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Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Sep 1925, p. 8

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tOur Own Correspondent) Never has there been more beau- tiful weather for garnering in the harwst than the past two weeks. The greater number in this locality had the sheaves all in by August 31. The sweet clover has still a week tn ripen. Very rarely has old Glenelg had such magnificent fields of t'mlcler earn. and 'tis still heading for the stars. The fine rains 0! June and July have made excellent catches in! clover. especially alfalfa and the Ocliuus s\\'_eet“clover. '- IPA] III‘Pll I“. It is very doubtful if ever the waters of the Rocky Saugeen were so low as at the present time, from some uneXplainable cause. Some are of the opinion that the low state of the Great Lakes may affect the Springs which feed the Rocky. There is general rejoicing along the concessions and particularly around Mr. William 'l‘immin’s home over the return of his better half from Durham Red Cross Hospital, where she received the finest of treatment and tender nursing. M rs. .l. H. Robson has been unwell a good deal this summer owing to a bone. being misplaced. Dr. D. B. Jamieson skillfully encased the pain- ful limb in a plaster cast one day last week, and she is doing nicely Slncv. Miss R. L. Barbour of Egremont arrived on Monday, and when she threw open the door of S. S. No. 5, she found it all scrubbed white and everythingspic and span. \I :_‘Q .ll‘. '4 'LI V U-UIIJU tar-v 7... Mr. Albert McBonald and Miss; Elizabeth Hughes of Snuth Bentlnck were» visitnrs at Mr. W. J. Green-1 wond's the first of the week. I MP. .lnhn Snoll of town lilled Zion's ; pulpit on Sunday afternoon and had: a Splendid massage. The service' was furtho-r Miliancvd b.’ a magnifi-I cont sol”. "The l’rudigal Son." sungi by .\l 1'. Hvi'bm-t Lamb Of Detroit who' was l'nrmo'rly uno- nl’ Ulenvlg’s [mp-7 ulax' ynuths' but is now a succnssâ€"f fill x'o-ul o-stulo- Ill‘alt‘l'. Miss Maw; garvt Hunb-i‘ of [own playvd thci umwmpanimornt, l'm' him. Miss Flnr-= alwllc Nichol. the giftvd and success- ; fu] gruduatr Hf 'l’nmntn l'lllVlPl'Silfi; was his” nf Hm party. and in the' t-wnlng. Hwy tillml this big homc‘ with melody. all "I lll" m1 vv..- Surn to learn 'tht Mrs. J. P. Fal- laise is laid up with pleura-pneu~ “101113. n.- g o. ___‘ ‘1‘- PAGE 8. W Illl Ill!_.|‘nu.v . Mr. and Mrs. Jumps Lirutchlvy 0f [brunch \u'ro- \‘isiturs of the Mc- Arllmr and Edwards familivs on Sunday and attvndml Zion’s service in Hm afto-rnmm, The)“ are u very popular yuung cullplv. always thmmhtl’ul ul’ ntlu‘u's, must hospita- hln :uul px-ngrvssiw. Miss Ham-l Brawn and her musin. Mr. Willwrt m'ownwoml. visited Bo-ntinrk kimh'ml the first of the V‘ I. ‘ l‘o RQ‘CPIIUY Messrs. .lnso'ph Hulvy anu‘l Sandy )h-hunaM gut, linked up with thv local muuivipal telnphono line and an? in tnuch now with [he \thlu nnrth nf tho tnwn§hip. \V 0' ‘ Puslinch alto‘r u mmmgm pauueu lull ur hamn timos and most. joy- ous mutings" lhu H'Noil hmtho'rs \vvl‘n stmék threshing at Ml.\lf1ml U‘Veil’s Satuulm. and Mr. Hun Pcaxt had hi; big “mm at “ark un Monday Stnnk thrvshing lor his cousin E. It l’t’dlt. 'l'lu- ('askvt. cuntuining Hu- rvmains hf .‘ll'. .luso-ph Swvvno-y al'l‘ivml at Mal'kdalo' at 110011 on 'l'lllu‘sdzly last. and was lu'uught In thv sat'lnlem'd lmnw. 31m: cnncmu'sn following. le rum-val tnok plam‘ on Friday murmur; at. St. .lnlm‘s vhurch whm'c thn Rm: l’atlwr McGovy conductofl Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. .lavk gun) a plvas‘ant l'al'mw-ll party to Bliss Clara Nvlsou on Friday morning last. She Ivft. on Saturday for [101' humc in Puslim‘h aftm' a fortnight, paqked a l'vquio-m muss. lntvrment took Nam cm Hu- arrivul 01' ”In «'lm'msed‘s hrc‘er', Elnwr. l'mm I'Mmit. The doopvst sympalhy 01' “I" whulv cum- munity gm-s um. tn thn hmu'l-hrok- en mnthm' am! Hm srn'rcjnving sis- tm-s and hroflu-rs. Mr. William Vessie has started out with his threshing outfit around the Rocky. Many of the people are stonk threshing this year. Mr. and Mrs. Gillen Boyd spent “Mrs. Daxiol \\ atsnn and daughter. HPIPD. spent Sundm “ith Mr. and MN. Archie Watson. of Welbeck. Mrs. Mary Brown and son. Alex- under. spent, Saturday with the Mc- Lean families. mil-{3.9. Georgina Miller is spending a few days with her grandmother. Mrs. Pom prhurn. Darkies’ Corners 4'0ur Own Correspondent) x'l‘om lilto' fur last, week.) “1' mm having tinn woatlwr for hux'x'nsting. Unit; a few in this ban-g have. finished. Miss HIiVn \Vvil' and friand of dllvwlamnl aw Visiting at the Weir lmnws and Mr. John Newell’s; \lrs. Joseph Atkinson. am'nmpan- iml lwr sistm'-in-lmv. Mrs. Davis. to 'I'nrvnlm \\’|IPI'P Hwy SPOHt. a week, rutm‘ning Wednesday. ‘mv. Mr. Rurnvtt and Mrs. Bur- th and childan smut :1 fmv days with Mr. and Mrs. G. Geo'h'lvs. \lm. Mary Miller of town spent Snndm “1th her brother, Mr. James Millm‘. V'. O uuuuu III! |, .VI|-‘. Mr. and Mrs. Earl \‘ossio and family Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn )chochnio. Glonroadin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson spent Sunday with friends in_0\von Sound: \lu 3l(°Pl1o‘1scvn. of Tomntu is spnnding lu\‘r \ar Minn \xith her Sis- M's .‘lrs..\..\lc¢L.'1nnnl and Miss M. Mt'ILO‘an. t Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. W. thsinm‘r and two chil- dro‘n of Kiichuiwz' :II‘P Visiting her mntlwi'. .irs. .ic-i'r)’ Allm'i‘l. M l'. and Mrs. (mime Turnhull and family spout Sunday with 1191' m0- thm‘. Mrs. W, Hill. Rocky Saugeetg Traverston. 3 Mr. Hildyard and Mr. Koch ar- rived in the village recently and ‘, are right intn work in the Continua- .tion school, Sunduy with Mr. and MP8. Neil Mc- Lean. ”is there was no supply for the church here on Sunday, Mr. Puth- crbough took the service. (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Main and son, William, of Waterford, spent from Friday till Tuesday visiting friends and 0M acquaintances in this vicin- ity, (in Monday forenoon. William left his car standing on the nicline just. north of the mill. During his absencm the car started down the hill and ran into a buggy owned by Mr. David Davis. The buggy was standing Opposite. R. J. Arnill’s store and was considerably damaged, but no mu- was hurt. \â€" On account of building Operations, tho public school did not open this wovk. Tho Continuation school is in full swing again with a good at- tvnciance. Rm; W. Johnston and Miss Win- top are spending this week at the Toronto Exhibition. Wm.-. Mr. George Hostetter is home for a short vacation. Quite a disappointment was felt. when Colonel Hunter informed the Library Board that he could not be present on Monday evening last as he had been called to New York on business. "Slitâ€"VBi'vuce Peglar is spending a fmv days with Mr. W. T. Pindel‘. Mr. William T home, of the Bank of Montreal. Exeter, spent part of a work rocently with [113 parents horn. Ho loft Wednesday to vnsfl. frivnds in Woodstock and other po_i_nts.‘ ii A an 3- L.-..-; In... Mr. and Mrs. Arnill motored to (:uvlph Sunday and met their chil- dm-n thorn on their return trip from leu'ksinck and Toronto. Miss Rota Roberts has returned Ln her school duties in Scotland this week. Mrs. R. Irvin and family returned from Huulph aftm- spending a week with hc-I‘ sistrl'. MI'S. Prltchal‘d. Mr. (marge Freeman, 01' MOunt Furvst, gave us a. pleasant 03.11 Sunday afternoon. Wu undvrstand that Mrs. Mow- bray is rnmnving t0 Alma this week. Mr. anhray has l'wvn appointed sm-tiun foreman at that point. The nvw furnace in the scool is [wing installmi this week. Glenmont (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Sarah Tucker roturned to ho'l' elutivs in Toronto on Monday at’tvr spending a cunplo 0f wcvks at. how hump 11mm. and with 1101' sis- twr. Susiv, in Southamptnn. Mrs. .lun'lvs Harrisoh spent part of last, womk with her daughter, Mrs. \Vo‘slvy Heard. Mr, mm Wpix' and déughtor. Miss livllo'. spent, last. Sunday with Mr. Pqtpr M‘uir any! family of Al‘temema. Mrs.â€" Jame-s 'l‘uvker is lmliclaying $1M: lwr sun. \Vllllam. and family 111 'l‘mnntu, Mrs. 1'1. Rih'hio‘ and Sun. John, spvnl. lust mmk with frivnds in Durham and Edge Hill. They also \‘isitml frinncls in Pinkerton. Bruce lluunty. and Owen Suund. Hmwsting “ill 5.1011 be a thing 11! tlw last for this \0111' and the \wuthvr 1115 been 01 the \81‘)’ best Im' the saVing of the grain. H0“- now, a 1:001! min is much needed. )ll'. Ernest Main? and Sisters, Margin-0t and Chrissie, of Durham, 2le Miss ()livc W'cir and Mr. A. lmvll‘s of Cleveland were recent \isilm's with relatives here. 'l'lim'n will he chm-ch SUI‘VlCO zit l'llwnnzm- on Sunday allot-twin at 2.30 and an (ivory first and third Sunday in cacli month as long as .wviolitinns mm l'aml'alilv. ()n thcsc ilnlue llw cwning sm'vicc will be wil.lnlm_wn at St, inumlia church, Prim-x illv. but will be held at Salvm. \\'.~ trust, this new arrangement will nun-t. with the appnn'ul of a large majm-ity of the people. WELL WORTH NOTING The driver of a motor truck (not a limousine. stopped, of his own accord the other day in Toronto, to allow a crowd of commuters to catch their train. It is that kind of courtesy that marks the true gentlemn. Misses Rita Gloncross, Margaret \nderson, Christine Anderson, Alma Robinson. Marjorie and Dorothy Ritchie ale attending Durham High school. Schooi re- opened T‘ugsdaK with a giwiod attendance and Miss icKech- nig in charge. (Our Own Correspondent) Mls. .‘dclx'vchnio of Brampton Vi'S- itud Mr and Mrs. A. “Morgan and l'arpilx 101- a 19w days. Mis‘s M. A. Edge 6118 in Waldemar last \kagnd attended the funeral nr 3 l'vlutlw, MISS Mann. .Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellison of ’hwontn wqro guests of them cou- <m~u tho l\_lls_s:os Eggp, 911 'l‘ugsday, Mr. and Mrs. Borgia 01'1‘01'onto, wore visiting at the home Of the inttm-‘s nnvlo. Mr, H. Williams, for .‘t l'vw days. Ml“. Bessie Ritchie, and Sen. John, nl‘ Egrenmnt. spent. the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ritchie and ‘:1mil_\'. . “'0' haw had exceptionally fine .Iarvost.wonther. and a few mow Jays Will 5m: everythlng under t'flVt‘l’, Mr. and M 119. Anderson. of Hawke- sinnc). were Visiting MP. and Mrs. K H. Firth mm tln- “wk-0nd The“ “11111 accompanimi 11\' Miss Christine .\11dn1‘.~011 who “as Spending the mnmm' \acation with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ritchie and sun. Dzm. Mrs. Bi‘ssie Ritchie. and 31111. John, visited relatives in Pink- vrion thqfirst of the week. Misses Marjorie and Db'rovthy Bit- 0th motored t0 Owen Sound on Sagupday. Edge Hill (Our Own Correspondent) Miss T. Laughlan and nephew, Mr. Stewart Ford, are visiting at the home of Mr. Walter Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Patterson Spent a few days recently with Stayner friends. Miss Mary Bell left for her school at Parry Sound on Monday morn- 1113. Mr. and Mrs. James Bryans and family, of Varney. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. Miss Margaret McRonald, Ben- tinck, spent the week-end 'with her friend, Miss EljgauPatterson.“ “ The missionary meeting of the Presbyterian church was held at. the home of Mrs. Gordon Geddes on Thursday. August 20. with a large attendance. The devotional exer- cises were conducted by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Andrew Derby. The Biâ€" ble reading was-taken by Miss Davis, and Miss Merron McArthur took the topic on “Prayer." Singing and prayer brought this successful meet- ing to a close. Allan Park (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Nelson McMahon has pur- chased a new Ford coupe from Smith Bros., Durham._ _ Mr. Herbert Schenk’s little boy had his hand severely hurt one day last week. We understand that while the cream separator was in motion, he got his hand in the gear and was so badly injured that the lad has since been under the docâ€" tor’s care. ll It'll“ AVLIW “Jlu‘. an wvvvâ€"__-_- Mr. ’and Mrs. William Haslett, Ben- tinck, visited recently at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew_Linds_ay._ Miss Marietta Park loft Monday for hpr school at. NO, 9, Glenolg, whmw shn has boon for thfl past. two years. Miss I'Zx'a McMahon mwtore‘l to her .‘Plllbfll nn Monday which is at Mount, Plvasauh, six miles snuth of Branti'urd. MP. and Mrs. Douglas Smith left last Friday for Kitchener, return- ing on Sunday. They report. a fine ho_ljday and an fnjgwable tpip. _ Mrs. Andrew Park. who has been under the doctm";~' care for the past. few works. We) undorstand is im- proving. “'0 are glad to hear of it. (Our Own Correspondent) MT. and Mrs. .lnhn MCKPHZiP and «laughter and Miss Marjory Vessie \VPI‘O I'vcmit visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James. Ewen. Mrs. Angus Mch'mick and two daughters. of I’urt Arthur. spent last wevk with Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Mc- (lormick. _ Miss Catharina Smith 01' Tc‘n‘ontn IS s1)¢_-Ildlllg tho holulays With her mothm'. Mrs. J. W. Smlth, Mr. and Mrs. John lillisnn and sons. Ernest and William. wmw} the musk of Mr. and Mrs. James Ewen am Sunday. Mis 3 Man lamb loft Monday for hm school at Erie Beach South Bentinck (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Jnhn Milligun is Visiting fl'imuls in 'l‘m‘onto and taking in the lixhilnt‘ion this week. Anne Cornwall, Helen Holmes and Richard Tucker. all well-known screen actors. support. They play a “barn-storming" company plag- ing an ancient melodrama in t e small village. where Gibson is the entire working force (if the opera house. “East Lynneff with emotion- al variations, is the vehicle in which they appear. Complicating situa- tions arise, and on the spur of a moment. Hoot leaves for New York to see the fair lady of his heart, creating drama and interesting prob- lems at every turn. Miss Clara Hmmss, nf.'I‘01‘0nt»o,.is smndmg a fmv days Wlth her 818- h-x‘, Mrs. Hugh Mchnald. MI'. Jnmvs l-van has treated lumsolf In a svdan car. Mrs. Mt‘mtgumm‘y. of Chatham. Mrs. Pni'kor. of Gnlt. Mrs. Living- 9411110 and Miss (‘hiistino Li\i11g- stone of Hamilton mntmml 11p and called on MIS. Alfied Corbett. Misses Holnn \lilligan and Marv Tmnhull. tpachers. lnft 1le “09k :‘m tlwir schools at Halilmrtnn and near Pnrt. Arthur. reslwctix'ely. 7 Mr. and MIN". MUM _'|‘urnfiull 0f Elwm'zvr. SIN-Ht Hm 111'st 0f the wwk with t'x'imuls on the hue. Miss Daisy Mathew 01' Durham \‘iS- itm‘l hvr bI-mlmz MP. \Villiam Ma- ther. last. \vvok. Mr. and Mrs. McRnn'ulcl and Mrs. Corbett \‘isitvd an afternoon with the farmer's hI‘HHIm', Mr. Thomas McRonald. Mulock. GIBSON’S LATEST ATTRACTED HELP AWAY FROM SETS This is the latest Universal-Gib- son prmtuctinn to he released, and it will be shown at the Veterans‘ Slur Theatre tomorrow and Satur- day evenings. Hoot Gibson is the. star. and Edward Sedgwick direct- ed. Advance infnrmation from the studio is to the effect that the pro- ductinn is one of the most humor- mls ever screened by this director and star. The thrashing: mmpanV are hold- ing a mi-Pting at Mr. John Milligan s \\ odnesciaV m oning. “Lot’s go over- to the Gibson- Smlmvivk sot,“ was a suggestion hoard daily while "/10 Horse Hawq kins” was being filmml at. l'niversnl City. Tho suggostimi would ho mmlo by thoso employed in one of a mul- litm‘lo of capacitivs at. l'nivm‘snl. The reason for it was that. on Gib- son’s sot, there would be a lot to laugh at. Sedgwick, who has directed Gibson in all his recent suceesses. wnote "40 Horse. Hawkins.” in collabora- tion with Raymond L. Schrock. of l'niversal scenario department. The director also being an old time \‘fllldGViHe star, drew upon his stage knowledge. Read the Classified Ads. on Page Darkies’ Corners Aberdeen THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A plan to connect the Thames docks with traffic junctions and de- pots by a nemoxk of subways to handle freight traffic and thus re- liew the serious congestion in Lon- don’s streets, has been announced by the authorities. ”A pa1t\ Of B1itish BO) Scouts numbering 750 left London Sunday on a pilgiimage to Rome Bef01e starting on their journey, the Scouts‘ 001015 “819, blessed by his emin- ence, Cardinal Bourne, Archbishop of Westminster. Another ship has been lost on the dangerous reef, “Greenstones,” ofi‘ Ouessant, the westernmost of the islands off the coast of Brittany, France. It was the new cargo steamer, Nantaise, which was on its second voyage from Rotterdam for_Brest, laden with coal. Manufacture of liquors contain- ing 60 per cent of alcohol and vodka of 40 per cent will be permitted in soviet Russia from October 1 under a decision reached by the ileum! Executive Committee. 8810 of li- quor is permitted throughout the federation. Inn-ovation after innovation fol- lows the trend of the times in new Turkey. By order of the prefect, the picturesque night watchmen of Constantinople must shave off their flowing beards and crop their long hair. Also they must replace their vari-colored turbans and scarfs and baggy trousers with a uniform re- sembling that of the regular police. Mystery surrounds the disappear- ance ol‘ a newly invented rapid fire gun built on the lines of the Lewis gun from which great things had been hoped for. The weapon dis- appeared from a railroad depot in France while in transit. The gun which is the invention of the work- men of Tulle arms factory, was be- ing shipped to a proving ground for trials before a parliamentary commission prior to its adeption by the army._ The Italian submarine Sebastianlo Veniero disappeared during last mmk‘s naval manoeuvres 011' Sicily and has not been heard from since. A duzen merrymnkers are. believed to have been druwnmi 011' Perpig- nan, France, in the capsizing of the fishing smack, Marie Louise, while returning early Monday morning from a. festival at Banyuls-sur-mer, a small sonport at the foot of the Pyrenees The fourteenth Zionist. Congress “11% clusvd in Vienna Mundm morning at (5 oclock 11v \ahum Su- kolmx. chairman 111 the executixe, after a 13- 1101111 session,\\itl1 the auti101im1ti11n to Dr. Chaim \Veitz- 111111111 and Mr. Sukolow to form their nwn executive. Three thousand persons on Sun- day attended a meeting in Vienna City Hall to express a desire in fa- vor of Austria being attached to Germany. President Loebe of the lieiehsatg recently came from Ger- many with a eummittee of Germans desirous of the union of the two countries. The Roumanian Government has issued 500,000,000 lei (about 32.650,- 000 in new money during the pres- ent month to tide over the difficult situation caused by practical ina- bility to export the country's grain surplus. The govm‘nment depends largely Upon the export tax on grain for a large part of its revenue. A violent eXphision occurred late on Sunday night. on hoard the small Britis: steamer, «loncret, moored in Havre, France. The vessel broke in t.\\'u and caught tire and sank. The French watchman and his wife. the only persons aboard, perished. The Coneret had been employed in clear- ing away wartime wrecks obstruct- ing the approaches to the. pul'l. Daily Events as Told by Cable condensed for Busy Chronicle Readers. ONE REASON FOR "Duos the World News Seen At A Glance BUILDING COSTS Don’t snub a be because of phy- sical disability. *ilton was blind and deaf. Beethoven, the musician was deaf, yetâ€" " “To Mind old Milton‘s rayless orbs A light divine is given; And. deaf Beethoven hears the hymns And harmonies of heaven." 'l‘mn’t snub a boy because he Chooses a. humble trade. The author «111' “Pilgrims Progress" was a tin- or. Don’t. snub a boy who seems dull and stupid. Hogarth, the celebrat- ed painter and engineer, was slow at learning and did not develou as 30911 as most bpys._ Don t, snub a bby because he wears shabb) clothes. When Edison, the great im entor, first entered Boston, Don’t snub a boy because he stutp tors. Desmosthenbs, the greatest orator of Greece. overcame a harsh and stuttering voice. Don’t snub a boy because of the ignorance of. his parents. Shakes- peare, the world‘s poeL was the son of a man who was unable to write his own name. DON’T SIUB A BOY he wore a pair of yellow iinen breaches in the depth of “10hr. Don’t. snub a boy becamu [m 1a. or is a poor drunkard. Kitm. Who made a now departure in Bibi“ mm was such. He fell from a sczm'nl‘d in his boyhood and began)“ {”va ‘ wull‘ _, -« " ' _I1§Ni “115] was so. pmc ‘. . deaf. rnghivf‘t‘ing m rags. ('Hmlgng hung: .‘vitll ex!g0§0(i and hlpnd‘li1g 31303 that he was “int to th.‘ “fmfh feefikhbuse where [us first bank “as “'0 lo Was Economical A Scotchmzm was loax'ing: an a fortnight‘s business trip and called back as he left home: “Goodbyv all, and. Katherim‘ dinna fm'gvt to make lettle Donald tag his glass” off when he's nae [making at (math-ins." What Um world Hoods toda' the salvation of (law boy is m‘hf“: faith m ham. ' A Welshman and an Irishman “me out riding when suddenly the \\ «Rh- man said. ‘Nuw. Paddx “hm. woujd yqu hp if the gallqms had its due?" "‘Riding alonov!" said 13:;«13; tersely. Thursday, September 3 “IO congregatmn, and busy uflemoon and an 33v. “2 J. Burnvt: .17. ble wife WNW. much of .n Iddl‘vss and ., puree of gum am .1 Eben Thv MHz-ox“ l’. S. D. Urn“ :h.~ ’ by If. .lulm _\|«4-,~ ~ J, Hepburn nlmh- f2 0f the I‘Padm; Inn. . himself and \x‘._ \t. nlied. I'M'vrmz; ”a" . nESENTED PAST WITH PURSE .MYV therhuz «on 'l‘n: noon 0 last w'vk. n..- m the monthly “mm m 01' the. l’l'vsh} tr: m The meeting on H... of mm than ux-«i_x;;.:-x "ea, rmvn indlv fwlm jm bpt\\"4 w! bun concur leavinu'th.1u ate of a I'm-- Mnflfi. t’l"\ “page" wH \\ .. 0f into..-~r h Thvrw “in u [befiaflwl'uur a “It“ 111““ \\u busy swam“ m. agricultumi m gregahnn “le vest dOlllOHo‘~s L being [)jj‘m‘m. RPV. Mr. ’mm. included .\ll|n~ . and Knox. m .\ in this \‘ivm tx- years, Who-r.- |,. have madu mam will res-rut w\.u are loax'inz. Sn ndditiun m In; \\ in Normanby. \] men over ”I“ ~ Presbytm'iun MI.» the satisfavmm with INKw sum :4» the Drflsvnluhnx evening. ”v. and In. W. J. Burm a", Recipients of Am mutation From Durl byul‘inn Church. At one timo'. cure Mr. Burn! Cambium! vhzlr- Rocky $3112"in in \‘i0\\'. h“ \\':I~ time agn, and l “.hpn th“ ”I In. that it “0111.! I to “(Tom I,:: rented a call at but Sn g‘rvret brought in low: mmtinns m churches that 80019 {“0 m H. cepbed :1 ml! 1 Sunday m'vuvl: man (0 Ili~ t“. tions. and in in non last Slum: Durham. ‘ To Mr. and My" Dar Mr. and M It is with Following 1" ‘t tho R‘HHH evenng: sorrow and here this 4 that you :n to know th recognizmi ' “'hilv mII :I~~ m Hf a \I‘I'\ in thlt Sllmt III] to think a ,.-I..-. and While \VI- \\ keenlx. “u “II by réalizing rim is mother 5 sum On behalt ChUI‘Ch HI ID you tn arm-m WIN! 1mm our esteem. I {01‘ the Riyal ‘ BRUCE mam BESTJN FOUR (a W'hen ho I'M ‘0 Kim'an'dm. 0198l9“. “:IIIII Edimr M81141! v.38", Wl'llc‘s In- no [100115 nut "“9 SO-CSH‘MI ":4 0f the County n. we “0“] 0f HIV ~ It. SQUIPP, “c‘lollf‘ “ychwhvu hv ~: “'0. "1“"? >_\‘.~?v-! WI! necessarily s, I‘lly_ 300d [‘Hach “-‘ . Wishing ym; ‘2 In your “n“‘lhn Signed 011 [Mm inn church 01' lb John M The home of Mrs. .\’. _\l m BU‘OM \\':I- :9“. ’ DOCIII‘CS Edit 3311‘“ Advance I‘ not d‘m' As Mb? “3 Peduvtiun m :hw systmn shnl to show m h {mm the money I“. “'99k Hlt' neurlx 300 n 06. Grex Hm. Mes. and \\; u w... UIHM' ?! 'ty Wm‘e Yllv p ‘ h®“a\s 0‘ the fulll. . (I! MN»! :9 ll lllo‘ll Io‘w \\ NO. 30371 KN“ .\' 38‘ “W NH IHA‘ l a! H hu "N

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