...‘ . l'n‘llH/V‘l ,‘I a» \ - \I . so is a wholesome person. He keens in which capacity he was at that Isobel and Marguerite, of Toronto, 5' i. and» Mrs. J. A. Aldred VlSlIIEd Butter ............ 30 with a 2;“. Writing 'I‘aIIIm. : ‘l ”Ml 1W . w l you humble and makes you care- mil-0,93“ a 33'3”}: or $18,009 a year, areyfsiiling Wit-h MP. and MP5- me'k Yufilmi «_lauglitefirer.‘ and Mrs. W' POlfilm’S. per bag :50 . ’ (“hula-ls _ ' \I in]. But the man that smiles on ahZ',‘,.SԤg§{"wfi‘}f1§§m‘;'§f§ gfidgryfiffi.’ ”Mir-2. Harah MtLi'in who h be of tllcuivlriiglk m ‘ union the first gagtle °°°°°°° ' ""' ‘ '04 @ '08 The Vmely Stole : lh" """ V" \‘ “ ‘ m " ‘ ' , ~‘--““ “‘ ~ '- as on ' i . . \. I . *:~ you and goes home and writes you Dmhy Lmtcd .Farmer Government, ViSIting her daughter, Mrs Harry Messrs. H. \Wiitby and W‘. lbbott Shegzskins 50 @ 9g 2 ml“: 'w ., \i ,. I . an anonymous letter is too low to partziculapbv with reference to Hy- Falk'iiigham, Jr., left last week to, of the Standard Bank staff spent. ""' °' .mm. .4 II“...- . -.. . : be described here on account of the (Ire-Electric Railways. A royal Com- ViSit friends in Detroit, Sarnia and I “WI“ “I“ )VPék-Plld at the letters ’7 ' * (\lmlh Wm, I. postal laws. mission. after several months of in.“ PPtIiOli‘a. llOnl” at, \Vclland. ‘ .H“ , .. _ , “Of course, you do not use pro- Vostlgatsion, recommended against . MISS Florence Le Sage of Wiarton , filly Albert. Livingstone is visit- .. _.. .. fane language which is naughty. biiildingcortain radial 'ailways W is spending her vacation with her ingwiIII l'lPI‘ sister, Mrs. Kennedy. m... '1 But recall all the bad words you dtâ€"‘I‘ Provinmal guarantees. and there- aunt-I Mrs. W'i-lliam Falkiiigliam, Jr. at Sholburne. NO! JN‘ :EMEN I II-IIII . I .- ever heard the unrepeatable vile by look lSSlltFfiWlth the Hydro Com- M". and Mrs. J. N-icolls and son, ,MISS Jt'lmit‘ Jasper 0f Wulkerton 1."; W“. .. , \II o ithets of, all the languages vou mission and mp Adam Beck. rpm,s Eric. of loronto. and Miss Eunice Visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. “M“, _', kpo focus them on one ointâ€" report housed a certain division be-EHOMHPI’, of Buffalo. geturned homo Chll‘ord Howell. “f. m .,‘_ . ”:19”: th ltt p 't Noon .bll‘ Adam and the govemâ€" afll‘l‘ a two wcoks’ olIiday at the Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. Mr. We b I h . dw“ \ f ‘ :1 a ,3 , eanonymous, e .91- wri er. mpnt \\ hon the 131W made it clear Rocky Camp. and Mrs. Ii. Watson. Miss Nellie , eg 0 announce t at we are NO“ din-I - ~ Don't hint. Dont insinuate. that they were inclined to accept MP- and MPS- Joseph Sowart. ro- ‘3 ill-‘0" "I“ MI‘S- BIOUBIL 11” 0f ' ° ° ° ' \\ '1‘ .: Insult if you must, but do it in “l0 I‘f‘mu't of the Royal Commission “‘1‘”th to their home at Hamilton I’m-$1053 Visited last week with Mr. I“ a POSIUOH t0 glVC complete SETHCE I0 '\I,. Plain English, and Sign Your name. "S ”I“ 0"“ ‘0 f0””W- after Shend'llg a week with Mr. and ”11d MI'S. 'l‘llt'mab‘ RilCllit', liloiiclg. i ' ' \\:I~ ‘I "Imitate the clerk who was called Then there was the break over Mrs. Nicolls at the Rocky Camp. .‘ur, and Mrs. A. W. Davis and the motoring pUbllC. ,.,-.g. , _ t0 the boss’ office. The boss said: l-llloi‘nshof tilt: Chippawa project, and I Mr, B.“ Dowsct-t, of Torontonwho Iwo ('Iilldro‘n roturiiod today to their a ~I. . Mm. 3...... 1. undearspandm 2:..1';‘I.I'i..zwik ashram“ IliiI. Md .‘I'iIrI'szli'I-z's I: an H ~ ' I halve been making inSinuations the latest advance of three and 3 Camp, left for his home on summing}: Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Allen. hero, ELL and CROWN GAS “"1 ‘ " ‘_ ._ _,.- a 3L.“ {Ina h b , t k , half million dollars until the Legis. . Mr. and Mrs. Cohoon. of Toronto, 3113 "ml Mrs. Thomas Davis in Glen- ELL MOTOR OILS THE MODERN TFN .. ,0 ..no.t atomust eamis a e. hituro could vote. on it. Sir Adam ““0 h"l"‘la-‘”""'g “"t'h MI" and MI“ "h?" “u" mm ”mm. friends and PM" HEL COMMANDMI‘NTS It is no mistake, Mr. Brown. Ilofended. the stand of the Hydro élfrod B. McClocklin at. the Rocky 3‘1"”. L COAL OIL ~-â€"~- - - i) have it upon the lbest autfhority. Commissmn With characteristic vig. Camp. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford HowI-II wore on’t try to wrigge out o it.’ I’m? I- ~' \ Filllll‘llI1fglll -. I I I1 [NIH uI'I' iIIx In-;I‘ . that Him; llIIHW“ gr, atéacked the Royal Commission’s Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Runciman. of in Niagara Falls and Hamilton last epor a - - , Ind defended the H dro Com- Toronto, who have 8 out si c, 1 week on a motor In). . I . . But it must be a mistake I missmn’s expenditures. y Friday with Mr. Jamel; MCDOIliafidFiSi: M l TIIeS, le93, Head and Tall‘llght Ball’s, never insinuate. To be sure I . rs. Arthur Atkinson of Mani- . . . . ’ It was announced Sunda' ni ht BQntinck. are spending this we k “”1““ 13mm is visitin “91' "31'" t we and as, o 3:31 3°;‘as‘gjfeb3'g ffi;§;‘,“§’§§;;:‘l that the body or Sir Adam" wagon WI”! I‘olotivos and friends in alid Mr. and Mrs. Thomags .aiiinie'nirsi Auto Cl I8 POIISII Refill Outfits, Etc rilll" IIIIII 'III‘IIV ‘ l . ° a w” ““ “""“ . be brought to Hamilton for burial “Pound SW'mton Park. Mr. and Mrs Glenols. " ..I ”II... - .. I ated anything. :5:le ”let hodxtofthis Wife. The giugciman, wig weiile recently mar; HMasler Jack and Earl Piefl‘cr of tiifil‘hl 3.. illnol.' ~ - I ‘ I â€"_"""“"â€"â€" iy po 18 srua ed in Hamilton 8 “are on air oneymoon m , anover are visiti their uncl F 5 . I ,4 ; .I- ., I, .. - I EDITORIAL NOTES cemetery. and PM Chronicle wishes theiei and aunt, Mr. and “has. A. G. Mt? ml’ H‘ ' ‘ H . . The funeral on Tuesday was at- much happiness. Comb. Some Home Bank depOSitors Will know that ”IS ;w*~" -. ~ .I is twill-1' than :I llN‘lllllllIHlI. 'I‘lllll'cl 1‘le ~II:iL' ' " I tended byrepresentatives of the hy- Miss Margaret McColl, of the Mr. and Mrs. Chai‘les E. McCawlov A I R droâ€"olectrie commissions from prac- teaching staff at Port, Arthur, vis- and two children, of Tillsouburg, get 35 per cent, says a recent news , . . tically every municipality in an. lmd her aunt, Mrs. Charles Ken- former residents here, are visiting dispatch. That’s not too bad. The - -- m. 1.. I-mI-I 'Iw a‘ rest of us will still have to con- tario. Mayor Murdock and Mr. H. nedy, Bunessan, for a few days last. TOP a couple of days with Mr. and We 88" Gas and 0118, but we specialize in giv- «um-”shalt thou ~:I\ ‘ ' “I W. Wilson representin Durha , week. " Mrs. A. W. Nicholson 3. . ‘ . 'I-u " II. I‘I' ‘* 'I some 4.4. . _""".â€"gâ€" m “Mrs. M. Eddington, of Toronto, friends here. an other mg SERVICE FREE Your ”name solicited (him-iiiI-tIII'Im-‘I‘IIIFII 1«in. - It must be awful trying on a girl SOUTH GREY CANDIDATES spent. 13317 week With her niece, Mrs. Mrs. H- CPOSS was in Guelph last a . ho lnld Whill llIHI. ~3 :I ‘ '1 when she is proposed to by a fe]- ENJOY pm” Dues Mel. Storrey. week-end visiting her daughter, Mrs. Du h what lliillllli'l' llIH‘. u .-. .l law who stutterso . . ' MP. ChaPlPS MCGPUIIIIBI‘ Of N0‘V'ark, Charles ()gg. I am rm ahon HS“ llllll“ H\\'|| lil'li .' ‘ ' J. ' Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., Pr0_ .\, J.. passed through town Tuesday Rev. and Mrs. Caldwell of George- " mm 1..» lung 1.. III. I Edward Bok says that no man grossivo for South Grey. and,Dr. L. "'fftlnldon '18 way to Owen Sound to town are melting wtih his brother, ’ has a right to leave the world as he found it. He must add some- thing to it; either he must make llllic' IIttlII L'lVo‘H 19,... (i. Campbell of Markdale, Liberal- at. the funeral of his mother, MP. and Mrs. W. 0. Caldwell, in J' W. D' EVANS! Prop. Phone 26 run 1!qu sIIuII :- Consorvative candidate, who are op- Ch?"l‘93'~ an Old SChOOl Chum of the Normanby. [iosmg one another in the coming Writer, left Newark at 12.30 Monday Mrs. J- M- MacKenzie. lam lllillt' own Ill’H".' ‘ . , , _ . - . daughters 11..”I I..- :IIiny III i1II\"' I I its people better or happier, or he federal elections, showed their time “.00" “ml was in_ Durham at 10 MaPJOrlaond Mllmelgafld 8011. Jack, Int-w IIIx gIIIIII I-...;..-. ' 'I must make the face of the world spirit Wednesday night, of last week o‘clock Tuesday night. The total are visiting with Miss A. 0. Mac- 5m}; ‘I‘IImI ~IIIIII 1 more beautiful or fairer to look at at. mp Catholic Women’s L938“ distance to Newark 13 in the "Bigh- Kenzie m Upper TOWH- iiI-IgiII.»v'~ IIIII. III.“ I. - ~ ' A d th 11 th th ' mm" "mm “1‘9“ ”my Steppe“ out “PM" "‘ 600 "‘"93- * ' o... I I IIIIII I... *1 n eOne tea ymeans eO er. 0n t-ht‘ "on" tngflthep fol: the fi'PSt MES. VihnltaSSPl and t,“'0 Children accomnanlt‘d by MI'S. Ina hi.§ HM? “‘I'Vi hill”.- Rhode Island motorists are to ola'ilige of #10, evening. gld helw York City. the former an HIM”? and daughter. Lenora, and sI-xI-r.“ 'IIw“ ~Ii-‘I . be made to drive a minimum of j}, roug out the” Smelt-1198, they “010011118“ 01' aSOMQSSI‘S. Harry Bartley and Hap- “W \\ .9. , \ a, , 95 miles an hour on heavil' tra_lsio\\ ed the best of feeling, and as I" Lllhston, all of Owen Sound, spent shall III. I I ~ ' =-..' :I' 4' ‘f'n 1h: h , , o d' ty lllr. Campbell closed his address, he Wednesday at MP. Dan C. Mac- tlim: w: ~' ‘ ' ‘ ' " ‘ ' ‘f’ 9‘ ., lg “1335}, ac'f‘hl'. ing .0.3 re- snid that he could still dance, and Donald’s. mom cent btate a“. 0 is minimum he thought the girls might, play leap Mrs. John M. MacKenzie and three Eighth I” speed rule was deVised. at a con- yioar and ask him to dance during oliidren of Milton have been visiting to MI.“ 'I, .. , 92.. i333: a II I. I I I. wru- 8 al . ' ' f - .4 Sh :- D a] W" e, quie- : 2 , 0( SC 0'0 C um at ' no in. . ac 0na . _‘0 ‘1' HI‘I'ii‘ the acg'idents now occurring. This {2.139040 ”‘9 DOOlOP and the dance 5 45:11:11; t3“. 31;? fort; an hour, We en- wagr'hémders- ARR. EL {1101238. Radium: I'\ ‘ ‘ . g . . h f'. .- sec 0 or v‘ - , ve eon VlSl in or re ~~ _ - . EgiimSmmwheliiUt 33:2? smffigild â€"â€"â€"........___ chiIish perpetrations‘mclomgugé Mr. Dan C. MacDonald? for the ting}: sat”lÂ¥:,- K: I . is at the wheel? BIG P IONIC AT BUGBMA many years 380 while learning our mouth, ‘9“ Saturday for their home - three R’s. Mrs. McPherson a. Mr. White and daughter, Mrs. R023. all of Tor- _ onto, are visiting Mrs McPherson’s Sister, Ml‘S. McCa street, 111191. Lambton in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moorhead. ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Green, Detrmt, Mr. and ,Mrs. Arnold Noble, MP shall llIH'.‘ ‘ tht‘l‘o mm 1an.» "‘ hifld ”IVSI‘II ‘2 " Tt‘lllliâ€" -‘|‘lIIIII ~ man u swim-o- .;I I and :i‘vaImI vaI' thf’l‘i‘ IS ll” HIIII'Y" this (‘I‘iniiiiiindiir * ' The Canadian National Exhibi- tion opens a week from Saturday. Where has the summer gone? The Toronto Globe says that ev- . ‘ erything a man wears, “from his toes to his neck” is made in Can- Expected. ' > M \\ odnesday, August 26, is the date set for a big picnic of the Anglicans -. . . law and “in ll‘tllil‘ ' _ ada. What about the various 1)! gvrey and surrounding (llStricls M world. l ,_ ; brands of Canadian-made toupees? 0 0 held at the Eugenia park. It __._______ “I” he a basket. affair. and it is _._: CRISP COMMENT expected a big crowd will be A Printers Mistak Th0 ll“\\'l'l' ~IIH‘\ ‘ I ‘ success :inII :i I~\\ - 1' l Coum'ilhu' SiizIIII. “l!” ‘ formed the I'l‘I‘I‘IIZ: g 7: reading lhv I”"llI {mic- "~ it to his wife. PMSPDU)’ Ill‘ ~IHI'IM'II :H ol “I3 his Slii'k. rIi~II~Ii ‘ -iI. MIN, Ill.‘ \‘s'll'l‘ I-It‘i\": ‘: ' PCP and road: . “As Mr. Smith mIIIIIIII-II a eyes “'t‘l‘t‘ llXc'Il HII llIn' m he dislilayml. Him lug, _ CUIIIViIllllll l"".ll'l ‘ “,9 5‘ , an flbjoct, «if SIII'II It . Bishop Williams of Huron Diocese isio be present and an address will also be delivered by Mr. ‘Hamilton of Toronto, One of the prominent loyment of the, province. Faint heart often wins fair lady -â€"with a little artful assistance on ; her partâ€"Chicago News. Middle age is when a man be- gins to look at the limit instead of going it.â€"Boston Herald. ° ,2‘ t. - . ...... - tttt ::::: . 4 ' I h I Ir..t‘ ‘, ~i~ ' . > .- . . '. ‘15., .I .. ., 1.}; v .; ; . 1‘ 3‘; ' -\'V.- , L , ' . I . .1 t I. . i _ . ‘ r _ , ,.' I o a ‘- . .h' 5", ' "".“” t in; 1:3' ‘ ‘- ,4

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