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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1925, p. 5

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our or can u up ANKLE not. I aricdcnt happen. ”Law om “Fem, :5 who-n ihP had the “- m-mk an» of the hon. h “I". )lcb'abe ,Wfl Q jun) m ”w weddi fo- ‘ho' hum» M Mr. h [1mg- gnll”! 0f ‘.amey’ u : m1! Hi. the car, “0 *1 lvz'n_|"('HU|l 0“ tha % ,l. tux-Howl ht'l' ankle 8M 10' u?‘ ”I“ small bales. 'these brooms are no 4: and see them first. September 3, m kl lot, on Lham. Ont. nwd a large small hc'ad. ice for Live use on Lamb- «Inesday and ed BIG {00M ECIAL 3 Dozen ing Brooms )an Station )rted lot rham, Ont. GRANT 0c. eek and cumpliment “W'- nZILLBD AT 1.1370wa ’7' "CK 01" 0.3.3. CROSSING \\' FIRE CHIEF 13 adv EUR \\ GAVE ADDRESS ON HIS NEW DISCOVERY fmmr Durham Physician Was in \Vglkr‘z‘ton Yesterday. "N Reap. . ‘ ...e Classified “3. on PO!- 7. ste .‘I Ii .\l ,\| [mum‘s-z himsvlf t “finch Iii ship mm hand call ll :2 Home 01 In. '1 A. M '3‘" Thursday 01 LII! 'M sway Book For 0m M 'l] H. "mm thn Western home .1; .ml rnrvign fields was read \|_ ~. hurrhh‘l. MP8. Wiggins, MP8. .;~:n~ \ll's'. Mnun. Mrs. Gagnon and . .. .\ll \vm‘n encouraging I :. w: n: a spirit, of hopeful- . :11 China where now for 3!. ,u-gu'o'. Sc‘o‘ms t0 reign near ..-.‘ wlwrn tho missionar- .;. «axing on at thoil‘ 0081. of \‘ ...- rin- Wost. (hast. amongst. 1- ' v -. tlm work in some places ; \\ .. m: ram-iml on by some ,» \ rm. \wrw thv pupils in our ' I' an» Homw established by ~ \}"_~'. til-why. Thus God is _ m» -.»lf-sacrificing efforts . 1‘ N missionavl‘iPS. ~ ~ «widml tn commvnce the \ Building: \Vith India, at ‘ ' '.‘ w H'hvhnl'. “’th MI‘S.‘ "' mtx'mluvv a nmv fieldJ HELD W. I. S. \\ Thursday, \ .I. ~\lamlnnam is an .old ;-;-.ujntimm'. at onegtlme i mth Dr. D. Jameson. ’rw’w almut humtv years 880 \\ . st but subsequently 10- st. latharims where he \\ hen here. the Doc- .‘m wxwllont reputation {01' :~. mmlic‘inpe and surgery. «2.! t‘rinnds in town are lo‘gn'n of his continued :1? m his: chosen profes- '..'!IIW'I‘ R. Hay. The “.13“ m‘nutvs after havms “mi h- thn Listowel Hos- fwn horses attached to \H‘I‘P both instill“, firm! of hogs which Mr. ~ ru'jngjng to Listowol eo- “filth?“ :h. Tthar-old M0199- “as fatalh injured at n'xsn «mssing of ”I? C ~'~\wl Mondm morning \ mm in “hich he was ‘~ “PM I“ ”I9 morning m from Stragford in '3',""'“. :mol He'll WPPO at. xowto-z-ulay attending a w by Dr. W. J. Mamlon- ‘- 1:.~\\‘ high blond pressure w-nfly oliscnvorml by him. haw nothing Official to :1’v. “'0‘ undPrstand that mm phwicizms were much \.\ :th Dr. )lacdnnald’s ad- .l. H. Watson of New '. H 0‘... i.- in town and \\ m; nld acquaintances. ~ '1 H a mm of the Iain M back since. He cama . .ol thn Fire Chiefs con- { nmltnn and decided t9 ll m:- spnnt last night { :m‘s‘t Of Dr. and Mrs. 2:. and see the place of I‘h'umh not in town Ions mun-h an opinion. he . favorably impressed mm as compared with 40 lumpin. far who wo aré 3 way. m: and monouncinz the H: and pronouncing the Mrs. McGowan svrved a 'oIn 'imnnnl nor Encouraged by the outlet. in Eastern Canada for the turkey crop, Alberta turkey raisers are rapidly increasing their output. According to the obsem'ations of Mr. J. R. Hig- gins. of the Poultry Division of the Live Stock Branch. who has recent- ly visited the district as far north as Peace River. the present season has been a Very favorable one for turkey raising. and shipments east will be heavier than ian_the__past,4 TURKEYS - PLENTIPUL Tho members of Canadian Greys Chapter I. O. D. E. and their frii'em‘is hold an enjoyable corn and weiner roast at. the “flat, rock" at. McGow- zm's )1 ill on Friday at‘tormmn from i to 6 o'clock. Quito an enjoyable iimo was. spout. thore being a good attendanco. , V.vv_ vtrvnwu|UIIUQ On Wednesday, an operation for strangulated hernia was performed on a Mr. Ferguson fmm Bentinck. . The Operations In each ease were. 111 charge. of Dr. D. B. Jamleson. Mrs. Géorge Bonner, of Sarnia, and MP. Ed. Boyce 0f Bentinck both un- derwent. major: operations. GREY CHAPTER .I. During the past weék: three oper- ations have been performed at the Durham Hospital, the patients in every case doing as well as can be expected. The ladies of the Presbyterian chum-h met. at the home of Misses B. and M. Calder on September 17 for their missionary meeting. In the absence of the president, Mrs. J. H. MrFadyen took the chair. Miss Annie Smith read the scripture lesson. and Mrs. J. H. McFadyen took the topic On “Prayer and Missions,” while Miss M. Calder gave the story of a missionary mite box. The meet- ing closed by singing and prayer. , and players to afi- porgt a manager and arrange for t e . tes to the annual meeting. the date of which has not money to start the seasen, the suc- cess uf‘ this wintér’s hockey team seems already-assured. HOSPITAL NOTES HELD me'nii ROAST IN PEACE RIVER Read the ClaSsified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. Today is tlw last summvr half- holiday. and cumnwnt'ing next wvok Durham stm‘vs will remain upon awry day to 6 n‘clock vxcopting Saturday, wlwn thoy will 1w own to take varo of the wwk-ond busi- nnss. Grimmencing next wwk also. all SlOI‘OS will remain closed after 6 pm. \\"edm>sday. LAST HALF-HOLIDAY ENDS TODAY Besides the religious side. of Mo- hammedmnism. Miss Nichol dealt quite extensively with the political side. The meeting was a most in- teresting one. and besides the ad- dress, community singing led by Miss Alice Homage. was indulged in. The practical part of Mohammed- anism inculcates certain Observ- ances or duties or which four are most important. The first is prayer including preparatory purifications. Prayer must be engaged in at five. stated periods each day. On each of these occasions, the Moslem has to offer up certain prayers held to be. ordained by God. and others or- dained by his ['iijophet.. The dogmatic or theoretical part of Mohammedanism' embraces the following points: i. Belief in God, who is without beginning or end, the sole Creator and Lord of the universe, having absolute power, knowledge and perfection. 2. Belief ;in his angels, who are impeccable beings, created of light. 3. Belief in good and evil Jinn (.Kenii), who are created of smokeless fire and are subject to death. 4. Belief in the holy Scriptures, which are his un- created word revealed to the pro- phets. Of these there now exist but in greatly corrupted form, the pen- tateuch, the Psalms and the Gospels; and in an uncorrupted and incor- ruptible state, the Koran, which ab- rogates and surpasses all preceding revelations. 5. Belief in God’s pro- phets and apostles, the most distin- guished of whom are Adam. Noah, Abraham, Moses. Jesus and Mo- hammed. Mohammed is the greatest of them all. the last. of the prophets and the most excellent of the crea- tures of God. 6. Belief in a general resurrection and final judgment. and in future rewards and punishments. chiefly of a physical nature. 7. Belief, even to the. extent of fatal-‘ ism. i-n (flod’s absolute foreknowl- edge and predestination of all events both good and evil. Mohammedanism is the name com- monly given in Christian countries to the creed established by Moham- med. His followers call their creed Islam (entire submission to the de- crees of God), and their common formula of faith is, “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is hiiprOphet.” The Young Woman’s Auxiliary of Knox United church held an inter- esting meeting on Tuesday night. the feature being an address by Miss Florabel N iehol on Mohammedanism in which she dealt with the politi- cal and religious beliefs and the principles of these beliefs. - Iiu floral»! mono! Spoke on Io- hanunodnnism in Knox Ohm-oh Tuuday Evening. 'rv-u Every Day From Nâ€"dQâ€"Eiil First of Next May. 53’3" ”vi: V ' Turn from fennis. for éiample. to golf. Than golf there is no finer mode of recreation for the middlé- Don’t infer that he wants you to ston playing altogether. He didn’t say that. He didn’t mean that. What he wants you to do is to turn from the game you have ar- terially out-grown to some form of play making less severe demands on your mlflde-age resources. So take it for granted that your doctor knows what he is talking about. Ease down in your play.- But-â€" I have seen men who at 50 played tennis about as hard as they used to play it at 21 suddenly collapse with a heart attack at 52. Also So-and-So, without. actually knowing it, may‘actually be doing himself grave hurt Soâ€"and-So’s physique may have been much more rugged than yours to begin with. So-and-So may have been more athletic than you all his life, may through training have kept himself more flt than you. Don't seek to evade his recom- mendation on the lea that. “So-and- So is ten years 0 der than I and it. doesn’t seem to hurt him a bit, to play harder even now than I ever plqyed.”_ _ Act On your doctor’s advice. Don’t foolishly vaunt yourself that. you know better than he does. You have reached an age when your doctor says, you really ought to drop the strenuous game you ae- light in. The Chronicle to Dec. 31,1926 $2.00 DIED . _ Brown.â€"-In Durham Hospital, Wod- nesday. SPDthhOI- 23. 192.5, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of Glenelge. MARRIED Marshallâ€"Mountain.â€"At the home of Mrs. A. Bell, Durham, on Thurs- day, September 17, 1925, by the Rev. J. Taylor, pastor of Durham Baptist, church, Miss Mac Mountain to Mr. William Marshall. both of Normanhy. Brown. â€" In Durham Hospital, Monday, September 21, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, of Glen- elg, a daughter. percentage of the world’s pOpnla- Lion, she produces: 88 per cent of the its asbestos. 85 per cent of its nickel. 32 per cent of its pulpwood. 20 per cent of its lumber. 20 per cent. of its cured fish. 18 per centnof its oats. 15 per cent of its potatoes. 11% per cent of its wheat. 11 per Cent of its barley. Drop the M be has. édvised you Yet, keep playing. If, sulkily, you refuse to play at all, simply because the play to which on are accustomed is denied you, en be sure that it will not be long before you beginlofeel much older than the birthday score says you only camera-hunting or botanizing, into which you can enter with the zest that constitutes the soul, the spirit of play. .If, sulkily, you refuse to nlav at Tpoqgh CagaQa has but a small FOR SALE OR “I? BLACKSMI'I'H SHOP IN THE VIL- lage of Holstein. Apply R. J. Gadd. Holstnin, Phone 27W. 9 24 tpd Water! Water! Water! nu FOR SALE AGED THOROUGHBRED OXFORD Down Ram for sale. Apply W. 8. Patterson, RR. 5, Durham, out. i BRO\VrN DOG [N DI'RHAM SATUR- day, September 19. Please return t0 James Morrison. RR. 3 Durham ..R. No. 4. Durham. Phone 98-“ Road the Chum“! Ads. on P... 7. What Is Good Health Worth? Why take a chance and use watet that is polluted and unilt for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED.'J. PRATT

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