West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1925, p. 5

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! \inn Maxis, Irish Lake; W x... I. .Vm-manbv, roâ€"e ~ ] \h-Kflnnu. Orcfiard; an! I. 30::110'40011 [‘23.th 6038i. ‘0“ .hlm'lx. .Vipissing ”M‘; I Hirm-yxunmL NI). 2. Holland; I. .I.x\ 134590". Mattawa; Majority a :\\o-H. \‘m-nvy; Esther Petty, Hut QHIH; Kn! hlm'n Firth, Rocky 8.? §;-.--.~ng;e:o-cl; Marietta Park, a mum-Ix. roj-engased; Armem: 3kwhmv. 30,3. {fit-new, W .L-H, Han tllairp; [Phi-mo Me] '4 Myths «'hnnl; Janet K8". 01.13:: .lo-~'.~'!o- .\lh'hi30m “to“ re :- anu Hltl'hu'. ., W9 purchase! e Service 'l'hu sulo' 0f the chk of the V“ I’quH's‘ LII'IIIU'OI. WhICh W” seized in mmn‘ Sharp to meat demand: at gym “nrkmvn “'3' the payment 0‘ kpnhnlm X0. 3. Hit-0013, W2 .\§i.â€"m Hrlnnis. No. i, Glands, m; “IAIN-“Hi: ".04,“ BGI'DOUY, N0. 5, 6m “1:; 4mm! “'iggins, N0. 12, m; mum; Mary Bell, Elmadale; VM Hwy-xv“. Haho-rmgpl; Morrow Rid. VOKBR BODIES COIPA" . STOCK SOLD '03 WAG“ a ngn- Twztmlez: Luigi; Bailoy. Allan Par W HR! \\ 3H0". “HIOCk; Nomi ‘hux'. LHHH 1‘" 908‘?” .1. x;...g.- \l!:‘ms sch SCHOOLS RBOPBNBD TUESDAY JV Thursday, \\ mal WHERE THE ll \V Fashion's Allnromonts un schemls reapened Tues- h Hm same stall of teachers :u'. .\s is_us_ual. the Pub- "H ll'l rlal'io 'l'o' m-xt. Tuesday r :umthei M an. fel -- always look larger to u: auynm‘ 0B9. My 2095 h grows to show that n [1)illg In follow the mlmt be bought | [no far !n-I' woman to See fo-ll nut of 1: Wm- l'o’pl in! her hus- 'l'hn t'm'o‘st fire situation is abso- Emwiy under control in Alberta and British Owlumbia. accordin to o!- tii'mts of the Dominion orestry Branch. situated at Calgary. Recent ruins have aided very materially in o-xtinmlishing the fires. British CO!- umbia has been very bud hit this 13 of great importance .to thq build-F 2n: and .nthor trades 1n whlch the F'I'mhu't :3 used. «mmn Thnro is too much dupii- cu: m in the present system. the I. .IX'siq'ian said Hangs of harvesters from Eastern Kamila with stolen autos. are be- Iivx‘m! by the police at Winnipeg, 2.» im ccsponsiblc for raids on Man- rniu towns in tho last. two day'S. \\ h. n loot mined at more than $600 rm 1 ncarlx a thousand in cash was ~ W n h om ninc communities in the w a im'in part. of the proxince. .\n;:ii.:amnt..i0n of tho five princi- Iw‘ impitnls of Montreal was proâ€" ' «a! Sniurolav hv Dr X. K. Hav- \\: m9. mperintondont Of the Mb"- ""‘iii Honcral Hospital. “ho said M: such a step would rcsuit in n: room. greater cconomy. better 'm‘lliio‘s‘ for the teaching of modi- smdnnts and would in every \\:u\' mako for more admirable 0p- Preparations for a Federal gener- al elm'lmn are going forward at \‘anmuver. and returning olticers tor the tour ridings of Greater Van- rumor will commence revision of the Voters" lists shortly. ll wa< announeed that. two whole \‘u'o'ks mmmeneing August 14 will lw taken up with the Central Can- ...l': l-lx'hihition at. Ottawa next year. 'lin- l'air will he part Of the cixic .«vn'llms in connection with the m-nlo-nzu'y of Ottawa. 'l‘lnwr l-ixvelleneies. Lord and Lady Hm: arrived at “"innipeg on their a I'l‘lill train 'l‘ues«.lay. His Exeel- lr-nl')’. it, is understood. desires to l».- m nttawa next Saturday instead I-l' Sunday. as at first. arranged. Lightning took ton of two lives Saturday in thunderstorms when R. llanwn. (intario harvester. was killed at. Gray. Sask., and William lmstnck. farmer, was killed at Stilton. Hanson was instantly killed when he took refuge under a stock din-in: a storm. qu Brunswirk's potato crop this w-zls‘m! will he 7.230.000 DIIShPIS. 80- wmling to the revised estimates vuntuinm‘l in thp final August report muwl by Um Provincial Do‘partmem nl' Agriculture, This estimate is 60 :wr «mm of the 13.000.000 bushel crop Ht. 1115!, year. Prairie scale freight rates will 20 mm effect on the Peace River rail- ways 0n September 10. and on 81‘3“! and “our. the Crow's Nest rates “all apply. Ratification on both [mints has just been received by Premier Greenfield of Alberta. from i’t'i‘s‘idt‘nt 898“}? Of the Canadian Pzimtiv Railway. Thursday, Somalia 3, ”23. “ .‘ -u -v u " vâ€"- vâ€"“‘ “v“ v- .. "vu -' _ - â€" 'â€" . 'l‘vhevé’arrghgg capacity of a boxcar is about 1,500 bushels relâ€"wheat aml this would take care on the firzat movement of the above imaginary train of 52,500,000 bushels. Smi-e inc tram in its individual movements will travel several times, an idea of what pr'oortion 0f the 1925 crop, estimated at 875,000,000 bushels the Canadian Pacific gmiwiiy “in carry, is indicated. Cutfinc rn mg the engines used in the hauling of the wheat trains are some of the commeucs mo ;r piiwfjrflll in the world, _Reekonin_g in the weight of_coal carried. the gavigation A AA--- mu r pnwnrful in the world. Reckonin in the weight of coal am mv u pot these; engipgq wgighalbout3 3,0 0001313. while the boxcar, 2i1h_u.;éi11.weigh3 140, 000 lbs. The average grain train is composed of forty ~. 31:1 2 mile we: "ght 18 about 6, 000, 000 lbs or3, 000tons. The total number am 11 trairs would be 875 which would give a total weight of 2, 625, 000 tons. Train 300 Miles Long to Carry Crop Most men‘s desires reach further than their wages. Pannsnumls fan}: PLANTING Canadian export trade showed an advance. and import. trade a reduc- tion during the 12 months ended July. Imports were $817.,000000. a drop of $33,,000000 from the previ- ous 5931'. Exports of Canadianp mer- chandise ware $1.,,,093000000 an in- crease of_A$_27,000,000 Ernest Whittick and Richard Rye, both of Montreal, who were cap- tured on Saturday evening by Ot- tawa detectives within two hours of their having robbed the Dominion Stores. Limited, in that city, of $29.61. pleaded guilty in Police Court angl “:9?“ remanded until Wer 8 in Jail. i The State forests of Pensyl- vania cover a total area of 1,131,611 acres. including 23,500 acres on which trees have been planted. The present value of these forests is five. times what the State paid for them. All attendance records for the Central Canada Exhibition. Ottawa, which “closed on Saturday, were broken. There was a total attend- ance for the seven days of 349.200, or L400 greater than the previous record of 307.000. made in 1922. While in 1924. it rained six days out of seven. this year not a drop of rain fell. Awaknnod from sleep by the <1“1';ut¢"llitlg Hf a “HIP Pomeranian ding nn the bmlrnnm dour and to find lwr lwh‘lothvs on fire was the c-xpnrionco 01' Miss Florence Raw- lings, ugml 19, nt’ Uttawa. early Sat- urday morning: when fire from an unknnwn rausu resulted in damages amnunting tn suwral thcmsand dol- lars to thv honw «If Mr. J. Rawlings. Th». house. third with smoke, the members of tho family were forced to mako a Lurrivd exit in their night attire. Ml‘s‘. Pe'I'Py RPM]. \VifP Of the ACL- ing GnM (Inmmissiunm' for the Yu- kun dim! at I‘lawsnn on Friday night. :lftm' :1 m'olmmu! illnnss, The body was shipped tn Vancouver fur burial. Negotiations are now under way for a continuation of the mail and passenger service which has been carried on by the Royal Mail Steam Packet. Company between Canada and the West Indies for several years. until the new agreement en- tered into at the last Canada-West Indies Conference has been ratified byflall the parties to it. war. a rnugh estimate being that m.()(')0.000 fort of lumber along on Hm coast. in Um Fraser River Dis- trirt. has been destroyed. 332.138.268. :m incrnasn nf SMJXXLOOO. (larmlian purchasos in Germany, on tlw nther hand, were $6,935,265, an invrrase of less than MAINLOOO. anen who wear modern “im- modest.“ clothes will be refused the Sacrament. and may even be pre- vented from entering the. church, Monsignor Laflamme, parish priest of the Quebec Basilica. threatened inua sermon on Sunday. _ In 1an 12 months ended July, {Igglgfluiqq‘oxports to Germany were “How d’ja lose your hair? “Worry." “W'hat d'ja worry about?" , "Losin’ my hair.” Cutting of the crop in already under way and movement of the grain will commence about the end of August and will continue until the close of navigation on the Great Lakes which inofenerallm between the 10 and 15 December. During the banner cro year 1928, t e Canadian Pacific Rail- way operated in connection with e movement of the ain ap rodmately 6144 trains and 25,720 men were ed to handle the mac. n that year the Canadian Pacific Railway mov 220,000,000 buahela. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ._, 95¢; . 'Die. hose with dollars to your dime; You bet he’s working overtimeâ€"- And sweatin’. There’s them who’d give Up every son If they could stand up strong like you And healthy. You’ve got your children and your Wife, . You've love and happiness and lifeâ€" You’ro wealthy. â€"â€"Georlze W. Stevens. Don’t think fates have been unkind; WTheres many millionmres you ll findâ€"- There’s lots of men with so-cnlled means Who‘d like to wear your old blue jeans , ’Thout strainin’. You fellows in your working clothes Can shake 'em when the whistle blows You get three square meals a day: You couldn’t eat more anywayâ€" ‘Thout hurtin’. Don‘t worry just. because you're If y'ou Were rich, you‘d worry moreâ€"- Snake my hf‘al'i. full sadly; “Tim answer is not. hero." Than within my bosum, "Each heart holds Um sm'retâ€" Kindness is the word.” “What is the real good?” I asked in musing mnnd. “Order," said the law 0mm; “Knmvledgo.” said Um school; “Truth,” said Um wisv man; “Pleasure,” said Um foul; “Love,” said the maiden. “Beauty,” said the pago; “Home,” said Hm saga; “Fame,” said the dreamer; “Equity,” saiid ilm sm-i'-~« THE REAL GOOD YOU’RE WEALTH? â€"John 1;..on O'Riolly 'iflmfi ”Thom. frettin’. That‘s certain. Complainin‘. Old SILAS K. was level-headed And fire at HOME he'd 51m” dreaded. 8131.)“ mg WOODS. he‘d clean forget A sprightly dame was MINNIE MAY. “\in’g. Nature jusfi too sweet." Said ANDY GUMP, “I like it rough. II like this red-blood backwoodl stuff!" Til-9n Iii. his fire against a stump-â€" For such a man vâ€"vvaé' ANfiYâ€"l‘nllil’: Ynung GllliOFFRY J. Lovéd Nature we . “B’gosh,” he‘d say. “ain’t Nature swell!" Then toss his glowing stubs around And burn the Forest to the ground. “This is the life.“ cried (ZEDRIC C. “To oat beneath the greenwood than!" But. what a moss ho left behind. Hf cans and ciusliand bacon rind. IAIN. nun (W. H. Currie? Here lies whats left of PHILBERT A Who let his amp Fire get away. Thougp PHIL run fast. the fire ran ED. J. PRATT RR. No. «t, Durham. Phone ”-1! The 003m Dinner . Mrs. Arman [watt-«“1» you like a murso dll]!!l'l_'_. Mrs. Nm'ut'lche?” Water! Water! Water! What Is Good Health Worth? Mrs. N.-â€"-"\\'c-ll, not such stufl‘ ham and cahhagv. l dnn’t’ U 77 _ vvv 'wv v-1 she'd say. The picnic fire that MIN forgot Burnt at! a forty acra lot. at in the WOODS. he‘d clean to t That 1':in is Fire, W‘HEREV vvvv â€"vvâ€" "â€"v vâ€" Taster, And PfllLBERT shared in the dil- Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed PAGI‘ I.

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