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Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Aug 1925, p. 7

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Thursday, August i, u.; i.â€" “â€"â€" cursur BAND wm. -; comers n- , I' It. .‘ [H't'il Ill'l'illt'd by the mo 33nd Bruce l '4 li - ‘ 'iTII‘ . i it“ .3“ _ - “our u: lilo-49V. Will . . . ’ . '1. ..,_ ." imp My hands of . “'1 ' I ‘. lv . -‘ .\.i. I. Lnnilon. to; "‘ fl" , l ' . ' \\ o‘s’io'l'll Fair rs * They d Try to Believe l? c . ~ll"'ll‘l iiover rem " ' ;.. "Ill lN'lItBV’t‘.” ' \\ "il’ \\Il'litl you w l i - . .11 Mint case?” r,.,,,,,.............. ’h' W k 18 ee i‘il’ir, llLll'l‘ow toe, mixed . .......... $3.00 mos, mixed lot, to clear ......... $3.45 Home Slippers, to clear .......... $1.60 and Black Canvas Bals, tit ...........$lom 1 .[mp Slipper, leather .......... 98c _‘3'.‘ ll \l/l'Y (Lash D 0“ Store urban], ‘. /////////////IIIIII. no: ca 99 :2:- CD q "< //,/ '_ nerunnmo rrom WlNNIPEO " ' _- .7 Cc‘. starting anal R iilways. whether or not c Canadian National. » est Agent. or four. Telephone calls treated Advertisements underthis hm. CASH WITH ORDER; It: We Medical mam. ’nns. unirsoii a ammo: m'flco 1nd residence a short dist- anti! oa-r of the Hahn House on Lamb!“ Street, Lower Town. Dug-q nam. lli'sce hours 2 to 5 pm- 7 to i (all: --.‘:ccpt Sundays). ' J. 1.. SMITH, I, 3., I. C. P. S. 0. office and residence. corner of chum»;- and Lambton Streets, oppo- on: old l’o-‘t Office. Office hours : on. n a.in.. 130 to t p.m., 7 to 9 pm. sop-lays oxccpted). fl DR. A. I. DELL Milli??? on LBMDIOD Street (the late Dr. Hutton's oflice). Office hours, 3 to r. p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- (133'- c. 6. AND BESSIE lcClLLWRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. the Sou-non that adds life to years and yours to life. Consultation free. in pnrbam Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6H23tf -._..__..._.._..-â€" â€"â€"â€"-_..-- -.â€"...... â€".â€"- Dental Directorv "on. w. c."'ricxniuitoj nurmsr mill-o, over .1. a: J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. J. I‘. GRANT, D. D. S... L. D. 8. Honor Graduate UniverSity of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Sui-goons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, llillStreet, second door east of Machth’s Drug Store. W Legal ‘Dt'rectorv * MIDDLEBRO’, SPEREIAN A MIDDLEBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. will sell chea to uick bu er. shrou‘icle. ’ 4 («I‘ll BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- tlce. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. lootf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER 'OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221tf FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Out. 5 l5 tf FIFTY HEAD OF YOUNG CATI'LE for sal.â€"Apply F. W. Kelsey, Phone 609r3. 6 8 tr LOT. SOUTH OF VOKER BODIES Limited; also lot south of W. D. Connor’s. Apply J. A. Brown, Dur- ham. 5 M tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT ii“ '* ' is a «damn mum supplies-melons and Willifi. than premuslyhoeng _ on , douieshc wetlathe . rate from typhoid fever... the mistrial» of. water-borne ‘diseases, has decreased to a ream-table extent, as s A. G. Lee Dominion cultural Bacteriologist. . In our country districts, however. ‘ i where the scattered opulation D ’ makes the establishment of a public water supply system impossible. the farmer is forced to depend upon his own domestic source, which. '13. in most cases, the shallow well. That such a well can be a source of pos- itive danger from typhoid, dysentery, diarrhoea and ot er disorders has been amply proven, but still many farmers do not realize fully the im- portance of a pure, unpo‘lluted Wa- ter supply, or the danger to their families and their stock lurking in contaminated water. The location of the farm well is frequently faulty and denotes a lack of knowledge of the danger to health from such. sources of pollution as barnyards. cesspools, privy, man- urod fields. sink drains etc. Not only should the well be placed at a reasonable distance from such sourcos of filth, (say 40 to 50 yards) but also, if possible, on higher ground. The more porous the ground. the greater should be the distance from an source., Even when the well .isremoved from any source of pollution. the ground water should be made to filter through at. least 12 to 15 feet of soil before entering the well. Soil .e ,. . “H """"A’V' l" .11" -Q . ”fol - ‘ .,o ‘ ; ‘ .- 3. contaminating serving meals on the porch, who~th~ number ”I 00“] meats. Smith Bros. It’s good. Trv it. ttOtt tends I“ remove germs and impuri- ‘ tios from surface washings. The water, however, should be made to really filter through tho soil by in- suring that the sides of the well, for MISC LLANEOUS a depth of ‘12 to 15 foot, are tight. NEW MODEL Bl'GGY. ALMOST and impervious to water. The top Troy: also ll-lOIlVSDI‘ing wagonzfififlgé naturally, should be so constructed . .iout ~00 llS- . o. 9 fencing “‘1‘". ‘J that no contamination can possibly 1b.. Those are roal bargains for enter. (puck saithâ€"Apply James Park, JI'.. Wlatcr may hc seriously polluted Sir. ll. C. Middlcbro’ is permanently Allan Park. 2 without. showing this by its tasto or [mood at Durham Office: .Priceville lll'uuch open every briday from i.:;o to 9.30 p. m. LUCAS A HENRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- bor of the firm will be in Durham on Iiiosday of each week. Appomttnents may be made with the Clerk in the 'ill'lcc. Licensed J1 uctz’oneer nan. McLEAN PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- appearance. A bright. sparkling grade gas with the “pep” and long wator is by no moans a. guarantoe mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros’ Of a cure suonly. When, however, Garage, 626 tf water from a. well becomes cloudy or turbid after a heavy rain, there FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- is evidently some defoct, for this bile insurance and guarantee bonds, condition indicates that. surface etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur-i washings are onloring without pro- ham. 612 if por filtration. lTho. Divisions of Bacteriology and Ciomistry at tho Contra] Experi- ARTICLES WANTED montal Farm will analyzo water samples submitlod by fal‘mors liv- WHEA'I’ WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. ing within a roasonablc distance. l “urnspll .-\uctioncer for County of Highest price. People’s MiUS- 31521“ Application for instructions as to irov. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- -onablo torms. Dates of sales made n “no Chronicle Office or With him- wli'. ALEX. MacDONALD boomed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. CHRIST HCURCH GARDEN PARTY ods ol' Controlling “.st,.,. \l..doralo forms. Arrangements for A taking the samplo Should lil‘St ho. mado. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE .CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for _ _ ‘ giggling out the finest work 011 short SUBJECTION Of WEEDS In a slalomoui. on “Ell'ocliVo Moth- M r. E. GARDEN PARTY l.\' AID OFIS. Hopkins, Dominion I’iold Hus- - Ill“. :15 to dzltos. ctr" may be made Christ. church. Allan Park, will ho bandmatu, brings out llu'oo saliont 2‘ mo l'lhroniclo l'll‘licc, DUI'hi'm- hold on W. Hoazlollfs lawn on \Vocl- and important points. Address R-R- nosday ovoning. August. 26. 1 ~m< on application. lolrham. Phone till r 24. -.._â€"____â€"_._M REUBEN C. WATSON l. consod Auctioneer for County of . l’rompt attention to sales. Rea- ":do loi'ms and satisfaction guar- .- Ilulos made at The Durham nuclo office or with It. C. \Vat- 'v'ai-noy. RR. 1, Phone 603 rll. BATES BURIAI. C0. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 l22-124 Avenue Road TOIOIIIC mm w. Bates It. Iaddoelis l-‘orinerly of Flesherton M -7-._ A... --_..._‘__....._â€"â€"... .â€"â€"_... .â€"â€"â€"â€" FARMS FOR SALE .â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_â€"_.â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" LOT 7, CON. 2i. EGREMONT. CON- taining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush, convenient to school; on the premâ€" ises are a frame barn 42x60 ft. With stone foundation; concrete stables, also hav barn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" ment; hog pon 20x40; twelve-room brick houso. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close Lo house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded _to hay; in acres to swcot clover; this farm .«v well fenced and in a good state of milivation. For information apply . . ' ‘r ', RR. 4. Durham. \\ atson s Dal 3 ‘02:) 23 if H ‘RPIO. _____________________________ "ll'I‘H PART LOTS _7 AND 8, 001}. 3. lisrcmont, containing 66 acres; 05 :i cleared, balance hardwood "d: in good state of cultivation, "r till" barn 44x50, stone basement " rr‘r‘olc stables; drilled well an «ll-cu tank at barn. Also Lots 6 -' ‘ 7 Con. A, S.D.R., Glenelg. con- li: no 110 acres; 100 acres cleared .,. .l an good state of cultivation; on o... promises are a brick house con- "win: seven rooms, With g00d 'l‘lll‘l" \voodshed attached; .dl‘lllfll s .. . 'll door: never falling springs 0? 'r. ~ farm. making a c pice stocd ."i:l:i. This property Will be SOl 4“ '0 quick purchaser. ,For par- '.L.u'< apply at Watsons Dai R T: 'i. Durham, Ont. . ‘-’ FARM FOR SALE l . no, Ron. 0 W.G.R.. Bontinck. ‘0 s 102523 i a - s..»iil.h\vest of Durham. con- 'l.‘llo first. is' A g‘OOll Hull. lilo most. oll'ociiVo mothod oll lioiug proparod. 'l‘oa controlling woods is tlnirough allild Admission. :25 and l‘l'oquonl cultivation of tho. land. 17, (routs, Suppl‘l' l'roo. Hall gzlmo 'l‘ho. socond is that tho basic prin- niav lll‘ hold in ovouing. In caso of ciplo in killing woods which have ruin. gardon party will ho hold l'ol- undorground roolslnlks is to pro- lowing ovouiug. Evoryhody wol- vonl. illl'll' solldiug llp tOp or above- pump, 8 l3 :2 ground growth. and tho third. the _ lougor llio delay in oradicating the woods. tho groator tho amount. of . FOR SALE .. _ work that. will ovontuallv bo nccos- IM'lRSE'l‘ HORN RAMS I~OR ”1055" sitatod. Ono otllor pollit mado llV ing. Prmluco oai-ly lambs and liner Mr. Hopkins in ’2.ng dolinito a"; wool. “‘l‘lll‘ us or call and soc. our vico as to tho sillijcction ot' couch stockâ€"l. .l. Pliolau. l.hopsto\v. Ont. ((il'l’PODOCk Township, Bruce County) 8 l3 3 program . is sol'vod 6.30 to 8. that it is important to use at all BOARDERS WANTED grass socd. HIGH SCHOOL STl'DENTS ACCO.\I- modatod: all iii-odorn convonicncos. -â€"Apply at The Chronicle Office. 8 l3 6pd CARD OP THANKS \\'o wish to tender our sincere lilauks to the staff of the Durham llcd Cross i‘ric-nds in town their kind interest in the recent illness and death of brother, Thomas W. STOVE FOR SALE LIGHTER DAY, HIGH OVEN, COAL or wood, as good as newâ€"Apply W. J.‘ McGirr, Queen Street. 8 6 tf NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.O.'Live Stock As- sociation will ship stockofrom Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Hanager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. our beloved Scarf. -â€"'l‘ho Scarf Family. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Voison were thci'cciprients of a beautiful kitchen cabinet from the employees of the Durham Stone and Sand Company and wish to take this Opportunity of thanking them most heartily. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"â€"-â€"_._â€"=â€"â€"-â€"___ FLOUR AND FEED FOR SALE “'15 HAVE PUT IN A FRESH STOCK of Flour and Feed and solicit your patronageâ€"John McGowan, The People’s Mills. Durham. ipd ====I=E===== BUGGY FOR SALE RUBBER-TIRED, GOOD CONDITION. Apply to Smith Bros. garage, Dur- ham. 8 2o 3' 2% HARVESTERS’ EXCURSION * The C. P. R. will run harvesters’ excursions to the Northwest from Toronto and all points cast, and on lino with Toronto to Mactier. Aug- ust 18 and September 1. From Tor- onto and all points west, August 21 and September 4, Fare $15.00 and tax to Winnipeg. plus half cent per mile beyond but not west of Cal- gary, McLeod or Edmonton. Return, same rate to W innipeg, plus $20.00 and tax to original starting pomt. For further particulars see R. Mac- farlon, town agent, Durham. 7 30 5 ' * c \R LOAD gfiagggua mus raouisrrnn . .’ , ESPECIALLY FISHINCS ON LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 9”?“ Wheat. .Ca". early and set 7th Concession of Glenelg, the farm £3091 Sgpgly while it lastsâ€"J. W. of Thomas Timmins, "is strictly pro- “9“ 011. Phone 114. 2 8 22 hibited and persons found so domg we. will be prosecuted to the full ex- SEED WHEAT p03 SAL tent of the law.--L. F. Robertson. WE HAVE FALL WHEAT 'lgHOR- 6 ll tf oughly cleaned for seed, $1.50 bushel.â€"â€"J. W. Ewen Son. 2 89;; ON SUNDAY EVENING ABOUT church time, a small black chan'ge Bock dovotod his oiiorgios to the ”MS. mustard and other woods, that work of. this Commission and gavo CEIIIIIUL be “)0 "lllCll (irnphasized is to ()llial‘lo “IO llt'Sla oxamplo Uf Illlllo llc ownership in tho world. limos, clcasu St‘fltl grain, clover and t0 his masterful personality. he came HOSpital, and to other was and country for ‘ u , .. ,~ . and sympathy 3? t HYdio developed, the attacks '===â€"â€"'â€"_-_â€"_==___â€"â€" Probably it. was because he proved -- 5,3? - ._ 1.4,. . .2 _‘| . . ,- .r ' \ - .- ,"I, 'l . , . .. 4 § . ...‘_. . ~31 . . . 3 u J n ‘1 7| . it" . For August ’ an arm wuss'rea Readers. Note: If have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Househofiufls’m you would like to at; Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in core of The Durham Chromele. ___..__..â€"â€"..â€". m. _ __ w__~______.___ . ._ a” HOUSEHOLD HINTS 9. Save steps. Use your tea wa- salt. Let it stand 3 hours. I'npack gon. This way your meals are a when ready to echo. Dip for a few Porch Meals , Joy and the family has a regular seconds in hot water. Cut off too Show your family 8 good tame. picnic in comfort! of can at one end. Take out fruit. Nowadays, anus and old crave the .__.__.____ This makes a pretty cylinder or outdoors. he porch meal is sure fruzen fruit, to please all. Of course, some COOKING “"3 .somslrnhasr.l mar-mm» We?“ .. we really work. But, by making use 4 tablespoons of cream. Iolassas Dip 3 tablespoons of horseradish. ”6 pints of flour. 1 tablespoon 0‘ lemon Juice. 2 heaping toaspmns of baking Some cayenne pepper. powder. Method: W'hip cream stiff. Add 2 heaping talilospoons of lard. other ingredients slowly and mix of the old sayingâ€"“Let your head save your lieels”â€"the labor can be lessened and the joy and pleasure from so dining will make the house- wife feel amply repaid. _ , . A few things to hear in mind in. well. ThlS 18 good St’l‘VtNl Wltll any Little salt. Milk. . \\'asliod hlacklwrrnis; 91: DOPCh is near 01‘ far from the â€"-0â€"â€" Motliod: Mix dry ingrodionts. Stir kitchen, are; . Raspberries in Canteloup. in milk until mlxluro is thick 1. flDont make yourself any un- A refreshing dessert: enough to drop. Put In ban urou necessary work. Raspberries. ' liq-lilo or prosorvmg kcttlo pre- 5. £12“ .Simpletmcals. . Sugar. iorrou . Put. a. layer .of fruit, and - L‘,‘ [SOUP tall“ prettlly â€" 110t- l‘antaloupo thou a layor ol lusclllltlmingleâ€"al- expenSlve y. “ " , . tornating. Covor wit i ioi mg waâ€" 4. Have a waste basket. near you Ml-‘Ulmli “ash and Cm“ 1‘38!" tor and‘lot cook in to 20 minutes. when you clean up. berries. Halvc the caiitaloupc. Fl” Sorvo hot. immodialoly with oitlier 5. Prepare everything possibla with berries and '(flllll. Sprinkle hard saucc or molassos dip or both. ahead of time. Leavmg possibly POWdel‘Pd Sllgill‘ “"1”! “'01“. An ousv way i“ "13k“ “IL" is m _..._o.__ Summer Desserts 0. Havo things, that. should be A Simple Frozen Dish coldâ€"Ice Cold! ' . Froozo. your fruits right in tho. 7. Where posSIblo, it helps to use. can for lco Croani or Salad. 'l‘liisI chops or meat and trimmings to be lixod and bread to be cut at the last. minute. start it cooking whon ono first sits down to dinnor. and it. will ho done whon romly to soi'vo. ___o___ Molasses Dip 1 cup of molassos. individual trays. . portains to Poachos. Pours, Pinoap- _ V . 8. Mako food look tompting, prot- plos. Cliorrios, Raspborrios, Fruit ‘ lll'al'llll‘ l31""-‘|"””‘ “f buttor. W. A little trim gocs. a long way, salad. otc. Molly-HI: Lot. it boil thoroughly and oven childrcn notice the addi- Method: Pack can in ordinary but. not. quito as much as for candy. tion. pail. l’sc. oqual parts of ico andlSorvo hot. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) “7 - II . . THE LATE SIR ADAM BECK provos tho palatability ot' hoot. pulp} GALT’S GREAT FIRE RECOR I'proi'imonts conductod In tho Di~ vision of Animal Husbandrv havol Hall. has a .l'cl'ord HIM. probably .The death. of Sir Adam Bock. at shown that driod hoot. lllllll givps m. 1 has [l'l oqual Ill any city of its size hls homo ”1 London, romovos a host. and most. ocllnomical rosults‘ill ”lllfll'l”. ll?“ ”W'l' K‘W‘h‘l in powerful support. from tho principle whon used (A rowan. tho mp3] miv- i going ovor tho liro rocords ol‘ the {'1' .lllllllll' “\VIII‘I'SIIID Ill Canada. turn 0p Al‘tlt'llh‘ 0" an alppmlv \\'p]']_i(’ll.\' “W ”I“ [lilr‘li’n'l A’l‘lll‘s’. discmol‘od l'llll'ly yt‘al‘s lip “'38 ”ll" Of a Illlm- halal-“god I'llllOIIl. l'illllt‘l' tililll \Vil‘h‘n I that i“ that lung [Nil-ind. ”lily t“:0 bor of publicâ€"spiritcitl citizens who usod fig ., .uhgtmm. for “mm. suc- 3 house's in Hull, limo boon bin-nod to hocamo improssod with tho. neccs- culouts such ‘39, silago in tho. raâ€" tho ground. tho first. in 1013 and the sity of utillzulg the water power lion. g,,\.,,l.th(,h,sg. whoro silago “int/hop m 1917, ""3””r‘f‘“ ”t ”Hr" province. I," 1900 Hot. availablo. driod hoot. pulp in? it ”won”. committee of the '1 (ironto small quantitios, four to tho pounds Board ”t ”3"" mm" ar‘~‘l’91‘.t.‘lirec't' dry woitrllt. dailv. should viold prof- lug ai'mt'm‘ t“ “I" possuillitios 0f italilo roturus' I‘lriod hoot. pulp wand”: 3." :llllllldant sul’l'l-Vf’f 1'3" should ho pl'oclll‘alllo :ll. approximâ€" dro-oloctrlc powor from Niagara. atolv tho. ruling prico for “1“,“, l'lil‘oo yours illil'l', tho (iovorumont. hm]; ' F ‘ ‘ of Ontario providod tho moans Iv ' (Toronto Mail and Empiroi. M Our Prices on Flour and Feeds l’llol l"llllll'. pl'l' lillk‘...‘ 5.00 Mllplo lmul' I’lolll'. pcl' Inn: 5.00 a o n â€"' which a commission could be ap- Following Orders llmll'll'll ll)’ ”lll‘l'“9l""l "l'lml'llllilhtll‘s Doctor‘ "Did vou upon both will. to invosligato and roport lipoli quos- llons involving tho supply and dis- ._ ,_.___-_.â€".-._--~_....-H...._.-- dows iii your room. as I spociliod‘?” Pationtz “Not. oxactlv. 'l‘horo is; " L. ' 'i~ “0. ' . - 1 I ‘~ .- 3 i 'l' ‘ . . I” “Wm” ”1 PM“ ' ‘ E” Alla"? “ as “HIV ollo \\‘llplo\\’ tllol‘o‘ lllll. l opl'lll'cll [.3531 i. 1 ME”)-.. ”'3' 3:9“? appoultod ono of tho lAl‘IllIIllSSllOIlPI’S it t'wico" ' . Shoits. poi .on. ........ . and whom tho. (lovornmont, appoint- ' ' I Standard N‘l‘m'lllllll‘S. loll 27.00 oil tho Hydro-I‘Iloctric l‘owor Comâ€" ' Oat. (.hop. l't‘l‘ ion ...... 3500 lloavy Alixoil liliop. ton 35.00 'l'nllkngc. lill'v. pol' cwt. 3.25 l’mll" l’lllNllllllll'. pol' c\\'l. 3.25 lli'ackod Corn, pcr cwt 2.75 Food I-‘lour, por cwl..... 2.00 lirimpod Oats. por cwt. 1.50 Rt'lI.I.EIl OATS. \VHEATIJ'I'I‘S, \VHOLE \VHEA'I‘ FLt ll 11 POI'III‘RY FEEDS AT McKECBNIE’S MILL J. W. EWEN SON PhOne in Box 82, Durham Il'llSSllII; on Ontario in 1906. he bc~ "uni ' ("a “' 'l. H Fdr(llll-zlliillylriii'diili' yours. Sir Adam COLLECTIONS We Handle Collections Only â€"No Sideline Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us totacklc. 34 years’ experience Owing to be regarded as the personification of “Hydro.” If he had been. more conciliatory or more diplomatic, he might have accomplished the same ends with less friction. But, in look- ing back over his career, it must be remembered that. from the first be NO COLLECT ION-NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound Owen Sound offices 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada opposed by powerful interests. . hose opposed to public owner- ship, both in Canada and the United States, became stronger and more. porSistcnt. Sir Adam never gave nor wanted quarter in tho struggle. to be a “bonnie fetchcr” that he commended himself to so large a proportion of the people of other origin. in this province. It was the same fighting spirit which prevailed so long against. an insidious illness. W SILAGE SUBSTITUTES ON SMALL FARMS On many small farms, on account of the comparatively smanumhcri l August Clearing Sale ‘ of Our Entire Stock of Summer Goods Children’s Summer Dresses with Bloomers, Sizes v of animals kept, it is not advisable or economical to construct and till a silo with suitable silage crops. says George W. Muir, Division of Animal Husbandry. Experimental 3 to 5 years, to clear at ................. 59c FaIrm, Otltawa. Canada. , Wl‘l C SI. and n suc 1 cases, provision should ' ° ite anvas 1 CPS be made for a supply of succulent Specml sale Of Ladies ' pp 98c feed other than silage. While under OXfordS’ at Per pair """""""""""" average conditions, food value in roots cannot be grown and stored as economically as in a silage crop such as corn, due to the labor of growing, harvesting. and cost of storing. undoubtedly, under the con- ditions mentioned above, roots form the most economical substittue for a succulent crop such as silage. They are to be recommended par- ticularly for late fall and early Winter feeding, the difficulty of keeping them throughout thevlate wmter and early spring prohibiting their use at these times. Where roots are not available and Men’s Peanut Straw Hats, while they last 2 for 25c Men’s Caps, 3 wide range to choose from, at $1.50 Ladies’ Black Cotton Hose in sizes, 9, 91,43 10, 19c Our Large Stock of Men’s Straw Hats ’l" so :jicros. Mostly clear and TILE ALWAYS ON H AND purse containing small sum of money for late winter feeding, dried beet ranging in price from $2.00 up to 32-75, .1 ‘ . .. g . lt' 'ation- Bank , . . . and key. Finder will please notif pulp is well worth considering as ' S. o... “in $13,? $330;ng and stone Sizes 6,8. 111 Chrome” Office. 1 pg 3 subsmm. ms by-rproductofthc must be cleared out in the next 10 day ‘. ‘--‘m(;med brick house with -m we! roll SALE ~ ~» ~ . . - Sugarbeet Industry, ,Issvmlahle in \ .fim' k't h on d “modelled in for considerable quantities in the late Sale Price 9 SQWhlle they last .. . .. 16 en _ , en fall and early Winter, and may be. \\ . watered and it: good ”31;“; Rainbow , 80m : stored indefinitely, provided it is- FOY‘ further particu 8P3 ' PS pun]: mm ‘. _. kept dry. It should m” be \vzl‘mm Smith. R. R. No. 3. Durham. 5%W’Mmdw to and all ' ~' More genomes: “i: will". . 1,1. . _, melts lilo most. perfect vacuum I . . . ‘T ’ l‘Hlllil.iIl..~‘ about eight hi1 ion 63’ ‘ Tll'llocull'rs to the cubic inch. tor. g“

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