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Durham Chronicle (1867), 10 Sep 1925, p. 8

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the Stllday evenings mentioned nod will be efl'ective for the summer or {all months only we understand. 9 A uâ€"v'wv In“ is rapidly making it a day of ”Luâ€"0183.113!!! News. day. perpal‘atory sen'it‘e the Friday evening preceding. This is the first mnler the Union regime. and the pastor. .Vlr. McCormick, together with the session. are looking for- ward to a good attendgnce. The -15... A-AAâ€" -. - new order of service Q5131 i1 "a Ebenezer the first and third Snag); at each month for the evening was started tast Sunday evening and consadenng the weather, wag very encouraging to all concerned. This ”All- Afic‘a A--‘ a gum] alto-nuance) in both rooms. Mr. .lnhnstun in charg» and Miss Joli)" in “In junior mum. olnmmunion sprvices are to be bold in the United church next Sun- An“ -A-â€"- Priceville “1 S- I’Our Own Correspondent) bagum Tho- [wavy min-s over the week- 0] rm! hm.- sluwml 11p harvest and thrushm'; in this Incality which was; “I. \ Rum: full “Vii!!! last wank. Mr. ‘ ' ‘Inlin .\l«'l.o-an was nut. with his 0ut~ ti! and vlo-anml Up scwml hams be- f-vrw ”In “M. wrathm' sot in. mm.- H nnmlwr uf our yc'mng {“149 \mtml at how» MVPI‘ thn IN)“- day and rvtm'nwl n thvir pusitions first OI m: \lnnolny PVPIHHL’. .\Ii~‘.~‘ Louisahmelph “Mum and ho-l' hl'ntlwl'. Hnnry. ‘ {mm ‘ntsm'a. .‘lisso-s Lo'nna “I'DHII- â€" am. lhvnaloia .Virhnl. Phonlw Living- stnnw. lh'lia .\l('Ph;Iil and Violet! “'ats‘un. "ration cal ho: Lauder Opt'l'ati [ion 90 at 2.3“ p. m. .‘h'. .lnkv Hilts is 1-o_-c°n\'ering after a smvrn attack at tunsilitis. Mrs. Hwarct. nf Sale-m. is spending 3 NW stays with twr daughter. Tllo't'o- will I»- a t‘nllt'o'l't and social owning: 1n Etu-no-zvr church on Fri- day. St-ptnmbm' 18. Cl‘fllt‘t’tim} in aid of ttw. Woman's Missinnary Society. Ttu- lmlivs :u'o- pro-paring a gnod pm- gram. Cum» anal o-njny a social‘ Um”, ' Mr. and Mrs. W. .\rn1~'trong and Mr. and Mrs. «lemo-ns of Michigan callml am Hi» {vibrmer's niece, Mrs. '1‘. “341'. last. wowk. ' Quite a numbvr turned out. to the So-nirw at Hu-no-zm' on Sunday af- ‘6'“!an ill Spit-P Hf HIP rain. The nvxt ~o'1'\'it_'9' will In- Svptember 20 at 2.3;“ mm. filo-«rs. Hardy Harrison and Craw- fm-ol Harrimn made- a business trip tn Humiltnn ”w 0nd of the week. Mr. Hardy Harris-an loft Monday morning Mr thrnit. (01: “P am . ' aPhH Q - . "“W m ‘ ’ malls s u M'a“"l..‘:n¢)'ll:cl”tpd and Frag-11V] :mm is 3"”. ' 'P- It has a tin} aggeule .. 31‘- (Natl tUbP ahlt' tn report MP5. McPhail. SR. greatly improved in health. Mrs. William Ridolpll and her mnlho'l‘. Mrs, Hornrgo- Sturmck, are swirling a fo-w days with relatives at Brunt». UnL, also taking in the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowyer and {annly uf 'l‘nra‘rnm wo-rn holiday vis- Itm's at Mr. Clharlc-s \\ ale's. Sung!” used to Schml tgrm ppened last week with Sunny [0 ro-pm't Mr. Rubert Stein- art. under tlm clmrMP's care but hope to «mu hvm' 0! his rvcowry. \l Among Um Exhibition Visitors last wank \VPI‘P MP. and Mrs. \V'illiam MPl'Iat'h‘im- and Mr. E. E. Hockl'idge. (Our Own Ton-Wt) Mr. and Mars. William Stewart haw rvturneol hump after visiting the fnrmo-r’s fathm' hero. Miss Marion Boyd has returned to Tornntu “her she is on the teach- ing stair. Before going, she gave a party to the ynung geople. Mr. Kenneth Vaughan. 0! near Arthur spent a few days with his parants and while here bought some at e. "Messrs. Hugh and Alex. Vaughan spam Sunday with their brother. KPnnvth, near Arthur. Miss cm is visiting with her sis- tPr. Mrs. Michapl Ki'nny. Our school has re-opened with liss McBride entering another year with the, same salary as last year. Egremont Township Council was slated to meet at Dromore on Mon- 6113 but find it adusahle to change thé date. to the following day. T uei- 633'. ”16 15th. _ \\'mMing hp”.:3rv ringing! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Poole. son. Lorne, and daugmer. Margaret, ac- companied by Mr. E. Kelly of Buf- falo. motored over and spam, last week at. our home, Mr. Arthur Lawrence and Mr. and Ira. Emerson Lawrence lafl. on Fri- day's excursion to the Western har- vest fields. Mrs. Christie and daughter of Mount Forest. spent a part of last week visiting with Mr. and Mr. Wil- liam Aitchison. - Mr. andex-s. Elmer Meleeken of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stgphgnsom (ecqqtly. Man-MLâ€"At Viceroy, Sash, on August 25, Mrs. Janet McMeeken to Mr. Joseph Smith. We speak for the people of the Corners in extend- ing! congratulations._ A Bakuâ€"Tb Mr. and 39‘s: Adrian que. on Augus_t__30. a 309. _ Mr. and Mrs. James Tucker went t0 Belgrave on Monday to be pres- ent at the marriage of their niece, PAGI d. I Our 0105‘ Correspondent) (Our 0101: CW) Glenmont (éomlchild 8 Pr-nwardeu 15 (mlbraith 12 01H)“ '13 Hoke-ring 12 Allen 13 Hawkins 9 \V-hnalcn lU J. H. Hunter 10 J. Logan Lamnnt 13 J. H. Hunter 12 fichjlling 17 Lamnnt 12 winning 10 Hanover Cross 13 Lamont 13 Merriam 9 J. H. Hunter 13 Dr. Argue 9 H. Cross“ 6 Durham Pickering 10 Durham W. S. Hunter 8 Mnunt Forest Allen 8 Mount Forest Lamont 15 Durham Henderson 7 Chatsworth Merriam 15 Durham Mliddlohro‘ 12 Durham J. H. Hunter 15 Durham \\ healon 15 Mount Forest Dr. Argue 18 Durham Mcllrnith 9 Though only 24 rinks competed in the Scotch Doubles tournament held ,here last Thursday under the aus- Epices of Durham Bowling Club, .a most pleasant day was spent in which everyone enjoyed himself and better still, the winner was declared a goodly number of hours earlier than had the entry been larger. No Doubt the holiday and the fact that many were in attendance at the Toronto Exhibition had an eflect on the attendance, but even with that there were plenty of entries to en-l sure a good day's bowling for all. In the first event. W. Cross of Hanâ€" over won out, defeating J. H. Hunt- er of Durham in the finals. The As- sociation went to L. Schilling of Hanover with “F. S. Hunter, Durâ€" ham, second. The prizes {or these events were club bags. The special event went to an Arthur rink, the prize being boxes of cigars. Fol- lowing is the score: TROPHY Preliminary 860113 DOUBLES ' DREW 6000 CROWD Local quling__clnh’§ Pal_1_ Tonga mont Last Thur: Successful Event. ASSOCIA'I‘IUN First Round Second Round Second Round Semi-Finals First Round Pi‘nals Henderson 17 Small 12 men 13 Mclu'aith 10 W. S. Hunter 16 Dr. Smith 10 Merriam 12 DP. Argue 6 Durham Goodchild 6 Arthur Hawkins 1? Mount. Forest Penwarden 11 Arthur Small 7 Mount Forest. Galbraith 12 Holstein Fenton 11 Durham J. H. Hunter W. Cross Cross 11 Durham Dr. Smith 10 Hawkins H M iddlebro' 10 “"healen 10 DP. Muir '12 Middlebro’ 8 Mair 9 Pye 13 W. Cross 17 Hanover Schilling 12 \Valkcron Pye 10 Durham W. Cross 12 Reinhart Cmft 16 Hanover Dr. Mair 12 Wu lost 13 14 Parâ€"«Tho average golfvr's icloa uf the milennium. {nubâ€"What you miss the ball with when snvpral persuns are watching you drive off. Addressing the b_all â€"7 Remarks “‘J- .Vih'nck aml'CIeekâ€"Twin brothers and first cousins to Messrs Haig and Haig. who wore former amateur gulf champlrirgs of Scotland. [Greenâ€"Expression often applied to beginners who insist on approach- ing with their drivers. Bunkerâ€"[mo of the genvrals in tho American War of Independencv who afterward suit! a serms of sand halls t0__a__golf club, .wâ€"w ‘4" ' Publâ€"NOiée madie'B} a fat golfer on a hot day in descending a hill. Foreâ€"The proper thing to yell at. the player in front of you just. as your ball hits him. Dubâ€"What. every fellow who plays golf things the other fellow who play: golf is. Stanceâ€"FF he position you were in tho time you accidentally made that Dogfe‘qt 290 yard drive. - -D“...’ 4-» VA â€" onto. Mono Road, Brampton, Cale- don and Orangeville were all repre- sented, and greetings from members of the family at Winnipeg and Gravenhurst were read. SOME GOLF TERMS BXPLAINED For the Enlightenment of Our Read- Pirst Ball. giving the history of the early days tin the country, William Beatty told of his grandfather ilghtin of! a bear to get back the. pig whic the bear had taken, and also of the family attending prayer in a log house, the wolves Snapping at their heels as they entered. The sons, Robert. Wlil- iliiam and James were all elders of Claude Presbyterian church, as they reached man's estate. R. J. Nelson was in the chair, and addreses were given by James Martin, J. Orr Little. James Gibson. \Vfilliam Beatty and George lleatty. After a program of sports. supper was served, and the following offic- ers elected: PresidenL \V‘v. A. Nelson; Secretary, W’illiam Beatty, Commit- tee, Alexander McFarland, Mrs. Jas. Martin, Miss Ethel Beatty. New- market. Port“ Elgin. Durham. Tor- .x-A... ‘lâ€" _-__-‘â€" vâ€" “v -v. One hundred members of the Nel- son family gathered at Eldorado Park, Saturday afternoon, August 29, to celebrate the centenary of the family coming to America. Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson came from Belfast to New York, where their oldest son, James, was born, but they 'oiined the band of United Em- pire oyalists, came to Canada, and settled on Lot 33, 2nd east, Chingua- oousy. Here their sons, William and Robert, and their daughters, Jane, Maryand Bella, were born In The "picnic, held at Eldorado Park, Brampton, on Saturdy, the 29th ult., was a big one and is reported in a digpatqh frpm_Brampton as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McLellan re- turned from Brampton vicinity last week where they spent a few days visiting with Mrs. McLellan’s fam- ily and other friends. AmOng those visited were, Mr. and Mrs. George Finney at Acton, the latter a sister of Mr. McLellan. and both well and favorably known in Durham and Glgnelg._ ' NELSON mm Plane ! ,w aw) AT 3mm" £0,133??? Ir. and In. A. B. chcllan of Town Attended Picnic of Lattor’s Family at Manda Park. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Â¥++++++ -++++++++++++++++++ JAIL SPEED IHIACS Better a roadside tent and privacy than a swell summer cottage and all your relatives. right-of-way words no justification for careless drivining. (ember 7, to Mr. and Mrs... p, 0 much, a son. so. to Mr. a'm'i Tilt-m. um: 10, 1935‘ $10.00 AND Durham Hush school from Hanoxm' girl»- IGIIOOI softball gum“ 0! wands Monday night ”01% “18 18â€"15. The! A puliee murt case 1 passing interest was tr urdly evening before I irate. Laiiailaw. when Wfliileforil ut Detroil John “Iiiteford of I brought before the a in Mr. R. W. Merriam on the Prmincitl ll miles north at flaunt reckless driving. Follou‘ ' ”In 800! ford look. up Mr. Mul‘ fared him $15 in 50“!!! animal. but dim lunmmi bihtv for “Iv :It‘v Ilh‘llt 1 his Mm 1 Leon Infuse-II (Illlvl'ml sun IHI ”I!“ ‘ the" vow. mud to haw two-ll a [z of thrills and Hip in. prevailing {In-mum Cliflord Whiuford of in Police Court I _ Two sons of “omen: mg. cattle along the! h \\ “cloud came nlnu Marmot! ctr. Who». came, and driving I miles an hour. mm of turned across ”to roam just lbuut off Um In struck by tho lmmpm ford’s car. Uw h-sult h cow [ltd one leg hmkv be destroynd. VOL. 58.â€"N0. About lil’ly Inc-unwr- P. A. and “In Alw'lII-an a welner must at llw Monday owning. and Form much I'm: “lls' olli 0m. evening “'39~ slwllt mm home of tho. MNZIU BIA-“ides tho usual frixol: in on such an (Kl'asinl other games wore pll old-Limo spelling mam evening, though cool, w ideal for tho «tension I enjoyably spent by all BUREAU SCHOOL G" [I GAIB WIT Ntat‘t. seeertary Hf 1.th- in Oottilm‘mut nn Fr where they attended ”I" «'XN'IIHVN Hf ”It“ There was a represen alive and a number. «1 inwm'tanee were nuclei Mr. J. H. Hartman. «it president at the Lean; the ehair. ‘ dine. Hi the. matters t1 the keeping in rend county roads thrungtuu ty. and a resolution wt questing the (tres- «Luna take the rim-cessary astq IV maintain the variant their jurisdictimi. Pl ereuce was made tn tlm the mad between ”we-1 Meaturct and 'I‘tmz'ntml! some, Wurk is helm: present. time en the tar eopv of the resolutlun tn the t‘nunty tlunnril. 'l‘tie executm- hearti the b0\8 ill t'lmt‘gv n \n-rv tit‘ty tn sixty rm Inimals around a turn‘ md in UN' 0315‘ of ”It charm' of ttw animals “With-turd t'rnm any i for the dvath m- injurt [Ill], but “I? (Widt'llm': that “'hitvt'ord's bra]: in safe vmnditjnn. a run mitted knowing lwfnl'v (mm. It. was on this I the defendant‘s part. tt viction was madv. and and costs was gtwn. Tho at'mdc'llt. Ht't'lll" ¢"D°(°Inc°k Mn thv attc-t'lmq lwr 5. and ”to trial. 4 far Friday M'ontng. “at Saturday «at am-mmt. ”I“ able absvllt'v nl' ”Iv plan Bal‘ristm- 0. li. Klvnt In the «\‘idt'm‘v. it “ti GEOR. BAY MOTI WANT ROADS I Mr. H. H. "(NHL [on vau Smmd hmuvln M May Mutul' lmuuuv. :m Executive Passed Stro: It fleeting in Calling 1 HT and (’2. tense. Auaucms ENJOYED laid at IcClocklm C: Stimson Ionday Ev hm cunchwlml the ginning Before I - uxecutlw lu- :liun of ”I“ ”\V lahlishinu n In Ind rm'nmmvm a numlu-r. - \w-rc- Inn Hartman. 01' Um I." Middle-low II‘ «1an uumum vll‘CLil. \VI ll

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