of September. Ask any Agent of (Insulin Na- tiontl Railways for illustrated book- lot which includes 3 mp of the en- tire Kawarun district. About 1.30 u‘rlork on Saturday morning lasta Listmwl ritizrns were rnusml from thrir slumber by tho mum! of tho tiro- alarm. who" ï¬re t'o‘mnplt'tvly guttml Rnlwrt .‘lCMillan’S gar-ax» on Mill street. Three autos sturvd there were also (AIPSLI'OXBC‘. Night Watchman Rocher discov- m-mt thv blazn and immediately gave tho- alarm. Somn citizons reported 2mm: past. tho garage only about ton minutrs provious. and thev did not notirr any Sign of tire. Chief \Vil- son and his men were soon on the job. and by their skilful work, the hlazv was kapt unoto'r control and pron-mm! from spreading to adja- rmt huildings. Only a few iaches Most of thp farm-houses and ho-L tels in this gnexcelled vacuum ter- ritory _ remain open until the end For ï¬shing. there is no better sea- son. The Speckled trout rise to the bait at this time of year with the same eagerness that they display in the early spring; while every ï¬sherman knows that. now is the time, to go after the big muskies 1mg gamey bass. The balsam-scented air of Ka- wartha i~z o'spm'ially invigorating by reason of this regmn’s altitudeâ€" 600 feet above Lake Ontario’s level. The other record was broken when two airships. fifteen miles apart. were successful in conversing with each other. The previous record {or communication of this type was The tests wm'p mndiictpd by army "mm-s. and their planes were at an altitudn of 4.00) feet at the time. At Early Hour Saturday Morning.â€" Loss Estimated at $8,.000â€"Three Cars in Storage Destroyed. So‘pnl'itth Life garag‘e frjom a large frame bux-ldmg on one sndp. Station WLS, of Chicago, succeed- mi in holding a two way comers» tion with the airship when it was at a distance of “0 miles. The pre- vigms record for such a feat was 40 miles. Another interesting part of the expo‘riment was the rebrnadcasting of both convex-muons by WIS so that penpln on tho' ground [ward all that was said from both ends of the airman;- mnversations. ‘vuuux ‘ Do-foértfi‘i'}:Raving is thought. to hmo‘ bown the causp of the ï¬re. and thu loss is nstimatml at $8M]! which 'I‘huso- who haw found it. impos- sihlv to take their vacations in the mrly port of tho' summm' now! have no rogrms. t‘ov o‘Vo‘I'yHlH‘ who has ewr takvn :l Vat-ation in the bean- tiful Kawartha Lakes during the lattor part of August or September has comp back with the report that this district is at its host this time of_yeag. _ . ï¬ve WHEN THE WOODS ARE AT THEIR LOVBLIBST is partially cowrml by insurance.â€" Listmvol Bannar. During the military tournament held in a middle- western city recently, radiophone transmission tests be- tween land and a plane and between two planes in the air, resulted in the breaking of two world’s records! ni‘ KDK-\ on its short-wave broad- (il‘flllg. Kenya Colony. he says, is â€mm! cliiectly 0n the equator, 6,000 FIRE DBSTROYBD Naval Stations Cautionod to Watch Their Wavelengths oiaptaln Riolluy McLo-an. Dirm-tor of Naval (Inmmumcalinns, has ['9- quo-slml all Of lhn Naval slnlitms to kwep closvly to “IMF assignml wavv- lpngths in nrdr!‘ Ln vlimihale inter- l‘vrence. 7...---.-‘ 'l"lIlP “.1 that it can to rnduvp interfernnmp. It is gradually replacing the old Spark slots with mmlm'n tutw trans- mittprs. And is dweloping the shut-tor wmvlvngths whom thPre is morn mom fur the. nocpssary ox- pansinn of naval radio communira- Lion. nxu‘aordmary Reception of KDKA .\bdul Rash'id, located in Kenya Colony ( presumably in British East .-\frira,‘, reports unusual reception PAGE 0. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Navy Ih-paflm6-m_ is aiming; ail AIRPLANE BROADCASTING RECORDS By R. M. SHERRILL (Radio Engineer) Illâ€"STownL GARAGE feet above sea level, in a very moun- tainous countr. In 3 ite of the severe static w ich is ways prev- alent in the vicinity of the equator, Abdul Rashid reports that he can receive KDKA any day, with ABSO- lJ'TE CERTAINTY. (in several occasions, he has re- ceived KDKA weakly, without aer- ial or ground connections, and he mentions several United States code stations received in the same way. He. frequently sets his watch by the Arlington time signals which are relayed by KDKA. and he mentions particularly his reception of the spom’lws. laughter and applause at an American Legion banquet. .\ very sad 1lr'1mning accident took 11111111 1111 Salmurdn morning last when (I‘lalence. the \Oungest son of \Ir. and 311s. Elijah Sh1igley. was :11-1ri1‘lenlly 1l11mned in the well at his father's home at Craigleith. The -1th11r older boys had gone for a pail 11f water. and the little chap had l'ulluwed them. As he bent. over to watch them lift the pail from the well. he lost. his balance and fell 1111.. The water was about four feet from the. top. and as the men on the farm had gone to the hush a while lwl‘nro», .‘lrs. Shrigle)‘. who was the 111111 person about, other than the younger children, was unable to rearli him. and before. further help 1'1111111 he summoned. the little lad h: 111 1.l1nw111‘1l There was about four fuel. of water in the wellâ€"Golï¬ng- ‘mml Enterprise. TWO-YBAR-OLD CHILD DROWNED IN WELL AT CRAIGLBITH As tlw distance covered is about 10 000 miles and the receiving con- olilinns worm anything but. favorable, tho wgulariiy of the reception spo‘flks pretty well for short. ane [)1 Math Hating. If you Wupld inoculate a man with swallhoad, Just .ask Ins advnce and M, nature take Its com'ce. it is l'. S. ships that patrol the North Atlantic and broadcast the warnings of icebergs. Also of the 95 Radio Cmnpass stations in the world. .35 are operated by the 17. 8 Navy. Tsoso compass stations are in- valuable to Ships which become lost in the fog. as lhuy will giw the ships their exact hwations as deter- minvd by a measurement of the direction from which their signals come. 'l'lw l'nitml Statos was Hm ï¬rst wnuntr‘)‘ tn nstablish I‘mlin fog sig- nals. These" are“ signals which are mm! by ships lost in the fog, as a guidp. Twelve such stations are now maintained by thp l'nitpd States Lightlnmse Service. Just as UN) I nitnd States leads the “m M in broadcasting, it leads in its mdin smice to marine shipping. U. S. Loads World in Radio From the severe kick from a horse last week, Mr. Robert Mc- Gracken of the Big Stare was laid up for a few days, but is new around again. Mr. Charles Caldwell, of the 3rd of Normanby, died on Saturday lasa, the 19th, at the advanced age of 79 years. He was born in County Ty- rone, Ireland, and is one of the old- est. pioneers of Canada. Three sons SUPVIVB. Mr. Charles McKinnon left Tues- day morning with a load of horses for the Northwest. His son John and Mr. Cunningham Ector went, with him. During the electrical storm in Hanover on Monday evening, Mr. Dan McKin'non of this place was thrown to the floor while eating supper at the Reid HouSe and had to he assisted to his feet by Under- taker Lenahan and Implement Agent Bern. Nan-130w escape. One of the prettiest events of the season tqok place Wednesday, Au- gust 16, at Knox church, Normanby, when Eliza Graham, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. Thomas Gadd- became. um ter of Mr. Thomas Gadd, became the bride of Mr. Alexander Smith. A quiet. wedding took place on Wednesday, the 2nd inst... when Miss Dora Banks of North Bay was unit.- ed in marriage to Mr. J. A. Thomas of the same town. ‘August 31, 1905. , We arepleased to note that Mr. Brad .Jamneson IS. around agaln af- teruhnshrecent sernous 11111888. The Chesley Chair Company's fac- tory was sle‘stmyed by ï¬re“ on "l‘hurs- day morning last. Loss $37,000. in- suranrw 824.500. Some. go to church, just for a walk, Some go to stare. and some to talk; Some go there to meet. a friend, Some their idle time to spend. Some for general observation. Some for private speculation; Some to seek to ï¬nd a lover, Some a courtship to discover; some go there to use their eyes And the newest fashions criticise; Some to show their own smart dress Some. their neighbors to assess; Some to scan a robe or bonnet, Some to price the trimmings on it; Some to learn the latest news That friends at home they may amuse, Some to gossip false and true Safe hid within the sheltering pew; Some. the parson go to fawn, Some to lounge and some to yawn; Some because its thought genteel, Some to vaunt their pious zeal; Some to Show how sweet they sing, Some how loud their voices ring; Some the preacher go to hear, His style and voice to praise or jeer; Some forgiveness to implore, Some their sins to varnish o’er; Some to sit and doze and nod. But few to kneel and worship God. On Friday evening, Mr. Albert Hov-ilin of Urchard had a narrow escape from instantaneous death. He is the owner and operator of a large traction engine and separator and was returning to his home from Mount Forest where he had been doing some work. In crossing Dodd’s bridge a mile south of Orchard, the timbers gave way. and the engine crashed downward. a distance or eight feet or more. The separator ran forward, settling on top of the engine. Beyond a severe shaking up. Mr. Hoeflin miraculously es- caped injury. Staff Captain John McGitllivray, who has been engaged in Salvation Army work for over 18 years, is bark again to Glenelg to try and regain his health, which has been [)OHI' the past two years. He has been in Newfoundland as second in enmmand for the past three years. Mr. Archie Hunter, fourth 'year medical student, is at Dornoch tak- ing Dr. Smith’s practice. while the latter is on a holiday. Mr. Perry \Vebl). nl' Duntroen. had we m’isfurtune to receive a kick from a horse while in his stable on Saturday morning which resulted in :! Very bad break of the wrist. MP. Webb was iman'imliately taken to the Heneral and Marine Hosiiital where an X-rny was taken, after which the fracture was set. He was able i.» return home and is now getting along faverably.-â€"-Cell’ingweod En- lo‘I‘DPlSB. TWENTY YEARS AGO Read the ClaSsified Ads. (in Page SUFFBRED BROKEN WRIST From The Chronic“ Filo of August 24, 1005. GOING TO CHURCH THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Council met August. 17. Members all‘present‘. Minytgs adopted. _' Commissioner Calder reported: J. Bunston, gravelling, day labor $38.45; J. D. Drimmie, gravel $3); A. Drim- miq gravel 40 cents; N. Dodds, gra- vel 8480; C. Ross, dragging and rak- ing stones 85.10; P. Mutch, dragging and raking stones $7.85; Fees $2.50. Report adopted. Commissioner Ferguson reported: W. Lamont, 18 rodsbonus wire fence 87.20; J. McKenzie, overseeking Walker’s bridge 84.50; P. Kelly, gra- v.el $4.80; T. Bowman, gravel 84.;16 D. Hewitt. road to pit $2.;HOO .Hofl- m811,gra\el$3.;92 H. Gowan, gravel $3.52; A. Hopkins. gravel $6.;40 A. Bee, gravel $320; Commissioner Ferguson, overseeing Walkers bridgï¬. $3.00. Report adopted. Commissioner Ferguson also re- ported that the construction of the Walker bridge, concession 2, was completed according to plans and speciï¬cations and is a ï¬rst-class job throughout. The bridge contains 51% yards at a total cost of $912.00, and recommended payment to Gon- tractor Hill of the balance of the contract price, less. $100 to be re- tained. Commissioner Mack reported: J. Lennox, dr ing, etc. $6.75; '1‘. Har- rison, gravel ing $9.55; V. Adams, raking stones, 31.12; P. Black, gravel $2.00; R. Keith, gravel $6.80; J. Bun- ston. gravel 96 cents; W. H. Hunter, grave , $5.20, gravelling and drag- ging road $12.15; R. Bryans. gravel $1.8M. Fees $3.00. Report adopted. Cmmnissioner Robb reported: N. Mchnen, grading $12.50; W. Arthur, :rawlling $46.50; G. Keith, operat- ing.‘ grader, $3.00, raking stones $2.25; '1‘. Yake. gravel $5.68; \V. Arthur, 80 rods bonus wire fence $24.00; .1. Robb, 40 rods bonus wire fence, 812: R. T. Dodds, grading $21.00. gravel $5.52; E. Kennedy, gravel 84.30; R. ,Rimmer, drawing plank $2.00; A. Mic- IIntyre. repairing culvert, $2.50; D. Livingston, gravel. $1.30. F ees $3.00. Report, adopted. Mackâ€"Robb: That Commissioner Ferguson’s report ‘re the construc- tion of the Walker bridge be ado‘pt; ed and an order drawn on the Treas- urer in faovr of Mr. Hill to the amount of $562.00. Carried. -V-‘l"..UO Mackâ€"Robb: That a deduction of 1 2/10 mills from the Township Rate be grantnd tn the ratepayors 0f the. Pulico Village of Holstein and that an agreement be drawn up mu! duly signed botwoon the Councril and Potion Vilalgu Trustees as agt'nml By-inw No, 480 to strike the rates for the year ending December 31, 1925. was passed. The rates are as follows: County Rate, 7 9/10 mills; Township Rate, 2 2/10 mills; Gonor- al School Rota, 5 3/10 mills. making a total rate of 15 4/10 mills on the dollar. also the rate of 6 7/10 mills 'as per requisition of Police Village as pea- i'equasxtlon of Police Village Trustees along with the rates on the different School Sections as per Trystees’ _I‘equ isi t ions. Com-missi‘ohb} Wilson reported: A. McCuaIg. 45¢qu bmms wn'v .fencn $18.00; S. Williams, opening plt and raking stunvs $5.25. F093 $1.50. Re- p011 .ngpted. Wilsonâ€"Mark: That an order be drawn on tho Treasurer in favor of Alex. Hill to the amount of $3M.00, being first estimate on construction Of Dowser bridge. Carried. Fergusonâ€"Mack: That a commit- composed of the Reeve and Coun- cillors Wilson and Robb meet with the Commissioners of Proton Town- ship with a view to Improving the condition of the Townline and that they be authorized to expend a sum up to $125 as Egremont’s share. Carried. September letâ€"Toronto, Caledon East~ Beeton, Meal‘ord, Collingwood, Poaching, Midland, Parry , bound, Sudbury, Capreol and east thereof in Ontario. September “llâ€"Toronto, Inglewood Jot. and all Stations south and west. thereof in Ontario. n Egremont Council HARVESTERS WANTED GOING DATES SEPT. lst and 4th SPECIAL Leave Toronto Sept. 4th, 12.30 p; TRAINS Sept. 4th, 8.35 p.m. gpqn between the two parites. Car- Wilsonâ€"Robe: That the following accounts he pend: G. Calder, sheep killed â€.00; James Webster, sheep killed, 814.00; R. Aitken, inspecting sheep 81.00; 1:211:30me igspect- Council adjourned to meet in Dromore on Monday, September 14, in?J sheep 81.00;3Reeve, services re d is. 85.1%. 82.;50 Treasurer, services re debt: S..S No. â€82.50 Clerk. services re debts 8.8. No. 3, $16.;00 Members of Council in at.- tendance at meeting to date, 815.;00 B. Gibson, use of room, 82. Carried. Marita Winnipeg Via Camdian National Railways. whether or not umhthekaapointonxthanadiann National. â€"â€"-v vâ€"'â€"--' v can {01; fibii3n ‘3} Chad": Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Mun toba, Saskntchcwan, Albem.â€"Edmonton. Tums. galaxy. MacLeod and East. Rdidi'nin â€"Half a cent per mil: to W' mnipq, plus $20.00 to atination. gmblo Colon!“ c."â€" 1'0 WINNIPEG A onus chip returned from chm-cg. and when his fatllm' asked him what the “It had been. he re. plied: . . “I should worry, the qurlt 1s com. 1 .†n'ï¬â€˜he fuller did not understand un- til the boy’s sister, who was Olden explained that. the brotlwr had not worded correctly and meant to 541v; "Fear not~ the Comfort†cumotlf.“ at 10 o'clock mm. for general busi- neu. , -Dund Allan, Clerk Mun, A: 8h. 1: Spoken! Thur-«y. Am 21. ms. J a 12 PF 21M; Mice (m Lamhtm; Sh.» u. Hutton's "â€10“ (pf: Q (.0 5 0.111., 7 U) 9 lollâ€. ,q w .V‘J -. u.â€" wwSS Ind I amtmm ‘“ 01“ "OM (mu ‘1 - _ A. - __ ‘1)“ . . " \ t i I n‘ ununo. NORTH P) concrete 5‘ cement la II}! '7. C0! tuning H1 Ind in [:01 the premi: timing 3 (rune wt right. to q liculnrs a an. L D\ c, G. LID BESSIE McGlLLIVRA‘ chiropnctors, Durham. 022mm». “'9 SCIL‘IICP that a|ili\ ‘ ‘. ‘ , 1 â€d yeITS 10 lif“. |:' };\‘::::U . ‘t4' h Durham Tues'dax ~, 'l‘mg ... M n. In Durham Saturday .-. w “5 "17"" W“ W VTT‘ . ‘ . q . >‘ ' ‘ '. NORTH PART LOTS ': \V. a. Moment. COH‘RHLL; .2. notes clenrod. balm rv bush; in good statv M «'11 (rune barn “1150. 51mm : concrete stables; drmlmj \ meat tank at bar!) .\ 4 “16.7. 000. L S.D.R.. an: “a“!!! “0 acres; 10“ avt'o' Ind 10 390d state of (";.°:\' Ike remlses are 3 mm h. “in!!! seven room-. 'x' (lime woodshed attaohm .011 It door; never fznlm: -‘ “*3 film, making :1 MM hm. Thig pronerty “1‘. Mt ‘9 (NICR purchasnr. “out." toply at \Vutsnn u. i. Durban. Ont. ‘. I ’ilfw. 0. maximum, nzu'rxs'x Ofl'lce. OVCI‘ J. A' J. Hllhh‘; ~ 51H! Durham. (mlarm. . -»_ n ’0 8'. "m1, U. u. 9., u. _. _ lonor Graduate l'mwrsny uf 'IC .000, Graduate lluyul (Lnllo-uc- [My Surgeons of (mtarm. “wintry Ill its branches. “{1in Halt Block. MillStroot. svcnnd dnnr c: of chlieth's Drug: Store. Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlcl‘n'u‘ :- wrmauvl located at Durham (mm. "I‘h'o'V :1 Branch open every hub} ‘30 tn 9.30 p.01. â€"â€". â€" _ ‘â€".â€"._O'-_... Bu'risters. Solicitors. etc. A m her of the ï¬rm will be In human Tuesday of each week. Appumtnv may be mtde with “w (LIN-k m ofl ice. Licensc‘d Auctmnvm' lu!‘ (L 5'. Satisfachnn {maramo 0003.va wrms. hams M #8 It The Chrnmvle Hfl'icv w!“ u tell. . F and l‘eSldCl‘Ct‘ a dun: . is‘ â€(‘51 0‘ â€If? Hahn dull“ t :10“ Street. LMU’!‘ '_l \\ n [m 0“!ch hours- 9 10 , pm . p... (except Sunda‘ ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Model'aw to-x'ms. .\‘.'!‘.1X;'.." [va ' 3.185. as 1.. dutws. win. “my d The Uin'mnvlu â€Mir“. 10 Terms UH aqu-annn. .\‘M:'v~ I. Durham. I’hmw (3H 1- 1'3. Licensul \mtwn Grey. Pmmxt mu. .., â€liable tvuns aw. ~ “lubed. liatns mum Olmnicle Ofl'u' u (. Ion. Varnm Mun k Lot 66. Con. 2. \\'.«';.H.. 2* miles southwest of Th: â€Ring 3 acres. “mix .3 M mu.- of culhx'ah‘ vulflul shed adimmuc “I. 7-roomed hr“ k l m kitchen and W; .. v‘,___ _ m8 100 acres; 85 amn Cultivation. baiance hzn‘dwwd cavemen! to schmiz «m 2h.» ‘0' are t frame barn 436T- 1 done foundution; conm‘w'w l “'0 luv bun 30x50 “‘1“! dun neat; hog pet! 20x5“; txx'onv L "H.011 Dent; hog pen Zwa. W. brick house. furnacv hm true woodshed: dmtlod \ ‘0 house. with wmdle: mt tanks; 30 SONS N'Mo ‘0 ï¬les to sweet clnwz': h wgll fenced and in a :0 «amnion. For infnz‘ms‘ to Watson‘s Dairy. RI". 4 Oahu-to. Medical Dinvluri‘. .. 111188931 JAM-[£508 â€tisements mm. I WITH ORDER; ‘ It. TglepIIOIIo‘- m. “‘y 018’" Of WW}; I“. (m 8H ('hm'gw b! nude each 11w; â€.IUI‘Sl AND ‘2 01’1â€Â»: was for quick sale». 1 m '5’ ‘0 "PS. L. Slum I. . _, Ontario. Licensed J1 um} DAN. â€CLEAN Dental [3mm FARMS FOR SA ‘ REUBEN c. WATSON LUCAS G: HENRY r, Aunt 27. 1925 9 :LHm. â€III"? 9X09 \\‘ FOR SA "Home! )f seede< the heat ham! L Sui A m “om