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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1925, p. 6

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.7 l ‘ ‘ ‘ i v '. l e .1 4." '1' ' 5’31. 91'. - l ‘ ' " “" - " F" .. l. 3} . ‘ it. ‘L - ‘ '} '1‘ ' . ' " I , .- ‘ ‘y { g " ‘ ., . ., Misses. Malaria andledlfirink- smog. m‘ arm n k, were such” of in ,W-lhr hill M .otothesaand E omnidi- Gaugeville We‘dâ€" withfihlls “I?" fume: thinll h . my 11 , ' 08“ Although" "colony ' 3'", ". stated . "Miran: “Mime the“: raw .......a:ra “X“‘Tm‘, m, ”m“ . ° 1986 P860“?- . a“ . ' ' Tr Boliev 5 rge Rutherford, one of Dun- chicken coop turned his “I . . to and a“: {groans a “1%qu W‘tl “willie shollld new? .. - dalk’s ioneer business men. passed 031111de Tm; “accused-him to . . « 1 .9" ‘ d . 1 l .13 L." ”'3‘ -. away uesday morningof last week sprint rapid y In the direction of m ' 2'11?th 0"" 09““ -"~ "-"‘° l! at his home in Shelburne. the rocket. On opemng the doorOot . l , 3 In Artemesia on .Wednesday, Au- his. hon-house, he beheld A Pull-ll! , _ I gust 5, a daughter was born to Mr. striped. black and winds animal l ~ _. D and Mrs. Davnd Ernest Stewart. crouchlns m the corner. ,but even i g. : ' Dltllndalk retained Bgtsbgelslageership tile millilt'y 0f the beast didn't, 83"6 ' in t e .ntre re se a l on ls occaslon, or seizing a v A SUBSTITUTE FOR SOLDERING OUTSIDE JOINTS by We ting FlesfiemD in ‘5 333‘” Fwy pitchmsk, Hamimmkms ‘ stru to b a to to 9 score. “FY. commence an open c 0!! : 37 3' l SHERRILL 88 y , itt.h Titlle intruders. Khltlll w)ns.at‘ljone - - oer anagoo, ea y an lan (Rodin Engmer) , - Hanover. . skunk in the full vigor and prime 1 . AS the mull 0‘ memes received of life repelled the onslaught in its E. t It frequently happens that it is imposslble to solder EJ313332? $313309 13333333,: fell mortally wounded with repeated . , some of the antenna connections. This may be due to the year. ’ ‘ ’ $32,153,"? wgfie ,hg;w§;3;§~ $303 3 connections being in a osmon where they cannot be M [18113: $10333 olVSP‘llnl’él-‘tiltmwfil fainted trying to reach the door and 1' , , reached Wlth a hot sol erlng cop .r, or, 1t may be that operated on for appendicitis in’Han- g3?“ 03A: aggggggrgegggwgghggg i the antenna Wire is of alummum w lch cannot be soldered. 9W FWSQIW 0" July 31 and is do- downotheir windows‘and lose their .~'. . . . ' , , "‘3 nlcel). ' doors, Harryl became ful y obessed . I ,In any case, an alternative to 301- _ Areport from the Naval Commun- Last week a VOW lad named with the magnitude of the struggle l derlllg. Is to clean the Wires .thor- lcatlons Officer at Quantico, ‘Va., Ford waS‘rescued from dwwmins in and on sniffing his clothes. with, u"; , . oughly andvthen thst them tightly says that stations in England and the_Saugeen River near the CPR. costliness of the victory he had .. . together. Next wrap the Jomt care- France, and several distant ship statlon by another youngster named won As he pp'oceeded to bury his g. 1 fully with a fal-rly heavy. tln fell. stations have reported hearing the McGauchle who was standing near- Sunday garments with no ['03 ects j' . 'l‘lllsl. wlll prevent the. WIN) from transmittal: A wavelength of 88 by at the time and went to the 1'98- 0! ever using them 38mg [Faun tarmshlng and wdl keep the Jomt meters was used in the transmission one With all his clothes 00- realized what the poet meant wheh xx. clean. tor years. ' _ : tests. . . The marmagegtook place here on he said “Haste Makes Waste” and “i . incidentally. aluminum wure ls a The recelver to thls outfit has 31- Thursday mornlng 0‘ 133‘ week wished’that he had taken time to ._ sold materlzll to use for an antenna so done good work. as it has picked when MISS Margaret Harrison 0f change his raiment before openin . because its surface. will not corpoqe up shortwave stations up to 5000 Mlldmay was_united in marriage to hoqtfljtieqkwith the polecat g .3 copper does. \vllon alllmlllum IS miles distant. Mr. John Henry 0111' of town. Rev. ‘ ‘ ' ° used. a couple of sizes larger should â€"-â€"â€"oâ€"- H. 'l‘wictmeyer. pastor of St Mat- C 1 .3,» be used ln order to provldo the .Duty on Innorted Tubes thew’s Lutheran church officiating. ey on ‘ some mitt'llalllt‘tll strength as for Radio tub-es imported ilto lh Hanover and 'I‘eeswater staged a Miss Ruby Mcwlhmnpy, of Irish 2‘ W'l'llt’l'. 1h... connectlons to the l'nited‘ States (”‘0 suh°e-t‘ t he Sllt't'iatfllltll’ game at 'l'eeswat.l~l- last Lake, Mr. Earl Maycock and Miss .-. aluminum wlre should be made as same ”an. i” line‘lndelscte t or”)? Thursday in” '05" 0‘” 6 t” 5. A Margaret QUlI‘k 0f Hanover VlSltt‘d described above. , m 1: I“ «I1 '8 week ago last Monday. Hallover’s at Mr. James McWhinncv’s the past lll s, \\ llcl are. assessed at 20 per baseball "in? down .d K' .J- b week ‘ . “-0-â€" . cent ad valorem. Thls decision was ., score of q t, 3 l- ”ma“ me y Mr. K h t . Radio Industry Becoming recently handed down ill a ruling of ' " â€". ‘ . l ' s. . nox, as. re med- from a Better Organized the l'llited States Board of Geller 0n Sunda) ’ August 9’ Mr. Charles three weeks “Sit wn’h “WM“, at l.» " . - , ‘ ‘ ‘ * -* , 31 \Veber of Moltke - ‘lssd ~ - r . Goderich d u ~ w‘ . .. _ N _. . . . .\ppl-alsers. _ L _. pine away at an o IQPJJBItS. Htl ,~ “‘“m- ““ lat 3‘1“.” a“. “W” , . . the age of at voars daughter Mrs McCormick of Swiln i . ha? lit,‘t'll‘lllilll‘_\' llltl'lt'illllltlllfilthat the lvAll {\lll't,g)1"lspnttlimp' C(Y’ml’arat'sg‘ Onto 0f the 'qlmpét residents of ton Park, is visiting with he} an; l‘ill lo lllt ustl')’ is red y leconllnj-_' . l‘ ' Wig" ‘1‘ ms are lmDOI‘ 8 .. l '. ' . 7 - 4., ' . . ' L . ' organized as such. Ullll such indi': although there ls some. demand for Moltke med last “9d m the poison welk. of. Mrs. Emorich Hill who had at- Mrs. W; J. Cook. El-ordale, Mr. tamed the, age. 01'91 years. and Mrs. Victor Fairweather and . A pretty wedding was solemnized babe of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. ln St. Peter‘s Lutheran church on Cook of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Cush- Wednesday, July 29, when Miss nie. Toronto, were visitors at R. Adeline l'nruh was married to Mr. (3001(9). “19 lh‘lst week. Jake Nullln. Miss (lralldison of Stratford is vlSlting at Mr. George Banks’ and Flesherton M rs. Mchilli'ams’. Last week. Genneth Gilbert, small taililfig'lachig‘ “luggfilflmggnélg,fmm llv the changing ll-ossure )l tl ism} ”fer’ and Mrs “7"!“an G11“ 'l‘l‘lrollto. L l V u A m rl'lrkv material of lhe earthht .1. 16 Mt’ [\lmberley, saved a one-year- Mr I) H'lrrow of U -. " .. -‘ . . 7 » . s LlllSt. old baby from drownlng when lt fell "“tl ' ,3, ~ “”1 Sound, lb") lll'Ptâ€"llCl-L‘d that till earthquake into the. Beaver River. hm 0‘ ,“H’l “I“ (laUgllt.er, .Mrs. would Produce an unusual amount, The breaking of a trio ropo on the ‘amll’ and called 0" many ”1 [“3 . ol statlc dlsturballce. llav fork caused Mr Charles Stew- OM fmmlds' -' at small l'a'h“ concerns to combine lull-lug the quake which was quite. art. of the. Toronto .Linle forth to ”MRS. (.oleman of Owen Sound is under 3 “bl-"l“ management. Anotherl “w"l't’ ."1 “1,0 “ON-lll’afl't‘l‘n part 01' receive such injuries as’to routine ‘llSIt-mg her daughter, Mrs' R J' llltllt'illl'lll. and a very gratifying the l nit-ed News on an evening of him to his bed for some time Mr (“m-98°” . . ls tho mllWlllth~xvhlrll seems to lastsprlll". no unusual amount of Stewart was standing on the wagon. . Ml-‘S Agnes Lover of l’oronto \‘lS- haw sl-‘Il'iml Slllllllltllll'lllrsly in we- Stat-“3 “'35 l't’l’UI’lt‘fll from tho mil- and when he pulled the rope to ”ed her “‘w'n'd’ MPS' James MCMUI’ lous parts of the rl‘illlltryâ€""lu elim- “Wt“ “'11” “'CI'L' _'llSteb‘lb$ at .the trip the load into the mow the knot mil .tilw.l.wmt.'WWK - lulu... “l‘fflt-Wlt‘atloll lll radio illlst‘l’-â€" mm" AIS” Ml" (xrecnleat “9 Pmk‘ became “HUM. giving 3W5." "11d al~ drellbl'lIJ‘dlt'hmtl[1"2‘u1)r1"i~l'lu‘l two Ch“- hlf‘flrlfiw tlhlonsqlstinder-ill a noteworthy l-owmg the. llllfl‘jlrtullate man to fall sill. MI...‘f\?.ll,:l,?P§i,‘léigi'll‘g her cou- radio public ll l. um of do lluymg to. the floor, a distance of eight feet. Miss ”Kate Muir Mm' has been Th“ """Htilb'n '"l' 'l - ' l ' HIS head Slim." ”“1 hay mow. “311$“ visiting ill Colliné‘voml has re- ampnmnu F», .irp'dll-lh; lol'so‘adlll: lug him to lllt the floor Wlth 1113 turned- homp accompanied by her ,,f,,,.,,“£,,l.: 'u." 11“.““4‘7‘ '.'-‘ "‘9'“ shoulder. . sister Mll‘s'. Barter who is visitin din llllllliclllioli? \v'lll'l'll“ linlmu“; l'a' ll: It??? Congregation attended the for a’week ‘ l l l g . . . l . .' t ‘0' 5""‘illl" r - v SPP' ~.. ‘ -., ' ° ' ° . . . to protect till-ll' readers. It. l~' oi- Methodist C(l'llllléll alts'l't‘fl’llx'utlgtlgll’fi MR and MW" Ram?" m “113140" rr'ldv lwg‘ ‘ . - - . . . - . . - . . a11d MI“. and ers. Hll'rh Bailev ' l “ t. it .Hllllllll; to show llslllts. ‘lal "l“llllllg, «"1 W‘m ”f speclal 111- babes of Shriglev S'Néllt tl l t'ldlll 'l" '° " .“lm' bl'l'n several :‘rlsns terest bolus: the ordination of elders. ‘ _ ‘ ‘ "I ' u’ “if ' “lll'l'l' l'alllo dealers have lo-nll llll"-'l _ end with Mr. and Mrs. McPhail. cation is the “twenty ol‘ a number col-tam types of French tubes. These tubes. which have. grid connections which are separated from the con- nections to the. other elements, are speclally adapted for use as radio frequency amplifiers. â€"_o_.._. Earthquake Disproves Static Theory French scientists have fostered a theory that static might be produced {up ”M. 3 ,, : -.~' ._ Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall sle I n” will" ”hm" _ Chesley the week-end with friends at 1110;: Aircraft Set M k ., 0" Friday night of last week. the 61‘le near Bala. a as Records Ll'ltllliallqua closed after a success- 'Rev, Mr. Hart-ls, of Hanover Ball- .lll lllllll'llVl'tl ll'ullsllllltl'l‘ and I‘c- :'ll'll. who was actually engaged in fill llW‘ days” program, l-lSt Church, tUOk RW. MI'. pI‘CStOll‘Sl ”\oul llll lllt‘ [lit-gillll- Sllllnanllllah, ll.l.~'lalll. Sliltllln at, tho) tifflp 0f the calligrogatlon 0f GPDCV’a CllllI‘Ch made ROY. Ml’. Poarcy Of ”“1!“ SOUTH] “in1 lml ‘hmm ”I, m.“ i“ Preliminary rhm‘k. l’lclected no unusual disturb- i! unanimous call to Mr. “’illiam SUIâ€"ll”! the work here next Sundavl ess . am.“ Smithtgf liondon, Ontario. M ‘ _ . _ . n e ast league ame of the (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) season, Chesley (lt'ft‘alt‘gil Wolkcrton 9 l 4 to 3 in the latter town. 5 l RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Markdale é , . '. . The wedliling took )lace at Heath- Mr. Sherrzll ltlll be glad to help you solve your radio . q .1 . I . .- - . l problems. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. (“Oil on .__atlllda\. MI“ ‘0' Of MISS ‘ Margaret olillne Reid and Mr. George ‘3. \\’. \l \\'. \\'l'lll°.~'2 "l tune a .\lls.-â€"-.\'o. Such a practice Will ‘Hgfilit‘ ffiblolflgsland. Rev. “° L- 0H”: \llol llx'ml condenser lllll- lllltll- cause a radiation of energy which ‘ ‘5 0 01a 8 ' V‘l ,‘ _ .. . . , a” 6H: ~lllzlllrl'. llzlll l use this as a'will allnov other listeners. In {111- lhe'members ”f “MOP!“ Pl'ccep- - =.-'l' ll l-ullolwllsol' llll u sillh’lo llllle sl‘l'.” : lllilllll. .V'Olll' Supertlyne will nnt be l01'\,.\0. €82. Mapkflal'fl With several . $15 To muu'no .\lls. -'l'llu set would operate after; 5"" "'"Sltiv" as it is When it is :rljhl-ln'ls allnln[p"lndfu(§° atitendpd ser- a fashion with this condenser but “WWI "11110“. but not Unite, Up to 30$: I‘ll‘lt q“ dfllt'm ‘hpICh a “09k In.“ \hllllll llt’ lilil’lk t.) l'll'k Up a “N (if H“. llat'ilalfing DOIHt. 51‘1“; bJuii-‘lvllglnd’ ’glCqutng. 1 t .-\l. lililll. .\ llllll'l' suitable grid con- â€"-â€"-0 -- . 4| . ugUs mle 11128 of " ~. .. . . . ”In “‘0 e ', . . ' . ””1" " ”MM “3"." ll" made from Q-â€"I- “23 5335' ‘In order to Cooke'snl‘hnllqrcllllbawlfiill m§$clett}t10f two ‘llt‘t't'\ .ll' ll..-ml. wt 3 square suVl' spare lll my portable. set. I am ' (I -’ It ‘- J 19 lllt'lll's mil-ll, so'llftl'tlll'll by 3 sh.” “r planning to mount my tubes in :1 homes or Mcsdames MOI‘I‘ISOH 811d l , ,, . , ,, , - . .- ~. 7‘ . Ritchie respective] . . llll.l \\.,lllll'â€" thump ‘lltll mental l""‘l“.““:. "than. thls hf: A daughter was amp“ to Mr. and ‘1 â€"â€"â€"-oâ€"- ,dollo \\ltllOllt lllJllllllC. the tubes. _ . , , . ,, . , Mrs. Percy Slms on August 12. 1925. Al Q. .I. ll. \\. :lsks: "In tuning the; .'\ll«.~'.-â€"<\\‘ll.ll the. tubes In a horl- A VQPV pleasing function to k ‘ Slzpvl'lix'lln l-ereiVel‘. should the B. F. Zulllal position. the filaments Will D1390 M‘thp home of MI and {flog ll.lH‘ lw kept. oscillator: until a sta-‘ :'\'l*llllltlll}' sag: a. little. but. there will Wlilliam J‘ Hammond downhill! ' tint: ls plrkml nil?” 'pl'nllnbly be no harm done. North. on Tuesday evening. August 14. \Bhen Minuand Mrs. G. H. McCaus- ALGONQUIN PARK ['03 A .‘l Hopeville. an were e comments of a mis_ HOLIDAY 01“ BNCHANTMB" -l Mr. and Mrs. w. McKechnic, Mr. gfilthnggggs Show“ 3“?" 1’3 ”'91P ___.________._’ ll ll ‘ and Mrs. N. thihlclicchnie, I‘lIPMPeuE ' -' l-nl' llllm‘ \HH ith‘ I" WW" ad and Mrs. .\. ; cKeclllie ant . rs. . ll'Tl .\ lllt‘ Kl't‘ill .\l§-§lllltl|llll Pal'k Nplsnn uttpndpd the funeral Of a - ' . Walkerton zone plus-Hr lla~ u Slll'l'lal ill’l'l‘ill near relative. Mrs. Gregg. Shallow {In Prlday mght. August 7, a'car .ll 'llv‘ lwullts of its lakes. rivers Lake. on Saturday, going by motor. drlven by MP. William Lambertus and tol'vsir‘ all this Sl‘osnn ”f the Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney 01:33th "110 lb? FOPd coupe of Mr. your, accompanied Mr. Earl Dolliary to “ 3W“? Balley, FUllBP BI'USh repre- 9 Thu ~lll? sllilles lll’llllllt‘l' ill the tillelpll on Monday for tho “‘ppk. sentatlve. causing considerable dam- llaxsz ill.- lllunll silvers the lakes Mr. Alex. Campbell. Toronto. is a age to bath cars. Mr. Bailey SUL- \\ llll :lc,‘llil'l' brilliance ill the even- visitor at Mr. M. McTaggarts’. fered the .1033 Of 3 00111318 01' teeth lugs: and the air itself seems even Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘roup and Miss and had his "1011‘“ cut in a DainUl , more invigorating than usual. as Doris. Holstein, were visitors last manner. summer draws to a close. week at Mr. George Gilk’s. , Walkcrton defeated Teeswater in w ‘ -\l:'l.llltllllll l’ark seems to have Mr. Harold Culliton and friend “‘9 b-BSt baseball game seen here been set. apart by nature as the scene motored tip from Toronto early in ""3 year by a 4 t0 2 SCOPE. of some of her greatest achieve- the. week and renewed acquaint- W‘alkerton’s welcome sign, which moms in woodland beauty. but it 18 euros. once SW at the 0f ShaW’s hill. only toward summer‘s end. when the Mr. and Mrs. Wesle Philp, - W93 'demOl'Shed W on a Ford car foliage shows tintings of reds and thur, Mr. and Mrs. bert Philp, failed ‘0 make thefiharp turn and .. ii yellows interspersed among tht Burkeston Station, With Mrs. John carried away the 3‘8“ before stop- ' fl greenâ€"that you enjoy the full ef- Phllp, Sr, of Holstein, were callers ping 1“ a fence DOGL lect of Algonquin’s glory. Monday on Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Helen Racher, “10 7-Y90P-0ld I There is splendid accommodation Worry. daughter 0’ MP- JOhn Escher, had '- . at Highland Inn and at the log- . Mrs. Beqmish of Toronto is visit- her "8'"- foot badl scalded when cabin camps which have helped to IRS her 813$“. MP8. W. Mclilinney. she ”pm "'9 c 0‘3! 0f 3 [10‘ lo- - Kr make Algonquin so popular with Miss Nellie Haw, Swinton Park, it vacationists. visiting her aunt, rs. W. Ic- . [w 31““ MLL. % Ask for booklet givi fullinformâ€" anhnio. Â¥ , . WWW l ation An agent of m Nap Mr tional Ra’ ways will hand you one. “J ‘ ‘ .. 0‘. * .- ‘v' . . ~. I . , » I , . I ‘ . l l ’ . ' i ‘ , v - ‘ . . -' ' . . " . n ‘ . v . .. .. .. , ‘. , , ‘ ' . ’ 1-,: " v; ' _ x . . . , A ' ’ ' A . . . : ’ .1, ~ :1. _ . . ... 4. '- f . . . I «t- . , ' - r u . _ . _ . ' ‘ : - p . t . . ' I“ . l . .n‘ R- ' "' " . , . . . I l , . e , . . . .- . .1 r . ,’ , ’h ‘ ) . as. " oi -‘ i i. ”.f . . "1's?“ -,',..-,"r'- 21 ‘ o . ”mews-aw‘wmts'nm‘méfife-W3:“ . m“ “mm-“w $20 53"“ ‘2"...2'33 of: ' It ha been decided by the out. ‘ in: mental Baud.“ Chester. will all; his the competition for bands of Mm. I? . orltiel tlut the 329d Bruce one. ‘ " - tnry District No. i, London. to be KY ’3 0. Hellman left on Nou- held at the Western l‘all‘ next numberotoury boysaro -â€"â€"-â€".â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" HUbby: ““"llat \VllUlll yllll “Hinton load “(W “I. on.” 7. l do for gossipdn that case?“ Specials This Week Men’s Black and Brown Bals, narrow toe, mixed lot to clear at$300 Men’s Heavy Working Boots, mixed lot, to clear at $345 Women’s 1 strap Dong. House Slippers, to clear at $160 Women’s Brown, White and Black Canvas Bals, rubbersoles,toclearat................$l.00 Women’s Black Canvas 1 strap Slipper, leather soles,abargainat......................98c REPAIRING A SPECIALTY " ‘ l , ' . ‘l . r '2 , f 1"", I _ a . , . .. . 4 a ‘ I ‘ f [I l ’ . ,' l .v ll ‘ r r r' / x . 1,. . / . 0 P ’7:- § F lrst F en Years Q %’ § MOST of our habits, good or bad, are 2/: g formed before we’re ten years old. Help / your child form the health-habit. Give him - plenty of i ', . l'ce ready when he comes running in from school; i 3- 181331: liesvlvill come to recolrnize the difference bctwecjn tihls § % rich-flavored, highly nutrltlous loaf and other too 5 cs: % % valuable. \\ 2 \b‘ . 1w. m :.l~fi t * «filigree .,.. _.._,; 5 . anti“ 1’ v. . l ‘ '. sh -, .' a _ <- 4 '4 . ..' . r" :" - ‘.’ ' {r . "5‘ i» - . - e, ff ClaSSlflet -" ertisemcllts motor f” " ”‘ WITH onlll-zlz; . . Telephone ram : y night 0f \Vl'l'h‘ .ll' . .- a. On all (‘lltll'g'w é "' ”made each ll':-"Zil , Medical Dz'rerlorl‘ W” "‘“ “ . .un. ullnsou mu ' m and residence a .l;. ‘9" 0f “I" “aim ll. ll Slfl‘f’l. I.tl\\t"' l.\~ “(lice llUUl‘.‘ .3 lil :~ t 0”. ‘excepl Sulldah . rflnâ€" A I I. L. SUITE. 31.8.. M. C. “be ml result-ll»; ,.,,.. motels and l.allll~nll film-,1 O‘d ”(l‘l ”llll‘l; 'le (a $‘t.11l..l.31ll~llall jl (MST excelltwl _ on. a. M. BELL “ice on Lillihllllfl; .‘l'n ‘4 no Hutton’s l‘lllt‘l‘ :m5p.m..7lll‘.';lnt.y,. “Y- c. n. no snssn: Mcth wflprlctors. Durban: 0 "I. Sell‘uff“ that “7““ -, 1 end years to “l“. l .- .d b Durham Tucson} ~ l ,. , liturdlys. , Dental no; TITW. c. murmurs. lll: Oflice, over .I. t\ if . .7 Durham. Ulllal‘m I. 1‘. GRANT, D. D. s. 1. Honor Graduall- l : - 1. onto. Graduate l ‘ . Surgeons of Hltlll: . ll fill its lll'alll‘lll‘~ . . _ BIOCK, MlllSll'w'l. s i; , l O! MacBeth's lll'l;‘.' >1. . [432d] ‘1)11’“ {UH .lDDLBBRO'. SPEREMA HIDDLBBRO‘ Barristers. SOllCltt‘fr, SUt°t°l-ssl-l‘~ l-l \ 3 ' .r‘ “r. C. ll. .‘lLallln‘llI ~ 7.‘ located at ltlxl llitlll '- Branch HlH‘Il .-\. ‘ . .l ‘30 to ‘JJW l'. ll.. iii-Ens a HENRY Barr-L‘tl'llfi. >‘l,:t',ltl, ~ . ll“, ,_ 4 -- Der 0f lh“ lll'lll \\ ll. iv T. l' .l' Tuesday (ll Mll‘ll \‘x mm. _\ a may he lll'dlh' \\.t:. t. l . , ofl’icc. â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"- Ll't‘(,!1.\( d ~.’?f{,.’/ 5. 1):; Ni “1 \LEA 3 14l(.t’ll~l‘lj \ l . ‘ . Gre‘. Sill ~ .'l " ' . .'l l sonalllv "‘33? ~ , l'- - at The t . ' self. ALEX. Mel-DOKALI‘ Licen~cd Aumlrvlux 2‘ f 7 Lil I Mull. rzlm' - - ‘ ’- \_, . Grey. l'!‘l-l:.,. l". .' SOllulliw‘. ::;.~ :: ; alllewl. llnf- - ran Clll'l'llllclv Hz.- .. Sun. \‘nrllvl. t‘. T. i l Mason“; ‘1;- T l Lil't‘llr' ' 1 l â€"_'â€"â€"< BATES BURIAH PUNERAL SERVICH New Modern Funnel Pa! Phone Hillcrest 024.5 TOl 122-124 Avenue Road lohn WBates H Manual Porno-1w} v-1 1 "fl FARMS FOR SAT _._â€"-~â€"â€"-1 LOT 7, CON. 21 ignition“ Mining 100 :H‘I‘t‘s; s3. ;,.~ 1‘ cultivation. lsa’allco» l: .r :~ ,1 convenient to rt‘ll'W' ; 'l lses are a frame but: , stone {Ollndutll'lli w" also buy llal‘ll 3min _' .-..1 meat; hm; l“'ll L’l‘lxiv brick ll~lll"". fllrllll. t frame \‘llll'l'lrllt‘lli «ll‘l .- t to lll‘llzsv. \\';lh \\'ll«lll 1 water l'll.‘l<~: Tl“ owl-w ~ - 1 IO 8(‘l‘l‘~ ~.. smwl Put: a 'l is wel; ‘l‘o-I .-.-., lel l . cultivtll: '. lnt' llll -'lll .' l to \Vatwt. ~ ll'l‘rjv. l: l1. 4 1 Ontario. ll NORTH l'.\’:;l' l'l'l~ . '\‘\'ll no Egrt‘nl’lil l'll‘ lit 2 - to. acres ch“rl '2'2'o bUSh; ll‘. '..'<l ~l‘ ~" frame hall. ll‘.' concrete sill? it ~ 001!!th “ll..-i ;l' . 1‘ Md 7. Gill. 1. rl' . v‘ hitting llll Itl'I' l. s and in gmlll ~t .‘1 . the premises it w " hitting H‘M'l' : _ (“m9 \V‘Hlll‘lJ‘l Well It dl-or: l.~' .~ this farm. nmlnq - . tam. “IIC lll‘ll'; ,' Cht t0 quirk ; ‘1'» culars applv at \\ Mt. t, Durham "3 ' d PARM FOR SAL LOl. 66. (10:5 3 \\ 2* Mllc- Still‘l'"\l _. l “filling 86 ““14." vi __ in ”DC stall" ll' l“ - hm “'llh Flll‘t’l :ll, . “‘5.” '08. 7-Perm -. Iion klli'l‘w" w." “'3lel‘t‘ll (nu: . fi hr thriller W..- William Smith. R. l‘. - #4-; *‘A ‘__._.

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