West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1925, p. 7

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had we ll't' h mnnrs wm'e husmo-ss was 'oNto'l'daY and nn't â€" v v Iivv . ...-- \ar urn-s. N'tnlwl'. anmbvr. Dace-mum...- i..~,.,,‘-h-In. \\'O'il",hy, HUM“ hzrmh RM. Faun-use}. Blenhe‘ -mn and similar varieties. unnau'y. l-‘vbruary â€"- Balm g. \Vuxo'no'l'. HPPPnin . 388k. POO- .km-, ”Marin. Jonat an, Yellow “own and similar Vfil'ielies. I'll-(o'- ‘-._ll ‘. .-- n arquax'ntance met Hora ”no! 0‘8)? ill“! Said: “MP. . stuppml your papen.” 2’" said the Pditor. "W( bad." And he want his hp no-xt mnrning Mr. Gre sllbsrrflwl' again and E :lk'hf. _\uu had atom-ml 1 khan‘ W83" “lilo- Thursday, tht Il‘O at mt 'em so in The Chronicle, It pays HE STOPPED '13 PAPER by umsc'l'llwl’ again and 333° “ "I‘M. )o‘fll had stopppd the .Tfl ' "m I did.” "Then that; ‘,’".."'m” .mistakp," said Mr n}. fur I Just calm, from the , and MW presses wpre run ”In c'lo'l'ks as busy as ever, “I; "|'II"‘I “‘All‘nn LAâ€"-_. ral BREAD awr“ ro-lurted Mr. Greeley, Isn't “'nrth While taking up no- tn '0'” mn 5110'] a tl’iflfi 88 My dear sir. if you expect to I Hlo' utterances of the Tri- ’y Hm purrhase 0! one copy nr if you: think to find any uwl' nr nmgazine worth read- ”, will never express convic- t mght angles with your own. v ohmmml tn c‘lisappointmem." . 'â€" ai salts and 01138016 803.; . an important DUU'HSVQ ‘ ‘gl. 2'11”):de b the cll'h . pl'o'iO'nt, {‘3 t 8 fruit r” whazwvs to sugar. The q mmhcuml value also. esp“ mltv'll at tho- beginning - npple salts ‘1 vv. «‘3 \w-rn hard" at. work mm was going on the .' may and the day be! wjaculatvd tha subset nu-un that I SlOpde 43% is _that of f1 smile ‘0 :6 Sopunbor :, m th and fiswhffiéwo'i "We". thai’; 1. his way, - Gyeeley met 0n the Adi}; “3)“ _ before.” ’ subscriber “ODD"! the m) COpy of your editor- FARM ron sun + ' v 2. W.G.R., Beatinck. -~ ~" zthnest of Durham. con- -' ‘-"- vows. Mostly clear and ’ ~ in n of cultivation. Bank >h9d adjoining and same V -' ‘ i . r w med brick house With ff“ ‘ "1 kitchen and woodshed. A ’ PM and in good repair 3 ‘ '.:"19r particulars £09" to :Ltram Smith, R. R. No. 3. m Lffl‘ 7, CNN. 21. EGREMONT, COX- tarnzrq: 100 acres; 85 acres under cu'm ;.- vn balance hardwood bush; Ofiw . . 1t to school; on the prem- "r“ u» a frame barn 42165 ft. with 9M.” f :mlation; concrete stables; ‘ ~ ~ 7'; x 1' am 30x50 with stone base- m"‘fi", }. : pen 20140; twelve-room P. furnace heated, also {I‘Tl'l‘fl " filled; drilled well close 1' «w \rth windmill; concrete was r ' 30 acres seeded to “V; f" 7r" ». m «wet clover; this farm ‘~' ‘x- .. -. ml and in a good state of “ A For information apply ', “~ - .A ~' Dairy BUR 4, Durham. l02523tfl ALEX. MacDONALD Lwensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. \i w-mm tvrms. Arrangements for .4. (h r » duh's. Mu. may be made 1' 'I rm Ilm'nnlclo Office, Durham. i' 'H.~‘ uppln'ation. Address RR. 1! «Mam. Phone 611 I‘ 24. 3P DAN. McLBAN Lic'rnv'o] \uctmneer for County of .m. mt stathun guaranteed. Iiea- .uz-zw. n-rms'. Dates of sales made 17 l'rw «i’sxwmvle Office or with him- LUCAS HENRY 1;;l;-{-...-1.-1-s, Suing-1101's, etc. A mem- 1w ..: 1111-111'm will be in Durham on 1-“..‘4‘11' 1.1' each week. Appointments n11\ 1mn1311e with the Clerk in the MIDDLBBIO' Barristers, Soliciton, Etc. \UVWS‘OKS to A. B. C’UITOy. w q,_ 1;. )llddlcbro is permanently 1...-.-.x .t lnuham Office. Priceville “IIH' ‘ H‘ t‘ H L‘VCI‘Y Friday from 3;» t * “Hi” P-m- )fl‘ibe Hom' Graduate University of Tor- om. ._ m-ruiuute Royal College Dental Snruvnns 0! Ontario. Dentistry in all Its branches. Office Calder BM; milStreet, second door east Ur Mm-Mh‘s Drug Store. Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road 03. w. c. ncxnmm, nnn'ns'r‘ "IN-“P. 0V8? J, 6: J. Hunter’s store lhtrv'un. Untangx . _â€"â€" REUBEN C. WATSON I...-~rz<w1 .\mrtiuneer fur Coun of .' Pmmpf uttmxtion to 88183!" ea- ' "rms and satisfaction guar- i. but»; made at The Durham m H» um”. or with R. C. Wat- .. \“unogx‘. RR. 1. Phone 603 r“. '6. (3, AND BESSIE chILLNMY Chirmractors, Durham, Ontario. rhv sm-ncc that adds lure go years .1 wars to me. Consultation free. in ply-ham Tuesdays, Thursdays and a ,‘:l,"a‘\'.'. 6’423tf d8." 2 {o BATES BURIAL C0. J,L.3M1m,u,n.,u. c. P. s. o. “my and rESIdence, corner of ' and Lambton Strpets, oppo- ‘W W-‘t (Mice. Ofllce hours: a 12 3.111.. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm, Lynn}: vxcepted). oLHHIz 011 l ante. ‘ FARMS FOR SALE FUNERAL SERVICE Ng-w Modern Funeral Parlors i 44x50. stone basement. ' Winks; drilled well and "an; at barn. Also Lots 6 i. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- : f1" news; 100 acres cleared : - l state of cultivation; on -~ ~ m: a brick house con- ; ‘ wn rooms. with 800d . wished attached; drilled ':-: never failin springs on "cm. making a c once stock T‘.'< property will be sold 'Z‘Tf 'k purchaser. For par-* 3 gr at Watson‘s Dart}; -AA-“l DR. A. M. BBLL' “7-1.... wn Lamhton Street (the late r. ihmHn's nn‘ice). Office hours, ' ;..m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- 9H .; John w. Bates I. Haddocks i Irmvx'ly of Flasher-ton MIDDLEBRO', SPERgllN (I) ._\‘r,\.emsements under this heading} cent a word each inser i «ASH “'1'”! ORDER; 51:: consecutive insertions given for the’ ping: of (our. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before 3.1m 1., 1’1." night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. (,7, N‘Iltfi. Mn 3” charge orders a atraight charge of us cents we 1 he made eacn insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. a rd Luwsad fluctt’oneer ThurSdayv Septombor 3, 1m. t .\.\'D 2 0F 13: ON EASY Turk sale. For particu- w _\l1'f~‘. L. Sheldroth. 13.3: \‘z'I‘ LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. mt. containing 66 acres; 55 1: mi. balance hardwood cm! state of cultivation; ' mtario. Laedl ‘Directarv aim. Ont. Dania! Directorv 1-sz In! Directorv mi residence a short. dist- .. ..r the Hahn House on 1 inept. Lower Town, Dur. .; to hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to ‘ (um Sundays). mmxzson umzsog Classified Advertisements Toronto 102551! CARD 0!" THARKS Mrs. William R. Firth and grand- daughter. Katie May, wish to thank thrir many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown aluring their rpcent sad he- roawment in the death of husband and grandfather. the late “'illiam R. Firth. FISHING PROHIBITED FISHING ON LOT. NO. 12 ON THE 7th Concession of Glenelg, the farm of Thomas Timmins, is strictly pro- hibited and persons found so doing will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the lamâ€"L. F. Robertsémili u N 07102 1'0 PAR-BBS The Durham U.F’.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to sue three days‘ notice. James Lawrence, Hunger. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. STOVE FOR SALE LIGHTER DAY, HIGH OVEN, COAL or wood. as good as new.â€"Apply W. J. MCGiI‘I‘. Queen Street. 8 6 U BUGGY FOR SALE RI'BBER-TIRED, GOOD CONDITION. Apply to Smith' Bros. garage, DUI-4 ham. 8 20 3 BOARDBBS WANTED HIGH SCHOOL S'l‘I DENTS ACCOM- modatml: all mndm'n comeniences. â€"â€"Appl\ at The Chronicle Office. 8 13 6nd HBIFBR STRAYED '1‘!) THE PREMISES OF THOMAS MvAlister, Normanby. Owner may haw Sam» by paying expenses and prc_)\'in;_.' prupm‘ty, BOARDBRS WANTED SHHUUL BUYS PREFERRED: GOOD :u-mmmmlalinn at. I-vasonablv rates. Apply at Thu Chronicle Office. 8272 MUSIC ANNOUNCEMENT 'I‘HI MISSIIS F'l RS)! \.\' \\ H I. RE- snmo' Hwil mu i( class in lhnham mmmo'm'lnu Friday, Soptomber 11. HEAR C;\NAI).\'S BEST BAND. 13th Regiment. Band. Hamilton. at. Harris- tnn. LABOR DAY. Soptvmhm' 7. Six game's Softball and hasvhall. Dunc- ing an grnunds and pawmont. Band «'nnm'rt. in rink assist“! by 'l‘t'lr‘unh‘D’S lmuling virtm'tainvrs: vnmfnrtnhln «citing. COME mm A REAL DAY! WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. n Schutz’s Pump Tile Co. Agents for Bonita! Gram Separaurs PUMPS 6; PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Gumnted. TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, i6, 18, 2‘ in. ORIENT BRICK FOR SALE BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It's good. Try it. i 10 tr LOT SOUTH OF VOKER BODIES Limited; also lot. south of W D. Connor’s. Apply J. A. Brown, Dur- ham. 5 14 tf __Â¥ FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STC frame dwelling, well looat LamPton street. Hard and 3391. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL COMING EVENTS FOR TWO-STOREY 1pd u.» oolu unal. auu 11 any omis- sions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have the said errors cor- rected according to law. Dated at Holétein, this 19th day of August, 1925. David Allan, Clerk of Egremont. Elmtors are called upo inc the said List. and if :sjonspr any other errors Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned of the “Voters” List Act” the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered, of the List made pursuant to said Act. of all persons appearing by the last re- vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality. to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal elections, that said List was first posted up in my office at Holstein on the 17th day of August 1925, and remains there for inspection. Municipality of Um Egrean County of G Township of rey. . _ -r .1.” we Ill" lull? “11'5““. McGowan WI“ he sold by auction at her late residence. George Street, at 3 o‘clock p. m. Saturday, September 12, 1925 The following: Sideboard; Rocking Chairs; Kit,- chen Chairs; Sewing Machine; Re- frigerator; White Enamel Bed with springs; 2 dsteads with springs; 2 Bedroom Suites; 4 Mattresses; 'l‘oilet Sets; Dressers; Chest of Drawers; Clock; Stretcher; Bugs and Carpets; Writing Desk; Cecilian Piano Player; 2 Kitchen Tables; Kitchen Utensils; Pictures; Heating Coal ()il Stove; Numerous other articles. 9 Everything: must he sold to wind up the estate TERMSâ€"Cash. The residence and pronerty will also he offered for Sale, subject to a reserved hid. terms made 'nown at time of sale. A. E. Jackson, WA. McGowan, R.C. Watson, Executors. Annlinnnm. V _...- ...‘.‘.-.u.. luuab HUI fill in hot. woathvr IS dorm With kmfu and fork. Hf", “‘Mai'i'ic-«l-~.\liss Silvia Rhmlos and Jami-s Collins. last Saturday at the {:iplisl. parsonam'. by the Rev. Gar- c‘lnn. 'l‘hn lll‘llll‘ is a wry «‘n'ilinary girl whn dnvsn't knnw any more about. ('HHklll‘I than a jzmkrahhil. and nm'm' lwlpml Mr thor lhmm dam in hm' lil'v. Shh is nnt a beauty by any moans and has a trait liko a «luck. Thu groom is an lip-tn-clatp Inafvi'. HP has hwm living: all the nlcl l‘nlks' at. homo all his lilo and nut. wm'lh shucks. It will he a hard I: n " “David Cnnkvy dim! at. his homv hm-u 'l‘nnsdny. 'l‘ho clm'h'n' guvv it. «mt as hvart failm'n. Whisky killml him.” “John (lnyln, nur grm'vryman, is doing poor business. His Sam-v. is dirty and musty. How can lw c-x- pm'l. to do much?" "Jnhn Bmfin. Hm laziest. mpm-hant in town. mach' a trip tn Bmwille l:lst._f\_10nd§1y.’_’ Only a short timo mm, Hm oditor of a papvr in Indiana grow tirml nf lming callmi a liar and announced that ho would toll the truth in thv futurn, and his nnxt issue mntninml HH- {nlluwing Moms: WHEN EDITORS TELL THE TRUTH a strong liquid extract of ouffvc by boiling down pomlmwl ('M'fm“. in water. (Any of the prnparml “in~ stunt” comm pastes Should swrvv as wally; Formula: 0110 racliamr full nf cann watm', mm kvtchup bottle full of (tnm'n nxtract. mm lunrr’s driving with tho truck: drain intn (‘nfl’vopnt fm' amwarancv’s sakv and servo. hot. Tim truo radiator col'fro is the invention of Wing Hop. capable cook for tho L-O ranch. Wing’s "chuck wagon” is a flivvor truck. and tho. boys know that when it has humpod its way through sago brush, gul- lios, badger holos and such minor (‘il’istrurtions. thorn will unfailingly ho hot rofi‘oo awaiting thom on. tlwir arrival. Wing’s method is to make Many 2m automobile-camper has found his radiator a source of hot wan-r at medâ€"but for true economy of otfort. commend us to tho ingon- ions hoathon Chinese. Here is his latrst triumphv as roportrd in Forost and Stream. His means of prepar- ing rotl‘oo “ready to serve” on his arrival is cloverâ€"but we think we shoyld rather wait a bit. for ours. Mrs. Jackson was admitted to Lord Dufi'erin Hospital, her injur- ies being severe bruises of the‘head and shock. Mr. Dowdall received many bruises when he was hurled through the back of Smith’s car. Both autos were badly wrecked.â€" ()rangeville Sun. 'l‘hn viqlvnt vxm'cise -~--\. .v-.u. vvuv :5 s3. uuvnavll, L'lalln, a son (who wits driving), a daugh- ter. Mrs. Fred 0. Curry, and her husband. Charles Smith, of this place, ac- companied by his brother, Davd, and James Dowdall, of Arthur Town- ship, were coming to town when they struckacar in which were Mr. and Mrs. _Joseph HrJackson, Frank, Eight occupants of two autos mir- aculously escaped serious injury Sunday afternoon when the cars collided head-on, four and a half miles north of here on the Prince of Wales Road Woman Severely Shaken Up in Auto Smashâ€"Others Escape Serious Injury. CARS COLLIDB ON PRINCE OF WALES ROAD of Household Effects prox‘m'lty ‘nf Hlf’_ late Mrs VOTERS' LIST RADIATOR COFFEE , ‘v‘l. t3. 1‘. in" be $615; '13} auctim gqlled gpqn to exam- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE R. C. Watson, \llctionoor mnst hurt- At the present rate of rarest fires in Canada, 22,000 Canadian citizens annually are being robbed of their share of publicâ€"owned forest re- sources l Many Canadians hold the. mistaken ‘idea that when forests burn. a new ‘crop of timber grows in about 30 years. Most of the timber trees in Eastern Canada are from 70 to 1:30 years old. with occasional old spruce running up to 250 years. In forests of this kind, it is no uncommon thing to find a spruce of less than three inches in diameter on the stump and 12 to to feet high, which is already 50 to 100 years old. (This is the result of suppression under the deep shade of other trees,. The big old W'hite Pines which are sometimes found among the Spruce and Balsam may be anything up to 300 years old. The farther north you go, thes lower is the rate or growth; one large paper company situated on a northern river, is has- in?I its calculations for supply on a undred-year period of growth-â€" and this for pulpwood, not saw logs. ; .THE FOREST-BANK DBPOSITORS. Somehow the line bocamn twisted, pulling the tram right. around in front of the knives of the hindor. and lwfm'o tlm machine. could he stnppod one of the mama’s lags was (tnmplolnly cut, 011'. Tho animal was shotâ€"Clifford Express. \Vhile driving his tnam attached to thn hinder down the lane, J. BM- lantyho. 8th concussiM‘i, \wst of At- wood, host. a wry valuable mare which had hm'n imported frum Scot- lagd a_few years ago. ’l‘wo l'armrrs, ono rosidihg in Cal- odon Township, and auothrr, R. J. Black, of Amaranth Township, on Saturday brought to .l. l". Androws, B. S. .-\.. Agricultural Roprosontativn for this county, several hranchos heavily ladvn with small, rod lirr- rios. Sovrral formnr rosidouts of tho \Voslom provincos idontiflt‘d the fruit as Saskatoon horrios, 3 var- ioty common in tho West, but, newr found growing lmro before. The fruit is ediblo and lusciousâ€"Orange- vnlle Sun. HORSE'S LEG CUT OFF BY BINDER In such (mo mnsfmumind sum; “'1'“ 1w wrath 'J â€" ~ u: vvl"l" with nm'. “'0 luv“, ctnth wnrk tikn [1184111053 in Um brain." What mm m-mnw Hm sting of (mt,- rngml twarts‘? W'hat mm brim: balm tn comfort such wild pain? Nothing that. mirth can givo. \thn ’holpm's fail,” 'l‘tu-n dm'knvss (rux'vrs all Hm land and Spa; “Wth ()er lmlpm's fail,” tin-re vnmns an hour 'l‘n vwry semi, wlwn thosn it loves Hm bflst Fall shun-t, (lvrvivv, 01' all mmm'thy pmw, \Vlm but (Hll' Fafhm' than van give Us Post? The S\V(‘¢‘t 0M hymn, 4108? to so many hearts, Said thus: “Wr'hnn nthvx- ln-lpvrs fail, and comforts HN'," Whmr such limo dawns on us and hnpn thwarts, May we sing truly: “()h, abidn with m0.” Swiss Steak Rouml Steak (alumt 2 inchos thick). ll'ittlu Flour. Little (mum. Boiling \Valor. Muthml: Pound plmrty of flour we‘ll inlo nach sicln ul‘ stnuk. Brnwn tho meat wall in hot lmmm fat in skill'vl. Add a litllv nninn~cut Up. 'l‘lmu partially covm' ln'nwnml mpal. There is nothing much more an- noying than to have clean curtains blowing out of an open window oithor day or night. The chip clothes pins are a solution for this. Buy thom in quantity at some choap store and paint them to match the pro- dom‘iiniating color in the room whore your curtains are. And use them to pin your (furtiiiins back. - minutvé lwfm‘e pm'ling. Pour boiling water ovm' the fruit to. be pooled and lpt stand a few 1 such a midnight, Lord roach duwn thy hand, And Int, thy sufl‘r'ring ('hiMm-n ’hidn with the". NEW BERRIES DISCOVERED WHEN OTHER HELPBRS FAIL BOW OLD ARE TREES? To Peel Fruit Easily HOUSEHOLD HINTS COOKING HINTS Pound plvu'ty of ”our fh side of Hunk. Bmwn fill in hot bacon fat in a litth- unimlâ€"-CIIt. up. ly covvr ln'nwnml mpat, â€"â€"â€"Rnsvmary Arch Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 192.6, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) ‘ “Campers and smokers,” status the Chief Forester «if the l'nilml States, “were directly responsible fur about 64.000 forest fires, or more than 16 per cent of the total number during the last eight years. 25 per cent of the lln-s were (:rmlitml 10 miscellaneous and unknown causes. More than 90 per cent are thenreti- tally preventable, and it is safe tn assume, I think, that it is possible to save at lens three-inurths 0f our present average annual timber-lire loss. And when we accomplish this saving. we shall have gone far, at least 75 per cent of the entire way, in solving uur prnhlem at national} timber supply fur the future." 1 1444 :4 Manulmhu'vr 44f Mutur :zpznsâ€"Self- fill: ng. 1441 a Manning.1":44tul'\â€"A.Tin You’ll Love for Lunch I“! a 11ml “4 :I'Il4' Burn It, and You Freeze All. For an Axv l-‘zmim-y Try This on Your Piano. 1"“: a HH'\\PI‘\â€"â€"â€"The Logical Po- tation. I’m' a Hutvhvrâ€"Prom Cdntented Cows. I’m a ;\l:llllxl'zwllll'vr nl' I’ly-Sxx‘nf- (M'sâ€"The Air Is Full of Things You Should Not Miss. SELECT YOUR SLOGAN ‘ FROM THIS COLUMN 'l‘mnatoes. A merican Cheese. (iroon Pepper. Mayonnaise. Lottuco. Mc-tlmd: Slicu and ('hill tnmutnvs. Wash lettuce. Dim- (-lwvso and (-m. up gmwn [mum-r. Mix ('hmaso, [mp- pcr and mayonnaisca I’lzwu Inma- tons (m lottucv INIVPS and pnur «m-r- «lIw-ssi-ng. When rmuly to sm-voâ€"svasuu. M0- mm'o meat to hot platter. 'l‘lnckq-n gravy and pour over mvat. with boiling water. Cover. Lot sim mm- about 2 hours. Polamns can 110 addvd to moat {luring the last half hmu- u: «nuk- mg,1 desu‘od. VHI' an ISSIU'I' nl' Mul'riagu Lim'llm Ask the _Man_Who Owns One. For September 1% cup 01' view. 1V3-9lll) nf_ grated clmcso. By BETTY WEBSTER ’ur all l'ndm- 1 S‘ ' ‘ x; 0353?";3 1’01”")?me w. ,1, .cl pim th , ' 01‘ grc .0“ CAMPERS GUILTY Tomato Cheese Salad 'J BAKING HINTS Baked Rice la k c ~râ€"-Eventuallyâ€" Sixty tlmusund railway umpluymes am l'o'quil'ml tn mM'u Ikmadn's fur- vst. (Tim M maria-L and 900,000 vars :n'n c-mplnyml fur Hw mm“. pur- p030. In liastm'n IJIIIIIIIIII, 1.30 mI'llIIIII arm-s «If soil aI'I- lN‘Hl'l' IIIIIIIIh'd In tron m'ups than M farm mums. No other fOI‘I'S' l‘I‘Kiflll III ”In \mrld III so :Icm'ssihlv ln' \I'atI-I Hl' I.'IIII It is “In IIpiIIiIIII of IW-IIIIISII-Is that ”us I'Pgiun [II‘IIIIIEIH slm kI-d mould sup- 3le ”w llldl k1"\ «If ”In “Mild :InIl :Issurn P :Isle'II I'an: IIIII «If \zIsHy in- I Ivaqml [II (HIII'I iIV. 60,000 MEN TO MOVE COULD BNRICH EASTERN CANADA Rhubarb Pineapple Pie 11,4; mum nf rlmhwrh (rut, Up . 11/; mum u" crusllml pine-apple ulrauwl , 2‘4 cup at sugar. U ~ tillolvslumnl'llls Hf "Ulll‘. Mnthml: l’rvlum- rvgular lm- crust and Hum lill push-y lim'd pan with m-ll mixml rlmlmrh, pim'amblv. su- gm' and flour. 41mm- \\'il.h mp crust. l'lzm- in hut «m-n fur m minulns. 'l'lwn turn .‘""'" «lawn and bake about. 30 minute‘s lunuvr. Mothud: (Junk rum in bciilills. sailivd \x'alur until dunv. Add (mum juim'. ('lim-sv. suasmimg and pinnin- tn. Mix “1-H and .mur m Imuvmd baking dish. Bukv a half lmur and sm‘w lint. 1‘ his is an NIH “ax to sam- “ash- iIIg IlislIIIs. HIIIIIII baking dishes IIImII Ill 3 si'ztI's :IIIII Inst \‘WH lltUE. \\ III II IzIkIIs aIII lIakIIIl III muse. Hwy :II'II wry III'I-tty tn SI'I‘VU it tea parties. NO (Jl_)I.I.I‘)C'I‘IO.\'â€"â€"NO CHARGE KELLY a: AIKEN (101,1 IX'I‘URS 0131mm 1110 and Owen Sound 9w nu Sound Offices 169 9th St. E. Refer «nu “Standard Bank nf ( :mmda w vâ€"va â€"!lo smut; Nothing (00 old. Scull, large or hard fur us to tackle 34 years’ vxpcrience Kelsey’s Studio, Durha- We Band]: Cglgogp'ons Only “,4; cup m' 'l‘umalu Juu‘v. COLLECTIONS Prize Picture Contest Paper Baking Cups TIMBER GOODS PAGE 7.

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