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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1925, p. 5

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Messrs. H. SillS. E. “,1 .1 \Wltsnn and Clark Wu... h-ndm: NW 01. .V. 1%.] Althnugh Mao-m is St“ cm H haru'il‘lm I” he done, ".0 ] .ho- rhro-dho-l' is to be new | SUP“. Swan-ll brothers .3. 1mm; :11 thus '.‘".i§.h§°!‘h00tl I IN? ON l'ko‘lil I» E' swuth Hf us. 23mm 3" turning Hut WP" except ‘ m Int by Hu- hail. “1'. T. J. “our.“ '6‘". un i‘ui :ar Theatre . L. GRANT In"; :H uus m'lgnmmoot‘ v ‘SSIN‘. Rwy and \Vllfl'id mm: L"! hau- tho-ma ”nuns . . 3‘”qu Hf U3. 93rd") in . tun-mm: Hut. ““‘Nexcept w _ " “It. by Hu- ha" he” 1‘ h'. 'I‘. .L \lo~y['p [pft "n P. . :l 11' I. Hum-nah In. \L’rjgy h". “d tho her. . ese are first quality stock and are excellent value pairs only will he at this price h ‘hbfll'ho Special Sale of Flannelette lay. September 10, in (Our the Best NDS” durin .\l 'l‘ax Included “Ml .im‘ nf this wee a." I \hraham Hongr 1-9.. mo! inh'lligflnt‘e ”13‘ their 4H2. Hr Inglewood, M I‘m a railway accident lho- ro-mnnH. we udder 'mulh-ol hPPP. when the; t'f'V‘a'n‘ 1" L,}nn.n1....‘ \\ . \loubf'fl “"1. "n FPidIy M . tin-”ugh he \VOSI. “'0 M' i»- a plo-asant and pro. m, Hubert Moore of 35‘ hmking at”? his f“ m: his ahwnce. .rl \Vntson is On an ex- pf fol HIP ‘JggendClty. “M. H. EC 8? t We 8 .m Fun-st 0n Wadmy, \lg‘i, .hvhn Riley 0! Tor. 3+1;va ratatives in the ....1 :H prvsent. McWillim row m in EanPzer “find our 8v nee. alone. II in pic- node of relatifies Dilated ...... am] flumday’ 30W.” ‘., i“. ‘I’Iw Labor leader, J. H. Thomas, \I.I'.. and his wife, have recently 'f-w'n the guests of Mr. and Mrs. liuvnl Lloyd George. The famous \\.-I.<hm:m says: “Politically, we we bitter enemies, but we have been great. friends: [or [napy years." .1 I\_:A:-L - l" ll ILIIIIU IV. ---‘--'J J It is one of the features of British wiltics, that. however hard the pol- at...-iaiis fight inside or outside the llnusv. personalities are rarely in- :z-mlm-mil. Men who strenuously wwuse each other’s policies . are :mmm friends in public and privete I"""l'. ll IV‘I“U l.- râ€"â€"â€"-' .l'.- elsewhere. and there is scarcely w. leader in British p01i.ticS $0037? «\lm has not in speech or printed ; :cm- l‘ound occasion to pay personal 'vwhute to his severest opponent. l‘iu-ro seems to be needless personal ;. mrnoss in Canadian politics. One . moot imagine a leader of the 0p- -~~llion getting up at a non-party 1;.w‘illlg and saying what a really asset to the country the Prime ‘l-mstor is: or vice versa. There ~ a hard relentlessness about our «gtll's which does not make for - - :mnahle solutions of our problems. 8" rm ford Beacon-Herald. his is the Banfl-Windormere Highway. for it is numberpgi anion: thequst‘ It really needs no introduction famous and most perfect Motor A . An- ,_ _‘_A_‘. A. “A “.‘n‘m *-".ll'l'o'tl on the Lambeth highway "UNIVâ€""ll an auto running into an un- ‘ :html buggy. and four people were 'm'nwu into» the ditch. The menace " Hie unlighted buggy has been con- wnmml in these columns before, but "' .. buggy users seem utterly indif- wm to this elementary step for fIIHH' own safety. ilnnilitions on the road have vliauiuml since only buggy overtook‘ hum-y. but the mentality of the 'u-mo-r in this respect has not” In 'lu- vase under notice, the bright lights «if an approaching car blinded lliv auto driwt‘. and he could not the buggy. Had the latter car- 1‘le a tail light~ the auto driyer would have had previous warning ut' its presence and taken precau- lwlh‘ accordingly.â€"â€" Stratford Bea- . . 'Jguppéi'iéd By'its foundation. H‘WPI w '11- Horald. AN UP-TO-DATE HOTEL THE UNLIGBTBD BUGGY It. takes two for a kiss, (mly one for a sigh; Twain by twain we marry, One by one we die. Joy has its partnerships, Grief weeps alone; (Lana had many guests, Gethsemane none. â€"Frederick Lawrence Knowles. FRIENDLY BNBIIBS TWO AND ONE (72 hours under v» N, cam as‘» “I am a monarch of all I survey,” My wurd theres no wife to dispute; My linpn unlaundered, my tonsure unkempt. I am nearly half famished to boot. Autp camping, see not. one charm Clanmml by those on camp-motomng bent;' « Better milk twenty cows on the farm Than sleep in a soaking wet tent. To sleep on a heap of green boughs, In the morning, feel stiff as a stick. As for me, if I had my choicv, I’d just. as son bunk with old Nick. To fish the last crumb from the CAMP MUSINGS -â€" LIGHTER VEIN hamper, _ 'l‘o'pnln 0n the fire soggyw'ood, And drying your duds. facmg back- wai‘d, ‘ ' . Does not gender an angohc mood. All troubles with that, cal'burvtm‘. And more with an electric wot coil, (mo broken spring and hunt. axle. “10nhl_it_._ not make your blood fair- ' ly boil? With Lizzie deep mired in a hog. hole, And of help you beg .in despair, You are apt _t_0 gi‘ve vent to some (3.1188 w-ords, . And If not a real saint, apt to swear. Let who will enjoy auto touring, And long on its ecstacies dwell, As for me, I shall henceforth eschew it. As a foretasto on earth of realeell. Lot me close with this homely copper, If I ever get They will fine fe'et. Columbia. clinging to the brim of sheer precipicee. cleaving through sheen anning giant rivers, overlooking giant canyons. skirting giant mountains, up e most soul-chafing views of rivers and valleys and valley! and afiording th mountain: stretching away and away, ever so far, ever no deep, ever ac high. for ever and ever, amen.”\ FLOWER EXHIBIT Though the rainy weather on Wednesday night of last week doubtless kept many exhibitors at home, the selection of flowers on display at the Horticultm‘al Flower exhibit was good, and many comâ€" plimentary remarks were heard on every side on the excellence and quality of the flowers displayed. Amongst these on display deserving of special mention were: Antirrhinum-- Miss Effie Hunter I and Mrs. S. Patterson. ‘ Astoi'sâ€"â€"Mrs. Young, Mrs. Morlock, Miss M. Hunter, Mrs. J. H. Hunter. Dahlinsâ€"Dr. Pickering, G. Shier. W. G. Firth. Hollyhocks (double)-â€"‘.\lrs. J. H. Hunter. G. Shier, Mrs. '1‘. Young. Phloxâ€"Mrs. G. McKeehnie, Mrs. J. S. Mcllrn.i-th. Sweat Peasâ€"Miss E. Hunter. Stocksâ€"Mrs. J. H. Hunter. Sunflowers (remâ€"Mrs. '1‘. Allan. Zinnliasâ€"W. G. Firth, W. J. Rit- chie, Miss E. Hunter. Other cut flowers noticed were cosmos, gaillardias. helianthus, larkspnr, marigolds, rudbeckia. In potted plantsâ€"Hydrangea, Mrs. Mor- nison and Mrs. McIlraith; Gloxina, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. T. E. Brown; Tuberous Begonia, Mrs. Mc- Ilrai-th and Mrs P. Lawrence. Collec- tion potted plants. Mrs. T. E. Brown and Mrs. McIlraith. "UUDV U’V". â€"â€"â€"' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE WAS EXCELLENT GUARANTEED REPAIRING [13.223 KILLED BY TIMI! John logger; O_l_d fiosidont in Glenda _ - -‘L -_A-‘-- of the death that morning at Ingle- wood ot Mr. John Hooper, who was struck by a C. P. R. train while mowing the track at his home at. Inglewood and almost. instantly killed. Mr. Hooper was 78 years of e and was a brother of Messrs. A raham and Henry Hooper of . Glenelg. - Mr. “Hooper was born on the At- lantic Ocean and grew up to man- hood on the old homestead in Glen- elg. now occupied by his brother, Mr. Abraham Hooper. .When a young ploy, of the late David Jackson here, but has lived_ mgny years .55!“ Llhgle- tired a few years ago. No particulars other than the above have been obtained up to time of going to press. He leaves a widow and grown-up family. Besides his immediate family, Mr. Hooper is survived by his two bro- thers in Glenelg, and one sister, also a resident of the same township; “‘1‘.“ v- V'â€"" The remains are being brought to Ceylon this Thursday noon. the funeral being held from the train tn Ebenezer cemetery, (Henelg. the Rev. Mr. Sutherland having charge of the services. A'l' INGLEW 000 ml ne re- ”uw- v vvvvv i. -â€" ‘ . tween tuwn and \arney l'rlday last. Finder please return to Chronicle “33“ -tl}?10ftlce. Reward. ipd y. In his adverisetnent in this issue. Mr. C. L. Grant culls attention to his spec‘il sale of Flmnelette Blankets. which he is altering at 8250 per pair. Fifty pairs are being put on at this price. The blankets are all first quality and would ordinarily sell at a much higher price. so it is more than likely that then will be a. stifl‘ demand for tlis seasonable, offering when the sale Opens on F l'iday of this week. ”00¢! 1.08? ;A GOLD SCNBURST SET IN PEARLS ‘between Post Office and Thomas Lauder’s. Finder please leave am at Harding‘s and get reward. ind At any rate, no one cm accuse the premier of not. taking plenty of 1001:: before deciding to leanâ€"Border Cities Star. KELLY CORD, gmxass. coon nuns nl 3mm: Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT TIRE LOST PAGI I.

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