News of Nearby Towns A quiet marriagv was celebrated at the Sam-ml Hpart church, W‘alk- ertnn. on Monday mnrning. Sepwm- her 7. when Edna May Sutter, «laugh- ter a! Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter. town. was marriml to Mr. Arthur (mun. also of \ankertun. Al L___‘ Lll\‘ Ill. (DI-7‘1 u: vv u.....-.---. Mr. Malcolm .\li-.\'iwn was thrdwn out of a buggy and dragged some distance “hen the horse he was driving became frightened. Although not. seriously injured. Mr McNiven suffers-d several wounds that will keep him in bed for a week or so. . I'A:_- ‘3 ‘3' “ERIESEMYowcéï¬ri-Ea at mica. ML, of John Jagelewskl, an old and re- spectml runner resident. of Brant. Upwnship in his 8_2n_d yeglj. L -_-I:â€".n At the annual Labor Day bowling'» tournament. Brock )chulay's rink of Southampton and the rinks skipped by Messrs. Ben Zinn, of Hanover. )l. L. Zeigler of Cargill, Ex- Wnrden Johnston of Lucknow and Harry A. Stephans of Walkerton were the prize winners. A pretty wedding took place at Lutnn on Saturday, September 5. when Laurel Georgia. daughter of Rev. E. Shaw. was married to Rev. H. C. Wilson. son ml the late Mr. and Mrs. Jasper W‘ilgon. of ‘tog'n. 1" I! l'lla. uuuvym. v- ....â€"--, ~_ -- The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McFarlane was the scene of a pret- ty wwhling 0n Wpdnesday. Septem- ber 9. when Annie Marguerite, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mchirlainr. becamp the bride of Mr. l-‘redrrirk T. â€Donovan of Toronto. .\ \Vo'nk ago last Saturday night. tlm buggy of Mr. Barnry Ruptz was crnshmt intn from tho rpar by a car driven by his bruthrr-inâ€"law. Mr. tlharlrs Forsythn hf Brant. A half-hour latpr. William Chosnvy of Dunkvlot. whilo- motoring out at town. crashed brad-on into a rig driwn by a ynuth named Motcalfr. Althungh thv \‘o-hit‘lo‘is worn clam- agmt. tho? circuiiants (ramu thruugh Sflfvly. 'l'ho- olmth owcurrml suddenly on St‘plo'mbvl'. in Toronto» of'errge Lunnvy who had bvvn a l'PSldPnt of this Man» for a number of years. ‘0 ‘l r'_.__‘_ “u\-.-'\A PAGE 0. . ..... , __ _ Tho' tim- barn Hf Mr. Frank Cairns in Sullivan township. was cnmplmn- 1y alt-strnyo'ol by HP“ on Saturday, So-ph-mbvr 5. with a nvt loss of $2000. Mr. Arthur .luhn Thumpsnn passed away rowvntly in his 8213.! yo-ar. “UNI-{molm aftmmen .\Ix-. Dam of hullhan “as Immol dead Il'~ 'III A quio-t \vo-ololing was suleniZPd at â€w hnmv at Mr. and Mrs. Jumvs (.1. Harm-r. Brunt 'l‘nwnship. 0n Wm!- no-mlay. So-ptM'nIu-r 2, whvn their (-lolo-l' dughto'r. )lur)‘ Ho‘lo-n. was unitml m murriagu tn Mr. James RUIN-risen: .\Ho'n Hf Do'tl'nit. SUI] Of Mr. and Mrs. J. “7. .\Ho'll of Ehlnr- slio- tmvnship. Hn Lahnr Day at Kinrul'dinv, tlu- humo- (LII. gamma lln'l't' mo-n ~' trophy A quivt marriagv was sulomnizml in 'I‘HI'Hnln UH \\'|m.hw.~'olay. So'ph'm- DH' 2. HI' Malwl. only olzlughtvl‘ Hf MI'. and Mrs. Hwnl'L-"o' Dunn. lmnolnlk. and Mr. 'l'lmmas \\'il.~um. Fc'wdwich, sun Hf .\|r.~'. Dan-M Wilson. Dumlalk. Hubert. )lvrx'yn. ymmge'st son of Mr. and Mrs. H. ‘1. ï¬lluridgv nf Dun- dnlk passo-ol away In Ins 20th yvur. lu Hu- svcnml gum» nt' Um play- ofl' fur Hm rhumpiunship 01' MM (Ivn'ru Hwy thsvball [.mlguv. Flo-sh- m'tun alo-l'o-ato-ol Dunolalk 7 to 6. In In.- olvciohll" gamo- lust 'l‘hursda)’ af- tcx'nnnn. Ho-sho mm was again Vic- torious. Ulo'l'o'hy vnsm-ing Hm cham- piunship fur this your. Hn Friday nt' last wowk, tlu- la- mm Hr St. .lnhn's l'nih-d church ('Etllo'o' nn .\lr.~'. 'l’lmrstun and pr»- so-ntml lwr with a 50'! M cut glass salt m-Ilzu's and :m :ulolrvss appre- matiw nl’ Inc-r ":3 yo-a’u's' wrvicv as pl'o's'ldt‘n'. huh-four links cormpo‘tml in the unnua'nl Lalml' hm hmfling tourna- nwnt. “aim .~ rink nl Hora \wu Nu- '|'rwuhy wvmlwtitinn. and Thomp- som nt‘ mwn Swuml wan thv Assn. ('iutlnli. .\h. ‘ t‘n-nlgo- Ii. Rahn sustaim‘d some mash bruises abnut his face anal .In-sl un Labor Day \xhiIP en- gigg-ol Ill Ij'o-pailing his truck. The death 0(:°"uuxed at her home: m Hxant. nu Sumlm. Svp to‘mbel' 6. at Mt»- H‘luistnna Raster, daughter of 311. Fred Raster. in her Blst par: 'l‘hc annual picnic at the local labor union. N0. 2013. was held in Rum-mo! Park on Labor Day and was a huge succegs. ‘ St. Matthews Lutheran church was Um scene of a well-attended cmnmthrm on Labor Day when over 100 mumbcrs of the Young People's Societies at Hamilton, Kitchener, Listuwel. Elmira. Stratford, New Hamburg and other places were phi-sent. ‘ n- '-In an nxcollent exhibition of golf at tho Saiiigopn Golf Club. Mr. J. Hunter. professional. of Owen Sound, turned in a card of _36. two over par, About 60 men will be thrown out of work as the result of the Han- over Cement and Stone Company Limited being sold to the Canada Cement Company. l‘ho- cIo-mh m-rnn'ml \thwsoluy, Mwmlwr ‘J. Hf .\x'nn Kliv. mm M :11le Mrs. Ho'nl'gt' Klio'. ago-d 16 "fiiénmiiri'i'éiéâ€"Took place in Tor- v.5: .5. «2:22;: .3..._.:: o3. ::.$ :5: :a.....é._ .z: ...::..:r::./_ .2 .3: .5... Walkerton Mount Forest Flesherton Chesley Dundalk Hanover Knapp in his onto last week tn Miss Ella Mae Em- ereon of. Hamilton and Mr. Herbert ‘r 3mm. scnooy Mr. '1‘. Stewart Cooper, Agricul- tural Representative for Grey Coun- tv. has completed his list. of rural school fairs to be held in various parts of the county this fall. There are nineteen in number. and Mr. Umper is desirous that as many of the tovm folk as can ï¬nd it con- venient attend some of these fairs. livery possible effort is being made to encourage the young farmer in the raising of stock and in all mat- ters pertaining to agricultural life. Mr. Cooper is of the opinion that the town people can assist a great deal by attending these school fairs. Following is the. list and dates: Holland. Holland Centre. September 19. Snrmanby. Ayton. September 21. Sydenham. Annan'. September 22. Bentitnck. Lamlash, September 23. Egremont. Holstein, September 24. Euphrasia, Rocklyn, September 25. St. Vincent. Meaford, September 26. Glenelg. September 28. . Keppel. F olsely, September 29. Sarzgvgak. Balmy Beach, September Keppel. Shallow Lake, October 1. Derby. Kilsyth, October 2. Sullivan. Desboro, October 3. tlollingwood, Ravenna, October 5. )larkdale. Ootober 14. in our coum BRITLII’S KING All) 01183! The King and Queen just spent their first evening in a picture pal- ace recently. bor several years past. the Royal Family has inter- ested itself in the movies, all com- mand performances have been given at Balmoral and elsewhere in prim vale rooms specially fitted up for the occasion with a small screen, a portable projector and an orchestra composed of a piano and a few strings. The Prince of Wales has sponsored the British cinema as patron, star and spectator in one. The King and Queen have played their parls_in na handred capitals. UIIUIl VII-5w -. __ __ But for the first time, their Ma- jesties attended a public perform- ance' in a picture-house and sat amongst the audience in a box cun- ningly constructed with anterooms and connecting passages from the back rows of the stalls. The F ordm' Sedan Colorâ€"Gray with black enamel running gear. Compos' ite body. Nickeled radiator shell and headlamp rims. Leatherâ€"cloth sun visor. closed at both ends. Standard equipment includes starter. cord tires. demountable rims. domehght.windshieldwiper.rearvtewmirror and dash _ A ï¬lm reproduction of the attack on Zebrugge in 1918, made with great care and vigor by a British companir, and fully approved by the Admira ty, was the core of the en- tertainment, and there followed an animated cartoon of Bonzo, the study dog, and a number of scenes of the arrival of. the King and Queen at the theatre just one hour and thir-’ ty minutes earlier. 'The best. seats, according to the custom of the movies, being placed 55-78;};â€" ï¬Ã©is'sible from the' écreem, their Majesties emoyed for gt, least SPEED THEIR INT EVENING AT A PICTURE SHOW The Runabout Windy. Doublevcntflndncwhdo one evening of their lives. an un- disturbed and umccusomed view of the Englishman‘s back registering pleasure in seats which cost a guinea a iece and which could-have been so d a dozen times over before the performance“ began. ‘ L A _L....... n‘ ‘|\n DIOVL “cuâ€"navy â€v â€"__- “Zebmgge†wï¬l be shown at the Veterans’ Star Theatre for three daysâ€"Septemper i7, 18 and 19. Hon. Howard Ferguson is to be‘ congratulated in his selection of a chairman of the Hydro Commission to succeed the late Sir Adam Beck. In choosing Charles A. Magrath, Chairman of the Canadian section of the Internal Waterways Commis- sion, Mr. Ferguson has secured a big man and a man in whose integ- rity and ability the people of On- tario will have confidence. MADE IN CANADA As chairman of the International Waterways Commission, Mr. Ma- grath has had experience with many of the very problems with which he will have to wrestle on the hydro board. He has already in his pres- ent position had to study the St. Lawrence waterways problem, which is the most pressing immed- iate question under advisement. Mr. Magrath, in his long public exper- ience, both in Western Canada and in the East, has shown himself a rman of sound common sense. cau- tious and careful until he was con- vinced on a question, and then a man ofucourage and action. The Coupe THE NEW HYDRO CBAIRIAN ï¬r."th£zi£H was Canadian fuel Introducing many improveâ€" ments in the world’s most popular line of motor cars. controller during the war. Those who were in touch with the situ- ation at Ottawa at the time appre- ciate the work done by Mr. Ma- grath. If it had not been for his diplomacy qhd tact, as well as abil- , BAI.‘ “r--k:ntâ€"‘nfl uny ...... VJ ..--._ - -_, ity in dealing with Washington, Canada would not have fared as well during those winters when there was a shortage of coal. Mr. Magrath has a heavy undertaking ahead of him. He succeeds a man of exceptional ability and great driving force, and he takes hold at a rather critical period in the his- tory of hydro. C. A. Maguiire, ex-mayor of Tor- onto. is the other appointee to the board. Mr. Maguire is an enthus- The Tudor Sedan Colaâ€"Dark Blue with black enamel out. All- necl body. Nickeled “diam: shell and ï¬ns. Lower gap; bpgh free; my gating. ‘ Ooe;piec¢_ve_ntio cloned at *bqth ends. Standard Win“ min- and times. WW aide JMWMMM vvâ€"vâ€"vv‘ ' vvw 'vm "vvlâ€" vâ€"v â€"â€" Toolboâ€"xâ€"‘undetfromm Stand-rd vvâ€"w The Touring m "sled in “Mt duminum f ’1. Their fresh mvor is ï¬ner than 30:1, "-1 GREEN TEA tandnrd vlc rims. mmâ€. Wow“. andgipooudin wwvâ€"â€"'- v"- 7â€"--- rhnunvlnorofncwdenicn. IBSUC public (“\‘IIOI‘SIHP man and always a supporter of 1|“. Wlit‘ies of Sir Adam, although a Lihvral in politics. Hi8 selection _\\'ill haw the approval of [hp mumcipalitios uf the province, Whnsn chmnwm he has been on many M‘Cï¬ï¬‚unxâ€"uLon. don Free Prpss. TBAIS WANTED FOR S‘I‘RIPPING. APPLY In HHAM Stone 6.: Sand 00.. Durham. Hut. 1 The prolonged «in spoil his left. the woods unusually ch}. Hm tnur. ists and pampers shuull 1w .1..u1.1} careful just at this tim. ï¬M; boro Ennlinm. flu-um 80mm 17.103. Golf isn‘t . must prawn-«- knows Whivh Lot 66. r.»- 2" milvs svvazf‘.‘ minim: 8‘6 u"- in good stair born with “he“ â€Mes. 7â€"." ~ n ,cxtension kW! Well “'ah‘r‘w} :: For furthor 1’ WIIiiIm 9mm. ‘.‘1'1. “11‘ '2 tight to amt k ticulars am _\ RHR L Durh m Ceres 0108"“. bush; in yaw-i ~‘ (name bzu‘z‘ 4.: concrete star-iv cement {an}; if lid 7, C031. 4. * hining 110 am - and in mm! 4 2‘ we premh‘n .I (Lining sun'- frame \\'m‘ni~?- we“ at dww: 1‘ ~ this farm. nun NORTH PART I "'~ a. Egremnmi . 1.2‘ tame wnwdslu- to housn, “.12. nter tankc; F" IO acres to No i. well form"? : cultivat hm. 1' 00 \Vatsnn‘s In Ontario. .9 (lining 100 “PT-‘3‘. witiVIHOU. hamw convenient to svf. be: are a {ram : done {nundatmz lllo hav ham 3-“; meat; '10:; ‘3‘" brick hmw ‘ :Yg Licenswl Grey. Prmm sonablv t ‘H' Inteod. Inn. Chronic-Iv .. son. Vamps ALEX MacDO Licensed Auctnoneex 2t “Odfll‘ah - li.‘ \ . 6.198. as In i .' Qt Tht' CHI'HL.‘ Terms H11 um . my .1. 1. Durham. I'M-7.. Ht License-d Am! Grey. SRHMRV‘ sonablo :vrnr It The “'11“.th self. Bnl‘ristvrs, >.~. her of Um “rm \ Tuesday of mm. may be mam \\ omce. IIDDLBBRO'. 391 111011an Emisters. Sohcu SUCCCSSOI'.‘ ‘06 7". l “T. C. C. 5“!d(“0'1ojw it located at hurhzm, w†Bl‘lnCh â€â€˜H'h .A\, - -‘ ‘30 t“ 9.3“ f. 1;, Honor Gx'mhm: 00w. (‘h‘zmmp 2.. \ Surgeons ur my; Ill its Mum!“- Block, MIHSU'. 0t â€ICHPthF “In; h Dilrhan Buturdays Oflirv and PPMdNH" gnce east «If the» H hm SU'PPL I,«‘\\\' In, (mice hum-.- L’ 3 p.11). gexcepx Sundas‘ I. L. SIXTH, I. 8.. 011101. and rvndmu Countrss‘ and Lumimm “be Old "09‘! â€WNW. .w 1‘a.m..‘.3l‘twqp (Sundnys vxm-mvd Ofl'ice an Lamb! Of. Hutmu's mm» 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 1.. a. C. 0. AND BESSIE I Chiropractors. [Will the Scwnrv :Em‘ :. .1 god years tn luv 4 h Durham THO'NM‘ ~ Tl, w. c. mum Ofl'lcc, mm .1 A .. Durham. (mun... FUNERALSER â€OW Modern Funerl Phone lillcrest 0208 133-124 Avenue Road MOW.BICes R‘ Formvz‘i} ' iws BATES BUR 7; f. GRANT. D D Advertisements CASH WITH (mm of (our. Tole phom Glturdav night of ‘ 25 cents. (m a! (h will be mad!“ rach FARMS FOR DES. JAIIESON 8: Thursday, 80pm: 7. core. 24. mm Lt'mzsc‘d FARM TOY REUBEN C. W Medical D, Dental I )n Lem! .1)†c‘ Class LUCAS H DR. A. M DAN. MCL \V \\ 50 \\ Ox“ flu