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Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Sep 1925, p. 8

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“1mm. .V. Y.. avcompanied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and MP5. Home”. spo'nl ”\‘PI‘ Labor Day at the home of the l'ormer's sister, Mh‘. C. l’o-lly. Those \\'lln :dlended the. Toronto Exhibition from this vicinity were: Miss Maude linii'. accompanied by her friend. Miss .\. Htipkins. Mrs. William Smith. Messrs. George Crow. John .\HKenzie and Charles PPH)‘. Mr. and .\lr~'. William Smith vis- ited during last week with Guelph fl'leliils. Mr. John (look of Manitoulin Is- land and Miss A. Metralfe of Owen Sound were Visitors on Labor Day at \lrs. William Picken's. .u’m spvnoling throw works with f'rwmh in this lnculity. Mr. and Mrs. Jth Knislvy and two suns Inf! on Sartvmiwr i. crnssing the border at Niagara Falls. withnul. any delay on rout». tho-y arrived at thoix' home in Starkbnm. \‘vrmont. on the follnw- inc Monday. Spptvmbvr 7. “'ilsnn. .Vlr. Elmofi; \\'1~i36§{-"'t}aé'spont the past comm» at weeks at the Rocky wiih M}. J. Caswell. Mr. James tinirnerford of Detroit spent a week-end recently at his parental home. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Hanover Fall Fair last week 3nd report a good crowd and a good hir throughout. Kiss Sybil Lawrence. teacher near Doqmch. speqt over the week-end u... Hutton Hill (Our Gum Correspondent) 0 Most of [hp {armm's in our local- iii have been busy sowing their fall w eat. The wot spell during last week delayed a great number with "It; yorking on tho» land. u her bonnie liar}. Mr. Gordon Arm ' ' , _ -__'. v...” nun-v. 1.. l|. l‘IIIIICII. .51!“ I}. Rmhayolsnn of Pmton Sta- tion \‘isltm'l un Sunday at him home hl‘l‘”. 'l‘hn littln «laughtm' 0! Mr. and Mrs. J. Ubrhvtt. is undo-1' Hm «floctor’s care but. is _at. “w Hm» 01' writing \wry much mubrnvmi. Mr. 'aml .‘lrs. Palmer Phillips 0! Torontn zu-v visiting thn lattvr's parofnls. Ml {moi Mrs. R. R. Kinnell. Mr. D. Nit-Arthur 0f the Glen at- trndml svm'ices at church here on Sunday. Mr. {Illal'lo's [(011110on Hf Bunossan 3pm! Sunday WIN] Mr. and Mrs. N. A. _ _.\l 0th PM] Mr. .\lo-.\’. Knnx. Mrs. J. Fox and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw nf (lewlon visitml un Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. “"iUinm .‘lrflnrmit'k. 'l‘hu mm! for ”W lww bridgp at R. Watson‘s is bring froightml from Prutnn with a tvn ton truck this ww'k. Mrs. C. Ramsolvll is hnlidaying at homo- fur a short timt“ after 3 won- do-rful U'ip tn England and Europa Wu llnolf‘l'shlnol Mrs. Ramsdell left "In lwst till thv last. as Priceville so-vms tn lw Hw final lap at hN‘ jnnrno-y and am- that is wry rarely {HI-gutto'n nn any of IH'I' oxtrmim trips ahlwad. 'l‘hn cnntinuml wvt wrathm' is «IP- luyin-g haâ€"rwsting npvmtinns. and “w grain is growing: in thv shocks and fitting in a slatr that. will soon b0 [withvr straw nor grain. Mr. tianwlwll I'Dlmsnmnr 0f Dur- ham is in mu- midst. with his thresh- ing ”nun. and is aiming gm»! work. I“. Mrs. 'l‘hnmzis Kmnmly, who has burn visiting with how daughter, m-ur Arthur for tho‘ parst month, r0- tm‘nml hm'v last. wm'k. Min-and Mrs. \Vfiitlan of Toronto with party slwnt the" work-9nd with M135. )chlymgnll 01! ouryillage. Mr. Hort Patton 0f 'I'Ol'ontr) spent 8 {MV days with his mnthm‘ last wowk. Mrs. Patton «Inns not improvp mm'h althl’mgh rovoiving Pvery care {firm m-r sistvrs. the Misses Wright“ Miss [)onalila Nichol and Mia; V. R. McMillan spent thv week-end wiUI pursuits lucall\._ The. hills fur the PriceVille Fall Fair are out and are. a very attrac- the bill. It. seems unfortunate that neighboring Villages eVery year should he Ilaleol the same {01 fairs, as eth one needs all the exhibits available to add to its glory. It Iloes not tellert \N‘) great credit an the parties that haw the. matter in hand. ' A number of our folk attended the (M911 Sound fair last worek and re- port a good vxhibit and an enjoy- able time. Mr. H. B. McLean brought home a car from Toronto when he returned from the. Exhibition last week. The community event for the at week, and one that aflords real p ea- sure to all. was the arrival home of Mr. P. J. Gardner with MS“ bride, formerly Miss Hurd of Mealord. Al~ though they managed the whole ar- rangenwnt very quietly, even to the home-coming. yet the village feels that we ought to get. acquainted very soon. Mr. Gardner (our Pete) is a war veteran and although working under a heavy disability from war service, carries on with a cheerful smile. We hope that our Pete and his bride may have many years '0! happini’S-i- (Our Own Correspondent) Harvesting is still the order of the day in many parts. The con- tinuous rains of the past week or so stupped the work very definitely. The threshing as a result of this is 'very slow. However. the fine dry- ing wind over the week-end may peeve _a big helpom the farmers. -- a. In. - ‘_. -. ”Kiwicésfianet McDonald returned to Toronto again after spending the summvr with Igor parenh} hog-e. Mr. J. M. McGillivray, inspector of fox ranches. and Mr. W. Jordon spent. Sunday and Monday in 0m- Villggp. - n- " II A I A- PAGI II. Southeast Bentinck .OMr Own Correspondent) \lz'. upd'filrs, Dr. J. U. Monro, of Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) Armstrong i's assist- Mr. lesun McMahon has pur- (‘lmsml a now Fm'd comm frnm Smith HI‘US" Durhamâ€"another Victim fur the speed cop, 'l‘ho noxt program amongst the l'ai'mm's is filling SllOS. Some have horn lillml. while others are ready. The corn. along with nlhm‘ thingS. is a good m'Op this yoar, silos being iillml in the top. age. he tnok a paralytic stroke. af- feeling his left side, and since then, has had several strokes until Mon- day morning about live-thirty he passed quietly away. He was in his seventy-second year. a live Orange- man. Methodist in religion and Con- ~wrmlive in politics. The funeral was held Weilnc‘vsday at 2 o‘clock at his late home. the remains being taken in Hanover cemetery for in- ferment; .-\ numhor from around Allah Park hmk in the Wmtvrn Fair at Lon- dun lust wwk and report. a good tinw. “u pxtend 0111' S‘ mpathy to Mrs. \nclro“ Mag“ 00d and family who haw suflm'ecl the loss of a husband and father. Mr. Magmmd for the last 18 wears has sufl‘med from rho-uqmtism and abqutpight weeks Allan Park (Our Own Correspondent) Miss Carrie Kerr is home again aftm' spending tho summer with her sigtvr. Mrs. Irwin Berry._ Mr. and Mrs. Still and l'amih (it Proton Statinn \isitod mm din r9- mmtly with MI. and Mrs. S. Patter son. Keep: on tho cold loops In tho Int Sold and applied in Durban only by Mrs. John McGim' locnivod the sad 11mm on Suudm that 1101‘ hm- thm- “as sm'iouslv hunt in; Dptl'aift. “v hopv Mls.McGi1‘r “ill sunn 1'0- L'L‘iVU l‘wttm' nPWS. Mrs. Mrl’horsnn 0f anontn, after V‘lfllllllg for a few weeks “'lth her sustm-s horn. l'vturnml home on Mon- day. Mrs. S. Patterson and daughter, Miss Eliza. spent a “99k recently 111 Toronto. Quitv a number from this burg attvmled thv fan‘s 1n Hanovor and Mmmt mest last week. Miss Lily Ritchie. of tmvnx. Spout. Sunday at the homn of Mr. and Mi" S. Pativrsnn. Mvssrs. \V’illiam Jacques and “Til- liam Lawmncv an" orocting new hon hmisns. Mrs. Thomas. Harrison, SR, is assisting Mr. Jacques. Darkies’ Corners (Our Oum Correspondent) Mr. \Wlliam Nichol Sperm, a fow «lays in London last week and took in ”w Weston] Fair. Mr. antiâ€"Mfg. A. McDonaltjl' amt! Mr. 1). Campbell and Miss M. Camp- ht‘u Visitedhrccvntly in Ijlgrpmont. The concert held in Ebenezer church last Friday night was well attended. Rev. Mr. McCormick made a good chairman. Mrs. H. B. Mc- Lean. of Priceville, Mr. William Ramage. Miss Grace and Mr. Regin- ald Ramage kindly assisted the lo- cal talent in the musical part of the program. Mr. William Watson of Swinton Park gave a couple of readings which were much appre- eialecl. Mr. T. B. Weir was the ac- companlist for the evening. A sub- stantial offering was given in aid of the Women’s Missionary Society. .â€"\t the close. of the program, re- l‘reshments were served and a social time spent. .Utogether, it was a Very enjoyable evening. ‘ Miss Belle W‘eir has returned to Toronto after spending some time at home. There was a large crowd at the Ebenezer services on Sunday after- noon.. Mr. Harkes and Mr. and Mrs. Keith of Ijrstowel spent the first of the week at Mr. J. J. Weir’s. Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs.'Ge01fso Noble 0! Durham, was seriously m- jured. His skull was badly crushed. We hope it will not prove fatal and that Herb will soon beuabopt again. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison, Jr.. and daughter, Edna. also Miss Eva Hooper, enjoyed a motor trip to Toronto recently. They also vis- ilod with Rev. B. J. and Mrs. Mc- Cartrr at Mono Road. Mrs. Thomas McGirr and Mrs. John Bell of Durham visitod on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. W. L. Dixon, who is not in very good health at prosent.” __ (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Charles Tucker returned to Detroit last week after assisvi'ng with the farm work during the SUII)W.’I'. ‘u-w' --'_ I A numBei' {impose attending ham Fair on Friday. ’ v-’ -- \liss Marv Hepkins spent Tuesday afternoon wiih her friend, Miss Mex ron Ew en. SEALACRACK Have gour Window Casi [nadg tprm, Wind and 00 d Proof method. by this guarantéed A littlo bit. 01” Quality \\ ill always make em smile; \ little hit of Courtesy “1“ bring em in a mile; \ littlv hit. of Frinndliness \\~ill tickle em. ’iis plainâ€" Aml a little bit. of Servipa Will bring ’em back again. Per-neat Cm]: Filer A FINE QUARTBTTB Argus Miss Addie Haas, of Mount For- est, spent a few days recently in the village. Mr. A. Abbs accompanied Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Brebner, DI‘. Ellis and Misses Floyd and Davidson wont to Owen Sound last Saturday. The members of the Ladies” Aid of the United church held an in- formal tea at tho home of Mrs. Patric on Friday aftermmn of last week. A short programme was ren- dered. Mls. Hildyard giving a pleas- ing solo. Miss} Beamcé'Pindor has gone (,0 Detrmt to enter. one of the hospi- tals_ them [,9 tram for a nurse. Mrs. Peirio has gone to rDoronto to visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reid who have reecntly moved from Thorn- da_l_e. tofithe pity: _ Mrs. Schall‘pr (1190 Ella Hunt . of Detroit, is in the village wth her sisters. Manda Hunt and Mrs. Wil- lia_rp Dopey._ Miss Mary Brown of Vancouver, and formerly of this village. is spending a while with relatives and friends in this vicinity. -â€"â€"v-vv MP. and Mrs. Nealv uf (Inl'bnttor and Challvs Duncan of “19 same placv “mu recont guests “in: MP and Mrs. J. Bicv. It was with startling suddenness that the sad news reached kindred here on Saturday evening of the death that morning of Mr. David Macfarlane of Hamilton. Forty-one years ago last June 4 he was hap- pi‘ly married to Miss Jennie Ed- wards, and memory recalls quite vividly that bright juno (lay with the apple trees all in bloom. He was a true manâ€"manly, upright, cheery ancl God-fearing._ Greatly do Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Last Thursday, we had a pleasant call frnm one of our nld pupils. Mr. (now Dr, John Hart. Probably thirty years ago. he attended the Hulstrin sclmnl and liwd with his uncle, Mr. David Naismith. Later. he studied medicine and practised in the stat» of KPntncky. During the Grvat War. he joinml the) an; fnl't'n and nnw WPHI'S a plat» on his left log as tho result. of an accident. Dr. Hart has dociclm‘i to leave l'ncle Sam's c‘lnmtlill and is going to inside in Toronto. Mr. J. H. Sharpe of Guelph and fnrmm‘ly hardwam merchant. of this villagv. is spenc'ling a few days hm'n. H0 is now Pngagt‘fl with the Royal Dairy (Jnmpany of that, city. Mr. and Mrs. Nealy of ('1(,)1'bottun and (Ihm'lvs Duncan of 4119 same we Pogrot his val-Iv demise, and our hearts are deoph touched for sis- tor and the members of the family. Mr. Ed. Cook, of the C. N. IL, Palm- erston, spent a day or two at the old home at the close of his two weeks' holidays which were spent mostly on a trip to Duluth, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Marie and other points on the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Peart, son, E. 11., and Mrs. James Hastie, Miss Irene Hastie, Mr. Rob Jackson and his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harrison motored up to Owen Sound on Wednesday of last week to the exhibit-ion. Mr. W. R. Jack had four head of fine two-year-olds killed by light- ningk early Friday morning of last wee . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCrae of Palm- erston, and Mrs.y J. Atkinson and daughter, Margaret, of near town, were guests at, the Edwards home on Sunday. ' (Ow Own Correspondent) Rally day is to be held in Zion next Sunday. Com cutting is more than half finished, and the crop is a particu- larly good one. Mr. W. J. Cook arrived home on Monday eVening after spending 'a pleasant fortnight with his sons in Detroit. He dropped off for a couple of daVs at London on the way home. The'threshers’ whistles are com- ing nearer every day. We had our first taste of “dust and down” on Menday. . Mrs. Robert Webber of Hutton Hill was a guest at the Davis homestead for a day the close of the week. Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan of Arthur visited with her mother, Mrs. M. Sngjth, {Op 9: revs: dgysjast weekt THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Edith Hunt is entering Toronto Nor- imal school. I; Mr. sud llrs. B. Eoclss and fam- ' i,ly Mrs. James Eccles and Mrs. John 'Byron motored to Georgetown and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A!- lingham.__ On Friday evening of last week. the barn of Mr. Edward Casey on the gravel road near Parker was com- pletely destroyed by fire, compris- ing most of this season’s crap, which was in the barn at the time. The cause or origin of the fire is said to be the result of the upsetting of a lantern while the chores were be- ing done up.f0r the night. Mrs. George Hunt to 'I‘oronto. Miss Vflilh Hunt in onfnpino 'l‘nrnnln an‘. Our softball team played the Mer- chants team of Mount Forest on Friday of last. week, the score stand- ing_15 to 1_0_Ai«n*th_e visitorgl favpr. (Our Own Correspondent) Mrs. Hepburn and children of St. Marys are visiting her aunt, Mrs. John McKechnie. Mrs: Jones of hear Dornoch is spending a few days with Mrs. Herb. Traffor . Mr. and Mrs. James Vaughan at- tended the funeml of their aunt, 311's. Shea, near Markdale on Mon- ay. Mr. James Banks and Alvin spent part of Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Banks' remained in town with her mother who is in very poor health. The Misses White of Hamilton are the ests of their aunt, Mrs. Herb. 'l‘ra 0rd. Mr. John McKechnie delivered a fine bunch of cattle to his brother- 'in-law, Mr. Sheldroth, near Ghesley, last week. The World’s Fair next Tuesday and Wednesday. The ladies of the United church will seme meals. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan spew-t Sqqday _with her parents;- BARN AND THRESHER BURNBD Glenroadin The mayor let. them talk for a time. Then he said quietly. “Gen- tlemen, you have asked fox my sec- Pet. Ill tell you VV hat, it. is. I pray. I confess my s111s1la1l), and ”u to haw. a little less to confess each “You’ll have to ask him," replied the cousin. “I don't know it. I can’t get any neaner to him than you can.” They went to the mayor hirngelf: “What are yen holding out for?" they asked. "What. mor‘é dd I 4x few years ago in a city {vb politics had always been corrupt. a man was elecwd ma or who had come up from grin ins poverty, through my trails, to that place of high honor and responsibility. He was elected on a platform of reform and» clean city government. but that fact did not give the “grafters” much concern. Other mayors had been elected on the same platform. but in the end, the grafters had al- ways got what they wanted in the way of special privileges. It had been a little harder with some men than with others, but there had been some way of reaching every one of them. So they approached the new mayor with confidence; tactfully. an with carefully veiled sugges- tions. He. verv quietly ignored ev- erything of the kind. Gradually they became more open in their of- fers. They plied him with every offer they could think. ofâ€"they pleaded. they cajoled, they threat- ened. He still resisted every effort to corrupt him, and held steadfastly to his fight against graft and dis- honesty in every _fo_rm._ .. In despair, one of the plotters went to the mayor’s cousin, who was a saloon keeper in the same city. “What is the matter?” they asked him. “Why can't we handle John? What’s his secret?" have defifiiia am _ " EJ'RFpS'WT" w" ”M" ...... Goln mahng' this situation famnh' '3: to all motorists, the vernmentis ueotmg’ co-operationinmain ' ° thegogd conditirgof themds bytheuneandintelln- cant use of them. or truck owner would exchange Ontario road conditions, with a gas tax, for the conditions of ten years ago when there was no gas tax. The gasoline tax reminds you that as auser oi the road you are egpected to help pay construction and mainte- Users of Ontario highways in years ohe by paid a heavy tribute t_o_ Ipud rogds. They paid“ in the form of Mud taxes or gas taxes? II demure, road building mus} Thursday. tomato: 3‘, 1925. On the beach at Huckhawn. N" t- land, the sea is casting up lulu. 1.? coal three feet deep. This is m“. of the nicest snlutious of ”In mm women) we have heard ahnut.-â€" 1,“- trait, Free Press. oHe: “Want to 300 m0 swim t.. H... lighthouse and back?“ ShP: “NOâ€"«just t0 “10 lighthnun-f time. Now 39 about. your l’msinosa Illd “1k “18!“. ‘00 Will KM ll” favors {mm me.” pro t fulfillment. of your mum“ In al , it is the altruslic 4‘lltllll~'i:x.~'- tic spirit of helpfulness in actual. constant. unremitting and will“! In, Such is the service Tendomd ln 21.. average newsnapet cditox .â€"â€"U.~‘h. m . Telegram. We often wonder what [im' (mm of the renters of any [18“'S|ialwi' and particularly Qt 8 IIVO, With-Hunk“ popular fumiy newsliapnr W'aiIv form any conception of H10 acmu'l service in humanity [M'I‘I'nx'mmi M the industrious, "1‘19““!th Him”... He gives practically in mm \\;1\ ..,. another all his waking hmn's 1.} 3m newspaper readers. “'0 aru mm ma, the ideal 0t SBM'iceâ€"fl‘vill 801W “'0‘ h not a kind of stock-iu-h'acie- Hun ran [)6 merchmdlsed ill “10 len Xlzill'- ket. It accompanies a Cullllnmmv. et is not a part. of the Inn-(magi. t bears no price tag, but. is ',:I\vn without expectation uf Hn- warm“. [flimensionshle intangiblu, it 1,- a}- [1108‘ indeflnahle. It consists In part of contributed intellligencv. vxp.-;-- ience and judgment~ of counsvl. 111;- selfish, sincere, of profitahlu Mm. and suggestions. of extra I)ill.~'i.‘1i\- ing for correctness in detail that might not be noticed. ll int-1mm the hours of effort. and aummnn m which on do not pay. It. impim the nu erstz‘gidingt withcipatiun um] A NEWSPAPERS SERVICE LI] II"! in the A. Y. ’. A. m . My Successful (mo and mils money taken in. m 5‘ Ina-noon tea w Ind lldies who wol W Client a pleasant 31 . ’15“ {co ' ”IN 1 work a;;r".'...t:;i been doing since 1h ‘34:---, on SfllUl‘dzn‘. HM" citizens Ilium: ~ ,' other dnuafjum :1 have ”10m "":‘1]\ for them. Thu \rrt' the citizens “MEL. . formerly and mu. . hrset; quantity ..: .1" tgme in tho. [om‘ .“ '3 finite umwww time to can to u... my I __ Purham and 'OBPITAL FRUIT SHOWS] SATURDAY. OCT HIP l: Ihnm mm'h' me lump! (1qu CANADIAN NURSES LEFT FOR NE“ (er Can L'fl'IN‘aI 0V0 m N‘Puntly ank was I Viflm'ia H‘ and KPH-”‘8'“ $.52 NUS. 3: of Glonvlg 'l‘nwnship. .Vn‘ Miss M. Park. U‘«'H'III‘I'. ('1 first lmnors. SI-pmmv .\‘ "('Gal‘I‘V, camv wuoml. N McKM-lmiv. thin]. and N0 llI-Cuaiu. fmnth. Thu III'izv list :mmmls II pOSSilol}' “In [H'i least frum Hm st grown-ups. was ”I comlwtitinn mm schtmls Mn Hm war» ninv vim-rm! tion. all took mm beautiful and mt: and calislhonivs w TIM solmnls ('unuu I. 2. 3. 5. 9. and and Smmrah- SS. judml, m‘c‘llpiml a pxulaining Hm m: and. WIN! samplc-s play. nxylainmi \Vl considvrml “0““? t refprrml partiomzm and Nuts. Rm-w present. and paw :1: a congratulatory n The fru'f In ‘ W'llivl 01‘ “I cont.“ in H: "HHS “I'll.“ H" ‘1 Of‘lhv Inc-st adduws (hvm'nmvnl. «of 12mm ”H'OHIV “Ibhillscon 4 May leim'lu-rn .. Glow-la: and l-lurvnm whilu Thnnms Me Glenda: and “rum in tlw mun“): WM :1 to b" I'c-vkunc-cl “-11 prim-s msn- progw». nu wm'v run ”n big t'ruu‘d's (wont had I :3 hails In or tlu- h. Speaking In 'I‘II. grounds. '1‘. S. 11m turll Reprvsvnmh exp PESSPII IIInIN'If lighted “i“! III.- and stated IIIII. II “III. the Ldgv Hill he hld \PI aHI-IIII cially “hon “II I sections to «hum cred. The I-xlIilIIls I building “PW I...” and in quantum w“ smalld'r \I “I" I ““8 N'("HII| II! t roots. uIIIiII. 1m“ fli‘hlt‘ml “Ink £th snmn \quk \\ I~ might. muoturv III nation 1mm :I In. county ”1’ hmnshI That the St'lnm! I “y is 9\‘id¢‘fl('l‘d by interest mkvn m flu furs by both thv svl the various ln\\!is en“. 1"!“ ".u\ air hold at Nih'hll 061100! «on Monday :«2 week “7.5 “H t'Xl‘c‘lof the Whnlv aha-Hum; their parvnts and 1': “(“8 Of HH‘H‘ “\c‘s, School flit Held at 81' Ionday Afternoon 1 try List and Large G nouod Sports and 0' EDGE HILL FAII AMONG VOL. 58.â€"NO. 3‘ “'h Mva 'm in Huspiml :II M 20 nwr :4 a! in that, « in how trammn ”w [oulolit' Sp ll navh cum; “I' mm suhjm Mauls in Um I“ Hil‘ls'. Am anadian NIH W'l‘ in I'm'lv "3' an invitat .1 rt-coivod by ”In I SIdv lllIIII hat, vity. 'l‘ln transpnflal mr stv ymmn I l‘.‘. \‘ 0's 3" kunml wit h and 10 H \\ m win HI "'12” \\ 1k “1 H (H ll .'\l \\ I' Ill

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