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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Sep 1925, p. 6

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The committee nod. “mud. whom it is me mm" definite action vi IS BRIGHT and CLEAN mithing Solvay Coke E w. Anthracite, all sizes .CES PHONE 85 HViCk Shingles mber, all sizes nut - Flooring '0 Siding Thursday, 30ml). :1, )f I Test oved the Best C. L. GRANT AL Collars all M: M New Scotch Filgui , and Wining Ya: '00...." New Dress Gods Girls’ Millie: Iliptain ROcielitk Smith. a famil- ESH’ ti an» m the North-“fist during in past an yeah. dind at Selkirk, Main. un Saturday. He went West t‘t‘autv :mot tlnmme‘l‘t‘t‘. announcmt Saturday that arrangements had mmn mmtu with thn Royal Mail Strum Packvt too nxtnml the prosent .-n1:tmct fur tho- Okinawa-\Vt‘st Indies SO'I‘Vit’t‘ ful‘ a flll‘tht‘l‘ pPX‘iOd Of six mnntm in ordm‘ to pm'mit, the rati- nit-atinn 0f the \VPst. Indian trade 'lxrmmont by all the colonies WhiCh 31-» parties thPretn. There will be I?" intm'rnptinn in the froight. or paswnger services. clnptain Roderick Smith. a famil- mx' timm‘ of the North-W931. during (tar loadings in Canada for the week ended September 5. increased 8.638 cars over the previous week and were 16.93? rat's heavier than for the correslmnding week in 1925. Labor Day. being a week later this year. accounted for some inrrease, but. grain leading in the Western Division. 9.738 cars. was heavier than in the first. three weeks of September last. year. F. R. Major. prominent. young Hull barrister. will be the Liberal tnuulidate in Labelle County. in the Federal eleetion. .‘lr. Major‘s en-_ ry into the contest for Federal hon- ors t'ollmve upon the appointment to the Quebec Superior Court. of H. .\. Former. K1"... who until Friday represents Labelle County in the Heuw. Mr. Major has been Mr.‘ Fax-tier's partner in Hull for many} It. was anuuunced Saturday from Hm Uffit‘t's 0f the Montreal Harbor mmmissinu that, the contract, for the building nf the substructure for the new St. Lawrence bridge. be‘ tween St. Helen‘s Island and the, North Silflt'o‘. has been awarded to the Supreme timistructic‘vu Company Limited. The price was not stated. Hon. N. H. Mnaghor. of Halifax. t‘nrmvr Justice of the Supreme Court. nf Nova Scntia. has been made a clummandm' of the order of St. on‘-m‘vt\. in Pope Pius XI. accord- zng tn an annnuncement made by His Grace Archbishop McCarthy of Halifax. st'. Anna. aged 60; whn live in Hm huihlim: which houses the bank hram'h. HIH‘O' :ii'nimt mvn. t'latl in black hmnts and mums. i‘aiili‘al thv St. .Im'qllvs lo' Minnow hl‘illlt'h nt’ the Itainqno- tianmtivnnn Naticrnnlv over ttw \ka-vnit nnct. :tt'tm' boating intu nnwvnsrinnsnnss n tit-year-Old \xnnmn \thm tho-y ili'aggmt t'i'um he'd In an o-fl'm-t tn Io‘m'll HIP combination ut' tlw snt'o'. \Vul'v fm'i'ml to flee in an :mtnmnlvilv with a cnnfndm'ate who hmt horn waiting for tlwm nut- ~‘toh' ttw building. Their only booty was a handful of jmwlry and about $60 in cash. which they took fi'um lbivndnnnv Brandin. agmfifi. and his aslinm- an the. northwest bar of Sable lslanol. well upon the bar. and the elm-o-rnment lifu saving crew is ~taniling by ready tn render assist- ani'v. according to a messa 8 re- i-o-iwcl at Halifax by C. H. arvey. lm'al agi'nt nl' tln- Di-partment. 0f Mai-ino- anal Fishvrins. Thu Argosy drunk l'nui' and a halt mile‘s nm'lh- \u-st nt' ”in \Vi'st, Lig‘ilt. 'l‘lli‘ wea- llwr at tlw timo- was foggy. In armnlaim- with the mic-ant up- olwi- nl' tho- livai'il nl' Railway (10m- niisswni'i's. l'mluvml tariffs on west- lmnnol o-xpui't grain will become ef- t’m-tiw )lnnclay night. Application l'ui' suspvnsiim nl’ the order was lllilttt‘ last wmrk by the Canadian l’tlt‘ltlt' Railway om thn grounds that. tlio- ttt‘t‘lSlHtl was i'vachml by a min- why Mr Hm lhiarol of Railway cum- nilssmno-rs and that, tlw order was: imt .illstilio-il liy tln- Pvlilellce taken at tlw inquiry. 'l‘hv application will ln- gin-n a public hearing on Sep- to'llltwl' '39. Sum- l'ni'ly mvmbers of the Can- aollan tlnmmitto‘o‘ 0t Mmlt‘l'n Lan- ximuvs le'l'th'it in Qunlwc Monday in vuntinno- a survey Hf the teach- m: «if mmlwrn languages, under- t;lk0'll Swill“ tllllt‘ Ell-TU lly arming?- nio-nt with thv lto'ii'knl'nlli'i' Institute. 'l‘lio- mvmlwi'e nl‘ tho- party are". for tlw must part. nniwrsity prul‘essm‘s and twirlio-i's l'i'nm Various parts Ht Launch! and sum“ l'l'Hm ttw l,'nited Slate-s. millivl'ml tu l't‘t’i'th‘ tlle 1‘0- ;miM uI‘ twn lll\'0'.~'tl,‘â€"'thtll'>' who wore .‘Ililitlllltt'tl tn itllitfi' t'tlllttltltlllfi l‘.ll Laizzula. l‘lm-w zu-niml mun. t'latt in llltlt'k Hon. J. 1-). Caron, Quebec Provin- cial Minister of Agriculture, has been named a commander of the Morite Agricola of France, the high- not honor in the gift of the Fremh Government in that sphere of labor, and the equal in dignity and signif- irunro- of any of the French civil ordmx Hon. Mr. ilaron is the first man in Canada to he so honored. Sir Robert Lynn. 3 member for “31% Belfast in the British House or «Luminous and also a member of tho- l'lsim- Parliament and manag- ing-director and editor Of the Nor- thorn Whig. arrived in Montreal during: tho week-end. Accompan- .mi by Lady Lynn. he intends cross- in: «Lunada with the object of ob- taining further information con- .wrning conditions and ooportnnities. Tho- l'nitod State's Shipping Board drum-r. Argnsy. ubnut 5.000 tons, IS ln tlu- case of Charles G. Green- shields. KR, accused at Montreal of stealing half a million dollars from an Eastern Engineering Com- pany. the Grand Jury brought In a verdict. of "no bill" Monday at- tornoon. Mr. Greenshields was 1m- mmliately discharged. Fx-me-ick Papuineau, 26, of Rough was m-cidentally drowned int 9 Rmiyn district on September. 6, who-n Um canoe in which he was paddling with a friend, upset in NW rim-r. His Holiness the Pope has con- ferred on Abbe Camila Roy. rector nf Laval ITniversity, the title of Numtulic Pmthonotary. flared”, September i7, ”25. thmns .\. Low. Minister of _ . -_ -_. .vw.-.-ar uuuu III .101. PA. I'mvms. from 3 to 6 pm. After- noon tm will also be served. 1 I. O. D. E. BAKING SALE KEEP SATI'RDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, Hwn fur LU.__D.E. baking sale in A.\'. nm' sees on parade on Sundayst dog that. likes to frolic with you. That yuu toach to do tricks. A dog 13‘ frank. HP lnnks vnn annnrnlv in H..- ..~ .- u “on w uv usvno. :1 W6 is frank. He looks you squarely in the eye. and he wags his tail in friendliness. We remember the terrier we chased around with in our boyhod days. Those days are filled with tender memories. And how grief-stricken we were when he (hed. DOGS .-\ bug is a real pal. And the buy who has one should consider himsolf fin-innate. A dog is depend- ahlo‘. HP sticks with his master. He is faithful. In every boy and man there is a liking for a dog. A real dogâ€"not a pocket edition that \ mung «i: muhtm' of Mr. and Mrs. .l..l) Inimmiv. Egi‘emont, underwent an “imitation tui' appondivitis in the lmal hospital "lunsclm and is 10- um 1 im: as quicklv as cnuld be ex- pm (Hi. The recent. amalgamation of the leading wholesale grocers of On- tario. while possibly beneficial to the. companies themselves from an .monomical standpoint, is working la it‘mptn'al‘y hardship on many ‘of lthe older emph‘)yees in some in- , stances. , This much we gleaned Tuesday 5 from Mr. Robert Robb. now of Owen Sound. who was in town for a short . time and with whom we had a bI‘tief moversation. Mr. Robb informs us 5 that. his firm. the \V. '1‘. Harris Com- ipany has notitied its employees that their services will no longer be re- quired at'ter Saturday of this week. He. however, is more fortunate, and y will more than likely accept a posi-t ' tion with the old Lemon Bros} itlc‘mmany. who are carrying on the énew tmsiness created by the mer- 3 8“,”- 'I‘. H. Munch-him at. Guelph, whore Hwy :Htvndml Scutch doubles tour- nnmvnts at, Hw places namvd. \lo-ssrs. 'l‘. l-{vnolm'szm and J. H. Huntvx' Wow“ at. Arthur \estm'dav, ln'. I’it'kt't'ilg.’ and Row. J. H. “119% lvn :lt llhuslv}: and Oscar Hahn and 'l‘hursquluy ufornoon. September 10. Hw ludivs of Kuux United church rue-t. at. tlm hnme of Mrs. D. Hamilton for Hwir missionary mméting. The usual prngmm or topic and story was wry iutm'nsting. after which lunvh was sm'wwl, and a sucial hour slwut. ‘ KNOX UNITED LADIES HELD MISSIONARY MEETING Mr. Rubi), who is an nld Durham boy, has done well since leaving tuwm a fart that citizens of the place will be glad to loam. Pastry Flour 24 lb $1.20 Goods Delivered Anywhere In Town Many Owen Sound Employees Re- ceive Notice That Their Services Will Not Be Required After Sat- urday. A very important event of the Church of England in Canada will take place at Ottawa this week in the holding of a general meeting of Bishops. Clergy and lay delegates from all parts of Canada to discuss matters pertaining to the Social Service Council of the church, the Council of Reli ious Education, and the Missionary ciety of the church of England in Canada. Approxim- ately '70 delegates will be present from all sections of the Dominion, as well as from Japan and India and the many dstinguished visitors will include no less than 18 Bishops of the Church of England. WHOLESALERS’ COMBINE HARD ON OFFICE STAPPS E. A. Rowe Baker Confectioner ort purposes before modern facili- ies were introduced. Captain Smith served with the Government forces during the Riel Rebellion, and was with the foremost of the “Tillicums” who mushed their way North dur- ing the Yukon gold rush. long before the days of railwa 8, having served in the employ of e Hudson’s Bay Company for many years at Norway House. He con- structed umyprpft used_ for trans- long before me gays of_railvyays, ATTENDING TOURNAMENTS UNDERWENT OPERATION As Sir Henry Thornton has point- ed out repeatedly, it is not a ques- tion of government ownership ver- sus private ownership; it was a con- dition not a theory with which Can- ada was faced. What we have now was the inevitable. There is no way -.-...- V-.VU.J .u bLUI.1\_\-ll u; u]. 10 uaa not been made plain in print. It is quite possible that much may be accomplished by co-operation in getting rid of BXDODSiVe duplications of service and in other economies, but the situation in a nutshell is this: We are all over-railwayed, the result of ill-considered projects angl reckless optimism in_ the past. It. is ontiroly futile now to discuss the whys and whorol’oros of the prosent situation. No one. in Par- liumont. or in tho pross has yet DUCT! able to toll us how it. could have been avoided or why it. is not. the IOgical rosult of provious circum- stanros. without clisz'istrous conso- quoncos to largo se‘yctions of the country and serious financial loss. to thoso whoso money was invostod in tho systoms takou in and in tho im'ostmonts of tho ("lanmliau tux- payor. lt‘ tho rosourcol'ul hmiu that dirvcts tho oditorial policy of tho )lontroal Gazette has ovolwd a prac- tical. theory in respect of it, it has The point is, remove the. stimulus of competition. of emulation in ef- fort which is the life- blood of bus- iness. will those highlv desirable conditions continue to exist? After all amalgamation reallx means a nationalized enterprmcâ€"ex e11 if not under direct g'mernment control~ in which the employees would at- tain a new status of near civil ser- vants. Could you keep them at. their present kind of on-thc-tnes service and eliminate the spirit which has created it? That may be a good way or it may not, but it is highly desirable. taking a leaf out of past experience, and adopting advice which our Mon. treal friends assure us should have been taken before consolidaion was brought about. to consider well be- ifore. taking another leap into the. railway future that we are not fly- ing to ills worse. than we already have. Canada has two railway sys- tems now, the greatest in the world, which is at least something to boast of, and if we do not. have competi- tion in rates. we at least. have. com- petition in service. Moreover, on account of that. competition there is an esprit do corps among ofticials and other employees in each sys- tem that is admirable. There is no other railway system anywhere to which the staffs are so loyal as in the case of the C.P.R.. and Sir Henry Thornton is rapidly working up the (J. N. R. statfs to a similar standard of loyalty to and pride. in the na- tional system. It is true there is a difference of opinion as to what is the best way to make the best of it; but it usual- ly simmers down to something like amalagmation of the two railway systems, the (1 P. R. shareholders to be. guaranteed their usual dividends. There would be a dual management of Mr. E. W. Beatty and Sir Henry Thornton, an expert railway man as liaison officer between them, and the Railway Commission, to continue to act as at present a buffer between thirailways and the public. i There is in Montreal newspapers, editorially and in correspondence, and occasionally it finds its way to the platform, a constant stream of insidious propaganda in- respect of the Canadian National Railways. There is copious weeping over the burden to the nation entailed the {act that due consideration a few years ago was not given to the prob- lem to be created by taking over the lines now consolidated with the In- tercolonial and National Transcon» tinental, and the mournful situation of now being unable to unloadâ€" though that by some devious pro- cess would seem to be the objective aimed at. Of course, the conclusion is that we must now somehow ori other make the best of a bad bar. gain and so on ad l'ibitum. There are variations of the plaint. but it: is the one string of the harp that is being strummed. DOIIIIOIS I08? GROW UP All) OVERTAKB MILWAYS (The Ottawa Journal) THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Soptomhm'. l'nloss the bulbs mm well 1'01)th in tlw snil outside. 01' in the pots in the house, llm results will not. be satisfactory, hence the desirability of obtaining tlwm 2.: soon as they aim olh‘irml far 33]» in the stores, which will lw (luring tln- month of While the bulbs are growing in Holland, the flowers for next year are being formed in the bulb. Later, the. bulbs are dug, cured and shipped to Canada. Knowing that the flow- ers are already formed in the bulbs before planting, he who proposed either to grow them in the garden or pot them for the house will read- ily understand that large, well-de- veIOped bulbs are likely to give bet- ter flowers than small ones. In or- dering this should be remembered. No amount of care «an add more blooms to a Hyacinth spike than were formed when the bulb was gro_\\'_iug in Holland. Flowers are, no doubt, enjoyed more in the spring than at any other period of the growing season. After a long winter, the first flow- ers are eagerly sought for, and if bulbs have been planted in the aut- umn, one has not long to wait for flowers, for Snowdrops bloom as soon as the snow has gone. Then come in rapid succession, Snow or Chionodoxa, Crocus, Grape Hya- cinth, Dutch Hyacinth, Narcissus in great variety, and early, cottage and Darwin Tulips. These give a succession of bloom from early in April, or earlier if the frost, is out of the ground, until well on in June, says W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist. BEST BULBS FOR FALL PLMMG of escape from the liabilities, and only one way out. By the indus- rial development of Canada, by the filling up of our waste places, by a wise utilization of our natural ne- sources, and by patriotic endurance of the nation’s responsibilities we must grow up to and overtake the railways. They can only subsist profitably by the traffic which the country affords. GUARANTEED REPAIRING and Read the Classified Ads. on Page It will pay you. “Ami,” replied Hi}; Md man. “But man, could so nu hav gottvn a canary?” Lady Boreel, Maes, Cottage Maid, Sir Thom Lipton, Proserpine, Golden Queen. Earl Double Tulips â€"- Gouronne d'flr, mperator Rubmrum. Murillo. Cottage Tulipsâ€"'Macospeila, Gold- e‘n Crown, Picotee and many others. Darwin Tulips â€" Bartigon. Clara Butt. Farncombe Sanders, Isis, Ed- mee, Frans Hale, Millet. William Pitt, Gretchen. “WeeL” said the uncle, “I hear ye hae gotten :1 MM Sandy." “Yes, uncle, ye’re right." “What can she due? Can she. knit? Does she mend your clothes? “Na.” answered Sandy tn all these questions; “She. does naething like, that” “Humph!” commented the uncle. “\V‘m‘l. does she ('nuk fine?” he asked. after a few moments. “And canushe make parritch?" “Na, unclv," the young man 0X- plainml; “but. ynu should [war hm' sing. She has tlw most lye-autiful vnice .VA‘m ovnr hoard.” The Bad Bataan A young Scotsman married an English girl. Some time afterwards he paid a. visit to a bacholur uncle in Scotland. Lilas, King of the Blues, Gigantea, Rois des Belges. Early Single Tulipsâ€"Duchesse dc farms. Gold Ifipch, geizerskmn, -J__ h___ I Narcissuséfifibéiarfsvi'r Watkin, Cadame de Graafl’, Madame Plemp, Poeticus. Some of the 'most satisfactory varieties of the more. important bulbs (or the_garden arg: Hyacinth: should be planted from four to six inches deep to the bot- tom of the bulb, and about. the same distance apart, while the smaller bulbs, such as Snowdmps. Cmcuses and Squills, may be planted about two inches apart and from tvm to mgee inches _deep. Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guarani.“ ED. J. PRATT RR. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-1! ‘- "u ‘1." at Society are requested to apply for their fall sumily of bulbs I. either the President~ Mrs. G. No- Keehnie. or the. Secretary. Mr. I". F Mcllraith. All applications must b. in the hands at either of these two officials on or before September 2‘. This is the first and last notice till will be given. MEMBERS OF THE Homlmiji‘m. al SONNY are rmnpslnd 9.. mm!- THERE IS A VACANCY AT 1‘!!! Durham Red Cress Memorial Hospi- lal for thatimiers. and applica- Liuns will he arrepted by the ma- tmn, Miss Fettes. This is an anil- ialed sehml. and graduating nurses are entitled in wear the title. “RN." after their name. Apply at. once“ Tea served from 6 to 8 u‘clock. to be followed by good program. Ad- mission «1 cents for adults and 3 cents for children. I ON SATI'RDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. I pm. till 7 p.m.. property of the In. Mrs. Aidan McKinnnn, l'plwr Town. l-‘uruiturv. Rugs, Curtains and 01. Brick House. Mrs. S. R. J. Burgess. 19‘ OLD-Til! TBA IEB‘I‘IIG DON‘T FORGED THE OLD-TIMI tea meeting in the Queen Street l'ni'ted rhurch next. M01193): eveping. 'l‘an Lune-”Ll rut. GOOD HOUSE AID IOUSIIOLD EFFECTS POI PRIVATE BALI PROBATIONBRS WANTED PAGI i.

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